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Explore the unique ecosystem of mangrove tunnels in Cartagena.
Mangrovetunnelsin Cartagena,Colombiaarea populartouristattractionthat allowsvisitorstoexplorethe uniqueecosystemof mangroveswhilenavigating throughnarrowtunnels.
Thetunnelsareformedbythe interwovenrootsofmangrove trees,whichprovide anaturalbarrieragainst erosionandprotectthe coastlinefromstormsand othernaturaldisasters.

The tunnels are located in the Ciénaga de la Virgen, a large mangrove swamp located just outside of Cartagena.

Visitors can take a guided tour through the tunnels in small boats, which allows them to see the mangroves up close and also spot the various species of wildlife that inhabit the area.

Some of the wildlife that can be seen in the mangrove tunnels include a variety of bird species, crabs, and fish. The tunnels themselves are also quite picturesque, with the sunlight filtering through the dense foliage and creating a unique and tranquil atmosphere.