Optimization of Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Fibre Composite on drilling process

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IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 2 | Issue 5 | November 2015 ISSN (online): 2349-784X

Optimization of Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Fibre Composite on Drilling Process S. Rathinavel PG Scholar Department of ME Thermal Engineering RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore – 641402

G. Vigneshkumar Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore – 641402

U. Sathishkumar Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering RVS College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore – 641402

Abstract The objective of this paper is to compare and analyse the effect of inclusion of Glass fibre and Basalt fibre on the Vinyl ester and Vetiver fibre composite during machining process. The machining process selected is drilling operation because it carried out in most of the assembling process. The thermal loadings were done for all the compositions that are chosen and The analysis will predict the better performance among the two composites with varying proportion on ANSYS14.5 (WORKBENCH). The analysis shows the basalt fiber reinforced hybrid composite show the low heat flux and smooth temperature distribution than the glass fiber reinforced hybrid composite. Keywords: Glass fiber, Basalt fiber, Laminated composite, ANSYS ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION Now-a-days, the use of Glass fibre reinforced composites has increased in various areas of science and technology due to its special property. The wide range of application in Aircraft industries. On Aircraft’s for Assembling two structures accomplish machining process. The mechanical drilling is used as generally for application mainly, 1) To Create hole, 2) To enlarge hole, As drill is rotated and advanced into a work piece a material is removed in the form of chips that move along the fluted shank of the disk. Fibre Reinforced hybrid Composite Consists of two or more fibres which are reinforced along with the resin system. So, the properties of the resulting composite material will combine something of the properties of resin on its own with that of fibre on their own. Overall, the property of their composite depends mainly on 1) Property of fibre 2) Property of composite 3) Fibre Volume fraction (ratio of fibre to resign)



A. Glass Fibre: Generally, the Glass fibres were used in manufacturing of air craft structures, but they were very costly and non-biodegradable. Their composition includes S-Glass has a typical nominal composition of SiO2 65wt%, MgO 10st%. Some other materials may also be present a impurity levels. Table 1: Properties of Glass fibre. Type



2500 kgm^-3

Young’s modulus

89 gpa

Poisson ratio


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Optimization of Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Fibre Composite on Drilling Process (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 5 / 006)

Thermal conductivity


B. Basalt Fibre: Basalt is a natural material that is found in volcanic rocks originated from frozen lava, with a melting temperature comprised between15000 to 17000. Basalt fibre can be manufactured as similar to Glass fibre. They are biodegradable and almost similar to Glass fibre. Table – 2 Properties of Basalt Fibre. Name

Basalt fibre


1430 kgm^-3

Young’s modulus

7.8E+10 pa

Poisson’s ratio


Thermal conductivity


Specific heat

0.86 jkg^-1c^-1

C. Vetiver Fibre: Vetiver fibre is one of the natural fibre compare to synthetic fibres, their advantages are low cost, and less tool were during processing, low density, environmental friendly and biodegradability. Table – 3 Properties of Vetiver Fibre Name

Vetiver (laminate)


1500 kg m^-3

Young’s modulus

1.2E+10 pa

Poisson ratio


Thermal conductivity

0.035 wm^-1c^-1

Specific heat

0.5 jkg^-1c^-1

D. Vinyl ester Resin: Vinyl ester resins combine the best properties of epoxies and unsaturated polyesters. They can be easily handled at room temperature and have mechanical properties similar to epoxy resins. Table – 4 Properties of Vinyl ester Resin. Name

Vinyl ester Resin


1130 kg m^-3

Young’s modulus

3.65E+10 pa

Poisson ratio


Thermal conductivity

0.25 wm^-1C^-1

Specific heat

0.4 jkg^-1c^-1

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Optimization of Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Fibre Composite on Drilling Process (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 5 / 006)

E. Composition of Material for Analysis: In this comparison Glass fibre, Vetiver fibre, Vinyl ester Resin being considered as one hybrid composite and Basalt fibre, Vetiver fibre, Vinyl ester Resin were considered as another hybrid composite. Table – 5 Composition of Hybrid I and II Hybrid I

Hybrid II

Vetiver fibre

Vinyl ester Resin

Glass fibre

Vetiver fibre

Vinyl ester Resin

Basalt fibre


(%) 10

(%) 66

(%) 24

(%) 10

(%) 66

(%) 24
















1) Drill Bit: It’s important to match the material of the bit to the material being drilled to produce the best results. F. Drill Bit Material chosen for Analysis: 1) Metal: The most common type used a)

HSS Drill

2) HSS Composition: Composition (%) 1.20-1.40 0.50 1.00 3.5-4.5 2.25-2.75 5.60-6.40 5.60-6.40 5.0-7.0

Material Carbon Manganese Maximum Silicon Chromium Vanadium Tungsten Molybdenum Cobalt

3) Input: Material


Point angle




Helix angle


Chisel edge angle


III. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS A. Work Piece: Modelling of composite sheet with layers up to 5 layers of lamina. Work piece of dimension 100x100mm with thickness of 12mm for each composition mentioned in the Table 5 was modeled on CATIA with orientation {00/900/00/900 /00} The input of drilling parameters were considered as. Speed




Drill dia


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Optimization of Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Fibre Composite on Drilling Process (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 5 / 006)

Fig. 1: Laminates Arrangement

B. Mesh: Meshing is the process of discretization of material for applying and even distribution of loads. Before Meshing the work piece is imported to ANSYS 14.5 WORKBENCH.

Fig. 2: Meshing Of Composite Model

C. Boundary Conditions: According to the drilling machine setup the boundary conditions was applied and the experiment is carried out under room conditions and ultimate drill temperature conditions.

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Optimization of Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Fibre Composite on Drilling Process (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 5 / 006)

IV. RESULT & DISCUSSION A. COMPARSION OF TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION OF HYBRID COMPOSITE I AND HYBRID II: We had given the thermal load and proper drill conditions to the material and carried out the analysis for all the six compositions of two hybrid compositions. The temperature distribution of laminates that we modeled on CATIA is analyzed on ANSYS 14.5 WORK BENCH. The heat flux of laminates that we modeled on CATIA is analyzed on ANSYS 14.5 WORK BENCH. Sample

Table – 6 Temperature Distribution Hybrid composite I



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Table – 7 Temperature Distribution Hybrid composite II


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Table – 8 Heat Flux Hybrid composite I


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Table – 9 Heat Flux Sample

Hybrid composite II

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Both the temperature distribution and heat flux were predicted and tabulated as below

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Optimization of Thermal Analysis of Hybrid Fibre Composite on Drilling Process (IJSTE/ Volume 2 / Issue 5 / 006)

B. COMPARSION OF HEAT FLUX OF HYBRID COMPOSITE I AND HYBRID II: The graph shows the heat flux of samples of hybrid composite I and II

The temperature distribution tables shows the temperature distributions of glass fibre reinforced hybrid composites (I) and the temperature distribution of basalt fibre reinforced hybrid composites (II). In that the smooth distribution of temperature is found for all samples hybrid composite II compare to the hybrid composite I. The sample I of hybrid composite II shows the better temperature distribution than all the samples subjected to analysis. The heat flux table shows the heat flux of glass fibre reinforced hybrid composites (I) and basalt fibre reinforced hybrid composites (II). In that heat flux is less in hybrid composite II compare to the hybrid composite (I).the sample I of hybrid composite II show the very less heat flux than the all other samples of both hybrid composite I & II So the optimized result of this paper is the basalt fiber reinforced hybrid composite (II) at sample I gives the better thermal performance during drilling operation

V. CONCLUSION The simulations were conducted for different composition on the ANSYS 14.5, the heat flux and temperature distribution for different composite were OPTIMIZED and Basalt fiber reinforced hybrid composite shows better result compare to Glass fibre reinforced hybrid composite during drilling operation.

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