display désplier folding unfolding Bayraklı

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D E F I N I N GAT A C T I CF O RT H ED E S I G N t hepr oposedsi t ei sf i r stf ol dedandt henunf ol dedbypl i et i ngi dea.t hepi ecescomi ngaf t er t heunf ol di ngcr eat est hespacesr andoml y.t hemai nt hemeoft hi spr oj ecthow t hesi t e af f ect edbyt het i met hr ought het act i ct hatt hedesi gnerdef i nes

unf ol di ngs i t e

t hebui l di ngpr ogr am i spl annedaccor di ngt ot he wor dl esandt hesear eal laboutt heact i vi t y pr ogr am andhow shoul dauserf eelaccor di ng t ot hi sact i vi t i es

f ol di ngs i t e

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