ISSN (ONLINE) : 2045 -8711 ISSN (PRINT) : 2045 -869X
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UK: Managing Editor International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering 1a park lane, Cranford London TW59WA UK E-Mail: Phone: +44-773-043-0249 USA: Editor International Journal of Innovative Technology and Creative Engineering Dr. Arumugam Department of Chemistry University of Georgia GA-30602, USA. Phone: 001-706-206-0812 Fax:001-706-542-2626 India: Editor International Journal of Innovative Technology & Creative Engineering Dr. Arthanariee. A. M Finance Tracking Center India 66/2 East mada st, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai -600041 Mobile: 91-7598208700
International Journal of Innovative Technology & Creative Engineering Vol.6 No.9 September 2016
From Editor's Desk Dear Researcher, Greetings! Research article in this issue discusses about motivational factor analysis. Let us review research around the world this month. Few of the expletives discussed in cognitive scientist Benjamin Bergen’s new book can be spelled out in this review. But Bergen argues, in a bluntly engaging way, that the largely secret science of swearing reveals based on surveys of what people in several Western nations regard as unacceptable. Taboo words not only sound obscene, they have an obscene feel when spoken. A big part of that effect stems from the fact that the words are short and usually start and end with consonants, not softer-sounding vowels, Bergen says. In a study Bergen conducted, participants rated the made-up word “skoom” as more profane than “skoo.” Profanity often plays by its own grammatical rules, the author explains. If every sentence has to have a subject, for instance, then just try to find the subject of that all-purpose epithet “F-you.” Perhaps different grammar variants exist for particular purposes, including swearing, he speculates. Bergen concludes by critiquing studies that have allegedly shown that the more children hear profanity, the more aggressive and potty-mouthed they become. Children are more resilient to profanity than they’re often given credit for, he says. Hearing a parent mutter a swear word falls far short of the reported harm to young children caused by exposure to violent images or verbal abuse, the author contends. It has been an absolute pleasure to present you articles that you wish to read. We look forward to many more new technologies related research articles from you and your friends. We are anxiously awaiting the rich and thorough research papers that have been prepared by our authors for the next issue.
Thanks, Editorial Team IJITCE
Editorial Members Dr. Chee Kyun Ng Ph.D Department of Computer and Communication Systems, Faculty of Engineering,Universiti Putra Malaysia,UPMSerdang, 43400 Selangor,Malaysia. Dr. Simon SEE Ph.D Chief Technologist and Technical Director at Oracle Corporation, Associate Professor (Adjunct) at Nanyang Technological University Professor (Adjunct) at ShangaiJiaotong University, 27 West Coast Rise #08-12,Singapore 127470 Dr. sc.agr. Horst Juergen SCHWARTZ Ph.D, Humboldt-University of Berlin,Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture,Asternplatz 2a, D-12203 Berlin,Germany Dr. Marco L. BianchiniPh.D Italian National Research Council; IBAF-CNR,Via Salaria km 29.300, 00015 MonterotondoScalo (RM),Italy Dr. NijadKabbaraPh.D Marine Research Centre / Remote Sensing Centre/ National Council for Scientific Research, P. O. Box: 189 Jounieh,Lebanon Dr. Aaron Solomon Ph.D Department of Computer Science, National Chi Nan University,No. 303, University Road,Puli Town, Nantou County 54561,Taiwan Dr. Arthanariee. A. M M.Sc.,M.Phil.,M.S.,Ph.D Director - Bharathidasan School of Computer Applications, Ellispettai, Erode, Tamil Nadu,India Dr. Takaharu KAMEOKA, Ph.D Professor, Laboratory of Food, Environmental & Cultural Informatics Division of Sustainable Resource Sciences, Graduate School of Bioresources,Mie University, 1577 Kurimamachiya-cho, Tsu, Mie, 514-8507, Japan Dr. M. Sivakumar M.C.A.,ITIL.,PRINCE2.,ISTQB.,OCP.,ICP. Ph.D. Project Manager - Software,Applied Materials,1a park lane,cranford,UK Dr. Bulent AcmaPh.D Anadolu University, Department of Economics,Unit of Southeastern Anatolia Project(GAP),26470 Eskisehir,TURKEY Dr. SelvanathanArumugamPh.D Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, GA-30602,USA.
Review Board Members Dr. Paul Koltun Senior Research ScientistLCA and Industrial Ecology Group,Metallic& Ceramic Materials,CSIRO Process Science & Engineering Private Bag 33, Clayton South MDC 3169,Gate 5 Normanby Rd., Clayton Vic. 3168, Australia Dr. Zhiming Yang MD., Ph. D. Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Science,1550 Orleans Street Rm 441, Baltimore MD, 21231,USA Dr. Jifeng Wang Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois, 61801, USA Dr. Giuseppe Baldacchini ENEA - Frascati Research Center, Via Enrico Fermi 45 - P.O. Box 65,00044 Frascati, Roma, ITALY. Dr. MutamedTurkiNayefKhatib Assistant Professor of Telecommunication Engineering,Head of Telecommunication Engineering Department,Palestine Technical University (Kadoorie), TulKarm, PALESTINE.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVE ENGINEERING (ISSN:2045-8711) VOL. 6 NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2016 IMPACT FACTOR: 0.61 Dr.P.UmaMaheswari Prof &Head,Depaartment of CSE/IT, INFO Institute of Engineering,Coimbatore. Dr. T. Christopher, Ph.D., Assistant Professor &Head,Department of Computer Science,Government Arts College(Autonomous),Udumalpet, India. Dr. T. DEVI Ph.D. Engg. (Warwick, UK), Head,Department of Computer Applications,Bharathiar University,Coimbatore-641 046, India. Dr. Renato J. orsato Professor at FGV-EAESP,Getulio Vargas Foundation,São Paulo Business School,RuaItapeva, 474 (8° andar),01332-000, São Paulo (SP), Brazil Visiting Scholar at INSEAD,INSEAD Social Innovation Centre,Boulevard de Constance,77305 Fontainebleau - France Y. BenalYurtlu Assist. Prof. OndokuzMayis University Dr.Sumeer Gul Assistant Professor,Department of Library and Information Science,University of Kashmir,India Dr. ChutimaBoonthum-Denecke, Ph.D Department of Computer Science,Science& Technology Bldg., Rm 120,Hampton University,Hampton, VA 23688 Dr. Renato J. Orsato Professor at FGV-EAESP,Getulio Vargas Foundation,São Paulo Business SchoolRuaItapeva, 474 (8° andar),01332-000, São Paulo (SP), Brazil Dr. Lucy M. Brown, Ph.D. Texas State University,601 University Drive,School of Journalism and Mass Communication,OM330B,San Marcos, TX 78666 JavadRobati Crop Production Departement,University of Maragheh,Golshahr,Maragheh,Iran VineshSukumar (PhD, MBA) Product Engineering Segment Manager, Imaging Products, Aptina Imaging Inc. Dr. Binod Kumar PhD(CS), M.Phil.(CS), MIAENG,MIEEE HOD & Associate Professor, IT Dept, Medi-Caps Inst. of Science & Tech.(MIST),Indore, India Dr. S. B. Warkad Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, India Dr. doc. Ing. RostislavChoteborský, Ph.D. Katedramateriálu a strojírenskétechnologieTechnickáfakulta,Ceskázemedelskáuniverzita v Praze,Kamýcká 129, Praha 6, 165 21 Dr. Paul Koltun Senior Research ScientistLCA and Industrial Ecology Group,Metallic& Ceramic Materials,CSIRO Process Science & Engineering Private Bag 33, Clayton South MDC 3169,Gate 5 Normanby Rd., Clayton Vic. 3168 DR.ChutimaBoonthum-Denecke, Ph.D Department of Computer Science,Science& Technology Bldg.,HamptonUniversity,Hampton, VA 23688 Mr. Abhishek Taneja,M.B.E,M.C.A.,M.Phil., Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Applications, at Dronacharya Institute of Management and Technology, Kurukshetra. (India). Dr. Ing. RostislavChotěborský,ph.d, Katedramateriálu a strojírenskétechnologie, Technickáfakulta,Českázemědělskáuniverzita v Praze,Kamýcká 129, Praha 6, 165 21
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVE ENGINEERING (ISSN:2045-8711) VOL. 6 NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2016 IMPACT FACTOR: 0.61 Dr. AmalaVijayaSelvi Rajan,,Ph.d, Faculty – Information Technology Dubai Women’s College – Higher Colleges of Technology,P.O. Box – 16062, Dubai, UAE Naik Nitin,M.Sc Lecturer in YeshwantMahavidyalayaNanded University Dr.A.Kathirvell, B.E, M.E, Ph.D,MISTE, MIACSIT, MENGG Professor - Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Tagore Engineering College, Chennai Dr. H. S. Fadewar,,M.Phil.,ph.d,PGDBM,B.Ed. Associate Professor - Sinhgad Institute of Management & Computer Application, Mumbai-BangloreWesternly Express Way Narhe, Pune - 41 Dr. David Batten Leader, Algal Pre-Feasibility Study,Transport Technologies and Sustainable Fuels,CSIRO Energy Transformed Flagship Private Bag 1,Aspendale, Vic. 3195,AUSTRALIA Dr R C Panda (MTech& PhD(IITM);Ex-Faculty (Curtin Univ Tech, Perth, Australia))Scientist CLRI (CSIR), Adyar, Chennai - 600 020,India Miss Jing He PH.D. Candidate of Georgia State University,1450 Willow Lake Dr. NE,Atlanta, GA, 30329 Jeremiah Neubert Assistant Professor,MechanicalEngineering,University of North Dakota Hui Shen Mechanical Engineering Dept,Ohio Northern Univ. Dr. Xiangfa Wu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor / Mechanical Engineering,NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIVERSITY SeraphinChallyAbou Professor,Mechanical& Industrial Engineering Depart,MEHS Program, 235 Voss-Kovach Hall,1305 OrdeanCourt,Duluth, Minnesota 55812-3042 Dr. Qiang Cheng, Ph.D. Assistant Professor,Computer Science Department Southern Illinois University CarbondaleFaner Hall, Room 2140-Mail Code 45111000 Faner Drive, Carbondale, IL 62901 Dr. Carlos Barrios, PhD Assistant Professor of Architecture,School of Architecture and Planning,The Catholic University of America Y. BenalYurtlu Assist. Prof. OndokuzMayis University Dr. Lucy M. Brown, Ph.D. Texas State University,601 University Drive,School of Journalism and Mass Communication,OM330B,San Marcos, TX 78666 Dr. Paul Koltun Senior Research ScientistLCA and Industrial Ecology Group,Metallic& Ceramic Materials CSIRO Process Science & Engineering Dr.Sumeer Gul Assistant Professor,Department of Library and Information Science,University of Kashmir,India Dr. ChutimaBoonthum-Denecke, Ph.D Department of Computer Science,Science& Technology Bldg., Rm 120,Hampton University,Hampton, VA 23688
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVE ENGINEERING (ISSN:2045-8711) VOL. 6 NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2016 IMPACT FACTOR: 0.61 Dr. Renato J. Orsato Professor at FGV-EAESP,Getulio Vargas Foundation,São Paulo Business School,RuaItapeva, 474 (8° andar)01332-000, São Paulo (SP), Brazil Dr. Wael M. G. Ibrahim Department Head-Electronics Engineering Technology Dept.School of Engineering Technology ECPI College of Technology 5501 Greenwich Road Suite 100,Virginia Beach, VA 23462 Dr. Messaoud Jake Bahoura Associate Professor-Engineering Department and Center for Materials Research Norfolk State University,700 Park avenue,Norfolk, VA 23504 Dr. V. P. Eswaramurthy M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Government Arts College(Autonomous), Salem-636 007, India. Dr. P. Kamakkannan,M.C.A., Ph.D ., Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Government Arts College(Autonomous), Salem-636 007, India. Dr. V. Karthikeyani Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Government Arts College(Autonomous), Salem-636 008, India. Dr. K. Thangadurai Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College ( Autonomous ), Karur - 639 005,India. Dr. N. Maheswari Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of MCA, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM University, Kattangulathur, Kanchipiram Dt - 603 203, India. Mr. Md. Musfique Anwar B.Sc(Engg.) Lecturer, Computer Science & Engineering Department, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mrs. Smitha Ramachandran M.Sc(CS)., SAP Analyst, Akzonobel, Slough, United Kingdom. Dr. V. Vallimayil Ph.D., Director, Department of MCA, Vivekanandha Business School For Women, Elayampalayam, Tiruchengode - 637 205, India. Mr. M. Moorthi M.C.A., M.Phil., Assistant Professor, Department of computer Applications, Kongu Arts and Science College, India PremaSelvarajBsc,M.C.A,M.Phil Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science,KSR College of Arts and Science, Tiruchengode Mr. G. Rajendran M.C.A., M.Phil., N.E.T., PGDBM., PGDBF., Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Government Arts College, Salem, India. Dr. Pradeep H Pendse B.E.,M.M.S.,Ph.d Dean - IT,Welingkar Institute of Management Development and Research, Mumbai, India Muhammad Javed Centre for Next Generation Localisation, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland Dr. G. GOBI Assistant Professor-Department of Physics,Government Arts College,Salem - 636 007 Dr.S.Senthilkumar Post Doctoral Research Fellow, (Mathematics and Computer Science & Applications),UniversitiSainsMalaysia,School of Mathematical Sciences, Pulau Pinang-11800,[PENANG],MALAYSIA. Manoj Sharma Associate Professor Deptt. of ECE, PrannathParnami Institute of Management & Technology, Hissar, Haryana, India RAMKUMAR JAGANATHAN Asst-Professor,Dept of Computer Science, V.L.B Janakiammal college of Arts & Science, Coimbatore,Tamilnadu, India
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVE ENGINEERING (ISSN:2045-8711) VOL. 6 NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2016 IMPACT FACTOR: 0.61 Dr. S. B. Warkad Assoc. Professor, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India Dr. Saurabh Pal Associate Professor, UNS Institute of Engg. & Tech., VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, India Manimala Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation, St Joseph’s College of Engineering & Technology, Choondacherry Post, Kottayam Dt. Kerala -686579 Dr. Qazi S. M. Zia-ul-Haque Control Engineer Synchrotron-light for Experimental Sciences and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME),P. O. Box 7, Allan 19252, Jordan Dr. A. Subramani, M.C.A.,M.Phil.,Ph.D. Professor,Department of Computer Applications, K.S.R. College of Engineering, Tiruchengode - 637215 Dr. SeraphinChallyAbou Professor, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Depart. MEHS Program, 235 Voss-Kovach Hall, 1305 Ordean Court Duluth, Minnesota 55812-3042 Dr. K. Kousalya Professor, Department of CSE,Kongu Engineering College,Perundurai-638 052 Dr. (Mrs.) R. Uma Rani Asso.Prof., Department of Computer Science, Sri Sarada College For Women, Salem-16, Tamil Nadu, India. MOHAMMAD YAZDANI-ASRAMI Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Babol"Noshirvani" University of Technology, Iran. Dr. Kulasekharan, N, Ph.D Technical Lead - CFD,GE Appliances and Lighting, GE India,John F Welch Technology Center,Plot # 122, EPIP, Phase 2,Whitefield Road,Bangalore – 560066, India. Dr. Manjeet Bansal Dean (Post Graduate),Department of Civil Engineering,Punjab Technical University,GianiZail Singh Campus,Bathinda -151001 (Punjab),INDIA Dr. Oliver Jukić Vice Dean for education,Virovitica College,MatijeGupca 78,33000 Virovitica, Croatia Dr. Lori A. Wolff, Ph.D., J.D. Professor of Leadership and Counselor Education,The University of Mississippi,Department of Leadership and Counselor Education, 139 Guyton University, MS 38677
Contents Modeling Of Photovoltaic Cell and Study Partial Shading Effect Using Matlab/Simulink Anurag Rai, Bhoomika Awasthi, C. K. Dwivedi……….…………………………………….[378]
Modeling Of Photovoltaic Cell and Study Partial Shading Effect Using Matlab/Simulink Anurag Rai Department of Electronics & Communication, University of Allahabad Allahabad, India Email: Bhoomika Awasthi Department of Electronics & Communication, University of Allahabad Allahabad, India C. K. Dwivedi Department of Electronics & Communication, University of Allahabad Allahabad, India Abstract - The aim of this study is to develop a model for
PN junction fabricated on layer of semiconductor. When solar cell is exposed to light the electrical energy is produced by photoelectric effect. The voltage produced by a PV cell may vary from 0.6V to 0.8V depending on semiconductor material and technology used [6].
solar photovoltaic cell based on mathematical expression. The conventional single diode model for solar cell with series and shunt resistance is used for illustration. The effect of change in environmental condition like irradiance and temperature on output of photovoltaic module is shown. The effect of partial shading on photovoltaic module output is also considered. The photovoltaic module of 60 series connected cell is developed and the characteristic of proposed model is compared with the reference photovoltaic module. The solar system can also be modeled and simulate by using this model. Simulation was performed at each step using MATLAB/ Simulink software. Keywords- Photovoltaic cell, PV characteristic, partial shading, Matlab/ simulink.
1. INTRODUCTION Today there is a growing concern regarding demand of energy. Unarguably, Energy is required for all our basic needs whether it be for transportation, communication or even as simple as cooking food, lighting in homes. Fortunately, nature provided us with vast sources of energy like coal, oil, gas which could be later transformed into more desirable form of energy [1,2]. Past few decades has seen tremendous growth in both the population and industry, which in result have put enormous pressure on energy resources. The conventional energy resources mentioned above take thousands of years to replenish itself and the rate of consumption far exceeds the rate of replenishment. The need for energy is ever growing and thus it is important to look for alternatives as it has been speculated by scientists that the resources are going to run out in near future. Also the combustion of such fuels causes environmental hazards which are an even more serious concern [3-5]. In present time many renewable sources are available such as wind energy, solar energy, biomass energy etc. but solar energy is most popular among them. The solar energy is widely used because it is abundantly available almost everywhere and availability of technology i.e. solar photovoltaic (PV) cells which directly converts sunlight in to electrical energy. The energy produced by solar cell is proportional to intensity of sunlight. Solar cell is basically a 378
2. Mathematical Modeling of PV Cell In this research work includes the modeling of PV cell as well as PV module. The modeling is based on mathematical expression which was found from equivalent circuit of solar cell. The effect of parameter variation on output of PV module is also considered [7]. The developed model of PV module based on single diode model as shown in Fig.2. The simulation result was compared with characteristic of 250Watt standard solar PV module manufactured by TATA Power Solar. The available information from datasheet was used in simulation model. The specification and characteristic curve for various values of irradiance and temperature is shown in table I and Fig.1 respectively. The modeling and simulation was performed using Matlab/ Simulink software. TABLE I: Specification of TP250 PV module at STC [8] TP250 PV module Electrical parameter Nominal power output
250 W
Voltage at Pmax VMPP (V)
30.2 V
Current at PMax IMPP (I)
8.30 A
Open circuit voltage VOC (V)
37.30 V
Short circuit current ISC (I)
8.71 A
Fig. 1. Characteristic curve of TP250 at different irradiance and temperature
Fig. 3. Simulation model subsystem for diode current B. Determination of reverse saturation current
is diode reverse saturation current, it is temperature dependent current. The saturation current is cubic function of temperature, it can be expressed as in (4) . (4) is diode reverse saturation current at standard test Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of solar cell with
The solar PV cell can be consider as current source. The outputs current (I) can be determine from Fig. 2, as given in (1). The output current is proportional to irradiance, temperature and resistances. The output current mainly depends on photocurrent (Iph), Photocurrent increases with sun irradiance. The expression for output current (I) of solar cell from equivalent circuit in can be written as
condition (STC), is operating temperature (cell temp.) in , is standard temperature (25 ) in , is band gap energy its depends upon the used material. Fig. 6 represents simulation model of reverse saturation current [9].
(1) Here, = Output current or load current of PV cell, is Photocurrent generated by solar cell, is Diode forward current, is the shunt current flowing through resistance . Fig. 4. Simulation model for reverse saturation current
A. Determination of Diode forward current
Diode current current equation
can be determine by Shockley diode (2)
Here, is diode reverse saturation current, forward voltage on diode, is Ideality factor, voltage.
C. Determination of photocurrent
Photocurrent depends on irradiance and temperature. The relationship written as in (5). The simulation subsystem is shown in Fig. 5.
is applied is thermal
at 25 , is Boltzmann constant, is temperature of PV cell, , is charge on an electron.
= is actual Irradiance,
is irradiance at STC (1000 W/
m2), is short circuit current provided in datasheet, temperature coefficient of the short circuit current [10].
, from fig. 1(b)
Fig. 8. I-V Characteristic of PV module at different irradiance
Fig. 5. Simulation model for photocurrent D. Determination of Shunt current
Ish is shunt current for PV module is expressed as in (6). The simulation model for shunt current was shown in Fig. 6. The complete simulation model of solar PV module is shown in Fig.7. (8)
Fig. 9. P-V Characteristic of PV module at different irradiance
Fig. 6. Simulation model for shunt current
Fig. 10. I-V Characteristic of PV module at different temperature
Fig. 7. Simulation model for solar PV Module
A. Effect of Parameter Variation This study includes the analysis of environmental such as irradiance and temperature variation effect on output of solar PV module. B. Effect of Solar Irradiance Variation The photocurrent varies with irradiance, the simulation was performed or different values of irradiance (1000, 800, 600, 400 W/m2) at STC (Standard test condition). Fig. 8 and 9 shows I-V and P-V curve after simulation at different irradiance. The percentage change in short circuit current (Isc) is much more than the percentage change in Open circuit voltage (Voc).
Fig. 11. P -V Characteristic of PV module at different temperature
C. Effect of Temperature Variation The simulation was performed for different values of temperature (5, 25, 45, 65 ĚŠ C) at STC. Fig. 10 and 11 shows IV and P-V graph of simulation result for different cell temperature. The current Isc increases in very small amount but decrement in open circuit voltage VOC is considerable with increase in temperature.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND CREATIVE ENGINEERING (ISSN:2045-8711) VOL.6 NO.9 SEPTEMBER 2016, IMPACT FACTOR:0.61 3. Effect of Shading and Partial Shading The performance of PV module is adversely affected if illumination is not uniform. The PV cells are generally connected in series to form a PV module and in case of partial shading of PV module, the current is limited due to shaded cells and all cells connected in series are forced to carry minimum current even though only few cells or even one cell is shaded. The shaded cells gets reverse biased and act as a load which may cause hot spots to arise and PV cell might get damaged permanently. In this section the effect of shading and partial shading is shown by simulation. The simulation is performed under the following three conditions: no shading, uniform shading and partial shading. I-V and P-V graph of simulation result is shown in Fig.12 & 13 for the above mentioned condition. In no shading condition all 36 cell receive irradiance of 1000 W/m2 and shown by blue line in curve. In uniform shading, irradiance received by all cell is 700 W/m2 and it is shown by red color line. In case of partial shading only three cell are shaded and receives irradiance of 200 W/m2 and other cells are at irradiance of 900 W/m2, it is indicated by black line. It can be clearly seen that from simulation results, in partial shading condition, current is limited at minimum current produced by shaded cell. Bypass diodes are used to overcome the problem of hot spot that arises due to partial shading. Bypass diode provide path for current flow for shaded cells.
Fig. 12. I V plot for shading and partial shading
Fig. 12. P V plot for shading and partial shading
6. CONCLUSION The paper explains the modeling of solar PV cell based on mathematical expression. The single diode model is used for modeling. The step by step simulation is performed using blocks present in library. All simulation work is done in Matlab/ Simulink environment. The 250 Watt solar PV module is simulated at STC for varying environmental condition and simulation result is verified by reference PV module. The simulation results validate the proposed model. The effect of
partial shading without bypass diode is discussed. The simulation results show that current is reduced in very large amount due to partial shading. Methods to prevent losses from partial shading are mentioned. REFERENCES 1. Arsalan Nisar and CarlosRodrı´guez Monroy, “A review of the potential of renewable energy sources for the State of Jammu and Kashmir (India),” Energy Policy, vol. 39, pp. 6667–6671, 2011. 2. Souvik Sen, Sourav Ganguly, Ayanangshu Das, Joyjeet Sen and Sourav Dey, “Renewable energy scenario in India: Opportunities and challenges,” Journal of African Earth Sciences 2015. 3. P.R. Odell, “Why carbon fuels will dominate the 21st century’s global energy economy,” Energy Policy, vol. 33, pp. 2411-2412, 2005. 4. Sumedha Chakma, R. C. Vaishya, Alok Kumar Yadav and Pooja,” Assessment of Renewable Energy Potential in India: A Review”, IEEE conference 2012. 5. A. K. Singh and S. K. Parida, “Evaluation of current status and future directions of wind energy in India,” Clean Techn Environ Policy, vol. 15, pp. 643–655, 2013. 6. G. Walker, “Evaluating MPPT converter topologies using a Matlab PV model”, Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Australia, Vol. 21, No. 1. pp. 49-56, 2001. 7. I. H. Altas and A.M. Sharif, "A Photovoltaic Array Simulation Model for Matlab-Simulink GUI Environment," IEEE, Clean Electrical Power, International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (lCCEP '07), June 14-16, 2007, Ischia, Italy. 8., Tata solar photovoltaic module TP250 datasheet. 9. S. Nema, R.K.Nema, and G.Agnihotri, "Mat lab/simulink based study of photovoltaic cells/modules/array and their experimental verification," International Journal of Energy and Environment, pp.487- 500, Volume 1, Issue 3, 2010. 10. Tarak Salmi, Mounir Bouzguenda, Adel Gastli, Ahmed Masmoudi, " MATLAB/SIMULINK based modeling of solar photovoltaic cell", International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2012. 11. R. Ramaprabha and B. I. Mathur, “Impact of partial Shading on Solar pv Module Containing Series Connected Cells,” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 56-60,2007. 12. M. C. Alonso-Garcia, J. M. Ruiz and W. Herrmann, “Computer Simulation of Shading Effects in Photovoltaic Arrays,” Renewable Energy, pp. 1986-1993, 2006. 13. H. Patel and V. Agarwal, “Matlab-Based Modelling to Study the Effects of Partial Shading on pv Array Characteristics,” IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 302-310, 2008. 14. A. Kajihara and T. Harakawa, “Model of Photovoltaic Cell Circuits under Partial Shading,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, Hong Kong, 14-17 December 2005, pp. 886-870.
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