Ilgın Hancıoğlu 2016 Portfolio

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CONTENTS Neighbourhood 2.0 ITU / Prof. Ozan Önder Özener's Studio / 2013 - 2014 Citizen - T Ensa Nantes / Prof. Susan Dunne's Studio / 2014 - 2015 Library in the Backyard ITU / Prof. Hülya Kus's Studio / 2015 - 2016 A! for the Industry ITU / Graduation Project / 2015 - 2016

Neighbourhood 2.0 ITU / Prof. Ozan Ă–nder Ă–zener's Studio / 2013 - 2014 Today's urban typology is a consequence of the conflict between two different approaches of capitalization over the building lots. On one side, there are the small entrepreneurs, contractors including the lot owners in the slums who can control very small and individual portions of land and on the other end, there are big groups of cooperations that have the power to build thousands of square meters of complexes that change the entirety of a district. This leads to two different spatial patterns: fragments of 20th century urbanization with small grids alongside gigantic gated sites. Turkey, but Istanbul in particular is experiencing the most dramatic period ever in terms of urban renewal or so called gentrification for the last 10 years. Big contractors are sweeping the entire city with no concern of history, culture and environment. The city together with its habitants is losing its memories of urban culture or neighborhood. Ferikoy has its own characteristics as a cosmopolite settlement just like many other parts of old Istanbul. Being close to commercially developed Sisli and housing to an industrial zone has effected the demographics as working class and small trade people. However, this structure is highly threatened by the urban transformation as the invasion of the skyscrapers respects no boundaries. The new habitants of the district are the very residents of these skyscrapers surrounded by high walls and protected by security cameras. They are not only protected, but also prohibited from the life outside.

Impressions from the site

Skyscapers Football court Main road with vehicle traffic and bus routes Streets with neighbourhoods Historical building of .ISKI Parc

Impressions from the site

Project developement plan





Neigborhood 2.0 a modest solution to the isolated and nonproductive way of living. A self-developing system that shelters housing, education, agriculture and trade. Performing like an ecosystem; yet in contact with the city around and open to life outside as there are no walls around to ban the by-passers. The complex consists of a community center for public courses, ateliers, exhibition halls and an auditorium. A green house for small scale agriculture and a for ISKI cafeteria. A group of shops as well as workshops are located under the cafeteria. A vast public park hosts all of these.

Structure % x

Municipality Municipality

Community Center

Community Center

Education :Urban stage and auditorium :Exhibition hall :Library and living room

Ateliers and Shops Agriculture :Source of income :Meet the needs of the structure :Meet the needs of the neighbourhood

Structure % x



New habitants





Overall plan


Community center

The system foresees a personalized expansion upon changing needs of the household. The steel scaffold enables horizontal additions as time and budget allows, without detaching the context. The layout can be determined by the user who can also choose different building materials, provided that the interactive and self-generating way of life is maintained.

Greenhouse provides ecological and local food for the restaurant

The bridge connects the greenhouse with housing.

“Let’s have tea up in my tree / And see the world below / There’s playing cards / And jars of jelly beans / And candles all aglow / We’ve got a place up there up i the sky / And though it’s really not that high / It’s somewhere, somewhere to go It’s somewhere to go” Teahouse Treehouse by The Willow And The Builder

Citizen - T Ensa Nantes / Prof. Susan Dunne's Studio / 2014 - 2015 with Juliette Estiot, Antoine Leonet and Maela Quenea The work takes roots in the thematic choice done in the beginning of the semester: Demography, Sociology and Politics. The growth of its population is a crucial issue for Istanbul. In order to understand it, we raised several questions, among which migration, density and urban division. Beyoglu appears to be a merging place of these questions and we have selected a sample area of this district. This area contains a massive road infrastructure: the Tarlabasi Boulevard, with a dense car traffic which separates the district in several pieces. Three distinct spaces compose the site. Tarlabasi neighborhood is a local manufacturing place with a strong architectural and pluricultural heritage which is habitant by mostly economically disadvantaged immigrants and minorities. Istiklal Street is a pedestrian way linking Taksim Square to Fatih district, it is a touristic and shopping place as well as an area for demonstrations. These two districts are separated by the 25 years old and 6 lanes Tarlabasi Boulevard. Still from the streets that complete each other, it can be seen that Istiklal and Tarlabasi used to be a whole. Tarlabasi is an area preferred mostly by the immigrants or minorities in the city, with its closeness to the city center thus the job opportunities and the low rents. In Tarlabasi, there is a strong culture of neighborhood where everybody knows each other and people spend most of their time outside of their house. Tarlabasi 360 is an urban renewal project which is still ongoing in Tarlabasi.

With the project, nine building blocks were destroyed and the habitants living in those buildings were evicted. With the Tarlabasi 360 project, a multi-functional complex with residences, offices and shops are being built, and the rents in the project will be very high. The project has already corrupted the economic system of Tarlabasi, the neighborhood which once had one of the cheapest rent prices in Istanbul, is becoming more and more expensive. The changing living conditions and the hazard of new destructions in the neighborhood, makes it much more difficult to keep living in Tarlabasi for the people who sees here as their home. In the project, we’ve tried to make the habitants of Tarlabasi more powerful in order to help them to embrace their endangered neighborhoods

neighborhood borders

empty spaces



important roads



Tarlabasi Urban Regeneration is a three stepped project that aims to connect Tarlabasi with the rest of the city and make the habitants of Tarlabasi more powerful in order to help them to embrace their endangered neighborhoods. In the first step, we reorganized the relationship between the habitants of Tarlabasi and local authorities, and the community center. In order to help the habitants' communication with the municipality and other executives, we empower the "muhtar", who is already elected by the habitants of the neighborhood and knows each member closely, but doesn’t have a strong communication with the other local authorizes. With a newly adjusted neighborhood council, the "muhtar" will be connecting the locals to the authorities. Also we empowered the Community Center of Tarlabasi, which also already exists in Tarlabasi, and embraced by the people and helps them, but lost its opportunities with the ongoing renewal project. In Tarlabasi, we have decided a place where the new community center and its satellites can be placed, and the different stages of the installation of the main community center can be seen from the graphic. In the second step, we took action on the spatial problems in the neighborhood. There are a lot of buildings in a bad condition, some of them can be repaired but the others are simply decadent. There are also a lot of empty spaces in the building pattern, as courtyards inside the building blocks or as the demolished structures between the buildings. The buildings which can be repaired will be renovated with the collaboration of the habitants and professionals such as architects, designers and craftsmen of Tarlabasi. The ruined building which cannot be repaired will be cleaned and used as art spaces. Some of the empty plots will be used as places for social housing. The buildings of social housing will be built with this collaborative team inside Tarlabasi and will allow the users to participate during and after construction.

social housing with one façade

evolution of the community center renovation

rain water collection polycarbonate removable roof


vertical circulation core and corridors organisation + shelter

water spaces

social housing placed on the corner

colored frames over hanged facade partition opportunities

offices + organisation

free structure

rain water collection polycarbonate removable roof

vertical circulation core


additional space colored frames

partition opportunities water spaces renovation team community center offices

hosting families associations/ neighborhood council

children playground


Tarlabasi community


language courses


evolution of the garbage center

landfill site

sorting site

sorting center

recycling center

recycling and manufacturin center

informal collecting

Tarlabasi community

reused materials

official collecting

apprentice education

Kagithane tramline

craftmen teaching

municipality waste truck


The other empty plots between the buildings will be transformed into public gardens, sports fields, open air cinemas or theatres, or other public spaces. In order to solve the garbage problem in Tarlabasi's streets, we have proposed a new recycling center, located in the bottom of the neighborhood, next to Dolapdere Street. As it can be seen in the diagram, the center will evolve in several steps, staring from just the sorting of the garbage and delivering it to the municipality trucks, to a place where reinforces the alternative neighborhood life developing in Tarlabasi. In recycling center, the paper will be delivered to Kagithane, plastics to Zeytinburnu with the developing tramway line in Dolapdere. The metal and the wood which can also be provided from the construction site will be used in the manufacturing center by the craftsmen to create new products, or teach the apprentices or by the renovation team in order to repair the buildings. The house garbage wil partially be used to make compost for the gardens developing in the neighborhood, and to be burnt for heating, and the rest will be collected by the municipality. The last step of the project is opening Tarlabasi to the rest of the city. In order to ease the passages on the boulevards we have proposed a tramway line which also connects the district to Kagithane for the delivery of the paper. With the tramway line both on the Tarlabasi and Dolapdere Boulevards, the traffic lines will decline and the car flow will be slower, which will help the connection of Tarlabasi to its neighbor districts. At the end of the process we also proposed a cultural axis which connects some crucial places in Tarlabasi and the new youth hostels developed with the project with the touristic and cultural axis between Istiklal Street and Fatih. With the needs of the empowered Tarlabasi, we have proposed a new purpose to the emptied places in Taksim square, a light structure that can be used for market space. Allt the actions that were made with the cultural axis can be seen in the master plan.


Taksim Square section Masterplan


t 3


t 3






5 5




t t

t t

New mahalle borders

Public spaces

Community center

Cultural journey

Sports field

Satelites of the community center

Social housing

New crossings

Open air cinema / theatre

Cultural facilities


Tramway stop

Participative garden

Ruins invested by art

Youth hostel

Social housing in a rennovated building

Recycling center

Library in the Backyard ITU / Prof. HĂźlya Kus's Studio / 2015 - 2016 (Construction Project) The project is based on a scenario where the library of Taskisla is moved to the backyard.


2 8

4 5 6

layout plan 1. 33 m 2 2. 54 m2 3. 97 m 2 4. 100 m 2 5. 55 m 2 6. 80 m 2 7. 153 m 2 6. 39 m 2



The first building includes reception where one can check out a book or return it. Buildings from two to seven contains the archives of different education programs of Taskisla; architecture, interior architecture, industrial design and landscape architecture. The eighth building is the periodicals; it is a place where people can read the recent issues of the magazines with the garden view. All the buildings except for the second and the third have a nice view, either the garden with plenty of trees, or the Bosporus. The second ant the third buildings are half buried underground. They both have a strip of windows where the visitors can read with the view of the bushes.



In order to protect the vegetation of the yard, the library is divided into eight separate buildings. These eight buildings are located into the empty patches among the trees and connected with a corridor-tunnel which creates an inner garden where people can read their books without checking them out.

For it was the biggest of all, I have designed the seventh building. It is located on a high slope, it is entered from 0 meters elevation. There are two mezzanines at -1 and -2 meters. At -3 meters there is a full floor and at -6 meters the storage is located. The library can contain 52 people and around 1000 books on it shelves. These almost 1000 books are used on the buildings insulation with their u-value around 0.04, sun screening and façade. The books are designed to change their places from season to season. During cold seasons, more books will be located on west side shelves in order to insulate the building and the more sun shine enter inside. During summer most of the books will move the southern façade in order to block the sun rays.






8o 3.5o



-2.00 -1.00



A! for the Industry ITU / Graduation Project / 2015 - 2016 MANIFESTO OF THE PROJECT Project site is in 4th Levent, located on the Büyükdere street, the axis connecting Besiktas with the business district, Maslak. It contains around 100 buildings, 3 building blocks and 2 streets. 32 of these buildings are car maintenance centers, 22 are ateliers of metal, wood, textile, plastic, movie or print centers and a radio. 19 are shops, 10 are storage buildings, 9 are social facilities and 4 are the plots that have been bought by a construction company. Sadly, the trend of urban transformation is threatening the site. A construction company called “nef” has bought 4 of the buildings and planning to buy the rest of the plot in order to build a trade center like the ones in Maslak. But this is not a point to quench. There is still hope. If we come together and work with the locals, we can still save this area. Surely we will need a starting point. The 4 buildings which were emptied by the construction company is a perfect point to settle in the first place. Like I said, we will work with the locals, it will be an organization that is growing in their shops. If a point comes that their workplace is not enough, surely we can go to the rooftops. I know it is not “legal” as we know it, but hey, letting the capital to control the lives of hundreds should not be legal in the first place. We can organize, form a structure both social and structural and protect what is ours. The structures will rise from our shops, and configure a net, that is working like a factory. We can produce and create there. Creation, yes, a talent which we all have in ourselves that was not let out until now. We will create art..

After we are sure that we will be safe in our territory we will work, hand in hand to solve the organizational problems. Such as the traffic problems in our streets. The heavy trucks have always been a problem, but now it is even worse since we need to transfer the raw materials, stock and finished pieces. The building safety is another problem, we might have made a mistake by making our settlements on the roofs, we will need new – strong – load bearing systems. And the demand of all the other artists is overwhelming. So we need a system to carry the goods from one place to another inside the plot, make fortifications on existing structures, rebuild few of the buildings (metal?), and add new facilities – we leant from our mistakes, these will have their own load-bearing systems. With our inventions we need to make some radical interventions on the plot. We need places to habit, for the artist who are coming from far off places. We needed a plot for trucks to transfer the goods and most importantly we needed a screen to show ourselves to the city. For these interventions we came together as the habitants and demolish some of the buildings. So now we have a hostel, a living pod and some houses. And the exciting part, we have a theatre building, that is concretizing the power that we have in our territory. They couldn’t take us out before, and they will never be able to do it after. We are the habitants and we are growing silently, but strongly.

Proportions of the professions

Plastic injection Textile Printing center




Film studio





Balcony with a view

Concert hall theatre

Movie studios Public Council


Occupation memorial


Fab-lab and fine arts

Trade Film studio


Printing center




Metal Wood

Teaching learning

Extension of the dancing stuio Balcony

Glass Ceramics


Atelier / exhibition

Dance studio

Present state


Site plan

Crane system Ramp

Glass atelier The Framing (waiting for a future construction)

Wood atelier

Crane system Ramp

Ceramics atelier Shutters to prevent southeren light Free atelier and exhibition hall

Elevator and stairs Extension of the dancing studio Free atelier and exhibition hall

The Framing (waiting for a future construction)


An inside garden


Metal atelier Crane system

The ramps inside the park lets the visitors to observe the wildish nature from different altitudes

Teaching - learning hall

Park Ramp both connects the ateliers and with eachother and the visitors with the teaching hall

Tea garden

Fab-lab and fine arts rooms. They have the essential equipments for creation.

Stairs from the movie studio Public council. The habitants of the neighbourhood gather to discuss and decide.

Movie studios serves public with giving education and providing equipment.

Existing storage building, now also serves as the starting point of the crane system.

Crane system



Concert hall

Foyer Deplaced offices


Movie studio

Lofts. Pods.

Library elevates along the ramp The ramp to the concert hall serves as a urban balcony with a view

Foyer Exhibition halls

Hostel. Reception serves both hostel, pods and lofts. Has a garden and a breakfast hallCrane system in the back.


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