Il Commerciale
The Salesman The Italian Social Selling Company
Best Sales Blogger
November 2015
L’Eccellenza nella Vendita
Marco Rasi Founder Best Sales Blogger Awards
Premiare l’eccellenza nella Vendita
bbiamo iniziato da qualche anno a sollecitare l’attenzione dei nostri lettori del network Il Commerciale - The Salesman nel riconoscere chi in Italia e nel mondo si dedica attivamente a diffondere e promuovere i migliori contenuti e le migliori pratiche per conseguire risultati positivi nella vendita di professione. Questo anno siamo arrivati a 155 partecipanti provenienti da tutto il mondo! Valutiamo Qualità che non sono semplicemente numeriche e/o di performance sulla vendita ma che a questa disciplina affiancano caratteristiche personali e professionali che ci parlano di sensazioni, valori che ci vengono trasmessi direttamente leggendo i loro post quali: passione - qualità nella comunicazione - creatività / fantasia - unicità - parlare di vendita alla mente ed al cuore - condivisione - partecipazione e disponibilità - carisma - concretezza - ideazione/promozione - visione - originalità - squadra - eccellenza - stile e cultura. Quest’anno il Best Sales Blogger Awards vede la presenza di una Giuria molto più ampia delle precedenti edizioni. Molto più qualificata, con una varietà di profili professionali che spazia da chi è operativo sul campo a chi è al top delle organizzazioni di vendita di strutture complesse nazionali ed internazionali. Vogliamo ringraziare il lavoro svolto dai giudici che hanno risposto con attenzione e passione al nostro invito di cimentarsi come giudici di un così nutrito gruppo di partecipanti.
e started a few years ago to draw the attention of our readers of Il Commerciale - The Salesman’s network in recognizing those in Italy and around the world are dedicated to actively disseminate and promote the best content and the best practices for achieving positive results in the sale’s profession . This year we got 155 participants around the world! We evaluate qualities that are not simply numerical and / or related to performance on the sale but that are linked in this discipline alongside personal and professional characteristics that speak us of feelings, values that are transmitted directly by reading their posts, such as: passion quality in communication - creativity / fantasy - uniqueness speaking about sale both to heart and mind - sharing - participation and availability - charisma - concreteness - ideation / promotion - creativity - vision - originality - team - excellence - style and culture - quality. This year’s the Best Sales Blogger Awards sees the presence of a Jury much wider than the previous editions. Much more qualified, with a variety of professional profiles ranging from those operating in the field to those which are on top of the commercial structures in national and international companies. We want to thank the work done by the judges who responded with care and passion to our invitation to engage as judges of a so large group of participants. 3
hi Siamo? Siamo un gruppo di professionisti della vendita in Italia , uomini e donne di relazione, che quotidianamente applicano le tecniche, le teorie ed ogni metodologia ed iniziativa per poter raggiungere i propri obiettivi e quelli delle nostre aziende. Siamo da sempre attenti a quanto viene pubblicato, sulla carta o sul web, sul tema della vendita, sia in Italia che all’estero. Usiamo la rete internet per lavoro e formazione professionale. Nella nostra formazione continua siamo soliti selezionare tra gli innumerevoli contenuti di qualità presenti sulla editoria specializzata e sul web quelli che ci appassionano di più, che ci trasferiscono sensazioni e stimoli di innovazione e positività, che ci sostengono con semplici ma efficaci consigli ed insegnamenti nel nostro duro lavoro di relazione quotidiano. La Passione e la Fantasia sono parte del nostro successo, non a caso siamo Italiani. Sulla rete internet abbiamo sviluppato la nostra rete di contatti e di scambio di esperienze professionali per incrementare il nostro business. Questa rete è Il Commerciale–The Salesman. Dalla Community de Il Commerciale - The Salesman facciamo partire iniziative e progetti in grado di poter incrementare e facilitare le nostre capacità di selezione ed acquisizione di quanto c’è di meglio sul tema della vendita in Italia e nel mondo! Per poter apprendere di più. Una di queste iniziative è il Premio Best Sales Blogger Awards.
bout us? We are a group of Italian Sales Professionals , men and women , who daily apply the techniques, theories and methods as well as any usefull initiative to achieve our own goals and those of our companies. We always pay attention to what is published, on paper or on the web, about sale , both in Italy and worldwide. We use the Web both for working and training. In our training we are used to select among many quality contents present on the trade press and on the web what we enjoy more, the ones being for us innovative and positive boosts and having us feel emotions, the ones supporting us with simple but effective advices and teachings in our daily hard work of relationship. Passion and Creativity are part of our success, as it’s no accident that we are Italian. In order to increase our business, we developed our network of contacts and exchange of professional experiences through the web. This network is Il Commerciale – The Salesman. Through the Community of Il Commerciale – The Salesman we launch initiatives and projects that can increase and easy our ability in selecting and acquiring the best existing about sale all over the world! To learn more. One of these initiatives is The Award Best Sales Blogger Awards .
Il Premio
uesto Premio nasce dalla passione di chi ama la professione della vendita. Questo Premio nasce in Italia ed è gestito da professionisti della vendita italiani. Vogliamo dedicare un riconoscimento a tutti coloro che contribuiscono al successo quotidiano dei professionisti della vendita, in Italia e nel mondo, con idee, scritti, pagine web, siti web ed ogni contributo di valore dedicato alla vendita e diffuso sulla rete internet. Nello studio e nell'apprendimento di nuove tecniche e metodologie di vendita nella formazione e nell'aggiornamento, che ogni venditore deve praticare per poter rimanere competitivo sul mercato globale il contributo dei formatori, coach , bloggers ed esperti internazionali presenti sulla rete internet sui temi della vendita costituisce un valido ed insostituibile punto di riferimento. Ognuno di noi segue ed apprezza gli scritti, le presentazioni in pubblico, i webinars di questi illustri esperti. Da questo anno, quarta edizione del Best Sales Blogger Awards, ampliamo la partecipazione ad un numero illimitato di professionisti e società presenti in tutto il mondo. Valorizziamo il contributo ricevuto da questi esperti con il Premio Il Commerciale – The Salesman© " Best Sales Blogger Awards " .
his award born from the passion of those who love the profession of sales. This award was established in Italy and is run by sales professionals italian. We want to dedicate an acknowledgment to all those who contribute daily to the success of sales professionals, in Italy and worldwide, with ideas, written texts, web pages, websites and any valuable contribution dedicated to the sale and spread on the internet. The contribution of web trainers, coaches, professional Bloggers and international experts on the subject of sale constitutes a valuable, that every seller must practice in order to remain competitive in the global market the contribution of trainers, as well as in the training and update that every seller must practice , in order to remain competitive in the global market. Each of us follows and appreciates the works, the public presentations, webinars of these distinguished experts. This year, fourth edition of Best Sales Blogger Awards, we expand the participation to an unlimited number of professionals and companies in the whole world of sale. We value the contribution received from these experts with The Award Il Commerciale – The Salesman© ” Best Sales Blogger Awards “ .
La Giuria
Alberto Consani
Alessandro Cecchi
Angelique Ferreira
President at ACG (Artax Consulting Group) Artax Consulting Group .
Technical Sales Engineer @Generon Srl
Localization and Content Editor at YOOX Net-A-Porter Group.
Antonella Grana Strategic Alliance Manager Owner at AidA.
Emiliano Galavotti Direttore Vendite Grandi Clienti presso Acantho Spa
Gianni Graziani Regional Sales Director Italy and Adriatic at Stromasys
Cristina Gabardi General Manager Ultrasound at Ge Healthcare
Federico Repetto The Soulist-Owner/SDL Head of Strategy
Luca Scagliarini VP Strategy at Expert System.
Davide Scialpi Director, Global Branding & Digital Strategies
Filippo Catania Business Helper and Marketing & Communication Freelancer
Luciano Biondo President of Mind University.
La Giuria Manuela Seria
Marco Rasi
Margherita Federico
CEO at MAS - Marketing and Strategy
Founder Best Sales Blogger Awards
IBM Services Sales Specialist
Maria Chiara Scandurra
Maria Lanzetta
Marika Mannino
Intermediario assicurativo.
Director Marketing & Communication at Nuovamacut - TeamSystem Group
Marketing & Communication Consultant - Trainer
Nadia Servino
Oliviero Castellani
Sabrina De Siero
Area Manager at Enel Energia
Sales & Sales Management Training & Coaching
Founder and Sales Manager at Linkpass
Silvia Belardinelli Experienced Export Manager
Stefania Massenz Corporate Account Executive at Conversocial
Vincenzo Del Ninno International Sales Manager
La Giuria Filippo Indaco IT Consultant
Marco De Veglia Partner Trout & Partners Italia
Marco Checcoli Owner eXpace Italia
Marco Raimondi Key Account Manager Wahl Italia
Winners Sharing
Blogger Passion
Creativity Charisma
Quality Communication
InfluenceConcreteness Networker Team Innovator Originality
Best Sales Blogger 2015 Tamara Schenk Research Director CSO Insights a Division of MHI Global Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! I’m dedicated to improving the performance and productivity of complex B2B sales organizations, providing strategic analysis and decision-making support for leaders that develop and execute sales strategies. One of my specific research topics is the development of strategic and holistic sales force enablement models that create significant business impact and that drive productivity and transformation at the same time. Front Line Sales Managers, their role, their specific relevance regarding sales execution, their specific challenges and their enablement and development to world-class Front Line Sales Leaders - that’s another key topic for me. Creating value in every single customer interaction is my level of ambition, always. My activities: I’m very happy that I could increase my research activities with our first CSO Insights Sales Enablement Optimization Study. The study has just been shared with participants and sponsors and will be presented officially in London, Nov 10, as part of the Callidus Cloud sales enablement event. Furthermore, I always enjoy to present our research, data and expertise and to be on stage, as recently in Milan, Berlin, Ghent and soon again in London and once again in Belgium. The future: Continuing what I’m doing, and as always: evolving the sales profession to a value-creating buyer enablement role!
Best Sales Blogger 2015 Geoffrey James Contributing Editor at
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti!
I’ve written an original blog post every working day since February of 2007. My plans are to continue doing so as long as people continue to enjoy what I write. Since get an average of a million page-views a month I suspect I’ll be writing for some time to come.
Best Sales Blogger 2015 Jonathan Farrington CEO Top Sales World
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! I continue to wear two hats, i.e. CEO of Top Sales World – and of course editor of Top Sales Magazine (so maybe that’s three!) – as well as managing my own consultancy, Jonathan Farrington & Associates. TSW is nine years old this month and we continue to add even more resource areas: In December we will launch the new VIP Area/Library, which we hope will become the largest and most significant reference location for frontline sales professionals and their managers. The magazine goes from strength to strength and we now have more than 247000 subscribers. Having personally trained more than 100k salesmen and women since 1992, my immediate focus is on helping my clients prepare their sales teams for what is to come in the future. That means arming them with new skills and broadening their commercial bandwidth, rather than focusing on redundant skills. I am also advising in the area of customer retention as I believe too few organizations are strong here, placing far too greater emphasis on winning new business. In 2016 JFA will launch a new suite of online courses called P4, which will deliver sales team development at four levels – inside sales, field sales, collaborative sales and finally sales management. The program is, we believe, very futuristic.
Best Sales Networker 2015
Jeffrey Gitomer Best Selling Author- Keynote Speaker
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! Jeffrey is the author of The New York Times best sellers The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, The Little Black Book of Connections, and The Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude. All of his books have been number one best sellers on, including Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless, The Little Red Book of Sales Answers, The Little Green Book of Getting Your Way, The Little Platinum Book of Cha-Ching, The Little Teal Book of Trust, Social BOOM!, The Little Book of Leadership, and 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling. Jeffrey’s books have sold millions of copies worldwide. Jeffrey gives public and corporate seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts live and virtual training programs on selling, YES! Attitude, trust, customer loyalty, and personal development. Jeffrey has also created a team of Gitomer Certified Speakers to bring his content to more audiences. Jeffrey’s customers include Coca-Cola, US Foodservice, Caterpillar, BMW, Verizon, MacGregor Golf, Hilton, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, AmeriPride, NCR, IBM, Comcast Cable, Time Warner, Liberty Mutual, Principal Financial, Wells Fargo Bank, BlueCross BlueShield, Carlsberg, Mutual of Omaha, AC Neilsen, Northwestern Mutual, Church Mutual Insurance, MetLife, Sports Authority, GlaxoSmithKline, The New York Post, and hundreds of others. Jeffrey’s WOW website,, gets thousands of hits per week from readers and seminar attendees. His state-of-theart presence on the web and e-commerce ability has set the standard among peers, and has won huge praise and acceptance from customers. Jeffrey’s blog, is another free resource for sales and personal development information.
Best Sales Networker 2015 S. Anthony Iannarino
Keynote Speaker & Workshop Facilitator
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! My first book, 17 Elements: The Periodic Table of Sales Success will be released late December 2015, or early January, 2016. The book is in final edits now (copy edits, where the clean up punctuation). As part of the book launch, I will be launching Iannarino University, my membership offering for individual salespeople who want to develop themselves personally and professionally. I just received the trademark for my Level 4 Value Creation methodology, which I have taught in the United States, Europe, and South Africa. This methodology helps salespeople and sales organizations move from transactional to consultative, or what I call Level 4 Value Creators. December 28th marks 6 years of blogging daily. As of November 1st, I have started creating daily YouTube videos. Production has already begun, and these videos will be released daily within the coming week. In 2015, I have spoke just over 50 times, and I have 4 more engagements before the year ends.
Best Sales Networker 2015 Matthew Pollard Founder Matthew Pollard.Guru
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! Matthew Pollard is the Rapid Growth Guy! With five multi-million-dollar business success stories to his name, and a prestigious Young Achiever Award, Matthew has been characterized as a true differentiation, niche marketing, and sales systemization powerhouse. His rapid growth ideology has led to successful market penetration in industries as vastly different as telecommunications, construction, and nationally accredited education. It has also been successful in acquiring high profile customers, such as multinational award-winning franchises, luxury automotive brands, leading medical institutions, law associations, and National Premiership Football teams. Matthew is a recurring guest on Fox7’s Good Day Austin, as well as a featured contributor to CEO, Entrepreneur, and Top Sales World Magazine. He is also a sought after judge at many of Americas most prominent startup events including Google Start-up Weekend, AngelHack, and Microsoft’s 60 Seconds to Startup. Matthew now brings about rapid growth and business transformation around the world, through his many speaking and coaching activities as well as his top-rated iTunes podcast Better Business Coach.
Best Sales Innovator 2015
Anneke Seley CEO and Founder Reality Works
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! Together with my team at Reality Works Group, I help businesses, nonprofits, teams and individuals achieve financial success - and other measurable results. Here’s my story:Three decades ago, in an era when no one believed anyone would buy B2B software without an in-person meeting, I designed and built Oracle’s inside sales group - now a multi-billion dollar global sales organization. Today, my team of experts at Reality Works Group is helping companies build revenue–generating businesses of the future. Reality Works Group is a team of on-demand experts: strategists, sales and marketing managers, writers, speakers, data scientists, educators, promoters and coaches. We work on a project basis - designing and implementing innovative sales teams - to serve forward-thinking global sales, marketing and services leaders and their customers, who are looking to produce or improve revenue and profit performance quickly. Our clients generate more revenue faster with reduced cost of sales. We introduce modern practices such as inside sales, hybrid sales teams, social selling, predictive analytics, behavioral mechanics and gamification to their sales models, while building loyal relationships with customers, partners and employees. Reality Works Group is unique because we pioneered measurable and predictable B2B inside sales integrated with traditional (field) sales models that are supported by marketing and technology. We have built or transformed some of the best-performing global sales organizations in business today. In an era when inside sales is growing 3 times faster than field sales (source: and InfoUSA), having an inside sales team alone is no longer a differentiator; it has to out-perform everyone else’s.
Best Sales Innovator 2015
Linda Richardson
Founder of Richardson, Author,Consultant
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! I have deep respect for the work of practitioners and I continue to work with them and clients. In addition to this over the past two years I have also focused on sales research conducted by academics , for example at Wharton, Harvard, Stanford, and University of Huston. As a part of my teaching at Wharton, I observed insightful sales research often remains within the walls of academia. To help bridge the world of academia and practitioners, in addition to my own work, I have conducted interviews with professors whose passion is in the field of sales and published articles in TopSales online magazine. The professors have been generous with their time and insights and helped me make direct application to field sales and sales leadership. I believe that there is an art and science component to selling. My goal in working with academic researchers and teachers is to help translate the best sales research into sales practice as a way to bridge the gap and advance what we understand about sales effectiveness. We must leverage the new tools, research, and data and use that to develop and refine sales processes and sales models that make it easier for salespeople and sales managers to meet the needs of their customers, produce business outcomes, and achieve their sales objectives. I am also working an online version of my latest book, Changing the Sales Conversation. I am exploring several models to determine which would be the most accessible and useful for salespeople, their managers, and leaders.
Best Sales Innovator 2015
Jim Keenan CEO & President A Sales Guy Inc.
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! Keenan is the founder and CEO of A Sales Guy Inc, he’s a speaker, and dropper of mad sales and sales leadership wisdom. He is the finder of the “ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM”, helping companies build killer sales teams and crush their numbers for almost 20 years. His company, A Sales Guy Inc., via its consulting [A Sales Guy Consulting] and recruiting [A Sales Guy Recruiting] divisions, assists companies in building world class sales organizations. He’s been sited in a lot of esteemed publications (Harvard Business Journal, Forbes, Huffington Post) and people like to put him on lists like; The Top 30 Social Sales Influencers in the World and the Top 50 Sales and Marketing Influencers. This December, he plans on adding author to the many hats he wears, with the release of his first book, Not Taught: What It Takes to be Successful in the 21st Century that Nobody’s Teaching You.
Best Sales Organization 2015
Rizan Flenner CEO & Founder iSEEit Inc.
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti!
iSEEit wants to make a difference for sales people dealing in complex B2B selling environments. We know how hard it is to sell these days in complex environments, because we have been there ourselves. Enjoy the blog! iSEEit wants to be the GPS for sales people, enabling  sales teams to better qualify and drive their opportunities and at the same time allow sales managers to identify the health of pipeline and never again fall short on forecast. We provide a sales app that actually really helps to sell - standalone and on
Best Sales Organization 2015
George Brontén CEO of Membrain
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! George is the founder & CEO of Membrain, the world’s 1st Sales Improvement Software that makes it easy to execute your sales strategy. A life-long entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in the software space and a passion for sales and marketing. With the life motto “Don’t settle for mainstream”, he is always looking for new ways to achieve improved business results using innovative software, skills and processes. Sales is what drives company revenue. Revenue pays our salaries and allows us to feed and nourish our families. B2B sales professionals help buyers to improve the outcome and profits for their companies, thereby improving the lives of many more. It is our belief that sales is one of the most important jobs on the planet. It’s also one of the most challenging.
Best Sales Organization 2015
Klaus Leutbecher
Sales Vice President Europe at Miller Heiman An MHI Global company
Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti! As Sales Vice President, I closely work with a network of highly experienced Sales Consultants to assist clients in consistently growing profitable sales. I am aiming to actively share a fresh perspective supported through most up-to-date research and launching new real-world, results-ready solutions. Thus, further evolving MHI Global as the world’s most credible and recognized resource for sales performance and sales effectiveness expertise.
Jury’s Special Award Barbara Giamanco President and Social Selling Advisor Social Centered Selling LLC Inserisci questo sito tra i tuoi preferiti!
My passion is in helping salespeople and sales teams sell more, more often. On my blog, I focus on a variety of topics, which are all related to sales: leadership, social selling, process, messaging, skills, lead generation, technology and more. My mission is to Ignite Sales Transformation, and that’s what I love writing about. Think of me as your personal sensei here to nudge, encourage and push you forward into new approaches to selling. If you are a sales contributor, a sales leader or business owner, my blog is for you. Are there topics you’d like to learn more about? Please let me know. Reach me at If you haven’t subscribed to receive my blog updates by email, please do that now. Here’s to the journey… Happy Selling!
Other Protagonists 2015 E su 155 partecipanti non ci sono solo i primi 3! Ci piace menzionare e portare alla Vostra attenzione anche questi protagonisti che si sono classificati immediatamente a seguire, non importa se quarti o quinti l’importante è che segnate il link del loro blog tra i Vostri preferiti ! Ed iniziate a seguirne i consigli. Out of 155 participants don’t stop to top 3! We like to mention and bring to your attention these protagonists who have classified immediately to follow. No matter if quarters or fifths, the important thing is that you marked the link to t+heir blog to your Favorites! And start to follow its recommendations.
Alice Heiman
Diane Helbig
Mike Ames
Christian Maurer
Kurt Shaver
Stuart Allen 23
Coming soon...
15 October 2016 Finalists Nomination 15 November 2016 Awarding Ceremony