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2013 iKen Scientifica National Round CONTRAPTION CHALLENGE Team ID KR32
School Name Holy Model School
Team Name Jumping Jacks
Team Member 1 ★ Team Leader
Registration ID 812546
Team Member 2
Team Member 3
Team Member 4
Team Guide/Mentor/Coordinator
Mapping out the model Provide a brief write-up on how you planned the model. Explain motion mode by challenge, and science theory application if any. For example, gravity, lever, energy conversion, atmospheric pressure, etc. You can point out the unique elements used by your team. You can also highlight the difficulties faced and how your team overcame those difficulties. Your write-up should not exceed 500 words
We composed each step of our model with different attractions and special features in the world, and made with principles of various tools and laws of motion that we studied in science. In order to make the final step of the model perfectly, all steps must connect harmoniously. Each step must fulfil its own function. We made this model in wishing that everyone in the world focuses and cooperates together in order to solve the pollution problem. We really wish that children's interest in the earth will be the driving force of saving the world.
Challenge Procedure Illustration Provide a Flow chart and/OR photograph with all the steps used in your contraption. Please make sure all the steps are labelled and identifiable
Challenge Motion Design Fill in details about each step of your final work Innovation: Please explain which challenges conform to innovation and how. Variety: Please explain which challenges conform to variety and how. Spatial arrangement: Please explain which challenges conform to spatial arrangement and how. Step 1 Step Title: Science Theories applied: Explanation (How does it work?): How Motion Transit/Transfer/Transform?
Image: (Put step photo here) (You may also make video of each step and submit/share a YouTube link)
Step 2 Step Title: Elevator Science Theories applied: Elevator, Fixed pulley Explanation (How does it work?): As the power pack (Step 1) operates, it gets string winding, and the fixed pulley changes the direction of power, which causes the elevator to go up. The elevator hits the car placed on the ramp and move it. Image:
Step 3 Step Title: Ramp Science Theories applied: Ramp, Principle of acceleration, Frictional force Explanation (How does it work?): As the car, which was at a stop on the ramp, moves down the slope after it got hit from the elevator, the car accelerates gradually. It hits the domino of step 4. Image:
Step 4 Step Title: Domino Science Theories applied: Domino
Explanation (How does it work?): As the car moves down and hits one domino, all domino pieces fall in turn. The last domino piece pulls up the lever in step 5. Image:
(so..on..till the last step)
Team and Individual Contribution Each team member to write a 250 word paragraph describing his/her contribution to the entire participation process Team Member 1
Team Member 2
Team Member 3
Team Member 4