IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 10 | March 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-6010
A Review on Design Modification & Analysis for Venturi Section of INVELOX System to Maximize Power using Multiple Wind Turbine Anand L. Solanki M.E. Student Department of Machine Design Engineering SAL College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India
Brijesh D. Kayasth Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering SAL College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India
Hardik Bhatt Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering SAL College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, India
Abstract INVELOX is a wind delivery system suitable for wind power harnessing. One of its innovative features is its capability of incorporating multiple wind turbine generator system in the venturi section. Its first innovative feature is the elimination of tower mounted turbine. Secondly, INVELOX captures wind flow through an omnidirectional intake or multi-unidirectional intakes and thereby there is no need for a passive and active yaw control to orient the wind turbine. Third, it accelerates the flow within a shrouded venturi section which is subsequently expanded and release into the ambient environment through a diffuser. When two or three turbines are in the venturi section, the wind power harnessed by second and third turbine is lesser than the first turbine power conservation. The modified venturi section result shows that it is possible wind power using multistage turbine is higher. Therefor the total harnessed power of the system increases. Also doing Analysis in ANSYS software. Keywords: omnidirectional, Multiple wind turbine, wind energy, venturi, Power output _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
Wind energy conversion systems have existed from more than 3000 years. Since the appearance of the ancient Persian vertical axis windmills 3000 years ago, many different types of windmills have been invented. Initially, wind energy was used to induce a function, such as moving boats using sail, cooling houses by circulating outside air, running machinery in farms, and even small production facilities. Nowadays, people have expressed strong opposition to the traditional windmills due to harm to human health from high-decibel low-frequency sound waves, propeller noise, optical flickering, and visual nuisances of large wind power plants. The patented INVELOX is simply a wind capturing and delivery system that allows more engineering control than ever before [1]. While conventional wind turbines use massive turbine-generator systems mounted on top of a tower, INVELOX,by contrast, funnels wind energy to ground based generators. II. LITURETURE REVIEW Daryyoush Allaei & Yainnis Andreopoulos et.al [1] “INVELOX: Description of a new concept in wind power and its performance evaluation.” In this study, wind power harnessing by new technology is called INVELOX technology. The power harness by the INVELOX technology is more as compared to traditional wind turbines of the same diameter and aerodynamic characteristics under the same wind condition. It delivers significant higher output at reduced cost. INVELOX technology’s first innovative feature is to eliminate the tower hoisting wind turbine generator system into sky. They are also expensive, inefficient , unwieldy and hazardous to human and wildlife. INVELOX technology’s second innovative feature is no need of passive or active yaw because the intake of INVELOX is omnidirectional so captures wind form 360 degree from environment. Third innovative feature of INVELOX technology is that , it accelerates the flow within a shrouded venturi section which is subsequently expanded and released into the ambient environment through a diffuser. The objectives of the presented work are to model and understand the flow field inside the INVELOX technology. Such a comparison was based on field measurements which indicate more power output then traditional wind turbine with same turbine size.
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A Review on Design Modification & Analysis for Venturi Section of INVELOX System to Maximize Power using Multiple Wind Turbine (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 10/ 021)
Daryyoush Allaei , David Tarnowski, Yainnis Andreopoulos et.al[2]. “INVELOX with multiple wind turbine generator system” In this study, INVELOX is a wind delivery system suitable for wind power harnessing. It’s innovative features is its capability to place more than one wind turbine generator system in the venturi section. INVELOX is no needs of passive or active yaw control to orient the wind turbine. Wind accelerates into venturi section and release to ambient environment throws diffuser. This system allows harness power by more than one stage. The power harnessing by multistage turbine increase total harnessed power of the system. The results show that the extraction of energy depends on the increased mass flow rate through the system controlled by the omnidirectional intake and the external flow which sets up the back pressure. The present investigation shows that first time INVELOX’s capability to place up to three turbines in venturi part without changing in the infrastructure. In this system wind intake can capture in any direction and whole turbinegenerator system placed at ground position. It also eliminates control mechanism, such as, pitch control, yaw control, gear box. It also shown that the power increases with increase the number of turbines in system. In this experimental work has indicated that a multiple turbine system consisting of two and three turbines will perform considerably better than a single turbine system by 52% and 72% respectively [2]. The Increasing power output of INVELOX tower results in reducing cost per watt of power output. This work clearly demonstrate that the line of total electrical power output is nonlinear with increasing number of turbine. Manan D. Patel & prof. S.M.Bhatt et.al [3] “Performance Improvement of Modified Omnidirectional Ducted Wind Mill” In this study, the model was developed using ANSYS 16. The objective was to validate INVELOX patented Item INVELOX elements Wind Turbine Air Dolphin Pro Rotor diameter [m] 1.9, Rated free stream wind speed [m/s] 15, Rated power [W] 1500, Voltage [V] 50, Rated load Current [A] maximum 30, Generator 3- phase, Free stream wind speed [m/s] - Cut-in 2.5 & - Survival 50, Number of Blades 3 Blade, material Fiber glass, Resistive load bank [ohms] 16.7, Tower height [m] 18.3. [3]. INVELOX technology significantly outperforms traditional wind turbines delivers higher power output. In present work, compared the results with another CFD package and grid independency test is also done. Different part of the INVELOX delivery system, (1)Intake (2) Pipe carrying and accelerating wind (3) Boosting wind speed by venturi (4) Wind energy conversions (5) Diffuser In present work, use the model INVELOX-12-02 double nested cone concept with 360-degree wind intake capability. Grid analysis also have done with tetrahedral meshing with 120 degree angle of L-bow bend. They increase the L-bow bend angle up to 120 degree and perform CFD analysis of the system also compared with existing L-bow bend. Nallapaneni Manoj Kumar, M.S.P Subathra & Orville Damaso Cota et.al [4] “Design and wind tunnel testing of funnel based wind energy harvesting system” In this study, A subsonic wind tunnel testing is carried out further smoke test carried out for visualization the flow of air into the nested funnel. The experimental setup generated power in the range of 0.0001 W to 9.93 W over a range of wind velocities at funnel inlet as 0.5 m/s to 7.89 m/s[4]. The main objective of this work is to design a solid work 3-D model and fabricate FBWEHS. Also compare the power availability in FBWEHS turbine and conventional tower turbine. Wanlong Han, Peigang Yan, Wanjin Han & Yurong He et.al [5] “design of wind turbines with shroud and lobed ejectors for efficient utilization of low-grade wind energy”- In this study the performance of the wind turbine was evaluated using by commercial software CFX. Simulation results indicated that the wind energy utilization efficiency increased to 66-73% at low wind speeds ranging from 2 to 6 m/s. The design of shrouded and lobed ejector such that the back of the proposed wind turbine produced the pressure at wind turbine exit was reduced so the power output of the turbine increase. III. CONCLUSION From the literature review, I come to know that, INVELOX technology harness more power compared to traditional wind turbine at same size and same swept turbine diameter. INVELOX technology no need of yaw control to orient wind turbine, pitch control, and gear box to handle the system. It’s operating and maintenance cost is less as compared to traditional wind mill. The conversation power of wind mill is depend on the wind velocity. In the venturi part number of turbine increase then total harnessing power increase. After review all research paper, I found that the power P of INVELOX technology is depend on the mass flow rate and total pressure drop across the turbine. Also found that l-bow bend is increase then the friction in bend section decrease so mass flow rate increase. REFERENCES [1] [2]
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A Review on Design Modification & Analysis for Venturi Section of INVELOX System to Maximize Power using Multiple Wind Turbine (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 10/ 021) [3] [4] [5]
Manan D Patel, Prof. S. M. Bhatt. “Performance Improvement of Modified Omnidirectional Ducted Wind Mill” IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4, Issue 03, | ISSN (online): 2321-0613, 2016. Wanlong Han, Peigang Yan, Wanjin Han, Yurong He. “Design of wind turbines with shroud and lobed ejectors for efficient utilization of low-grade wind energy” Elsevier, Energy xxx, 1-15, (2015). Nallapaneni Manoj Kumara, M. S. P Subathrab, Orville Damaso Cotaa. “Design And Wind Tunnel Testing of Funnel Based Wind Energy Harvesting System” Elsevier, Procedia Technology 21, 33 – 40 , ( 2015 ).
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