Another major boost for Bennerley Viaduct Project is awarded £75,000 by Railway Heritage Trust
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JULY 2016
A community publication for Ilkeston and the surrounding districts including Kirk Hallam, Cotmanhay, Shipley View and West Hallam Visit our website:
Plans to restore and reopen Bennerley Viaduct have received another major boost thanks to a pledge by the Railway Heritage Trust to award £75,000 to the Bennerley Viaduct Project. The Railway Heritage Trust supports the preservation and upkeep of listed structures by giving both advice and grants to assist structures with historic significance. Bennerley Viaduct is a grade II* listed structure dating from 1877. It has a 440 metre span across the Erewash Valley and the viaduct deck is some 18 metres (60 feet) above the River Erewash. The viaduct is a monument to the ingenuity of Victorian railway engineers. Speaking on behalf of the Railway Heritage Trust, company secretary Malcolm Wood said: “We are delighted to be able to support the restoration of this important and impressive monument. It will enable a viable and much-needed use to be developed for this fine
Jobs on offer at Ilkeston cladding firm An increasing order book means roofing and cladding specialist Cladceil is continuing to take on new staff as its workload goes from strength to strength. Last year the company, based at Falcon Court, Manners Industrial Estate, Ilkeston, celebrated an annual turnover of £7m - a record since a management buyout in 2008.
son who are building a a new facility for Ibstock Brick in Ibstock, Leicestershire. This multi-million investment would create the world's most modern brick factory to keep up with demand for bricks to supply the housebuilding sector. This job, to supply and install cladding on an 18,000 sq metre building is one of the biggest jobs the company has ever done. Cladceil continues to work closely with DerNow it is looking to repeat that trend this by-based Ivygrove developments, including year and set a new sales figure. a new garage and showroom for a Mercedes It is currently working on a contract worth Mertrux dealership in Wilford, Nottingham more than £1m for Derby firm GF Tomlin- and various industrial units in the city.
The increased workload means that the company has taken on two contract managers in the last year and it is now looking to take on at least two trainee contracts managers and drafts persons. The company will soon start work on a £750,000 contract for a new building at Denby Hall business park, Denby, and a £75,000 contract for Prime Construction on behalf of Don Amott Caravans at Hilton.
Cladceil directors Peter Ward, Tony Seabridge and Stuart Pinson
In total the order book has 17 jobs in the pipeline for the third quarter of the year. Stuart Pinson, one of three directors alongside Tony Seabridge and Peter Ward, said: “We are pleased to see that the increased demand for our work last year has still held up and is going from strength to strength. “Moving forward, we are involving the staff in determining the direction of the business by inviting them to give their views at board meetings. Also, we have started a scheme to give them a bonus linked to the financial success of the firm.”
structure”. Sustrans, an environmental charity is actively working with local councils, partners and communities to re-open the viaduct and connect it with the Erewash Valley Trail and other walking and cycling routes. Commenting on the award, Sustrans England Director, Matt Easter said, “We are thrilled and delighted to have received the support of the Railway Heritage Trust. The award gives an enormous boost to our long term plan to bring the viaduct back into use as a cycling and walking route high above the Erewash Valley.”. The viaduct will eventually be the key focal point of the Great Northern Greenway which aims to provide a traffic free cycling route along the line of the Great Northern Railway between Derby and Nottingham. Jeff Wynch, chair of the Friends of Bennerley Viaduct, described the news of the Railway Heritage Trust grant as a tremendous shot in the arm for the Sustrans project. “Some people have been sceptical, having heard calls over the years for the demolition of the viaduct and seen other attempts at restoration fail through lack of funding. They will now be persuaded that there is a real prospect of success this time. The Railway Heritage Trust is an important national organisation whose objective is the preservation and upkeep of listed buildings and structures, and they would not invest this kind of sum without being confident in the future of the project.” Jeff added: “The Friends and other volunteers have already done an impressive amount of preparatory work in conjunction with Sustrans. They have been involved in workdays on site, public information sessions, publicity and awareness-raising, as well as helping with the current exhibition at the Erewash Museum. The grant means that important and necessary work beyond the scope of volunteers can also proceed. Not that they need encouragement, but this news has put a new spring in everyone’s step, and might just be what is needed to get even more people on board.” Team Sky Cycling Chief Sir Dave Brailsford has also given his full backing to the project. An exhibition about the Viaduct funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund is currently on display in the Erewash Museum in Ilkeston. Sir Dave urged the community to “Visit the exhibition at the museum this summer and discover what an asset you have on your doorstep and what it can offer for the future.” Sustrans plan to submit a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund later this year with the view to securing further funding to bring this majestic structure back into public use.
Breaking through with song
by Patricia Spencer
The Alzheimer’s Action Line held a charity event at the Derby College-Ilkeston Site on the 20th May. This was organised by Clemantine Morley and her volunteers.
Reflecting community life in and around Ilkeston
Independent Fresh Entertaining If you don’t get a copy through your letterbox, Ilkeston Life is available online and from various places including: U Choose Smoothie Bar, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston; John’s News, 17 Bath Street, Ilkeston; Ilkeston Coffee Bean, 156 Bath Street, Ilkeston; Funky Chicken, 109 Bath Street, Ilkeston; Harpur and Finch, 66 Bath Street, Ilkeston; Blinkinks, 48 South Street, Ilkeston; Chapel Bistro, South Street, Ilkeston; News Express, South Street, Ilkeston; Lifestyle Express, 10 Nottm Road., Ilkeston Wayfarer, 307 Nottm Road, Ilkeston; Lobina’s, 338 Nottm Road, Ilkeston; Manna House Café, Qn Eliz. Way, Kirk Hallam; Paper shop/Post Office. Kirk Hallam; Kirk Hallam Garage, Ladywood Road; Post Office, Ash Street, Cotmanhay; Tesco Ilkeston; Morrisons Ilkeston Bellini’s, Heanor Road, Ilkeston. Dales Shopping Centre, West Hallam
Editorial office: 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston Tel: 07539 808390 Editor: Robert Attewell or Staff feature writer: Patricia Spencer Staff reporter/photographer: John Shelton Advertising Manager: Paul Opiah sales or Distribution Manager and Webmaster: Adam Newton
© Copyright 2016 The material in Ilkeston Life is protected by copyright. If you wish to reproduce anything, please contact the editor. While every care is taken to be accurate, we are only human and mistakes do occur occasionally. If you are unhappy with any of the content in the paper, please contact the editor in the first place. We accept news and information from correspondents in good faith and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. We try not to include stories which may cause distress to anyone. If you have a view on any of the articles, please write and let us know. Your letters are always welcome, but we reserve the right to withhold or edit. Anonymous letters will only be printed in exceptional circumstances.
Deadline for adverts and editorial contributions for next month’s paper: Friday 15th July (unless by arrangement)
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2 Ilkeston Life, July 2016
Other groups there on the day were the Red Cross, Citizens Advice and crafting groups for people with Alzheimer’s. Christine Faloon gave a talk about caring for people with Alzheimer’s. She is a volunteer for the group and cared for her own husband who had vascular dementia and died after a stroke at the age of 73. It was the first time Christine had spoken at a public meeting about dementia and was understandably nervous especially as the new Mayor and Mayoress, Abey Stevenson and his wife Anne along with MP Maggie Throup were in the audience. She was however delighted to find that for the most part her audience was made up of young students from the college campus. It is to this group that we need to get the message across, as they may well have to care for an elderly or even not so elderly relative in the near future. And it is to the young people going into medicine today that we look to, to find an answer to a worsening problem. Christine belongs to the group, Singing For The Brain, who meet up once a month to help people with dementia get their personality back if only for a short time whilst enjoying the singing. The volunteers have found that no matter how bad their memory loss they can usually remember words to much loved songs from their past. This gives them and their carers a little respite from the dementia.
There are Memory Cafes and Activity Groups all around Derbyshire. In Ilkeston they meet at the Arena Church on Rutland Street on the second Tuesday of each month 1.30—3.30. Please contact the local Derby office on 01332 208845 for more information. If you wish to help dementia research you can (1) Become a friend of research, phone no. 020 7423 5153; (2). Take part in research studies, 0300 222 1122; or (3) Help shape future research, 020 7423 5153. At 3.30, Imari Ladies choir with Linda Gourlay leading, took to the stage to entertain us
Teddies on a zip wire to launch Cantelupe Centre Roof Appeal Fund raisers at a popular community centre are hoping to get their appeal off to a flying start with teddy bears riding on a zip wire. The Cantelupe Centre, next to St Mary’s Church in the town centre, is in urgent need of a new roof, so they are launching an appeal to raise around £50,000 to pay for it. The launch event takes place at the centre on Saturday 30th July with the support of local MP Maggie Throup, who is herself a teddy bear collector and whose constituency office is just across the Market Place. Children (or grown-ups) are invited to bring a teddy bear to have a go on the zip wire for £2 a ride, and on completion their bear will receive a bravery certificate. The ride begins from the top of the church tower and finishes in the garden of remem-
brance near the war memorial. Organiser Helen Crisp told us, “The bears will be taken up the tower in baskets and attached to the zip wire by one person. For safety reasons no teddy owners will be allowed up the tower.” The first bear to take the plunge will be ‘Roofus’, the appeal’s mascot. There will also be other attractions, stalls, games and refreshments available at the event, which runs from 10am to 2pm. The Cantelupe Centre is home for various organisations, including kids clubs, youth groups, elderly people’s get-togethers and groups promoting health and mobility. There is also a Saturday morning coffee bar. Anyone who would like to donate or help with the fund raising is asked to contact Helen on 07790 876015 or James (0115 923 1329) at the centre.
New photographic studio opens Ilkeston has a new photographic studio. Photographer Amanda Poolton welcomed Erewash MP Maggie Throup at Shipley Photographic Studio on Bath Street to cut the ribbon and declare the premises open. John Booth and Amanda say that they are thrilled to open their new shop on Bath Street opposite Station Road junction and invite past and new customers to visit them to see what offers they have at their newly refurbished building which includes a studio equipped to accommodate large groups and family portraits and a baby and toddler room. Weddings and memorable occasions are their speciality. The shop also offers an instant print facility where customers can get all their favourite images printed directly from any electrical device at competitive prices. A one hour print to canvas service is available as well as gifts and stationery items, making Shipley Photographic a one stop shop for all printing requirements.
with songs, one of which some of us will remember singing in the school choir: Now is the Month of Maying. Linda and the choir, with their glorious tones, started the proceedings with All That Jazz. The bases blew me away with a song that was unknown to me, Kiss And Say Goodbye, especially Jackie Tilly who put her heart, soul and body, into the song, along with her colleagues. Very Sassy ladies! It was a very sentimental journey after Linda got them back on track and guided them on to the right train and they finished with a glorious Shimmy Like My Sister Kate.
Tony’s abseil for charity Tony Mason of Kirk Hallam raised money for Forces in the Community by abseiling from the top of Jury’s Inn in Derby. The charity, based in Beeston, supports veterans and their families who are experiencing mental health and emotional problems, difficulty re-adjusting to civvy street, obstacles in finding work and in some cases homelessness. 27 people aged 7 to 78 took part in the abseil, raising over £3,500.
Advertisement feature
Explorer Scouts receive certificates Explorer Scouts from Apocalypse ESU have received awards for high achievement. Amanda Robertson received her Silver Duke of Edinburgh and Chief Scout's Diamond Award, and James McWilliam received his Chief Scout’s Platinum Award. The Chief Scout's Platinum and Diamond Awards track the D of E Bronze and Silver schemes with a requirement to complete some further activities. Ilkeston has two Explorer Scout Units, which are open to girls and boys aged 14-18 years. Apocalypse ESU meet at Nottingham Road Methodist Church on Tuesdays at 7.30pm and Exodus ESU meet at West Hallam Methodist Church on Thursdays, 8pm. The Awards were presented by Mike Long who is the District Commissioner and the presentation was in St Mary's Church Ilkeston at this year’s St George’s Day Parade.
SJH students take to the slopes in USA More than 50 students from Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy took to the slopes during a memorable ski trip to the USA. The students from Years 9 and 10 spent five days in Killington, Vermont, followed by an overnight stay in New York. The academy usually runs a ski trip once every two years to France but changed the destination to America as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations. Students Anna Pancisi and Jade Charlton, both 15, said it was a holiday that they would never forget. Anna said: “We were really excited to go to America and try skiing as it’s something that we hadn’t done before. “We practised at Swadlincote Ski Centre before we went but it was a lot harder on real snow in the mountains. “It was great though and we grew more confident each day so that by the last day we were looking at the first slope we had been on and wondering why we’d been so nervous about skiing on it. “It’s hard to sum the trip up in just a few words but it was incredible. My favourite memory is sitting outside in the hot tub with my friends whilst it was snowing, with frozen bits in my hair and eating cookies.”
Jade said the students on the trip were of mixed ability and everyone was split into groups. She said: “There were some students who had skied before but most of us hadn’t. When we first arrived there wasn’t much snow just a lot of ice but while we were there they had massive snowfalls which were great. I really enjoyed it; it was an amazing experience.” After spending five days in Killington, the group travelled to New York where they went to the top of the Rockefeller Centre and the Hard Rock Cafe. They also went on a walking tour and saw the sights including the Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 memorial and Wall Street. Anna said visiting New York was overwhelming. She said: “There was one point when we were stood in Times Square at night and with all the lights it looked just like it does in the films. “As well as just being an amazing experience we also made lots of new friends on the trip. It had been planned for two years and it was definitely worth the wait.” Staff members Dave Warden, Kirsty Joslin, Andy Ritchie and Jasminder Bacall accompanied students on the trip.
Tributes as popular Ormiston teaching assistant leaves
A teaching assistant who was instrumental in setting up Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy’s links with Gambia has left after 22 years. Denise Peck first started running the academy’s annual trip to Sir Dembo’s School in Gambia four years ago. Her daughters’ partners are both Gambian and are connected to Sir Dembo’s and she wanted to show her support and give students a life-changing experience. Denise joined OIEA when it was Ilkeston School and has mainly provided support for students with additional needs. Her most recent role was as a teaching assistant in the Sixth Form where she offered support to students on the Learn to Earn course. Kay Kearton, Director of Sixth Form at
OIEA, said everyone was sorry to see Denise leave. She said: “Denise has been fantastic with the students; she has been so supportive and caring. She was basically our Sixth Form mum, she’s been a peacemaker and knew exactly when to intervene and when not to. She always went the extra mile, she has a big heart and we love her to pieces.” Denise said some of her favourite memories of OIEA were from the trips to Gambia. She said: “It’s always such an amazing experience for our students and during this year’s trip I’ve never seen it affect them so much. “It’s so close to my heart and I think it’s such an achievement to have given so much support to Sir Dembo’s. It’s made such a difference to the Gambian people and to our own students. “I’ve loved working here, especially in the Sixth Form, and I’ve seen a lot of changes. This is a very emotional time for me and I will miss everyone.” During the annual trips to Gambia students and staff take medical supplies, educational and sports equipment as well as teaching and running activities in Sir Dembo’s School. Student Chloe Badder-Walster, 17, said the support that students had received from Denise was invaluable. She said: “Denise changed it all for me. I always felt like I was going to fail but she reassured me and whenever I wanted to give up she kept me going. She’s been there every step of the way through the Sixth Form and I’m so happy she was here.”
Mollie takes top judo spot
SEASIDE TREAT IN STORE. Councillor Glennice Birkin (far right) presenting members
of Ilkeston & District 50+ Forum with a cheque for £300 from her community grant fund. The money will go towards a trip to the seaside for members this month.
“I would really like to make the British squad but it depends on how many ranking points I pick up in competitions and I won’t A student at Kirk Hallam Community Acad- find out if I have enough until the end of the emy came first in the British Schools Judo season in December.” National Championships. Martin Ebbage, head teacher at Kirk Hallam Mollie Mellors, of Ilkeston, competed in the Community Academy, congratulated Mollie category for competitors in academic years on her achievements. He said: “Mollie is an 8 and 9 at the event which was held at EIS extremely dedicated student who is clearly in Sheffield. excelling in Judo and we are incredibly proud The 14-year-old also won a bronze medal at of her. She is definitely one to watch for the future and we wish her all the best as she atthe London Open at the weekend and last tempts to make month she won gold at the Northern Home it into the BritCounties competition in Essex. Mollie took Judo up when she was just four ish Judo squad.” years old and her aim is to be selected for Mollie is now the British squad. in training for She trains with Long Eaton Judo Club, the Midland where her dad Gary is a coach, three or four area Heart of times a week for three hours at a time on England Judo Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and SunChampionships days. in September Mollie said: “I love Judo; I like the fact that and the British Championships it’s quite technical and you really have to think about your next move. My dad coach- in December. es me and he’s happy that I like it.
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
Have your say Get in touch with your views— Email: Post: The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH
Did you have an E Eaton in your family? I have a British War Medal inscribed with the name E EATON (photos right) and am wondering if an Ilkeston Life reader may be able to help me return it to his family. I have no idea where it has come from. I used to walk all over the country so I could have found it then, but none of my walking mates can recall me finding it. The other alternative is that my mum found it; again she walked all over the country, and it was in the boxes of her belongings I cleared out of her house when she passed away. The engraving on the edge is 612407 DVR E EATON RA. I assume the DVR is driver and the RA refers to the Royal Artillery. I have searched the Forces War Records and done a general search on the Internet and found nothing to help. Robert Mee, from Heanor and District History Society, has asked around for me and apparently some World War 1 records were lost during the Second World War. Lesley has researched our family tree and we have no Eatons in the family. It is of no sentimental value to me so I would be more than happy for it to be returned to a family member of the seviceman. Obviously we don't know if E EATON is from the Ilkeston area. If anyone can shed any light on this, please get in touch via the newspaper.
My dad was in ‘Friends remembered’ photograph—Dubai reader Hi there, you published a picture in the Ilkeston Life paper dated April 2016, under the heading Friends Remembered, page 15.
My father is Ray Smith from Ilkeston (as I am too), and I would like to see if I can get a Shaun Smith good scan copy of this picture, and also get We have emailed Shaun a copy of the in touch with the person who sent it in (John photograph (above), taken in MableWilson) if that is possible. In fact, I would thorpe in the summer of 1949. Ray very much love to chat with any old friends Smith is on the far left and John Wilson of my father. next to him. Mr Wilson supplied it over I would like to set up a visit with my dad the counter and after we had scanned it, who lives in West Hallam as my mother it was returned to him. If he could get in says John used to live in Ilkeston, but I’m touch again, we will arrange to pass on not sure if he still does. My father rememcontact details to Mr Smith. Ed. bers him as he was his best mate, so I think
Roy Foulkes
started our evening with introductions followed by Grand Howl and Flag Break, then some games followed by mapping, knotting Dear Ilkeston Life, and a quiz. But the evening would not have Please could I extend a heart felt 'thank you' been complete without having a good old to everyone who helped make the recent '90 sing song with many of the Cubs’ favourite Years of Weddings Exhibition' at St John's camp fire songs. This was headed by a past Church the amazing day it was. leader, Baloo. Following that we all enjoyed a good buffet and the cubs had made camp Despite the counter-attraction of the Carnifire biscuits. val, we had a good attendance and lots of encouraging comments. Several people said Akela then invested four new cubs and prethey were amazed at the amount of interest- sented all who attended with a special Thank ing memorabilia contributed. You badge. Further badges were awarded to My sincere apologies also to people whose the two young leaders who had completed emailed photos were ‘lost’ on my computer missions, Alex Baker (Bagheera) mission 1 and hence missed out on being part of the and Tom Barratt (Jacalya) missions 3 + 4. display. This completed Tom’s training so he was Maybe this could be part of a future history also awarded his young leader’s belt. Well feature in Ilkeston Life newspaper? Many done Tom. thanks. As this is a very special year, there is lots Revd Christine French, Kirk Hallam going on as we celebrate this wonderful achievement, Cubs are a century old. Wow! CUB CELEBRATION We had a specially made cake for the occasion and this was cut by our past ADC Cubs This year is a very special year as Cub Keith Hooley our current ADC Cubs Louise Scouting is 100 Years old. Barber. To celebrate we are had a Thanks Party and If you wish to find out more about the Cubs we invited some of our past leaders and all in Kirk Hallam contact me (Akela) on 0115 the people / various organisations that have so generously donated funds to our Pack, the 932 9979. 21st Ilkeston (All Saints) Kirk Hallam over We meet on Monday evenings 6.15 p.m. the past few years. 7.45 p.m. At the Kirk Hallam Community Hall. The room was set out as a camp site! We
Diane Harris, 21st Ilkeston Cubs
4 Ilkeston Life, July 2016
it would be nice for them to get together again. I myself live in Dubai, but I keep in regular contact with my family, hence this email. Many thanks.
SKATE PARK REPORT The Kirk Hallam skate park construction is underway! Building began Monday 13th June 2016, and on that day they dug up some of the foundations and started laying the path toward the skate park. Later on that day, it rained heavily, and the path became flooded. As a result, on the Tuesday the gravel was laid to prevent this. The construction period is estimated to be around 6 to 8 weeks, and we are hoping that it will all be ready for the end of August, yet the weather is already against us! Downpours have slowed the construction but the workmen will stop at nothing! The skate park will be open to all ages and promises to be a lot of fun for all the family.
The path to the skate park site on the edge of the Windsor Crescent playing field
Our Facebook page – Kirk Hallam's New Skate Park Construction – is celebrating the arrival of the amenity by holding a competition in which you like the page and share the competition post to be put in a prize draw for £40 worth of skateboarding gear, courtesy of Bonafide Supply Skateboard Shop in Ilkeston. If you are reading this before 9th July you still have a chance to win as the competition ends on that date. Just log on to ‘Kirk Hallam’s New Skate Park Construction’ to enter. The skate park is being funded by Big Kirk Hallam, WREN and Erewash Borough Council.
Matthew Betesta
Matthew (13) is a student at Kirk Hallam Community Academy and a member of the Big K H team.
Diary of a Vicarage Cat Dear Diary, I love the sunshine and the lovely bright warm summer evenings. I think humans must like them too, as I see them outside lots more now it’s not cold or raining too much. Mind you there is one thing I don’t like, when its really sunny my humans insist on putting this creamy substance on my ears – I’m not sure what it is or what its supposed to do but I have noticed that it stops my ears from burning in the strong sunshine. Several years ago – before they started to put this special cream on my ears, I remember one time when I fell into a deep sleep out in the lavender bushes and didn’t wake up until it was evening and my poor ears hurt so much. I don’t like the cream but at least it’s better than having painful burnt ears again. One of the many things I love about living next to the church is the church yard and playing ‘hide and seek’ with the other cats amongst the grave stones. There are several different types, a couple of them I’m actually able to hide inside the top of the stone plinth – these are the long ones that look like a stone bed with kerb stones, they are in the
old part of the church yard and a couple of them have a little bit where the stones have worn away and they make a great den for me, so I can sneak in them, hide and jump out on Pips (the friendly tabby cat) when she runs past. Sometimes there are people in the church yard, often they bring flowers. Sometimes I go and see if they are friendly, to get an extra fuss . When I weave myself between their legs I can see the tears in their eyes, they look sad, so to cheer them up I rub up to them a little more. They have friendly faces but with sadness in their eyes. I hope coming to the church yard brings them comfort. I love it, it’s a peaceful and relaxing place, in fact on a hot summer day I could even take a nap under a shady bush for an hour or two, and feel safe that my ears won’t get burnt in this lovely hot sunshine. Bye for now
the Ritz cinema dressed smartly in a suit, certainly not off the peg at his height. My Regarding the ‘Ilkeston’s fascinating people’ parents went to the Ritz to watch a film, and article by Danny Corns, Fred and Madge it had been such a long time since they had Wheatley were delivering milk via horse and been, and he commented..... “We have talkcart up to 1960. They delivered to our house ies now!!!” on Green Lane—all bottled milk in my era The one character everyone seems to rethough. Not only milk was delivered, also the horse manure was sought after to put on member is the swimming baths attendant Ecky, real name unknown. the roses in the front garden. I too remember Mr Dresser standing outside
Steve Poole, Ilkeston
MEMORIES OF COSSALL …. David Potter Someone who has many fond memories of her time in Cossall village is Mary O’Connor who I had the pleasure of meeting recently at her home in West Hallam where she now lives. Mary’s story begins when her grandparents temporarily moved from Greasley to Ilkeston Junction while awaiting completion of a house being built in Church Lane in the village. They’d moved there to be closer to the new post which Grandfather had taken up as an engine wright at Cossall Colliery. At that time the pit was being run by Colonel Hewlett who, you may recall, featured prominently in our last story in the May edition of the paper. Sadly Grandmother died before the house was completed in 1927 (both grandparents are buried in St. Catherine’s church yard) but Mary eventually moved into the house with other members of her family and began many happy years living in the village which ended with her departure to Wollaton . She was married there changing her name from Draper (as she would have been known in Cossall) to O’Connor. Mary was given away by her stepfather, her mother having remarried in 1948. Her father lost his life at Dunkirk in the second world war. Names she remembers from those days in
Cossall include Harry and Mary Reddish, Dennis Webster and Cecil Wheatly: a butcher who delivered door to door. Her aunt was noted for baking and selling cakes which were in great demand particularly for special occasions such as birthdays and weddings. No mean feat in those days when ingredients were in extremely short supply as a result of war time austerity. Her memories also include family walks over to Strelley village, calling in on the way for refreshments at what would probably have been Moss’s cottage. Many of you also recall making this trip and buying the ginger beer on offer in returnable stone bottles. Life and events move on so perhaps it’s now time to draw the curtain over the memories and history of that little village just over the Erewash on t’other side of the valley and county border. We’ve wandered down some paths together…some of which perhaps have reached no great conclusion, but I hope that you’ve enjoyed the journey with me and, who knows, maybe we’ve brought a few people a little closer together as a result. Thanks for your all your responses, help and information and I sincerely hope that everyone has taken some pleasure from our meander through a dot on the map that is so very special to me and to so many of our readers.
What baby did next It’s been a busy month, which has seen us jetting off to Malta for baby’s first holiday, spending a lovely afternoon at Ilkeston food fair and most recently we attended the carnival. All of these things have been great fun but sometimes as a mum I just want time to get together with friends to catch up and indulge myself, but unlike my footloose and fancy free days if the husband is at work baby has to come with me but I don’t always want to go to places aimed specifically at babies. With a friend paying a visit from Birmingham for the day I wanted somewhere that felt suitably decadent, served delicious food and would welcome baby (without being a baby orientated place). I thought this might be a bit of a tall order. After some contemplation I decided to book me and my friend in for afternoon tea for two in the parlour at Harpur and Finch. I have to admit I was a bit worried that baby would decide to have a meltdown and ruin everybody else’s lunch. Luckily this didn’t happen and we were made to feel extremely welcome. When I booked I had advised that we would have the pushchair as I was worried that like some other places I have visited there might not be space for a pushchair or even a car seat but this wasn’t a problem and I was able to get the pushchair through the shop at the front to the parlour with ease. They ensured we had a table where the pram would fit comfortably, provided us with a high chair and even got out some toys to keep the little
one entertained whilst me and my friend put the world to rights. The afternoon tea was delicious with a selection of sandwiches, scones and cakes. The best bit for baby other than getting to try bits of all my lovely sandwiches (despite having already eaten his lunch) was all the attention he got from the staff stopping to coo and tell him how cute he was, being a bit of a charmer this always induces lots of gummy grins. The other great thing was that we didn’t feel rushed and spent a leisurely two hours over lunch. My friend really enjoyed it and baby and I will definitely be going back. I would say if you’re looking for a nice grown up place for lunch, something sweet or to just have a cuppa definitely give it a try. It could also be a great place for those who are due a baby to have an afternoon tea baby shower.
Rebecca Slater
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
Church bell ringers at St Mary’s, Ilkeston rang out ‘A Peal of 5056 Cambridge Surprise Major’ on Saturday 11th June to celebrate the 90th birthday of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Ringers pictured are Richard Stevenson, Cathy Potter, Pamela Timms, Sue Rainsbury, Francis Fisher, Peter Dickinson, Colin Aked and Malcolm Turner. It was the first peal on the bells since a major overhaul and re-hanging on ball bearings.
That’s better—litter pick transforms footpath Community spirited Ilkeston resident Mr Preston can regularly be seen picking up tin cans and litter from around the Rutland Sports Park. His voluntary work has been applauded by Ilkeston West Councillor Michelle Booth who recently organised a small community litter pick event to clear the large amount of debris that had accumulated at a well-used
footpath to the rear of Drummond Road and which links to West End Drive. Mr Preston had identified the problem to Michelle, who, with the help of the ‘Pride in Erewash’ team, got the area looking spsick and span again Cllr Booth said: “Like Mr Preston, I regularly pick up other people’s litter rather than just walking past it. I like to pose the question sometimes - it takes one person to drop litter, a hundred people to walk past it and one person to pick it up - which one are you?” Mr Preston is pictured on the left with a few other like-minded residents. Michelle is keen to also mention Sue, Teresa and John for their sterling work and to Mr Windsor from the Council -for disposing of the rubbish. Anyone wishing to enquire about a community litter pick is advised to contact the Council on 0115 907 2244 in the first instance to find out more about the help available for such tasks.
Rotary Club’s boat trip The Rotary Club of Ilkeston responded to a challenge to support local tourist attractions on Friday last when a party of members, partners, and their guests visited the Cromford Canal at Cromford. Pictured are the participants enjoying the sights, including the pumping station and old railway buildings at the turning point of the trip. Far more ‘aah’s’ and ‘oo’s’ were heard when families of days-old ducklings were passing. Nature at its best! Followed by an excellent buffet at the nearby cafe, the evening was a great success, votes of thanks being passed to
our hosts, the Cromford Canal volunteers and the catering staff by President Chris. Smith.
Glennice’s cheque boosts community work in Cotmanhay
Councillor Glennice Birkin (centre, holding cheque) presented £1,250 to the Sure Start Activity Fund. Supervisor Josy Hare (left) told us: “Some of the money is to go to the Parents Forum to support the Skegness day trip we have for families, some will go towards the Party in the Park which is on the field at the side of the Children’s Centre on Saturday 9th July from 11am to 4pm, and some will go towards the running of the ‘Cotmanhay Super Kitchen’.
6 Ilkeston Life, July 2016
St John Houghton head boy and head girl appointed Two students have been appointed as Head Boy and Head Girl at Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy. Anna Pancisi and Adam Kavanagh, both 15, underwent a rigorous selection process and had to run their own campaigns before being awarded the prestigious roles. Students interested in becoming Head Boy or Head Girl have to write a letter to senior members of staff talking about their qualities, why they would be suitable for the role and if they have any ideas for improvements to the academy. A shortlist was then drawn up by senior staff members and students ran a publicity campaign, making posters and badges to encourage their fellow students to vote for them. They also had to deliver a speech to the whole school before students and staff were asked to vote. Anna and Adam were told they had been successful by head teacher Joan McCarthy and they were presented on stage to their fellow students and teachers. Anna said she was thrilled to have been named as Head Girl. She said: “I was surprised but happy when it was announced that I was to be Head Girl. The other girls who took part were all really good and I think it must have been very close.” Adam said he was looking forward to performing his duties as Head Boy. He said: “We chair the School Council meetings and we head up the Chaplaincy Team too and we have to lead the Act of Worship once a term. We also represent the school at events and present the Celebration of Achievement evening.” Mrs McCarthy said she was extremely proud of Anna and Adam. She said: “Our wonderful students make it very tough for us to choose a new Head Boy and Head Girl and we would like to thank everyone who put themselves forward. “Anna and Adam are outstanding students and we are sure they will be wonderful ambassadors for the school.”
How well do you know your Ilkeston? Another local knowledge quiz compiled by Danny Corns 1. Where was Ilkeston’s first Co-op shop? 2. What was the earlier name of West End Drive? 3. The General Havelock was obviously named after a famous General—who was he? 4. Where is Cricket Terrace and why is it so called? 5. Ilkeston had at one time an Isolation/ Sanatorium Hospital—where was it? 6. Between Stanhope Street and Newdigate Street on Nottingham Road there is an archway with the words ‘Perseverance Cottages’ above the arch—what is the meaning of this? 7. Where was the Ilkeston Brewery? 8. Who were the main landowners in Kirk Hallam, West Hallam and most of Stanley during the 19th century? 9. Where was the Manor House in Ilkeston and what was its purpose in World War 2? 10. Why was Hunger Hill Yard so called? Answers on back page __________
Year 13 rounded off a very successful year of charity fund raising, with a cake sale which raised £111.15. Students dressed up in honour of the World Wildlife Fund but the show was stolen by Mr Damien Hull, Head of Social Science, in his fetching monkey outfit !
Ninety years of weddings is celebrated at St John’s
St John’s Church, Ilkeston, was the venue for a fascinating exhibition to mark the Queen’s 90th birthday. People who were married there in the past ninety years were invited to bring along their wedding memorabilia. Organiser Rev Christine French and helpers were surprised by the amazing response and needed all the spare space in the church to put everything on show. There were wedding dresses, photographs, invitations, presents, certificates, newspaper cuttings, etc.—enough to go right round the church. The yellow gown on the right was worn by Lilian Jemma Neal when she married Clarence Peter Boswell at St John's on 3rd July 1926, the year the Queen was born.
Nursing home’s well dressing
New book by local pastor Pastor Michael Hooton of Queen Street Baptist Church, Ilkeston, explores the question ‘Why are there so many different churches?’ in his new book The Extended Family, just published by Resource Publications. He explains how and why the various Christian denominations arose and outlines the beliefs, traditions, practices and values of the many church families in modern Britain. The book also examines whether these differences should still matter today. A foreword has been written by Nigel G Wright, Principal Emeritus, Spurgeon’s College, London. Copies will shortly be available at the Smoothie Bar in Bath Street at a special discounted price; also at the Cathedral bookshop in Derby or via Amazon (more expensive though! - £24) and on Kindle for £6.96. This is Michael’s first book, and two other titles are on their way.
Church but not as you know it Activities, music and a simple meal for you and your children Get messy at
United Reformed Church, Ilkeston: Saturday 9th July, 4—5.30pm If you like Messy Church, how about trying the Toddlers’ Service at the Green Spire church (URC). It's 'upstairs' (entry from Wharncliffe Road) and the next is on Friday 1st June at 10 am. It’s like Messy Church but much shorter (½ hour) and it’s specially for families with very young children. Drinks, biscuits, toys to follow.
Stanton Hall Nursing Home created a well dressing, believed to be the first ever to appear in the village of Stanton by Dale. These pictures by Thomas Leleux show Lay Reader Ralph Homer giving thanks and residents and carers admiring their special tribute to the Queen on her official 90th birthday. The crown-shaped picture in flower petals is sited by the village pump which dates from 1909. Dressing wells (or springs or other water sources) is an ancient Derbyshire tradition to thank God for the precious gift of water.
The Faith Journey page is brought to you by members of the local Christian community and with occasional inspiration from
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
ILKESTON MEN’S PROBUS Erewash MP Maggie Throup cut the ribbon to offically open the second Ilkeston Art Festival. Due to the success of the event last year it was decided to extend the festival over two days, during the May bank holiday. Art group secretary Ann Sutcliffe, accompanied Maggie around the hall to look at the work of the 21 artists on show and she was suitably impressed by both the standard and number of talented artists from this area. Watercolours, oils, pastels, photographs and charcoal pictures were on show and one of the artists, Ron Brooks demonstrated the art of Chinese painting. Over 100 visitors came to the exhibition. The Smoothie Art Group is planning a Christmas Fayre in November to showcase the varied pieces of work being created by local artists. More details will follow nearer the time.
The Probus Club held their meeting on 9th June; it was their traditional ladies day and 21 members and their wives met at the Park Yacht Inn in Nottingham. They boarded the pleasure boat Trent Lady and were welcomed aboard by members of the crew. Club President, Mel Birch, mentioned in his opening remarks two of the party expected to be with us had health problems and asked that they would be mentioned in our prayers. Mike Slater said grace before the party enjoyed a delicious three course carvery lunch. The Trent Lady had an interesting past, being built in 1984 by Arkwright of Northampton. It was originally located on the River Thames. It was completely refitted to a good standard and renamed the Trent Lady in 1992 to go to its home on the Trent. At the conclusion of the boat trip Mel Birch presented each of the ladies with a potted plant. Everyone agreed that it had been a most enjoyable afternoon, helped by beautiful weather. BS
Left: Anthony Opiah presents Erewash MP Maggie Throup with a bouquet of flowers. Top right: Erewash Council leader Chris Corbett, Maggie and Barry Sutcliffe admire some pictures. Right: Maggie tries her hand at Chinese lettering with guidance from Ron Brooks. Photos: John Shelton.
Carnival and Party in the Park are well attended Despite dull and sometimes rainy weather, hundreds turned out for this weekend of fun and celebration on the Rutland Sports Park and Victoria Park. Chloe Kelso was the Carnival Queen; also in the parade were Long Eaton Millitaires marching band, Melody the Erewash Sound car, and various decorated floats. The Party in the Park featured nine churches’ stalls depicting decades in the Queen’s life. Johnny Victory sang old favourite songs and the day ended with a thanksgiving service with patriotic flag waving and the singing of the National Anthem.
Colourful weekend
8 Ilkeston Life, July 2016
Top row and bottom left: pictures from Ilkeston Carnival day, organised by Ilkeston Lions. Bottom centre and right: pictures from the Picnic and Party in the Park, celebrating the Queens’s 90th birthday, organised by Ilkeston churches. Photos : John Shelton. More on our Facebook page and website.
The Way We Were
Carnival of yesteryear
Above: Two amazing photos of an Ilkeston Carnival of long ago. They were sent to us by Denise Holme who now lives in Nuthall. Her step-grandfather Fred Straw is the Will Hay look-alike teacher on the float depicting an unruly classroom. The other photo is also of the procession and shows 'the Potters Lock Monster captured at last'. And there's another monstrous object in the distance, behind the marching bands. We think the street is Cotmanhay Road and the date is somewhere between the 1st and 2nd World Wars. If anyone can identify anyone else, or supply any other information, we'd love to hear from you. The Ilkeston Carnival parade in those days was a massive occasion, we are told, with everyone turning out to be in it or to watch it. Left: A Tramps Supper at Ilkeston Salvation Army on 13th May 1989. Marion Marsland who lent us the photo is the tramp wearing the bold spotted tie towards the right. Top left: Another page from the Trade Section of the Ilkeston and District Directory of 1965/66, courtesy of Gerald Munro.
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
Summer 2016 JULY Sat 2nd July: Art and Craft Fair at St Andrews Church, Ilkeston, 10am till 3pm, Stalls and refreshments. Sat 2nd July: Strawberry Tea in the grounds of the Abbey at Dale, 3.30—5pm, plus guided tour if desired. In aid of Ilkeston United Reformed Church. Sun 3rd July: Kirk Hallam Lakeside Festival, 12 till 4, organised by Friends of KH Lake and Meadows. Entertainment, rides, activities, stalls, refreshments. Sun 3rd July: Smoothie Artists Afternoon Tea at U Choose café, ticket holders only. Sat 9th July: Kirk Hallam Church Garden Party & Summer Fete, Kirk Hallam Community Hall, Kenilworth Drive, 11 till 3pm. Plants, bargains, try-your-luck, raffle, refreshments. Sat 9th July: Party in the Park, Cotmanhay. On the grass next to the children’s centre, Beauvale Drive, 11 till 3pm. Stalls, entertainment, Mobile Super Kitchen. Sat 9th July: Open Afternoon with Friends of Park Cemetery, 1-3pm. Viewings, hot drinks and home-made cakes. Wed 13th July: Action for Cotmanhay 6th Annual Schools Football Match, Cotmanhay v Granby at Pavilion Playing Fields, 6.30pm. Wed 13th July: Ilkeston FC pre-season friendly v Nottingham Forest at New Manor Ground, Awsworth Rd, 7.45pm. Fri 15th July: Party for Parkinsons, Kirk Hallam Social Club, 6pm. Raffle, bric-a-brac, face painting, balloon man; Rock n Roll duo ‘One Night With You’ after 8pm. Sat 16th July: West Hallam Well Dressings and Scarecrow Festival, scarecrows stay
up until the following Saturday. Sat 16th July: Afternoon Tea at St Andrews Church, Wilmot St, Ilkeston from 3pm. Teas £5. Ring 0115 930 6467 to book. Sun 17th July: Summer Fun Day in aid of Guide Dogs at Shipley Park, 10.30—3pm. Sun 17th July: Bestwood Black Diamonds Band play in West Hallam Village Hall, 2pm. Sun 17th July: Derwent Valley Wind Band play in Victoria Park, 6pm. Sat 23rd July to 3rd Sept: The Beach, Victorian seaside event at Erewash Museum, 11am till 3pm. Sat 23rd July: Butterfly and Dragonfly Walk with Friends of Straw’s Bridge, 2pm. Guided walk led by Jim Steele, Butterfly Conservation Officer for Lowland Derbyshire. No need to book. Bring binoculars if you have them. Sat 23rd July: Ilkeston FC pre-season friendly v Chesterfield, home, 3pm. Sun 24th July: Derwent Valley Wind Band play at Stanley Village Hall, 2pm. Sat 30th July: Ilkeston FC pre-season friendly v Derby County, home, 3pm. Sun 31st July: Summer Sounds, Victoria Park, 3 till 7pm. Rod Stewart, Take That and Motown tribute bands, stalls and displays.
AUGUST Sat 6th August: Heritage Open Day at Erewash Museum, 11am—3pm. Sun 14th August: Erewash Partnership’s 4th Ilkeston Heritage and Classic Vehicle Show, Market Place, Ilkeston. Step back in time and enjoy hundreds of cars, motorbikes, buses, etc., of yesteryear. Sat 27th August: Ilkeston Running Club’s Charity 5 or 10 mile run or Nordic Walk at Shipley Country Park. Details: BH Mon 29th August: Matlock Band Concert at Erewash Museum, 2pm.
Do you have an event in August or September that’s not listed here? Email details to
It’s up for the cup again in Cotmanhay Action4Cotmanhay will be holding their sixth annual schools football match between Cotmanhay Junior School and Granby Junior School on Wednesday 13th July at the Pavilion Playing Fields Cotmanhay. It will be a 6.30pm kick off and once again A4C are looking for support from the parents and families of all those taking part and other residents of Cotmanhay. Granby are the present holders of the trophy but Cotmanhay gave them a hard game last year, just losing out after staging a surprise second half comeback. Action4Cotmanhay vice chairman John Allen says: “Hopefully it will be a nice evening weatherwise like last year, and we can enjoy another pleasant community gettogether. It's also a chance for people to talk to members of A4C about what else they want for their area.”
Flying through Ilkeston Dozens of train enthusiasts gathered at various points to view The Flying Scotsman passing through Ilkeston last month. This photograph, taken by Mick Brown, shows the most famous locomotive in the world as it approached the bridge near Potters Lock.
Things we did as kids by Alan Harlow Playing cricket in the street Joke of the Month
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
A bloke just walked in a pub dressed in a black top and black shorts and he had a whistle around his neck .....I thought: I'm going before something kicks off!! John Allen
We are very sorry to record that Eric has passed away.
Your Space Poems plus Share your creative writing with other Ilkeston Life readers. Email or drop in/post to The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH.
Top Pit
Then bent over on knees they stare at the black Raising their picks for another attack. A shout, a rumble, the roof starts to fall Some of them run but most have to crawl T’was only a hiccup, a small fall of dust The colliers return, in each other must trust. Some thought it fun, a bit of a joke But the exertion’s too much for one old bloke Spitting out flem, clearing his chest There is coal in his lung and blood on his vest.
I regret it now, and more so, in time, I cannot change the past, it’s passed, I accept I made mistakes, at last, I loved you, I did, still do, forever, I wish, oh how I wish, to still be, together, Life goes on, but me, I’m not represented, A shadow of myself, hollow and unscented.
Dave P
The Great Pretenders Ode to Government
Do you really think they care about us? Our dreams and our failures, His mates gather round to bear him away When the going gets tough. There’ll be darkness no more, only light We’re just the faceless from today that wait in the queue, He’ll have two years with his pigeons, two All they ever want years at the most is a vote from you. Two years of retirement before meeting his It’s only Tuesday and the cheese has all gone host. They stand by the mirror, He’ll suffice with lard, the jam’s for his son To practise their smile!!! Then out to the lavvie, its cold out the back The notice says vacancy and the next on the To make it so radiant, Quickly returning with a bucket of slack. list To fool and beguile. A fresh faced young youth never been kissed So those who believe He sits with a fag after making the fire All kinds of fun with all kinds of tricks In case you forgot Poking the coals to make it burn higher He’ll become one of them as they fight with With every new Government When Mary comes down it’ll be all nice and their picks. It’s the same old plot. warm Rose Wood And he’ll be long gone to work before dawn. The shift is over, the men turn to flight Sweat streaked bodies swarm to the light Gradually doors start to open letting out light Stripped in the bathhouse the soap and the Scratchcards and White Cider Letting out menfolk into the last of the night steam Scratchcards and white cider From every quarter they come, some needing Washes away the dust from the seam. Hair dye experiments gone wrong to rush Poverty in the first world Most come willingly, some needing a push. The men are all cheerful Everyone sings the same song. Tonight cannot wait They don’t say good morning there’s no need There’ll be stew in the belly School runs and lunch boxes for that And a pint on the slate. The young drink energy drinks A shrug is enough or a nod of the cap The old man and the pony stand not making Little heartbeats are racing They’ve all worked together, they’ve lived Brains too fast to think. a sound side by side Remembering the days when they worked Domestic abuse through alcohol They’re married to the pit with coal as their underground Dating Stella around lunchtime bride. Their dreams are endless, their thoughts are A house sitting on weeds profound Sun rising over the decline. There has been the first frost of winter, a And neither one stirs degree or two Security man at the Jobcentre As the wheels in the headstock start to go Their tattered clothes let the cold and damp And a man with no shoes round. through Trying to get his money early Their taut muscles reflect the odd ray of light Sandy Using a much used ruse. All silently sigh as the headstocks come into Tattooed arms are carrying sight. Unscented Bulging shopping bags The cage a double decker twelve up and The free hand is holding I could have done more, I could, twelve down A strange looking rolled fag. I should have done more, I should, The men they stand silent as the wheels go I belittled your dreams, a crime, The children are running wild round The steam whistle echoes through the still morning mist A young wife slumbers not knowing she’s been kissed A young man fills his flask from the tap And carefully carves the bread for his snap.
With bicycles across the roads There's no parental guidance To protect these young bones. The Police are cruising around With their thin blue line Clocking all the faces Waiting for the right time. The streets smell of weed Hot rocks in tracksuit tops Dealers hand over ten bags To whoever now stops. And a woman struggles, laden down, A baby growing inside her The shops are still open Scratchcards and white cider. © Steven Michael Pape 2016
The Allotment The gate looked old and broken, Half hidden from the eye, Overgrown with hedge and brambles, Which seemed to reach the sky, I paused to stop and wonder, Thoughts running through my mind, What lay beyond this garden gate That stood the test of time. I approached the gate with caution, Stinging nettles grew everywhere, Quite surprised the gate pushed open To a sight beyond compare, A sweet fragrance of ripened fruit Filled the air from an orchard floor Where wasps were busy feeding Inside rotten apple cores. A greenhouse stood in disrepair, Where a spider dangled from his lair, Broken pots and bamboo canes Littered the floor among broken panes, A ball of grass was on the move As a hedgehog awoke from his daily snooze, A trail of silver climbed the door Where a snail had been the night before. Outside the garden looked in disarray, Overgrown with weeds nature’s way, A circle of orange then caught my eye Where fires were lit years gone by, A spade left driven in the ground Left me wandering with a frown, Who left it there that final day When they locked the gate and walked away.
Thomas Hosker
It’s all fayre at the community hospital For the first time at a hospital event a group known as ‘Rocks and Frocks’ entertained the audience and were well received (pictured with the Chairman of the League Eileen Knight and President Mike Perry). The event raised over £600 for the League which is currently funding a project at the hospital to provide a new Refreshments Bar and Retail Shop, details of which will shortly be on display in the Reception area. The all raising funds for their deserving project is soon to be commenced and respective good causes. is in conjunction with a new RecepDerbyshire Health & Wellbeing Ser- tion area for patients visiting for treatment, the League working closevice took the opportunity to give ly with the Derbyshire Community advice. Heanor Ward from the hospital set up Health Services Foundation Trust. a bottle string competition which had Formally opened by Mike Perry, the soon sold out, lucky participants tak- Spring Fayre precedes a larger event on Saturday 6th August, the Garden ing away various types of popular drinks! Station presenter of Erewash Party when there will be a parade and Sound 96.8FM, Ian Perry kept every- displays of vehicles. one informed during the afternoon.
The Annual Spring Fayre took place at Ilkeston Hospital on Saturday 4th June when the League of Friends were hosts to a number of charities who are supportive of the League during the year. The Arena Community Centre, British Heart Foundation, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Ilkeston Lions, McMillan Cancer Care and the Rotary Club of Ilkeston all were present to supplement a Cake Stall, Tombola and Bric-a-Brac stalls
The radio station just for Erewash Start your day with Erewash Sound Breakfast Show with Paul Stacey, weekdays from 7am; followed by Morning Plus with David Allen, 9.30am.
Attract attention with an advert in Ilkeston Life. Get noticed for as little as £15. Ring Paul on 07539 808390 or email sales@ilkeston to raise awareness of your company or organisation
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
New and better lights installed
Lamps along the footpaths near to Raynham Road at Shipley View were replaced with new ones recently because the old ones had serious metal deterioration. County Councillor Michelle Booth says she was delighted when the task was done so quickly and efficiently and she was informed that the replacement LED lamps are some of the first in Derbyshire as part of the scheme to introduce the better and more energy efficient lights.
By Jim Sumner
Ar’ve never sayn WAAFs s’frittened t’death before, an’ ar felt just as bad misen
hen ar wa in Iraq, ar ’ad to goo to W another camp for a month or tow to ’elp sort ert some new instruments.
All on us who were on th’plane wara real mixed bag. Way travelled on a Dakota plane, the work’orse of the RAF. Ar sat wi’ mi back to the fuselage and as the assortment of people gorron th’plane we gen each other the customary nod. Thi wera wing commander opposite may, a squadron leader near ’im, an’ one or tow corporals, sergeants an’ other ranks nearby. The pilot wa just startin’ the engines when a lorry drew up next to the plane an’ abert a dozen WAAFs quickly gorron th’ plane an’ sat dern rayt next to us. All on ’em ’ad got ’eavy make-up on an’ one or tow ’ad still got costumes on. Well, way didner expect that! Thi’d no sooner sat dern an’ nodded to us than way wa airborne; th’pilot mustabin in a ’urry. All on us on board started talkin’ to each other when way’d settled dern, an’ ar soon fun ert that the WAAFs wa part of an entertainment party that wa tourin’ the Middle East givin’ concerts to the RAF and Army personnel – a worthy effort on their part. After a short while we noticed a serious deterioration in the weather. Thunder clerds built up all arernd and the Dakota began to be thrown all arernd the sky. Way all lowked at each other nervously an’ ’oped it would soon stop, burrit gor even woss. Ar lowked rernd at all the frightened faces – an’ thi wera lot on’em – including mine. Instead a gerrin’ better, th’weather got woss than ever. Ar lowked at the WAAFs sittin’ near may an’ thi wa all frit ta death, like I wore. I
By Geoff Hayes
noticed that their faces under the make-up ’ad gone a pasty, sickly colour, and my face probably lowked th’same. Then it happened! Thiwerra a lerd, sickening crash in the tail of th’ plane an’ as way all tonned towards it in great fear an’ dread. A large, strong metal bracket which ’eld all the life jackets, ‘Mae Wests’ and other life- saving equipment ’ad snapped an’ everythin’ fell to th’ floor of th’ plane wi’ a mighty crash. All on us nearly ’ad ’eart attacks. Th’pilot comm on th’intercom an’ said: “Sorry abert this, folks, but the weather’s a bit of a bugger at th’ moment. Let’s ’ope it gets better soon.” Ar thewt to misen: Ar, may anall. The quicker the better! Way ’ad a few more minutes misery, up, dern, side to side, stomachs churnin’ and mutterin’ swear words ar’d never ‘eard before. Heavy rain ’ammered relentlessly on the frame of the Dakota, but in spite of all the strain an’ stress an’ vibratin’ an’ shakin’, it battled its way through the storm clerds. Then suddenly all was calm an’ still, the sun’s rays were visible and it brightened up. Sighs of relief and thankfulness spread through all the passengers. Smiles appeared on faces again. Way landed safely on th’wet tarmac, a thankful bunch. Smiles and laughter replaced what ’ad gone before an’ way exchanged a joke or two as we walked down the exit ladder. Ar walked rernd to where the pilot wa gerrin’ erta th’ cockpit – ar went to ’im an’ said: “Yo did a dam good job theer, mate, all on us thank ya very much.” Ay thanked may fa saying so an added, “Ya know, that plane way’ve just travelled on is one of the most reliable aircraft ar’ve ever flown in, an’ it’s bin like that ever since ar’ve bin flyin’ it.” Ar said goodbye to all the WAAFs an’ other passengers who went in their various directions. The memory of that fright’nin’ journey ’as stayed wi’ me quite vividly all these years an’ I’m sure it’ll still be wi’ me till the day I die.
You’ve probably walked past them hundreds of times, but where in Ilkeston can you see this old shop advertisement and this rounded corner brickwork? Answer on page 14.
12 Ilkeston Life, June 2016
As we approached the main entrance doors to the dance hall in Long Eaton, we could hear the winding up music to a foxtrot. June looked over to me and said, “Wow, that sounds a good band, Geoff.” I laughed, “Certainly does, it’s Bazz Holiday and his boys. They’re one of the best groups in the country, in fact they’ve been on the radio a time or two.” We passed through the doors and I paid our entry; it was a packed hall, there was a terrific buzz of activity. Everyone was filing back to their places all around the hall. June clung to my arm and I knew she was nervous; so was I as a matter of fact. Quite suddenly, the lights were turned full on, we stood still feeling a little alone and uncertain. How he saw us I shall never know, but from his position at the microphone Danny Proctor, the usual singer for Bazz, came charging down the centre of the hall. He came and threw his arms around us both and gave us a great welcoming hug. I introduced him to my new wife and he was absolutely over the moon. He turned to June and said, “Right, young lady, name your favourite song and I’ll go and sing it for you, very especially. I’m so pleased for you both.” He turned away and went back down the
hall to his place with the band. It wasn’t long before the music struck up June’s choice, ‘It’s Magic’. The lights dimmed and then suddenly it was complete darkness. June held my hand, the spotlight came on, it wandered a little, then swung over and settled perfectly on me and my new wife. Realising it was for us, I took her arm and walked towards the centre. We began to dance to this wonderful tune. Not a single person moved on the floor to join us. How did they guess, I wondered. We began the dance with just a very slight hesitation. June put her arms up round my shoulders and I knew she was asking me for support. God how I loved her just then. I was going to stop breathing for sure. I felt the hairs on my neck bristling. Danny started to sing the lyrics and I began to settle down, my main worry was not to trip and make us look foolish. The dance took just over three minutes but it seemed an hour. Danny came over to us and shook our hands. The crowd gave us a round of applause. Later, June asked me: “Did you plan it?” “No, not a single thing,” I replied, “but I’ve known Danny Proctor all my life. He just wished us well, that’s all.” ***** As I look back on this memory I know Danny, Bazz Holiday and his entire band have all passed on and after a count up I see it all happened sixty-four years ago. ***** June is so ill at the moment. She’s in hospital. I lean over her and whisper to her: “I love you, darling, do you hear me, I love you.” And sometimes I know she does . ***** Sadly, June passed away peacefully on Friday 24th February 2012. J.G. Hayes (Feb 2012)
Deputy Mayor, Mary Hopkinson, and her husband Peter with the Hand Bell Ringing Group at Ilkeston Carnival. Photo: Robert Beales.
Ilkeston U3A Hand Bell Ringing Group This recently formed group, who are part of Ilkeston U3A, are going from strength to strength. The hand bells were originally owned by Kirk Hallam All Saints Church and a community grant from Erewash Borough Council during 2015/16 has enabled these bells to be acquired by the U3A and were recently refurbished by Taylors of Loughborough. The group recently performed at the Ilkeston Carnival and Cotmanhay Church Hall Ladies Group. In July they will be playing at The Gables in Risley and in September visiting Marlpool Guides and Brownies where they will not only be demonstrating the art of hand bell ringing but allowing the girls to have a go as well. The Hand Bell Group is taking bookings to visit any community group who would be interested in hearing their diverse repertoire. So if you would like to have half an hour of enjoyable music and/or a demonstration, please contact Brenda on 07775 767385.
RAN FOR BEN’S DEN Husband and wife team, Kevin and Samantha Parkes raised over £1,000 by running the Edinburgh Marathon. The money raised is going to Ben's Den Trust. The charity is close to Kevin and Samantha's heart and they would like to thank everyone who sponsored them.
Four Ilkeston lads lost on the Somme, July 1916 By Grant Shaw
Caleb John Stubbs
On 1st July 1916 at 7.30am the ‘Big Push’ started. Thousands of British soldiers left their trenches one wave after another and walked slowly - as ordered - across noman’s land towards the German lines. By the end of the day, almost no progress had been made and 56,000 men had become casualties - the worst single day’s losses the British Army has ever suffered. Some of them were local to us; here are some of their stories.
1/5 Sherwood Foresters, 1st July 1916
Joseph Eaton 1/5 Sherwood Foresters, 1st July 1916 Joe was born in 1895. His mother died when he was very young and his father was absent. The 1911 census finds him as a ‘visitor’ in the household of John Mather and family at Hallam Fields. He worked for Stanton Ironworks in the pipe pits as an iron pipe moulder, and he later lodged at 28 Stanton Road. Joe joined the 1/5th Sherwood Foresters as a territorial (part time) soldier at Ilkeston on 11th November 1912, aged just under eighteen. The ‘Territorial Force’ was created in 1908 and was originally intended for home defence, leaving the ‘regular’ army to fight abroad. They were recruited locally, trained at weekends or in the evenings and went away to an annual Summer Camp. A man could join the territorials at 17 whereas (at least on paper) he would have to be 18 to join the regular army. When war was declared, Joseph was at the 1914 annual seaside camp in East Yorkshire and marched away with other local lads after a civic send-off from Ilkeston in August. He remained with the 1/5th through training in Hertfordshire and landed at Le Havre on 27th February 1915. On 1st June 1915 Joe was taken to a Field Ambulance Station suffering from a gunshot wound to the head. However this cannot have been too serious as he was sent back to his unit from hospital five days later. Joseph’s medical records do not give much detail, but the next entry says that on 12th November he was sent to the Field Ambulance, the reason stated being ‘mental’. He spent the next few weeks in and out of hospital. On 11th December he was sent back to rejoin his unit ‘in the field’. There is no further information and we can only speculate whether this problem was connected to his being shot in the head six months earlier. There is no mention of him being ill again in the medical records. On 1st July 1916, Joseph went ‘over the top’ in the ‘diversionary’ attack on Gommecourt at the very north of the battle area and was killed in the assault. His body was never identified and his record shows the agony his family must have been through not knowing if he was a prisoner, wounded or dead. He remained on the books as ‘missing’ until 25th August, when he was ‘struck off strength’, in other words it was acknowledged that he was unable to rejoin his unit. It was not until 13th January 1917 that the army officially stated that he had been killed in action. The Ilkeston Pioneer reported on 16th March 1917 that Joseph : “was brought up (having lost his mother early in life) by Mrs Matthews [his] aunt. His grandmother, Mrs Mary Hopkinson, also lived with Mrs Matthews and up to receipt of the official notice clung tenaciously to the idea that her grandson was still alive. She was 85 years of age, and after all hope had been dissipated by the news of her grandson’s death, she gradually sank, and was buried on Saturday last, having died the previous Tuesday. Private Eaton was 21 years of age”. Joseph’s absent father was judged to be his next of kin and Joseph’s effects were sent to him at Lower Birchwood, near Alfreton. Joe is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial, as his body was never identified.
on 3rd June to paid Lance Sergeant. Some records and indeed his headstone record his rank as full sergeant although this is not reflected in his service record. At 7.30am on Saturday 1st July 1916 Henry went ‘over the top’ with the rest of his company and his Lewis machine gun. We do not know exactly what happened to him; many were killed or injured immediately - the Germans were only a few hundred yards away in Gommecourt Wood - and a few made it to the enemy trenches. None of these are known to have come back. Henry’s friends told his parents that he had died instantly and that they had seen him buried with proper ceremony and dignity. The reality may have been quite different. He shares a headstone with two of his comrades from the 1st/5th Sherwood Foresters in the Foncquevillers Military Cemetery, just a few hundred yards from where he died. Annie Maria Shaw, Henry’s mother took the opportunity to have a personal motto carved on Henry’s headstone, which looks back to his membership of the Church Lads’ Brigade. It reads “My darling boy. Fought the good fight and has been rewarded in Heaven. Love Mother”. It is believed that she visited Henry’s grave around 1930 after the cemeteries were properly laid out by the (then) Imperial War Graves Commission. This was quite an undertaking at the time, but a surprising number of mothers and widows made the trip to France or Belgium on organised ‘pilgrimages’ in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
Born in Ockbrook, Caleb was baptised on 26th August 1894. In 1901 he, his parents John and Alice and his three younger siblings were living at Osmaston, near Ashbourne. His father was a coker in a gas works. Caleb volunteered for the Sherwood Foresters in Derby on 17th March 1915 when he was living at 107 Kingsway, Ilkeston. He was five feet six and a half inches and his occupation was stated as ‘pipe maker’. On the same day, he signed the agreement to serve abroad if necessary. Presumably while on leave, Caleb married Florence Tatham in the summer of 1915. On 12th October he was transferred to the 1/5 Sherwood Foresters and landed in France the next day. He joined his unit just after the main action in the Battle of Loos on 18th October 1915. It was around this time that the battalion received its first ‘tin hats’ - before this they had no head protection at all. On 3rd May 1916 Caleb was appointed unpaid Lance Corporal. Lance Corporal Caleb John Stubbs was one of the many who went ‘over the top’ at Foncquevillers, attacking the German positions at Gommecourt on 1st July 1916. He was killed that day, and is buried in the Foncquevillers Military Cemetery along with at least four other Ilkeston men. Caleb was 20 years old. His wife Florrie was awarded a pension of ten shillings a week, paid from January 1917. The parcel containing Caleb’s effects was wrongly addressed and Florrie suspected that some items had ‘gone missing’ in transit. However, there is no evidence that anything else ever 10th Sherwood Foresters, 4th July 1916 arrived. Unfortunately there is no photograph of Caleb Alban was born in 1897, the son of Arthur and John Stubbs. Agnes Eaton. The 1911 census finds his parents and siblings at Oxford Road, Ilkeston but Alban is working as a farm labourer in Brailes, Warwickshire with his uncle Alban Alexander. Alban Eaton enlisted in Derby. He served in 1/5 Sherwood Foresters, 1st July 1916 the 10th Battalion, the Sherwood Foresters Henry was born on Bonfire Night 1894. His (Notts & Derby) Regiment, one of Kitchener’s parents were Arthur, a coal hewer and Annie “new army” regiments, raised from the volunMaria. He was their first child, but brother teers of 1914 which shipped out to France in Cecil Randolph, sister Nora Annie and little July the following year. Alban was killed in brother Samuel Edward arrived at two yearly action on Tuesday 4th July 1916 aged 19, durintervals. Sadly, Sam died while still an infant. ing a reconnaissance mission near ContalmaiBy 1911 the family were living at 139 Station son in the Somme area, four days after the start Road, Ilkeston and both Henry and his younger of the battle. brother Cecil were pony drivers ‘down the pit’. His body was never identified, so he is comHenry worked at West Hallam Colliery, behind memorated on the memorial to the missing of High Lane Central. He joined the Church Lads’ the Somme at Thiepval. He is also remembered Brigade and his cap badge bearing the motto on the Ilkeston Cenotaph. ‘Fight the Good Fight’ has survived. Henry volunteered for the 1/5 Sherwood Foresters and enlisted at Ilkeston on 20th May 1914, well before war broke out, aged 19 years Thiepval memorial and 7 months. He may have been one of the honour guard for the King and Queen’s visit to Ilkeston in June 1914 and was most likely at the training camp near Filey when the order for mobilisation was received. He was billeted in Harpenden, Hertfordshire into the beginning of 1915. While there he volunteered for service overseas, signing his agreement for foreign service on 4th September 1914. Henry embarked from Southampton with most of the rest of the local Sherwoods on 25th February 1915 for Le Havre. Henry sent several letters to the local newspapers while he was in France. He survived the Battle of Loos in 1915 and was promoted to corporal on 1st March ‘in the field’. He was allowed only one short period of leave in this time, from 17th to 19th December 1915. It is not known whether he came home; presumably not due to the distance involved. In February 1916 the 1/5 received their first two Lewis machine guns, more portable than the standard Vickers model and Henry received training as a Lewis Gunner. On 18th May 1916 he was promoted to unpaid Lance Sergeant and
Joe Eaton
Alban Eaton
Henry Shaw
Henry Shaw
Alban Eaton
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
Music Scene
rock material. The result was the birth of what is now known as “Folk Rock”. After a decade of success, including an appearance on Top Of The Pops to plug a stunningly unrepresentative chart single “si tu dois partir” Swarb was forced to leave the band in 1981 to save what remained of his hearing which had been damaged by regular exposure to loud amplification. He teamed up again with Martin Carthy and also formed several acoustic bands but it’s the success with Fairport ,who he still played with at the annual Fairport re-union at Cropredy in Oxfordshire, that he’ll most be remembered for. His death is sure to make this year’s get together a very emotional event indeed. He was a heavy smoker whose favourite breakfast was “two aspirins and a John Player” and this began to have an effect on his health culminating in a double lung transplant in 2004. As a result of his emphysema he was often forced to take to the stage sitting and hooked up to oxygen cylinders. At one time during a hospital stay in Coventry he became a member of that exclusive club who’ve had their obituary published prematurely, and was ever fond of quipping afterwards that “it wasn’t the first time he’d died in that city”. After that dry run the real thing sadly took place on 3rd June of this year at the age of 75 and, although he’ll be badly missed by everyone who had the pleasure of meeting, working or performing with him, he’s left us a wonder-
ful legacy of material and memories that will ensure he’ll not be forgotten for a very long time. “Meet on the ledge,” Swarb. A recap now on some of the regular events taking place in our area but do check with the venue (or myself) before travelling. TUESDAY Belper Folk Club meets each Tuesday at The Old Kings Head, Days Lane Belper, 8.30pm. A really nice friendly session taking in all sorts of things and newbies are especially welcome. Well worth the trip over there and, if you spot me on a visit, I might even sing a song for you if you buy me an orange juice. The Vernon Arms at 21 Locko Rd is the venue for The Folk and Acoustic Club at Spondon starting at 8.15pm. Mics and P.A. supplied. Meetings are weekly. An informal singaround gets underway around 8.30pm at The Old Oak, Main Street, Horsley Woodhouse on the LAST Tuesday in every month. WEDNESDAY The day for weekly meets at 8.30pm of the Ilkeston Folk and Blues Club at the Stute on Hallam Fields Rd. Again mics and p.a. which are usually expertly manned by one of the Smoothie Bar’s resident poets Sandy. The Red Lion Ceilidh Band meets for a FORTNIGHTLY public practice session at The Needlemakers Arms on Nottingham Rd. Ilkes-
ton. They’re always on the look out for new members and the free home made chocolate cake is a real treat. If you’re interested in joining in or booking them for dances then get in touch with me for information and I’ll pass your message on. THURSDAY 7.00 to 9.00pm sees a poetry session on the LAST Thursday in every month at Ilkeston Life H.Q. the UChoose Smoothie Bar at No.1 Bath St.(opposite the Lloyds/TSB bank). Plenty of free car parking on the Wilmot St. municipal. You can perform your own work or anything else that takes your fancy or just sit and enjoy. No pressure. Finally pressure of space prevents me this month from telling you all about “Rock’s n Frock’s” a new 50/60’s revival band that’s just appeared on the local scene and show a real flair for performing and interpreting music from that particular genre and period. A full report of my encounter with them will be in next month’s column. Don’t forget that if anyone has a regular, or one off, event of ANYTHING remotely resembling performing arts or presentations or bands and performers they’d like to publicise just get in touch and I’ll be happy to give it a shout. Contact details are at the top of the column. See you around.
in gold medal winning gardens. You can visit the nursery on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between 9am to 4pm from April to September. Their website contains some Our May speaker was Neil Timm from the pages that give a rough guide to identifying Fern Nursery in Binbrook, Lincolnshire. ferns that you might find in the garden to get The nursery is a family run business in the you started on the right track. If you need Lincolnshire Wolds and it has grown from more advice than you find on their website, an enthusiasm over the last twenty years. on planting, growing, identifying, and garNeil himself as a landscape gardener and designer in a number of gardens in Lincoln- dening with ferns they are more than happy to try and help. shire for over twenty years. The nursery Neil gave us a slideshow talking about varigrows almost all its plants from its own stock plants which are displayed in the large ous types of ferns, the variety is amazing. We were told that ferns have a two-part regarden, visitors are welcome to take a tour and see the whole process. The nursery has production process. They firstly produce supplied ferns to many well-known gardens spores, which if they find themselves in suitincluding York Cemetery, Nottingham Arbo- able moist conditions, will then reproduce retum, Burghley House and York museum as producing the fern as we know it. Ferns were well as being exhibited at the Chelsea Show often found growing on the track side of
railway platforms, when there were steam trains, as the steam blowing from the trains produced ideal growing conditions. Lycopodium powder which is composed of the dry spores of clubmoss plants were used in fireworks, explosives, fingerprint powders, a covering for pills and as an ice cream stabilizer. We were also told that the ferns were used in ancient herbalism, however today many ferns are thought in modern medical opinion to be highly poisonous. Ferns reached the height of popularity in Victorian times when thousands of people ventured out to the hills and lanes of the countryside armed with specially made fern trowels in search of plants. Even if you could not, or did not, care to find your own ferns, then you could employ the services of professional ‘Fern Hunters’ to do it for you,
naturally for a price. It was of course always the rarest that were most prized and collected, and they were almost certainly the quickest to die when they reached the cities. It is almost certainly the case, that our fern flora has still not fully recovered to this day. Hopefully we now have enough respect for nature not to go out digging up our wild flora, just to fill our gardens, especially as it is now so easy to get what we need from a plant nursery, as raising them from spores is now made relatively simple by modern technology. Our next meeting is on Monday 18th July. Our speaker Helen Picton, from Old Court Nurseries, will give a talk entitled Daisy Days (Michaelmas Daisies). Non members welcome. Jenny Thacker
Email: Tel: 0792 9100 974 It’s pretty certain that most people who contribute to publications with a deadline will be familiar with ripping up a virtually completed article when something breaks just before submission to the editor which just has to have a mention. I found myself in that very situation this month when the sad news came through of the death of a musician who’s had a massive influence on a huge number of people who follow the more traditional end of the musical spectrum. David, Cyril, Eric Swarbrick, known to his legion of friends, followers, and collaborators as “Swarb” was born 5th April 1941 in Surrey, before eventually ending up in Birmingham with his family. Taking up the violin he found his way via The Ian Campbell Folk Group, and an acclaimed partnership with another folk legend Martin Carthy, to Fairport Convention at exactly the time in 1969 when they were looking to incorporate traditional music into their previous repertoire of American influenced psychedelic
West Hallam Amateur Gardening Society
On Monday, 8 August the Derbyshire Bat Group will lead another of their popuAfter two men were arrested recently for fishing at Straw’s Bridge, Erewash Borough Council are remind- lar bat walks. This will ing the public that fishing is prohibited on the site. The start at 7.45pm in the Pewit Golf Pavilion, West men also had their equipment seized. July will be a busy month. The Friends will be at West End Drive, Ilkeston with Hallam Well Dressings as usual on the 16th, selling a an introductory talk, before moving down to Straw’s range of wildlife related goods. The next meeting of Bridge at dusk. Again the event is free but donations to the group will be held the following Thursday, 21st bat conservation will be welcome. Bring a torch! Bat July, at 7pm in the Ilkeston Fire Station Community detectors will be supplied. Booking is required – Room. All welcome. phone 0115 907 2244, extension 3889, and leave your The first of two wildlife events, the Butterfly and Dragonfly Walk will again be led by Jim Steele, But- contact details. As usual you can get more information and keep up terfly Conservation Officer for Lowland Derbyshire. The walk will be on Saturday, July 23, starting at 2pm with events on the website and on Facebook. from the car park. There is no charge and no need to book. Bring binoculars if you have them. Jeff Wynch
The Friends of Straw’s Bridge.
Answers to Picture Puzzle (page 12) Top: Above the bike shop at the corner of Station Road and Bath Street. Below: Above the bottom shop on Bath Street (next to car park entrance).
14 Ilkeston Life, July 2016
Saturday 9th July 2016 10am to 12 noon Ilkeston Town Hall
Family Announcements DEATH
Douglas Boyd Passed away 30th May 2016, aged 83 years. Dearly loved husband of the late Peggy and devoted father and grandfather.
IN LOVING MEMORY Barbara Elizabeth Marson (Squires) It’s 4 years since you left us, you are always in our thoughts. Sid, Phil, Chris and Emma.
David and Sally Hutchinson Married at Kirk Hallam All Saints Church on Saturday 11th June. Congratulations and best wishes from both families.
BIRTHDAY July 2nd: Denise Bowles in Benidorm. Happy birthday from all your family and friends in Ilkeston.
West Hallam Village Show
Douglas Boyd
10th September 2016 The recent spell of both warm and wet weather has really got things growing in the garden and on the allotment. This is good news for anyone planning on entering one of the classes in the “Fruit and Vegetables” section of the Village Show. It’s also good news for those of you interested in “Preserves”: you can make the most of the plentiful supplies of fresh produce available locally. Try your hand at jam, marmalade or chutney. Further details are available in the schedule available on the West Hallam Village Hall website: Summer also brings the prospect of tea and cake in our gardens. Have you tried the recipe for Ginger Cake yet from the show schedule? Having made it, you might want to bake another to enter into the show! If ginger isn’t to your taste, you could make a tray of flapjack, some jam tarts or even a chocolate sponge! There will be plenty of people around to taste and approve them for you! If you missed out on the celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday, you may want to experiment with a “Floral Art” on the theme of Red, White and Blue (not to exceed 10” width/depth). It could form the centrepiece of your garden table when you serve the tea and cakes! Lastly, don’t worry about the children getting bored during the school holidays! Have a few craft materials ready for your children to create an entry for their section of the show 3-5 year olds can decorate a paper plate on the theme of “butterflies: 6-9s can enter a hand decorated face mask whilst 1012 year olds can create junk space ships from recycled materials only (maximum size 18”x12”x12”). Whilst you can provide all the materials, remember that the finished piece must be all the children’s own work. They will be thrilled to see their handiwork on display in September in the Village Hall. Having whetted your appetites, if you have any further questions, please ring Sue (0115 9984503) or Mary (0115 9305386) for further information. There is still plenty to keep everyone busy! Mary Butler
Aware that I contribute to Ilkeston Life, a couple of friends have asked me if I’d mind writing a tribute to Douglas Boyd who sadly passed away recently. Douglas was a very popular dentist in Ilkeston for many years. His wife Peggy also played a large part in the life of Ilkeston both a councillor and as Mayor or the Borough, particularly during the 100 years anniversary celebrations of the town becoming a borough in 1987. As a patient myself of Mr Boyd, I found his waiting room a fascinating place. In one corner there was a very old rocking horse, whilst one wall was full of old Punch magazine annuals. I actually enjoyed waiting to be treated because it gave me the chance to read them It’s funny how dentists, doctors and school teachers seem to be remembered long after they’ve gone. I think Douglas Boyd will be one of those. Danny Corns
THANKS Thank you to the very kind gentleman who helped me after my fall on the market. You didn’t hang around to be thanked and I was in a bit of a state. I do appreciate your kindness though and I hope you read this.
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Walks with Erewash Ramblers Monday 4th July, 10.30am. 7 miles, Ashford in the Water. Meet at the Fennal St. CP (SK194698, DE45 1QF). Leaders Daphne Eaton & Celia Bird (07546 236066). Wednesday 6th July, 10.30am. Short walk, Locko Park area. Meet at Bluebells Ice Cream Parlour Brunswood Farm, Spondon Derby(DE21 7BU, SK406374). Leader Brian Marshall. Sunday 10th July, 10.00am for 10.15am train. 7½ miles. Walk to Wirksworth Station from Idridgehay. Meet at Wirksworth Station CP (SK289541,DE4 4FB). Leader Brain Marshall. 7.5 miles. Wednesday 13th July, 10.30am. Short walk. Sawley Marina. Meet at Trent Lock Car park (SK489312). Leader Sandie Jones.
The Heritage Lottery funded Bennerley Viaduct exhibition at the Erewash Museum in Ilkeston is proving to be a hit with the public. When you visit be sure to complete one of the “beneficiary forms” designed to collect the all-important evidence of public support for the project. A capacity crowd in the Hayloft on 8 June enjoyed a talk by Dave Gent, Principal Civil Engineer with Atkins of Derby, on the unique properties of wrought iron and its use in Victorian structures like the viaduct. Kieran Lee reminded everyone of how close the Erewash Valley came to losing its Iron Giant. Among others, we have Michael Heseltine to thank for saving it from demolition. A number of other special events are being held as part of the exhibition. Transport artist Paul Atchinson will be demonstrating and teaching in the museum on Saturday, 02 July. On 23 July the Ilkeston Woodside Model Railway Club will have a model railway on display, including a section of the viaduct. See the Friends’ Facebook page for details The Friends meet again at 7pm on Monday, 25 July, at the Gate Inn, Awsworth. All welcome. Find out lots more on Facebook and on the website Kieran Lee, the Community Engagement Officer, can be contacted on 07823 536941 or by email at P.S. The next phase of the Erewash Canal towpath resurfacing work will be from Awsworth Road to the Bridge Inn, Cotmanhay. Derbyshire County Council and the Canal & River Trust will be announcing the dates shortly. Jeff Wynch
Thursday 14th July, 10.30am. 6½ miles. Alton Area. Meet at Alton Village Hall CP (SK074421, ST10 4AP) Led by Barry Wallace (07546 236066). Monday 18th July, 10.30am. 7 miles. Parwich & Alsop-en-le-Dale. Meet at Tissington Village CP P&D (SK175524). Leaders Leo & Jenny Cortes. Wednesday 20th July. 10.30am. Short walk. Risley Area. Meet at Blind Lane Breaston (SK461336). Leader Brian Marshall. Sunday 24th July, 10.30am, 8 miles. Churnet Valley Walk. Meet at Froghall Wharf (SK028477). Led by Robert Mee Wednesday 27th July. 10.30am. Short walk. Ilkeston area. Meet at Rupert Street Ilkeston (SK469422). Leader Joyce Mold. Thursday 29th July, 10.30am. 6½ miles. Baslow & Birchen Edges. Meet opposite Robin Hood Pub, A619 (SK280721). Leaders Linda Hunt & Dave Bird. Distance 6.5 miles. More details from Tony Beardsley, 0115 917 0082
To discuss placing advert in this paper, ring Paul on 07539 808390 or email
Ilkeston Life, July 2016
JUST A THOUGHT It’s never too late to be what you might have been. - George Eliot.
Supporters Group the closing game of last season backs Matt Baker S ince there have been many changes at Ilkeston FC in a bid to bring back success on The Ilkeston FC Supporters Group is proud to announce that it will be sponsoring Matt Baker for the 2016-17 season. Group chairman Duncan Payne said: “When the opportunity to sponsor Matt came along, it was not a difficult decision to make. "Matt was outstanding for us last season and thoroughly deserved his player of the year award. “He is a great ambassador for Ilkeston FC and has an excellent rapport with the supporters. He has also got the greatest respect from the younger members of the squad who have seen what he has done by climbing through the ranks. “Matt matured greatly as a player last season and having the responsibility of the captaincy brought out the best in him. “When we learned that he had signed for another season it was another piece of good news among several that have come out of the NMG in the last couple of weeks. “We are extremely proud to be associated with him."
the field.
Firstly, Paul Holland was announced as the Club’s new Head Coach. Paul made over 300 appearances in the Football League for Mansfield Town, Sheffield United, Chesterfield and Bristol City. After his career was cut short by injury at the age of 27 he moved back to Mansfield as youth team coach then assistant manager and finally succeeded manager Billy Dearden for the final few months of the 2007/08 season. He has been involved with Ilkeston FC and its Academy as a tutor and coach since its birth in 2010 and is currently a Director of the Academy. On his appointment Paul said “I have been at the Club for 5 years now and have seen things from behind the scenes. The Academy is of course a massive part of this Club but the first team is always the most important team. To move the first team forward we need to bring in some experienced players to help the younger ones develop.” He finished by saying “I’ve been in lower League football all of my career, I’ve not played at the heights of other managers but I’m hard working and down to earth and I want the fans onside with what we’re doing. Last season was a difficult season and we want to see the fans with smiles back on their faces and all of us pulling in the same direction.” CEO Nigel Harrop said “These are exciting times for Ilkeston FC as Paul brings a wealth of knowledge to the first team. When the Head Coach position became vacant, Paul came to me with his own strong ideas of how to take the Club forward using a mix of experienced players and Academy scholars.”
molished during the 1950s. 6. I have an idea but I am not sure—I hope an Ilkeston Life reader can enlighten us. 1. Ilkeston’s first Co-op shop was at No.33 Bath 7. Ilkeston Brewery stood roughly at the Street (now Co-op Travel shop). bottom end of the car park next to the Albi2. The earlier name of West End Drive was on Leisure Centre. Left largely derelict durPimlico Lane. ing the 1920s, one or two small firms occu3. General Havelock was one of the heroes of pied the building during the 1950s Lucknow during the Indian Mutiny of 1857. 8. The Newdigate family who managed the 4. At the Market St. end of Coronation St. there land from Arbury Hall in Warwickshire. is a well-worn terracotta plaque high up on 9. The Manor House stood where the Leisure the house, now difficult to read, with the Centre now stands, next to the swimming words Cricket Terrace, named after the baths. It was occupied by the Borough cricket ground where Ilkeston Rutland Health Authority. I remember as a youngplayed during their early years. The ground ster obtaining my gas mask there during the lay behind where the Rutland Mill now early part of WW2. stands. 10. Hunger Hill Yard came from the Anglo-Saxon 5. Towards the Quarry Hill end of Longfield word ‘Hangra’ meaning a sloping wooded Lane, just past Hallam Fields School, built in area. It is a very old part of Ilkeston. 1868 it was largely a wooden structure, de-
Answers to How well do you know your Ilkeston? (Page 6)
Have you seen our improved website? Lots of new features.
20p where sold
16 Ilkeston Life, July 2016
WIN OR LOSE Share your sports news in Ilkeston’s community paper. email
GOOD START FOR TRINITY HOPEFULS. An impressive line-up of new members attended the first session of Trinity Boxing Club’s latest recruitment night. The club is running sessions for youngsters hoping to become part of the Trinity team for the new season. The coaches were impressed and saw definite potential in some of them. There was also great commitment from established club members who turned out to help and welcome the new prospects .
BY MATCHMAN Having taken over the roll, Paul wasted no time bringing in the experienced players he wanted. Nottingham Forest goalkeeper Ross Durrant who spent time on loan at Ilkeston last season has signed a one year contract for 2016/17. At the same time the exciting signing of 30 year old striker Liam Hearn was announced. Amongst the teams that he has played for are; Alfreton, Grimsby, Mansfield and Lincoln. He has always scored goals where ever he has played and at Alfreton he notched up 65 goals in 94 appearances. Liam said that he had received offers from higher up in non league but he relished the opportunity of working with the youngsters at Ilkeston. Next to be signed was experienced defender, Luke Foster. For the last two years he has been at Southport where he made 64 appearances and scored six goals before moving to Harrogate. Most of his career has been at League 2 and Conference level making 350 appearances and scoring 18 goals. His most settled period was between 2007 and 2010 when he made 101 appearances for Oxford United in the Conference. He will also have a coaching role at Ilkeston. Of last year’s more senior players, captain Matt Baker and Danny Gordon have resigned but popular Michael Williams is considering an offer from a Vanarama National League club . The following Academy players with first team experience who have resigned so far include : Dexter Atkinson, Tevahn Tyrell, David Jones, Luis Rose, Connor Walters, Brandon Clarke, Keenan Meakin, Ben Morris, Max Thornberry, Jamie Hannis and Ryan Head. Contracts have been offered to Michael Williams, Haydn Goddard, Jordan Wheatley and Roy Lee. Three players have been released: Luke Shaw, Curtis Burrows and Aiden Print.
Pre-season friendly matches
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On 9th June it was announced that teenage midfielder Mark Shelton had joined Ilkeston from Burton Albion. Mark said he had known Paul Holland for a while as they lived in the same area. He also said that his Burton teammates Joe Doyle and Marcus Harness and had played a part in him wanting to come here. Paul Holland said he was surprised that Burton had released Shelton and he had contacted Doyle and Harness who both spoke highly of him. “He knows he isn’t guaranteed a place in the starting eleven but if he can do what I know he’s capable of, I know he won’t be far off.” One day later another signing was unveiled, that of 25 year old defender Rory Coleman from Stocksbridge Steels. Rory played against Ilkeston twice last season in the rain affected FA Trophy games. He scored 21 goals for Steels last season, 11 from penalties and 5 from free kicks. It has also been announced that Steve Welsh will combine his role as Academy Manager with the job as Assistant Coach to Paul Holland. Steve had a 13 year career as a professional footballer playing for Cambridge United, Peterborough United, Partick Thistle and Dunfermline. He later coached at Lincoln City and became Boston United manager. Steve joined Ilkeston at the beginning of the 2015/16 season and guided the successful Academy side to the third round of the FA Youth Cup. He was also Andy Watson’s assistant for nine games at the end of the season before being given the job of caretaker for the final league game when Andy left. Paul Holland and Steve Welsh hosted a successful Fans Forum on the 8th of June. Four players also attended, Liam Hearn, Luke Foster, Matt Baker and Danny Gordon. Paul and Steve outlined the Club’s plans and answered questions. Supporters were encouraged by what they were told and were impressed by the commitment and attitude shown by Liam Hearn and Luke Foster.
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