Hybrid Compression of Medical Images based on Huffman and LPC for Telemedicine Application

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IJIRST 窶的nternational Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 6 | November 2014 ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Hybrid Compression of Medical Images Based on Huffman and LPC For Telemedicine Application Neelesh Kumar Sahu Chandrashekhar Kamargaonkar Assistant Professor(SSEC) Associate Professor(SSGI) Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai, India Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai, India Dr. Monisha Sharma Professor Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai, India

Abstract The demand for handling images in digital form has increased dramatically in recent years. Image compression is an effective technique of reducing or less the amount of image information that are required to represent/show an image in better format ,after compression image size get reduced.The objective of image compression is to reduce the amount of digital images information and therefore reduce the price, storage capacity as well as transmission cost. Image compression performs a key role in various important applications, like image database, image digitization, security industry,health industry etc.This project presents a procedure of employing both methods of compression in brilliant manner to achieve effective compression ratio and less error rate. In this proposed method we are merging the Huffman encoding technique along with LPC for the enhancement of compression ratio. First of all, an medical (MRI) image is separated into two parts, the ROI (Region of interest) and the NROI (Non ROI); then, the two sections are coded individually based on Huffman and LPC. Here, Huffman will provide the tree based encoding scheme for lossless compressionof imageand LPC method is used for lossy compression The experimental results shows thatbetter Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) with acceptable Compression Ratio (CR) has been achieved using hybrid scheme based on Huffman and LPC ,the algorithm also has better robustness. Keywords: Huffman, LPC, Lossy, Lossless, Compression. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION A. Lossless v/s Lossy compression technique In lossless compression techniques, the decompressed image, after compression, is numerically similar in every respect to the original image, however lossless compression can only reach a modest amount of compression. An medical image reconstructed followed by lossy compression method contains degradation relative to the original. Often this is due to, the compression scheme totally discards redundant information. However, lossy schemes are able to achieve much higher compression ratio. Under normal viewing conditions, no visible loss is perceived. B. Need of Image Compression Medical Images transmitted over the internet are an excellent example of why data compression is important. Let we need to download a digitized color image over a computer's 43.7 kbps modem. If the medical image is not compressed ,it will contain about 700 kilo bytes of data. Whenever , this image has been compressed with the help of a lossless scheme, it will be about onehalf in size, or 350 Kbytes. Instead lossless, when lossy compression method has been used ( like a JPEG file), it will be about 100 Kbytes in size. The download period for these three equivalent files are 152 seconds, 81 seconds, and 17 seconds, respectively which is a big difference .JPEG technique is the best option for digital images, but GIF method is used with drawn photographs, such as industry logos that have big areas of a single color. In hybrid compression schemes, medical image is partitioned into diagnostic and non-diagnostic regions. The diagnostic part is termed as Region of Interest (ROI) and non-diagnostic part as non-ROI. Lossless and lossy compression technique is applied on ROI and non-ROI parts respectively. This results in accurate reconstruction of ROI without any loss of information. Consequently, the overall compressed medical image can have higher PSNR in comparison to lossy methods and better CR in comparison to lossless techniques.

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