Design Analysis And Optimization of Double Wall Vacuum Vessel- A Review Paper

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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 6 | November 2014 ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Design Analysis And Optimization of Double Wall Vacuum Vessel- A Review Paper Jayesh B. Khunt Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering Department NarnarayanshastriInstitute of Technology, Jetalpur

Kunalkumar M. Jadav ME Student Mechanical Engineering Department NarnarayanshastriInstitute of Technology, Jetalpur

Abstract Present study is aimed towards design and study of cryogenic doubled wall vacuum vessels. A liquid nitrogen storage vessel has been considered for present study. Thermal loading due to temperature differential between low temperature liquid nitrogen and atmospheric temperature is considered as a major factor for designing the vessel. In addition to this, fatigue due to thermal cycling of vessel is considered. Moreover vessel will be subjected to structural loads, e.g. dead weight of the vessel, transportation accelerations and seismic actions. All these structural boundary conditions are applied for present study and accordingly design and optimization of vessel is carried out. Keywords: Vacuum vessel, cryogenic fluids, pressure vessels. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION Cryogenics is the science and technology associated with generation of low temperature below 123 K. Cryogenics come from the two words.Kryo means” very cold(frost)” and Genicsmeans “To produce”.So its “Science and art of producing very cold”. Difference between cryogenics and refrigeration fluids are shown in table 1.1. Cryogenic liquids are used for accessing low temperatures. They are extremely cold, with boiling points below 123K. Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide, which have slightly higher boiling points, are sometimes included in this category. Cryogens have high expansion ratios, which average ~700:1. When they are heated (i. e., exposed to room temperature), they vaporize (turn into a gas) very rapidly. If the volume cannot be expanded (no outlet), the pressure will increase approximately 700-fold or until it blows something out.



Table - 1.1 Cryogen fluids and refrigeration fluids boiling temperature Cryogenics Refrigeration O2 (90.19 K) R134a (246.8 K) Air(78.6 K) R12 (243.3 K) N2 (77.36 K) R22 (233 K) H2 (20.39 K) Propane (231.1 K) He (4.2 K) Ethane (184 K)

The typical container used to store and handle cryogenic fluids is the dewar. The dewar is multi-walled designed with a vacuum jacket for insulation and pressure relief valves to protect against over-pressurization. Cryogens normally are stored at low pressure. All cryogen dewars should be clearly labeled and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In table 1.2 some cryogens with its boiling point (K) and Triple points are shown. Table - 1.2 Boiling and triple point of cryogenics fluid Cryogen Boiling Point(K) Triple Point(K) Methane, CH4 111.67 90.69 Oxygen, O2 90.19 54.36 Argon, Ar 87.30 83.81 Air(N2+O2+Ar) 78.6 59.75 Nitrogen, N2 77.36 63.15 Normal H2



He4 He3

4.230 3.191


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Design Analysis And Optimization of Double Wall Vacuum Vessel- A Review Paper (IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 6 / 041)

II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. S. M. Aceves, J. Martinez-Frias, O. Garcia-Villazana[1], “Low Temperature And High Pressure Evaluation Of Insulatedpressure Vessels For Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage” Insulated pressure vessels are cryogenic-capable pressure vessels that can be fueled with liquid hydrogen (LH2) or ambienttemperature compressed hydrogen (CH2). Insulated pressure vessels offer the advantages of liquid hydrogen tanks (low weight and volume), with reduced disadvantages (fuel flexibility, lower energy requirement for hydrogen liquefaction and reduced evaporative losses). The work described here is directed at verifying that commercially available pressure vessels can be safely used to store liquid hydrogen. The use of commercially available pressure vessels significantly reduces the cost and complexity of the insulated pressure vessel development effort. This paper describes a series of tests that have been done with aluminumlined, fiber-wrapped vessels to evaluate the damage caused by low temperature operation. All analysis and experiments to date indicate that no significant damage has resulted. Required future tests are described that will prove that no technical barriers exist to the safe use of aluminum-fiber vessels at cryogenic temperatures. Insulated pressure vessels are being developed as an alternative technology for storage of hydrogen in light-duty vehicles. Insulated pressure vessels can be fueled with either liquid hydrogen or compressed hydrogen. This flexibility results in advantages compared to conventional hydrogen storage technologies. Insulated pressure vessels are lighter than hydrides, more compact than ambient-temperature pressure vessels, and require less energy for liquefaction and have less evaporative losses than liquid hydrogen tanks. B. S. M. Aceves, J. Martinez-Frias, F. Espinosa-Loza[2], “Certification Testing and Demonstration of Insulated Pressure Vessels for Vehicular Hydrogen Storage” Insulated pressure vessels are cryogenic-capable pressure vessels that can be fueled with liquid hydrogen or ambient-temperature compressed hydrogen. This flexibility results in multiple advantages with respect to compressed hydrogen tanks or low-pressure liquid hydrogen tanks. Our work is directed at verifying that commercially available aluminum-lined, fiber-wrapped pressure vessels can be safely used to store liquid hydrogen. A series of tests have been conducted, and the results indicate that no significant vessel damage has resulted from cryogenic operation. Future activities include a demonstration project in which the insulated pressure vessels will be installed and tested on two vehicles. A draft standard will also be generated for certification of insulated pressure vessels. Insulated pressure vessels are being developed as an alternative technology for storage of hydrogen in light-duty vehicles. Insulated pressure vessels can be fueled with either liquid hydrogen or compressed hydrogen. This flexibility results in advantages compared to conventional hydrogen storage technologies. Insulated pressure vessels are lighter than hydrides, more compact than ambient-temperature pressure vessels, and require less energy for liquefaction and have less evaporative losses than liquid hydrogen tanks. For reduced cost and complexity it is desirable to use commercially available aluminum-fiber pressure vessels for insulated pressure vessels. However, commercially available pressure vessels are not designed for operation at cryogenic temperature. A series of tests has been carried out to verify that commercially available pressure vessels can be operated at cryogenic temperature with no performance losses. C. U. Hahn, P.K. den Hartog, J. PuK ger!, M. RuK ter!, G. Schmidt!, E.M. Trakhtenberg [3], “Design and performance of the vacuum chambers for the undulator of the VUV FEL at the TESLA test facility at DESY” Three vacuum chambers for the VUV SASE FEL undulator sections at the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) were designed, built, tested and installed. Each chamber is 4.5m long and of 11.5mm thick. The inner diameter of the beam pipe is 9.5mm. The rectangular chamber pro"le with a width of 128mm is used to integrate beam position monitors and steerers. This is needed to provide a good overlap between the electron and the photon beam over the entire undulator length. The chambers are built in an aluminum extrusion technology developed for the insertion device vacuum chambers of the Advanced Photon Source. After manufacturing, special processing was performed to reach low outgassing rates ((1]10~11mbar ) l/s ) cm2) and particle-free chambers. Mounting of the chambers at TTF were performed under clean room conditions better class 100. Three FEL vacuum chambers were successfully installed in the undulator section of the TTF linac. The vaccuum system has reached the anticipated pressure, so that the "rst FEL beam can be produced.

III. CONCLUSION This study showed the feasibility of predicting the thermal deformation of a storage ring vacuum vessel with FEM. Substructuring technique is adequate to handle a large system. Thermal deformation of storage ring vacuum vessels can be minimised by using appropriate fixtures. This is very interesting for optimising the location of BPMs, for defining the space between vacuum vessels and magnets, etc. We have performed FEM on one cell of a storage ring vessel without ID vessel. It is possible to make FEM for a full storage ring vessel with all ID vessels.


S. M. Aceves, J. Martinez-Frias, O. Garcia-Villazana, “Low Temperature And High Pressure Evaluation Of Insulated Pressure Vessels For Cryogenic Hydrogen Storage- Nrel/Cp-570-28890.

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Design Analysis And Optimization of Double Wall Vacuum Vessel- A Review Paper (IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 6 / 041) [2] [3] [4]

S. M. Aceves, J. Martinez-Frias, F. Espinosa-Loza, “ Certification Testing and Demonstration of Insulated Pressure Vessels for Vehicular Hydrogen Storage”- Proceedings of the 2002 U.S. DOE Hydrogen Program Review NREL/CP-610-32405 U. Hahn!,*, P.K. den Hartog", J. P#uK ger!, M. RuK ter!, G. Schmidt!, E.M.Trakhtenberg, “Design and performance of the vacuum chambers for the undulator of the VUV FEL at the TESLA test facility at DESY- Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 445 (2000) 442}447 L Zhang, “Thermal Deformation Modelling Attempt Of A Storage Ring Vacuum Vessel” - ESRF, BP220, F-38043 Grenoble Cedex.

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