1 minute read


Refined attention to detail combined with an extraordinary sense of aesthetics. These are the key factors that set the tone of the interior design in an apartment from the early 20th century in the historical center of Trieste. About 180 sqm, by now without any of the typical features of the time of construction (except for the internal doors), refurbished by the studio Marcante-Testa, starting from the talents and history of the client couple: a dealer in premium fabrics, in her case, and an artist (in his). The functional reorganization of the interiors brings out the visuals, in a double connection of the rooms to each other and to the original corridor. The designers have applied textiles to the dimension of the architecture and to the furnishings. There are specific references to outstanding women in this field.

Like Anita Pittoni, praised by Gio Ponti in the 1930s on the pages of Domus, evoked by the fabric panels utilized to divide the spaces of the living area, and in the paneling in the bedroom, setting the perimeter of the space at different heights. The impression extends

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