Comparision of Physical Properties between Natural Sand and Manufactured Sand

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IJIRST –International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology| Volume 3 | Issue 07 | December 2016 ISSN (online): 2349-6010

Comparison of Physical Properties between Natural Sand and Manufactured Sand Meghashree. M Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering ,Bangalore, India

Arpitha. K. Gowda Student Department of Civil Engineering Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering ,Bangalore, India

K. Roopa Student Department of Civil Engineering Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering ,Bangalore, India

Abstract Sand is an important raw material in construction industry. It is the major fine aggregate. There is scarcity of natural sand in large scale because of increased sand mining in river beds leading to lack of natural sand reserves, urban expansion, local legislations and environmental constraints. The industry must find alternatives to meet the growing demand for fine aggregates. So an alternative of this, manufactured sand is produced by the companies to meet the demands. The natural river sand is the product of sedimentation and this river sand contains more impurities than manufactured sand. So river sand sometimes cannot be used for important concreting works. So suitability of manufactured sand is tested. Therefore suitability of manufactured sand is checked by conducting the tests related to physical properties of fine aggregates like ‘fineness, bulk density and specific gravity. And tests on fresh concrete using manufactured are also tested. The results of the tests are compared with natural sand. This paper puts forward the suitability of manufactured sand to fulfill the unavailability of natural sand. Therefore manufactured sand can be used as an alternative for natural sand which maintains the eco balance. Keywords: Natural Sand, Manufactured Sand _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.


India is a developing country. There is also drastic infrastructure development. Natural Sand is a very important building material which can be used for construction of buildings, for repair works, for road construction etc. But the quantity of extraction of sand is not meeting the demands of customers. Mining of sand on river beds are also prohibited at most of the sites. Mining is also posing environment problems. Urban expansion and depleted resources have increased the distance between the point of extraction and the point of use. Road congestion has increased the travel time from pit to batching plant for many operators found that processed, high quality manufactured sand can improve their business and reduce the percentage waste and low value by-products. By utilizing the correct process equipment, low value crusher dust can be processed into a high value premium product which is nothing but manufactured sand which can give better strength as equal as natural sand. So comparison is done for the physical properties of manufactured sand with the natural sand by conducting various tests on physical properties of fine aggregates. In this study tests on physical properties of fine aggregate are carried out in the laboratory for both natural sand and manufactured sand. Using the tests results, comparison is done between both sands and finally suitability of manufactured sand is decided. II. EARLIER STUDIES A.M Guddodagi, a civil contactor and who has installed a M-sand manufacturing unit in the north Karnataka region , said that the increasing demand and limited supply of natural sand provoked him to install a M-sand manufacturing industry at Ainapur village in the taluk. In 2004 Kerala government started popularizing M sand industry after facing the scarcity. III. METHODOLOGY Specific Gravity This is a very important property in mix design. Oven dried aggregate passing through 4.75mm sieve is taken. Experiment is conducted according to IS 2386(PART III).: 1963. The test results are given in table 1.

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Comparison of Physical Properties between Natural Sand and Manufactured Sand (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 07/ 015)

No. of trails trial 1 trail 2 average

Table - 1 Specific gravity Specific gravity of N sand Specific gravity of M sand 2.49 2.63 2.45 2.61 2.47 2.622

Fig. 1: Comparison of Specific gravity

Bulking of Fine Aggregate The test was conducted according to the procedure laid down in IS 2386(PART III): 1963. Bulking is an intrinsic property of natural sand. This is very important property in volume batching of aggregate. The test results are given in table 2 and table 3 for natural and manufactured sand. Respective graph for trial 1 is shown in fig2. Table - 2 Percentage Bulking of Natural Sand Final height of natural aggregate % Bulking % of water added Initial height trial1 trial2 trial3 average 2 200 210 212 215 6.17 4 200 215 218 220 8.83 6 200 221 225 228 12.33 8 200 230 232 235 16.17 10 200 226 224 228 13 12 200 220 220 221 10.17 14 200 215 215 217 7.83 Table - 3 Percentage Bulking of Manufactured Sand % of water added Initial height Final height of manufactured aggregate % Bulking trial1 trial2 trial3 average 2 180 187 189 190 4.81 4 180 195 198 198 9.44 6 180 204 205 207 14.07 8 180 212 215 217 19.26 10 180 205 209 210 15.556 12 180 199 200 201 11.11 14 180 188 190 190 5.19

Fig. 2: Comparison of Percentage Bulking of Natural sand and M Sand

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Comparison of Physical Properties between Natural Sand and Manufactured Sand (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 07/ 015)

Bulk Density Conducted according to IS 2386(PART III): 1963 using cylindrical containers. Both compacted and uncompact bulk densities were found for both natural and manufactured sand. The test results are given in table 4. Table - 4 Bulk Density of Aggregates Bulk density of aggregates Bulk density in kg/m3 Trial N sand M sand 1 1655.09 1781.13 2 1663.01 1800 3 1648.3 1783.08 Average 1655.47 1788.07

Sieve Analysis Test is conducted for dry sample in order to know the grain size distribution of aggregates. The average value of fineness modulus is found. The zoning of aggregate as per IS: 2386(PART III): 1963 is found. The test results are given in table 5 for natural sand and table 6 for manufactured sand. Respective graphs for natural sand and manufactured sand is shown in fig2 and fig 3. Table - 5 Sieve analysis of Natural Sand % Fines of natural sand Seive Size (mm) Trial1 Trial2 Trial3 4.75 98 97.4 97.4 2.36 84.2 87.8 90.2 1.18 53 58.8 60.2 0.6 37.8 44.8 46.2 0.425 23 29.2 31.4 0.3 12.6 19.2 19 0.15 6.6 7.2 5.8 0.075 2 2.2 1.4 PAN 0 0 0 Table - 6 Sieve analysis of Manufactured Sand % Fines of manufactured sand Seive Size (mm) Trial-1 Trial-2 Trial-3 4.75 100 100 100 2.36 90 90.4 85.8 1.18 61.2 62 52 0.6 47.6 48 39.4 0.425 35.8 38 31 0.3 24.8 27.6 21.4 0.15 12.8 13.6 8.6 0.075 4 3.6 3 PAN 0 0 0

Fig. 2: Sieve Analysis of Natural Sand

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Comparison of Physical Properties between Natural Sand and Manufactured Sand (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 07/ 015)

Fig. 3: Sieve Analysis of Manufactured Sand


We can see that from the above results the specific gravity of manufactured sand is 2.61 and that of natural sand 2.47 are comparable.  From fig.1 we see that Percentage bulking of manufactured sand obtained is slightly higher when compared to the natural snd. But it falls within the range.  We see that the bulk density of manufactured sand is greater than the bulk density of natural sand.  From the sieve analysis we see that M. sand is slightly coarser than the natural sand  Both natural sand and manufactured sand falls under zone 2. Table 7 gives the comparison between the properties of natural sand and artificial sand which gives the similarity between the aggregates Table - 7 Comparison between the properties of natural sand and artificial sand Comparison between the aggregates Properties Natural sand Manufactured sand Specific gravity 2.47 2.622 Bulking (%) 16.17 19.26 Bulk density(kg/m^3) 1655.5 1788.07 Fineness 2.72 2.91

Concluding Remarks   

We can conclude that manufactured sand has comparable properties with natural sand. The properties are within the range specifies by the Indian standard code of practice. M sand is available for reasonable cost in the market where as natural sand is scarcely available Hence, it is concluded that manufactured sand has almost same properties as that of natural sand. Therefore manufactured sand has a potential to provide alternative to natural sand. So, manufactured sand can be used as an alternative building material to Sand. Scope for further Study   

Study can be carried out by casting cubes to find compressive strength Study can be carried out to find shear strength of manufactured sand mortar Study can be carried out with recycled aggregate concrete ACKNOWLEDGMENT

We extend our thanks to Dr. Nagaraj Sitaram, HOD, civil department, Dayananda sagar college of engineering , management and staff of Dayananda Sagar college of engineering for their cooperation in bringing out this work, Kumaraswamy layout, Bangalore.

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Comparison of Physical Properties between Natural Sand and Manufactured Sand (IJIRST/ Volume 3 / Issue 07/ 015)

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