IJIRST 窶的nternational Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 6 | November 2014 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
A Review on Topology Analysis and Optimization of Hydraulic Press Brake Saleha Shaikh ME Scholar Department Of Mech.Eng SAL College Of Engineering, Ahmedabad(India)
Hardik Bhatt Assistant Professor Department Of Mech.Eng SAL College Of Engineering, Ahmedabad(India)
Priyam Parikh Assistant Professor Department Of Mechatronics SAL College Of Engineering, Ahmedabad(India)
Abstract In the present review paper an effort is made to study the previous investigations that have been made in the different structural analysis and optimization techniques of hydraulic press brake. That analysis may be static or dynamic analysis. A no of analysis techniques like analytical and experimental are available for the structural analysis of hydraulic press brake. Same as no of optimization techniques are available for optimization of it like Taguchi method.. In this scenario, a structural optimization tool like topology optimization is becoming attractive in product design processes. Determination of the different structural or topology analysis and optimization through the various methods lie FEA, in a hydraulic press brake has been reported in literature. Keywords: FEA, ANSYS, Topology Optimization, Hydraulic Press Brake. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
I. INTRODUCTION A press brake, also known as a brake press, is a machine tool for bending sheet and plate material, most commonly sheet metal. A typical press brake is a C-frame design with a moving ram, which hold punch and die located on a bed frame. It forms are predetermined bends by clamping the work piece between a matching punch and die.There are several types of brakes as described by the means of applying force: mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, and servo-electric. Hydraulic presses are operated by means of two synchronized hydraulic cylinders on the C-frames move the upper beam. Hydraulic operated press brakes are major types of press available since the inception of press brakes. A brake can be described by basic parameters, such as the force or tonnage and the working length.Additional parameters include the amplitude or stroke, the distance between the frame uprights or side housings, distance to the backgauge, and work height. The force exerted between the two beams is transferred through a frame (uses O-frames for their servo-electric press-brakes (figure 1). The beams and most other parts of the frame are generally built out of steel plates either welded or bolted together. [1]
Fig. 1: Frame Layout [1]
A typical hydraulic press brake normally consists of two or four posts or a column frame, a moving ram, hydraulic actuators, a bed frame, a back gauge set and a control unit. The motion of the ram includes down acting, up acting, and side acting, depending on its actuator configurations. The typical tonnage may vary from a few metric tons to over thousands while the working span may have a size more than eight to ten meters. In addition, the main tools of the press brakes include both punches
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