Dynamic Voltage Restoration

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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 11 | April 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Dynamic Voltage Restoration Palak A. Odedra UG Student Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh-362001, Gujarat India

Hitixa R. Nakum UG Student Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh-362001, Gujarat India

Niraj G. Mehta UG Student Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh-362001, Gujarat India

Vishal N. Jogidas Assistant Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Dr. Subhash Technical Campus, Junagadh-362001, Gujarat India

Abstract The paper presents voltage restoration system is class of custom power device providing consistent distribution of power quality. It use series connected custom power apparatus which is aimed to defend sensitive loads from supply side distribution except for outage. Mainly we used UPS stabilizer to reduce voltage and the stabilizer will operate when the voltage is increased. So we designed dynamic voltage restorer that operates both condition like increase and decrease of voltage. So this is advantage and more accurate and also it is less costly then UPS and stabilizer. Due to installation of this system battery life can also be increased because when variation occurs in voltage supply from line will be continued from line and difference of voltage will be taken from battery. For example in UPS if input voltage is 180v, circuit will be trapped and entire load will be on battery that generate 50v AC inject to it with in phase, same way if output is 260v and generate 30v AC and inject it with out of phase signal in this way the output will be fixed at 230v AC this is advantageous and battery life will also increase. Keywords: DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer), UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies), APF (Active Power Filters), Voltage Source Converters (VSC), PIC Kit, Injection Transformer _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.


In the early days of power transmission voltage deviation during load changes, power transfer limitation was observed due to reactive power unbalances. Modern power systems are complex networks, where hundreds of generating stations and thousands of load centers are interconnected through long power transmission and distribution networks. The main concern of customer is the quality and reliability of power supply at various load centers. Even though power generation in most well-developed countries is fairly reliable, the quality of supply is not. Power distribution system should ideally provide their customers an uninterrupted flow of energy with smooth sinusoidal voltage at the contracted magnitude and frequency. However, in practice power system especially the distribution system, have numerous non-linear loads, which are significantly affect the quality of power supply. As a result, the purity of waveform of supply lost. This ends up producing many power quality problems. [7] II. BLOCK DIAGRAM Description DVR stands for dynamic voltage restorer. It means that restore voltage dynamically. As we know nowadays power quality is general issue for growing world and it major problem also. So here we going to design a system that will automatically restore voltage when it is necessary. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of this system. Is consists of supply voltage, load, filter, injecting transformer, controller, voltage source inverter and DC source. Working In this system suppose we give 130V as an input supply. Then it will be checked by the controller that 100V is lacking as we want 230V in output continuously. So now controller will send signal to the two step transformers which are having range of 0V to 15V. This step up transformer will generate 5V each due to this 10V will generated and it is not given to controller. As we know due to can’t get full 10V from output of two transformers. Suppose 9V is produced then 1v will be generated by the 4 MOSFETs which are also connected to the controller now this 10V is supplied as an input of the third transformer which is main transformer having turns ratio 1:10. So when 10V is given in input of this transformer its output will be 100V. Now 130V from supply input and 100V from secondary of main transformer will be added and 230V supply will be continued in output. By this way this system is work.

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Dynamic Voltage Restoration (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 11/ 022)

Fig. 1: Block Diagram of Dynamic Voltage Restoration

Components There are following components are used in our project.  PIC Microcontroller  MOSFET  Resistors  Bridge Converter  Capacitor  Inductor  Small step up transformer of range 0 to 15v  Main transformer having ratio 1:10 PIC Kit The PIC kit 3 In-Circuit Debugger/Programmer is a simple and low-cost debugger that is controlled by MPLAB X IDE software and is used for software and hardware development with Microchip PIC microcontrollers. It is used for development purpose.

Fig. 2: PIC kit

PIC kit 3 Features      

Full speed USB support with Windows standard drivers. Real time execution Built-in over voltage monitor. Processor running at maximum speed Low voltage to 5V. Diagnostic LED.

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Dynamic Voltage Restoration (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 11/ 022)


Erasing memory with verification Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)

Fig. 3: Voltage Source Inverter

Generally Pulse-Width Modulated Voltage Source Inverter (PWMVSI) is used. An energy storage device generates a DC voltage. To convert this DC voltage into an AC voltage a Voltage Source Inverter is used. In order to boost the magnitude of voltage during sag, in DVR power circuit a step up voltage injection transformer is used. Thus a VSI with a low voltage rating is Sufficient. Injection Transformer

Fig. 4: Injection Transformers

The injected voltages are introduced into the distribution system through an injection transformer connected in series with the distribution feeder. The primary side of the injection transformer is connected in series to the distribution line, while the secondary side is connected to the DVR power circuit. Now 3 single phase transformers or 1 three phase transformer can be used for 3 phase DVR whereas 1 single phase transformer can be used for 1 phase DVR. Energy Storage Unit

Fig. 5: Energy Storage Unite

Various devices such as Flywheels, Lead acid batteries, Superconducting Magnetic energy storage (SMES) and Super-Capacitors can be used as energy storage devices. The main function of these energy storage units is to provide the desired real power during

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Dynamic Voltage Restoration (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 11/ 022)

voltage sag. The amount of active power generated by the energy storage device is a key factor, as it decides the compensation ability of DVR. Harmonic Filter To convert the PWM inverted pulse waveform into a sinusoidal waveform, low pass passive filters are used. In order to achieve this it is necessary to eliminate the higher order harmonic components during DC to AC conversion in Voltage Source Inverter which will also distort the compensated output voltage. These filters which play a vital role can be placed either on high voltage side i.e. load side or on low voltage side i.e. inverter side of the injection transformers. III. FLOW OF DESIGN 

Flow of design is illustrated the all design process of our system. It shown in below figure 6.

Fig. 6: Flow of Design

Here first we specified system design and then we will worked on the sub module of design like making of circuits and test them. After designing if system we specified different types of rating regarding voltage and then design a programming of system, here we used microcontroller so it will automatically restore voltage if it required. By making simulation of system we moved on to test all modules. IV. SOFTWARE SIMULATION AND RESULTS In this system we have used MPLAB programming tool for designing. Below figure 7 shows the programming of this system in MPLAB software.

Fig. 7: System Programming

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Dynamic Voltage Restoration (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 11/ 022)

Proteus Circuit

Fig. 8: Proteus circuit

Working Model

Fig. 9: Working Model

V. CONCLUSION After worked on this system we can conclude that when any kind of voltage regarding issues like voltage increasing and voltage decrease produced in the industry at that time this system is capable to solved that kind of problem. By using this system we conclude it will increase battery life. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We take an opportunity to acknowledge and extend our heartfelt gratitude to our guide. Who is most responsible for help us to complete this work. He showed to different ways to approach the problems and the need to be persistent to accomplish over goal. His discernment in the choice of topic, his confidence in us when we doubted over self and his admirable guidance are some cogent reasons that make us aver that without his support this system would be a chimera. We all also thankful to Director and Head of Department of Electrical Engineering for cooperation and support us to complete this work. We can also like to express thanks to DSTC, JUNAGADH providing necessary facilities. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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