Flavonoid Complex

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Flavonoids are water-soluble phytonutrients in fruits, vegetables, tea and wine. Colourful pigments, they are responsible for brilliant blues, purples and greens, as well as yellows, oranges and reds which cannot be attributed to carotenoids. Research links them to reduced risks for cancer, heart disease and other age related degenerative diseases, as well as antioxidant protection of body fluids such as blood. GNLD's Flavonoid Complex provides diverse phytonutrients from an optimal serving of fruits and vegetables, plus catechins from green tea and ellagic acid from grapes, cranberries and other berries.

Flavonoid Complex Why Flavonoid Phytonutrients?


Why GNLD Flavonoid Complex™?

• Research links diets abundant in flavonoid-rich fruits, • Broad-spectrum, water-soluble nutrient supplementation. vegetables, tea, and wine with enhanced cardiovascular Flavonoid Complex contains flavonoids representative of health, healthy growth of cells and tissues, and lowerall flavonoid classes – flavones, flavanols, flavanones, rates of other age-related diseases. anthocyanins and catechins – as they naturally occur in • As water-soluble antioxidants, flavonoids help protect human-food-chain fruits and vegetables. body fluids such as blood from oxidation. • Whole-food ingredients. Our exclusive blend of • Flavonoids promote health in ways distinct from the flavonoid-rich extracts and concentrates is derived from actions of other dietary factors. whole cranberries, kale, green tea (decaffeinated), beets, elderberries, raspberries, blueberries, red and black grapes, oranges, lemons and grapefruit. • Laboratory-specified amounts of key flavonoids. Flavonoid Complex has been tested to confirm the presence of specific flavonoids for which substantial research demonstrates benefits. • Delivers ellagic acid. Closely related to the flavonoid "family," ellagic acid is a phytonutrient found in strawberries, cranberries, grapes, raspberries, etc. • Green tea extract. Hundreds of clinical studies show green tea flavonoids - missing in many diets - may benefit health. • No artificial colours, flavours, preservatives or sweeteners. • Convenient serving. Each tablet provides the phytonutrient value of an optimal serving of flavonoid-rich fruits and vegetables - just one more way you can meet the recommended daily intake of 6 to 7 servings of fruits and vegetables every day.

The GNLD Difference Fruits and vegetables form part of our human food chain and have a long history of safe use.

GNLD Flavonoids promote healthy cellular growth.

For these reasons, GNLD set out to identify those fruits and vegetables that would deliver significant amounts of the different members of the flavonoid family. Flavonoids do not appear in isolation in nature. Specific flavonoids appear in different foods; natural foods invariably contain many flavonoids in groups. It is the diversity of foods, that we eat, and the density of nutrients in those foods, that contribute to protective health benefits.

We sent Flavonoid Complex to an independent scientific research laboratory where researchers tested the product according to experimental standards established by the National Cancer Institute. The researchers found that the flavonoid-rich blend of fruit and vegetable extracts used in GNLD’s Flavonoid Complex strongly changes in cells that could lead to certain types of diseases in cells cultured in test tubes. The researchers found a well-defined dose-response curve (that is, the greater the concentration of flavonoids, the greater the inhibition of these changes).

GNLD’s Flavonoid Complex provides flavonoid diversity and density from a variety of nature’s richest whole-food sources.

A Flavonoid blend inhibits dangerous changes in cells

GNLD developed a profile of flavonoids and related compounds that are present in an optimal serving of flavonoid-rich fruits and vegetables including:

• • • • • •

Beets Grapefruit Blueberries Kale Cranberries Lemons

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Elderberries Oranges Green Tea Raspberries Grapes (red and black)

The GNLD Challenge: GNLD’s Flavonoid Complex is superior to its market competitors, and we are so confident that our product is without peer that we dare the competition to brave the "GNLD Flavonoid Complex Challenge". For a Flavonoid supplement to be equivalent to GNLD’s Flavonoid Complex, it must meet the following criteria: ®

For more information please contact your local GNLD Distributor

www.gnld.com.au Flavonoid Complex 6/04

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GNLD Flavonoid Complex

Competitors Products

Contains whole-food flavonoids from cranberries, kale, green tea, beets, elderberries, raspberries, blueberries, red and black grapes, oranges, lemons, grapefruit


Broad-spectrum flavonoids – represents all flavonoid classes; flavones, flavonols, flavanones, anthocyanins, catechins.


Delivers ellagic acid – an antioxidant in grapes, cranberries and other berries.


Contains green tea extract that provides catechins but virtually no caffeine.


Convenient serving. Each tablet provides the phytonutrient value of an optimal serving of flavonoid-rich fruits and vegetables.


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