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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 1 | Issue 6 | November 2014 ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Adapting Hits Algorithm For Image Search In Favour of User Profile R.Suganya Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Bon Secours College for Women, Thanjavur

Abstract Normally search engines perform the ranking of web pages in an offline mode, which is after the web pages have been extracted from the previous web pages and stored in the database. The HITS algorithm operates in an offline mode to perform page rank calculation. Here an online mode has been implemented for page ranking. This will improve the overall performance of the Search Engine. This paper recovers when there is a dead lock and power cut situation also. Web-scale image search engines mostly rely on all around the text aspects. It is difficult for them to translate in users’ search intention only by query keywords and this leads to ambiguous and noisy search results. It is significant to use visual information in order to solve the ambiguity in text-based image retrieval. Here in this paper a novel Internet image search approach has been introduced to solve the ambiguity. It only needs the user to click on one query image with the minimum effort and images from a pool and get back the exact information through text-based search and are re-ranked based on both visual and textual contents. Keywords: HITS, Image search, Offline and online page generation. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) algorithm is one of the page ranking algorithms used by online search engines. This was possess by Jon Kleinberg. This algorithm intend to have a paticular effect in calculation the ranking of web pages is take place in an offline mode. In this work the online ranking has been put into effort for the implementation and also it recovers deadlock and power failure. Search engines perform their operations in two phases: In the first phase, this algorithm work to crawl to gather all the web pages and stores these crawled web pages in the file system. In the next phase it involves to parsing the content of the stored web pages. Many search engine uses query as keyword, here query refers to text. The search results are noisy and be composed of more data with quite different and exact meanings. If the user wants to search about the keyword apple means then they belong to different types, such as green and red apples, apple companies logo, and apple companies iphone, tablet and ipod, because of the same meaning of the word apple. The meaning of the word apples include apple fruit, apple computer, and apple ipod. Secondly, if the user may not have enough knowledge on the textual meaning of target images. So to avoid such situation, create a user profile and then the query has been searched in favor of user profile from that the result is been generated according to the profile of the user.

II. WEB MINING According to Lempel, R., & Moran., S. [1] the knowledge is the most valuable fortune of a manufacturing companies, as it provides with the ability to do a business to recognize as different itself from other organizations and to make complete efficiently and effectively to the best of its talent. Web mining is one of the data mining techniques. Web mining is the collection of worth-full information gathered by data mining’s traditional methodologies and techniques with information gathered over from the World Wide Web (WWW). Web mining is used to know about customers behavior to assess the value of the effect of a particular Web site, and help to make quality of the success in market.

III. PROCESS OF WEB MINING The complete series of extracting knowledge from Web data is as follows in this fig1.

Raw material

Mining tools


Representation and visualization


Fig. 1: Web Mining Process All rights reserved by


Adapting Hits Algorithm For Image Search In Favour of User Profile (IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 6 / 053)

According to JaideepSrivastava, PrasannaDesikan, Vipin Kumar [2] the various steps are explained as follows: A. Resource finding It is the process of bringing back the meaningful web documents. B. Information selection and pre-processing Automatically selecting and pre- processing from specific information retrieval of Web resources. C. Generalization Automatically discovers general patterns at separate Web site as well as multiple sites. D. Analysis To validate and to explain the meaning of the mined patterns.

IV. WEB MINING CATEGORIES Web mining categories are classified into three [1;3]: web content , web structure and web usage mining’s [2] is shown in fig 2.

Fig. 2: Web Mining Categories and Objects.

A. Web Content Mining Content mining is a process to inspect the data collected by search engines. B. Web Structure Mining Structure mining is used to inspect the data related to the structure of a particular Web site C. Web Usage Mining Usage mining is used to inspect the data which is related to a particular user's browser as well as data collected by the forms of the user may have produced during Web transactions.

V. LINK ANALYSIS ALGORITHMS Web mining technique will provide the additional information through hyperlinks where different documents are connected. To view the web as a directed labeled graph, those nodes are the documents or pages and edges are in the hyperlinks format in between them. This type of directed graph structure is known as web graph. A. Page Rank According to Allan & Borodin.,O. Roberts & Gareth., S. Rosenthal & Jeffrey., &Tsaparas, Panayiotis. [6], Page Rank is one of the technique used in Google. It is used to calculate the page’s relevance or importance. The page rank value for a page’ s is calculated based only on the number of pages that point to it. This is really a calculation based on a number of back links to a page. PR(P)=(1- d)+d(PR(T1)/C(T1)+…..PR(Tn)/C(Tn)) ... (1) Where, PR (P) = Pagerank of page P

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Adapting Hits Algorithm For Image Search In Favour of User Profile (IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 6 / 053)

PR (T1) = Pagerank of page T1 which link to page C (T1) =Number of outbound links on page T D = Damping factor which can be set between 0 & 1

VI. SEARCH ENGINE Search engines are the key to finding specific information on the vast explanation of the World Wide Web [4]. There are at least three elements which contain important: information for a search engine: discovery of the database, user search, particular format and ranking of results. With the proposed weighted page content rank, the search engine architecture is modified so as to add the components for calculating importance and relevancy of pages.

VII. RELATED WORK According to Amith Kollam Chandranna[5] search engines perform the ranking of web pages in an offline mode, which is after the web pages have been retrieved and stored in the database. The existing HITS algorithm will process in an offline mode to perform page rank calculation. An online mode of page ranking was implemented for this algorithm. This will intend to improve the overall performance of the search engine. This report explains the approach used to implement and test this algorithm. This is helpful in describing the efficiency of implemented algorithm. According to R. Baeza Yates and B. Ribeiro Neto. S.[7] web-scale for the image search engines (e.g. Google Image Search, Bing Image Search) mostly rely on all around the text features. It is tuff for them to understand the meaning of the users’ aim on the search only by the query keywords and this leads to ambiguous and noisy search results which are the great deal from the satisfactory level. It is more important to use visual information in order to solve the ambiguity and redundancy in text-based image and bring back the exact information. An implementation of novel Internet image search request has been introduced and used. It only requires the user to click on one query image with the minimum effort and images from a pool retrieved by text-based search are re-ranked based on both textual and visual contents.

VIII. PROPOSED WORK Adapting Hits Algorithm For Image Search: First create own profile and set a name to profile. Give profile name and keyword. The keyword here refers to query. If the profile name is (Suganya) means then give keyword that is the query as (apple). So the search will take place in this format like (Suganya+apple). Then it search the web sites related to the keyword and also retrieve the information based on the profile also. From that related website we can get some link related to the query. Accurate link and keyword will be matched. Thus comes an image as output. Query as image: even image can be uploaded as a query to search the image. Searching the image then finding the similarity of the image. The similarity may be edges, color, size etc. Using CBIR (Content Based Image Retrieval) and rating the images are been top listed. In the HITS algorithm the page ranking will always work in the offline alone. In this paper the page ranking will be generated in the online also. If there is a power cut or any dead lock situation also the page rank will be generated and automatically the page will open what have been selected. A. Implementation of HITS Algorithm Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (ie) HITS algorithm is one of the ranking algorithms for web page used by search engines. It was propossed by Jon Kleinberg, is a Computer Science Professor in the University of Cornell. This algorithm process in the ranking of web pages in an offline mode. Teoma a Web Search is one such search engine that uses HITS algorithm to rank web pages. Teoma is now acquired by The basic idea behind this algorithm is that all the web pages on the internet are categorized into two sets called Hubs and Authorities. Hubs define the web pages that have out going links to other important web pages and authorities define the web pages that have incoming links from other exact web pages. Recursively, the algorithm iterates over these two sets to generate a hub and an authority value for each page. Depending upon the values, the importance of web pages for a particular query are calculated and displayed to the user. The ranking module of HITS process to calculate the rank in an offline mode after the web pages have been downloaded and stored in the local database as shown in fig 3. The pseudo code for HITS algorithm can be explained as follows: (1) Let G be set of pages (2) for each page pg in G do (3) pg.auth = 1 // authority score of the page pg (4) pg.hub = 1 // hub score of the page pg (5) function Calc_Hubs_Authorities(G) (6) 6. for step from 1 to i do // run the algorithm for i steps norm = 0

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Adapting Hits Algorithm For Image Search In Favour of User Profile (IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 6 / 053)

(7) for each page pg in G do // update authority values (8) pg.auth = 0 (9) for each page qgin p.inNeighborsdo //set of pages that link to pg (10) pg.auth += qg.hub (11) norm += square(pg.auth) //sum of the squared auth values to normalise (12) norm = sqrt(normal) (13) for each page pg in G do // update the auth scores (14) pg.auth = pg.auth / normal // normalise the auth values norm = 0 (15) for each page pg in G do // update hub values (16) pg.hub = 0 (17) for each page rgin pg.outNeighborsdo // set of pages that pg links to (18) pg.hub += rg.auth (19) norm += square(pg.hub) //sum of the squared hub values to normalise (20) norm = sqrt(normal) (21) for each page pg in G do //update hub values (22) pg.hub = pg.hub / normal // normalise the hub values The hub and authority values converge in the pseudo code above. One way to get around this, however, would be to normalize the hub and authority values after each "step" by dividing each authority value by the square root of the sum of the squares of all authority values, and dividing each hub value by the square root of the sum of the squares of all hub values. This is what the pseudo code above does. B. Architecture Of Hits Algorithm User info

Profile creation Login info


Profile name

Image Upload


Query Text Contact details Personal info

Query Processing

Profile analysis Image query check

Data Base Related Image

Result Set

Fig 3: The Image Search Using Profile of The User

IX. RESULT AND DISCUSSION This is the output view for image search using profile. This page is in the off line mode. If it is been convert into online mode means it connect to the WWW and more images will be listed as link as in the search engine. Then we have to select the particular link page and it can be downloaded easily.

Result Set First Page Result Second Page Result Third Page Result

Table - 1 Page Result for The Search Content Content Based

Visual Visual Based







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Adapting Hits Algorithm For Image Search In Favour of User Profile (IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 6 / 053)

Result Set First Page Result Second Page Result Third Page Result

Content Based

Visual Based







Table – 2 Result Set Accuracy In Bar Chart

The Table 2. Represents the series1 for content based search and series2 for visual based search. The accuracy of the search page resulted using online generation. Table 1 shows the result of the content based search and visual based search for the first three page’s result using online generation.

X. CONCLUSION In this paper “adapting hits algorithm for image search in favour of user profile” a novel Internet image search approach which uses the Hits algorithm for return search result. Intention specific weight schema is proposed to make a combination of visual features and to calculate visual similarity adaptive to query images. With additional feedback like profile of the user textual and visual expansions are combined to capture users aim. Expanded keywords are used to add positive example of images and also enhance the image pool to include more relevant images using the profile of the user. This supporting structure makes it possible for industrial scale image search by both text and visual content. This supporting structure can be further improved by make use of the query logs of data, which gives valuable co-occurrence information of keywords, for keyword expansion. The HITS algorithm used in this paper is an online version. In this the page generation will take place in online also. And it also recovers the problem during deadlock and power failure also.


Fig. 4: Home Page

Fig. 5: Admin Page

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Adapting Hits Algorithm For Image Search In Favour of User Profile (IJIRST/ Volume 1 / Issue 6 / 053)

Fig. 6: User Registration

Fig. 7: Image Choose

Fig. 8: Image Search

Fig. 9: Image Search Link

Fig. 10: Output Image

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