IJSTE - International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering | Volume 4 | Issue 6 | December 2017 ISSN (online): 2349-784X
A Review on Performance Analysis of Nanorefrigerant based Domestic Refrigeration System Balwant Kumar Singh M. Tech Student Oriental College of Technology R.G.P.V, Bhopal, M.P.
Md. Shahnawaz Ansari Assistant Professor Oriental College of Technology R.G.P.V, Bhopal, M.P.
Prof. Adarsh Sachdeva Professor Oriental College of Technology, Bhopal
Abstract In present review, the dependability and performance of a vapour compression refrigeration system based on nanorefrigerant is studied. The nanorefrigerants are combination of pure refrigerant ant nanopanticles like (R134a+CuO, R600a|R290+CuO etc.). The study is made with regarding to domestic refrigerator and test facilities developed according to it. Firstly the system performance is evaluated with the help of pure refrigerant such as R600a|R290. After that system is run with the help of nanorefrigerant (Pure refrigerant+nanoparticles) and results are examined. The variation of volume fraction of nanoparticles is main concern during experiments. By comparing these results it was found that COP increases and less power consumed by the system operated using by nanorefrigerant. It was also found that thermo-physical properties of the system advances due to nanorefrigerant. Keywords: CuO nanoparticles, nanorefrigerant, hydrocarbon, COP, Power saving ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I.
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning are playing an important role to cool food products and maintaining lower temperature space than surroundings according to demand. For this purpose the Vapor compression refrigeration system is one of mostly used cyclic device. In India, R134a, R22, R717 and hydrocarbon based refrigeration and Air-conditioning systems are produced on large quantities in past early decades. But in new systems the use of CFC refrigerant are stopped since 2002. After that attention are given to use of HFC refrigerants based systems to manufacture and thus HFC refrigerant based systems are mostly used. But further it was decided to replace R134a based refrigeration system from mixtures of hydrocarbon refrigerants such as R600a|R290 etc. Reason is that hydrocarbon mixtures having similar thermo-physical properties as R134a with zero Ozone Depletion Potential and very small values of Global Warming Potential. Hence these suitable due to environmental safety point of view. But it was found that heat transfer capacity of pure hydrocarbon is limited. That’s why nanoparticles (radius range 1-100 nm) are mixed into pure refrigerants in different volume fractions. Also the concept of nanofluids are employed instead of conventional fluids. The performance of refrigeration system is evaluated and found better result without modification in existing system. II. LITERATURE REVIEW 1) Somchai Wongwises et al. (2005) tested the performance of auto-motive air conditioners by replacing HFC-134a refrigerant with hydrocarbon refrigerant. They done study on four different ratios of hydrocarbon mixtures and found out that the mixture propane/butane/isobutane (50%/40%/10%) is the most appropriate mixture to replace HFC-134a and having best performance regarding C.O.P., the refrigeration capacity and the compressor power consumed. 2) Fatouh M. et al. (2006) has experimented on domestic refrigerator by replacing R134a with the hydrocarbon refrigerant over a wide range of evaporator temperature (-35 to - 100C) and condenser temperature (40 to 60 0C) with different proportions of propane in propane/butane/isobutene mixture of refrigerant. The analysis shows that hydrocarbon refrigerant with 60% propane mass proportion is most efficient and it improves the C.O.P. over the use of R134a and also reduces pressure drop by 11.1% as compared to R134a. 3) Jwo Ching Song et al. (2009) investigated the performance of home refrigerators by replacing R134a refrigerant with the R290/R-600a hydrocarbon refrigerant. In this experiment they used 50% of each proportion of R-290 and R-600a with varied mass and evaluated the results compared to R134a. They found out that the R-290/R-600a hydrocarbon refrigerant with 90g mass has better performance as compared to 150g R-134a which is reduced to 40%. They also found out that change in
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A Review on Performance Analysis of Nanorefrigerant based Domestic Refrigeration System (IJSTE/ Volume 4 / Issue 6 / 017)
refrigerator temperature is also enhanced with faster cooling rate as compared to R-134a and the consumption in energy is also reduced by 4.4%. Bi Shengshan et al. (2011) used TiO2-R600a based nanorefrigerant in domestic refrigerator in which two concentrations of nanoparticles were used. They optimized the performance of refrigerator at 0.1 and 0.5 g/L concentrations of TiO2-R600a and found out that at 0.1 g/L concentration the energy consumption reduced by 5.64% and at 0.5 g/L concentration it reduced by 9.60%. Moreover, the freezing velocity of TiO2-R600a is also fast as compared to R600a pure refrigerant. Kumar S.D et al. (2012) did experimental work on nanorefrigerant by using Al 2O3-PAG oil in R134a vapor compression refrigeration system. The system performance was investigated on the basis of energy consumption test and freeze capacity test. It was found out that Al2O3 nanorefrigerant works normally and safely in the refrigeration system. It was investigated that performance of refrigeration system was better than pure lubricant with R134a working fluid, a 10.32% less energy was consumed when 0.2% volume of the concentration used in the system. Furthermore heat transfer coefficient increases with the usage of nanoparticle Al2O3. Thus, using Al2O3 nanorefrigerant in refrigeration system enhances the performance of the system. D.SENDIL KUMAR, R.ELANSEZHIAN (2014), performed analysis in his paper ZnO nanorefrigerant in R152a refrigeration system for energy conservation and green environment, and concluded that the system works safely with replacing of R152a with the conventionally used R134a.No modification in the system was required for the retrofitting process which is a major advantage of the work. The COP increases with the increase in nano concentration of ZnO. Maximum COP of 3.56 was obtained with 0.5%v of ZnO. The suction temperature decreases with the increase in nano concentration. The input power decreases with increases in nano concentration. The pull-down temperature of the evaporator decreases with time. The usage of R152a with very low GWP ensures safe and clean environment with low power consumption. The pressure ratio decreases with the increase in nano ZnO concentration. Mahbubul I.M. et al. (2015) analyzed the thermo-physical properties and their effect on COP. 5% volume of Al 2O3 nanoparticles are added at temperature of 283-308 K. The results indicate that the thermal conductivity of nanorefrigerant Al2O3 increases on increasing temperature i.e. 8.12% to 28.58% for 208K to 308K. The density and viscosity of nanorefrigerant also increased by 13.68% and 11% for the same temperature rise. The variation in thermal conductivity, density and viscosity also increases the COP by 15%, 3.2% and 2.6%. A. Senthikumar, R. Praveen (2015) experimentally investigated reliability and performance of nano refrigerant (CuO -R600a) in the domestic refrigerat0r.The results show that mixture of (CuO- R600a) works in the normal way. It is also observed that cooling capacity of refrigerator is increased by 10-20% & energy consumption reduced by 11.83 to 17.88% respectively. Lingnan Lin (2016) experimentally investigated the effects of primary particle size, primary particle concentration and temperature on particle aggregation behavior in nanorefrigerant-oil mixture. The nanoparticles, refrigerant and lubricating oil for experiments were TiO2, R141b, and ATMOS NM56 respectively. III. CONCLUSION
The system works normally with hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant and nanoparticles used as an alternative of R134a. There was no modification done in the system for the retrofitting process which is a good benefit of this review. It was observed that more temperature drop across condenser and gain in evaporator temperature due to use of nanorefrigerant Also pressure ratio decreases, COP of the system improves and compressor requires less work input due to use of nanorefrigerant with varying volume concentrations of nanoparticles. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are using the conceptual knowledge to do some useful work for the benefit of our society. This work is complete in the guidance of Assistant professor Md. Shahnawaz Ansari who showing confidence in me and showed me different approach to achieve my goal. I am thankful to work with him. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
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