iKen Scientifica National Round Information Book

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Historical Origins Let s start by de ning a contraption. A contraption is a mechanical device or gadget (contrive + trap). Reuben Garrett Lucius "Rube" Goldberg (July 4, 1883 December 7, 1970) was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer and inventor. He is best known for a series of popular cartoons depicting complex gadgets that perform simple tasks in indirect, convoluted ways. Many contests, TV programs, board games and video games have been inspired by Goldberg's creations.

What is the Scienti ca Contraption Challenge?

Historical Origins Let s start by de ning a contraption. A contraption is a mechanical device or gadget (contrive + trap). Reuben Garrett Lucius "Rube" Goldberg (July 4, 1883 December 7, 1970) was an American cartoonist, sculptor, author, engineer and inventor. He is best known for a series of popular cartoons depicting complex gadgets that perform simple tasks in indirect, convoluted ways. Many contests, TV programs, board games and video games have been inspired by Goldberg's creations.

What is the Scienti ca Contraption Challenge?

If you see Rube Goldberg Machine as a means to an end, then a simple pencil sharpening procedure or a window wiping action that requires a complex course of action may seem absurd and ridiculous. However, if you see it from an educational point of view, the whole contraption planning not only have to utilize various scienti c principles (such as physical, chemical, mechanical etc), it also trains for logical thinking and problem solving skills. More importantly, it is the nurturing of creative thinking that matters. Through linking energy transfer with various scienti c concepts, within and beyond their curriculum, students will be trained to solve problems by means of insightful commenting, thinking synergy in actual operation and in the long run achieve the goal of hands-on creation.

iKen Scienti ca National Contest The iKen Scienti ca national competition will be based on contraption building. Students selected from Round Two will form a team to represent their school. These teams will need to register for participating in this team event. Registered teams will be provided with Obligatory challenges which involves design of contraptions and integration of various scienti c concepts with transfer of energy. The Obligatory challenges (example described below) are necessary part of the contraption steps in the nal submission. Example Obligatory challenge

Scienti c Concepts Principles of machinery operation

Rube Goldberg Machine

Systematic thinking Problem solving ability

Dripping test Complete the Challenge by making dripping water in drops that trigger the next contraption within 5 seconds. Requirement: 1. Instead of owing or running water, water should drip in drops that can be recognized visually. 2. Dripping water can never be replaced by sandy solid, such as green beans. 3. 5 seconds duration begins by the rst drop dripped from the water container or storage. 4. Each Group has to bring own materials to collect water drops, such as wipes, to avoid dampening the environment, or will lose scores.

Creativity Creative thinking You can view some video clips from across the world that have been inspired from the idea of the RUBE Goldberg Machine.

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass

Purdue claims Guinness World Record



The theme for iKen Scienti ca National Contest is Sustainable Energy . The students teams will design a contraption that should re ect upon the use of sustainable energy. A contraption is a sum of several part where one part triggers the functioning of another. Thus by a series of such parts, a long contraption can be setup. Each of these contraption needs to highlight a di erent scienti c concept or a combination of concepts. Using sustainable sources of energy will fetch more marks. The teams can use any number of contraptions in sequence. The competitors need to build their work featuring the most number of contraptions within a limited time and space. The selection is based on:- (1) design on energy transfer, (2) creative performance and (3) success level.

Material request The school teams need to register to receive the Essential Material for building these contraptions. iKen Scienti ca Design & Technology LAB partner schools can also make use of the LAB Resources.

The Big Contraption BBC One

Honda The Cog



If you see Rube Goldberg Machine as a means to an end, then a simple pencil sharpening procedure or a window wiping action that requires a complex course of action may seem absurd and ridiculous. However, if you see it from an educational point of view, the whole contraption planning not only have to utilize various scienti c principles (such as physical, chemical, mechanical etc), it also trains for logical thinking and problem solving skills. More importantly, it is the nurturing of creative thinking that matters. Through linking energy transfer with various scienti c concepts, within and beyond their curriculum, students will be trained to solve problems by means of insightful commenting, thinking synergy in actual operation and in the long run achieve the goal of hands-on creation.

iKen Scienti ca National Contest The iKen Scienti ca national competition will be based on contraption building. Students selected from Round Two will form a team to represent their school. These teams will need to register for participating in this team event. Registered teams will be provided with Obligatory challenges which involves design of contraptions and integration of various scienti c concepts with transfer of energy. The Obligatory challenges (example described below) are necessary part of the contraption steps in the nal submission. Example Obligatory challenge

Scienti c Concepts Principles of machinery operation

Rube Goldberg Machine

Systematic thinking Problem solving ability

Dripping test Complete the Challenge by making dripping water in drops that trigger the next contraption within 5 seconds. Requirement: 1. Instead of owing or running water, water should drip in drops that can be recognized visually. 2. Dripping water can never be replaced by sandy solid, such as green beans. 3. 5 seconds duration begins by the rst drop dripped from the water container or storage. 4. Each Group has to bring own materials to collect water drops, such as wipes, to avoid dampening the environment, or will lose scores.

Creativity Creativite thinking You can view some video clips from across the world that have been inspired from the idea of the RUBE Goldberg Machine.

OK Go - This Too Shall Pass

Purdue claims Guinness World Record



The theme for iKen Scienti ca National Contest is Sustainable Energy . The students teams will design a contraption that should re ect upon the use of sustainable energy. A contraption is a sum of several part where one part triggers the functioning of another. Thus by a series of such parts, a long contraption can be setup. Each of these contraption needs to highlight a di erent scienti c concept or a combination of concepts. Using sustainable sources of energy will fetch more marks. The teams can use any number of contraptions in sequence. The competitors need to build their work featuring the most number of contraptions within a limited time and space. The selection is based on:- (1) design on energy transfer, (2) creative performance and (3) success level.

Material request The school teams need to register to receive the Essential Material for building these contraptions. iKen Scienti ca Design & Technology LAB partner schools can also make use of the LAB Resources.

The Big Contraption BBC One

Honda The Cog



The Problem Statement A contraption is a sum of several parts where one part triggers the functioning of another. Thus by a series of such parts, a long contraption can be setup. Each of these contraptions needs to highlight a di erent scienti c concept or a combination of concepts. Sustainable sources of energy are the theme for this competition. Using sustainable sources of energy will fetch more marks. Given below is a pictorial representation of how a unit of Contraption is triggered by a Trigger mechanism and so on. Trigger 4

Trigger 2

Contraption 1

Contraption 2

Trigger 1

Competition Guidelines and Regulations

Contraption 3 Trigger 3

Contraption 4

Trigger 6

Contraption 5

Contraption 6

Trigger 5

Your challenge is to make a large contraption based on the aforementioned theme which uses at least 6 di erent units of contraptions. However, it is suggested to personalize your contraption to the theme of 'Sustainable energy'. You can also include in the theme some distinct points sbout where you come from (for example a contraption inspired from a a Wind farm in your area or even a Howrah bridge or a Qutab Minar), staying relevant to theme.

Obligatory Challenges Given below is the description of some kinds of basic units of contraptions. It is expected that a team uses at least one contraption from at least 5 of the following kinds in their nal submission. Please note that these should conform to the description and requirement detailed in the following table. Ball and Track/Marble Run Complete the challenge by making a ball roll down along a track to activate the next challenge. One or more than one marbles should run down tracks/channels to activate the next challenge. Note: Ball and track can trigger marble run and vice versa. Dripping test Complete the Challenge by making dripping water in drops that activates the next Challenge within 10 seconds. Note: Dripping water can never be replaced by sandy solid, such as green beans. 10 seconds duration begins by the rst drop dripped from the water container or storage.

The Problem Statement A contraption is a sum of several parts where one part triggers the functioning of another. Thus by a series of such parts, a long contraption can be setup. Each of these contraptions needs to highlight a di erent scienti c concept or a combination of concepts. Sustainable sources of energy are the theme for this competition. Using sustainable sources of energy will fetch more marks. Given below is a pictorial representation of how a unit of Contraption is triggered by a Trigger mechanism and so on. Trigger 4

Trigger 2

Contraption 1

Contraption 2

Trigger 1

Competition Guidelines and Regulations

Contraption 3 Trigger 3

Contraption 4

Trigger 6

Contraption 5

Contraption 6

Trigger 5

Your challenge is to make a large contraption based on the aforementioned theme which uses at least 6 di erent units of contraptions. However, it is suggested to personalize your contraption to the theme of 'Sustainable energy'. You can also include in the theme some distinct points sbout where you come from (for example a contraption inspired from a a Wind farm in your area or even a Howrah bridge or a Qutab Minar), staying relevant to theme.

Obligatory Challenges Given below is the description of some kinds of basic units of contraptions. It is expected that a team uses at least one contraption from at least 5 of the following kinds in their nal submission. Please note that these should conform to the description and requirement detailed in the following table. Ball and Track/Marble Run Complete the challenge by making a ball roll down along a track to activate the next challenge. One or more than one marbles should run down tracks/channels to activate the next challenge. Note: Ball and track can trigger marble run and vice versa. Dripping test Complete the Challenge by making dripping water in drops that activates the next Challenge within 10 seconds. Note: Dripping water can never be replaced by sandy solid, such as green beans. 10 seconds duration begins by the rst drop dripped from the water container or storage.

Skyline cable car Complete the challenge by designing a Skyline cable car to lift an object or move across between two elevated points. The Skyline cable car should be able to travel for a distance of at least 30cm. Dominos A series of dominos arranged in a manner that the fall of rst object leads to fall of last object which in turn triggers another challenge. The length of dominos should not be less than 50 cm. Wind Power A windmill replica, in which the blades of the fan rotate after being triggered Elasticity Power Make a challenge that uses the potential energy stored in a stretched rubber band to trigger the next challenge Electricity Power Make a challenge that uses a DC motor and batteries, the resulting motion produced triggers the next challenge Gravity Make a challenge that uses gravitational force to actuate the mechanism Simple machines: Gears/Pulleys/Lever/Cams Make use of simple machines to create a unit that activates the next challenge

Common mandatory challenge for all teams You need to choose an interesting name for your team. The nal task of your Contraption should display name of your team in an interesting way.

Regulations 1. The students will participate in teams comprising 4 students. The team will need to nominate one of the team members as the team leader. The teams can take the help/guidance of one school coordinator (which can be a school teacher). In such a case the coordinator will need to and should be available to accompany the team, if selected and called for the International Competition Round. 2. The teams will need to work together as each team member s performance is analysed and will a ect nal scores. An average of 25-30 hours spent together by the team should be su cient in planning out and completing their nal works. The teams can work at their own school premises or at designated iKen Centres. 3. Submission of nal work needs to include: (1) Document on Challenge Motion Design, (Document to be submitted in MS Word le) (This document should describe each step of your contraption in the format provided) (Incomplete/improperly lled document may draw penalty) (2) Challenge Procedure Illustration, (This illustration should present all the steps of your contraption in a ow chart format) (A single photograph of the contraption labelled with all the steps can also be used) (3) Video of the working Challenge. (the video can be taken from a digital camera or a mobile camera of decent resolution) (all the steps of the contraption should be identi able in the video) (the video should ideally be a non stop, non edited video) (video format should be a commonly used format like .mp4, .mpeg, . v, .3gp, .avi, .mov) (the video le size should not exceed 150 MegaBytes) (damaged or corrupt les will lead to disquali cation) Any query regarding document submission can be emailed to ikenscienti ca.academic@gmail.com mentioning your Team ID in the subject of your e-mail. Alternatively, the team leader or school coordinator may get in touch with the Academic Department on 9004030836.

4. Once the teams register the material set will reach their address within 10 days (may vary depending on reachability of the area). The teams are provided with one material unit. The material is su cient to create a large number of contraptions. If any team requires additional material units, the same can be purchased (not mandatory) at www.ikenstore.com. iKen Scienti ca Design & Technology LAB partner schools can also make use of the LAB Resources. On top of these components the teams are free to use any other household or junk material like balls, marbles, paper, card paper, tapes, coloring material, spiral binding, rubber band, aluminium foil, magnets, mechanical toys, electrical toys. Any potentially dangerous material should not be used, this may lead to disquali cation. 5. Team leaders/coordinators may be called telephonically and examined by the judging and review panel. Contact information must be given for the same while registering online. 6. Team selected for the International Round shall be intimated at least a month in advance. The teams will have to carry their material to the venue in unassembled form. The selected teams (four students and One Mentor/Teacher/Coordinator/Guardian) will receive travel subsidy for their travel arrangements to the International Finale Venue i.e. Mumbai, India. One Mentor/Teacher/Coordinator/Guardian needs to accompany the team to the International Round Venue. Particulars for the same should be submitted in the online registration. 7. Any other updates will be put up on the competition section on www.ikenscienti ca.com. Please visit the section regularly for updates.

Skyline cable car Complete the challenge by designing a Skyline cable car to lift an object or move across between two elevated points. The Skyline cable car should be able to travel for a distance of at least 30cm. Dominos A series of dominos arranged in a manner that the fall of rst object leads to fall of last object which in turn triggers another challenge. The length of dominos should not be less than 50 cm. Wind Power A windmill replica, in which the blades of the fan rotate after being triggered Elasticity Power Make a challenge that uses the potential energy stored in a stretched rubber band to trigger the next challenge Electricity Power Make a challenge that uses a DC motor and batteries, the resulting motion produced triggers the next challenge Gravity Make a challenge that uses gravitational force to actuate the mechanism Simple machines: Gears/Pulleys/Lever/Cams Make use of simple machines to create a unit that activates the next challenge

Common mandatory challenge for all teams You need to choose an interesting name for your team. The nal task of your Contraption should display name of your team in an interesting way.

Regulations 1. The students will participate in teams comprising 4 students. The team will need to nominate one of the team members as the team leader. The teams can take the help/guidance of one school coordinator (which can be a school teacher). In such a case the coordinator will need to and should be available to accompany the team, if selected and called for the International Competition Round. 2. The teams will need to work together as each team member s performance is analysed and will a ect nal scores. An average of 25-30 hours spent together by the team should be su cient in planning out and completing their nal works. The teams can work at their own school premises or at designated iKen Centres. 3. Submission of nal work needs to include: (1) Document on Challenge Motion Design, (Document to be submitted in MS Word le) (This document should describe each step of your contraption in the format provided) (Incomplete/improperly lled document may draw penalty) (2) Challenge Procedure Illustration, (This illustration should present all the steps of your contraption in a ow chart format) (A single photograph of the contraption labelled with all the steps can also be used) (3) Video of the working Challenge. (the video can be taken from a digital camera or a mobile camera of decent resolution) (all the steps of the contraption should be identi able in the video) (the video should ideally be a non stop, non edited video) (video format should be a commonly used format like .mp4, .mpeg, . v, .3gp, .avi, .mov) (the video le size should not exceed 150 MegaBytes) (damaged or corrupt les will lead to disquali cation) Any query regarding document submission can be emailed to ikenscienti ca.academic@gmail.com mentioning your Team ID in the subject of your e-mail. Alternatively, the team leader or school coordinator may get in touch with the Academic Department on 9004030836.

4. Once the teams register the material set will reach their address within 10 days (may vary depending on reachability of the area). The teams are provided with one material unit. The material is su cient to create a large number of contraptions. If any team requires additional material units, the same can be purchased (not mandatory) at www.ikenstore.com. iKen Scienti ca Design & Technology LAB partner schools can also make use of the LAB Resources. On top of these components the teams are free to use any other household or junk material like balls, marbles, paper, card paper, tapes, coloring material, spiral binding, rubber band, aluminium foil, magnets, mechanical toys, electrical toys. Any potentially dangerous material should not be used, this may lead to disquali cation. 5. Team leaders/coordinators may be called telephonically and examined by the judging and review panel. Contact information must be given for the same while registering online. 6. Team selected for the International Round shall be intimated at least a month in advance. The teams will have to carry their material to the venue in unassembled form. The selected teams (four students and One Mentor/Teacher/Coordinator/Guardian) will receive travel subsidy for their travel arrangements to the International Finale Venue i.e. Mumbai, India. One Mentor/Teacher/Coordinator/Guardian needs to accompany the team to the International Round Venue. Particulars for the same should be submitted in the online registration. 7. Any other updates will be put up on the competition section on www.ikenscienti ca.com. Please visit the section regularly for updates.

iKen Scienti ca Competition,

it s purpose is to nurture problem solving and creative abilities in the participant s mindset. It is specially structured to let participants ingenuity and creativity bloom. The whole competition process includes contraption design, structure design, material selection and actual construction, which is all determined by the teams management skills. For ensuring fairness, scholars and experts from the academia and the industrial circles will be a part of the judging and reviewers panel. Composition of teams are taken into account and normalised in the nal scores

Registration Method Teams can register on the competition section on www.ikenscienti ca.com using their Team IDs mentioned in the Round Two results. Once the teams register to participate, one material unit will be dispatched to their address. Additional material units required by any team can be purchased (not mandatory) from www.ikenstore.com. If you have any queries regarding registration or any academic query you can send an e-mail to ikenscienti ca.academic@gmail.com mentioning your Team ID in the e-mail.

General Information and Disclosures

Submission of Final Works Submission of nal work needs to include: (1) Document on Challenge Motion Design, (2) Challenge Procedure Illustration, and (3) Video of the working Challenge. The submission can be done through uploading the above on www.ikenscienti ca.com OR email ( les/upload link) to ikenscienti ca.academic@gmail.com OR send by DVD to Mexus Education, 612, Midas, Sahar Plaza Corporate Park, JB Nagar, Andheri East, MUMBAI 400059 . The Last Date for Final Work Submission will be 31st MAY 2013.

Selection from Final Work Submission These team submissions shall be examined for selecting teams which will then be called to the International Finals venue. Selected teams will participate against other competitor teams from India and 17 other countries at the iKen Scienti ca Finale. Overseas groups need to submit the documents in UK or US English. The selected teams (four students and One Mentor/Teacher/Coordinator/Guardian) will receive travel subsidy for their travel arrangements to the International Finale Venue i.e. Mumbai, India. The travel subsidy will cover upto 3-Tier AC train tickets from closest boarding station to Mumbai and return. Even though the teams enjoy travel subsidies, making travel arrangements is the responsibility of the team.

Grading Standards 1.Science application of the challenges: Each challenge should have a combination of di erent science theories such as theory A+B or A+B+C or A+C or B+C, etc (for example concept A is air power , B is pulley , C is potential energy ). The application of more di erent science theories combinations in a single challenge will be awarded for a higher score. It is suggested not to have similar combination of science theories in two di erent challenges. 2.Sustainable energy application of the challenges: The application of water, wind, magnetic, solar power and so on. A team will be awarded more marks if they make use of all the aforementioned sustainable energies.

iKen Scienti ca Competition,

it s purpose is to nurture problem solving and creative abilities in the participant s mindset. It is specially structured to let participants ingenuity and creativity bloom. The whole competition process includes contraption design, structure design, material selection and actual construction, which is all determined by the teams management skills. For ensuring fairness, scholars and experts from the academia and the industrial circles will be a part of the judging and reviewers panel. Composition of teams are taken into account and normalised in the nal scores

Registration Method Teams can register on the competition section on www.ikenscienti ca.com using their Team IDs mentioned in the Round Two results. Once the teams register to participate, one material unit will be dispatched to their address. Additional material units required by any team can be purchased (not mandatory) from www.ikenstore.com. If you have any queries regarding registration or any academic query you can send an e-mail to ikenscienti ca.academic@gmail.com mentioning your Team ID in the e-mail.

General Information and Disclosures

Submission of Final Works Submission of nal work needs to include: (1) Document on Challenge Motion Design, (2) Challenge Procedure Illustration, and (3) Video of the working Challenge. The submission can be done through uploading the above on www.ikenscienti ca.com OR email ( les/upload link) to ikenscienti ca.academic@gmail.com OR send by DVD clearly labelled iKen Scienti ca National Round Submission to Mexus Education, 612, Midas, Sahar Plaza Corporate Park, JB Nagar, Andheri East, MUMBAI 400059 . The Last Date for Final Work Submission will be 31st MAY 2013.

Selection from Final Work Submission These team submissions shall be examined for selecting teams which will then be called to the International Finals venue. Selected teams will participate against other competitor teams from India and 17 other countries at the iKen Scienti ca Finale. The selected teams (four students and One Mentor/Teacher/Coordinator/Guardian) will receive travel subsidy for their travel arrangements to the International Finale Venue i.e. Mumbai, India. The travel subsidy will cover upto 3-Tier AC train tickets from closest boarding station to Mumbai and return. Even though the teams enjoy travel subsidies, making travel arrangements is the responsibility of the team. Shared accommodation for one day shall be provided by iKen Scienti ca organizers.

Grading Standards 1.Science application of the challenges: Each challenge should have a combination of di erent science theories such as theory A+B or A+B+C or A+C or B+C, etc (for example concept A is air power , B is pulley , C is potential energy ). The application of more di erent science theories combinations in a single challenge will be awarded for a higher score. It is suggested not to have similar combination of science theories in two di erent challenges. 2.Sustainable energy application of the challenges: The application of water, wind, magnetic, solar power and so on. A team will be awarded more marks if they make use of all the aforementioned sustainable energies.

What lies ahead? 3.Creativity of the challenges: The challenge should be unique with high individuality and contains multiple mechanisms. Creativity can be separated into three categories: (1) Innovation; (2) Variety; and (3) Spatial arrangement. 4.Fluency (Steadiness): 4.1 You may not re-run the procedure once started. If you can run the whole procedure without any failures, more points will be awarded. 4.2 If any failures occur during the procedure, you may re-activate the failed challenge by hand or by other objects. Please note that scores will be deducted.

Score Deducting Standard 1. Safety Limitation: Dangerous materials, such as re, chemical corrodent, risky electronic component, organism, and inappropriate sound & light e ect, are not allowed. Any violation of safety limitation will lead to score deduction. 2. Obligatory Challenge: If the nal work does not include obligatory challenges, score will be deducted. 3. Final Work Limitation: The space limitation for the nal works is an Arena of size 5 x 4 basegrids as shown in the Sample contraption models. If the nal work area exceeds limitation, scores will be deducted.

General Information and Disclosures

Document Review:

Course of creating nal work: including each Challenge Motion Design, Challenge Procedure Illustration, and Challenge Instruction Table (refer attachment on Sample submission document). Innovation, Variety and Spatial arrangement should also be explained in the Challenge Instruction Table. Explanation of action modes is required in the Challenge instruction table; if any science theory is applied to, please name respectively, such as gravity, lever, energy conversion, atmospheric pressure, etc. Document review count for 20% of nal grading. Incomplete/improperly lled document will lead to penalty.

Grading Article



Science application of challenges


Combination of di erent science theories in single challenge, such as theory A+B, A+B+C, A+C, B+C, etc.



1. Innovation: unique design (10%). 2. Variety: Repeated application of science demonstrated in a new creative way will get additional scores in Creativity (10%). 3. Spatial arrangement: feature out certain culture traits of speci c area in the world. (10%)

Sustainable energy applications


The application of water, wind, magnetic, solar power and so on.

Complete documents


Including challenge instruction table, challenge motion design, challenge procedure illustration, and related video les.

What lies ahead? 3.Creativity of the challenges: The challenge should be unique with high individuality and contains multiple mechanisms. Creativity can be separated into three categories: (1) Innovation; (2) Variety; and (3) Spatial arrangement. 4.Fluency (Steadiness): 4.1 You may not re-run the procedure once started. If you can run the whole procedure without any failures, more points will be awarded. 4.2 If any failures occur during the procedure, you may re-activate the failed challenge by hand or by other objects. Please note that scores will be deducted.

Score Deducting Standard 1. Safety Limitation: Dangerous materials, such as re, chemical corrodent, risky electronic component, organism, and inappropriate sound & light e ect, are not allowed. Any violation of safety limitation will lead to score deduction. 2. Obligatory Challenge: If the nal work does not include obligatory challenges, score will be deducted. 3. Final Work Limitation: The space limitation for the nal works is an Arena of size 5 x 5 as shown in the Sample contraption models. If the nal work area exceeds limitation, scores will be deducted.

General Information and Disclosures

Document Review:

Course of creating nal work: including each Challenge Motion Design, Challenge Procedure Illustration, and Challenge Instruction Table (refer attachment on Sample submission document). Innovation, Variety and Spatial arrangement should also be explained in the Challenge Instruction Table. Explanation of action modes is required in the Challenge instruction table; if any science theory is applied to, please name respectively, such as gravity, lever, energy conversion, atmospheric pressure, etc. Document review count for 20% of nal grading. Incomplete/improperly lled document will lead to penalty.

Grading Article



Science application of challenges


Combination of di erent science theories in single challenge, such as theory A+B, A+B+C, A+C, B+C, etc.



1. Innovation: unique design (10%). 2. Variety: Repeated application of science demonstrated in a new creative way will get additional scores in Creativity (10%). 3. Spatial arrangement: feature out certain culture traits of speci c area in the world. (10%)

Sustainable energy applications


The application of water, wind, magnetic, solar power and so on.

Complete documents


Including challenge instruction table, challenge motion design, challenge procedure illustration, and related video les.

Sample contraption models

Keywords: Base, stability, symmetry, strength, geometry

1. Arena

Sample contraption models

Keywords: Base, stability, symmetry, strength, geometry

1. Arena



Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability

Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability, constrained motion

2. Ball-Run

3. Wheel-Run



Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability

Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability, constrained motion

2. Ball-Run

3. Wheel-Run



Potential energy, centre of mass, toppling, rotation, torque

Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability, constrained motion

4. Falling Tower

5. Wheel-Slide



Potential energy, centre of mass, toppling, rotation, torque

Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability, constrained motion

4. Falling Tower

5. Wheel-Slide



Potential energy, gravity, lever, linkage, trigger

Catapult, trigger, elastic energy, lever, pivot

6. Big Foot

7. Mangonel



Potential energy, gravity, lever, linkage, trigger

Catapult, trigger, elastic energy, lever, pivot

6. Big Foot

7. Mangonel



Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability, trigger

Potential energy, centre of mass, toppling, rotation, torque

8. Marble-Track

9. Hammer Strike



Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, stability, trigger

Potential energy, centre of mass, toppling, rotation, torque

8. Marble-Track

9. Hammer Strike



Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, elasticity, stability, constrained motion

Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, elasticity, stability, constrained motion

10. Zig-Zag

11. Maze



Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, elasticity, stability, constrained motion

Potential energy, gravity, incline plane, elasticity, stability, constrained motion

10. Zig-Zag

11. Maze



Potential energy, incline plane, stability, constrained motion

Gravity, incline plane, constrained motion, equilibrium, trigger, lever, linkage

12. Marble Run

13. Marble Race



Potential energy, incline plane, stability, constrained motion

Gravity, incline plane, constrained motion, equilibrium, trigger, lever, linkage

12. Marble Run

13. Marble Race



Trigger, rolling, lever, equilibrium

Gravity, centre of mass, torque, lever, linkage

14. Un-wrapped

15. Trebuchet



Trigger, rolling, lever, equilibrium

Gravity, centre of mass, torque, lever, linkage

14. Un-wrapped

15. Trebuchet



Gravity, centre of mass, torque, lever, rotation, centre of rotation

Lever, counter weight, rotation, equilibrium, trigger

16. Ferris Wheel

17. Catapult



Gravity, centre of mass, torque, lever, rotation, centre of rotation

Lever, counter weight, rotation, equilibrium, trigger

16. Ferris Wheel

17. Catapult



Elastic energy, trigger, wheels, rotation

Lever, incline plane, centre of mass, centre of rotation, equilibrium, trigger

18. Pull-back Car

19. Ball and Hammer



Elastic energy, trigger, wheels, rotation

Lever, incline plane, centre of mass, centre of rotation, equilibrium, trigger

18. Pull-back Car

19. Ball and Hammer



Lever, rotation, toppling, incline plane, trigger

Centre of mass, centre of rotation, lever, toppling, incline plane, trigger

20. Marble-Slope

21. Marble Slide



Lever, rotation, toppling, incline plane, trigger

Centre of mass, centre of rotation, lever, toppling, incline plane, trigger

20. Marble-Slope

21. Marble Slide



Pendulum, rotation, trigger

Wind energy, aileron, pressure, pulley, axle

22. Pendulum

23. Marble Slide



Pendulum, rotation, trigger

Wind energy, aileron, pressure, pulley, axle

22. Pendulum

23. Wind Mill



Rotation, trigger, incline plane, lever

Pulley, water, lever, equilibrium, trigger

24. Hurdle

25. Waterfall



Rotation, trigger, incline plane, lever

Pulley, water, lever, equilibrium, trigger

24. Hurdle

25. Waterfall



Gravity, incline plane, stability, structure, constrained motion

Gear train, pulley, mechanical advantage, gear ratio, conservation of energy

26. Long Ride

27. Slo-Mo



Gravity, incline plane, stability, structure, constrained motion

Gear train, pulley, mechanical advantage, gear ratio, conservation of energy

26. Long Ride

27. Slo-Mo



Electric circuit, lever, switch, trigger

Pulley, mechanical advantage, tension, transport

28. See-Saw

29. Cable Car



Electric circuit, lever, switch, trigger

Pulley, mechanical advantage, tension, transport

28. See-Saw

29. Cable Car



CAM, motion, phase, axis, alternating motion

Gear, gear ratio, trigger, gear engagement, balance, equilibrium

30. CAM Ram

31. Gear Run



CAM, motion, phase, axis, alternating motion

Gear, gear ratio, trigger, gear engagement, balance, equilibrium

30. CAM Ram

31. Gear Run



Pulley, mechanical advantage, balance, symmetry

Linkage, centre of mass, o

32. Motor Car

centre rotation, torque

33. Walker



Pulley, mechanical advantage, balance, symmetry

Linkage, centre of mass, o

32. Motor Car

centre rotation, torque

33. Walker



Potential energy, elastic energy, lever, trigger

Weight, absorption, material properties, water

34. Projectile

35. Dew Drop



Potential energy, elastic energy, lever, trigger

Weight, absorption, material properties, water

34. Projectile

35. Dew Drop



Elastic energy, equilibrium, lever, stability, trigger

Channel, gravity, inclined plane, structure

36. Ballista

37. Spiral Down



Elastic energy, equilibrium, lever, stability, trigger

Channel, gravity, inclined plane, structure

36. Ballista

37. Spiral Down



Potential energy, gravity, constrained motion, stability

Stored potential energy, centre of mass, rotation, torque

38. Spiral Slider

39. Gravity Car



Potential energy, gravity, constrained motion, stability

Stored potential energy, centre of mass, rotation, torque

38. Spiral Slider

39. Gravity Car

Keywords: Stability, discrete motion, toppling, centre of mass, trigger

40. Domino

3 Hole Rod


5 Hole Rod

Long Rod


Square Frame

Peg 250




Gear M


3 Hole Dual Rod


Short Frame



Axle Connector

5 Hole Dual Rod

Long Frame




CAM connector

Bended Rod

Base Grid




Grid Connector


Material List Gear S


Chain Gear S

Pulley S

Axle S



Axle M

Battery Holder


Chain Gear M

Pulley M




Gear L



2-in-1 Converter

Chain Gear L


90째 Converter R


Pulley L


O Ring L


Axle L


Axle XL

Wire Connector B

Geared Motor



Wire Connector R

Take Up Roller





Wire Clip B


Crank Shaft






90째 Converter L


Pulley Belt


Gear Fixing


Wire Clip R


3 Hole Rod


5 Hole Rod

Long Rod


Square Frame

Peg 250




Gear M


3 Hole Dual Rod


Short Frame



Axle Connector

5 Hole Dual Rod

Long Frame




CAM connector

Bended Rod

Base Grid




Grid Connector


Material List Gear S


Chain Gear S

Pulley S

Axle S



Axle M

Battery Holder


Chain Gear M

Pulley M




Gear L



2-in-1 Converter

Chain Gear L


90째 Converter R


Pulley L


O Ring L


Axle L


Axle XL

Wire Connector B

Geared Motor



Wire Connector R

Take Up Roller





Wire Clip B


Crank Shaft






90째 Converter L


Pulley Belt


Gear Fixing


Wire Clip R


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