Paper id 26201473

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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637

The Evaluation of Performance of Wireless Sensors Networks Priyanka1, Yogesh Juneja2 Electronics and communication1, 2, PDM college of Engg1, 2 Email: pbhardwaj45@gmail.com1 , yogeshjunejaer@gmail.com2

Abstract- For optimized working of network many routing algorithms have been proposed, mainly focusing energy efficiency, network lifetime, clustering processes. Considering homogeneity of network, we proposed Energy Efficient Sleep Awake Aware (EESAA) intelligent routing protocol for WSNs. In EESAA unstable region starts very later as compare to other protocols. Results show that in EESAA nodes die at a constant rate. In this paper performance of clustering algorithms on the basis of stability period, network life time and throughput for WSNs is evaluated. This observation depicts that in EESAA (Energy Efficient Sleep Awake Aware) energy dissipation is properly distributed among all the nodes in the network which in result increases network lifetime. In EESAA nodes also switches between sleep and active modes in order to minimize energy consumption.

Index Terms- EESAA, WSN, ADC 1. INTRODUCTION The main problem in wireless communication networks is the field nodes (mobile or stationary) are battery resource constrained. Consider a situation of multi-hop wireless communication in a sensor network in which the information from a node is transferred to the base station using ad hoc multi hop network. That is, the sensed information from a field sensor node is forwarded by multiple intermediate nodes until information reaches the base station. Wireless sensor networks are attracting great interest in a number of application do-mains concerned with monitoring and control of physical phenomena, as they enable dense and effective deployments at low cost. Advancement in technologies devices, many opportunities for efficient usage of resources in critical atmospheres. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) brought a revolutionary change in this context [2]. Gathering and delivering of useful information to the destination, became able with advent of this technology. Applications like battlefield surveillance, smart office, traffic monitoring and etc, can be well monitored through such schemes.

2. WIRELESS SYSTEM There are four basic components that can be found in all sensor nodes. These components are: a power unit, a processing unit, a sensing unit and a transceiver. Some sensor nodes also contain optional components such as a location finding system, a mobilizer or a power generator. Fig. 1 shows the basic components. The power unit is very important in a sensor node. It is responsible for providing all of the other units with energy so that the node can perform its functions. A

power generator or power scavenging unit can support the power unit. Solar cells could be used as power scavenging units.

Fig. 1 The basic components of a sensor node.

The power unit is very important in a sensor node. It is responsible for providing all of the other units with energy so that the node can perform its functions. A power generator or power scavenging unit can support the power unit. Solar cells could be used as power scavenging units. Clustering algorithms like LEACH, and DEEC [3,4] for sensor networks have achieved reasonable goals regarding better performance of networks. The processing unit consists of a processor and some storage or memory. This unit is responsible for managing the tasks of the sensor unit. The sensing unit generally consists of a sensor and an analogue to digital converter (ADC). The ADC converts the analogue data from the sensor to digital data that can be processed by the processor. The transceiver connects the sensor node to the network[6]. The


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 transceiver can use either radio frequency (RF) or optical communications, such as infrared, to wirelessly connect to the network. Various performance parameters are: 2.1 Scalability WSNs can consist of anything from a few nodes to a few thousand nodes. Therefore a WSN routing protocol has to be scalable. An important factor that influences the scalability of a routing protocol is the network structure. A flat network structure was chosen for EESAA due to the fact that it scales better than a hierarchical network structure. 2.2 Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency in a WSN concerns prolonging the lifetime of the network as a whole, by prolonging the lifetime of each individual node. The goal is to have the energy of all of the nodes in the network decrease at more or less the same rate. If some nodes deplete their energy sources sooner than other nodes, the network might become partitioned. To ensure that nodes survive for as long as possible, EESAA implements some design strategies[5]: The protocol is source initiated: This eliminates the need for the sink to flood an interest for data through the network and therefore reduces the number of messages that are transmitted by individual nodes. The protocol uses event-driven reporting: Nodes only transmit data when new data is observed. New data depends on the application of the network. Sensor nodes could be placed in an environment where sensed data below a certain threshold is not of importance. New data in such an application would be data above the specified threshold. Data is routed along a single path, which is dynamically established: Every time a node needs to send data, it selects one neighbour to send the data to. The neighbour is selected based on the neighbour’s hop count and available energy. The routing protocol is computationally simple: The method for selecting the next hop neighbour does not require complex rules or expressions to be evaluated. 2.3 Simplicity The goal of simplicity has two aspects, namely computational simplicity and implementation simplicity. Computational simplicity is achieved by not requiring nodes to do any complex computations during any part of the protocol operation. Implementation simplicity is achieved by making the operation of the protocol easy to understand, so that it can be applied to nodes without difficulty. 2.4 Practicality The goal of practicality sets EESAA apart from most protocols in the literature. Practicality is achieved by

designing the protocol such that it functions without dependencies on node capabilities or network layout. EESAA does not require nodes to have specific capabilities, such as GPS positioning, dual transceivers or variable transmit power in order to function. The protocol also functions regardless of the network layout. 3. SIMULATION RESULTS The Energy Efficient Sleep Awake Aware (EESAA) Routing Protocol is present. Simulation is presented using Matlab for analyzing the performance of EESAA protocol. Displayed equations should be numbered consecutively, with the number set flush right and enclosed in parentheses. The equation numbers should be consecutive within the contribution. The analysis of the Energy Efficient Sleep Awake Aware (EESAA) Routing Protocol is shown below: Table 1- Different design parameters

Design Parameters

Chosen Values

Network size

100m * 100m

Initial Energy

.5 J


.1 J

Data Aggregation Energy cost

50pj/bit j

Number of nodes


Packet size

4000 bit

Transmitter Electronics (EelectTx) Receiver Electronics (EelecRx) Transmit amplifier

50 nJ/bit 50 nJ/bit 100 pJ/bit/m2

(Eamp) EESAA Routing Protocol analysis with 2000 rounds We examine the way the number of alive nodes varies as network evolves. In Fig. 2 it is depicted that EESAA has a prolong stability period. In EESAA first node dies around 1800 round. From Fig.3 we notice that the first node dies around 1700 and last node dies after 4000 rounds. This shows that in EESAA instable region starts very later as compare to other protocols. Fig 5 also shows that EESAA nodes die at a constant rate. This observation depicts that in EESAA energy dissipation is properly distributed among all the nodes in the network which in result increases network lifetime. EESAA efficient CHs selection algorithm helps it in better and constant data rate transmission to BS. Although EESAA has sleep-awake policy for


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 nodes and less number of data is transmitted to BS. Other main reason of higher data rate achievement is longer network life time of EESAA. Main focus was to enhance cluster-head selection process. In EESAA, CHs ale selected on the basis of remaining energy. In EESAA nodes also switches between sleep and active modes in order to minimize energy consumption. In our proposed strategy, stability period of network and life time has been optimized.

Fig. 4 Alive Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 rounds

Fig. 2 Advance Network Coupling Model with 2000 rounds

The performance of Energy Efficient Sleep Awake Aware (EESAA) Routing Protocol, with 2000 rounds and 100 nodes. Fig. 2 shows the Advance Network Coupling Model with 2000 rounds. Fig. 3 demonstrates the Dead Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 rounds. Fig. 4 depicts the Alive Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 rounds. Fig. 5 shows the Packet to BS Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 round. Fig. 6 Depicts, the Count of Cluster Head per round for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 round

Fig. 5 Packet to BS Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 round

Fig. 3 Dead Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 rounds

Fig. 6 Count of Cluster Head per round for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 2000 round


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.6, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 EESAA Routing Protocol analysis with 3000 rounds In this example, we analysis the performance of Energy Efficient Sleep Awake Aware (EESAA) Routing Protocol with 3000 rounds and 100 nodes. Fig. 7 shows the Advance Network Coupling Model with 3000 rounds. Fig. 8 demonstrates the Dead Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 rounds. Fig. 9 depicts the Alive Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 rounds. Fig. 10 shows the Packet to BS Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 round. Fig. 11 depicts the Count of Cluster Head per round for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 round.

Fig. 10 Packet to BS Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 round

Fig. 11 Count of Cluster Head per round for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 round Fig. 7 Advance Network Coupling Model with 3000 rounds

4. CONCLUSION In this paper, a more optimized routing scheme for WSNs. Main focus is to enhance cluster-head selection process. In EESAA, CHs selected on the basis of remaining energy. In EESAA nodes also switches between sleep and active modes in order to minimize energy consumption. In our proposed strategy, stability period of network. Simulation results show that there is significant improvement in all these parameters when compared with some of the existing routing protocols.

Fig. 8 Dead Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 rounds

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Fig. 9 Alive Nodes for 100݉ × 100݉ Network with 100 nodes with 3000 rounds

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