IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 08, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
Analysis and Comparison of Performance of Various DC-DC Converters using MATLAB SIMULINK Kuljeet Singh1 Manpreet Singh2 M.Tech. Student 2Assistant Professor 1,2 Department of Electrical Engineering 1,2 BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib 1
Abstract—In this paper, Analysis and comparison of the different types of DC-DC converters is done. The operating principle and the parameter of the buck-boost, cuk, speic and zeta converters are analyzed. The simulation is done in matlab in open loop control with pulse generator and also in closed loop control with Proportional Integral controller (PL). The input voltage range has been varied from 170V to 270V and output voltage is ovserved. Key words: DC Converters, Buck-Boost Converter, Cuk, Speic, Zeta I. INTRODUCTION There are number of DC-DC converters available, each of which is suitable for some type of application. Some converters step downs the voltage, while others step up. Voltage regulation is achieved by varying the on– off or duty cycle of the switching element. These BuckBoost converters have been widely used in electrical power system, medical instruments, and communication devices and also for traction motor control in electric automobiles and trolley cars, because they are highly efficient, provide smooth acceleration control and fast dynamic response with low voltage stresses. The Cuk converter is a switched mode power supply. The basic non isolated Cuk converter is designed based on the principle of using two Buck Boost converters to provide an inverted DC output voltage. The advantage of the basic non isolated Cuk converter over the standard Buck Boost converter is that it provides higher efficiency regulated DC voltage and ripple currents and switching losses are less. The Single-Ended Primary-Inductance converter (SEPIC) is a DC/DC converter topology, that provides a positive regulated output voltage from an input voltage. The SEPIC converter can both step up and step down the input voltage, while maintaining the same polarity and the same ground reference for the input and output. PI controllers are usually designed for closed loop SEPIC for desired output voltage. Non isolated Buck-Boost converters are generally used where the voltage needs to be stepped up or down. Zeta converter topology is similar to SEPIC DC-DC converter topology provides a positive output voltage from an input voltage that varies above and below the output voltage. The Zeta converter is another option for regulating an unregulated input-power supply. Zeta converter is also widely used in electrical power system, medical instruments, and communication devices and also for traction motor control in electric automobiles and trolley cars.
Fig. 1: Schematic diagram of Buck Boost converter B. Cuk Converter
Fig. 2: Schematic diagram of Cuk converter C. Sepic Converter
Fig. 3: Schematic diagram of Sepic converter D. Zeta Converter
Fig. 4: Schematic diagram of Zeta converter III. WAVEFORMS A. Buck Boost Converter
Fig. 5: Waveforms of Buck Boost Converter
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Analysis and Comparison of Performance of Various DC-DC Converters using MATLAB SIMULINK (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/150)
f =switching frequency, ∆I= peak to peak ripple current I o (assuming 40% of Iout), ∆Vc= voltage ripple (assuming 3% of Vout), D= duty cycle.
B. Cuk Converter
B. Cuk Converter D = on time duration of switch/ total switching time period đ?‘‰đ?‘œ Duty cycle = đ?‘‰đ?‘ +đ?‘‰đ?‘œ
Output voltage (Vo) = −đ?‘‰đ?‘ { } 1−đ??ˇ The value of filter inductance is given as: đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ đ??ż1 = ∆đ??ź1 đ?‘“ đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ
đ??ż2 = Fig. 6: Waveforms of Cuk converter C. Sepic Converter
∆đ??ź2 đ?‘“
Filter capacitance C is given as: đ??ź đ??ˇ đ??ś1 = đ?‘œ ∆đ?‘‰đ??ś1 đ?‘“ đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ đ??ś2 = 8đ??ż2 ∆đ?‘‰đ??ś2 đ?‘“ 2 Where: f =switching frequency; ∆I1= peak to peak ripple current I1 (assuming 40% of Iout); ∆I2 = peak to peak ripple current I2 (assuming 40% of Iout); ∆Vc= voltage ripple (assuming 3% of Vout); D= duty cycle. C. Sepic Converter D = on time duration of switch/ total switching time period đ?‘‰đ?‘œ Duty cycle = đ?‘‰đ?‘ +đ?‘‰đ?‘œ
Fig. 7: Waveforms of Sepic Converter
∆đ??ź1 đ?‘“ đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ
đ??ż2 =
D. Zeta Converter
Output voltage (Vo) = đ?‘‰đ?‘ { } 1−đ??ˇ The value of filter inductance is given as: đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ đ??ż1 = ∆đ??ź2 đ?‘“
Filter capacitance C is given as đ??ź đ??ś1 = đ?‘œ đ??ś2 =
∆đ?‘‰đ?‘?1 đ?‘“ đ??źđ?‘œ đ??ˇ ∆đ?‘‰đ?‘?2 đ?‘“
Where: f =switching frequency, ∆I1= peak to peak ripple current I1 (assuming 40% of Iout), ∆I2= peak to peak ripple current I2 (assuming 40% of Iout), ∆Vc= voltage ripple (assuming 3% of Vout), D= duty cycle.
Fig .8: Waveforms of Zeta converter IV. EQUATIONS USED A. Buck Boost Converter D = on time duration of switch/ total switching time period đ?‘‰đ?‘œ Duty cycle = − đ?‘‰đ?‘ −đ?‘‰đ?‘œ
Output voltage (Vo) = −đ?‘‰đ?‘ { } 1−đ??ˇ Where the minus sign indicates voltage inversion. The value of filter inductance is given as: đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ L= ∆đ??ź đ?‘“
Filter capacitance C is given as: đ??źđ?‘œ C=
∆đ?‘‰đ?‘? đ?‘“
D. Zeta Converter D = on time duration of switch/ total switching time period đ?‘‰đ?‘œ Duty cycle = đ?‘‰đ?‘ +đ?‘‰đ?‘œ
Output voltage (Vo) = đ?‘‰đ?‘ { } 1−đ??ˇ The value of filter inductance is given as: đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ đ??ż1 = ∆đ??ź1 đ?‘“ đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ
đ??ż2 =
∆đ??ź2 đ?‘“
Filter capacitance C is given as: đ??ź đ??ˇ đ??ś1 = đ?‘œ ∆đ?‘‰đ?‘?1 đ?‘“ đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ??ˇ đ??ś2 = 8đ??ż2 ∆đ?‘‰đ??ś2 đ?‘“ 2 Where: f =switching frequency; ∆I1= peak to peak ripple current I1 (assuming 40% of Iout); ∆I2= peak to peak ripple current I2 (assuming 40% of Iout); ∆Vc= voltage ripple (assuming 3% of Vout); D= duty cycle.
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Analysis and Comparison of Performance of Various DC-DC Converters using MATLAB SIMULINK (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/150)
V. MATLAB SIMULATION A. Buck Boost Converter 1) Open Loop Control:
Fig. 9: Simulation of Buck Boost Converter in open loop 2) Closed Loop Control:
Fig. 10: Simulation of Buck Boost converter in closed loop control. B. Cuk Converter 1) Open Loop Control:
Fig. 11: Simulation of Cuk converter in open loop control 2) Closed Loop Control:
Fig. 12: Simulation of Cuk converters in closed loop control.
C. Sepic Converter 1) Open Loop Control:
Fig.13: Simulation of Sepic converter in Open Loop 2) Closed Loop Control:
Fig. 14: Simulation of SEPIC converter in closed loop control D. Zeta Converter 1) Open Loop Control:
Fig. 15: Simulation of Zeta converter in open loop control 2) Closed Loop Control:
Fig.16: Simulation of Zeta converter in closed loop control
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Analysis and Comparison of Performance of Various DC-DC Converters using MATLAB SIMULINK (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/150)
VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS A. Buck Boost Converter S. No. Parameters Values 1 Output voltage (Vo) 400 volts 2 Switching frequency (f) 10khz 3 Duty cycle (D) 57% 4 Filter inductances (L) 2.6 ×10-3 H 5 Filter capacitances (C) 100 ×10-6 F 6 Input voltage (VS) 300 volts 7 Load resistances 400 Ω Table 1: Design parameters of Buck Boost converter 1) Open Loop Control:
Fig. 17: Simulation result of Buck Boost converter in open loop control Open loop control result is shown in Fig. 17 in which input voltage is 300V and output voltage is 400V constant. The maximum overshoot is observed and settling time is 0.10sec 2) Closed Loop Control: S Parameters Values .No. 1 Output voltage (Vo) 400 volts 2 3 4
Switching frequency (f) Duty cycle (D) Filter inductances (L)
10khz 57% 1.5 ×10-3 H
Filter capacitances (C)
120 ×10-6 F
Input voltage (VS)
300 volts
7 8 9 10 11
210 .00082 .072 0.6 6% 0.11 200 .00090 .079 0.6 8% 0.51 190 .00098 .085 0.7 8% 0.13 180 .0011 .088 0.7 9% 0.20 170 .0012 .091 0.6 10% 0.22 Table 3: Design parameters of Cuk converter 1) Open Loop Control:
Fig.19: Simulation result of Cuk converter in open loop control Open loop control result shows that the input voltage is 300V and output voltage is 400V constant. The maximum overshoot is observed and settling time is 0.10sec. 2) Closed Loop Control: S.No. VS KP KI ∆V Overshoot Settling (%) time(sec) 1 270 .00038 .075 0.6 15% 0.65 2 260 .00048 .072 0.6 12% 0.15 3 250 .00052 .060 0.7 10% 0.13 4 240 .00060 .068 0.8 8% 0.50 5 230 .00068 .071 0.7 4% 0.07 6 220 .00075 .077 0.6 5% 0.41 7 210 .00084 .078 0.7 5% 0.12 8 200 .00088 .079 0.6 5% 0.08 9 190 .0010 .082 0.7 6% 0.12 10 180 .0011 .090 0.7 9% 0.13 11 170 .0012 .095 0.6 10% 0.23 Table 4: Simulation results of Cuk converter
7 Load resistances 400 Ω Table 2: Simulation results of Buck Boost converter
Fig.18: Simulation result of Buck Boost converter in closed Closed loop control result is shown in Figure 18 in which input voltage is varying from 170Vto 270V and output voltage is 400V constant. The best result is observed at 230V with minimum overshoot and minimum settling time is 0.12sec B. Cuk Converter S.No.
1 2 3 4 5 6
270 260 250 240 230 220
.00040 .00050 .00055 .00058 .00061 .00078
.065 .070 .058 .060 .068 .070
0.8 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.7
Overshoot (%) 12% 10% 8% 6% 5% 8%
Settling time(sec) 0.12 0.11 0.55 0.10 0.12 0.10
Fig. 20: Simulation result of Cuk converter in closed loop control Closed loop control result is shown in Figure 20 in which input voltage is varying from 170Vto 270V and output voltage is 400V constant. So maximum overshoot is observed at input voltage of 270V. At input voltage 240V minimum overshoot, but maximum settling is observed. C. Sepic Converter S.No. Parameters Values 1 Output voltage (Vo) 400 volts 2 Switching frequency (f) 10khz 3 Duty cycle (D) 57% 4 Filter inductances (L) 2.7×10-3 H 5 Filter capacitances (C) 80 × 10-6 F 6 Input voltage (VS) 300 volts 7 Load resistances 400 Ω Table 5: Design parameters of Sepic converter
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Analysis and Comparison of Performance of Various DC-DC Converters using MATLAB SIMULINK (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/150)
1) Open Loop Control:
1) Open Loop Control:
Fig. 21: Simulation result of SEPIC converter in open loop control Open loop control result is shown in Figure 21 in which input voltage is 300V and output voltage is 400V constant. The maximum overshoot is observed and settling time is 0.16sec. 2) Closed Loop Control: S.No. VS KP KI ∆V Overshoot Settling (%) Time(sec) 1 270 .00028 .075 0.6 12% 0.22 2 260 .00035 .058 0.8 10% 0.14 3 250 .00042 .077 0.7 8% 0.12 4 240 .00048 .069 0.6 6% 0.18 5 230 .00062 .071 0.7 5% 0.08 6 220 .00068 .073 0.6 4% 0.15 7 210 .00078 .074 0.6 5% 0.09 8 200 .00085 .077 0.7 5% 0.33 9 190 .00093 .081 0.7 6% 0.15 10 180 .0010 .084 0.6 5% 0.14 11 170 .0011 .092 0.7 8% 0.19 Table 6: Simulation results of Sepic converter
Fig. 23: Simulation result of Zeta converter in open loop control Open loop control result shows that the input voltage is 300V and output voltage is 400V constant. The maximum overshoot is observed and settling time is 0.05sec. 2) Closed Loop Control: S.No. VS KP KI ∆V Overshoot Settling Time (%) (sec) 1 270 .00032 .065 0.7 13% 0.18 2 260 .00039 .068 0.8 10% 0.12 3 250 .00045 .080 0.7 9% 0.12 4 240 .00048 .082 0.7 6% 0.09 5 230 .00051 .087 0.8 3% 0.20 6 220 .00051 .089 0.6 0% 0.03 7 210 .00053 .091 0.7 1% 0.03 8 200 .00093 .092 0.8 2% 0.31 9 190 .0011 .094 0.7 8% 0.12 10 180 .0012 .091 0.6 7% 0.11 11 170 .0013 .090 0.8 8% 0.21 Table 8: Simulation results of Zeta converter
Fig. 22: Simulation results of SEPIC converter in closed loop control Closed loop control result is shown in Figure 22 in which input voltage is varying from 170Vto 270V and output voltage is 400V constant. The best result is observed at 220V with minimum overshoot and minimum settling time is 0.17sec
Fig. 24: Simulation results of Zeta converter in closed loop control Closed loop control result is shown in Figure 24 in which input voltage is varying from 170Vto 270V and output voltage is 400V constant. So maximum overshoot is observed at input voltage of 270V. At input voltage 220V zero overshoot and minium settling is observed.
D. Zeta Converter S.No. Parameters Values 1 Output voltage (Vo) 400 volts 2 Switching frequency (f) 10khz 3 Duty cycle (D) 57% 4 Filter inductances (L) 2.7×10-3 H 5 Filter capacitances (C) 120 ×10-6F 6 Input voltage (VS) 300 volts 7 Load resistances 400 Ω Table 7: Design parameters of Zeta converter
VII. CONCLUSION Based on the results presented in this paper, it is concluded that best result are given by the Cuk and zeta converter for high power application. Buck Boost converter also gives best result, but overshoot and settling time are little larger as compare to Cuk and Zeta converter. REFERENCES [1] Muhammad H. Rashid, Text of, “Power electronic circuits, devices and application”. [2] Mohammed Ahmed, “Sliding mode control for switching mode power supply” [3] Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, “Power electronic: converters, Application and Design” 3rd Edition, Wiley.
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Analysis and Comparison of Performance of Various DC-DC Converters using MATLAB SIMULINK (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/150)
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