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THE FINAL MOVE OF THE CRYPTIC MATRYOSHKA AGAINST THE TAF Turkish politics go through the most vibrant and turbulent period of its recent history. A quick snapshot of the current Turkish political rift is this: President Erdogan and his AKP on one side and everyone who is not with Erdogan on the other side. Each side accuse the other of being a traitor and acting in the name of some foreign nations such as the U.S., Israel and Britain. The recent Internal Security Law proposal of AKP government has been the focal point of this ‘war’ between opposing sides. This article aims to look into the recent events and developments in Turkey and Turkish politics with unbiased lenses with the purpose of bringing the pieces together to see if the allegations against Erdogan and AKP for being a ‘cryptic matryoshka’ has strong ground or not. The findings in this article conclude that Erdogan and AKP are indeed a project of Neocon/Israeli/British actors. They were brought to power in return of their service to their patrons and now Erdogan and AKP is on the verge of finishing their undertaking. This article also concludes that although Erdogan seems to have usurped all the power in Turkey, the Turkish Armed Forces still stands as an obstacle against Erdogan’s final move to deliver his promises in terms of Kurdistan. And the recent efforts for the ratification of some laws including the Internal Security Law are in reality the struggle to put the final nail on Turkish Armed Forces coffin. Since the beginning of 1990s, to enable their own long term projects, The United States (US), The United Kingdom (UK) and Israel have tried to make agreements with Political Islamist in Turkey, by promising support to thesegroups to reach their internal aims. Their kind of offers were not accepted by NecmettinErbakan and MuhsinYazıcıoğlu, butErdoganwelcomed the offerings.The name “TayyipErdogan” was first taken into consideration when he was district head of Beyoglu (Istanbul) in Refah Party. The US Ambassador, Mr. Morton Abromowitz (1989-1991), contacted with Erdoganwho was then only a district head of a political party.After becomingprovincial head of Istanbul in Refah Party, Erdoganfinalized the negotiations and his commitments to US, UK and Israel. Erdogan had the support of these countries when he succeeded in 1994 local electionswhich paved the way for him to be the Major of Istanbul and the 2002 elections also witnessed the same reality. During his visit to Erdogan on 14 th of October, 1996, Abromowitz delivered the ‘you are very important for the future of Turkey” message. At that time, the media could not perceive the importance of this visit and just commented as “a strange visitor to Erdogan” (it was unusual for a major to be visited by an Ambassador). NasuhiGüngor, currently the head of TRT-Haber (governmentnews channel) wrote a book named “Innovative Movement” in 2001 and in his book he mentioned about this interview saying “Abromowitz, who anticipatedErdogan as a very important actor for the future of Turkey, had been fired out from every country he visited. Abramowitz, in addition to being an ex-US Ambassador (was also often faced with the accusations of serving as MOSSAD agent, he was a US Jewish who had a highly

racialist approach), also served as the Assistant Secretary of Intelligence and Research in the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he was establishing coordination between US intelligence services.” The infamous 28 February 1997 National Security Council decisions brought about the closure Refah Party and Erdogan was sent to jail for the accusations with regards to a poem that he read in public. Erdogan was in fact ‘off the hook’ with this sentence since there was the ongoing “AKBIL corruption claim” that could have hurt him badly at the same period. Indeed, he was taken to a proper venue to initiate and study of the setup for a new political party.He stayed in jail for only 4 months and when he was freed he had completed his organizational structure of his new party with even the details of the names to be assigned as head of provinces. It was time to drift away from Fazilet Party (the name of the party after the closure Refah Party with 28 Feb decisions) and give the start of a new party. Erdogan, kept his connections with the US through CIA Chief of National Intelligence Department for Middle East and Turkey, Graham Füller, who said “Erdogan’s Innovative Movement leads the Islamists in Turkey”. Then, it was time to establish the party. A week before 14th August 2001 (the date of formally establishment of the new Justice and Development Party (AKP)) Erdogan had an interview with British General Consulate Roger Short in Erdogan’soffice in Üsküdar. YeniSafak, the newspaper supporting the party, announced this event with a citation “Short: We will be happy to see the establishment of such a party”. Abdurrahman Dilipak, a columnist who strongly support AKP, has also decrypted that AKP is a project party and so isErdogan. The interview with Israel’s Ambassador David Sultan was mentioned in the book “Innovative Movement” (on page 97) as “TayyipErdogan had an interview with Israel’s Ambassador David Sultan on 18th July, 2001 before he established the party, guaranteeing that the new party would never contradict with the policies of USA and Israel. David Sultan used to be working in Israel Armed Forces and later started to work in Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was known as a serious oppose for Turks…” Erdogan was a man of his word when it came to Israel. Israel’s being an OECD member had never not been approved by Turkey before, but AKP processed the approval. NumanKurtulmuş, was head of another party -now a deputy head in AKP, was saying that Israel’s membership to OECD was the biggest victory of Israel since 1967. Erdogan made agreements with Jewish community when he visited US in 20062007.According to the agreement, it has been decided to establish a Kurdish State for the security of Israel,and Turkey to have a role like Ottoman model. The only aim at changing the map in the Middle East was the security of Israel. The Big Kurdistan including East and South of Turkey was an important milestone in Israel’s security plans. The first level of Big Kurdistan plan was the disintegration of Irak by Neocons serving to

Israel’s security and establish a Kurdish autonomy in the north. Recently emerged ISIS group is known as a part of this Neocon project targeting at combining Kurds in the region and interestingly it is also known that Erdogan fully supports this terrorist group ISIS. Erdogan has been supporting ISIS which facilitates the establishment of a Kurdish State on one hand, and on the other hand he made an agreement with PKK/KCK (active terrorist groups in Turkey) in Oslo to enable a Kurdish State within Turkish territory. Erdogan’s and AKP’s moves and decisions clearly prove that Erdoganexecutes each and every tasks that were allegedly given to him in accordance with Israel’s Neocon project after his being co-chairman in BOP (Great Middle East Project) and he fulfils his commitments.Examples such as; Israel’s having no-reaction after Erdogan’s “one minute” show in Davos which made him a hero in the eyes of his supporters, Erdogan’s latter explanation meaning “my words were to the moderator”, the subsequently improving Turkey-Israel relations underground and the trade enhancement in between, have proved that his fierce words in public against Israel were just a show to cover the hidden plans. Erdogan’s acts prove that he has been fulfilling his previously made commitments to US, UK for facilitating the establishment of Kurdistan one by one, on return of his presidency. It was not a coincidence that the Oslo negotiations were made under UK’s observation. But, there is a handicap for Erdogan; Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) is on top of everything and follows this unfolding plan.TAF would never allow any insurrection in the territory practically handed over to PKK. Erdogan very well knows this fact andhe has made skillful maneuvers and performed operations to disable TAF. On one hand, the top cadre of TAF has been eliminated through judiciary operations. The operation order was given directly by Erdogan, but in the end the personnel who executed the mission was taken out both in the Police Department and the Judiciary. Although Erdogan was always the final decision maker in every operation, he managed to lay all the blame on these people whom he accused as ‘parallel state organization. On the other hand, some other government agencies led the TAF to walk in to a trapin Uludere. The innocent citizens were targeted and killed by Turkish Air Force fighters as a result of intentionally given misleading intelligence by National Intelligence Agency. Up to this incident TAF was carrying out very effective operations against the PKK, and the terrorist organization was nearly wiped-out. After this event and subsequent campaign, TAF was suspended from ongoing operations. It was really an ingenious setup. Then came the “Solution Process.” The issued plan in the name of “Solution Process” was in reality a cover for ensuring PKK/KCK to organize in the whole country and dominate in the region step by step without facing any operation by TAF. This reality is more visible once looked retrospectively from where the country stays today. The ones who opposed to Solution Process plan were labelled as “traitors not wanting solution on this issue.The countryhave beenconsistently occupied with ‘made-up’agendas and the witch hunt for the parallel state. This not only

kept the public awareness away from the reality on the ground in the Southeastern Turkey, but also silenced any would be protestors of the process with the fear of being labelled as a ‘parallel traitor.’ It is also known that the top cadre as well as many other high ranking officers in TAF werealso not comfortable with Solution Process. However, the psychological pressure of the ‘parallel label’ dagger hanged on the wall for everyone who raised his voice against the ongoing process. Hence many have chosen to keep silent. The organization ofthe Police Department has been completely readjusted and ‘the experienced wolves’ who led many successful raids against PKK’s inlets to the government and public sphere were shuffled around the country. This left a great security vacuum in the region, which is now de-facto control of the PKK terrorist organization. AKP eventually did away with the Police Department and the final nail was put on the coffin with the dismissal of the Police Academy in order to prevent professional security forces to move into the system. However the Turkish Armed Forces still stood in the way, and both AKP and PKK well knew that ‘Solution Process’ would never be realized as the TAF stood in the way. In order to overcome this ‘obstacle’ the groundbreaking moves were already made as part of Oslo agreements. Turkish Gendarmerie Organization was a serious problem and handicap for the PKK and due promises were made to PKK in Oslo. In order to realize this undertaking the government would first strengthen its influence over the ‘internal affairs’ of the Gendarmerie Organization and then wind up the Organization in order to clear the biggest handicap in front of PKK. The details of the proposed ‘Internal Security Law’ stands as the clear proof of AKP government’s slick move to strengthen its influence over the Gendarmerie Organization. Once this is realized there is no doubt that the Organization will be ‘paralyzed’ in a blink of an eye, the Police Department is the living proof of this foresight. Furthermore the ratification of Law for Military Judges would also increase the governments leverage against the military. The military judge system will be linked to the government with the enactment of this law and this will pave the way for possible ‘political’ judicial operation to TAF. If realized this plan does not bode well for the TAF. The outcome of the ‘unbiased’ AKP civilian judiciary system is horrifying, AKP linked civilian judges treat every AKP opponent as an enemy of the state. One can only wonder what AKP linked military judges can do in the TAF. Last but not the least, this law will open the door for the trial of the Turkish military personnel who fought against terrorism in East/Southeast. As known, this was among the promises that were made to PKK in Oslo.

Eventually, Erdogan aims to neutralize TAF that he thinks as the biggest handicap standing against the establishment of Kurdistan. Time will only show whether Erdogan will succeed in his last move to oblige TAF to obey him unconditionally and to stand out of the way as the homeland is being served and divided for Neocon/British/Israel projects that Erdogan has undertaken long before. In this context, Atatürk’s picture’s not existing in the room assigned to National Security Council has a meaning. The perception management expert Erdogan gave the message that he was the ‘supreme authority’ in the New Turkey, and the top cadre sitting in the council had ‘silently’ accepted this power move by not raising any criticism. It is well known that the top cadre of TAF, especially General Ozel, are very keen and cautious about staying within their boundaries and respecting the democratic regime. However, they must also realize that Turkey is moving from democracy to a third world dictatorship in a fast pace. Erdogan realizes the promises he has given to Neocon/Israeli/British actors like a clockwork. No government institution can now stand in Erdogan’s way, except the Armed Forces. However TAF is in no good standing either. TAF was first deprived of its ‘legal’ power to intervene with the internal security affairs with the change of the Military Code Law that was seen as the stepping stone of previous military coups in Turkey. Furthermore, TAF’s authority to conduct security operations even against the PKK was severely restricted with various laws. Simply put, the enactments of these laws forced the TAF to ‘sit on its hands’ and watch the unfolding PKK surge in the Southeastern Turkey. AKP’s rush and strong will to ratify the Internal Security Law is not without a reason. The deadline for the realization of the promises made in Oslo is fast approaching and although severely restricted by the previous laws the ‘mightiest enemy’ TAF still ‘breaths’. Even a single sigh or a deep breath of TAF would be enough to unnerve Erdogan as he is so unsure of his position and the support of his ‘sycophant followers.’ The ratification of the Internal Security Law will put the last nail on TAF’s coffin and only then Erdogan can take a respite and finish his plan to realize his undertakings for the Neocon/Israeli/British actors. If necessary steps are not taken immediately, TAF will inevitably be embroiled into a paralyzed state just like the Police Department and many other government institutions. Hence the question is whether the TAF will realize that the final move of the cryptic matryoshka is against the very existence of the TAF and all the values it stood for. If Turkish Armed Forces acts quickly and with deterrence against thisimminent threat the final move of the cryptic matryoshka against the TAF is destined to fail. And this failure turn around many things in Turkey and Turkish politics.

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