IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 08, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613
Impact Assessment of Solid Waste Management Project under JnNURM in Imphal City, Manipur Mr. Takhellambam Bijoychandra Singh1 Dr. Doreshor Khwairakpam2 1 M.Tech Student 2Assistant Professor 1 Department of Hydrology 1 Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 2Institute of Urban Development Studies, Ethiopian Civil Service University Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Abstract— Solid waste management is very poor in Imphal city. In the last few decades, the Urban Local Body (ULB) has been less attention towards solid waste management. Opportunity of Solid Waste Management (SWM) project under Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) has interrupted for the improvement of solid waste collection, transportation and processing in Imphal city. In this context, Paper is reviewed the physical and financial status of solid waste management project at post project stage of Imphal city. Investigation was carried out whether project has been benefited or not. The research methodology was adopted the qualitative and quantitative description from secondary and primary data. Field observation is a tool to evaluate the project for SWM in this paperdepth literature review of the laser welding techniques used today. Key words: JnNURM, Solid Waste Management, ULB
of 2721756 of which Imphal west (514683 population) is fastest growing in urban population. This city has consisted of 27 wards. It is the commercial centre of Manipur state. Imphal with a population of 967,344 as per census 2011 (including Imphal west and Imphal east districts) and 18.91% of population is shared in Imphal west district and 16.63% is shared in the Imphal east district of the Manipur population (Fig. 1). The decadal growth rate is 15.82 in Imphal west and 14.63 in Imphal east in years 2001-11 (CDP, 2006).
I. INTRODUCTION Solid Waste Management (SWM) is a serious issue due to rapid urbanization in small and medium towns across the country (Mehta, 2011). In this context, Government of India has launched the Jawaharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) scheme on 3rd December, 2005 to addressed urban issues through urban renewal project (Khwairakpam, et al 2014). Imphal is one of the cities listed under JnNURM scheme and implemented the project for solid waste management namely- “Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Imphal City”. The approved cost of SWM project was Rs. 25.80 crore (MoUD, 2012). Therefore, it is required to evaluate the solid waste management project by adopted the following objective (1) to study the financial and physical status of the solid waste management project in Imphal city and (2) to investigate the impact of the solid waste management project in Imphal city. II. HYPOTHESIS Solid waste management project would improve the collection and transportation of solid waste at post project stage. Scientifically processing of solid waste at dumping site at Lamdeng Khunou in Imphal west district is operating smoothly. III. CASE STUDY OF IMPHAL CITY Imphal is a capital of Manipur located in the extreme of north east India with a population of 967344 as per census (2011). The Manipur state has nine districts (Imphal east with a population of 452661, Thoubal (420517 population), Senapati (354972 population), Churachanpur (271274 population), Bishnupur (240363 population), Ukhrul (183115 population), Chandel (144028 population), and Tamenglong (140143 population) having a total population
Fig. 1: Location of Imphal City IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The JnNURM scheme has interrupted in sector of solid waste management for Imphal city namely- Solid Waste Management for Imphal City with an investment of 25.80 crore as per the estimated project cost. However, Rs. 41.75 crore was actual cost after the completion of the project (Table 1). This project was started the construction, installation of equipments in 2009 and physical completed in the year of 2013. As per Department of Municipal Administrative, Housing and Urban Development (MAHUD) has assigned the Ramkey Envero Engineer Ltd, Hyderabad as well as responsible for the execution of the project. This project was to target the whole city by installing the equipments such as dustbins in around city, collection points of every corner of the city, and others vehicles for transporting the solid waste to dumping site. The major component of the solid waste management under JnNURM scheme at Imphal city was purchase of equipments like dustbins, vehicles for transportation, and
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Impact Assessment of Solid Waste Management Project under JnNURM in Imphal City, Manipur (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/210)
construction of dumping site at Lamdeng Khunou in Imphal west under the projects name -“Solid Waste Management at Imphal city� (Fig. 2). Various equipments such as dustbins, vehicles, storage etc were supposed to installation within Imphal city under solid waste management project.
Fig. 2: Location of Solid Waste Dumping Site, Based on Google Earth Map, 2015 Indicator for Solid Waste Sl. Management Description Remarks No Project in Imphal City Solid Waste Executed by Name of 1 Management Government Project for Imphal City Manipur Year of Starting for 2 Solid Waste 2009 Management Project Year of Completion for 3 Solid Waste 2013 Management Project Estimated Rs. 15.95 crore Financial Approved Cost addition to the 4 Status of Rs. 25.80 and total estimated Project Actual Cost Rs. cost 41.75 Crore Transport 100% Vehicles and 5 Physical Status Completed Collection are partial function Partial Function in wards No 2, 3, Targeted 6 Whole City 4, 14, 21, 23 for Population collection and transportation Table 1: Description of Solid Waste Management Project Source: Based on JnNURM Project Status and Field Investigation, 2013 After intervention of JnNURM projects for solid waste management, the city had a little improvement in
terms of collection, transportation and scientific process of solid waste at dumping site. As per the field observation and surveys in and around the city of Imphal, there was not much improvement in solid waste management especially in the market areas (Ima Keithel Bazaar) and the municipal wastes were still found to be thrown waste into the open drains and open spaces. The present scenario of solid waste management in the Imphal city is highly inadequate at post projects situation (Fig. 3, 4, 5, and 6). The dumping of solid waste into open drains of entire city choke and blocks the drains during the rainy season, causing water overflows on the entire city roads.
Fig. 3: Showing No dustbin in Ward No 5. Source: Picture Credit by Authors, 2013
Fig. 4: Solid Waste Dumping into Drains in Ward No.14, Source: Picture Credit by Authors, 2013
Fig. 5: Solid Waste Dumping near Bridge in Ward No.24.Source: Picture Credit by Authors, 2013
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Impact Assessment of Solid Waste Management Project under JnNURM in Imphal City, Manipur (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/210)
of only rejects from the treatment plants and inert material at the landfills as per the standards laid down in the rules Table 1: Solid Waste Management Rule, 2000 Source: Department of Economic Affairs, 2009
Fig. 6: Solid Waste dumping near Cremation Ground in Ward No.8. Picture Credit by Authors, 2013 The implementation of JnNURM projects in Imphal was very poor. As per field investigation and observation in around city has reveal that outcome of SWM project is very poor in terms of collection, transportation and processing dumping site at Lamdeng Khunou Imphal west, Manipur. The NGOs has involved for collection, transportation of solid waste from various wards of Imphal city. Imphal municipal council has not utilized the equipments under SWM projects property. Most of the equipments are still laying unused (Fig. 10, 11, 12 and 13). The main reasons of the unused of the equipments are limited man power and lack of proper plan for solid waste. Door to door collection of solid waste has been started by NGOs since 2007 with an agreement between municipality and NGOs (Fig. 7). Unfortunately collection is insufficiently and still practice of dumping garbage at Lamphelpat Ground (Fig. 6). Working efficiently is inadequate for solid waste management by Imphal Municipal Council. The common issue within Imphal city is dumping of garbage into drains (Fig. 8). As per notified by Ministry of Environment and Forest in September, 2000 the following seven directions were to be followed by municipalities (Table 2). There is a lack of coordination between state government and municipality to carry out the solid waste management sector. In the above discussion, reveals that responsible and duties toward solid waste management in Imphal city by municipality is totally absence. Sl. Rule and Duties of Municipalities No Prohibit littering on the streets by ensuring storage of 1 waste at source in two bins: one for biodegradable waste and another for recycle material Primary collection of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste from the doorsteps at pre-informed 2 time on a day-to day basis using containerized tricycles/handcart/pick-up vans. Street sweeping covering all the residential and 3 commercial areas on all the days of the week irrespective of Sundays and holidays 4 Abolition of open waste storage depots Transportation of waste in covered vehicles on a day 5 to day basis Treatment of biodegradable waste using composting 6 or waste to energy technologies meeting the standards laid down. 7 Minimize the waste going to the landfill and dispose
Fig. 6: Lamphel Pat at Post Project
Fig. 7: NGO Vehecle
Fig. 8: Dumping of Solid Waste in Drain at Post Project
Fig. 9: Newly Vehicle under JnNURM
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Impact Assessment of Solid Waste Management Project under JnNURM in Imphal City, Manipur (IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 08/2015/210)
V. CONCLUSION Under JnNURM project for solid waste management in Imphal city is still very poor in terms performance. The collection of waste solid waste and transportation are inefficient by various NGOs. Imphal Municipal Council does not follow rule and guidance of Solid Waste Management Rule, 2000. There is poor performance the duties by Imphal Municipal Council due lack of proper administrative structure. Works culture of different organization for solid waste management is inappropriate. Therefore, it is suggested for improvement of solid waste management by encouraging Imphal Municipal Council to set up proper administrative structure in order to build up Capacity Building (CB). Fig. 10: Unused of New Vehicle under JnNURM REFERENCES
Fig. 11: Unused of New Vehicle under JnNURM
[1] Department of Economic Affair, (2009). The Solid Waste Management Sector in India, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India [2] IMC, (2006). City Development Plan-2006, Imphal Municipal Council, Government of Manipur [3] IMC, (2012). JnNURM Projects Status Report – 2013, Imphal Municipal Council, Government of Manipur [4] Khwairakpam, D., Shankar, R., and Mukherjee, M., (2014). Evaluation of Urban Renewal Projects under JnNURM – Case Study Surat City, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 6 (6), pp. 7242-7246 [5] MoUD, (2012). JnNURM Projects Status Report-2012, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, Delhi [6] Mehta, P., (2011): Analyzing the Problems and Prospects of Solid Waste Management, its Handling and Legal Dimensions in India Context, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Science, Vol. 2 (4), pp. 958-969. [7] Registrar General and Census Commission, (2011): Provisional Population, Registrar General and Census Commission, Government of India, Delhi
Fig. 12: Unused of New Vehicle under JnNURM
Fig. 13: Unused of New Vehicle under JnNURM
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