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Per manentAddr ess:Fl ami ngo14f l oor :9no:35Mavi şehi r / İ ZMİ R Per sonalI nf or mat i on Nat i onal i t y :T. C Pl aceofBi r t h :I zmi r Dat eofBi r t h :17. 07. 1990 Dr i vi ngLi cense:TypeB Mar i t alSt at us :Si ngl e GSM :05335800095 Emai l :i l aydasvm@hot mai l . com Educat i on& Tr ai ni ng 20082013 :I zmi rUni ver si t yofEconomi cs Fi neAr t sandDesi gnFacul t y, Ar chi t ect ur e,3r dGr ade Gr adePoi ntAver age:3. 12 20042008 :I zmi rAt at ur kHi ghSchool ,I zmi r Exper i ence June2011


Oct ober 2011 May2012 June2012

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For ei gnLanguagesEngl i sh( Advance) ,I t al i an( B2) Comput erSki l l s Aut odesk Adobe

:Aut ocad, 3dsMax,Ci nema4D,Rhi nocer os, Gr asshopper :Phot oshopCS5&Phot oshopEl ement s, AdobeI l l ust r at or

Pr oj ect s Desi gneroft heOspedal ediNar ni a2011Nar ni a/ I TALI A I zmi rUni ver si t yofEconomi csBasementEnt r anceDesi gn2012 I zmi rUni ver si t yofEconomi cs2012Fashi onDesi gnGr aduat i onShow Podi um Desi gn&Const r uct i on Rest or at i onofol dI zmi rHousesi nKadi f ekal e/ I zmi rwi t hAr chi t ectAydı nGi r i şmen Ref er ences FevziTavus,Ci vi lEngi neerandLect ur erofI zmi runi ver si t yofeconomi cs t avusf @yahoo. com 05326129987 NevzatSevalHeadPi l otofPegasus Ar chi t ectAydi nGi r i smen ggupy@hot mai l . com 05057248853 Ar chi t ectTol gaOzbakan,Lect ur erofI zmi rUni vesi t r yOfEconomi cs t ol ga. ozbakan@i eu. edu. t r 05333791943 Ar chi t ectSer darAşut ,I nst r uct orofmyt hesi s ser dar asut @gmai l . com 05359880220 Achi evement s& Awar ds I zmi rUni ver si t yofEconomi csHonorCer t i f i cat e,2011 Cl ubMember shi p MemberofI zmi rUni ver si t yofEconomi csAr chi t ect ur eCommuni t y MemberandWr i t erofKakt usCar t oonandCar i cat ur eMagazi ne ScubaDi veri nI zmi rUni ver si t yofEconomi csUnder wat erScubaDi vi ngcommuni t y Cmas* * * ,padiResqueDi ver

WEBSI TE:ht t p: / / i ssuu. com/ i l aydasevi m Qual i f i cat i ons AdvancedAut ocad, Max, Phot oshopandRhi nocer osuser Wor kshops 2009december -Ar chi t ectAhmetİ ğdi r l i gi lRoofSt r uct ur eswor kshop 2012apr i l -wor kshopwi t hTi m Mcf ar l ane,t hedesi gnerofGl assst r uct ur esofAppl e cent er @ f i f t hAvenue 2012j une -Bet onar tDesi gnMar at on

Smoki ng Nonsmoker I nt er est s ScubaDi vi ng, Ski i ng

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