Various Risks Involved in Highway Projects

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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 06 | November 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Various Risks Involved in Highway Projects Dr. R. R. Singh Professor Department of Civil Engineering PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh

Gopesh Chugh M.E. Scholar Department of Civil Engineering PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh

Abstract The construction industry is exposed to wide array of risks such as financial, design and contractual ones, which might have direct impact on their performance towards achieving the desired objectives. This study aims to identify the actual process of risk management that is being applied in construction projects & to determine the effects of risk management implementation on performance of construction project in terms of time and cost. Risk management is decision making process used to minimise and manage the risk in efficient and appropriate manner. Most of construction employees involved in risk management are not fully aware of available risk management technique that applied in highway projects. The construction industry and its clients are associated with a high degree of risk due to the complex nature of the construction process. Construction Risk Management must be given adequate attention in order to ensure a successful project that meets the expectation of project goals and objectives thus risk management practice in a country with respect to highway projects is explored in this study. The study recommended adequate training for all stakeholders in highway construction sector to improve management of risks thus meeting project goals of time, approved budgets, and quality, imbibing the health and safety culture, and in an environmentally acceptable manner. Keywords: Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Risk Drivers, Highway Construction, Operational Risks _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.


The construction process has numerous uncertainties and risks, which increase with the size and the complexity of a project. Risk has been defined in different ways. Project Management Institute (PMI) defines project risk as an uncertain event or condition and that its occurrence has positive or negative effect on at least one project objective, such as time, cost, scope, or quality (PMI 2004). According to Smith et al. (2002). Risk is an unforeseen event that occurs during the process of construction projects. Study shows that construction industry is subjected to more risk and uncertainties than any other industries. The reason for that is mainly due to complex nature of construction business activities, process, environment and organization. Risks that occur in highway projects will lead to inability to achieve desired project objectives. Delays, cost overruns and reduction of availability of resources are negative effect of risk inherent to highway projects. Ashley et al. (2006) have emphasized the importance of risk assessment, risk allocation, and risk management in effective management of highway construction projects. Risk management must be forward looking and identify potential problems. II. RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Zaghoul and Hertman (2003) described risk in construction projects as significant element by the total project cost and thus their allocation has a major effect on project budget. Baloi and Price (2003) described construction project as an open system rather than a closed system, which add to variability and riskiness of the project. Klemetti (2006) stated that risk management in the construction industry still rely heavily on contract and the industry has the bad reputation of involvement in numerous dispute and claims. Floricel and Miller (2001) stated that various studies have shown that contractual structures are the main sources of the lack of flexibility and they have a significant negative effect on actors’ relationship. Risk management should be implemented; contracting risks to other parties does not mean they are managed since nothing is done to deal with these risks; rather there will be increase in the cost of contract. Cost overruns and late completion times in large infrastructure projects have been widely recognized as risks impacting project performance (Flyvbjerg et al. 2002). Controlling project budgets over project construction life cycle for mega infrastructure projects is a major challenge for both the public and the private sectors. Accurately estimating cost is an important factor for a successful project cost management from the start of planning phase to the completion of construction (Akintoye & MacLeod 1997; Nassar et al. 2005). Contingency has been used to manage uncertainty and risk in construction projects. To adequately calculate the project contingency, planners should focus on analysing the potential risk drivers. Contingency amount is greatest in the beginning of a project and is gradually reduced as the project is designed, risks are resolved, or the contingency amount is spent (Ashley et al. 2006). Klemetti (2006) however asserted that the biggest barrier in construction project risks management are a drive for cost effectiveness; risk management is seen only to consume resources and benefit are difficult to measure in financial terms. Lack of risk management resources and know how restricts the use of risk management techniques. Several studies have shown that there

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