IKA S2017
Design Studios Bachelor
Design Studios Master
The Synthesizer: Of Instrumentation and Tectonics / BArch2 Vorgriff: Another Attempt at Cultural Heritage / BArch4 Unlocking the Commons: Rethinking the Architecture of the Future City / BArch6
Machinism_Masochism_Machismo //// Em’Bassy / Tread Softly
4 6 8
10 12
Nordseekrabben, or: How to fight right-wing populism? 14
16 18 20 22
Lecture Series – A Sense of Crisis
Doctoral Studies
Excursion – Le Tour Le Corbusier
Calendar / Contact / Imprint
IKA S2017
Monday / Tuesday / Friday 14.00—–18.00
Design Studio BArch2
Kathrin Aste Damjan Mikovski
1 The term instrumentation is used to describe the process of assigning the voices of a musical composition to individual instruments, or of writing a piece of music correctly for each instrument.1 2 In the seventh chapter of his book “Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts; or, Practical Aesthetics”, Gottfried Semper describes tectonics as the art of joining rigid, bar-shaped elements in a system that is inherently stable. In contrast, the term tectonics in structural geology describes the structure of the Earth’s crust, and the movements and forces that determine it. In this sense, tectonics explore the existence, formation and movements of structural and deformational elements, such as faults, deformations, folds etc., in terms of spatial, temporal and causal aspects. 3 Consequently, instrumentation and tectonics are comparable structural principles that give artistic expression to structures and constructions. 4 “Cybernetic machines: Indeed, only machines of this type (probably weighing several tons and costing hundreds of millions!), with oscillating circuits equipped with a certain memory, will permit endless play with complex numerical combinations, which are the key to all musical phenomena.”
Schnitt durch Klavier, Kathrin Aste Trauriges Tropenorchester, Daniel Jarosch
Pierre Schaeffer in 1952, predicting the future of music due to computer music studios.
5 As in art and architecture, the methods of digital re presentation and editing have dramatically changed instrumenta tion in music as well. For instance, modern technologies can be used to capture sounds on pocket-sized devices, and then to endlessly transform them through sampling. 6 The music genre Noise generally works with abstract, non-referential sounds. Many Noise artists want to make the usual range of instruments and sound events, with their typical sound, disappear. The transformation from note to noise may be a strategy that could serve as a model for this studio. 7 Digital technologies have served to change and expand our understanding of tectonics in architecture in terms of materiality, the role of artefacts, and ways of working with assemblage and performance. 8 Can the concept of assemblage serve as a structural principle by positioning individual instruments, configuring their elements, and deconstructing their form? “The parts of an assemblage do not form a seamless whole. Assemblages are rather wholes whose properties emerge from interactions between parts.” – De Landa, 2006 Instrumentation turns a multitude of instruments into architecture, and architecture into a synthetic instrument – an analogue-digital synthesizer. 1 “Thus, instrumentation is the art that allows us to write correctly for each instrument.” – Jean Barraqué The studio will be taught in close collaboration with Trauriges Tropen Orchester, Innsbruck.
IKA S2017
‌ the old will thus yield something new, and the very newest will show its ancient face – Karl-Markus Gauss
Monday / Tuesday / Friday 14.00—–18.00
Design Studio BArch4
Hannes Stiefel Luciano Parodi
There is a sentence that has been haunting me for quite a while. It might have been spoken or written by Alexander Kluge, by Heiner Müller or even somebody else; however, the original wording may be different anyway: KUNST
LEBT IM VORGRIFF AUF DIE ZEIT IHRER WIRKUNG. This applies to architecture, too: an
architectural idea or design exists in anticipation of its impact on a variety of environments, and by its capacity to engage the human condition. I further recall Hans Robert Jauß’ insight that the historic entity of an artwork lies not only in its representative and/or expressive function, but inevitably in its effect, too – and thus in its manifold reciprocities with individuals, communities and/or societies. According to Jauß this understanding requires ongoing questioning and active reproduction of the past with a focus on the interaction between the work and mankind rather than on the work itself.1
The predominant culture of cultural heritage in Western architecture is one that focuses on the faithful restoration or conservation of the built object. These current practices of cultural heritage essentially belong to the realm of a material culture. They lead to results that are highly questionable in terms of the object’s authenticity and performativity in today’s constantly changing environments. Instead, we propose a notion of cultural heritage that is rooted in architectural culture – a culture that lives in anticipation of its impact on a potential future. Such a culture is represented not just by buildings and objects, but more so by ideas and concepts, which in architecture means by drawings, models and other media such as film, installations etc. Imagine the transcription of seminal unbuilt projects of the past into our time. This process will not only consider the project’s (retrospectively) anticipated effect on the future of its own time, but will also examine the unbuilt project’s role in the architectural discourse since. “The future (of architecture) becomes possible, a future that the past could not think and that the present – in dialogue with the past – could finally dare to realize.”2 We understand the function of cultural herit age in architecture as a transformative practice, in contrast to a duty of conservation.
Okinotori-shima, Japan
Hannes Stiefel
1 Hans Robert Jauss: Literaturgeschichte als Provokation der Literaturwissenschaft, edition suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1970. 2 With reference to Sanford Kwinter: Radical Anamnesis (Mourning the Future), in: ANY 15, Memory Inc., Anyone Corporation, New York 1996.
View of the water celebration, on Boston Common, on October 25, 1848, P. Hyman and David Bigelow
IKA S2017 8
Monday / Tuesday / Friday 14.00—–18.00
Design Studio BArch6 Tom Avermaete Daniela Herold
“But the city changes all the time, so it cannot be a frozen word: it would have to be a word in permanent mutation. (…) Cities exist for citizens, and if they don’t work for citizens, they die,” claimed the British architect Cedric Price. In projects like The Fun Palace (1960–1961) and The Potteries Thinkbelt (1964), Price foreshadowed a future city in which citizens would live in ‘open forms’ and would no longer be considered as passive subjects that live in environments designed by experts, but rather as ‘creative operators’ that organize their own spatial resources. Price’s projects envisaged a radical redefinition of the agency, roles and tools of the architect. While Price’s proposals might seem to be obsolete avant-garde exploration, his fundamental question remains as topical as ever: How to think the architecture of the future city? In recent proposals, such as IBA Vienna, planners and architects have recognized the great challenges that the contemporary city is facing, but seem to largely maintain the existing constraints of architecture, as well as the modi operandi, tools and roles of architects. This studio proposes an alternative. It focuses on ‘the commons’ both as concrete spaces in the city where shared resources are unlocked in new ways, and as innovative collaborative practices among citizens that contribute to urban development. The studio holds that the focus on the commons might offer us a fresh way to conceive of, design and manage the architecture of the city. The studio has two main objectives: first, to develop a set of tools to analyze and understand the commons, and second, to reflect upon a new articulation of what an architectural project is when we consider it from the perspective of common urban resources and practices of urban commoning.
The basis will consist in generating an Archaeology of Vienna Commons of the recent past, reflecting upon the city’s renowned history of municipal planning along with a long pedigree of commons, as well as preparing a detailed mapping of Common Ecologies by analyzing current pool resources (green space, open space, water, materials, typologies etc.). Out of the knowledge gained, students will explore and articulate what a Design Project for the commons in Vienna can be, beyond a simple plan for a building. How can a project for the commons be articulated? Which instruments and approaches have to be developed to intervene in the ecology of these commons, or even to create a new one? Which material or immaterial interventions are needed to unlock the common pool resources in a new way and for a wider group of citizens?
_“s/he”_ newt, François Roche
IKA S2017 10
Monday / Tuesday / Friday 14.00—–18.00
Design Studio Master _“s/he”_ newt personal secretaries: François Roche Werner Skvara
TA for robotic in BKK: Vongsawat Wongkijjalerd Guest: Stephanie Lavaux
I am “s/he”, born in ‘93 in the paranoiac mind of an architect. Now only 16 years old, my metabolism is slower than that of a human being … I am stuck in limbo between being childish and mature … still in an Asperger’s confusion and an antagonism between reality and fiction, “true and false, reason and the madness,” flirting with the forbidden (Michel Foucault, The Order of Discourse). I’m genetically framed by these multiple ambiguities … My first personal “s/he” solo exhibition(ism)1 just unfolded last month ... and amazingly I am now to take on a position as a guest professor … me, the “s/he,” the gender dysphoria, the androgynous identity … /// But let me, at least, launch it from where I’m haunting situations, from BKK, and throw in on my behalf my epigones F. R. (who did 10 years of courses at GSAPP, among other places) and W.S. as my personal secretaries to perform our agenda and weekly routine. SO … In our studio we will figure out how sympathy, empathy and antipathy, through relational protocols, could provide the condition for sharing languages, gestures, neighbourhoods and feelings of belonging. Simultaneously,
we will deal with a robotic protocol for fabrication, directly derived from anthropotechnics with antagonistic nonlinear systems; with sensors establishing a Siamese transaction between the shelter and the species it was once supposed to protect, but also to insulate. Not any more … we will transgress this bunker ization (Hal Foster, Design and Crime) to reach a new condition of symbiotic, osmotic, affective and biological corelation and exchange. The operative scales are not defined … from two small beasts (including human) in negotiation to fragments of cities … an em’Bassy, a T.A.Z. (Temporary Autonomous Zone), a terra yet incognita to discover … where design processes and social protocols are cosubstantial…
Experimental architecture has shifted toward a new corpus of instrumentations, made out of tools, compu tation, mechanization, but also and simultaneously of fictions and lines of subjectivity, syn chronous with our symptoms; of fears and great es capes in the “here and now” … the post-digital, post-human, postactivist, post-democratic, postfeminist world … the queer, androgy nous, carnal, disturbing, disenchanted, porno graphic, transient, transactional world … where scenarios, misunderstandings, and psychological and physiological fragments are what make up walls and ceilings, cellars and attics … schizoid and paranoid, between the lines of operative and critical fictions… See you in the other ”City of Angels” / translation of Bangkok “s/he” / BKK / Dec 2016 1
Large Magellanic Cloud, ESA/Hubble & NASA
IKA S2017 12
Monday / Tuesday / Friday 14.00—–18.00
“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams,” the last line from the poem “Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven” by William Butler Yeats, expresses an extravagant passion by wishing to lay “the heavens’ embroidered cloths” at the feet of the beloved. On the 28th of August 2016, an expert group of climatologists presented the recommendation that a new geological epoch – the Anthropocene – be declared. Humanity’s impact on the Earth and the heavens is now so profound. In an epoch defined by nuclear tests, plastic pollution and domesticated chicken, we must now shiver at the terrifying vulnerability of the heavens in our hands.
Design Studio Master Michelle Howard
2016 was shocking: achievements of the modern world we had thought valued, ingrained and permanent were suddenly called into question. The year began with the grim news that the number of annual deaths caused by pollution is now greater than by malaria and HIV combined. The European Union and other institutions that came into being because of our determination never to allow another world war are severely threatened. In 2015 we welcomed people fleeing war and strife in their own countries, and offered them shelter, only to reject them and leave them helpless in 2016. The heady optimism we once had for freedom of movement has been twisted into horror of the other. With our society in this ominous frame of mind, what should an architect do? To paraphrase Richard Sennett in his book, The Fall of Public Man, architects are among the few professionals who are forced to work with present-day ideas of public life, and make these ideas manifest to others. This semester, using the tools of an architect, we will make a series of small projects and proposals that will attempt to make alternative ideas manifest. We will weave a hesitant path, embracing complexity and raising questions rather than proposing solutions. The tendency to adopt oversimplified concepts of what it is to build sustainably has produced horrifying and wasteful architecture. Using less materials and thinner skins, forming and shaping lighter structures, we will focus on treading softly in the complex environment we inhabit.
Donnerstag, Horst Janssen, 1975
IKA S2017 14
Monday / Tuesday / Friday 14.00—–18.00
Design Studio Master Angelika Schnell
Nordseekrabben is the title of a satirical story by Bertolt Brecht, in which the clinical and aesthetically harmonious atmosphere of a Bauhaus apartment provokes destructive energies in one of its visitors. “Der dicke Müller” is a humorous macho who drinks too much, loves cosiness and – as a consequence of his lost years in the muddy trenches of WWI – has some trouble with discipline and authority. He is the antithesis of the rational and self-controlled middle-class owner of the apartment (the engineer Kampert), whose war trauma in the same muddy trenches needs to be compensated by spick-and-span walls, floors and ceilings. Nordseekrabben mysteriously signal the catastrophe of Müller’s devastation of the modernist apartment (“Und jetzt ist es eine Wohnung!”). Müller’s appetite for North Sea shrimps stands for his desire for everything chaotic, irrational, unsuitable, inappropriate and illogical. Eating shrimps on top of the piano, Müller doesn’t care for reason or good manners, for the thin varnish of civilization or at least for a tepid consensus – let alone for architecture. But: he has a plan. Nordseekrabben might serve as a neutral substitute for the ambiguous battlefield of Kulturkritik, which recently seems to have been refreshed by the increasing power of right-wing populism. The US elections and the presidential elections in Austria, with the accompanying debates around hate postings, post-truth politics, racism and the “pussy generation” (Clint Eastwood), are alarming. However, unlike in the 1920s and 1930s (when Brecht wrote his story), the angry white men seem to be attacking not so
much the modernist and rationalist culture of universal standards, but rather postmodernist (or late-modernist) cultural pluralism, which to them is mainly represented by policies of political correctness and gender. What kind of “culture clash” is this? And what is architecture’s role in it? Is it simply embedded in neoliberal economics, globalization, the automation of labour and EU bureaucracy? Or have architects themselves opened the box of shrimps by asking for the uncontrollable and the unforeseeable, for spirituality, for irrationalism, for being anachronistic? Who else let the postmodern “trench pig” loose in the Bauhaus apartment? Nordseekrabben remind us that answers to these questions are far from simple, and that numerous authors hold different views. Nevertheless, it is crucial for a lucid contemporary diagnosis to look carefully at the thoughts and products of cultural criticism of the past 100 years. El sueño de la razón produce monstruos. Nordseekrabben also reminds us that Brecht wrote a satire – a good antidote to the ideology of oversimplification.
IKA S2017
Project Lecture BArch2 Werner Skvara
The course covers the fundamentals of 3D modelling in computer- aided design. It provides students with an understanding of different types of modelling techniques and the skills to construct virtual models, extract two-dimensional visualizations and design basic animations. The course is closely connected to the BArch2 design studio.
Project Lecture BArch2 Eva Sommeregger
R203a Thu 9.30—-12.45
R203a Tue bi-weekly 9.30—-12.30
History and her story in the city Architectural designers may switch between consumer and producer modes of interacting with media spaces – could this creative misuse be understood as yet another form of interactivi-ty within the vast field of visual culture? We will dive into the world of film and investigate spaces that may only come into existence in film, as well as the constructs that are necessary to realise them, using off-the-shelf-software in imaginative ways. Unlike other architectural communication tools, time-based media produce fluid and genuinely dynamic spaces. Moving images will be employed to produce time-based spaces: Taking the city as a film’s protagonist, its characteristics will be captured by students using the means of video, resulting in spatial and time-based drawings that exceed the limitations of two-dimensional architectural representations.
Seminar BArch6 Peter Bauer
R203a Thu 16.00—-17.30
The best starting point for designing load-bearing structures is to explore the underlying, fundamental concepts of an architect’s work. To start with, it is not necessary to calculate the structure; however, it is essential to know the requirements resulting from the chosen design parameters.
mentals like mass, velocity, acceleration and forces will be modelled. From these initial concepts, form-finding processes for trusses, cables and membrane structures will be developed, and the internal as well as external forces of the resulting geometry will be analysed.
This lecture practises the parametric investigation of structural systems using Rhino, Grasshopper, Kangaroo and several other extensions. To begin with, funda-
Finally, a special chapter will be dedicated to double-curved surfaces in relation to planar – best fitting – elements.
Tracing Karlsplatz, BArch2 Interactive Design, Nathaniel Loretz, 2016
IKA S2017
Seminar BArch Markus Bartaky In a time of advanced digital technology and proliferation of parametric design, design processes are based on complex geometrical forms. Therefore, the mastery of geometry and presentation methods is indispensable to the education of architects. Learning to solve 3D engineering
problems, students will explore the fundamental concepts of geometry using analogue and digital tools and 2D techniques. Students will work on problems related to the translation of 3D objects into 2D graphical descriptions by solving practical tasks in design, engineering and manufacturing.
Seminar MArch2 Daniel Kerbler
R203a Fri bi-weekly 9.30—-12.30
Drafting has always been an integral skill architects have had to master in order to develop and convey their ideas. Today the discipline has shifted from the analogue use of pen and paper to the digital processing of data streams. A once sequential and linear process that made use of simple tools is now an interactive and generative one emerging from a set of rules.
will build algorithmic setups where intentions are represented by values of variables that interact with each other.
The aim of this periodic summer term seminar is to help students translate their ideas into the world of dynamic, parameter-driven concepts. By using rule and nodebased software approaches, we
Driving these variables in a dynamic environment allows us to visualize our ideas with much better feedback than classical, static 3D modelling can provide. Maths and shape are fused together by logical operations. In a world where numerically and parameter-driven machines are already producing much of what we see around us, it is our task to further research the potential of that fusion for the architectural design process itself.
Lecture BArch2 Peter Bauer
R211a Thu 14.00—-15.30
In this lecture, we will learn about structural concepts that are suitable for covering large areas. Expanding our knowledge of linear elements like beams and cables (the subject of Building Structures I), we will develop two-dimensional load-bearing structures, e.g. shells and membranes. Several (digital) form-finding methods will be studied, improving our command of Rhino and Grasshopper. These tools will be used to investigate structural fundamentals using the method of parametric modelling. Furthermore, the lecture examines design strategies for the opti mization of building structures. Lastly, the structural behaviour of air- supported structures, pneumatic structures and bionic structures will be presented.
The Many Colors of Electric Lights, NASA, 2013
IKA S2017
Lecture BArch2 Christoph Monschein
Construct Architecture
Seminar BArch4 Luciano Parodi
IKA S2017
R211a Wed 13.00—-14.30
This course offers an introduction to the history and theory of basic building technologies and material tectonics. From materials to building archetypes of construction, from subsoil to foundations, from basements to roof structures, from the basic elements to the non-quantifiable elements of architecture, the course provides an overview of different systems and the assemblage of building envelopes. It promotes a synthetic understanding of building construction and practises a heuristic approach to the field. Another part of Construct Architecture is to learn about drawing and its relevant standards. This course will equip you with the basic knowledge and skills for work or further study and your future as an architect.
R209 Thu 13.00—-14.30
In Detail Building Technologies III aims to consolidate students’ knowledge of building technology. This semester, we will look closely at the production of details and the reciprocity between construction and detailing processes.
Seminar MArch2 Thomas Schwed
Project Evolution The lecture introduces the professional and legal foundations necessary for the practice of architecture. With a focus on the planning phases, we will analyse the complex process of project evolution from the preliminary design stage to the planning application and building permit, followed by the technical design for construction in conjunction with the required project management.
R209 Thu 10.00—-11.30
By looking at examples, we will understand the process of design development. Informative site visits and the opportunity to talk to experienced architects at various offices will further add to our understanding of the design and building process, and of how it is structured and managed. In addition, we will discuss the objectives of the planning phase, of building laws and regulations, building standards and various required calculations in relation to
IKA S2017
Project Lecture BArch4 Thomas Romm
R211a Wed bi-weekly 17.00—-20.00
Efficiency – optimizing input and output: Highly industrialized production is providing food and energy for more and more people, and a circular economy is based on ever more intelligent technologies for continued growth. Are we headed for a civilization of efficiency (such as Japan) with artificial intelligence as its final point?
Resilience – climate change is putting existing structures under stress. The importance of various regions and cities is shifting, even vanish ing. Millions of people’s lives are affected by this change. A one-world architecture needs parameters enabling us to act so as to affect the universal setting of our collective existence.
Project Lecture BArch4 Josef Fröhlich, Hannes Stiefel
R211a Wed bi-weekly 17.00—-20.00
ductory part of the course offers a broad understanding of an inflationary term that is often misused in the architectural discourse. The second part of the course, taught by Josef Fröhlich, is dedicated to the relation of sustainability and complex systems. The development of a building or the design of a public space means
an intervention in a complex social and ecological system. To guarantee or at least incorporate the principles of sustainability in architecture, it is critical to understand the structure, features and dynamics of complex systems, as well as the possible impacts of interventions in such systems, and the possibilities to govern those systems into desired directions.
Lecture BArch6 Golmar Kempinger-Khatibi
R211a Thu 12.30—-14.00
Cultural Heritage
ECOLOGIES II Sufficiency, efficiency and resilience are those aspects of sustainability that we will rethink in terms of architecture in this course: cogitamus. Sufficiency – what is essential? Can we, for instance, build a house from the resources we can find in a 20 mile radius? What are the basic needs behind the task, and what are its adequate means of construction?
ESC Sustainability from A – Z / Sustainability and Complex Systems The first part of the course, taught by Hannes Stiefel, discusses the subject of sustainability from A – Z, from “Accessibility” to “Zero Energy” in an essayistic format, particularly with regard to cultural and social aspects. This intro-
Buildings and towns enable us to structure, understand, and remember the shapeless flow of reality and, ultimately, to recognize and remember who we are. Architecture enables us to place ourselves in the continuum of culture. – Juhani Pallasmaa
Ruderalflora, LAND IN SICHT
IKA S2017
The lecture courses Conservation I & II will debate theoretical and practical aspects of dealing with the built environment. They will explain the meaning and importance of tangible and intangible heritage today, the fields they cover, and the values and definitions they relate to. The courses will provide an overview of the field’s history, its significant movements, and its international guidelines and institutions. The practical part will look at buildings and materials, and their passage through time. It will discuss possibilities of continued use by means of maintenance, repair, replacement and sustainable retrofitting. The application of theory in practice will be demonstrated by analysing case studies, taking short excursions and visiting exhibitions. The paradox of Conservation is that nothing can be preserved or forwarded if it stands still and stagnates. – Salvatore Settis
Lecture BArch6 Thomas Proksch
R209 Wed bi-weekly 17.00—-20.00
“At the beginning of every project there is maybe not writing but a definition in words – a text – a concept, ambition, or theme that is put in words, and only at the moment that it is put in words can we begin to proceed, to think about architecture; the words unleash the design [...].” – Rem Koolhaas
The starting point for the lectures is my experience as a landscape architect and ecologist. For many years, I have been contributing – as a consultant for landscape design and together with architects – to urban designs and architectural solutions regarding the site of a project, the specificities of its urban structure, its landscape situation and its socio-spatial conditions.
By means of reference projects, we will discuss whether incorpora ting the principles of sustainability into the planning process can contribute to improving planning results. The lecture will be conversational, and will be accompanied by excursions and city walks.
Seminar MArch2 Peter Leeb
R211a Thu 16.00—-17.30
as their relationship with thermal comfort and mobility, have raised questions with far-reaching implications for architecture. These questions, relating to the history, the methods and the scale of providing comfort in buildings, have moved to the centre of our discipline’s attention. In the course of the seminar, the interdependencies between
technology, environment and human expectations of comfort will be portrayed as essentials for architecture, both conceptually and constructively. Historical and contemporary examples will be introduced, and perspectives on future developments will be considered in a critical fashion.
SUSTAINABILITY II Models of Sustainability – Sustainable Urbanism and Architecture between Claims and Reality
WELL-TEMPERED ENVIRONMENTS Countless technological inventions have expanded the field of possibilities for shelter production. For coping with heat and cold, protection from wind and humidity, and regulating sunlight and shade, the new tools have been helpful and have inspired us to push the limits of architectural imagination. Yet economic and ecological considerations of resources, as well
IKA S2017
Seminar BArch2 Lisa Schmidt-Colinet
R211a Fri 10.00—-13.00
Visual representation, as a project in itself, has the potential to reveal and uncover surprising realities of places. The complexity of a site obliges us to make clear decisions and rigorously sort information, but more importantly, it requires inventive interpretations of and a position towards the terrain observed. This seminar explores how techniques of representation, the selection of materials and the intentions of a site’s description are strongly interrelated. Gradual differences between tools of representing architecture as built form and modes of representing intricate interdependencies of a city fragment will be investigated. The course opens the scope from small-scale observation to the complexity of the urban terrain, focusing on the forces and processes that are the basis of urban form. Students will discover how a small site influences and affects the larger scale of a city. They will experiment with the visualization of underlying processes – starting from phenomenological observations and moving towards an understanding of effects, describing the territory as a complex set of relations. In addition, lectures will formulate a genealogy of urban representations.
Lecture BArch4 Maria Auböck
R209 Thu 15.00—-17.00
Bliss and Beauty for All This module offers a lecture series about landscape planning and landscape architecture, including a field trip to relevant recent landscape projects in Vienna. The main objective of this unit is to understand the design of private and public spaces. I want to offer the students insights into the structure and conceptual quality of landscape architecture: In a global context, we have to consider the qualities of local sites, and learn how to select vegetation
and material structures. The lectures inform about cultural history, natural science and project-relevant issues. Selected materials i.e. steel, glass, stone and wood, and their application in open spaces, will be discussed. We have to learn from today’s issues in order to project future landscapes. As Christopher Alexander wrote, “the thing which you make takes its place in the web of nature, as you make it.”
Memorial site Turnertempel, Vienna, Stephan Wyckoff, KOER, 2011
Lecture BArch4 Bernd Vlay
IKA S2017
R209 Fri bi-weekly 10.00—-13.00
INFRASTRUCTURE AND NETWORKS This course uses (and abuses) the concepts of infrastructure in order to discuss the potential of urban and architectural design. Cedric Price fundamentally questioned how things are and should be related to each other, addressing the framework itself as a fundamental issue of architectural intervention. Infrastructures are infamous for FRAMING architecture: they have to be there BEFORE architecture can start its operation. The architect usually has to navigate conditions already present, predetermined by the infrastructural elements.
In our class, we will explore and question this hierarchy, looking at different phenomena of infrastructure and networks. We will look at very diverse networks and infrastructures, revealing their influence on the power, responsibility and limitations of architectural thinking and doing. The lectures will include two short field trips.
Project Lecture BArch6 Lina Streeruwitz
Challenging from Within
R211a Thu 9.30—-11.00
By looking at different cities and through the close reading of contemporary projects, competition briefs and urban situations, we will try to understand the embeddedness of urban developments in their specific historical, political, economic and ecological circumstances. Can these conditions be challenged from within? Can we as planners use rules and regulations to other ends, find gaps in between areas of responsibility, misinterpret expectations precisely by taking them seriously? Through knowledge and understanding of the factors and actors, the laws and contracts determining our cities, perhaps we can find the means to shape the urban fabric and the ways in which people are allowed to inhabit it. In this context, a specific focus will be put on the question of housing, as the main “mass” of city building, regulated and controlled by manifold forces outside the realm of planning.
IKA S2017
Project Lecture BArch6 Christian Teckert
Rethinking Urban Futures of the Recent Past
R209 Wed bi-weekly 17.00—-20.00
The analysis of discursive formations in contemporary urbanism will be at the core of the lecture series. It will include fields like sociology, art, media theory, philosophy and critical geography, which have been decisive for the current debates. In a situation where no hegemonic method or unitary approach can be detected in urbanism, and after it has been claimed that urbanism as a discipline is facing irrelevance, this lecture series will be based on a critical discussion of the crucial theoretical debates and key terms in contemporary urbanism, like “network urbanism”, “tactical urbanism,” the “city within the city” or the “city of exacerbated difference.” At the same time, it will consider new methodological approaches to the realm of urban research, analysis and mapping, which increasingly represent an urbanistic practice in their own right.
Seminar MArch2 Antje Lehn
R209 Wed bi-weekly 10.00—-13.00
Mapping the Image of the City The focus of this course is to discuss historical and contemporary cartography and mapping as tools to describe and understand spatial patterns and forms of organization in society at large. It gives an introduction to intensive and extensive cartography, as well as issues related to topology, topography and city planning.
We will analyse maps as representations of surfaces and space, and expose their ability to show time-based and topological relationships. Filtering information and choosing formal and strategic parameters will help us to develop strategies of representation taking into account social behaviour, orientation and territories.
Marx Area, Vienna, Bernd Vlay, 2016
IKA S2017
Lecture BArch2 August Sarnitz
R211a Wed 15.15—-16.45
This course is key to the teaching of history within the school in that it tries to trace various practical and theoretical changes over the past one hundred years.
the production of architecture depends, e.g. cultural, socio-economic and technological aspects. In addition, there will be a historical and theoretical discourse on aspects of historiography. The aim of the course is to promote a profound understanding of relevant background history as an introduction to modern and contemporary architecture.
The following position is to be discussed: Architecture is a semi-autonomous discipline aiming to design and enhance our built environment. The term “semi-autonomous” reflects the different parameters on which
Seminar BArch4 August Sarnitz
The question of “notation” is of great relevance in teaching history and theory of architecture: In a rapidly changing environment, where the pace of modernization never decelerates, historical studies are of crucial importance to the architect in that they enable a broader sense of cultural judgment about one’s own time.
R209 Wed 13.30—-15.00
This seminar addresses the classic themes of architecture and urbanism in the 20th century. After reading authentic texts, different positions of early modernism, classical modernism, postmodernism and other “isms” will be discussed. Some seminar sessions will revolve around a selection of texts and books or will be concerned with the production of exhibitions. Readings include, among others, Camillo Sitte, Georg Simmel, Erich Mendelsohn, Lewis Mumford, Kenneth Frampton and Peter Eisenman. The aim is to present various positions on “notations” of architecture as a basis for an interdisciplinary discussion.
IKA S2017
Lecture BArch6 Angelika Schnell
R211a Fri 11.45—-13.15
Starting chronologically with prehistoric and ancient cities, the lecture will give both an overview of the history of cities and of the history of theories of cities up to the present day. In an alternating rhythm, the lecture will explain the historical, social and built reality of cities by means of selected examples and the theories that have determined or used them. The lecture discusses not only standard theories by architects and urban historians such as Leonardo Benevolo, Lewis Mumford and Ernst Egli, which describe the structural development of cities, but also theories and narratives that are based on their social, political, economic and narrative aspects. The lecture aims to show that theories of cities (even architectural theories of cities) always imply a political vision of society. The aim is to foster a basic knowledge of the historical development of cities; furthermore, to understand what theories of cities are and to raise awareness of the theories of the society we live in, promoting an understanding that ultimately enables us to challenge the theories of architecture.
Seminar MArch2 Andreas Rumpfhuber
R209 Wed bi-weekly 9.30—-12.30
Architecture of Immaterial Labour Despite discourses on the end of labour, and in contrast to diverse models of feasible utopias like a twenty-hour workweek or universal basic income, life in our societies is all about work. Since the 1960s, labour has become increasingly diffuse, particularly in Western industrial nations. Labour has increasingly penetrated every aspect of human activity: work and leisure time have merged, actual jobs have become indistinguishable from education and vocational training, and the traditional Marxian concept of productive labour has been expanded by the incorporation of reproductive labour.
The concept of immaterial labour has been used to describe the post-Fordist shifts and changes in the 1960s. The concept of immaterial labour both registers and challenges conditions and modes that have been a significant feature of daily life in Western industrial societies since the Second World War. In this year’s seminar, we will be working on the different aspects of immaterial labour, and exploring how it exerts an influence on the organization of our cities, and ultimately on architecture.
Seminar MArch Christina Condak
R210 Fri 10.30—-12.00
The Thesis Seminar offers seminars and guidance for independent student research, which should result in the comprehensive development of a thesis proposal. The course provides general instruction in the definition, programming and development of a thesis project. Students will prepare their thesis proposals by specifically defining a question, developing a working knowledge of related research in that field, and producing an architectural hypothesis. The collected work of the seminar will provide the necessary materials for the subsequent semester’s design experimentation, testing, critical appraisal of the hypothesis and eventual thesis project. The thesis argument will ultimately couple the specific resolution of an architectural proposition with the response to a larger question within architectural discourse.
Seminar MArch Christina Condak
R210 Fri 14.00—-15.30
The course focuses on the representation and documentation of the thesis project. It challenges the students to develop their theses through a continuous process of oral articulation, writing, drawing and documenting, and enables them to formulate and structure their proposals. As the
final synthesis of the graduation project, students submit their thesis documentation in the form of a book putting forward their thesis. It presents their hypotheses and methodology, includes research materials, the process of production and documentation of the final thesis project.
Seminar / free elective BArch + MArch Waltraud Indrist
R211a Wed 10.00—-11.30
The power of media: The visual discourse in modern and postmodern architectural photography
Bertelsmann Pausenraum
IKA S2017
We will explore the power of photography and the visual discourse that emerged in modern and postmodern architecture. Photography has since become an essential tool to articulate and disseminate architects’ concepts of design. Each student will work on a paradigmatic architectural photograph throughout the semester. We will create a setting for critical reflection on these media through archive studies and source texts, and by
studying different theoretical approaches for analysing media, such as Roland Barthes’ “Camera Lucida”, Beatriz Colomina’s “The Split Wall: Domestic Voyeurism” or Sybille Krämer’s “Gibt es eine Performanz des Bildlichen? Reflexionen über ’Blickakte’ ”. Finally, we will be equipped with our personal camera to perform (re-enact) these architectural photographs. This will give us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in the act of taking a photograph, and will further our critical reflection on how architects have communicated specific content.
27 March IKA / R211a
Christophe Girot – Bas Princen Chair: Kathrin Aste
15 May Schillerplatz 3 / Aktzeichensaal
Angelika Fitz – Andreas Spiegl Chair: Marco Russo
22 May Atelierhaus / Prospekthof
François Roche – Cristina D. Moreno+Efrén G. Grinda Chair: Oliver Domeisen
12 June IKA / R211a
Andy Lomas – Matteo Zamagni Chair: Marjan Colletti
Uwe Brunner
IKA S2017
Monday 27.03. 15.05. 22.05. 12.06.
concept and organization: Kathrin Aste
all lectures start at 19.00
Still, the question remains: Can spatial concepts and strategies in architecture act as a decisive field of societal negotiations and changes? Or has architecture’s ability to criticize lost its vision?
Without a doubt – crises have always existed. However, it seems that currently the crisis is booming again. As a spatial and temporal turning point in a phase of transition, crisis always also means change. Consequentially, if it is considered as a productive state, the resulting consciousness of crisis produces a motivation to act that can be the foundation for the redesigning of concrete constellations. The lecture series “A Sense of Crisis” appeals to the critical zeitgeist of architecture and questions its relation to the crisis. Fundamentally, architectural projects encompass a great spectrum of critical potential due to their complex content-related, spatial and temporal make-up.
In order to steer these changes positively, the ability to speculate in the sense of a creative, open thought process seems to be crucial. Hypotheses such as, for example, Bloch’s concrete utopia innately stem from the field of theory and speculation. “But, instead of looking for knowledge about what is, as the actual theory does, it is an exercise or a game with the possible extensions of reality. Intellect becomes the capital of concrete thought exercises in the utopian way of thought, depends on primary knowledge about reality, and contributes to a better understanding itself. The epistemological options of the utopian game then relate the concrete utopia to reality in an indirect, but very effective way.”1 The lecture series tries to explore the consciousness of crisis in architecture and its potential with emphases on geography, landscape and cities by considering eight positions from different fields such as architecture, landscape architecture, cultural studies and art. 1 Raymond Ruyer
Since 2011, the IKA offers a doctorate study program in architecture (Dr. Techn.) which is open to students holding an appropriate university degree in architecture (master, diploma). Candidates who wish to apply for the program are required to write a synopsis of their proposed dissertation project and are encouraged to approach a professor at the institute who could act as a supervisor for their intended doctoral thesis. Once a supervisor is found the program normally stretches over six semesters.
There is no application deadline and no admission fee. Further information on the program:
Current Dr. Techn. Candidates at IKA
ESTHER LORENZ The Corporeal City (supervisor: Angelika Schnell)
ANAMARIJA BATISTA ‘Krise’ als Denkfigur und Ihre Manifestation im städtischen Raum: Ein Blick auf die künstlerische, architektonische und urbane Praxis (supervisors: Diedrich Diederichsen, Angelika Schnell)
MAHSA MALEKAZARI Dancing to the Tune of Light. An investigation into ascertaining discrete visual conditions through the active behaviour of the occupants (supervisor: Michelle Howard)
CHRISTIAN TONKO Engineering the creative process. A comparison between the office work of OMA/AMO and Olafur Eliasson (supervisor: Angelika Schnell)
WALTRAUD INDRIST 5 Häuser. 5 Familien. 5 Freundschaften — Der photographische Akt im Werk des Architekten Hans Scharoun zwischen 1933 und 1945 (supervisor: Angelika Schnell)
SEMIR POTURAK Existential Phenomenology of Security in Architectural Space (visiting student supervised by Michelle Howard)
CHRISTINA JAUERNIK The figure is not with herself. Entangle ments of the digital, technical and physical self in the artistic research project INTRA SPACE, the reformulation of architectural space as a dialogical aesthetic (supervisor: Wolfgang Tschapeller) SOLMAZ KAMALIFARD A Study of Natural Lighting in Interior Spaces as a Human-Space Interaction Stimulus (supervisor: Michelle Howard)
ACHIM REESE Architektur nach dem Subjektverlust. Zum Verhältnis zwischen Mensch und Architek t ur bei Charles W. Moore und O.M. Ungers am Beispiel ihrer Konzepte zum “Haus im Haus“ (supervisor: Angelika Schnell) HOLGER SCHURK Projekt ohne Form. Die Überblendung von Abstraktion und Repräsentation bei OMA/Rem Koolhaas im Jahr 1989 (supervisor: Angelika Schnell) EVA SOMMEREGGER Ways in which to draw where you can be? Re-enacting Drawings of Loco motion (supervisors: Angelika Schnell, Nic Clear)
For queries concerning the programme, please contact:
JIE ZHANG: An Interpretation of the Renaissance in Post-war Italian Modern Architectural Discourse (supervisor: Angelika Schnell )
La Tourette 01 & 02, Firminy 01, photos: Hannes Stiefel
IKA S2017
Zürich Basel Ronchamp Nevers Bourges Saint-Ours-les-Roches Parc Naturel Régional des Volcans d’Auvergne Éveux sur l’Arbresle Lyon Firminy Nîmes Aix-en-Provence Marseille
Luciano Parodi Hannes Stiefel
Excursion Spring Route and destinations subject to change May 2017 (exact dates tba)
Kick off / semester start Diploma presentation Diploma presentation Mid-term presentation Diploma presentation Final reviews Diploma exhibition
1 March 13 March 24 April 8—9 May 19 June 20—21 June 21—30 June
Christophe Girot & Bas Princen Angelika Fitz & Andreas Spiegl François Roche & Cristina D. Moreno+Efrén G. Grinda Andy Lomas & Matteo Zamagni
27 March 15 May 22 May 12 June
BArch entrance dates Online registration Handout of exercise Submission of exercise works and portfolio Entrance jury / selection of candidates Interviews
22 May— 9 June 14 June 22 June 26 June 3—4 July
MAarch entrance dates Online registration Submission of portfolio Entrance jury / selection of candidates Interviews
1—19 May 22 May 29 May 3—4 July
For general inquiries please contact: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Schillerplatz 3 1010 Vienna Office: R213, 2nd floor Ulrike Auer +43 (1) 58816-5101 Gabriele Mayer +43 (1) 58816-5102
Institute for Art and Architecture Academy of Fine Arts Vienna Summer 2017 Head of Institute: Wolfgang Tschapeller Editor: Julia Wieger Design: grafisches Büro