Paper id 26201446

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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637

Anti Head Lice Ointment from Custard Apple Seed Oil V D Chitodkar1, R P S Srivastav2 Department of Chemical Engineering, MGM’s College of Engineering and Technology, Navi Mumbai. vdchitodkar@gmail.com1, rps_srivastava@yahoo.com2

Abstract - In Indian folk medicines various parts of custard apple tree have been used. This study is focused on the extraction of oil from custard apple seed and tested against head lices. The custard apple seeds contain 20% oil by weight. The oil was extracted from powdered seeds using organic solvent (Ethyl Acetate) at room temperature and concentrated by distillation process carried out at temperature higher than room temperature. The concentrate custard apple seed oil (CASO) blended with coconut oil and water to prepare ointment which was tested against head lice. Freshly prepared water base ointment(containing 20% custard apple seed oil by weight) kills about 90% head lices in three hours The same results shown by freshly prepared coconut oil base ointment (containing custard apple seed oil in ratio 1:1). The major component of oil is the oleic acid which kills the lices. The cream prepared remains stable for 6 months. As the ointment is cheaper and safe it may become an alternative therapy against head lice. Key Word: custard apple seed oil(CASO), Head lice 1. INTRODUCTION Custard apple (Binomial Name: Annona squamosa) plant is commonly found in India [5]. It is popularly known as ‘Sharifa’ or ‘sitafal’ in India. It is cultivated in all parts of India. The conical fruit, with a green knobby skin, is very sweet [4] and eaten fresh or can be used for milkshakes, ice- creams and even sherbets. The fruit is juicy and creamy-white and looks like a giant raspberry. This fruit contains large number of seeds [4]. In Indian folk medicine the various parts of the tree have been used to treat diabetes, ulcer, wound, dysentery and other ailments [5]. The grounded seeds can be applied on hair, to get rid of lice. However, make sure that it does not come in contact with eyes or else, it can irritate the eye, leading to blindness. Head lice are small parasite insect which causes health problem to human beings, especially in the poor sanitary areas. Growth of head lice on the scalp of girl is a often problem. It required a long term and costly treatment to remove head lice completely. The medicines available in the market are mostly having the chemical compositions in higher concentrations which may generate some other medical problems. The problem can be overcome by using some natural extract which are available easily, at cheaper rates, and more effective than the available medicines. The custard apple seed oil (CASO) is one of the alternatives for anti head lice activity. CASO extracted [1,2]by using organic solvent like Ethyl Acetate, Benzene, Methanol, etc. at room temperature and

concentrated by distillation process. The distillation process is carried out at the higher temperature depending on the boiling point of the solvent used. In Different weight percent CASO is mixed thoroughly with water to prepare water base anti head lice ointment[1,2]; and the same CASO blended with coconut oil in the different weight ratio to prepare coconut oil base anti head lice ointment. These ointments are then tested against head lices. CASO contents oleic acid and triglyceride with one oleate ester [1] 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1 Materials Custard Apple seed crush, Ethyl Acetate, Coconut Oil , Distilled Water, were used to prepare the anti head lice ointment; whereas the Dryer was used to remove the moisture from seed crush and Distillation assembly was used to concentrate the oil. 2.2 Extraction of oil The custard apple seed were crushed finely after removing the outer shells. This crush was kept in oven dryer to remove the moisture content of the seeds for three hours at 600C. Ethyl acetate was added to this crush in the ratio of 1:4(one part crushed seeds and four parts ethyl acetate by weight). The entire mixture was kept for a whole night(12 hours) and then stirred for an hour. The mixture of solids, oil and solvent was filtered to separate the insoluble solids from the mixture. The


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 filtrate was then distilled to separate the oil and solvent at 770C . Oil obtained as a residual product. 2.3 Preparation of Ointment Anti head lice ointment was prepared of two types; water based ointment [1] and coconut oil based ointment [1]. Both types of ointment were prepared in the different ratio of oil and base. Table 1: Proportion of water and custard apple seed oil in anti head lice ointment. Water (gm)

Custard apple seed oil (gm)





25.5 24

Table 3: % Head lice killed by water base ointment containing different amount of CASO. Custard apple seed oil (%)

Lices killed


Custard apple seed oil (gm)



















Table 2: Proportion of coconut oil and custard apple seed oil in anti head lice ointment. Coconut oil

liquid phase containing oil and solvent; which was distilled to separate the oil and solvent at 770 C. The solvent was obtained as distillate and oil as residue. The bottom product was heated in open pan so as to remove water content and solvent if any remaining with oil at 800C for about 30 minutes. With this pure oil the anti head lice ointment was prepared in the different proportions. The ointment was spread on the lices (sample size – 20 No) in the dish. After the application of ointment the lices were died with in three hour.


Custard apple seed oil (gm)







2.4Testing against head lice The prepared ointment was tested against head lice The head lices were placed in the dish containing the ointment prepared in various proportion and composition; and were observed continuously for three hours

3. RESULT & DISCUSSION The preliminary experiments prove that the custard apple seeds contain 20% oil by weight. By the material balance the amount of ethyl acetate for extraction of oil was calculated as 4 times as that of the oil (i.e. the oil to ethyl acetate ratio is 1:4). With the ethyl acetate the solid crush was kept for digestion for a night (12 hours) so that the entire amount of oil should comes from solid phase to the liquid phase. The entire mixture was stirred for an hour. The filtrate obtained now contents only



With the water base ointment the best results were obtained with the ointment containing 20% oil by weight. The least result was obtained with the least amount of oil containing ointment. The similar types of results were obtained with the coconut oil base ointment. Table 4: % Head lice killed by coconut oil base ointment containing different amount of CASO. Custard apple seed oil to coconut oil Ratio

Lices killed


Custard apple seed oil (gm)













Coconut oil


With coconut oil base ointment (1:5 Ratio) 50% head lice were killed. The maximum head lice were killed by the ointment containing CASO in the ratio of 1:1; it killed 90 % head lice with in three hour.


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 CASO contents oleic acid and triglyceride with one oleate ester. Oleic acid is one of the major chemical which may be used in many drugs. And the same component present in the CASO, which is responsible to kill the parasites (head lices) present on the human body. One has to take care that the ointment should not enter in the eyes which may causes the painful irritation, leading to blindness.


100 90


60 70




4. CONCLUSION % Head Lice killed

% Head Lice killed











REFERENCES W Gritsanapan 1; J Intaranongpai 1; W Chavasiri 2(2006): Active anti-head lice component from custard apple seed Planta Medica; 72 - S_006 [2] Tiangda CH.; Gritsanapan W.; Sookvanichsilp N.; Limchalearn A.;(2000): Anti-head lice activity of a preparation of Annona squamosa seed extract. Southeast Asian Journal Trop Med Public Health. ; 31 Suppl 1, pp174-177. [3] McCage C M.; Paling C A.; Flynn P J.; McLaughlin. ;( 2002): Development of paw paw shampoo for removal of head lice, Phytomedicine, 9, pp743-748. [4] Julia F Morton. Maimi F L.;(1987): Fruits of warm climates, pp 80-83. [5] Neha Pandey.; Dushant Barve.; (2011) International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences.;Vol.2(4).;pp1404-1412 [1]



C: Activity of coconut oil base ointment. Activity of Water base ointment.

The CASO can be extracted using Ethyl Acetate as extraction solvent It is used to prepare anti head lice ointment. The anti head lice ointment prepared from CASO may become one of the best natural alternative for the anti head lice ointments and shampoos (containing harmful chemicals) available in the market.


Graph 1: % Head lice killed v/s Gram of oil From the graph it is observed that both types of ointments (water base and coconut oil base) shows the same results. Both type of ointment are capable to kill 90% head lices within three hours. But the coconut oil based ointment required more amount of CASO as compared to water base ointment. So it is economical to use water base ointment. These ointments remains stable without loosing their anti head lice effect for six months if stored in cool and dry place.


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