International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637
SQRT CSLA with Less Delay and Reduced Area Using FPGA Shrishti khurana1, Dinesh Kumar Verma2 Electronics and Communication P.D.M College of Engineering, Abstract: Carry select adder (CSLA) is used to perform fast arithmetic operations in many data processing processors. It is also used in many computational systems to alleviate the problem of carry propagation delay by independently generating multiple carries and the select a carry to generate sum. Carry Select Adder consists of two ripple carry adder and multiplexer. This paper outlines the method to reduce the area and delay in the SQRT CSLA. Area and delay has been reduced by implying an efficient gate level modification. This paper has shown the comparison between 16, 32, 64 bit regular SQRT CSLA and 16, 32, 64 bit modified SQRT CSLA. The regular SQRT CSLA uses multiple pairs of Ripple carry adders to generate partial sum and carry by considering carry input Cin=0 and Cin=1, then the final sum and carry are selected by multiplexers and hence is not area efficient. In modified SQRT CSLA, Binary to Excess converter is used instead of RCA with cin=1 to achieve lower area and lower delay. Also, the performance of proposed designed is measured in terms of area, delay and synthesis are implemented in Xilinx ISE. The results analysis shows that the modified SQRT CSLA structure is better than the regular SQRT CSLA. Index terms:-field programmable logic device (FPGA), area efficient, CSLA, low delay. 1.
Reduced area and high speed data path logic systems are the main area of research in VLSI system design. In digital adder, the speed of addition is limited by the time require to propagate a carry through the adder. The sum for each bit position in an elementary adder is generated sequentially only after the previous bit position has be summed and carry propagate into next position.
multiplexer (MUX). Adding two n-bit number with a carry select adder is done with two ripple carry adders in order to perform calculation twice one time with the assumption of carry being zero and other assuming carry one, then the final sum and carry are selected by the multiplexer(MUX). However CSLA is not area efficient because it uses multiple pair of ripple carry adder (RCA).
Carry select adder (CSLA) is the fastest adder used in data processing process to perform arithmetic function. The carry select adder is classified as linear CSLA and square root (SQRT) CSLA .Linear CSLA is by chaining a number of equal length adder stages. For n-bit adder, it could be implemented with equal length of carry select adder. Linear CSLA does always have the best performance. SQRT CSLA is also known as nonlinear CSLA. It is constructed by equalizing the delay through two carry chains and the block multiplexer signal from previous stage. A CSLA has good performance in propagation delay especially the non-linear one, however it compensate with large area. The SQRT CSLA can be implemented in different length.
The basic idea of the work is to use binary to excess-1 converter (BEC) instead of RCA with cin=1 in regular CSLA to achieve lower area and lower delay[2]-[4]. The main advantage of this BEC logic comes from lesser number of logic gates.
The CSLA is used in many computational system to alleviate the problem of carry propagation delay by independently generating multiple carries and then select a carry to generate the sum [1]. It consists of two ripple carry adder (RCA) and a
This work in brief is structured as follows. Section II deals with the delay and area equivalent methodologies of the basic adder blocks. Section III deal with structures and functions of BEC logic. Section IV presents the architecture of the regular and modified SQRT CSLA. Section V implementation methodology and finally work is concluded section IV. 2.
DELAY AND AREA EQUIVALENT METHODOLOGY OF THE BASIC ADDER BLOCKS The AND, OR and Inverter (AOI) implement on the XOR gate. The delay area methodology all gates to be made up of AOI, each delay equal to 1 unit and area equal to 1 unit[5]. Add up the 94
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 numbers of gate in the longest path of logic that contribute maximum delay. The area evaluation is done by counting the total number of AOI required for each logic. Based on this approach the blocks of 2:1 MUX, half adder and full-adder are evaluated in table:-
Fig 2:- 4-bit BEC Fig1:-delay and area equivalent of an XOR gate Table 1:-delay and area count of the basic block of CSLA Adder block XOR 2:1 mux Half adder Full-adder 3.
Delay 3 3 3 6
Area 5 4 6 13
The basic work is to use binary to excess converter instead of the ripple carry adder. To replace the nbit RCA an n+1 bit BEC is required. The work is to use binary to excess-1 converter in the regular CSLA to achieve lower area, delay, and increase the speed of operation. The regular CSLA used 2 ripple carry one for cin=0 and another for cin=1. The cin=1 RCA is replaced by BEC. In fig show the basic function of the CSLA is obtained by using a 4-bit BEC .The Boolean expression of the 4-bit BEC is X0= ~B0 X1=B0^B1 X2=B2^(BO&B1)
1111 0000 Table 2:-function table of 4-bit BEC 4.
a) Regular 16 bit SQRT CSLA Carry select adder generally consist of two ripple carry adder one for cin=0 and another for cin=1. In fig we have shown the regular structure of 16-bit SQRT CSLA. Regular 16-bit SQRT CSLA uses multiple pairs of ripple carry adder by considering carry input cin=0 and other cin=1. For cin=0, we have used half adder and full adder and cin=1 used full adder. Regular 16-bit SQRT CSLA includes many ripple carry adders of variable sizes which are divided into groups. It has five groups of different size RCA. Fig 3 shows the regular structure of 16-bit SQRT CSLA. Group 1 contains 2-bit RCA which contains only one ripple carry adder which adds the input bits, input carry and result, sum and carry. The 2 bit input of A and B and 1 bit input is cin. The ripple carry adder adds the bits, it has used two fulladders. In regular CSLA there is only one RCA to perform addition of the least significant bits [1:0]. The remaining bits, the addition is performed by using a two ripple carry adders in order to perform calculation twice one time with the assumption of 95
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 carry being zero and other assuming carry one, then the final sum and carry are selected by the multiplexer (mux).
adder for the 1st bit of that RCA and another bits used full adder. The cin=1 used full adders. b) Modified 16 bit SQRT CSLA
Group 2 to group 5:- In a group, there are two RCA that receive the same data input but different cin. The upper adder for cin=0, the lower adder a cin=1. The cin=0, the sum and carry-out of the upper RCA selected and if cin=1, the sum and carry-out of the lower RCA is selected. The cin=0 used one half
The architecture is similar to regular 16-bit SQRT CSLA, the only change is that, it used binary to excess-1 converter(BEC) instead of RCA with cin=1 in the regular CSLA to achieve lower area delay and power consumption. The number of bits
Fig3:-architecture of regular 16 bit SQRT CSLA
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637
Fig 4 :-group 1 to 5 16 bit SQRT CSLA required for BEC is 1 bit more than the RCA bits .The modified SQRT CSLA is also divided into various groups. Each groups having the RCA, BEC and mux. The XOR gate in BEC of modified CSLA
is replaced with the optimize XOR gate in AOI. The optimize XOR gate is used in modified CSLA it is verify that large
Fig 5:-architecture of modified 16-bit SQRT CSLA
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 multiplexer(mux). The design code for the BEC was designed by using NOT, AND and XOR gates. c) Regular 32-bit SQRT CSLA The regular 32-bit SQRT CSLA is same as 16-bit CSLA, only the number of bits has increased. It consists of 8-block two RCA and one mux. It has 8 groups. The 5 groups are same as 16-bit CSLA. The 6 groups contain 7-bit [21:16], the group 7 contains 8-bit [28:22] and the group 8 contains 3 bit [31:29]. reduction in no of gates. The advantage of this BEC logic comes from lesser number of logic gates. It has 5 groups of different size RCA. Group 1 contains 2-bit RCA which contains only one ripple carry adder which adds the input bits, input carry and result, sum and carry. The 2 bit input of A and B and 1 bit input is cin. In modified CSLA there is only one RCA to perform addition of the least significant bits[1:0]. The remaining bits, the addition is performed by using a one ripple carry adder and binary to excess converter, then the final sum and carry are selected by the Fig 6:- group 2 to 5 of modified 16 bit SQRT CSLA
d) Modified 32-bit SQRT CSLA The modified 32-bit SQRT CSLA is same as regular, the only change is that used BEC instead of RCA with cin=1 in the regular CSLA to achieve lower area and delay. e) Regular 64-bit CSLA The 64-bit CSLA is same as 32-bit CSLA, only the number of bits is increased. It has 11 groups which consists of 3-block two
Table 3:-Area and delay of 16-b regular SQRT CSLA RCA and one mux [6]. The 8 groups are same as 32-bit CSLA, the 9 groups contain 9-bit [40:31], the group 10 contains 10 bit [51:41] and the group 11 contains 11 bit [63:52]. f) Modified 64-bit SQRT CSLA The modified 64-bit SQRT CSLA is same as regular, the only change is that used BEC instead of RCA with cin=1 in the regular CSLA to achieve lower area and delay. 5.
Table 4:-Area and delay of 16-b modified SQRT CSLA
The implementation design in this work has been stimulated using Verilog-HDL (modelsim). The adders of various size 16, 32 and 64 are designed and stimulate using modelsim. After stimulation the different size codes are synthesized using Xilinx ISE 14.4. The synthesized report contains area and delay values for different adders. Table 5:-Area and delay of 32-b regular SQRT CSLA
International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 REFERENCE
Table 6:-Area and delay of 32-b modified SQRT CSLA
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Table 7:-Area and delay of 64-b regular SQRT CSLA
Table 8:-Area and delay of 64-b modified SQRT CSLA 6.
A simple approach is proposed in this paper to reduce the area and delay of SQRT CSLA. The compared results show the modified SQRT CSLA has less delay and reduce area. The reduction in number of gates is obtained by simply replacing the RCA with BEC in the structure. The modified CSLA architechure is therefore low area, less delay, simple and efficient for VLSI hardware implementation. It would be interested to test the design of the modified 128-b SQRT CSLA.