Paper id 36201535

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International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.6, June 2015 E-ISSN: 2321-9637

Cost Analysis of a Two-Unit Standby Industrial System with Varying Demand Rachna Khurana1, A.K.lal2, S.S. Bhatia3, R.K.Tuteja4 School of Mathematics and Computer Applications, Deptt. Of Mathematics, Thapar University, Patiala, Punjab – 1470041,2,3, Mahrishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India4. Email: rkhuranaa@yahoo.com1, aklal@thapar.edu2, ssbhatia@thapar.edu3, Abstract: In this paper we develop a stochastic model for two-unit standby system by making one or both the units operative depending upon the load/demand. The system under consideration is assumed to have two shifts of working and whole system undergoes for scheduled preventive/corrective maintenance before starting the second shift. Mathematical formulation of the problem determining the transition probabilities of various states are developed considering two types of failure for each unit (Type -I which has no standby and the Type - II which has standby). Various reliability metrics such as MTSF, availability, busy period and profit have been discussed for measuring the system effectiveness by using semi-Markov process and regenerative point technique. The proposed model is finally applied to rice manufacturing plant as a case study. Index Terms: Availability, Busy Period, MTSF, Regenerative point technique, Semi-Markov Process Nakagawa, Kumar and Agarwal, Sridharan and Mohanavadivu [4,6,10] studied the stochastic behaviour of a 1. INTRODUCTION two-unit cold standby redundant system. Goel et al.[2] and The reliability of the system is an important Khaled et al.[3] also studied two unit standby systems. Goel parameter which measures the quality of its consistence performance over its expected life span. With the development of modern technology and the world economy, et al.[1] discussed the reliability analysis of a system with the reliability problem of a system attracts imperative preventive maintenance and two types of repair. Rander et attentions. As the systems are becoming more complex and al.[8] studied a system with two types of repairmen with the corrosion over a period of time is a natural phenomenon, imperfect assistant repairman and perfect master repairman. the maintenance of system in terms of periodic inspection, Taneja et al.[11] collected the real data on failure and repair repairs and replacements play an important role in keeping rates of 232 programmable logic controllers (PLC) and their performance satisfactory. The effectiveness of the discussed reliability and profit analysis of a system which system depends on its reliability indices, such as mean time consists of one main unit (used for manufacturing) and two to system failure (MTSF), availability and busy period of PLCs (used for controlling). Initially, one of the PLCs is repairman. The research as a result lacks a balance between operative and the other is hot standby. Tuteja et al.[12] modeling and its practical applications to industries. Since discussed the cost benefit analysis of two server two unit the reliability is the mathematical representation of failure warm standby system with different types of failure. The cost mechanism for the systems in terms of differential equations, analysis of a two-unit cold standby system subject to therefore the model embedded with real failures of the degradation, inspection and priority has been analyzed by industry is quite helpful from application point of view. Kumar et al [5]. Shakuntla et al.[9] discussed the availability Several research works on various types of systems of a rice industry. Wang Z et al.[13] analyzed the reliability such as standby, redundant etc. have been carried out in of systems with common cause failure under random load. literature but the standby systems have attracted the Recently, Wu and Wu [7] studied reliability analysis of twoimperative attention of many scholars and reliability unit cold standby repairable systems under poisson shocks. engineers for their applicability in their respective fields. In In the research mentioned above on standby systems, it the era of was found that their analysis for system reliability are based emerging new technologies, competition and complexity, the on the various hypothetical failure and repair situations and concept of reliability and availability significantly affect the assumed numerical values. However, no satisfactory work output that a manufacturer gets from his industry. One can has been carried out for varying demand of system in the easily achieve maximum reliability of the system by using field of reliability. There may be different situations standby component. For this purpose, one should have the depending upon demand/load. Incorporating this situation, knowledge which component of the system is more sensitive, we present a new contribution and motivation in the present depending on that one can mend the system or that particular paper to the reliability literature in terms of real case study of component. Modelling and analysis of these interesting areas an industry in which a two-unit stand by system with varying need to be explored further in terms of real industrial demand has been analyzed. We have proposed a model which applications. analyzes mean time to system failure (MTSF), availability of Standby systems have been widely studied in the system and cost benefit. This type of model can be literature of reliability due to their frequent use in modern applied to any industries where standby systems are used. business and industries. Several authors such as Osaki and


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.6, June 2015 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 The proposed is finally applied to a rice manufacturing plant which converts paddy into rice. This paper has been organised as follows: In Section 2 a brief description of a rice manufacturing system is presented. The various notations and assumptions of two-unit standby system are also discussed in this section. The mathematical formulation for stochastic model determining, transition probabilities and mean sojourn times, are developed in Section 3. This section also deals with the formulation of Mean Time to System Failure, busy period analysis. In Section 4, we discuss methodologies to compute various reliability metrics. Certain conclusions based on the present study are finally drawn in Section 5. SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS AND NOTATIONS In this system, it is assumed that one or both the units are made operative depending on the demand. Each unit has two types of failure-one due to failure of the component having no standby which is referred as Type –I failure and the second due to failure of any other component having its standby referred as Type – II failure. The processing done on each of the components of the unit before the component with no standby is transferable to the corresponding component of the other unit. But the processing in pending due to failure is completed only on the concerned unit after that component is repaired. Various measures for the effectiveness of the system such as mean time to system failure (MTSF) and availability are obtained assuming exponential distribution for failure time and taking arbitrary distribution for repair times. The model thus developed will be applied to a rice manufacturing plant as a good example of the present system model. This plant has two units which are made operative depending upon demand. Both the systems are of eight ton capacity. The system under investigation considers the situation where the system has two shifts of working and before starting the second shift the whole system undergoes for scheduled preventive/corrective maintenance. Either one or both the units of this system is made operative depending on the demand. As mentioned above each unit maintains two types of failures, Type-I failure is due to the component color sorter and Type-II failure is due to failure of any of the following components of unit i.e. paddy separator, husker, destoner, polisher. The processing done on each of the components of the unit before the component colour sorter is transferable to the corresponding component of the other unit but the processing pending due to failure of colour sorter is completed only on the concerned unit after it is repaired. The system is observed at suitable regenerative epochs by using regenerative point technique. As shown in Fig.1 the states occurring in this bracket

O : Operative unit

F r 1 : Unit is under repair which fails due to Type – I failure : Unit is under waiting for repair which fails due to

F w r1

Type -I failure : Repair is continuing from previous state of Type -I

FR 1


F r 2 : Unit is under repair which fails due to Type - II Fw r 2

Type -I failure : Repair is continuing from previous state of Type -


{S ( B , B ) , S ( B , B ) , S ( B , B ) , S ( B F 0









r 1 , B0


) , S4 ( B Fr 2 , B0 ) , S5 ( Bo p , B0 )}

are regenerative states. However, the states which are failed and non-regenerative are presented in this bracket

{S ( BF 6

R 1 , BFWR 1

) , S ( BF 7

R 1 , BFW r1

), S ( BF 8


) (

, BFW r 2 , S9 BFR 2 , BFW r1

. Following notations are used through the paper: s : Standby unit



failure : Unit is under waiting for repair which fails due to


λ1 λ2 γ1 γ2

II failure : Type - I failure rate : Type -II failure rate

i (t )

: Rate at which system is made operative from rest : Rate at which system is made at rest from operative state : p.d.f of time to complete pending process of


material at colour sorter. : Probability that after repair unit needs not to be


made operative depending upon demand : Probability that after repair unit is made operative


j (t )

depending upon demand : Probability density function (p.d.f.) of first passage time from a regenerative state i to a regenerative state j or to a failed state j without visiting any other regenerative state in (0, t].

Qi j ( t )

: cumulative distribution function (c.d.f) of first

G1 ( t )

passage time from a regenerative state i to a regenerative state j or to a failed state j without visiting any other regenerative state in (0, t]. : c.d.f.. of the repair time of unit for Type – I failure

g1 ( t ) : p.d.f. of the repair time of unit for Type - I H1 (t )

failure : c.d.f. of time to make operative state

h1 ( t )

stand by (as per demand) : p.d.f of time to make operative state

stand by (as per demand) H 2 ( t ) : c.d.f. of time to make stand by state operative (as per demand) h2 ( t ) : p.d.f of time to make stand by state

pi j

operative (as per demand) : Transition probability from state ‘i’ to state ‘j’


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.6, June 2015 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 pi j ( k ) : Transition probability from state ‘i’ to state ‘j’ ©

via state ‘k’ : Symbol for Laplace convolution

: unconditional mean time taken by the system to transit for any regenerative state ' j ' , when it is counted from the epoch of entrance into state ' i ' via state ‘k’

: unconditional mean time taken by the system to transit for any regenerative state ' j ' , when it is counted from the epoch of entrance into state

'i '

Fig. 1 – Transition diagram of the two – unit system



3.1 Transition Probabilities A transition diagram shown in Fig.1 exhibits the various states of the system. The epochs of entry into states 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are regenerative points. Following the approach of Goel (1981), Kumar (1980), Taneja (2001) and Tuteja (1992) the transition probabilities pi j can be obtained using the following formula. ∞

p i j = lim q i j * ( s ) = lim ∫ e − st q i j ( t ) dt s→0

w here ,

s→ 0


d Qi j (t ) = qi j dt

Eq. (1) From the transition diagram, the assumptions discussed in preceding section and using equation (1), transition probabilities can be obtained as follows. The following particular cases are


g1 (t) = γe- γ t ; g 2 (t) = α1e- α1 t ; h1 (t) = αe- α t ; h 2 (t) =βe-β t .

p01 = h1* (γ 1 + 2λ1 + 2λ2 )

γ1 1−h1*(γ1 +2λ1 +2λ2)) ( γ1 +2λ1 +2λ2 2λ1 p03 = (1 − h1* (γ 1 + 2λ1 + 2λ2 ) ) γ 1 + 2λ1 + 2λ2

p02 =

p04 =

2λ2 (1 − h1* (γ 1 + 2λ1 + 2λ2 ) ) γ 1 + 2λ1 + 2λ 2

p10 = h2* (γ 1 + λ1 + λ2 )

p12 =

γ1 (1 − h2* (γ 1 + λ1 + λ2 ) ) γ 1 + λ1 + λ2


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.6, June 2015 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 λ1 1 − h2* (γ 1 + λ1 + λ2 ) ) ( γ 1 + λ1 + λ2 λ2 p14 = (1 − h2* (γ 1 + λ1 + λ2 ) ) γ 1 + λ1 + λ2

Eq. 2

p13 =

µ0 = µ1 =

p20 = 1 p35 = p g1* (λ1 + λ2 )


γ 1 + 2λ1 + 2λ2 1

γ 1 + λ1 + λ2

µ2 =

p 3 0 = q g 1* ( λ 1 + λ 2 ) p36 =


µ3 =

g1* (λ1 + λ2 )

λ1 + λ2 λ2 p37 = g * (λ + λ ) λ1 + λ2 1 1 2 p33(6) = 1 − g1* (λ1 ) p34 (7) = 1 − g1* (λ2 )

µ4 =

(1 − h

* 1

(1 − h



(γ 1 + 2λ1 + 2λ2 ) )

(γ 1 + λ1 + λ2 ) )


γ2 1

λ1 1


(1− g

* 1

(1− g

(λ1 ) )

* 2

(λ2 ) )

µ5 = − i*′ (0) = 1 The unconditional mean time taken by the system to transit for any regenerative state ' j ' , when it is counted from the epoch of entrance into state ' i ' is mathematically stated as

p40 = q g 2 (λ1 + λ2 ) *

p41 = p g 2* (λ1 + λ2 ) p48 =


mi j =

(1 − g 2* (λ1 + λ2 ) )

λ1 + λ2 λ1 p49 = 1 − g 2* (λ1 + λ2 ) ) ( λ1 + λ2 (8) p44 = 1 − g 2* (λ2 ) p49 (3) = 1 − g 2* (λ1 )



* ∫ t dQi j (t ) = ∫ t qi j (t ) dt = − qi j (0)

Eq. (3) Thus, we get

m01 + m02 + m03 + m04 = µ0 m10 + m12 + m13 + m14 = µ1 m20 = µ 2 m30 + m35 + m36 + m37 = µ3 m40 + m41 + m48 + m49 = µ 4

p51 = 1

m51 = µ5

By using above equations, it can be verified that

m30 + m35 + m33(6) + m34 (7) = k3 ( say )

p01 + p02 + p03 + p04 = 1

m40 + m41 + m44 (8) + m43(9) = k4

p10 + p12 + p13 + p14 = 1 p20 = 1

3.2. Mean Time to System Failure (MTSF)

p30 + p35 + p36 + p37 = 1 p40 + p41 + p48 + p49 = 1


p51 = 1 p30 + p35 + p33


p40 + p41 + p44


+ p34



+ p43



The mean sojourn time


in the ith regenerative state

is defined as the time to stay in that state before transition to any other state. If T denotes the sojourn time in the regenerative state ‘ i ’, then ∞

µi = E (t ) = Pr (T > t ) = ∫ d (Qi j (t ))

φ i (t )

be the c.d.f. of the first passage time from

regenerative state i to a failed state. In order to determine the mean time to system failure (MTSF) of the system, considering the failed state as absorbing states. Following the approach of Goel (1981), Kumar (1980), Taneja (2001) and Tuteja (1992), we obtain the following recursive relation for φ i

(t ) :

φ0 (t ) = Q01 (t ) © φ1 (t ) + Q02 (t )© φ2 (t ) + Q03 (t )©φ3 (t ) + Q04 (t )©φ4 (t ) φ1 (t ) = Q10 (t ) © φ1 (t ) + Q12 (t )© φ2 (t ) + Q13 (t )©φ3 (t ) + Q14 (t )©φ4 (t ) φ2 (t ) = Q20 (t )©φ0 (t )



International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.6, June 2015 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 φ3 (t ) = Q30 (t ) © φ0 (t ) + Q35 (t ) ©φ5 (t ) + Q36 (t ) + Q37 (t ) φ4 (t ) = Q41 (t )©φ1 (t ) + Q42 (t )©φ2 (t ) + Q48 (t ) + Q49 (t )

B1 (t ) = q10 (t ) © B1 (t ) + q12 (t )© B2 (t ) + q13 (t )©B3 (t ) + q14 (t )©B4 (t )

B2 (t ) = q20 (t )©B0 (t ) B3 (t ) = W3 (t ) + q30 (t)©B0 (t ) + q35 (t )©B5 (t ) + q33(6) (t )©B3 (t ) + q34 (t )©B4 (t) (7)

φ5 (t ) = Q51 (t )©φ1 (t ) Eq. (4) 3.3. Availability Let A i ( t ) be the probability that the system is in up state at instant t given that the system entered regenerative state i at t = 0 . Following the method used in section 3.2, the availability A i ( t ) is expressed as the following recursive relations:

B4 (t) = W4 (t) + q41(t)B1(t) + q42 (t)B2 (t) +q44(8) (t)B4 (t) +q43(9) (t)B3(t) B 5 ( t ) = q 5 1 ( t )  B1 ( t )

Eq. (6) 4. COMPUTATION OF RELIABILITY METRICS In order to obtain MTSF, we first take Laplace transforms of

φ0∗∗ ( s ) . Thus, 1 − ϕ0 **( s) N MTSF = lim = s →0 s D

A0 (t ) = M 0 (t ) + q01 (t ) © A1 (t ) + q02 (t )© A2 (t ) + q03 (t )© A3 (t ) + q04 (t )© A4 (t ) A1 (t ) = M 1 (t ) + q10 (t ) © A1 (t ) + q12 (t )© A2 (t ) + q13 (t )© A3 (t ) + q14 (t )© A4 (t )

A2 (t ) = q20 (t )©A0 (t ) A3 (t ) = M 3 (t ) + q30 (t ) ©A0 (t ) + q35 (t )©A5 (t ) +

Eq. (7) Where

N = µ0 ( − p14 p41 − p13 p35 +1) − µ1 ( − p01 − p04 p41 − p03 p35 ) − µ2 (− p02 p12 − p04 p12 p41 − p12 p03 p35 − p02 + p02 p14 p41 ) − µ3 (− p03 + p03 p14 p41 − p01 p13 − p04 p13 p41 )

q33 (t )©A3 (t ) + q34 (t )©A4 (t ) (7)


we get

equations (4) and then solve them for

− µ4 (− p04 + p04 p13 p35 − p01 p14 − p03 p14 p35 )

A4 (t ) = q41 (t )©A1 (t ) + q42 (t )©A2 (t ) + q44 (8) (t )©A4 (t )

− µ5 (− p03 p35 − p01 p13 p35 − p13 p35 p04 p41 + p03 p35 p14 p41

+ q43 (t )©A3 (t ) (9)

A5 (t ) = M 5 (t ) + q51 (t )©A1 (t ) Eq. (5) where M i (t ) is the probability that the system is up at time t without any transition through/to any other regenerative state or returning to itself through one or more non-regenerative states. Thus,

M 0 (t ) = e −( 2 λ1 + 2 λ2 )t H1 (t )

M 1 (t ) = e

−( γ 1 + λ1 + λ2 )t

M 3 (t ) = e

−( λ1 + λ2 )t

M 4 (t ) = e

− ( λ1 + λ2 )t

D = 1 − p14 p41 − p13 p35 − p04 p40 − p02 + p02 p14 p41 + p02 p13 p

+ p03 p30 p14 p41 − p01 p10 − p01 p14 p40 − p01 p13 p30 − p04 p41 p1 − p12 p03 p35 − p03 p35 p10 − p03 p35 p14 p40 Next, taking Laplace transforms of equations (5) and solving them for

A0* ( s ) , we get

A 0 = lim s A0 * ( s ) =

H 2 (t )

s →0

G2 (t ) G1 (t )

M 5 (t ) = I (t ) where

G1(t) = 1−G1(t), H1(t) = 1−H1(t),G2(t) = 1−G2(t), H2(t) = 1−H2(t) 3.4. Busy period of repairman Let B i ( t ) be the probability that a system, having started

from regenerative state S i ( i = 0 ,1 ....9 ) at t = 0 , is under the services of repairman. Following the method used in section 3.2, we have B0 (t ) = q01 (t ) © B1 (t ) + q02 (t )© B2 (t ) + q03 (t )© B3 (t ) + q04 (t )© B4 (t )

N1 D1 Eq. (8)


D1 = µ0 {p30 (1− p44(8) ) + p35 p40 (1− p13 ) + ( p10 + p12 )


p + p35 p43(9) + p34(7) p41 ) − p30 p14 p41 + p34(7) p40}

35 41

+ µ1 {p01 p30 (1− p44(8) ) + p04 p30 p41 + p35 p40 ( p01 + p03) + p01 p40 p34(7) + (1− p02 )( p35 p41 + p35 p43(9) + p41 p34(7) )} + k3 {p03 p40 + p03 p41 − p03 p14 p41 + p01 p40 p13 + (1− p02 − p03 ) p13 p41 − p01( p10 + p12 ) p43(9) + (1− p02 ) p43(9)}+ k4 {p35 p14 ( p01 + p03 ) − p01( p10 + p12 ) p34(7) + (1− p02 ) p34(7) + p35 p04 (1− p13) + p30 p04 + p01 p14 p30}+ µ2{ p01 p12 ( p30 + p35 + p34(7) ) ( p40 + p41 + p43(9) − p14 p41) − p01 p12 p34(7) p43(9) − p01 p12 p13 p41 p34(7) − p01 p12 p43(9) p14 p35 − p01 p12 p13 p35 ( p40 + p41 + p43(9) ) 103

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.6, June 2015 E-ISSN: 2321-9637 On the basis of these data, we have computed the following rates: g1 (t) = 0.01 , g 2 (t) = 0.0123, γ1 = 0.01736

N1 = ( M 0 + p01M 1 )(1 − p44 (8) − p14 p41 − p33(6) + p33(6) p44 (8)

and γ 2 = 0.0987. Assuming h1 (t) = 0.01, h 2 (t) = 0.01 and p= 0.8 , we have computed the following results of

+ p33(6) p14 p41 + p13 p35 + p13 p35 p44 (8) + p13 p35 p14 p41 ) + ( M 4 + p41M 1 )( p03 p34 (7) + p03 p14 p35 + p04 − p04 p33(6) − p13 p35 p04 ) + M 3 (− p03 p44


+ p03 − p03 p14 p41 + p04 p43


+ p04 p13 p41 ) + p03 p35 − p03 p35 p44 (8) + p03 p35 p14 p41 + p04 p35 p43(9) + p13 p35 p04 p41 + ( p03 + p01 p13 ) ( p12 p35 p40 + p12 p35 p41 + p12 p35 p43(9) + p12 p34 (7) p41 ) + ( p04 + p01 p14 )( p12 p35 p43(9) + p12 p30 p41 + p12 p35 p41 + p12 p34 (7) p41 )} + µ5 {(1 − p02 − p01 ( p10 + p12 )) ( p14 p35 p13 p41 + p14 p35 p43(9) + p13 p35 p40 + p13 p35 p41 + p13 p35 p43(9) ) + ( p03 + p01 p13 )(( p10 + p12 ) p35 p40 + ( p10 + p12 ) p35 p41 + ( p10 + p12 ) p35 p43(9) + p14 p35 p40 ) + ( p04 + p01 p14 )( p10 p35 p43


+ p12 p35 p43


+ p13 p35 p40 )}

Finally, again taking Laplace transforms of equations (6) and

B0* ( s ) we get N (s) B0* ( s ) = 3 D1 ( s )

solving them for

Eq. (9) In steady-state, the total fraction of time for which the system is under the service of assistant repairman is given by

Bo = lim Bo∗ ( s ) = s →0

N3 D1


 p48 + p49 + W4 − p41 p14 ( p48 + p49 + W4 )  N 3 = ( p03 + p04 )    − p13 p35 ( p48 + p48 + W4 )  + ( p03 + p04 + p13 + p14 + p04 p41 + p03 p35 ) ( p36 + p37 + W3 ) and D1 is already specified. One of the objectives of reliability analysis is to optimize the profit incurred to the system. To achieve this, profit model is defined by subtracting all expected maintenance liabilities from the total revenue. Using equations (8) and (9), we get

important reliability indices using the software ‘MATLAB’. By varying λ 2 for different values of λ 1 , the values of MTSF and availability are computed and their behaviors are exhibited in graphs (figure 2 and figure 3). Similarly, the profit is also computed by varying C0 for different choices of C 1 and results are presented in figure 4. Fig. 2 shows the behavior of MTSF with respect to Type-II failure rate ( λ 2 ) for different values of Type-I failure

rate ( λ 1 ) . The graph shows that MTSF decreases with increase

in the Type - II failure rate ( λ 2 ) keeping Type - I failure rate constant and has higher values for lower values of Type - I failure rate ( λ 1 ) . Fig.3 shows the behavior of availability with respect to Type II failure rate ( λ 2 ) for different values of Type - I failure rate ( λ1 ) . This graph indicates that availability of the system decreases with increase in the Type - II failure rate ( λ 2 ) keeping Type - I failure rate constant and has higher values for lower values of Type - I failure rate ( λ 1 ) . So, the management of the manufacturing plant should pay more attention on the working of colour sorter part for increasing the MTSF as well as availability. The behavior of profit with respect to revenue ( C0 ) for different values of cost of repairman ( C1 ) is shown in Fig. 4. It is observed from this graph that profit decreases with the increase in revenue per unit time C 0 and has higher values for lower values of cost of repairman C1 . On comparing the graphs, it reveals that (i) for C1 = 850, the profit is negative or zero or positive according as C0

or ≥ 1491.50. Hence, revenue per unit time should be fixed greater than 1491.5 and (ii) for C1 = 900, the profit is positive or zero or negative according as C0


1564. Hence,

revenue per unit time should be fixed greater than 1564 (iii) For C1 = 950, the profit is positive or zero or negative according as C0 ≤ or ≥ 1658.5. Hence, revenue per unit time should be

fixed greater than 1658.5 The present analysis provides important information about the sensitivity of the particular components of the standby systems which need more care to achieve the maximum profit. P = C0 A0 − C1 B0 This model can be applied to any industry having two unit standby systems. The same approach can be extended to study those industrial systems which have more than two unit stand by where C0 = Total revenue per unit time and C1 = cost of busy period of repairman. systems.


CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS In this study data for all types of failures and repairs of the concerned industry was collected in the units of per hour. 104

International Journal of Research in Advent Technology, Vol.3, No.6, June 2015 E-ISSN: 2321-9637




280 260













* * *

0 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 -30





100 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.028

C0 C1=850 C1=900




Fig. 2: Effect of Type-II failure rate on Mean time to system failure for different values of Type-I failure rate.









0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.008





0.018 0.020



Fig. 4 : Effect of cost of revenue per unit time on Profit achieved by the system for different values of cost of busy period of repairman.



Fig. 3 : Effect of Type-II failure rate on availability for different values of Type-I failure rate

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