Paper id 28201413

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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.8, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637

Traffic Light Control System using 434 MHz Radio Frequency M. H. A. Ilmudin1, N. M. Z. Hashim2, A. S. Ja’afar3, A. Salleh4, A. Jaafar5, M. F. M. Sam6 Centre for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI), Faculty of Electronic and Computer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , Faculty of Technology Management & Entrepreneurship 6, University Teknikal Malaysia Engineering 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Melaka (UTeM), Hang Tuah Jaya 76100, Durian Tunggal, Melaka, Malaysia 1 2 Email: hakim.mohd90@gmailcom , ,,,, Abstract- Traffic congestion problem is the phenomena which contributed a huge obstacle to the transportation system. This will cause many problems mainly when there are emergency cases at traffic light intersections which are always busy and jammed with many vehicles. This situation becomes more crucial when special routing is not provided for the emergency vehicles such as ambulance, patrol car and fire truck when red sign light. To overcome this situation, a traffic light controller system for emergency vehicle using 434 MHz Radio and Programmable Integrated Circuit (PIC) is designed to help traffic control and also other road users when emergency situation occurs. The system works when an emergency vehicle approaching the traffic light intersections, the emergency vehicle will send a signal via dedicated device to the receiver at traffic light. The receiver or controller receives emergency signals; it changes the traffic red light to green light in a specific duration of time. This system will help to reduce accidents which happen at the traffic light intersections because of other vehicle had to huddle for given route to emergency vehicle. The traffic light control system for emergency vehicle using radio frequency (RF) assisted the emergency vehicle to cross at the intersection of traffic light. In the future, the development of this system can be improved by analyzing the stability of Radio Frequency system e.g. frequency range and can be developed for real traffic light system. Index Terms- PIC 16F877A, Radio Frequency (RF), Sequence Control, Traffic Light 1. INTRODUCTION Traffic light system is built to avoid road accidents that occur at major intersections. The systems of traffic lights at every intersection to some extent interfere with emergency vehicles to move smoothly into the emergency area (Azwan et al. 2008). To overcome this situation, RF signal is used to control traffic light system when emergency vehicle approaching the traffic light. The development of the proposed traffic light control system using RF signal consist transmitter and receiver. In addition RF signal is proposed due to fact that RF signal can cover large area and more reliable. Besides that, transmitter will send data or message to trigger the emergency mode for traffic light system, the receiver will capture those signal and send it to Programmable Integrated Circuit (PIC) (Vlad et al. 2008; Woodbridge et al. 2010; Zhang and Yan 2009). PIC16F877A will trigger the emergency mode sequence when it received RF signal from the emergency vehicle and change back to normal mode sequence. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Intelligent traffic light to recognize vehicles in emergencies and give them priority and let them pass the signals as early as possible by using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) (Talluri and Kumar M 2013). The system was installed in vehicles of any government higher officials, ambulances or any others

or whom time is critical. Every time a vehicle with emergency enters a road blocked with many other vehicles on the road with the RFID card is taken out, the signal lights in that lane are given to the green signal. They are maintained green signal till it reaches the required opposite lane. An intelligent ambulance and traffic control shown the unique feature which is very useful to ambulance drivers to take an alternate route in case of congestion (Kale and Dhok 2013). The various performance evaluation criteria are average waiting time, average distance traveled by vehicles, switching frequency of green light at a junction, efficient emergency mode operation and satisfactory operation of SMS using GSM Mobile (Chavan, Deshpande, and Rana 2009). The traffic light system using Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) was dynamically adaptive to traffic conditions on both single and multiple intersections (Shruthi and Vinodha 2012). An intelligent traffic light controller system with a new method of vehicle detection and dynamic traffic signal time manipulation is used in the project. The project uses fuzzy logic to define the direction of emergency vehicles to avoid collisions. Intelligent Traffic Lights Based on RFID with this system considered the priority of different type of vehicles and also considers the density of traffic on the roads by installing RF reader on the road intersections. Radio frequency identification is a


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.8, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 technique that uses the radio waves to identify the object uniquely (Singh, Kumar, and Kaur 2012). Under the proposed work, each intersection contains 8 RFID readers. The road was divided into two lanes. Each lane has its RFID reader to track the vehicles passing through it. Each intersection point has its own database to store the information regarding the vehicles that passed from it with timestamp and traffic light. Every vehicle has a RFID enabled device that stores a vehicle identification number (VIN). Traffic Light Priority Control for Emergency Vehicle Using RFID with standard traffic control systems provided an efficient time management scheme, in which a dynamic time schedule is worked out in real time for the passage of each traffic column (Sharma 2013). An algorithm for the control of the traffic sequence that can change dynamically the priority and easy to implement is written to facilitate the efficient traffic control at certain junction. As the target of the proposed system to be achieved, the system is to be analyzed in the range of RF frequency and to be designed in an emergency mode for traffic light when emergency vehicle approaching and to prevent from emergency vehicle crash.

3.2. System Block Diagram The block diagram of this system is shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The block diagram is divided into several parts which are RF transmitter, receiver and embedded system PIC microcontroller.

Fig.1. Transmitter Module

Fig. 2. Receiver Module 3.2.1.



Encoder is a device that encode the information in particular way such as compressing, converting or secure it in a different format.

3.1. System Flow Chart



Case study

Research a journal about traffic light control system for traffic light control system using Radio Frequency (Hashim and Arifin 2013; Hashim and Mohamed 2013; Hashim, Mohamad, et al. 2013). 3.1.2.

Component consideration

The component must be chosen properly before it will proceed to design process. If the component is not compatible due to disadvantages, then it will go back to the consideration component process again (Hashim, Halim, et al. 2013).


Decoder is a devide that decode the information from encoder, decoder will remove the information from previously encode state and return to its original format. 3.2.3.

RF Transmitter and Receiver Module

A radio frequency transmitter and receiver module will be used in the circuit to implement wireless communication for this system. 3.2.4.

Embedded Microcontroller

The circuit of this system is designed and constructed roughly using the entire chosen component during this phase. The components are assembled on a breadboard to ensure that the circuit work properly.

PIC 16F877A, a 40 pins PIC will be used to operate the end device system since it has many port and mostly important is support UART features (Hashim and Hamdan 2013; Hashim, Ali, Salleh, et al. 2013; Hashim, Halim, et al. 2013; Hashim, Husin, et al. 2013; Hashim, Ibrahim, Saad, et al. 2013; Hashim, Ibrahim, Zakaria, et al. 2013; Hashim, Jaafar, Zakaria, et al. 2013).




Design circuit

Simulate design

After done all drawing, assemble and analysis process, the complete design can be seen using a Proteus software. The completed design must be rechecked so that the defect in the design can be reconsidered. If there is a defect, it must return back to configuration design process.

This system consists of two part, the first part is Radio Frequency (RF) Transmitter circuit. The function of Radio Frequency (RF) Transmitter circuit is to overide the system of traffic light. The second part is Radio Frequency (RF) Receiver circuit. The


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.8, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 function of Radio Frequency (RF) receiver is receive the data from transmitter and change the sequence of traffic light system according to transmitter.

4.1. Radio Frequency (RF) Transmitter circuit The transmitter consist of a Radio Frequency module, PIC 16F877A, six push button and two LED indicator. The connection of circuit was shown in Fig. 3.

4.3. Push Button Switch A set of four push Button switches is used in the RF transmitter circuit. Each switch labeled with number 1, 2, 3 and 4 to indicate which traffic light at the intersection. These switch need to be push (switch on) in order to trigger the emergency sequence mode of the traffic light intersection (Van Gulik and Vlacic 2002). The other switch is reset button and on/off button.

Fig. 5. A set of six push button switch Fig. 3. RF transmitter circuit 4.4. The Normal Sequence 4.2. Radio Frequency (RF) Receiver The receiver consist of Radio Frequency module, PIC 16F877A, two push buttons and two LED indicators.The sequence of the traffic lights is generated by the PIC. A LED is connected to PIC 16F87a, PIC will decode the data from transmitter. When the data was received from transmitter, PIC will decode the data that which button is transmitted from transmitter. The connection of the circuit was shown in Fig. 4.

The sequence of traffic lights started as green light of traffic light 1 and red light for others traffic light. The duration for each traffic light is 30 seconds only unless the Radio Frequency (RF) receiver received any signal from transmitter, it will trigger the emergency mode for traffic light.

Table 1. Truth table for first 10 second of the sequence Traffic Light 1 2 3 4




0 1 1 1

0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0

Fig. 4. RF receiver and PIC


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.8, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 traffic light. For example, an ambulance arrives at the traffic light 4 and the green light of the traffic light 1 is on.

Fig. 6. The green light of traffic light 1 is on for 10 seconds Then, the green light of traffic light 1 is off and the next sequence for traffic light 2 will change to green light. Fig. 8. The green light of traffic light 1 is on Table 2. Truth table when the yellow light of traffic light 1 is on Traffic Light 1 2 3 4




1 0 1 1

0 0 0 0

0 1 0 0

When the push-on button no.4 is turned on, the RF receiver received the transmitted signal and changed the sequence to the emergency sequence mode. The emergency sequence mode started when the yellow of traffic light 1 is on for 2 seconds. Then the green of traffic light 4 is on.

Fig. 7. The yellow light of traffic light 1 is on for 10 seconds Next, the sequence turned on the green light of traffic light 3 and the red light of other traffic light for duration of 30 seconds. The same result happened to the traffic light 4 and traffic light 1 after an interval of the yellow light of each traffic light is on for 2 seconds. The microcontroller will keep repeating this sequence of the traffic light unless the emergency sequence is triggered.

Fig. 9. The green light of traffic light 4 is on for 10 second The emergency sequence mode is ended when the reset button being push, then the sequence of the traffic light is back to the normal sequence which the green light of traffic light 1 is turned back on for the remaining time before the emergency sequence mode is triggered.

4.5. The Emergency Mode sequence The emergency mode is triggered when the RF receiver received the transmitted signal from the RF transmitter to override the normal sequence of the


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.2, No.8, June 2014 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 radio frequency modular is quite disturbed at outdoor places different from indoor places. 5. CONCLUSION

Fig. 10. The sequence of the traffic light is back to normal

In conclusion, traffic light control system for emergency vehicle using radio frequency (RF) facilitate emergency vehicle to cross at the intersection of traffic light. This system implementing radio frequency (RF) as the medium for emergency vehicle communicate with traffic light system. This system can solve the problem for emergency vehicle when approaching traffic light with ease. In the future this prototype can be improved by upgrading the range of radio frequency can transmitted and applied this system to real traffic light system. Acknowledgments

4.6. The range of Radio Frequency (RF) transmit data can receive The range of transmitter has been analyzed in outdoor and indoor places as to study the effectiveness of using RF in our study. Table 3. Outdoor Range Measurement Range Data transmit 5m Yes 10 m Yes 15 m Yes 20 m Yes 25 m No 30 m No 35 m No 40 m No From the Table 3 the transmit data only can receive until the range of 20 m, the range that beyond than 20 m the receiver cannot receive data from transmitter. Table 4. Indoor Range Measurement Range Data transmit 5m Yes 10 m Yes 15 m Yes 20 m Yes 25 m Yes 30 m Yes 35 m No 40 m No From the Table 4 the transmit data only can receive until the range of 30 m and the range beyond than that the receiver will not receive the data from transmitter. From the observation of the result, regular

We are grateful to Centre for Telecommunication Research and Innovation (CeTRI) and Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) through PJP/2013/FKEKK (47B)/S01274 for their kind and help for supporting financially and supplying the electronic components and giving their laboratory facility to complete this study. REFERENCES [1] Azwan, Mohd et al. 2008. “A Hardware Based Approach in Designing Infrared Traffic Light System.” In International Symposium on Information Technology, 2008, , 2–6. [2] Chavan, Shilpa S, R S Deshpande, and J G Rana. 2009. “Design of Intelligent Traffic Light Controller Using Embedded System.” In Second International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, , 1086–91. [3] Van Gulik, J, and L Vlacic. 2002. “Intersection Priority System.” In The IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent TRansportation Systems, Singapore, 572–75. [4] Hashim, N M Z, N A Ibrahim, N M Saad, et al. 2013. “Barcode Recognition System.” International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS) 2(4): 278–83. [5] Hashim, N M Z, N M T N Ibrahim, Z Zakaria, et al. 2013. “Development New Press Machine Using Programmable Logic Controller.” International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science (IJECS) 2(8): 2310–14. [6] Hashim, N M Z, N A Ali, A Salleh, et al. 2013. “Development of Optimal Photosensors Based Heart Pulse Detector.” International Journal of


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