Top cited Network Security Articles- Part 1
International Journal of Network Security & Its Applications (IJNSA) ISSN 0974 - 9330 (Online); 0975 - 2307 (Print)
Citation Count – -51
The Internet of Things : New Interoperability, Management and Security Challenges Mahmoud Elkhodr, Seyed Shahrestani and Hon Cheung School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
ABSTRACT The Internet of Things (IoT) brings connectivity to about every objects found in the physical space. It extends connectivity to everyday objects. From connected fridges, cars and cities, the IoT creates opportunities in numerous domains. However, this increase in connectivity creates many prominent challenges. This paper provides a survey of some of the major issues challenging the widespread adoption of the IoT. Particularly, it focuses on the interoperability, management, security and privacy issues in the IoT. It is concluded that there is a need to develop a multifaceted technology approach to IoT security, management, and privacy.
KEYWORDS Internet of Things, Wireless Network, Security, Privacy, Management & Interoperability
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AUTHOR Mahmoud Elkhodr is with the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics at Western Sydney University (Western), Australia. He has been awarded the International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) and Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) in 2012-2015. Mahmoud has been awarded the High Achieving Graduate Award in 2011 as well. His research interests include: Internet of Things, e-health, Human Computer-Interactions, Security and Privacy. Dr. Seyed Shahrestani completed his PhD degree in Electrical and Information Engineering at the University of Sydney. He joined Western Sydney University (Western) in 1999, where he is currently a Senior Lecturer. He is also the head of the Networking, Security and Cloud Research (NSCR) group at Western. His main teaching and research interests include: computer networking, management and security of networked systems, analysis, control and management of complex systems, artificial intelligence applications, and health ICT. He is also highly active in higher degree research training supervision, with successful results. Dr. Hon Cheung graduated from The University of Western Australia in 1984 with First Class Honours in Electrical Engineering. He received his PhD degree from the same university in 1988. He was a lecturer in the Department of Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic from 1988 to 1990. From 1990 to 1999, he was a lecturer in Computer Engineering at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. He has been a senior lecturer in Computing at Western Sydney University since 2000. Dr Cheung has research experience in a number of areas, including conventional methods in artificial intelligence, fuzzy sets, artificial neural networks, digital signal processing, image processing, network security and forensics, and communications and networking. In the area of teaching, Dr Cheung has experience in development and delivery of a relative large number of subjects in computer science, electrical and electronic engineering, computer engineering and networking.
Citation Count –26
Wearable Technology Devices Security and Privacy Vulnerability Analysis Ke Wan Ching and Manmeet Mahinderjit Singh School of Computer Sciences,University Sains MalaysiaPenang, Malaysia
ABSTRACT Wearable Technology also called wearable gadget, is acategory of technology devices with low processing capabilities that can be worn by a user with the aim to provide information and ease of access to the master devices its pairing with. Such examples are Google Glass and Smart watch. The impact of wearable technology becomes significant when people start their invention in wearable computing, where their mobile devices become one of the computation sources. However, wearable technology is not mature yet in term of device security and privacy acceptance of the public. There exists some security weakness that prompts such wearable devices vulnerable to attack. One of the critical attack on wearable technology is authentication issue. The low processing due to less computing power of wearable device cause the developer's inability to equip some complicated security mechanisms and algorithm on the device. In this study, an overview of security and privacy vulnerabilities on wearable devices is presented. KEYWORDS Wearable Technology; Wearable Devices; GoogleGlass; Smartwatch
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Citation Count –15
Big Data Security and Privacy Issues in the CLOUD Ali Gholami and Erwin Laure High Performance Computing and Visualization Department, KTH- Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
ABSTRACT Many organizations demand efficient solutions to store and analyze huge amount of information. Cloud computing as an enabler provides scalable resources and significant economic benefits in the form of reduced operational costs. This paradigm raises a broad range of security and privacy issues that must be taken into consideration. Multi-tenancy, loss of control, and trust are key challenges in cloud computing environments. This paper reviews the existing technologies and a wide array of both earlier and stateofthe-art projects on cloud security and privacy. We categorize the existing research according to the cloud reference architecture orchestration, resource control, physical resource, and cloud service management layers, in addition to reviewing the recent developments for enhancing the Apache Hadoop security as one of the most deployed big data infrastructures. We also outline the frontier research on privacy-preserving data-intensive applications in cloud computing such as privacy threat modeling and privacy enhancing solutions.
KEYWORDS Cloud Security, Privacy, Trust, Big Data, Virtualization, Data Protection
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AUTHORS Ali Gholami is a PhD student at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His research interests include the use of data structures and algorithms to build adaptive data management systems. Another area of his research focuses on the security concerns associated with cloud computing. He is currently exploring strong and usable security factors to enable researchers to process sensitive data in the cloud. Professor Erwin Laure is Director of the PDC - Center for High Performance Computing Center at KTH, Stockholm. He is the Coordinator of the EC-funded "EPiGRAM" and "ExaFLOW" projects as well as of the HPC Centre of Excellence for Bio-molecular Research "BioExcel" and actively involved in major e-infrastructure projects (EGI, PRACE, EUDAT) as well as exascale computing projects. His research interests include programming environments, languages, compilers and runtime systems for parallel and distributed computing, with a focus on exascale computing.
Citation Count – 09
An Intelligent Classification Model for Phishing Email Detection Adwan Yasin and Abdelmunem Abuhasan College of Engineering and Information Technology, Arab American University, Palestine
ABSTRACT Phishing attacks are one of the trending cyber-attacks that apply socially engineered messages that are communicated to people from professional hackers aiming at fooling users to reveal their sensitive information, the most popular communication channel to those messages is through users’ emails. This paper presents an intelligent classification model for detecting phishing emails using knowledge discovery, data mining and text processing techniques. This paper introduces the concept of phishing terms weighting which evaluates the weight of phishing terms in each email. The pre-processing phase is enhanced by applying text stemming and WordNet ontology to enrich the model with word synonyms. The model applied the knowledge discovery procedures using five popular classification algorithms and achieved a notable enhancement in classification accuracy; 99.1% accuracy was achieved using the Random Forest algorithm and 98.4% using J48, which is –to our knowledge- the highest accuracy rate for an accredited data set. This paper also presents a comparative study with similar proposed classification techniques.
KEYWORDS phishing, data mining, email classification, Random Forest, J48.
For More Details : Volume Link :
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AUTHORS Adwan Yasin is an associate Professor, Former dean of Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of the Arab American University of Jenin, Palestine. Previously he worked at Philadelphia and Zarka Private University, Jordan. He received his PhD degree from the National Technical University of Ukraine in 1996. His research interests include Computer Networks, Computer Architecture, Cryptography and Networks Security. Abdelmunem Abuhasan is a Master student at the Arab American University with particular interests in computer security, web security and software engineering. He is working since ten years as the manager of software development department at the Arab American University. He holds a B.A. in Computer Science from the Arab American University.
Citation Count – 06
A Benchmark for Designing Usable and Secure Text-Based Captchas Suliman A. Alsuhibany Computer Science Department, College of Computer, Qassim University, Buridah, Saudi Arabia
ABSTRACT An automated public Turing test to distinguish between computers and humans known as CAPTCHA is a widely used technique on many websites to protect their online services from malicious users. Two fundamental aspects of captcha considered in various studies in the literature are robustness and usability. A widely accepted standard benchmark, to guide the text-based captcha developers is not yet available. So this paper proposes a benchmark for designing usable-secure text-based captchas based on a community driven evaluation of the usability and security aspects. Based on this benchmark, we develop four new textbased captcha schemes, and conduct two separate experiments to evaluate both the security and usability perspectives of the developed schemes. The result of this evaluation indicates that the proposed benchmark provides a basis for designing usable-secure text-based captchas.
KEYWORDS Text-Based CAPTCHA, security, usability, benchmark
For More Details : Volume Link :
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AUTHORS Suliman Alsuhibany, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Computer Science department and the head of the department at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. He received his PhD in information security from Newcaslte University, UK, and MSc in computer security and resilience from Newcastle University, UK.