Analysis of Multiplier Circuit Using Reversible Logic

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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 6 | November 2014 ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Analysis of Multiplier Circuit Using Reversible Logic Vijay K Panchal PG Student Electronics & Communication Department Silver Oak College of Engineering & Technology, Ahmedabad-382481(INDIA)

Vimal H Nayak Assistant Professor Electronics & Communication Department Silver Oak College of Engineering & Technology, Ahmedabad382481(INDIA)

Abstract Reversible logic gates are very much in demand for the future computing technologies as they are known to produce zero power dissipation under ideal conditions. Reversible circuits hold promise in futuristic computing technologies like low power VLSI, quantum computing, nanotechnology, optical computing etc. Reversible gates require constant inputs for reconfiguration of gate functions and garbage outputs that help in keeping reversibility. It is important to minimize parameters such as constant and garbage bits, quantum cost and delay in the design of reversible circuits. In this paper, new multiplier using Toffoli gate, Peres gate, Double Peres gate is proposed for minimization of constant input, garbage output, quantum cost. Keywords: Reversible Logic Gate, Constant Input Garbage Output, Quantum Cost, Low-power VLSI, Nanotechnology. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION Energy dissipation is most important factor in VLSI design. Reversible logic has received great attention in the recent years as it ensures low energy dissipation. In 1961, Landauer had shown that during irreversible computation 1 bit of information lost results in KTln2 Joules of energy dissipation. Irreversible circuits dissipate KTln2 joules of energy for each bit of information lost where K = 1.38 × joules kelvin-1 is Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature at which computation is done [1]. In 1973 Bennet proved that this KTln2 joule of energy dissipation will not occur if computation is performed in a reversible manner where number of input and output vectors must be same and each input output pattern must be unique [2]. So, Reversible logic gates avoid loss of bit in computation. Reversible logic gate generates a permutation of input vectors. A k x k reversible gate uniquely maps k input vectors to k output vectors. There has one-to-one correspondence between them. A circuit is said to be reversible if the input vector can be uniquely determined from the output vector and there is a one-to-one correspondence between its input and output assignments, i.e. not only the outputs can be uniquely determined from the inputs but also the inputs can be recovered from the outputs. Thus, the number of inputs and outputs in reversible logic circuits (gates) are equal. Such circuits (gates) allow the reproduction of the inputs from observed outputs and we can recover the inputs from the outputs. In Reversible circuit, following parameters are calculated for comparison of different circuits: [3], [4]  Number of Gates (N): The number of reversible gates used in circuit.  Number of Constant inputs (CI): This refers to the number of inputs that are to be maintained constant at either 0 or 1 in order to synthesize the given logical function.  Number of Garbage Outputs (GO): This refers to the number of unused outputs present in a reversible logic circuit. One cannot avoid the garbage outputs as these are very essential to achieve reversibility.  Quantum Cost (QC): This refers to the cost of the circuit in terms of the cost of a primitive gate. It is calculated knowing the number of primitive reversible logic gates (1x1 or 2x2) required to realize the circuit. The Design constrains for reversible logic gate are minimized above parameters and fan-out is not allowed. In this paper, a 4x4 multiplier using reversible gate is proposed. Section II included some basic gates which is used in proposed multiplier circuit. Section III included proposed multiple with its evaluation. In Section IV, result and comparison with existing design is given. At last, Conclusion and reference are included.

II. REVERSIBLE LOGIC GATE An n x n reversible gate can be represented as: IV = (I1, I2, I3… In) OV = (O1, O2, O3… On) Where IV and OV are input and output vectors respectively. Several reversible gates have been proposed. Each reversible gate has a cost associated with it called the quantum cost. The quantum cost of a reversible gate is the number of 1x1 and 2x2 reversible gates or quantum logic gates required in its design.

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