International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI) 1401-1402
K. Prudhvi Ravi Kumar1, A .Ravindra 2,V V Kamesh3 1 Research Scholar,Department of Thermal Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India. 2 Associate Professor,Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India. 3 Associate Professor , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India.
Abstract For increasing the efficiency of the system, extended surfaces like fins are used. The heat transfer rates of different shapes and cross sections like circular, rectangular, T-shaped and Tree shaped fins is compared. As per the data considered from the previous works the heat transfer rate is depending on the surface area and the heat transfer coefficient, the surface area is increasing from circular to tree shaped fins. In this paper temperature distribution of the tree shaped fins is investigated by changing bifurcation angle, adding an extra element and the fin materials. Different cross section of the elements is considered and will be validated. Thermal analysis is enhanced by using Computational Fluid Dynamics ANSYS Workbench 15. Analysis will be done for different working conditions.
*Corresponding Author:
K.Prudhvi Ravi Kumar Research Scholar, Department of Thermal Engineering, Aditya Engineering College, Surampalem, Andra Pradesh, India.
The thermal energy exchange between physical systems depends upon the temperature and pressure by dissipating heat is heat transfer. The modes of heat transfer are of three types
Published: December 24, 2015 Review Type: peer reviewed Volume: II, Issue : IV
1. Conduction 2. Convection 3. Radiation
INTRODUCTION The rejection of waste heat is vital in the design optimisation of extended surfaces employed by electronic devices, industrial equipment and other mechanical devices. It is often desirable to maximise heat rejection while minimising the mass and volume of extended surfaces. As convection is directly proportional to the surface area, it is important to maximise surface area while minimising system mass. The use of tree-like fins which are inspired from biology provides the larger surface area. Biologically inspired fins provide larger surface area for the same mass, base temperature as compared to traditionally employed fins. Several experiments were investigated on rectangular fin with varying material and base temperature. Finally concluded that maximum heat transfer coefficient was at 22% and 45% of the fin height, when measured from the base. Measurement of temperature was found to be good with one-dimensional solution for convective type fin tips. By changing the bifurcation angle, the cross-sectional area of the fin also changes. Also by adding an extra material to the tree like fin increases the surface area, there by decreases the base temperature of the fin.
An energy transfer across a system due to temperature difference by the mechanism of intermolecular interactions. Conduction needs matter and does not require any bulk motion of matter.
Fourier Law gives the Conduction Rate: Where: q = heat flow, (W) k = thermal conductivity, (W/m K) A = Cross sectional area (m2) ΔT= Gradient of temperature (K/m)
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)
Theenergy transfer across a boundary due to temperature difference is Convection. It is a combined mechanism of intermolecular interactions and bulk transport. Convection requires fluid matter.
Heat transfer rate is directly proportional to the surface area; the base temperature of the fin gets decreases by adding the extra material and by increasing the bifurcation angle.
It is given by Newton’s Law of Cooling: q = h AsΔT Where: q = heat flow from surface, (W) h= heat transfer coefficient (W/m2K) As = Surface area where convection takes (m2) ΔT = Temperature Difference between surface and coolant. (K)
Tree shaped fin with bifurcation angles
600Tree shaped fin without protrusion 600 Tree shaped fin without protrusion by considering the dimensions
EXTENDED SURFACE HEAT TRANSFER Convection • Heat transfer between two surfaces will be governed by the Newton’s law of cooling: q = hA (Ts-T∞). Thus to increase the heat transfer rate by convection, •By increasing the temperature difference (Ts-T∞) between the surfaces •By increasing convection coefficient.This is achievable by increasing the fluid flow over the surface. •By increasing the contact area. In general if we cannot vary the temperature difference between the surfaces and if the convection coefficient is already stretched to its limit, then the only alternative will be to increase the effective surface area by using fins or extended surfaces. Fins are extended surfaces from the base into the cooling fluid and in direct contact with the fluid. Most important applications of fins are cooling fins on air-cooled engines, electronic equipment (CPUs), automobile radiators, and air conditioning equipment.
By changing the values of the bifurcation angle the fin temperature at the fin tip gets decreases. The 600Tree shaped fin without protrusion. The temperature distribution and thermal analysis on tree shaped fin will be discussed in the next chapter. 900 Tree shaped fin without protrusion
Extended Surface Analysis An area Aof the surface is shown in Figure 1 where heat transfers from the surface to the surrounding fluid with a heat transfer coefficientof h. The heat transfer rate can be varied by varying the convection coefficient h, reducing the fluid temperature T∞ and by adding extra material.
fins to enhance heat transfer
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)
600Tree shaped fin with protrusion
with and without radiation can be modelled with ease. Go Faster with High Performance Computing (HPC) With HPC, ANSYS Fluent delivers CFD simulation solutions faster so that engineers and designers can make better decisions sooner in the design cycle. While ANSYS HPC provides linear scalability on systems with tens of thousands of processors, there is more to HPC than just the number of cores. ANSYS also optimizes processor architecture, algorithms for model partitioning, optimized communications and load balancing between processors to deliver results in breathtaking speed on a wide variety of simulation models. Turbulence Modelling
900Tree shaped fin with protrusion
ANSYS Fluent software places special emphasis on providing a wide range of turbulence models to capture the effects of turbulence accurately and efficiently. Several innovative models such as the Menter–Langtry γ–θ laminar– turbulent transition model™ are available only in Fluent. Heat Transfer & Radiation Fluent handles all types of radiative heat exchange in and between fluids and solids, from fully and semi-transparent to radiation, or opaque. You can choose from a variety of spectral models to account for wavelength dependencies in a simulation and to account for scattering effects. Multiphase Flow
ANSYS WORK BENCH INTRODUCTION: ANSYS Workbench, developed by ANSYS Inc., is a Computer Aided Finite element Modeling and Finite Element Analysis tool. In the graphical user Interface (GUI) of ANSYS Workbench, the user can generate 3-dimensional (3D) and FEA models, perform analysis and generate results of analysis. It can perform a variety of tasks ranging from Design Assessment to finite Element Analysis to complete product optimization analysis. ANSYS Fluent Fluent is the most powerful computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software tool available, empowering you to go further and faster as you optimize your product performance. Fluent includes well-validated physical modelling capabilities to deliver fast, accurate results across the widest range of CFD and multi-physics applications. Built for Multiphysics Gain deeper insight into the complex, often counterintuitive interactions caused by multiple physics such as fluid–structure interaction (FSI). ANSYS Fluent is fully integrated with ANSYS Workbench to provide full two-way interactivity with ANSYS Mechanical, ANSYS Maxwell and other simulation technologies. Solve Complex Models with Confidence ANSYS Fluent can solve your most sophisticated models for multiphase flows, chemical reaction and combustion. Even complicated viscous and turbulent, internal and external flows, flow-induced noise predictions, heat transfer
A complete suite of models capture the interplay between multiple fluid phases like gasses and liquids, dispersed particles and droplets, and free surfaces. Reacting Flow Whether simulating combustion design in gas turbines, automotive engines, or coal-fired furnaces, or assessing fire safety in and around buildings and other structures, ANSYS Fluent software provides a rich framework to model chemical reactions and combustion associated with fluid flow. ANSYS Fluent handles non-premixed, partiallypremixed, or premixed combustion models to accurately predict parameters like the flame speed, flame location, and the post-flame temperature. Acoustics ANSYS Fluent computes the noise resulting from unsteady pressure fluctuations to solve acoustical simulations. Fluid-Structure Interaction Fluent models the effects of solid motion on fluid flow by coupling with ANSYS structural mechanics solutions through the Workbench unified user environment. Fluent users enjoy robust and accurate two-way FSI without the need to purchase, administer or configure third-party coupling and pre- and post-processing software. Optimize Your Design - Automatically •Fluent’s shape optimization tools can automatically adjust the geometric •Parameters until your optimization goals are met. For example, aerodynamics of a car or aircraft wing and the
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)
optimized flow rate in nozzles and ducts.
600Tree shaped fin without protrusion
•Fluent’s ground-breaking ad joint solver modifies the mesh from within to see the effect of a recommended change. The ad joint solver provides recommendations to improve geometries that are difficult and expensive to get any other way PROCEDURE FOR TREE SHAPED FIN ANALYSIS
Static Temperature contour for 600 Fin without protrusion
Select models >Viscous-laminar > K-€ (2 eqn)
Contours of wall temperature (K)
Select materials > Fluid >air
Contours of Enthalpy
900Tree shaped fin without protrusion
RESULTS AND DISSCUSION The dimensional computational model has been developed in commercially available computational fluid dynamics. In fluid dynamics, analysis is carried out by finate volume method.
Static Temperature contour for 900 Fin without protrusion
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)
COMPARISION OF RESULTS Comparison of Tree shaped fin geometry 600 Fin without protrusion
Contours of wall temperature (K)
Fin temperature drops from 600k to 483K
900 Fin without protrusion
Contours of Enthalpy
600Tree shaped fin with protrusion
Fin temperature drops from 600k to 483K
600 Fin with protrusion
Static Temperature contour for 600 Fin with protrusion
900 Tree shaped fin with protrusion
Fin temperature drops from 600k to 477K
900 Fin with protrusion
Contours of wall temperature (K)
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)
CONCLUSION A computational model has been developed to study the performance of Tree shaped fins for varying geometry, fin materials and the temperature distribution over the fin is noted. It was found that the Tree shaped fin of 900 bifurcation angles is more effective than 600 bifurcation angled fin due to the increased surface area. By adding the material the surface area of the fin is increased further. So the 900 tree fin with protrusion gives the better results than the 900 tree fin without protrusion. By changing the material the properties of the material gets changes , in the investigation it was also found that the material with less thermal conductivity gives the relatively lower base temperature on the fin.
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