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International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI) 1401-1402


A.Swetha 1, K. Mythili2, 1 Research Scholar, Department Of Civil Engineering, Aurora's Scientific Technological & Research Academy, Hyderabad, India 2 Associate Professor, Department Of Civil Engineering, Aurora's Scientific Technological & Research Academy,Hyderabad, India

Abstract The extensive use of concrete as a structural material for the high rise buildings, storage tanks, nuclear reactors and pressure vessels increase the risk of concrete being exposed to high temperatures. This has led to a demand to improve the understanding of the effect of temperature on concrete. The behavior of concrete exposed to high temperature is a result of many factors including the exposed environment and constituent materials. Concrete structures are exposed to fire when a fire accident occurs. Damage in concrete structures due to fire depends to a great extent on the intensity and duration of fire. The distress in concrete manifests in the form of cracking and spalling of concrete surface. The main aim of the present experiment investigation is to study the behavior of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete when subjected to elevated temperatures. High Strength Self Compacting Concrete specimens made with Cement, Micro Silica, Quartz Sand, Quartz Power and Basalt of size 2 to 5 mm and Chemical Admixtures. In the present investigation, tests were conducted on Concrete Specimens by exposing them at different temperatures like 2000 C, 4000 C and 6000 C at 4 hours, 8 hours and 12 hours duration. After 28 days curing the specimens are tested for Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength, Percentage Weight Loss and Non Destructive Test to measure velocity of Concrete. Based on the study, conclusions were made that High Strength Self Compacting Concrete with the above materials not able to resist temperature of 6000 C and above.

*Corresponding Author:

A.Swetha, Research Scholar, Department of CIVIL Engineering, Aurora's Scientific Technological & Research Academy, Hyderabad, India Published: October 27, 2014 Review Type: peer reviewed Volume: I, Issue : II

Citation:A.Swetha , (2014) A Study On High Strength Self Compacting Concrete On Exposure To Various Temperatures

INTRODUCTION GENERAL Concrete is one of the most extensively used construction materials in the world, with about two billion tons of utilization worldwide each year. It is attractive in many applications because it offers considerable strength at a relatively low cost. Concrete can generally be produced of locally available constituents, can be cast in to wide variety of structural configurations and requires minimal maintenance during service. However, environmental concerns, stemming from high-energy expense and CO2 emission associated with cement manufacture, have brought pressures to reduce consumption through the use of supplementary materials. In general, concrete is said to be a very durable one. But when Reinforced Concrete structure is subject-

ed to severe environmental conditions, its properties are affected adversely depending on the type of exposure. Durability is one the most important properties to be considered in the design of Reinforced Concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments which can be described by two stages: the initiation and the propagation period. Increasing the concrete strength is always one of the main desires of Concrete Technology. Since more than 20 years High Strength concretes with compressive strength ranging from 50 N/mm2 to 130N/ mm2 have been used worldwide in tall buildings and bridges with long spans or buildings in aggressive environments. Building elements made of High Strength concrete are usually densely reinforced. The small distance between reinforcing bars may lead to defects in concrete. If High Strength concrete is self-compacting, the production of densely reinforced building element from High Strength concrete with high homogeneity would be an easy work. Self-compacting concrete is a concrete that flows and compacts only under gravity. It fills the whole mould completely without any defects. The usual self-compacting concretes have a compressive strength in the range of 60-100N/mm2.

Self Compacting Concrete (SCC): Placement of concrete generally requires consolida57

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tion by vibration in the forms. Self compacting Concrete (SCC) can be defined as the “highly flowable concrete yet stable concrete that can spread readily into place and fill the formwork without any consolidation and without undergoing any significant separation”( Khayat, Hu and many, proceeding first international RILEM symposium, SCC Stockholm 1999).An alternative specification suggest SCC as a “flowing concrete without segregation and bleeding, capable of filling spaces and dense reinforcement or inaccessible voids without hindrance or blockage. Self compacting concrete was first developed in 1986 in Japan to achieve durable concrete structure since then, various investigations have been carried out this type of concrete has been used in practical structures in Japan, mainly by large construction companies. The first usable self compacting concrete was completed in 1988 and was named “High performance concrete” and later proposed as “Self compacting high performance concrete’. This leads to developments of self compacting concrete. Self compacting concrete has been described as “The most revolutionary development in concrete construction for several decades” originally developed to offset a growing shortage of skilled labour, it has proved beneficially economically. Self compacting concrete a new kind of high performance concrete (HPC) excellent deformability and segregation resistance, it is a special kind concrete than can flow through and fill the gaps of reinforcement and corners of molds without any need for vibration and compaction during the pacing process. Through showing good performance, self compacting concrete is different from the HPC developed in North America and Europe, which emphasizes on high and durability of concrete. In terms of workability, HPC merely improved fluidity of concrete to facilitate placing: however it cannot flow freely by itself to pack every corner of molds and all gaps among reinforcement. In other words HPC still requires vibration and compaction in the construction process. Comparatively self compacting concrete has more favorable characteristics such as high fluidity, good segregation resistance and the distinctive self compacting ability without any need for vibration during the placing process. BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES OF SCC: •Modern, presently self compacting concrete (self compacted concrete) can be classified as an advanced construction material. The self compacting concrete as the name suggests, does not require to be vibrated to achieve full compaction. This many benefits and advantages over conventional concrete. •Improved quality of concrete and reduction of onsite repairs. •Faster construction times. •Lower overall costs.

•Facilitation of introduction of automation into concrete construction. •Better surface finishes. •Easier placing. •Thinner concrete sections. •Greater freedom in design. •Improved durability and reliability of concrete structures. •Easy of placement results in cost savings through reduced equipment and labour requirement. High Performance Concrete: Long-term performance of structures has become vital to the economies of all nations. Concrete has been the major instrument for providing stable and reliable infrastructure since the days of the Greek and Roman civilization. Deterioration, long term poor performance and inadequate resistance to hostile environment coupled with greater demands for more sophisticated architectural form, led to the accelerated research into the microstructure of cements and concretes and more elaborate codes and standards. As a result, new materials and composites have been developed and improved cements evolved. Today concrete structures with a compressive strength exceeding138 Mpa are being built world over. In research laboratories, concrete strengths of even as high as 800 Mpa are being produced. One major remarkable quality in making of High Performance Concrete (HPC) is the virtual elimination of voids in the concrete matrix which are mainly the cause of most of the ills that generate deterioration. Advantages of High Performance Concrete: The advantages of using high strength high performance concretes often balance the increase in material cost. The following are the major advantages that can be accomplished. 1.Reduction in member size, resulting in increase in plinth area/useable area and direct savings in the concrete volume. 2.Reduction in the self-weight and super-imposed DL with the accompanying saving due to smaller foundations. 3.Reduction in form-work area and cost with the accompanying reduction in shoring and stripping time due to high early-age gain in strength. 4.Construction of High-rise buildings with the accompanying savings in real-estate costs in congested areas. 5.Longer spans and fewer beams for the same magnitude of loading. 6.Reduced axial shortening of compression supporting members. 58

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7.Reduction in the number of supports and the supporting foundations due to the increase in spans. 8.Reduction in the thickness of floor slabs and supporting beam sections which are a major component of the weight and cost of majority of structures. 9.Superior long-term service performance under static, dynamic and fatigue loading. 10.Low creep and shrinkage. 11.Greater stiffness as a result of a higher modulus (Ec). 12.Higher resistance to freezing and thawing, chemical attack, and significantly improved long-term durability and crack propagation. 13.Reduced maintenance and repairs. 14.Smaller depreciation as a fixed cost.


Aim of the Present Study:

The standard specimens after curing period were placed in muffle furnace at requisite temperature of 2000C, 4000C and 6000C at 4 hrs, 8 hrs and 12 hrs duration.

The Aim of the Present Study is to investigate the Compressive Strength and Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete when subjected to elevated temperatures. To investigate the effect of temperature and to evaluate structural safety, an attempt has been made to study the Compressive Strength.The study concentrates mainly on the properties of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for a particular water binder (w/b) ratio at 2000C, 4000C and 6000C. In the present investigation, the tests were conducted for a total of 180 specimens on a particular w/b ratio by exposing them at different temperatures like Room Temperature, 2000C, 4000C and 6000C for 4 Hours, 8 Hours and 12 Hours duration. The results indicate that the High Performance Self Compacting Concrete is effective in resisting the effect of temperature on the compressive strength. The main aim of the present experiment investigation is to study the behavior of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete when subjected to elevated temperatures. High Strength Self Compacting Concrete specimens made with Cement, Micro Silica, Quartz sand, Quartz Powder, Basalt of size 2 to 5 mm and Chemical Admixtures. In the present investigation tests were conducted on Concrete specimens by exploring that at different temperatures like 2000C, 4000C and 6000C for 4 Hours, 8 Hours and 12 Hours duration after 28 days curing. The specimens are tested for Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength , % Weight Loss and Non Destructive Test to measure Velocity of Concrete. Based on the study, conclusions were made that High Strength Self Compacting Concrete with the above materials was not able to resist temperature of 6000C and above.

GENERAL: The present investigation is a study of the concrete compressive strength, Split tensile strength and % reduction in weight of concrete for High Strength Self compacting concrete when subjected to elevated temperatures of 2000C, 4000C, and 6000C. This was planned to be carried out through an experimental program on concrete specimens of size 100 x 100 x 100 mm cubes and 100 x 200 mm cylinders for compressive strength and split tensile strength. The test specimens were de-moulded 4 hrs of air cooling and kept for water curing for 28 days.

After the specimen removed from the furnace, the specimens were allowed to cool in air for 2 hrs. Then the specimens were tested for NDT, compressive strength, split tensile strength, the results were tabulated & required comparative study was made. The objective of the experimental study that was conducted is given below. 1)To study the pulse velocity (m/sec) at 28 days at Room, Temperature, 2000C, 4000C and 6000C exposure at 4hrs, 8 hrs and 12 hrs duration. 2)To study the percentage weight loss at 28 days at Room Temperature, 2000C, 4000C and 6000C exposure at 4hrs, 8 hrs and 12 hrs duration. 3)To study the Compressive strength and Split tensile strength ( Mpa) at 28 days at Room Temperature, 2000C, 4000C and 6000C exposure at 4hrs, 8 hrs and 12 hrs duration. Materials used: The materials that are used in this study are: •Cement •Fine aggregate (Quartz sand) •Quartz Powder •Coarse aggregate (Crushed basalt) •Super plasticizer •VMA •Water Cement Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade available in local market is used in the investigation. The cement used has been tested for various proportions as per IS 4031 – 1988 and found to be confirming to various specifications of IS 12269-1987. The specific gravity was 3.15 and fineness was 2800 cm2/gm. In the experimental investigations ordinary Portland cement i.e., I.S Type cement of 53 grade is used. Care to be taken that it is made from a single source and fine grained and is stored in an airtight container to prevent it from the atmospheric moisture and humidity. 59

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Properties of Quartz powder and Quartz sand: Name







Loss on Ignition









Pictures of Quartz sand and Quartz powder

Coarse aggregate (Crushed basalt 2 to 5mm) Basalt comes from extensive lava flows. Basalt is a very common igneous rock and the most common rock in the Earth's crust. Almost all oceanic crust is made of Basalt and it is a common extrusion from many volcanic regions around the world. It forms from the melting of the upper mantle and its chemistry closely resembles the upper mantle's composition. It is generally Silica poor and Iron and Magnesium rich. Basalt originates from "hot spot" volcanoes, massive basalt flows and mid oceanic ridges. In present investigations crushed basalt is used with size varying from 2 - 5 mm.

Slump Flow Test: The simplest and most widely used test method for self-compacting concrete is the slump flow test (Kuroiwa et al. 1993; EFNARC 2002; Bartos, Sonebi, and Tamimi 2002). The test, which was developed in Japan, was originally used to measure underwater concrete and has also been used to measure highly flowable concretes. To perform the test, a conventional slump cone is placed on a rigid, non-absorbent plate and filled with concrete without tamping. The plate must be placed on a firm, level surface. The slump cone is lifted and the horizontal spread of the concrete is measured. For an additional measure of flowability, the time required for the concrete to spread to a diameter of 50 cm can be measured. The slump flow was used to assess the horizontal free flow and the falling ability in the absence of obstructions. The recommended slump range was 650 to 800 mm. This value of T50 generally ranges from 2-7 seconds. It is possible to assess the stability of concrete qualitatively after performing the slump flow test. A visual stability index(VSI) has been developed as a standard means of determining stability. A numerical score on a scale of 0 to 3 is assigned based on a visual evaluation of the segregation and bleeding in the concrete sample. Self-compacting concrete should exhibit a rating of 0 or 1 to be considered acceptable. L-Box Test: The L-box test (EFNARC 2002; Bartos, Sonebi, and Tamimi 2002) measures the filling and passing ability of self-compacting concrete. Originally developed in Japan for underwater concrete, the test is also applicable for highly flowable concrete. As the test name implies, the apparatus consists of an Lshaped box.

V-Funnel Test Apparatus The average flow through speed, Vm, is calculated in terms of the flow through time, t0;



Vm = (0.065x0.075)x t0 = t0


To quantify segregation resistance, the flowthrough index, Sf, is calculated in terms of initial flow through time, t0, and the flow through time after 5 minutes, t5:






L-Box Test Apparatus

Casting For casting the cube and cylinder specimens, standard cast iron metal moulds of size 100 x 100 x 100 mm and 100 x 200 mm were used. The moulds were cleaned from adhering dust particle and oiled on all sides, before concrete is poured into. Thoroughly mixed concrete was filled in moulds. Curing After casting, the specimens were stored in the laboratory free of vibrations in moist air at room tem60

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perature for 24 hrs. After this period, the specimens were removed from the mould and immediately immersed in clean, fresh water curing tank. The above climate was maintained for 28 days. Testing of Specimens: A time schedule for testing of specimens is maintained to ensure their proper testing on the due date and time. The cast specimens are tested as per standard procedures, immediately after they are removed from curing pond and wiped off the surface water. The test results are tabulated carefully Description of Compression Testing Machine The compression testing machine (Microprocessor based) used for testing the cube specimens is of standard make. The capacity of the testing machine is 200 Tonnes or 2000 KN. The machine has an ideal gauge on which the load applied can be read directly. The oil level is checked, the MS plates are cleaned and the machine is kept ready for testing specimens. Ultra Pulse Velocity apparatus This determines the velocity of longitudinal waves. The determination consists of measurement of the time taken by a pulse, hence the name of the method to travel a measured distance. The apparatus include transducers which are placed in contact with the concrete, a pulse generator with a frequency of between 10 and 150 Hz, an amplifier a time measuring circuit and a digital display of the time taken by the pulse of longitudinal waves to travel between the transducers. The test method is prescribed by ASTM C 597 – 83 and by BS 1881:203:1986.

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS GENERAL: In the present study, investigations are carried out to study the effect of elevated temperatures on High strength self compacting concrete. Properties of Micro Silica Typical Oxide Composition of Micro Silica (Oriental Trexim Pvt Ltd) Sl. No:




Silica, Sio2



Alumina, A12O3



Iron Oxide, Fe2O3



Lime, CaO



Magnesia, MgO



Sulphur Trioxide, SO3



Loss on ignition












Accelerated Pozzolonic Acidity index in 7 days



Accelerated Pozzolonic Acidity index in 28 days



Surface Area m2/kg



Moisture Content



Bulk Density


Quantities of Materials required per 1m3 of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Sl. No:


Weight (Kg)


Crushed basalt-2 to 5mm



Quartz Sand (3 to 8 μm)



Quartz Powder (0 to 10 μm)



Micro Silica







175 lt


Super Plasticizer

14688 ml



816 ml


Water /(cement + Micro Silica + Quartz Powder)


Workability of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Permissible limits as per EFNARC Guidelines

Test method





9.7 sec

6 sec

12 sec

V-Funnel at T5 min

13.85 sec

11 sec

15 sec

Abrams slump flow

690 mm

650 mm

800 mm

T 50cm slump flow

4 sec

2 sec

5 sec




1 sec

1 sec

2 sec

2 sec

2 sec

3 sec

L- Box

Details of specimens to be tested for elevated temperature of HPSCC


International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

Strength point of view no�.of cubes required No. of days (all 28 days)

Sl. No

Size of the cube


100 x 100 x 100 mm cubes (Compressive strength) – 2000 C



100 x 100 x 100 mm cubes (Compressive strength) 4000 C



100 x 100 x 100 mm cubes (Compressive strength) 6000 C


150 x 300 mm cylinders (Split tensile strength) 2000 C



150 x 300 mm cylinders (Split tensile strength) 4000 C



150 x 300 mm cylinders (Split tensile strength) 6000 C

Room temp

4 hrs

8 hrs

12 hrs

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

No.of cubes





2 3






Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours













Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 6000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration.

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)






S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio



Water / Binder Room Ratio Temperature 0.215

2 3













Compressive Strength (N/mm2)


Water / Binder Room Ratio Temperature


Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 2000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration.



Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours













Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 4000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration.




Duration Room Temperature

4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours













Percentage Decrease of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete at 2000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration with respect to 28 days compressive strength

S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2



Percentage Decrease of Compressive Strength Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours










Percentage Decrease of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete at 4000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration with respect to 28 days compressive strength

S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2 3


Percentage Decrease of Compressive Strength Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours










Percentage Decrease of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete at 6000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration with respect to 28 days compressive strength


International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2



Percentage Decrease of Compressive Strength Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours










Percentage Weight Loss of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete at 2000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration with respect to 28 days compressive strength

S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2



Percentage Weight Loss Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours










Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 2000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration. Pulse Velocity (m/sec)

S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2



Percentage Weight Loss Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours










Percentage Weight Loss of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete at 4000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration with respect to 28 days compressive strength. S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2 3


Percentage Weight Loss

S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2



Duration Room Temperature

4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours













Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 4000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration.

Duration 4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours










Percentage Weight Loss of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete at 6000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration with respect to 28 days compressive strength.

Pulse Velocity (m/sec) S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2 3


Duration Room Temperature

4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours













Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting


Quartz Sand

Quartz Powder


International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)


V-Funnel Test

specimen of Split Tensile Strength after Test

Pan Mixer

Testing of Split Tensile Strength Specimen

Strength Concrete Specimen in Compression Testing Machine


International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 6000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration. Pulse Velocity (m/sec) S. no:

Water / Binder Ratio

1 2 3


Duration Room Temperature

4 Hours

8 Hours

12 Hours













DISCUSSION OF TEST RESULTS Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 2000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.4.13 and Graph 1 show the compressive strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C. The Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 77.68, 80.59 and 76.62 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 74.68, 76.59 and 73.62 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 72.58, 74.55 and 71.68 N/mm2. Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 4000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.4.13 and Graph 1 show the compressive strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C. The Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 68.68, 71.68 and 68.02 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 66.58, 67.02 and 66.02 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 61.95, 64.65 and 63.52 N/mm2. Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 6000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.4.13 and Graph 1 show the compressive strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C. All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature.

Percentage decrease of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 2000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration.

Table 4.4.14 and Graph 2 show the Percentage decrease of compressive strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C. The Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 5.92, 4.84 and 8.34 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 9.56, 9.56 and 11.90 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 12.10, 12.00 and 14.20 N/mm2. Percentage decrease of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 4000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.4.14 and Graph 2 show the Percentage decrease of compressive strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C. The Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 16.80, 15.40 and 18.60 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 19.40, 20.90 and 21.00 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 25.00, 23.70 and 24.00 N/mm2 Percentage decrease of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 6000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.4.14 and Graph 2 show the Percentage decrease of compressive strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C. All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature. Percentage Weight Loss of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 2000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.4.15 and Graph 3 show the Percentage Weight Loss of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C. The Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 1.58, 1.60 and 0.79 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 2.29, 1.96 and 2.43 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 3.27, 3.29 and 4.07 N/mm2. Percentage Weight Loss of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 4000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.4.15 and Graph 3 show the Percentage Weight Loss of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C. The Compressive Strength of High Strength Self 65

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Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 4.86, 3.92 and 6.35 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 7.31, 8.16 and 5.91 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 7.98, 9.96 and 8.30 N/mm2.

Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 2000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration.

Percentage Weight Loss of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 6000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration.

Table 4.5.12 and Graph 5 show the Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C.

Table 4.4.15 and Graph 3 show the Percentage Weight Loss of Compressive Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C.

The Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 7.25, 7.48 and 7.43 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 6.99, 7.22 and 7.32 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 6.87, 7.08 and 7.07 N/mm2.

All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature.

Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 4000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration.

Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 2000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration Table 4.4.16 and Graph 4 show the Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C. The Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 4270, 4290 and 4390 m/sec ; 8 hours exposure are 4220, 4130 and 4200 m/sec and 12 hours exposure are 4200, 4200 and 4290 m/sec.

Table 4.5.12 and Graph 5 show the Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C. The Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 6.80, 6.99 and 6.95 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 6.69, 6.87 and 6.82 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 6.24, 6.49 and 6.49 N/mm2. Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 6000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration.

Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 4000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration

Table 4.5.12 and Graph 5 show the Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C.

Table 4.4.16 and Graph 4 show the Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C.

All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature.

The Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 3900, 4090 and 4050 m/sec ; 8 hours exposure are 3800, 3690 and 3500 m/sec and 12 hours exposure are 3470, 3390 and 3250 m/sec.

Percentage decrease of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 2000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration.

Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 28 days at Room Temperature and 6000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration Table 4.4.16 and Graph 4 show the Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C. All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature.

Table 4.5.13 and Graph 6 show the Percentage decrease of Split Tensile strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C. The Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 0.96, 3.73 and 4.01 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 4.51, 7.08 and 5.43 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 6.15, 8.88 and 8.66 N/mm2. Percentage decrease of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 4000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.5.13 and Graph 6 show the Percentage de66

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crease of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C. The Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 7.10, 10.04 and 10.21 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 8.61, 11.58 and 11.89 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 14.75, 16.47 and 16.15 N/mm2. Percentage decrease of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 6000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.5.13 and Graph 6 show the Percentage decrease of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C. All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature. Percentage Weight Loss of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete exposure to 2000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.5.14 and Graph 7 show the Percentage Weight Loss of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C. The Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 0.57, 0.45 and 0.97 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 0.63, 1.00 and 1.18 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 2.03, 3.40 and 2.34 N/mm2. Percentage weight loss of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Specimen of Split Tensile Strength exposure to 4000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.5.14 and Graph 7 show the Percentage Weight Loss of Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C. The Split Tensile Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 3.37, 3.62 and 3.42 N/mm2 ; 8 hours exposure are 4.62, 4.07 and 4.14 N/mm2 and 12 hours exposure are 6.07, 6.50 and 6.46 N/mm2. Percentage Weight Loss of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Specimen of Split Tensile Strength exposure to 6000 C for 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. Table 4.5.14 and Graph 7 show the Percentage Weight Loss of Split Tensile Strength of High

Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C. All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature. Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Specimen of Split Tensile Strength for 28 days at Room Temperature and 2000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration Table 4.5.15 and Graph 8 show the Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 2000 C. The Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 4500, 4600 and 4540 m/sec ; 8 hours exposure are 4450, 4540 and 4500 m/sec and 12 hours exposure are 4350, 4440 and 4450 m/sec. Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Specimen of Split Tensile Strength for 28 days at Room Temperature and 4000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration Table 4.5.15 and Graph 8 show the Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 4000 C. The Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for 4 hours exposure are 4540, 4340 and 4530 m/sec ; 8 hours exposure are 3850, 3900 and 4030 m/sec and 12 hours exposure are 3280, 3160 and 3060 m/sec. Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Specimen of Split Tensile Strength for 28 days at Room Temperature and 6000 C at 4, 8, 12 hours duration Table 4.5.15 and Graph 8 show the Pulse Velocity (m/sec) of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete for water binder ratio 0.215 after exposure to 4, 8 and 12 hours duration at 6000 C. All the specimens are exposed to 6000 C at 4, 8 & 12 hours duration. All the specimens are crushed and entire concrete became powder material. Hence the concrete is not able to take 6000 C temperature. CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions are drawn from the Experimental Investigation in present Thesis: 1)The percentage decrease of compressive strength was found higher for higher exposure time. 67

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2)A gradual reduction in strength was found with increase in temperature from 200 to 6000C for all exposure duration of 4, 8 and 12 hours. 3)The percentage decrease of weight loss was found higher for higher exposure times. 4)The pulse velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete was found lower for higher exposure time. 5)The specimens when exposed to 6000C for 4, 8, 12 hours duration, all the specimens got totally powdered at this temperature. 6)High Strength Self Compacting Concrete specimens exhibited maximum percentage decrease of compressive strength of nearly 24% at 4000C for 12 hours duration. 7)High Strength Self Compacting Concrete specimens exhibited maximum percentage weight loss of 9% at 4000C for 12 hours duration. 8)High Strength Self Compacting Concrete specimens exhibited maximum percentage decrease of split tensile strength of nearly 15% at 4000C for 12 hours duration. 9)The Pulse Velocity of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete specimens after exposure at 4000C for 12 hours duration is 3470 m/Sec to 3290m/Sec

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SCOPE OF FUTURE STUDIES 1.Investigation can be made with the addition of Glass Fibres to know Residual Strength of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete. 2.Study can be made on High Strength Self Compacting Concrete specimens by exposing concrete to longer duration. 3.A time dependent study can be made to know about the long term behavior of High Strength Self Compacting Concrete. REFERENCES

A.Swetha, Research Scholar, Department of CIVIL Engineering, Aurora's Scientific Technological & Research Academy, Hyderabad, India

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