Techniques for Minimizing Power Consumption in DFT during Scan Test Activity Mathavi.A1
Kalasalingam Institute of Technology, PG Student of ECE
Kalasalingam Institute of Technology, Asst. prof of ECE
Abstract--- Lessening in test force is vital to enhance battery lifetime in versatile electronic gadgets utilizing intermittent individual test. It's to expand dependability of testing, and to lessen test expense. A conservative test set with exceedingly viable examples, every identifying different issues, is attractive for lower test expenses. Such examples build exchanging action amid dispatch and catch operations. In this paper, we exhibit a novel circuit strategy to essentially dispense with test force dissemination in combinational logic by veiling sign moves at the logic inputs amid sweep moving is exhibited. We execute the concealing impact by embeddings an additional supply gating transistor in the supply to ground way for the firstlevel doors at the yields of the output flip-flops. The gating transistor supply is killed in the output in mode, basically gating the supply. Further, DFT punishments are decreased by embracing specific trigger Scan structural planning. This building design diminishes exchanging action in the circuit-under-test (CUT) and builds the clock recurrence of the checking methodology. The assistant chain moves in the contrast between sequential test vectors and just the obliged moves (alluded to as trigger information) are connected. Power necessities are significantly decreased by the utilization of a two-stage heuristic technique. Utilizing ISCAS 89 benchmark circuits, this adequacy is to enhance SoC test measures (power, time, and information volume) is tentatively assessed and affirmed. Index Terms---Circuit-under-test (CUT), First-level gates, Masking effect, Power dissipation, Selective trigger.
vectors amid testing. Swarup Bhunia [1] demonstrated that embeddings blocking logic into the boost way of the output flip-lemon to
1. INTRODUCTION INTELLECTUAL property (IP) centers are generally utilized for planning a framework on-chip (SoC). Despite the fact that IP centers can help to decrease the outline process duration, regardless they posture numerous difficulties when testing is considered. The precomputed test examples that are given by center merchants must be connected to every center inside the force requirements of the entire SoC. As a framework integrator may utilize a center in diverse stages with different test instruments, the test instrument of the center must consider issues identified with information volume, application time, and force utilization amid test. Besides, different models, (for example, for deferral issues) must be considered to enhance the general test quality. Power dissemination amid test mode can be altogether higher than that amid useful mode because of taking after reasons [5], the outline under test (DUT) has a hardware implanted to diminish the test-multifaceted nature is regularly sit out of gear amid the typical operations, however utilized widely as a part of the testing mode, the test proficiency demonstrates a high relationship with the switch rate, in a circuit, parallel testing is much of the time utilized to lessen application time. Since the data vectors amid utilitarian mode are typically emphatically related contrasted with factually free continuous information
anticipate proliferation of output expansive influence to logic doors offers a straightforward and powerful answer for altogether diminish test force, autonomous of test set. Mohammad Hosseinabady [2] demonstrated that the output structural planning uses an activating (empowering) tie notwithstanding the information registers. Moreover, activating affix equipment is intended to exploit comparable neighboring information into the information enrolls, the activating chain chooses where an information flip-flop must flip or hold its old worth. Alongside test reformatting systems, this structural planning can decrease test time and force. It can likewise decrease the information volume by empowering the utilization of pressure calculation on its reformatted information. It is material to postpone shortcoming testing. Yet, information in this building design is checked at a higher clock recurrence. Arnab Sinha [3] demonstrated that to minimize the force by the utilization of a two-stage heuristic technique, which can be abused by any chip-format project amid the position and steering of sweep cells. At-pace or significantly speedier than-at-rate testing propose design era under low exchanging action limitations may prompt misfortune in test quality and/or example check swelling, Samah Mohamed [4] demonstrated that outline for testability (DFT) support for empowering the utilization of an arrangement of examples enhanced for expense and
quality as seems to be, yet in a low influence way. Apportioning the outline and testing one parcel at once has been proposed to diminish dispatch and catch force amid inherent individual test (BIST) [6], LOS [7] and LOC [8]. In broadside testing [9], it needs two back to back catch cycles, called the dispatch cycle and the catch cycle. Some effective techniques, which decrease the catch control in stuck-at issue testing, neglect to diminish test power in both dispatch cycle and catch cycle for broadside testing. In the event that one strategy tries to lessen test power under broadside testing, it is sensible for it to identify all the testable deficiencies of broadside testing, as [10][11][12]. Flaw scope can be enhanced with the force diminishment plots in [13]. Wang, al. proposed programmed test example era strategy to update test vectors for decreasing force scattering amid sweep testing [14]. With their programmed test example era (ATPG), repetitive moves in combinational logic can be diminished however not killed. In [15], an ATPG procedure that lessens exchanging action (amid testing of consecutive circuits with full-sweep) has been introduced. The tests produced by this ATPG can be utilized for an at-rate testing of chips and has scarcely passed on with any danger of harm because of unnecessary warmth.
2.1 Block Logic Method for prevents redundant switching in combinational circuits Embeddings blocking logic into the boost way of the sweep flip-flops [as demonstrated in Fig.1(a)] to anticipate engendering of output progressively outstretching influence to logic doors offers a straightforward and successful answer for altogether decrease test force, autonomous of test set. Blocking doors (of sort NOR or NAND) are controlled by the test empower signal [as in Fig. 1(b)], and the jolt ways stay settled at either logic "0" or "1" amid the whole sweep shift
Whatever remains of the paper is composed as takes after: Section II delineates the proposed piece logic system; sweep chain reordering and a specific trigger for decrease move control and averts excess exchanging in combinational logic. Segment III presents exploratory results as far as territory, defer and force for an ISCAS89 benchmark circuit. Segment IV presents related works. Area V closes the paper.
operation. Fig. 1 (a). Scan architecture with blocking circuitry To comb. gates
To comb. gates
The element power dissemination in the combinational circuit can be lessened by bringing down the action of the circuit. The test mode normally disperses more power than the typical mode, particularly if a sweep component is utilized. Amid the information examine in process, the distinction between two contiguous bits travels through the output way because of the movement operation; numerous drifting moves are then connected to the CUT. Numerous methods are proposed to lessen the quantity of these moves for force dispersal administration. These systems can be classified as takes after:
Transition techniques to reduce the effect of the difference between two consecutive bits in the scan chain
Transition techniques by partitioning to reduce the effective length of the scan chain
Techniques to block transitions in a circuit
Scan reordering techniques and
TC ~
SFF CL K Fig. 1(b). Blocking Logic
• Transition methods to decrease the distinction between two sequential test vecto Transition techniques to reduce the difference between two consecutive test vectors
Integrated techniques that use two or more of the aforementioned techniques.
2.2 Scan chain reorder for minimizing transition between flip-flops Consider the ISCAS89 benchmark circuit with three flip-flops. We consider eight tests –cases and their corresponding responses. We construct an acyclic graph from the test-sequence and their respective responses. The vertices in the graph represent the flip-flops and the edges represent the transitions between each pair of flip-flops. The edge–weights represent the total bit-difference between them as obtained from the table. The greedy algorithm starts from any scan cell which is ff1 in our case, as the choice of initial state is not so crucial when the number of scan cells in the graph is considerably high [16]. The final series in this case
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR TRENDS IN ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY VOLUME 5 ISSUE 2 – MAY 2015 - ISSN: 2349 - 9303 is ff1-ff3-ff2. Cutting the cyclic graph at each edge will give us the scan-in and scan-out flip-flops. Each cutting solution differs in number of transitions and propagation and the one with least number of transitions will give the optimal solution to our problem. FF1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
V1 R1 V2 R2 V3 R3 V4 R4
FF2 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
the next cell value saved into TR.
FF3 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Fig. 3. (a). Transitions between 2 test vectors. (b). Unnecessary transitions in scan architecture
Fig. 2. Test sequence and Weighted Graph
2.3 Selective trigger scan architecture for reduce transition between test vectors We begin clarification of our proposed building design with a straightforward sample. Give us a chance to expect that V1 in Fig.3a is a current test vector in an output chain and V2 is the following test vector that must be moved. Looking at V1 and V2 moves (Fig.3a), there are just three distinctions in their bits that are called vital moves. If we somehow managed to utilize a standard output chain and movement V2 into the sweep chain in eight test tickers, with every movement, moves indicated in Fig.3b would happen. Case in point, moving the furthest right 1 of V2 into the sweep chain causes five moves in the eight output flip-flops. Through and through, moving V2 would bring about 32 moves that are called pointless moves. Then again, parallel stacking V2 specifically into our building design disposes of superfluous moves on the info of a CUT. Hence, our scan architecture should eliminate the unnecessary transitions. In addition, the following features should be considered for the proposed scan architecture and DFT method:
Scan architecture should not add extra inputs compared to a conventional scan approach.
A DFT approach must add no delay to the normal operation of the circuit.
Fig. 4. Scan cell structure of the proposed architecture
3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We assess our configuration utilizing modelsim. We recreate an ISCAS89 benchmark circuits and acquired power, zone and time. We pick piece logic, output chain reordering and specific trigger for trial assessment. Fig.5. Speaks to, the reenactment consequence of square logic, sweep chain reordering and particular trigger. Particular trigger diminished number of move between test vectors. Piece logic averts excess information move into combinational circuits. Sweep chain reordering diminished power through revise the output cells. Fig.6. Demonstrates the force report of piece logic, sweep chain reordering and particular trigger. The aggregate force utilization is 123 MHz. The flip-failure check is decreased. Along these lines, the zone overhead is decreased. Table.1. Demonstrates the static force andareacomparison.Fig.5. The simulation result of proposed architecture
The proposed architecture, shown in Fig. 4, serves two purposes. One is to reduce the activity at the data outputs and the second is to facilitate test data compression. As shown in Fig. 4, the NOR gate compare the previous cell and next cell test vector, if the value will be same again the previous value saved into the TR. If the value will be differ
Fig. 6. Power report for proposed architecture
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Gate Count
Mixed At-Speed Testing
Selective Trigger
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4. RELATED WORK Scan cell testing has been extensively used to increase fault coverage in the CUT. The proposed architecture reduces number transitions between scan cells and test vectors. So, the power consumption in the scan cell testing has been reduced.
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In this paper, square logic, output chain reordering and a particular trigger are proposed for force minimization. At moving operation excess information moved into the combinational circuit. Particular trigger diminishes the number moves between test vectors to utilizing NOR door. Sweep chain reordering revamps the output cells for lessen number of moves between output cells. Both of these techniques, used to minimize the force and region contrasted with the current blended at-rate testing. From there on, the static force is lessened by 6.1% to 11% and the zone overhead diminished by 47% contrasted with Mixed AtSpeed testing with slight addition in element power.
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