Ilkeston Life Newspaper April 2017

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Trains return to Ilkeston Trains are back! They will be stopping here again for the first time in 50 years following completion of the new railway station off Millership Way and Coronation Road. Northern Rail and East Midland Trains will run services to and from the restored Ilkeston Junction site from Sunday 2nd April. There should be as many as 21 trains stopping each day. The station has two platforms, ticket machines, covered waiting areas and two car parks. New bus links to the town centre will be appearing.

30p where sold A community publication for Ilkeston and surrounding area

APRIL 2017

William meets his hero Olly W

illiam Smedley from Cotmanhay had a day to remember when he met his pop idol Olly Murs outside Nottingham Arena. The 11-year-old, who has autism, a significant learning disability and epilepsy, was keen to meet Olly because singing along to his songs such as Dear Darling and Grow Up has enabled him to improve his speech and communication. About 160,000 people are expected to use the station in the first year and Derbyshire County Councillor Dean Collins, says: “It will be a great boost to the area, with much quicker commuting times, helping to reduce congestion on the roads.” Gary Walsh, area director for Network Rail said: “The services will provide the people of Ilkeston with better transport links to the surrounding area. I’d like to thank residents for their patience while the station was being built and hope they enjoy using it.” The £10 million station will have an official opening later.

See our special feature on the station inside: Pages 10 and 11


Former Ilkeston goalie tries his luck on X Factor Joe Sharman, former Ilkeston Town and Derby County goalkeeper has auditioned for a spot on television’s X Factor show. 85 year-old Joe sang his version of Working Man by David Alexander when auditions took place in Derby recently. He said: “I don’t usually go out of the house unless it’s someone’s birthday or for a family occasion, but when I saw the X Factor auditions advertised, I thought I’d give it a go. I’ve imitated many stars in my time.”

William went along with his mum Jemma to enjoy the former X Factor runner-up’s concert on 14th March. He said it was an experience he will never forget. Olly was happy to pose with him for a number of photographs, some of which his mum has had framed. Jemma told us: “It was amazing to tell Olly thank you for helping us teach William to speak better and for giving him such a positive role model. When I told Olly this he gave me a big hug and a kiss. He was really touched by our story. It was so emotional… people were coming up to William afterwards asking if he was the little boy who was on Twitter singing Olly Murs’ song Grow Up that I had posted. It made him feel so special. It was a fantastic day. William was so grateful and kept saying "Thank you mum, my dreams came true." John Daly, co-founder of Awareness for Autism said: “It's fantastic to see someone who's in the public eye like this actually take the time to acknowledge a fan in this way. As you can see from the pictures, both William and Olly look pretty pleased with their meeting.” William has recently started attending Autism friendly football sessions at the Rutland Sports Centre on Sunday mornings, another confidence-building activity. “He is loving it and wants to play for his team Nottingham Forest when he is older.” says his mum.

How I came to write for Ilkeston Life


Independent Fresh Entertaining


f you don’t get a copy through your door, Ilkeston Life is available online and from various outlets including newsagents, shops, cafes, Post Offices and supermarkets in our growing circulation area. Besides Ilkeston, we are currently supplying: KIRK HALLAM COTMANHAY SHIPLEY VIEW HALLAM FIELDS LARKLANDS STANTON-BY-DALE DALE ABBEY WEST HALLAM STANLEY


We also give free copies to Ilkeston Community Hospital, nursing and care homes, doctors waiting rooms, schools, etc

Editorial office: 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Tel: 07539 808390 Editor: Robert Attewell or Staff feature writer: Patricia Spencer Staff photographer: John Shelton Advertising manager: Paul Opiah sales or Webmaster: Adam Newton © Copyright 2017 The material in Ilkeston Life is protected by copyright. If you wish to reproduce anything, please contact the editor. While every care is taken to be accurate, we are only human and mistakes do occur occasionally. If you are unhappy with any of the content in the paper, please contact the editor in the first place. We accept news and information from correspondents in good faith and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. We try not to include stories which may cause distress to anyone. If you have a view on any of the articles, please write and let us know. Your letters are always welcome, but we reserve the right to withhold or edit. Anonymous letters will only be printed in exceptional circumstances.

The deadline for adverts and editorial contributions for next month’s paper is 15th April (unless by arrangement). Send to us by email if possible: Ilkeston Life. No. 20. We are an independent community paper seeking the best for our readers and our region. First published in newspaper format in September 2015.

2 Ilkeston Life, April 2017


first started writing in 1993 when I wrote a poem for my husband on our 25th Wedding Anniversary. It took me months to complete. A couple of years later I wrote a humorous poem about one of the waiters who served us on holiday in Corfu. Then, the flood- gates opened. My children left home and my husband was working afternoons on this particular day as I sat at home with the dog. All of a sudden a poem started going round in my head. I got up and wrote it down. It was called “I would like to play the piano.” Every night after that I had to get out of bed to write at least one poem. Within a few months I had written about fifty! This was when I started to read them to my longsuffering friends. At this time I belonged to the Chapter and Verse reading group. I am a founder member of this writing circle. It came about when I went to college to learn the basics of using a computer. I then went on to help with Basic English for students with learning difficulties. My tutor at the time was asked to start a reading group at the library and she asked me to accompany her. The group is still going today and I am still a member. I am afraid, at the time I used to read my new poems to them every month to get their reactions. They were very good at critiquing my work. I have never had a schedule for writing my poems; they generally just jump into my head at the most inconvenient times and if they are not written down immediately they are gone forever. I have learned to carry paper and pen with me everywhere. In 1997 my granddaughter was born and almost immediately poems for her became the object of my mind. Over the next few years, poetry became my main hobby taking over from entertaining in shows for charity. Some would say if this stopped me singing, this could only be a good thing! Six or seven years ago I was asked by a friend to go to read my poetry to a group of people at St Werburghs church in Spondon village. This was the biggest group I had performed to—about forty people, both men and women. They were very kind to me and one gentleman asked if he could have a copy of one of my poems to send to Australia. I was delighted to provide him with a copy. One of the ladies in the group approached me and told me about the writing group that met every Monday in the church hall. I am so pleased that she told me about the group as a fortnight later I went along to West Park Writers and they made me feel at home right away. I have been a member ever since. It was one of the best things I have ever done. I have now been their Chairman for a few years. Monday has become my favourite day of the week. I know I will have a good laugh, listen to some amaz-

ing stories and get to enter competitions with my writing. I have just won a first place with a memoir of my mum’s first eleven years. This is the first time I have won! I have never been an academic and apart from English and Typing never passed any exams, but now at 68 years of age I seem to have found my place. Four years ago I decided to write and publish my first book of poems, short stories and memoirs. It sold well locally and so the next year I published my second and a third the year after that—in all I have sold about 450 books. In 2015 I put an article in for a competition at the writers group and was amazed when I won second place. The subject of the competition was The Cinemas of Ilkeston. By this time one of my friends from West Park writers and I had started a poetry evening once a month at the U Choose Café on Bath Street and that is were I met up with Bob again, I knew him because he had done some proof reading of my books. I took my article in to the café and asked if he would read it to see if it was suitable for his monthly magazine. I believe he used to sell about 250 copies of this a month and it was a good read. He got back to me and said he would like to use it and he was going to serialise it in the magazine. However, two weeks later I had a

President Joan Harrison and Secretary Enid Kemp of Ilkeston Women’s Institute are pictured presenting a cheque for £500 to the local Air Ambulance charity. Another cheque for £500 was presented to the Flamsteed Centre, Ilkeston on the same night. The money was all raised at a Christmas Fair held by the W.I. back in November. The group will be holding another Christmas Fair this year and hopefully will be able to make similar donations to local good causes next year.

call from Bob telling me that he and Paul were getting together to bring out a new local newspaper, and would I mind if he used it in there instead. I asked him how many copies would be published and he said 10,000. I, of course said, yes. Thank you. It was a no brainer! I have loved writing for it ever since. I get to meet new people and have made new friends too. I would like to thank all the people who take the time to stop me and tell me how much they love the Ilkeston Life and my articles. It is much appreciated. It is wonderful to work with good people who all do a superb job for our community. Do not underestimate the time and hard work that goes into this venture. They manage to pay for it by the people who support us with adverts

by Patricia Spencer

and those who give donations or pay for it every month. Thank you to all who do. Recently we added extra pages so that meant an increase in price to those who pay, but I am sure you all feel this is worth it. For those who have the paper delivered, please do not take it for granted. It is hard work. For those of you who live in my delivery area, I am afraid I have too much writing to do and not enough energy to deliver the 200 or so papers I have been bringing round for the last year and a half. I am sure you will be able to find them from all the other outlets in town. For anyone who has difficulty in getting out for one, and are in my area if you get in touch through the paper, I will see that you get a copy. My best regards Patricia Spencer

Maggie welcomes new Midlands Engine funding Local MP Maggie Throup has welcomed news that Erewash is to be a direct beneficiary of a new £63 million Government funding package for Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. The Foundry Park project, based in Stanton, will delivery of 8,100 sq. m of new employment floorspace, creating around 500 jobs. The new funding, announced by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government The Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid MP, is part of the Government’s wider strategy for the ‘Midlands Engine’. Commenting on the announcement, Maggie said: “I am delighted that Erewash will directly benefit from part of the £63 million worth of new funding package announced by the Government. “This acknowledges the Government’s commitment to investing in the Midlands Engine, and I am determined to make sure our area plays an integral part within the long-term strategy. MPs Sajid Javid and Maggie Throup “It is also fantastic news that unemployment has now fallen to its lowest level since 1975, result of projects like Foundry Park we can and I am sure that with new jobs created as a get the numbers down even further.”

Public invited to Eat the Streets

round the space and meet the team -gardener Jo Swann and (not so glamorous) assistant, Dave Wood.

Arena Community Garden Allotment is throwing open its steel gates to the public offering two exciting afternoon garden sessions at its Heanor Road, site in Ilkeston, DE7 8DY.

Dave says, “You soon feel the benefits of gardening, fresh air and the feel good factor for a start...the kinds of activities we have planned will guarantee smiles on faces,” he ends.

Dates are Saturday 8th and 22nd April from 12.30 to 2.30 pm. Both days are a great way to find out about growing your own and plenty of opportunity to have fun. Yes, gardening is fun!

There's plenty to do and to have a look at, including some wonderfully messy making mud masks for trees!

The Eat the Streets is run by Wash Arts CIC, a notfor-profit community-led arts organisation, based Come and join the Wash Arts team at the Arena in Ilkeston. It was established in 2006 and beneCommunity Allotment in Ilkeston for two afternoons of fun, frivolity and family gardening activi- fits people living in Erewash through a programme of high-quality creative projects develties. oped through consultation and in collaboration Find out about and get involved in an exciting community garden and to see if you would like to with local residents and voluntary and statutory bodies. be part of it. It's a great opportunity to look

Keri Chambers: My life in a box “I live in a box,” says this remarkable young lady. “You can't see my box. Actually it isn't physically there but I carry it around with me, as it is part of my life. How do I mean? Well the box is called Wolfram Syndrome. It is a rare neurologically degenerative condition (one in 700 births, that’s about 70 people in the country) that causes a reduced life expectancy.” Keri has had her autobiography "Living in a box" published by Moorley's Print and Publishing and has already sold 200 copies. The book offers a revealing insight into life as a disabled person growing up in Ilkeston, coping with family life, school life, social life, university, all interspersed with countless doctors and hospital visits as she struggled with deteriorating sight and hearing, as well as more everyday illnesses. Her brother Alex had the same condition and Keri devotes a chapter to the heartbreak of his early death at 31.

Like everybody else, Keri enjoys many hobbies including reading braille books, especially fantasy, and she has a great love of music. With determination she managed to go through school and sixth form and later university where she gained a First Class Honours Degree in Mathematics. Her positive outlook on life helps her to achieve much that other people never dream of even contemplating doing. She concludes: “My autobiography covers my life before I was diagnosed with the condition, how I cope with it, special holidays I have been on, graduating twice and about my late brother Alex who also had the condition.” The book is available on Amazon and from Moorleys, 23 Park Road, Ilkeston, for £6 and the proceeds go directly to Wofram Syndrome UK towards the research fund.

Graduate Keri with her personal assistant

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


Have your say Get in touch with your views— Email: Post: The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH

I remember the fire at Charnos pletely destroyed but Danny Corns with his article has corrected my recollection of the event. He says the fire was ‘around 1950’ when I I remember my mother waking me up during would be 14. I’ve always thought I would the night to see the Charnos factory on fire. be younger than that so maybe it was in the From our bedroom window, adjacent to the late forties. road, the blaze could clearly be seen above Then again, I would be in a sleep disturbed the roofs of the Middleton estate houses. haze then and I am in fading memory mode This was about half a mile away as the crow now! flies. Michael Draper, Ilkeston I’ve always thought the factory was com-

Dear Sir, Re Charnos in the March issue, I lived on Middleton Road as a child.

How far does Ilkeston Life travel?

This picture comes from Minnesota, USA Gracie Cooke sent us this photograph of her grandfather John Tudor reading the paper at his home in the States. John is a former Ilkeston lad and likes to keeps in touch with what’s happening back home. He made his name as a professional footballer with Newcastle United, Stoke City, Coventry City and Sheffield United. Before that he was a prolific goal scorer with local sides Stanley Common, Cotmanhay and Ilkeston Town. John is also an ex landlord of the Gallows Inn and The Mallard pubs.

My wife’s fifty years at Charnos

School outing to Liverpool Do any of your readers remember a school trip to Liverpool which took place in 1937 or 1938? It was to celebrate the opening of the Mersey Tunnel. I attended Kensington School at the time, Mr Percy Cox was the headmaster but all the schools in Ilkeston and district seemed to be on the trip, hundreds of excited kids. I believe the cost of the trip was eight shillings, paid in instalments to the teacher. I imagine being as lots of local men worked at Stanton in those days the trip was organised by Stanton and the Council. It was Stanton who made the cast iron rings which were made in segments and joined together for the tunnel. Anyway, moving on, buses arrived to take us to Long Eaton

Dennis J Collins, Kirk Hallam

I Wright, Ilkeston

asked him where he was from, Ron replied “Derbyshire” and David said “yes me too.” “Ilkeston,” added Ron. Two confused faces looked at each other for a moment, then the penny dropped they were both from ‘Ilson’. David then shared how his cousin Cynthia had sent clippings from Ilkeston Life newspaper with an Ilson “I’d sent David clippings from your paper dialect in it. Ron then said how he had gone to see if he could still understand the Ilson to a school near Cossall and how his cousin dialect. Imagine my utter astonishment might know some of his relatives. when he wrote back that he’d been touring This is where the astonishment starts… I in his caravan in Queensland, on the way (Cynthia) worked with Ron’s sister (June back he went inland as he loves opals. He stopped a week at ‘Lightning Ridge Adven- Kirk) and she often told me about her brothture’ – an old opal mine that’s been opened er Ron and his opal mine. What a coincidence, on the other side of the world and it as a tourist attraction, the owners name is was the Ilson accent that got them listening Ron Canlin. and because of the clippings from your fanOn the way out David heard someone speak tastic paper that I sent David – that got them (above the rest of the noise) – no words talking in an opal mine in Australia!” were heard but rather an accent. David Revd Christine French, Kirk Hallam looked around, it was Ron Canlin. David

4 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

we were invited to some lovely social evenings with the ‘Charnos 25 Club’ all over the Midlands. Rolf Noskwith presented my wife with a gold wristwatch watch for 25 years service, which is now proudly possessed by my daughter Sue. Yours sincerely,

to board the train for our journey. When we arrived at our destination we boarded buses and each school went to different places of interest. We went to the Sunlight Soap works, the docks and through the Mersey tunnel to New Brighton. Whilst there we had time to play on the beach and look in the gift shops to buy a present for mam. All too son the buses arrived to take us home—we were very happy but tired. As we travelled along the streets in Liverpool, which were all terraced houses and seemed very dismal and poor, ladies came out of the houses dressed in long black skirts, thick checked shawls and men’s type caps to see us passing by.

Ilson dialect overheard in Australia Hello. One of my parishioners – Cynthia — was too shy to write this herself, thinking you wouldn’t be interested … but I thought it was fascinating … it is a letter she got from her cousin David Osborne, he emigrated to Australia many years ago….I’ll now quote her letter to me…

Danny Corns’ recollection of Charnos was especially interesting for me as my wife Avis Collins (nee Hunt) worked there from leaving school in 1946 until her retirement fifty years later, her only job. She worked mostly as a linker on stockings and loved every minute. One of the people she worked with was Harry Harris, a very keen local cricketer. After Avis has completed 25 years service,

Trip to Blackpool

Dora or Olga, who were sisters of the founder of the company, Norman Frost. I note from previous issues that folk like to Dora and Olga were conductresses on the buses which ran an hourly service between reminisce, so I was wondering if anyone Ilkeston and Derby, going through Stanley remembered a Mrs Frost organising trips. where a change of driver or conductor often I think the one pictured may have been to took place at the Felix depot. Blackpool. Standing at the back on a small The company was also renowned for its trips front wall are G Goacher, N Webster, G Richardson, R Harrison and someone whose and holiday excursions. name escapes me. The picture below shows a newer Felix bus On the left hand side at the back are J Hill, T waiting at the old Derby bus station. Carr, B Wright, Mr Ufton, F Sloane. The rest I’m afraid I cannot bring to mind.

T Carr, Ilkeston Editor’s note: After posting the above photograph on our Facebook page, people commented that Mrs Frost was part of the Felix Bus Company family of Stanley village. A suggested date of the photo is ‘1950-ish’. The Mrs Frost referred to in Mr Carr’s letter could have been

50 Years of Local History

Big hearted people I just wanted to write and thank everyone in our community for the never ending support, wisdom, advice and friendship that I have received over my years in local politics. I have got to know so many big hearted people, and have met so many generous volunteers and caring folk who go that extra mile. It has been a very humbling experience at times. Please consider joining me for another community litter pick on Saturday 8th April at 10am. We’ll meet on Far Dales Road, that’s

into the new estate at Briars Chase, off Heanor Road, where the allotments used to be. We shall get another truck load of rubbish collected from the network of footpaths– helping to keep our town spick and span. Volunteers are given a health and safety reminder and all equipment is provided. Please wear suitable footwear and stay for the whole hour or just come and give 30 minutes of your valuable time—every little helps! DCC Cllr Michelle Booth, Ilkeston West

Last word on medicals As a nurse and the mother of two girls I disagree with the readers who don’t want teenage girls to be given a medical examination at school. I think all pupils should be examined at intervals throughout school life. A medical can reveal disorders they might not be aware of and treatment given where necessary. There is no need for any teenage girl to feel Picture puzzle

Where are they? What are they?

ashamed or embarrassed about her body and resent having to strip down to her bra and knickers or naked for a doctor’s examination. Doctors look at undressed girls and examine them regularly so any girl’s feelings of embarrassment or self-consciousness are totally out of order. Mrs F B Patel, Ilkeston Editor’s note: Correspondence on this topic is now closed.

Do you recognise these relics from the past? Answers on Page 7

Last year, 2016, the Ilkeston and District Local History Society celebrated its 50th anniversary. Formed in October 1966, its members have been involved in many activities over the years. From the very beginning the Society has been entertained during the winter months by a speaker giving a lecture or showing slides, as they did in those early years, on various subjects such as lace manufacturing, archaeology and the Ilkeston tram system. This year’s programme contains talks on the Mitford family, Felix Buses of Stanley and Coal Mining in the Erewash Valley. Last year, during the summer months, we had a stroll around the town looking at Tudor Ilkeston, a walk around Hallam Fields and Stanton Ironworks along with a look at the Two Hallams, Kirk Hallam and Little Hallam. This summer, on July 9th, we will be getting a taste of Tudor Little Hallam. Programmes for our events can be picked up at the museum, library or U Choose Smoothie Bar on Bath Street. The early years saw the Society involved in many archaeological excavations, bus outings to stately homes, castles and Greenwich with the Flamstead connection, along with visiting local villages and walks along the canals of the area. The Society played a leading role in establishing a museum for Erewash by lobbying the council of the day. The present Society has a bookstall at most local events such as the Ilkeston Carnival, Vintage Vehicle Day, Kirk Hallam Lakeside

Festival, and West Hallam Well Dressings. Over the last seven years the Society has produced on average a book every year such as Railway Tales, Stanton – Gone but not Forgotten through to its latest publication Ilkeston As It Was. A number of books of local photographs have been published of which we have a very large collection. These have proved to be very popular as people always enjoy looking at pictures of their younger days. An annual calendar is published showing scenes from Edwardian days right up to 20 or 30 years ago depicting the many changes which have taken place. It’s expected there will be another calendar for 2018 available in due course. The Society has also produced many Ordnance Survey maps covering the Ilkeston district. Two members are at present working on another book which I believe will prove to be very popular. The Society has a monthly meeting at the U Choose Smoothie Bar on the last Saturday in the month and I can usually be found there most Saturday mornings for a couple of hours. Last year, Robert Lindsay agreed to become our Patron, a great honour for the Society. We are always looking for people to tell their stories, particularly of working in local industries, many of which disappeared years ago. We hope to hear from you. Of course this is only a brief look at the Ilkeston History Society during the past 50 years.

Danny Corns

A story of a swallow migrating from Africa to England

A Birds-Eye View Phew! It’s getting warm here Summer’s on its way My nest’s a well cooked pie-crust Better leave without delay. The bugs are going underground The water is as well So, whilst I’m full and chubby It’s time to say farewell. The others are getting restless Get Ready! Steady! GO! Ooh! I’m a bit on the heavy side Best put on a show. They say my flight is elegant My song is long and twittery I’m on my way to my birthplace It does make me a little jittery. Hundreds and hundreds of miles to go The start of a great adventure There’s places to see, I feel so free Is that a hint of moisture. Every day that passes I meet up with familiar friends Migrating from place to place The excitement never ends. The temptation is to linger But something draws me on I have a special soul-mate To meet again I long. Who’s that up front leading us? Oh! I can see, it’s Fred Fred’s been this way many times The map is in his head. Not of roads and buildings But the Sun and Moon and Stars Weather plays an important part With slip-streams and isobars. Gentle breezes lift the feathers Currents of air bring food Carried on a following wind Gliding joyfully lifts my mood. There are times we’ve been on television On ‘Nature Watch’ e.g. Bad Weather’s blown right off course It happened once to me. We sit it out on the telephone wires We look like music notes It’s a chance to catch up on twittering

Sometimes, we sit on boats. We’re into technology There’s an aerial on my back And, I have a ring on my leg ‘Likes’ I do not lack. I have a Personal Profile I’m numbered and I’m tracked They ‘Follow’ me around the world By Satellite, it’s a fact. We Swallows face much danger From birds of prey, we fly But humans, at us, take pot shots And put us in a pie. But have you seen those buzzy things They call them ‘Drones’ I think They’ve whirling wings and four straight legs And an eye that doesn’t blink. Bumped into one the other day Not literally, of course The buzzing drowns my twittering To detour, I was forced. Met another group of migrants There was an awful lot of murmuring Local inhabitants had ate their snails Plus berries, grapes, such demurring. This is not our cup of tea It’s time to get on track, We’re getting close, I can see the coast There’s someone in a mac. A familiar smell of fish and chips Is wafting on the air Along with cabbages and caterpillars Very soon we will be there. Some of us are rural On farm buildings we build our nests But, I’m an urban swallow On a town house, I think is best. Here I am in Ilkeston And she’s waiting there for me ‘Ey Up Me Duck’ she twitters And we fly around in glee.

Mrs Mary C Taylor, Ilkeston © 2017

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


“This is a great opportunity for our company to expand and grow, as we currently have offices in Derby, Leeds, Newcastle-Under-Lym, Sheffield and Leicester. “The support we received from other Fifty business professionals gathlocal businesses, business professionered today to celebrate the official als and the public was fantastic and I opening of the EnergySave head am very excited for the opportunities that Ilkeston holds for the business.” office in Ilkeston, following a The company, who hit the headlines £250,000 investment. after Katie Price attended its 2016 The business, which is expected to Christmas party, aims to create proscreate 160 new jobs in the area, is perity in the area by providing more now located in the largest unit of the job opportunities and business conformer Co-op building, located on nections to Ilkeston. South Street, and was declared open by the Mayor of Erewash, Councillor Having started the company just three years ago, the energy efficiency speAbey Stevenson on 24th February. cialists have a monthly turnover of Guests were entertained with a red £750,000, which is set to increase carpet, live music, canapés, chamwith the additional custom that the pagne and balloon spectacular, and new premises and staff will bring. had photo opportunities with the Der- EnergySave makes wall insulation, by County mascot Rammie and the coating systems, double glazing and EnergySave Greeny mascot. A plaque conservatories, all aimed at reducing dedicated to the occasion was also customers' energy costs. presented. The move has doubled the businesses Jason Rowan, managing director of job capacity, as the company origiEnergySave, said: “We are delighted nally had 127 employees before movto have the Mayor of Erewash, Abey ing its head office from Spondon to Stevenson, cut the ribbon to our new Ilkeston. premises today.

Promise of jobs as energy firm opens in Co-op building

Winning designer’s dress request from High Sheriff The High Sheriff of Nottingham was so impressed by fashion designer Michael Wallace at a Dragons’ Den style contest that she has asked him to make her a dress. Michael Wallace, 26, from Ilkeston, was a winner at the event at the University of Nottingham, where judges, including the High Sheriff of Nottingham, Judy Naake, labelled him ‘the next Paul Smith’. Michael, who has his own label House of Michael Wallace, has already seen his designs hit the catwalk, including at LA Fashion Week. This week he was presented with his £3,000 prize, at Equator on the Lace Market. He plans to spend the money on premises, promotion and a look book for his latest couture collection. Like the television programme Michael had to do a pitch in front of the seven ‘angels’, all to business women.

6 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

He said: “In the presentation I concentrated on what’s been going on in the past couple of years and focused on areas where I wanted to use the money. They asked where I see myself in five years and I said I want to take on staff and open a shop, ideally in the Lace Market or Nottingham city centre.” Michael took four models with him who showcased six different looks from his new collection. He even took his own doorstops to make sure the models could walk in and out the room with ease. He said: “I walked out of the presentation thinking it couldn’t have gone any better. I could tell by their reaction to the models and the fashion show that they were blown away. “I was telling the judges about the wedding dresses I make and about the time I sewed my grandma’s name into my cousin’s wedding dress. “Now the High Sheriff of Nottingham wants me to make her a dress.” Of eight entrepreneurs who pitched to the panel, three were awarded grants. The judges described Michael as a ‘charming young man’ with ‘flair’. The designer has a studio at Maltby Mill in Ilkeston and plans to hold a fashion show there this year.

Behind the scenes at 100-year-old bakery In the middle of the night, while most of you are fast asleep, David Stacey and his team at Stacey’s Bakery in Ilkeston are busy baking hundreds of loaves of bread. On a typical day more than 400 loaves, of which there are 13 varieties, are made at the South Street bakery, and that’s on a quieter day. That figure is around 1,000 at the weekend. Add to that the huge variety of cakes, pastries and sandwiches made from fresh, to be sold at its four shops, and you get some idea of how busy David and his staff are. “There’s a lot to think about,’ he said, ’My dad always used to say it’s like spinning plates, if one falls, you’ve got to keep on top of it.” David starts work at 3am and by 6am there are scones in one oven, bread in another, while cake loaves are in the proving machine; a process which can take up to 90 minutes, depending on the dough. All cakes, including eclairs and choux buns, are also made fresh, and all have to be ready for when the vans come to deliver them to the shops at 8am. Around 2,000 items are distributed to the four Stacey’s shops (two in Ilkeston, one in Heanor, one in Eastwood) every day. When deciding how many products to send to each shop on any given day, David first checks the weather forecast. He said: “What people buy depends on the weather. The Eastwood shop doesn’t seem to be

affected by bad weather unless it’s windy - then people won’t come out because it’s on top of a hill.” In a typical day twelve kilos of flour are used to make 500 gingerbread men, the best seller. To make the day’s wholemeal loaves, five stones worth of flour mix are used. David, who works six days a week, has recently taken on three new staff, including 18-year-old Jack Hollingworth who works in the South Street bakery. He said: “I’m doing lots of different work that I never thought I’d be doing.” David said: “A lot of bakeries have an oven man who just stands between the oven and the prover, but that’s pretty boring, everybody does different stuff here.” There is an array of industrial ovens and machinery at the bakery. People would be surprised at just how big the space is behind the South Street shop. One of the ov-

Local Church News

ens can bake 300 loaves of bread at the same time, including ‘oven bottom’ bread, which is a rare thing these days. Giving an insight into the perfect loaf, David said: “The dough has to be ‘just right’, there is a fine line of ten minutes, too long and it will be over proved, too little and it will be under proved.” A well-known name in Ilkeston and the surrounding towns, Stacey’s, a family business which started 100 years ago, also outsources its products. A café in Derby called Sweet Delights sell Stacey’s muffins, and George’s Tradition is also using their newly developed brioche buns for its restaurant franchise George’s Kitchen in Newcastle, Nottingham and Leeds, with up to 1,000 going out from Stacey’s every week. These delicious buttery brioche buns will be available to buy for Stacey's customers in their local shops very soon.

Story Café. West Hallam Methodist

Church continues to host great gigs at their next Story Café. The next one being on Friday 7th April at 7.30pm house or even area, it would be diffifor a return visit of a duo from the All welcome! The Nottingham cult. We would therefore ask anyone local music scene with Debbie and Road Methodist Parent and Toddler who has attended the Nottingham Rob Swain. There is no charge for group was started in 1987, by Anne admission but donations are welcome Hadfield, who has been involved ever Road Parent and Toddler Group to contact us so that they can be includ- towards the costs of staging these since and is still running the group ed in the celebrations. We will need to events. Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks and today. know numbers for catering purposes. cakes will be on sale in the café enviVarious people have helped Anne It would be especially good for Anne ronment during the evening. throughout the years and at present to renew friendship with now grown- Debbie was born to entertain!!! With she is helped by Margaret Slater and up toddlers and their parents or her father a successful saxophonist, it Helen Hardy. Many families have grandparents. The group is still well was natural for her to follow suit. Rob passed through this group – some of attended and we hope it will carry on joined Debbie both as a boyfriend and the toddlers who are now coming for many more years. as a fellow musician in 1980 and their along with their own children. There For more information please contact journey began. They will share more have even been three generations of Anne Hadfield 0115 877 9214 or Mar- of that journey with stories and songs. some families. Rob is well known as the proprietor of The group originally had children up to garet Slater 0115 932 6185. five years old but now most children Women's World Day of Prayer Zebra Music on Nottingham Road in go to nursery at three, so any type of started over 100 years ago and is now Ilkeston. On May 19th the present season craft work is limited. The toddlers just celebrated in no less than 170 councomes to an end with a visit from Jean like to play and we have a large and tries. It is held on the first Friday in and Dave Richards – full details in next varied amount of toys. March, so this year it fell on 3rd This group meets on a Wednesday March. Each year a service is prepared month’s Ilkeston Life. morning in term time, but an off-shoot by a different country and this year it Spring and Plant Fair of this group has also recently begun was the turn of the Philippines. meeting on a Monday morning, run by In our area, the service was hosted by Saturday 20th May, 2017: St Giles' Church, Sandiacre Spring and Plant Lesley Morris. St Wilfrid's, West Hallam (see photo Fair takes place in and around the The 30th Anniversary is being celebelow). £181.55 was raised to support church hall from 2pm till 4.30pm. brated on the weekend of 10th/11h the WWDP organisation and other Major attractions are a Classic Vehicle June. On Sat. 10th June we shall be charities which, in turn, it supports. Display ,music from the Long Eaton holding parties throughout the Silver Prize Band and a Grand day and into the evening for Prize Draw. those who have passed Stalls include plants, cakes, through the group. There will produce, books and jigbe a party for age 0 to 5yrs, 6 saws Afternoon teas will be to 11yrs, 12 to 16yrs and an served. There are tombolas evening meal for over 16s and for adults and children adults. and other games and attracOn Sunday 11th June we shall tions including a free Bouncy be holding a Messy Church for Castle. all ages, ending with a light Admission is 50p for adults meal. and accompanied children are We will endeavour to contact free. There is disabled access as many families as possible and free parking nearby. but as some may have moved

So why are Christians from churches in the Ilkeston Area having a Silent Walk of Witness? To Christians, Good Friday is one on the most significant days in our Christian Year. It is the day when Jesus Christ made willingly the choice to accept the most excruciating form of torture that the human race had devised. He had done nothing to deserve it, but was showing a truth that the world of His day was not ready to see. As God’s unique

Good Friday Walk of Witness Son He had come to restore a relationship with God that people had lost. The human race having turned its back on God deserved to die. But God loved us so much that He allowed Jesus to die the death we all deserved. Jesus doesn’t force us to do things His way but He offers us a different quality of life if we will choose it. In our silence we witness that we have

Dear Diary, I do love being with my humans (not just when they feed me) but I’m not sure they like me being with them. Take last Friday for instance, everything started as normal, they get up, feed all us cats, feed themselves and then generally he leaves and she sits in her home-office tapping away on my laptop (I love sitting on the keypad but she does keep pushing me off those warm keys). He went into the garage, we have a game - he spends hours under his old car trying to cover himself in oil. Actually, he’s not that good at it, as in a few minutes weaving around under his car I can get far more oil on my face than he does on his – but at least he tries to join in this game. So dutifully I followed him into the garage, and ran under the engine to start the game, but rather than him lay down next to me, he picked something up and walked out, bringing the big metal shutter down behind him. I ran out but he didn’t look back or see me. Oh, no, I thought, trapped in the growing darkness. Hang on, she was still there, she would soon miss me, after all what would she do if I wasn’t there to sit on her lap top. Through the tiny gap at the bottom of the shutter I saw her get in her car and drive off She’ll be back soon, I reassured myself. The minutes passed, as did the first hour and then the second. They hadn’t come back yet, I was

made that choice and we thank our God for His gift of Jesus, the One who took our place. However, we know that His death was not the end – He rose from the dead and is alive for evermore. Though Jesus cannot now be seen, His Holy Spirit makes real what His death made possible. The walk starts with a service in St Mary's church at 10 am and finishes

at Ilkeston Methodist Church at St Andrews just after 11. On the way there will be dramatic presentations to remind us of some of the choices made on that first Good Friday and the choices we can make today! We will not be silent come Easter Day, we will celebrate with every bit of joy the Holy Spirit gives us. We will celebrate not only in our own churches but also together at 6 am (dawn) in the grounds of the abbey at Dale. John Moorley

getting hungry not to mention cold. So I snuggled up in his old dirty, oily overalls to keep warm, they smelt of him and it helped me get some sleep. It was when the sky had turned dark that I woke abruptly as a bright light appeared – and I could make out the figure of a man – yes, he was back and was looking for me. I was so pleased when he picked me up, he was warm and I felt safe again. I was taken into the warm kitchen and she gave me a bowl of my favourite cat food, which while I quickly scoffed down, I could see her pointing her finger at him and telling him off. She shouldn’t tell him off, as she doesn’t always appreciate my company. For instance, take last week, the sun was shining and it was a rare exception of a warm dry day, so I joined her in the garden, where she was clearing some of the weeds out of the flower beds and had got some new bright spring plants in little pots. Well, when I saw her digging, I thought I’d help and I started to dig too, and she laughed at first. So, I thought I’d teach her what us cats do in little holes in the soil, but as soon as I moved to sit on the fresh hole she had dug, she pushed me off and started to wag that finger at me! What on earth had I done wrong? Humans are so strange, I’ll never understand them. Bye for now – Florence

GIFT TO CUBS. Proudly holding a cheque for £500 is cub scout Oliver Long. The cheque was presented to the 16th Ilkeston (St Johns) group by Cllr Alex Phillips and Cllr Philippa Tatham who each donated £250 from their Erewash Borough Council Community Fund. The money will go towards the group’s summer weekend away to Skegness where they are planning a sleepover in the Skegness Aquarium, a visit to the RNLI and also a trip to Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve. Club Leader Fiona Bird said: "We are grateful for this money as we have an exciting sleepover planned which was proving expensive, this £500 makes all the difference to us and means we can carry on giving the cubs great experiences.

Answers to the picture puzzle on Page 5 Green Post: This photo is all that is left of a post that carried the overhead electric cables for the trolley bus that ran from Ilkeston to Heanor. It stands more or less opposite the entrance to the former American Adventure Park. The trolley buses took over from the Ilkeston tram after it finished running in 1931. They ended their days in 1953 when I’m led to believe they were bought by Bradford Corporation. I saw one in their transport museum in the 1980s.—DC

Stone Post: This stands at the entrance gate to the Beauty Spot at Little Hallam. I’m not sure why it is there. I don’t think it is a boundary post between Little Hallam and Kirk Hallam as it is in the wrong place. The Beauty Spot was the former Ilkeston Water Works. I’m sure it has nothing to do with that. Could it be a dividing post between the railway and the Nutbrook Canal? It has what might be a letter “A” cut into the top. There is a similar post between the Erewash Canal and Erewash Valley railway line, opposite the former Whitehouse Junction lock.—DC If you know anything more about these two posts, Danny Corns of Ilkeston Local and District Local History Society would be pleased to hear from you. Contact him through this newspaper.

Church but not as you know it Activities, music and a simple meal for you and your children Get messy

here Saturday 8th April: Ilkeston URC (Green Spire) 4—5.30pm Monday 10th April: Kirk Hallam Com. Hall 10.30—12.30pm Tuesday 11th April: St Wilfrid’s, West Hallam 10—11.30am Wednesday 12th April: Nottm Road Methodist 10—12 noon Good Friday 14th April: St Giles, Sandiacre 10.30—11.30am* Saturday 15th April: St Andrews Methodist 10—12 noon Saturday 29th April: Sandiacre Methodist, Butt St. 4—5.30pm * followed by a lunch in the church hall. Children must be accompanied by an adult. The Faith Journey page is brought to you by members of the local Christian community and with occasional inspiration from

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


Remembering The Coffee Pot and Gunn’s Toy Shop By Patricia Spencer

B eryl Webberley got in touch with me to say she worked at The

Coffee Pot on Bath Street sometime in the 1970s. She would have been about 42 then. The first thing she said to me was: “I think we may be related”, and she was quite correct, we are related through marriage. Her father in law Bill Webberley was my husband’s great uncle. Funnily enough, I also knew Bill when I was a little girl. He was a big friend of my dad’s. This was many years before I met my husband. Beryl wanted to tell me how much she enjoyed working at The Coffee Pot, which was owned first by Tony Malloy who she thinks may have sold it to the new owner because of ill health. But she cannot swear to this. The Coffee Pot was next to Stacey’s and says she thinks everyone who went in there would remember the mural on the wall. She thought it was maybe Jack and Jill. Some of the names she remembers from that time are Dolly who was part of the fittings and did everything. There was an Alma, she thinks, and Hazel Peck who made

8 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

and card shop further up Bath Street for a time. This was also a family business, one of which I remember very well. I still miss it today. Peter and Eileen ran the toy side and Sheila and John looked after the card section. John was a baker by trade but gave it up when he married into the family to work in the business. John made Beryl and her husband the cake for their silver wedding anniversary and she says it was beautiful and delicious. When my children were small we usually bought birthday and Christup all the cobs. mas presents from Gunn’s toyshop. Some of the bakery goods came I remember buying both the girls from Stacey’s next door. She partic- puppets one Christmas. They have ularly liked the Butter Buns. She both still got them somewhere. I asked me “Do they still make cannot remember what characters them?” I do not know, maybe if not they had. Was it Pelham Puppets? they should bring them back! The other one I remember very well They did cooked lunches, which was a chimpanzee that was hung up Beryl says were delicious. All the in the window. Every time we staff worked together well and it passed my youngest daughter covetwas a good atmosphere to work in. ed it. So this was her Christmas One of my friends, Carol says she present when she was about four used to go in The Coffee Pot quite years old. Thinking back, I reckon regularly when doing her weekly my dad might have bought it for shopping on Bath Street. When she her. It may still in a bag in my loft. took her children in they gave her It was very much loved for a long extra plates for them so she could time. put part of her dinner on them and Gunn’s toyshop brought a lot of mash it up separately. love and pleasure into our lives. Beryl also worked in Gunn’s toy

West Hallam Animal Charities Our Valentine’s afternoon tea on February 11th was a great success, with more visitors than we could have hoped for. The young hedgehogs were popular, and young Sonny was asked to name one of them, and saw ‘Harry the Hedgehog’ label placed on the cage. Sonny also very kindly ran the ‘Name the Teddy’ game and raised £18 for us. We made a total of £400 during the afternoon, and thanks to generous donations from our members, we have been able to make this up to £500 - £250 each to Lesley Robinson and the Mid Derbyshire Badger Group. We are very grateful to all the volunteers who helped on the day, and especially to everyone who came and helped to make the afternoon so successful. Our next event is to be an Easter Book Sale Afternoon Tea on Saturday April 8th. This will again be at Stanley Village Hall (Park Avenue, Stanley, DE7 6FF) from 2 to 4pm. We shall be focusing on ‘Fresh Start for Hens’ (FSFH), a nation-wide organisation which rescues and rehomes commercial chickens. Dee Gleed-Owen is the Ilkeston coordinator, and when birds are ordered on the FSFH web site by local people, they are brought to Dee who holds them until they are collected. Dee tells us that the organisation does not need money as they are self -funding, but they do need publicity and, more importantly, they need people to adopt a few of these chickens which are no longer wanted in the farming industry. Within a few

weeks, the birds will grow back their feathers and reward their owners with fresh eggs. Dee will be at our afternoon tea to give anyone interested more information about FSFH, and how to adopt a few chickens. (The current bird flu epidemic means that no birds can currently be moved until DEFRA gives the all clear.) As Fresh Start do not need funding, we shall be raising money during the afternoon for Jo and Dave Bonser’s Cat Rescue in Horsley Woodhouse. Jo and Dave are devoted animal lovers, and have for many years taken in unwanted, stray and feral cats, and after ensuring they all get the necessary veterinary treatment, they work with Cats Protection and Cats in Need to find appropriate new homes wherever possible. Jo tells us they currently have some 20 cats – some resident, some feral and the odd visiting stray. They always need money for cat pens, bedding, toys and scratching posts etc. Not to mention vets’ bills, so we hope to raise whatever we can to help their work. Jo and Dave will also be at the event to talk to anyone interested about what they do. As this is Easter time, we will be offering prizes to the most inventive or attractive Easter bonnets. We shall also have our usual stalls to browse as well as a large selection of paper backs and children’s books. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available throughout the afternoon and everyone is very welcome. Roger Wood

Your Space Share your creative writing with other Ilkeston Life readers. Email or drop in/post to The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston DE7 8AH.

Cheer up mate

Flits and darts above the water level Showing off his colourful display Sun glints through on the horizon The morning chorus filled the air Another day had started so glad that I was there

No, I might just end up dead as well.

Thomas Hosker

Its’ a nightmare come true, for me in this job. To execute an innocent man, but What can I do, it’s just what they want This Jewish Nation, are out for His blood.

Walking the line of Destruction

We are walking the line of destruction. It’s cold wet and damp, the flowers are tramped Eyes wide open—ears shut tight. And the grass is all brown and soggy We come to this place of our own free will No morning chorus of little song birds That does not mean that it’s right. They’ve all been killed by the moggy We’ll leave our prayers till it’s much too late In every hedgerow the lager cans grow To late to say our goodbye’s But coloured plastic makes it look jolly By then our loved ones will only existBottles galore litter the floor ,and In the tears that drip from our eyes. The stream is blocked by a trolley Could we make it better? In the still of the night, were polluted by light I’m pretty sure that we could. No stars to wonder and stare But it would mean working together And if a comet should streak cross our skies Together for everyone’s good. Twould be hidden behind all the glare No matter what race or religion. Radio waves have done for the bees No matter what colour or creed. Acid rain has done for the trees Working together with our hearts and our And as the Earth warms, bacteria swarms minds, And we all are drowned by the seas. That’s what the world really needs.


Water’s Edge

(While fishing at Manor Floods) Dawn broke that morning to a chilled misty light The moons reflection on the lake Had faded out of sight Swifts skimmed the surface Feeding insects on the wing A heron stood motionless Not a movement on his wings A water vole came swimming by Then seeing me he took a dive A dragonfly darts around in search of insect prey

Patricia Spencer

It has to be done, so I’d better get on. Now, I sharpened the nails last night, The hammer is ready; it’s there in the bag. I just hope they don’t put up a fight.

King of the Jews, King of the Jews. The nails still tore His flesh apart. The agony of each blow with my hammer, The pain and the suffering almost pierced my heart. No crime was committed at the hands of this man, He didn’t deserve to die It was simply the way God His Father had planned, To bring to Salvation even you and I. Just another day, one I won’t forget. The look on His face, rejected and torn. His body so battered with pain. But then He cried out with a triumphal shout. Then I knew that was why He’d been born. He’d come to pay the price of sin, To conquer death and hell. But I too had my work to do in all this, As the one who hammered the nail.

Just another day

Anne Brown

I couldn't sleep last night, Thinking of all I’d been told. My mind wouldn’t settle, it couldn't be true. Not Jesus, Messiah, the promise of old.

Hector’s Emporium (A warning to the unwary)

T'other day I went in't cafe, when I noticed Sandy Now with the prose, it's said, he's rather handy. Some they say his writing is really rather bright I think his lyrics tend to be rather alright Well, there’s no going back; I’ll be paid after I asked his missus, 'excuse me duck' can I all. borrow Sandy for ten minutes? And if I don’t do it, who will. Hmm' she said. I suppose as long as you Its’ more than my life’s worth to say that I quit. 'dunna' lead him astray and drop him in it! To me, this was just another day. A work to be done, a life to take. Murders and thieves all pass my way. But this one seemed different; He came for our sake.

Now we journeyed a million miles, by land, air and sea Well two hundred yards just 'rount' corner, if you want honesty Upon reaching 'Hector's Emporium' I opened the secret door Sandy's eyes lit up like a child, let loose in a candy store. There were rooms and racks full of parts To bring joy to classic car buffs hearts There were giggle pins, double under-trod cams, even a five speed candy vernacular Thing's large, medium and small, one with a pair of shiny balls It was so molecular and spectacular Left handed screw drivers and a box of screw holes Air for car tyres, even a radiator for a Rolls There was even a better class of dust And minions sorting piles of parts covered in rust Sandy! I said, well old chap, now you've got the gist Could you write a poem, about all of this? Sandy's eyes they narrowed and he surely pondered Then without a word he turned and off he wandered Then he reappeared and tugged at my jumper Saying 'In my garage do you know I've got an old bumper' It's for a classic car, would you like it? I'm giving it away I said 'I'll tell you what, I'll put it on Ebay' We'll go fair shares, you'll get one percent It was such a good offer he had to relent. Then I took him back to his dear wife Who seemed pleased to see him? Oh' well, that's life And we must not forget, to mention dear old Hector For sixty years he has been, 'Hector the Collector'

Dear poets, We are happy that this page is proving so popular but we are now receiving so many poems that it is impossible to include all of them. May we suggest the following guidelines to give you the best chance of seeing your work published:  Send only one poem at a time  Keep it short (the shorter the better is the general rule—it’s easier to fit a short poem in than a long one.)  Email it to us (this saves us having to type it out)  Don’t leave it until the deadline (the page may well be full by then) His sales patter is really quite slick He's even been known to sell someone, a twig or a stick If you should meet him he's really rather alright A bit like 'Last of the Summer Wine's' dear old Auntie Wainwright Once he's got you in the door, you can plead and shout But until you've made a purchase, he won't let you out!

Carey 2016

Our favourite paper Ilkeston Life is our favourite read, An interesting paper we’re all agreed, When it comes through the door it’s quickly snatched, For cheery stories it can’t be matched. Local pictures, local news, A letters page with people’s views, Joke of the month to make us smile, A page of poems written with style. Photographs of days gone by, Scenes we can remember if we try, The Robins’ exploits Matchman covers, There’s always little gems to be discovered. The quality is very good indeed, Every page is worth a read, In this paper all about Ilson. Yours sincerely, J. Wilson

Spring is now upon us Spring is now upon us, Those first clear mornings. As the snowdrops are now rising, The bird's orchestra is calling. Life in the canvas of nature, Helps to induce our reflection. The start of Spring, invigorating, Helps our quiet contemplation. The yellow of the daffodils, Growing wild in the woods, Adding contrast to the trees, A touch of colour to the mud. Washing is hanging on the line, Pegged out by an early riser, And as the people walk their dogs, Their moods are seeming much brighter. There's a crispness in the air, That tells us Spring is now approaching, To rid us of all those dark nights, That consumed us, all encroaching. And with the greening of the grass, The last trees are now unfurled, Warmed by the sun, then rain, Spring is arriving, uncurled.

© Steven Michael Pape 2017

Unfortunately not enough people were interested in contributing to an Ilkeston Life Anthology of Poetry, so we have shelved the idea for the time being.

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


Tell me about it... A problem shared with Melanie

Steaming in: the way it was

Spring is the time of year when wedding plans are in full swing; however there are moments when you even wonder why you’re bothering… Dear Melanie My sister is being a right pain with anything to do with my big day. She looks miserable and isn’t interested. There’s always one! She might be like this because she feels sad and is putting on a mask. And if your sister isn’t married yet, she could also be feeling a lack of self-confidence and concern about her own life. You could be direct and say “You seem unhappy when I talk about my wedding plans.” She might open up or you could ask her to tackle a significant weddingplanning task. Just let her decide how much she wants to be involved. But if she’s very jealous, (even though she knows she will probably regret it later on), she might not budge. So accept it and don’t let her spoil your excitement... Dear Melanie My niece wants to bring her ‘boyfriend of the month’ to the whole wedding and we are already over on numbers and budget. Be direct and tell her that, but soften the blow by saying you’d like to meet him for a drink after the wedding so he can see the photos (if he’s still around!). Dear Melanie I’ve grown apart from a friend I used to be close to, but I think she’s ex-

pecting to be a bridesmaid. You do need to talk about it before she hears from others. What you could do is ask her to give a reading. Explain that you think she’ll do a brill job picking something as she knows you so well and that it would mean a lot to you... Hopefully she’ll be pleased to have been asked even if she says she can’t do it. Dear Melanie I’m terrified what will happen at my fiancé’s stag do. My mate keeps going on about what her hubby did in Prague. Do you know what, there’s not a lot you can do. You trust him (I hope) otherwise you wouldn’t be marrying him. Focus on your hen do and as for your mate, tell her you don’t care what happened in Prague!!!! ave you identified with this H month’s topic? Have you a comment to make or a question to ask? Is there a subject you would like to see discussed on this page? You can remain anonymous! Write to Tell me about it, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston DE7 8AH or email and we’ll pass on your letter to Melanie, who is a locally based trained counsellor and hypnotherapist.

Darts contest chalks up a big prize for Ben’s Den A charity darts event at Hogarths, Ilkeston raised well over a thousand pounds for Ben's Den. Landlord Ian Eyre told us: “There were 64 players competing, playing the best of seven. If people didn't mark after they lost they had to pay a tenner. “The final was between Nicky Bell from Sutton and Jay Forman of Leicester, and Nick won 6-2. “Money raised after the pay out to the players was £1,314.83. It was a brilliant day and excellent effort by everyone concerned.” Photo right: some of the raffle prizes available on the day.

Pictured above: The old Ilkeston Junction and Cossall Station as it used to be. Page 11 opposite: The newly built Ilkeston Station on the same site. The old station was a victim of Dr Richard Beeching’s ‘Reshaping of British Railways’ which resulted in hundreds of rail services being cut and stations closed for economic reasons. The top photograph shows a train making its way into the station in 1954, passing underneath the much maligned bendy road bridge, which now in contrast has a striking, well-lit new adjoining footbridge giving access to the station.

Call in for details


Ilkeston Life, April 2017

The photo beneath it, taken in 1965, shows the view from the station platform looking north towards Bennerley Viaduct (out of sight).

The Viaduct, aka the Iron Giant, is in the process of being restored—not for rail travel but as a cycling and walking track. Funding for this has come from a Heritage Lottery Fund grant and the work is being undertaken by

Sustrans and the Friends of Bennerley Viaduct. We acknowledge Derbyshire County Council for allowing us to use the above pictures from their archives. Railway Tales, Ilkeston and District in the Age of Steam by Grant Shaw and Paul Miller of Ilkeston and District local History Society contains many fascinating pictures and stories about local railway stations and railway people and is an excellent purchase for anyone interested in the subject. Below: One of the first train tickets to be issued showing the new Ilkeston station as the destination. One of the first rail tickets to Ilkeston’s new station, issued on the 3rd of March 2017 and valid only on that day, so you could not actually get off at Ilkeston because the station wasn’t open.

Call in for details

Welcome back Ilkeston Station By Richard Parkin


lkeston is set to lose its tag as the largest town in Britain on a passenger railway line, without a station. Yes, we are about to have our own station again after 50 years! And very impressive it looks, too. Set to become operational on the 2nd of April, the Station is to have the official opening later in the year. This will enable us to reach Nottingham in 15 minutes we are told and for North Derbyshire, Chesterfield, Sheffield, and Leeds etc. to be speedily reached, compared to traveling by car. Services from train operators Northern Rail and East Midland Trains will call at the station and an hourly service in each direction is to be provided. The new station will have two main car parks - a main car park with 90spaces on the East side of the tracks and another on the West side for disabled drivers, motor cycles and bicycles, a taxi rank and station drop off and pick up point. The new station has taken many years of planning and piecing together of the various different land ownerships, spearheaded by the Derbyshire County Council working in partnership with Network Rail so as to enable the station to reconnect to the railway network. Funding was pulled together by the Derbyshire County Council, which contributed more than £2.6 million and made a successful bid to Central Government for a further £6.47 million. One million pounds was also contributed by the Nottingham Housing Market Area. Preliminary works, including investigation and treatment of old mine workings under the platforms , started in 2015 and the main groundwork began in 2016. The ecological aspect of the Great Crested Newt was also to became a consideration! All this has been overcome so we are about to have our very own station. This should be good news to

Spick and span: Ilkeston’s brand new train station awaits its first passengers fifty years after the old one closed help promote and aid the economic development of Ilkeston and also for the nearby Riverside Retail Park and businesses on Station Road. The location at the end of Station Road at Station Street, near Armstrong's Mill is broadly that of the former Ilkeston Junction and Cossall Station. For the historically minded this was opened way back in 1847 and was rebuilt in 1870 . The station closed in 1967, some 50 years ago, when the rail network was substantially cut back. In its heyday Ilkeston had several railway stations. Since then the trains have simply been passing through! We have been to see a lady, a Mrs Watson who lives in the vicinity and knows the old railway station well. She ought to as she was born in the front bedroom of her parents Railway owned house on Station Street and has lived there most of her life. Mrs. Watson is now 73. Her Father worked on the railway for almost 50 years but as retirement was compulsory at age 65, he didn't quite qualify for the customary gold watch that was given to long serving employ-

ees at that time. He worked as a ganger on the line and later as a sub inspector at Pinxton. In her garden, Mrs. Watson has kept two blue engineering bricks which were once part of the old station. As a young girl, she used to listen and help to her father and her grandfather who also worked on the railway. She was taught how to live safely near the railway line as she grew up. Mrs Watson tells us of the "pull an’ push" as it was called, a single railway line that for 1d or 2d (old money) used to take passengers from Ilkeston Junction to the bottom of Bath Street, where there was once also a station. Mrs Watson remembers that her father and the other workmen used to take their tea breaks in a cabin alongside the line. This was made of wooden railway sleepers, tarred and creosoted and it had its own fireplace. Another similar hut had climbing roses on the outside. She tells us of the busy times when Cossall and neighbouring coal mines had their pit holidays and hundreds of miners and their families came to catch the train on a Saturday morning. They were all off to the Miners Holiday Camp at ‘Skeggy’ (Skegness). There was once a large interest in the locality in racing pigeons and Mrs Watson says the men brought their most reliable and quickest pigeons to the station. The birds would travel in special wicker baskets placed in the guards van at the back of the train. From there they went to other parts of the country where they would be released all

together. The race was then on to see which pigeon was the first back home to roost. Mrs. Watson's father, like many people in Ilkeston at the time, had an allotment garden. This was situated on a small embankment, alongside the railway. He grew vegetables and, to attract bees, flowers also. There used to be a goods train that came to the station and its wagons were shunted into a siding. The wagons carried bananas. She says this was known locally as the "Banana Boat". Mrs Watson remembers accompanying her father on one of his jobs, which she referred to as ‘fogging’. This was to place detonators on the line which were, she thinks, made of lead. They were attached such that when the locomotive travelled over the detonator it would set off a small explosion that would be heard by the train driver and fireman. This was to warn that the next signal was set to show that fog or some other obstruction or danger lay ahead of the train. On another occasion she remembers that her father received a message (they did not have a telephone then) that a farmer's cows had strayed onto the railway line. Mrs Watson and her Mother accompanied Dad out to find the cows. Her father herded them back into the field where they belonged, whilst Mrs Watson and her mother hid, as they were too frightened to confront the animals. As to the neighbourhood of Ilkeston Junction, Mrs Watson remembers the community and characters of her childhood who lived on and around Station Street. She recalls

there was once some nine shops. There was Tippy Lee, the cobbler who mended people’s boots and shoes in the front room of his house. A Mr and Mrs Holland had a General Grocers, likewise a Mr and Mrs Barry on Middleton Street and Mr and Mrs Thurman on Wentworth Street were also grocers. Mr Wheatley, was a Butcher on Middleton Street. There was of course a Co-op store, which was lit up and decorated at Christmas, she remembers. On nearby Digby Street, William and Esther Brewer kept goats and sold goats milk. When Mrs Watson helped them as a girl she was given goats milk in a jug to take home - a favourite of her Father’s. One of the characters remembered was Nelly Wainwright who had a horse and cart and lived on nearby Wentworth Street. This lady was known as "Milk Nelly" and she had a milk delivery round. She used a ladle to dispense the milk direct from the churn that was in her cart. So Mrs Watson has many happy memories of living at Ilkeston Junction and although having had to live so close to the inconveniences of the new station construction, we hope she can enjoy traveling by train again. Near but not quite on her doorstep! We wonder if there is anyone else from the neighbourhood that remembers the old station locality. They may recall the shopkeepers or even "Milk Nelly" perhaps?

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


now. Life is the closest thing to death, and the moment we die is the only time we can actually take a breath. All throughout life we are guessing, hoping to do what is right but never really knowing, always on the periphery, skimming the surface but never bothered to dig and Trina is a fictional character; she is 18 years find the gold. old and is trying to navigate her way through The torrents of rain are too harsh for us to deal life. She shares her experiences and the leswith, so we build our homes with bricks of sons that life has taught her. Write in with a deceit to shelter us from the truth. I do not problem to see how Trina would walk her agree with the ways of the world. Recently way through it. situations have exploded from internal volcaThe Glory is in You noes, and it becomes too much of a burden to heal this broken world. So I resort to spending I watch you standing outside my window, the time alone and catering solely to my soul, trysnow falls carefully on your lips. You rub the palm of your hands together to generate heat ing to put pieces back and align the stars in my but you still shiver. I watch you and I wonder if eyes. I should invite you inside to our home with My lips quiver as I whisper that I am on a brink heated floors and Persian rugs, and double of a revolution. You find me at the centre, barrel doors that keep out thieves trying to where stars and souls align. I look like a wansteal our warmth. I started my entry like this in derer who has stumbled across gold, but in this attempt to create a new reality. That’s the case the treasure is not an external source it is beauty of storytellers, when the world ends internal. I have spent years of digging up the you can start your own. dirt within me to finally find my treasure, my magic. Now my hand burns as I hold it, my eyes It has been 4 months into my gap year and I well and my heart becomes full. have been rejected and accepted more than I have in my entire lifetime. I have learnt so I call my Creator and tell him whatever success much about myself, my Lord, the world and her I find hereafter shall never waiver me, that I people. It is my job to make flesh every will remain forever anchored to His root. I am thought and emotion so I’ll describe life right blessed to know Him now, at my starting point, so now wherever I go I’ll praise His name. He has lifted me and listened to me even when I was without a name. Even when my heart couldn’t sit still and I’d bounce from person to person, trying to imitate everyone who was not me. I find myself overwhelmed with love doing things I could only imagine. I see things falling into place. Everyone assembles to watch the The radio station just for Erewash ultimate Creator piece together the final pieces of the puzzle. I discover the power in words, Great songs, local news, sport and inter- thoughts and belief; the power in me. By Naomi Grant views. Listen on 96.8FM and online


Young Voice

How to be an Adult: Becoming Trina

12 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

Dear Jan Woolley - my question is my husband is in early signs of dementia and we have been advised to get Power of Attorney now for him, what will happen if we leave it until next year? Mrs Waterford – West Hallam, Ilkeston, Derbyshire

application has to be made to the Court for a Deputyship Order to be obtained on behalf of that person. This can be a very stressful, costly and lengthy procedure and the Donor will have no control over who will be appointed to make their decisions. When a person becomes unwell, there may be a Lasting Power of Attorney can only be obtained if the Donor has full mental capacity to give time when they are unable to deal with their own financial and health and welfare decisions instructions and understand the decisions and instructions they are making. If your husband is in the future. This is when if there is a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, their attorneys can in early signs of dementia it’s not uncommon for Power of Attorney to be suggested to you as start to act once the document has been regishe will still have capacity to put this in place. If tered with the Court and make decisions on behalf of the person who is unwell (the Donor). however you leave it until next year and your husband’s capacity gets worse than it may be If there is no Lasting Power of Attorney in that he will be unable to give instructions for place and the person who is unwell is unable to this to be put in place and you will have to take give instructions due to loss of capacity, then an the Deputyship route instead.


The Way We Were

Scouting memories

A Cavendish Girls School class of 1950 Girls as remembered by Brenda Matthews: Back row: Joan Sisson, Marguerite Orchard, Brenda Whittlesee, Peggy Cope, Hazel Grainger, Colleen Riley, Joan Turner, Maisy Shelton, Audrey Poxen, Janice Allen, Josephine Severn. Middle row: Betty Leivers, Janet Frost, Helen Gordon, Jean Wood, Wendy Homes, Joan Lee, Doreen Smith. Doreen Needham, Beryl Grimley, Maureen Keightley, Jean Good, June Potter. Front row: Janet Keightley, Marion Beardsley, Janice Limb, Glenda Griffiths, Hilvera Watkinson, Carol Robinson, Barbara Attenborough, Dorothy Pounder, Brenda Minchin, Ann Pierpoint, Pamela Farnsworth, Dorothy Horsley, Aileen Horsefield.

1898—Palmolive® is born B.J. Johnson Soap Co. developed a soap formula consisting of palm and olive oils that became so popular in a short amount of time that B.J. Johnson Soap Company changed its name to Palmolive®. Today, the Palmolive® is sold in over 88 countries in 54 variants.

Pictures from the 12th Ilkeston (Central Methodist) Scouts, circa 1960. Clockwise from the top: Scouts on a mapping exercise. Scout leaders Malcolm Winfield and Clifford Dyke at a presentation ceremony. Clifford Dyke (also a Hallcroft School teacher, councillor and Mayor of Ilkeston) pictured by the flag at a camp. Photos submitted by Tony Buck.

A Ladies group from of Ilkeston Primitive Methodist Church on a visit to Josiah Wedgwood & Sons Ltd., Barlaston, Staffordshire in June 1965. Photo supplied by Brenda Matthews. Above: Another page from the Trade Section of the Ilkeston & District Directory of 1965/66

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


David Potter’s

backstage, that we’re fortunate to have in our own neck of the woods. A couple of typical examples emerged during last month. Ilkeston Theatre Company originated Looking at the local and in 1988 and has gone on from strength to strength ever since. It was national performing arts a pleasure to drop into one of their scene, past and present recruitment ‘Open Evenings’ recently and meet many of the people involved. Local Amateur Dramatic and Musical Societies at one time required auditions to be undergone before allowing anyone to tread their hallowed boards or take to a stage to sing. I well rene of the really satisfying perks member my own experiences of beof writing this column is coming ing required to pass my test in that across the many people and perform- respect at a few folk clubs that took ers who are involved in our local arts things far too seriously, before being allowed to (using a phrase beloved of and music scene and you begin to my dearest) .’make an exhibition of realise the depths of talent, enthusiasm and commitment, both front and myself’.

Music Cor ner


Ilkeston Theatre Company

Needless to say, a fair few people would have been put off by this carry on and, to its great credit, the Ilkeston Theatre Company has always aimed to give anyone who has the desire and interest, but not necessarily the initial skills or confidence, every opportunity to get on board and get help and training to develop themselves. Currently they aim to put on around a couple of shows each year at their performance base in the large marquee at the Seven Oaks Inn, Stanton by Dale with a seating capacity of up to 400. If that doesn’t sound too many, remember that each season of a show costs several thousand pounds to put on and it’s here that all the other activities of the company come into their own in fostering and enjoying a whole year of fundraising and social activities designed to raise the necessary funds. They also find time to promote the Company and raise funds for charity by giving various types of performances elsewhere as and when asked. Don’t worry if acting isn’t your thing. There are many other ways of getting involved such as helping with scenery sets, costumes, and general goffering. They’re also looking for singers and musicians. In addition a Youth Theatre offers the same involvement for ages 10 to 16. It’s a place for kids to have fun, meet new people, and build their confidence in a safe and friendly environment, eventually progressing into the main theatre group if they want to (and most do). The Ilkeston Theatre Company is a non profit organisation and every spare penny of income from ticket sales and subscriptions and sponsorship is ploughed back into investing

in props, costumes and facilities for future productions. Membership costs just £2.50 a week with concessions at £1.50 representing outstanding value for the training and involvement on offer. Rehearsals, meetings and planning sessions are held weekly at the Green Spire (United Reformed Church) on the corner of Wharncliffe Road and Albert Street throughout the year each Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. The Youth Theatre meets at St. Andrews Church weekly on Fridays from 7.00 to 9.00pm. Everyone is very welcome to pop in to either of the sessions for a chat and to explore the possibilities of joining and getting involved. You’ll find further information on: Over the border now for our next discovery in Awsworth. Chris Rowe, who lives in Ilkeston, has been featuring in music sessions at The Gate Inn on Main Street for some time now and, prompted by Carol and Warren Sanderson ( a regular contributor to Ilkeston Life’s poetry page), I popped up to the Gate to see what all the fuss was about. As soon as I stuck my head round the door and saw Paul and Phil of the Rocks and Frocks Band perched on a bench I knew I wouldn’t be wasting my time because that pair know their stuff when it comes to spotting (musical) talent. As usual, they weren’t wrong. It’s difficult to put an exact label on what’s offer (not that it needs one)… Rock n’ Roll, Country, Contemporary Folk, Jazz…it’s all there and all played and sung by an exceptionally talented (and very modest) musician in an atmosphere that’s sort of Folk Club, Music Hall and Sunday night at

Settle in with a cosy mystery ‘whodunnit’ written by Ilkeston author He’s further hindered by the vicar’s wife, her gardener, and a woman who won’t take no for an answer. Dan’s hopes of relaxing in the sun The book tells the story of Dan Paige, a young man attempting to quickly fade away, but there might be a silver lining in the form of the take a two-week holiday on a tropical beach, but instead getting pub landlord’s daughter. Unless she out to be the murderer, of lost somewhere near Junction 26 turns course... on the M1. Written in the style of a cosy mysHis car breaks down and he finds tery, this book focuses on entertainhimself lost in the village of Nether ing the reader through humour raBumble, where he manages to get ther than sex and violence. mixed up in the murder of a local Author Adam G Newton grew up vicar. and currently lives in Ilkeston, havDan tries to prove his innocence, ing lived in various locations but the police insist he can’t leave throughout Nottinghamshire and the village and confiscate his car. Derbyshire over the last 20 years.

A Murder in Nether Bumble is the latest novel written by Adam G Newton, webmaster of

Asda’s gift to Companion Club Members of the Cantelupe Centre Companion Club in Ilkeston have been presented with a cheque for £200 from the ASDA (Langley Mill) community support programme. The money will help to provide much needed equipment to help the club to continue delivering its wide and diverse activities such as day trips, bingo, games, raffle and social events.

14 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

The characters and locations within the story are loosely based on his experiences during that time. Whilst Nether Bumble is entirely fictional, it could be imagined to be almost any small village in the East Midlands. Available from 28th March on in both Kindle ebook format (£1.99) and in paperback (£4.99), this good-natured mystery will delight readers with its entertaining cast of humorous characters. Adam has written several other books including The Ghost under the Stairs and Death of an Actor, as well as a number of children’s stories.

Chris Rowe The Old Bull and Bush all rolled into one. Chris has a fine voice and a rare talent on piano and acoustic guitar. I was amazed that he’s not been more active on the local music scene and I gave him a telling off for it !!! Hopefully that’ll be put to rights very soon but, in the meantime, get yourselves down to the Gate on alternate Sundays to soak it all up. (Check dates and times out with the pub first..) That’s it for now. Why not treat yourselves and get out and support some of the fine live entertainment that’s on offer round here? You won’t be disappointed. Email: Tel: 07971 899704

The day we fell through the ice on the bottomless Brickyard Pond By Clare Smith Clare Smith, or Miss Chambers as her students at Sandiacre Friesland School knew her, was exceptionally good with slow learners but could connect with all youngsters – and staff. She was a friend, encourager and confidante to both pupils and fellow teachers. The following is another extract from her book, I Did It My Way, subtitle: In the Days when Teaching was a Joy, published in 1998. Clare lived in Corporation Road, Ilkeston until she moved to Scotland in retirement. She died in 2007. This month’s story from her book (another Assembly talk) tells of the day she discovered the power of prayer in a desperate situation.

Oh, how we hated young Lionel. Seven years old, he was a sneak and a maker of mischief. He was also a quick-change artist who, in the blink of an eye, could transform his face from that of a little demon, foxily sharp, into the roundly innocent countenance of the most angelic of all angels. He wore the former expression when perpetrating his tricks on us, and the latter when our complaints were being enquired into by an adult. We had learnt, Eva and I, that the wisest course was to avoid him as much as possible. So how had it come about that, on this winter Sunday morning, he was with us as we set off on our walk? Eva was my best friend and, after Sunday school every week, we walked down the lanes or over the fields exchanging confidences and gossip. Sometimes we pretended to be our favourite film-stars, imitating their gestures and accents to our mutual delight. Lionel was Eva's cousin and occasionally he spent the day at her house. It was Eva's Mum who had said in

her no-nonsense voice, that we were to take Lionel with us on our walk. How could we tell each other anything with him listening to every word? We certainly couldn't be Deanna Durbin or Marlene Dietrich. I could just imagine his reactions. But we were stuck with him, so as we couldn't follow our customary programme, we decided to be daring. We would go to the Brickyard Pond. This was a forbidden place, a "You must never ever go there" place, because the pond was said to be bottomless. But this Sunday morning, feeling the way we did, resentful and defiant, it was the only place to go. So we went. There had been severe frosts during that week and the pond was a sheet of ice. We stood on the edge, staring down and wondering if the water was as deep as everyone seemed to believe when, with a whoop, Lionel slid on to the ice. There was a creak, a crack, a splash and an ear-splitting shriek. He had gone through the ice into the unplumbed depths of the Brickyard Pond.

Without a moment's hesitation, without realising that if the ice wouldn't bear his weight it couldn't possibly stand up to the two of us, we shouted, "Hold on, Lionel, we're coming." And sure enough, we had soon joined him in the icy water. What followed was a confusion of splashing, shrieking, grabbing, clutching, gurgling and spluttering as we struggled to keep our heads above the water. Eva's voice rose into a high pitched squeak as she realised her ivorybacked prayer book had gone down. I choked back a sob as I thought of my Sunday-best coat, now surely ruined. Lionel screamed non-stop. Eva and I felt something beneath our feet, which we thought was a large pipe. So as we struggled desperately to support Lionel, who did little to help us, we tried not to lose our precarious foothold. We quickly realised that, on a wintry Sunday morning, it was highly unlikely that anyone would be near enough to hear us and also that we had little chance of getting out unaided. We were already numb, our voices were hoarse and we felt sick with terror. So we decided to say

our prayers, not in the reverent, muted tones of church, but bawled out with all the vocal power we had left. "Oh God, help us. Please, please help us. Our Father which art in Heaven, come down and get us out. God help us, please." After what seemed to us an eternity, but was in reality a matter of moments, a figure appeared, followed by another, then a third. "OK kids," said the first, "Hang on, we'll get a ladder. Don't cry, we'll soon get you out." And they did, three men who, quite by chance, were doing overtime at the brickyard, a most unusual occurrence. They'd heard all the shrieking and screaming and had thought a group of children were playing some sort of noisy game. But when they heard the shouted appeals to the Almighty, they decided to investigate. Since that day I have been totally convinced that prayers are answered. Because, if ours had been ignored on that Sunday morning long ago, I shouldn't be telling you the story now. I should be at the bottom of the bottomless Brickyard Pond.

MILLIES COFFEE SHOP & TEAROOMS. Millies was developed from an idea by one of the owners, Jane Rose, who spent many weeks watching the TEAROOMS at Armstrong’s Mill while she was working for one of the clothing concessions within the Mill. She decided that she would like to buy the tearooms together with her daughter Samantha and from there come the idea of employing her granddaughter Millie and having it as a totally family business with 3 generations of the same family working together. The idea of the family was to supply wherever possible locally sourced in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere . The coffee shop was taken over on 24th December 2016 and opened after refurbishment on 2nd January 2017. In the 12 weeks since opening it has become a venue for Afternoon Tea and Ladies who Lunch. The menu is a simple one with good quality food and excellent coffee. We are currently getting many compliments on the pots used which are English Bone China and were especially commissioned from a manufacturer in Stoke on Trent. So come and try Millies and ENJOY!

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


Pupils have a wheely great time

More than 200 primary pupils had a wheely great time at two balance bike festivals organised by Erewash School Sport Partnership. Children from schools across the borough took part at Rutland Sports Park in Ilkeston and The Long Eaton School. They included Dallimore Primary, Field House Infant, Charlotte Infant, Ladywood Primary, Shardlow Primary, Draycott Primary, Ashbrook Infant, St Laurence and Sawley Infant. Apprentices from Erewash School Sport Partnership supported both events along with representatives from Wheely Fun Wheels, an experienced team of local National Standard Cycling instructors who are keen to promote the use of bicycles as every day transport.

She said: “These were two fantastic events which gave children from Reception and Year One the opportunity to try riding a balance bike. “Balance bikes are a great way of getting children used to cycling and some of the activities they did at the festivals really helped to boost their confidence. “As well as cycling activities there were also stations centred around road safety and the mechanics of a bike. “Everyone really enjoyed themselves while learning practical skills which will hopefully help them to become confident and safe cyclists.” Bethan Arthur, from Charlotte Infant School, brought 15 pupils from Reception class.

There were various stations set up for children to try including road safety, naming the parts on a bicycle, balance and stability, traffic lights, pushing and gliding off the ground, a velodrome event, drawing and decorating a high visibility vest and a relay. Vicky Brierley, from Erewash School Sport Partnership, co-ordinated both sessions.

She said: “They were very excited to be taking part in the festival and we’ve just been learning about transport so this tied in really well. It’s good for them to gain experience and as teachers we can also take elements of this back into school with us. They’ve learnt so much and it’s really helped to build their confidence in a safe environment.”

Local junior schools try Sportsability Seated volleyball, boccia and zone hockey were just some of the activities on offer for pupils at Erewash School Sport Partnership’s Sportsability Festival. Pupils from schools including Mapperley, Field House, St Thomas, Bennerly Fields, Ladywood, Charlotte, Ashbrook, St Andrew’s, Kensington and Chaucer all took part in the event at Rutland Sports Park. They were supported by sports leaders from Derby College who helped to run the event, at Rutland Sports Park in Ilkeston, as part of their studies. As well as seated volleyball, boccia and zone hockey there was also kurling and games and relays on offer. All abilities were welcome catered for, children could use chutes to propel the ball in boccia and there were also shorter hockey sticks for any child in a wheelchair. There was a treasure hunt where children covered their eyes before being guided by their friends to collect an object. Rhian Lilley, Erewash School Sport Partnership development manager, said: “The idea of the treasure hunt was to give children the experience of what it is like to have poor eyesight. “The Sportsability festival is all about including pupils of all abilities and also giving children an insight into what difficulties some of their friends might face. “There were lots of adaptations to particular sports so everyone could join in and we had some great feedback. We would like to thank the pupils for being so enthusiastic and their teachers for supporting them today. We would also like to thank the sports leaders from Derby College who did a fantastic job.” Chris Sadler, sports lecturer and sports leader co-ordinator at Derby College, said students were happy to support the event. He said: “As part of their Public Services and Sports Leaders’ qualifications they have to support events in the community so the Sportsability festival was a great opportunity for that. They had to lead the sessions and adapt them if they needed to.” Oscar Smith, nine, from Mapperley Primary School, said he loved taking part in the festival. He said: “I really enjoyed the curling and it was just great to be there with all of my friends.”

Children at Mapperley Church of England VC Primary School dressed up as story characters in celebration of World Book Day last month. Even staff joined in the fun..

16 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

When sending articles, poems, photographs, etc., to Ilkeston Life, please remember to put them in an envelope and make sure your name and contact details are clearly provided. We do not publish anonymous items. Due to pressure on space, please send only one item at a time and bear in mind it may be some time before we can use your item. We cannot accept photocopies, faded artwork or material protected by copyright.

KIRK HALLAM Eaton Avenue / Godfrey Drive / Oliver Road Lime Tree Crescent / Earlham Close / Lime Tree Rise

HALLAM FIELDS Mitchell Terrace / Nelper Crescent / Frederick Avenue Queens Avenue / Middleton Road / Eleanor Avenue Kingston Avenue

ILKESTON Stanton Road / Belper Street / Union Road Percy Street / Graham Street / Grangewood Avenue Havelock Street / Field Road / Oxford Street Stanley Street / Regent Street / Hobson Drive Lime Street / Spinney

Local Walking Groups April

The Borough becomes The Lounge The Lounge, formerly known as The Borough Arms, has been refurbished and opened its door once more on Friday 24th February. It will be open from 8am until ll.30pm for light refreshments including, paninis, tapas, nibbles and of course drinks from the bar plus tea and coffee. William Butchart, with the help of Sasha, will be managing the pub for Sam. There will be live entertainment on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Sam Taylor is the new owner and despite only being 25 years of age he already has a chain of pubs across the country, ten in total including the Harrow another old Ilkeston Pub. Sam has been in the licensing trade for about four years, starting as a cleaner in a pub in Chester where he was born and brought up. He soon progressed to bar staff and

then manager and then, when he was 21 bought his first pub. He told me at the interview that all of his pubs are doing well at the moment. As Sam hadn’t got any history for the Borough Arms, I said I would go to the Library to see if they had any information for him. There wasn’t much available but I did manage to find a few facts for him, as follows: It was formerly known as The New Inn and the name was changed in 1890, which is the first known date I could find for the pub. There were some alterations done to the premises in 1904 for Shipstones Brewery. The Licensee in 1934 was a Mr Spencer - maybe he was a relation of my husband’s family? However he died in that year. The Borough Arms at one point was also known as the Cow Shed. If anyone knows the story behind

Erewash Ramblers More about Erewash Ramblers from Yvonne Ashby on 0115 930 4054.

Owner Sam Taylor and manager Willian Butchart. Photo John Shelton

this please get in touch. In 1984 the pub again had some alterations. In 1996 the pub was nominated for Top Of The Pubs Award and in November 1998 after a total refurbishment, a salvaged window from

the pub was donated to the Ilkeston Museum. Sam would like to thank everyone who helped in any way to get The Lounge up and running. He is most grateful to you all.

Patricia Spencer

Remembering the old Ilkeston Swimming Baths

It was the best wash many of the kids got all week


lkeston swimming pool (or Ilkeston Baths as it was known then) was very popular with many people both young and not so young. Kids would go there in droves in the summer, and there would often

be so many people in the pool that you could only splash about. If you tried to swim, you would be bumping into someone every few strokes. It would only cost a few pence to go in for an unlimited time.

The baths (situated on Wharncliffe Road opposite the police station) were an important part of Ilkeston’s social and school life in those days. Ilkeston schools held inter school swimming galas, with the Mayor

Ilkeston Swimming Baths with Mr and Mrs Murden in charge, circa 1950. The pool was often so full that swimming more than a few strokes was impossible. Even though the water was cold and the pool crowded, people flocked here and stayed all day long.

awarding cups and trophies, winners of the races often going on to swim for the town at the County schools competitions in Matlock. The cabins before they were modernised were very dilapidated and there were often holes in the cabin sides, stuffed with bits of paper to stop boys trying to peep into your cubicle. You would come back to your cabin for your towel, and find about seven other piles of clothes in with yours, and often you would go home with a frayed towel full of holes that had been left in place of your nice one, or a scruffy vest in place of yours, much to your Mam’s fury. Before you entered the pool you had to walk through the slipper bath full of chlorinated water to clean all the dirty feet. It was awful, cold and slimy from the scores of people who had gone through before. The water in the pool was changed once a week, and looked clear blue when changed, but by the end of the week it was so grey and murky you couldn’t see the bottom. It was the best wash many of the kids got all week. Mr. and Mrs. Murden ran the pool and were very strict, they stood for no messing about, they seemed to know the name of everyone who went there, adult and child alike. Mrs. Murden gave swimming lessons that were very effective. A halter would be tied around the pupil and they would be towed usually the width of the pool, If you couldn’t keep up or your mouth was open and you were filling with water, hard lines, you soon learned to swim. Mr. and Mrs Murden ran the pool for many years and will be remembered fondly. Mr Murden drove Ilkeston’s only ambulance during and after the war I believe. Their grand-daughter, a local business woman, still lives in the town.

Painting and narrative by Betty O’Neill

Sunday 2 April. 10.30am (NB – BST start time). 7½ miles. Beresford Dale, Wolfscote Dale & Biggin Dale. Meet in Hartington Village - roadside parking (SK128604, SK17 0AH). Leader Tony Beardsley. Thursday 6 April. 10.30am. 6 miles. Winster. Meet at top car park (SK238602, DE4 2DR). Leader Dennis Salisbury. Saturday 8 April. To be announced. Monday 10 April. 10.30am. 7 miles. Heanor, Aldercar, Loscoe Dam. Meet at Shipley Garden Centre (please park at back of car park) (SK448450, DE75 7JB). Leader Marilyn Brown. Wednesday 12 April. 10.30am. 3 - 4 miles. Breaston Area. Meet at Blind lane, Breaston SK459335. Leader Brian Marshall. Sunday 16 April. 10.30am, 9 miles. Stanton Gate, Stanton by Dale, Risley. Meet at Sandiacre Library (SK477366, NG10 5FH). Leader Brian Marshall. Wednesday 19 April. 10.30am. 4 miles. Risley. Meet at the Risley Park Inn (SK458356, DE72 3SS). Leader Sandie Jones Wednesday 19 April. 7.30pm. “Heage Windmill, its History and Restoration”, talk by Brian Naylor. West Hallam Village Hall Thursday 20 April. 10.30am. 7 miles. Churnet Valley Area. Meet at Ramblers Retreat CP, between Alton and Oakamoor (SK062431, ST10 4BU). Leader Barry Wallace. Saturday 22 April. 10.30am. 4.5miles. Trent/ Mersey canal and River Trent. Meet at the Bonnie Prince pub, Chellaston (SK380295, DE73 5UE). Leader Ann Crean. Monday 24 April. 10.30am. 6 miles. Ashbourne area. Meet at Cockayne Avenue CP (SK183470, DE6 1EJ). Leader Trevor Bamford. Wednesday 26 April. 10.30am. 3½ miles. Shardlow. Meet at the Wharf CP, Wilne Lane. SK445304. Leader Gordon Thompson. Sunday 30 April. 10.30am. 8 miles. Offerton Moor. Meet at Oddfellows Road CP (P&D), Hathersage (SK231813, S32 1DU). Leader Dennis Salisbury.

Ilkeston Rambling Club More about Ilkeston Rambling Club from Jim Cresswell, 07747 419380. Sunday 2nd April: Park at Woolley, near Ogston Reservoir for a 9 miles walk, stopping at Ashover for lunch. Leader: Clive Unwin. Thursday 6th April: Club evening at The Poacher, 7.45pm. Sunday 16th April: No walk. Thursday 20th April: Four-mile evening walk. Park at Bramcote Park. Leader: Mick Brown. Sunday 30th April: 9-mile walk starting from Ilam. Lunch at Waterfall. Leader: Len Smith.

Long Eaton Rambling Club More about Long Eaton Rambling Club at or John Aram on o115 849 5813. Sunday 2nd April - Crich Circular, 9 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall Sunday 9th April - Ashford in the Water Circular, 9 miles. Meet 9am Long Eaton Town Hall Sunday 16th April - Belper Circular, 8 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall. Thursday 20th April - Rempstone Circular, 7 miles. Meet 9.30am West Park Leisure Centre Sunday 23rd April - No Walk Sunday 30th April - Staunton Harold, Breedon Circular, 9 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall.

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


Sixth formers’ calendar fund raiser

A calendar featuring photos of Kirk Hallam Community Academy Sixth Form football team is being sold to raise money for a prostate cancer charity. This is the second year that members of the Sixth Form Ultras have produced a calendar – last year’s effort raised £380 for playground equipment for Bennerley Fields School in Ilkeston. Each month focuses on a different player and is being sold for £3 with proceeds going to Prostate Cancer UK. It is also hoped that more money will be raised through a cake sale and a lads vs dads football match. James Taylor, 18, Ryan Cumiskey, 17, and Sam Smith, 18, are all members of the Sixth Form Ultras and feature in the calendar. James said: “We really enjoyed doing the calendar last year and it was a success, everyone just embraced it – they could see that we didn’t take ourselves too seriously. “We wanted to do more fundraising this year and we thought doing the calendar again would just kick-start it. “Prostate Cancer UK has been the focus of a campaign in football with the Premier League so we thought that would be a good tie-in

Students from Kirk Hallam Community Academy got a taste of university life as part of an Apprentice -style challenge day. A group of sixth formers from the school visited the University of Derby to take part in the Business Challenge event. Competing with other teams, the five Business Studies students had to develop a business idea for a retail unit in the atrium at the University’s Kedleston Road campus. Each team had to come up with a name, target market, identify potential competitors and say how they would market and advertise the business, before coming up with a and a homeware shop. Kirk Hallam test their classroom knowledge. basic brand or logo. student Ellie Smith was among a “They really enjoyed the opportuniThey day was rounded off with the group who pitched a beauty treatty to meet other students and workteams pitching their business idea with the Sixth Form Ultras. ment salon and winning a £10 Am- ing in a different environment. azon voucher for her work. “As well as raising money it’s also to a panel of experts made up of Their ideas were fantastic and they academics from Derby Business about raising awareness and it’s Adam Spence, Business Studies really got a lot out of the day.” School, former students and memgood that lads of our age are talking teacher at Kirk Hallam Community bers of the University’s marketing Academy, said: “The group of Year Photo: Kirk Hallam Business Studies about it.” team. 12s really embraced the opportunity students Harvir Heer and Ellie Ryan said they were looking forAmong the ideas developed were ward to planning more fund-raising for a milkshake and smoothie store to see university life first hand and the University of Derby. events. He said: “We think the lads vs dads game will be popular and we would charge people to come in and watch. The Sixth Form Ultras is great for socialising and taking a break from your studies. We hope that the current Year 12 students will continue it when we’ve left.” David Cowley, Head of Sixth Form at Kirk Hallam Community Academy, said he was sure that the students would be able to repeat last year’s success. He said: “This is something that they’ve planned and created themselves and they have put a lot of effort into it. It’s very popular as it’s different and it’s a bit of fun too. It’s raising money for a great cause and so far it’s selling well. I’m sure it will be just as successful as last year.” CHEQUE PRESENTED TO LUNCHEON CLUB. Cllr Glennice Birkin at the Flamsteed Luncheon Club which Pictured above left to right are Sam meets every Monday. Cllr Birkin has granted the club £750 from her Derbyshire County Council Leadership Smith, 18, James Taylor, 18 and pot to assist the club purchase essential items for their kitchen and dining requirements. The club boasts a Ryan Cumiskey, 17. regular attendance of twenty diners plus and is run by volunteers Paul, Shirley and two Jameses, who are pictured alongside Cllr Birkin in the photo with a few of the diners. aging staff to take part in various incentives around the themes of mental wellbeing – including team yoga classes – Fifteen is providing the charity with voluntary dig“This will be the first time I have ital services throughout the year. taken my staff away. We have had The company also has monthly an extraordinary year which resocials such as curry nights, a fruit quires an extraordinary reward.” bowl that is never empty and beer The holiday ties in with a range of o’ clock at 4pm every Friday when other staff incentives the company everyone turns off their computer operates in line with its year of and has a beer. There is also has a well-being for Derby charity Stress running club, quizzes and company Aid, with the aim of being healthi- massages. er and happier. As well as encour-

Digital agency packs a punch with high flying incentives

18Ilkeston Ilkeston Life, April2017 2017 18 Life, March

The owner of an award-winning digital agency in is paying to take his staff on holiday to Ibiza as a thank you for their hard work – all 26 of them. Ollie Piddubriwnyj, managing director of Ilkeston based Fifteen, said the three day holiday in the summer will be to celebrate the company achieving record growth and reaching a record turnover. The company recently acquired Nottingham based Attitude Design for an undisclosed sum and is planning on recruiting four more staff, which means they are also on the look-out for bigger premises as they are outgrowing the current premises at Armstrong’s Mill in Middleton Street. Ollie said: “For me it’s all about recognising achievements by reward. We have had a record year for growth and are heading towards having 30 plus staff. Six years ago it was just me.

Family and Personal Announcements




Elizabeth Beardsley

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Reached the age of 105 on 22nd March 2017. Many congratulations from family and friends to my Aunty Elizabeth in the Victoria Court Care Home on Nesfield Road, Ilkeston. Tony Beardsley.


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John Neave


Painting class with Stella Brookes Starting 29th March, 2 till 4pm at The Gateway Dale Abbey. £50 for 6 sessions

My Dad John Neave was born at 2 Little Hallam Lane on the 28th of December 1922 He met my mother in Mechelen during the Second World War, lived in Nottingham and went to live in Belgium in 1959. He sadly passed away on the 19th of March 2016. Love from son Robert.


Dennis Woolley

Beginners and improvers welcome.

One year on, 29th April. You are so missed in every way. You helped us be strong. Your love is with us now and for ever. Thank you. From Sheila, Fiona, Betsy, Tom and all your family.


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Gordon Corns Passed away 7th March, aged 73 years. Much loved brother of Beryl, and brother in law Doug. Also loved by niece Angela, husband Stuart, and great uncle to Michael, James, Abbie and Niamh . Deep in our hearts a memory will be kept, of a lovely man we won’t ever forget.

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Hazel Cooper of Kirk Hallam, wife to Brian, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Exceptional Friend and Neighbour, very sadly passed away peacefully on 15th March 2017. Pictured on one of the very many happy days that friends got to share with Hazel, collecting an award last Summer for the extraordinary voluntary work and commitment as a Friend of Kirk Hallam Lake. Hazel will be sadly missed by hundreds of friends and neighbours, seen here in the orange jacket in the centre of the photograph. In life, we choose our friends and keep them close, we treasure their friendship and advice. We will treasure Hazel’s friendship, kind advice and support in our memories forever. Hazel, you are and always will be so sorely missed. Love and Sympathy to Brian, Andrea, Pete and all family members at this very sad time. Michelle and Louis Booth xx

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Ila Cooper of Bristol Road. Ex-Ilkeston Hospital nurse. Passed away 15th March 1917. Loved and missed by family and friends. Please respect family’s wishes.

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The Ilkeston Lions


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will take place on Saturday 10th June at the Rutland Recreation Ground from 12 5. There will be a parade starting from Belfield Street at 12:30and arriving at the ground about 1:15. On the ground there are lots of stalls and a funfair and in the arena there will be events all through the afternoon. If you would like a stall or a float in the parade please contact Sue Birch on 0115 944 7737 or email

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


Life in the Garden Hello fellow gardeners… Welcome to Aprils ‘Life in the Garden’ and I hope that you enjoyed reading March’s issue. I have been contacted by a few of you with gardening questions which is great so please do get in touch with your questions, to share an event or send me a seasonal garden photo, I would love to hear from you. Spring is now in full swing with everything bursting into life, riots of colour everywhere but also it is the busiest time in the garden with lots of jobs to do and those weeds will be starting to make more of an appearance! But remember take a moment sit in the sun, listen to the birds, and admire any colour you have in the garden and enjoy. Here

are few jobs to keep you busy in your garden throughout April. Happy gardening everybody!  Feed trees, shrubs and hedges with a balanced, slow-release fertiliser by lightly forking it into the soil surface  Plant your chitted potatoes outside in the ground or in potato grow bags  Apply a high-nitrogen fertiliser to your lawn now for a boost to the start of the season  Apply a slow-release fertiliser around the base of your raspberry canes, fruit bushes and fruit trees to encourage good crops  Divide Hostas before they come into leaf

By Steve Walton

Spring bulbs at Chaucer School Children from Chaucer Junior School, Ilkeston have been busy planting up pots and troughs of spring flowering bulbs. Not only will this brighten up their school garden but they have entered them into a competition. The Bulbs4Kids campaign gives the children handson experience of the world of nature and they will enjoy watching the bulbs grow into beautiful flowers. Good luck to them and keep up the good work!

Treetops Hospice Care are delighted to be opening up their gardens for the first time in its 30 year history as part of the National Garden Scheme. The National Garden Scheme is the country’s biggest annual celebration of gardening and invites garden owners to open their exceptional gardens to the public to raise money for good causes. Treetops, a 12 acre site of woodland and grounds is in the conservation area of Risley Village, and was formerly part of the grounds of Open gardens at Treetops HosRisley Hall. It has been developed pice Care over the last ten years and taking Saturday 29 April 10.30am into consideration the needs and 4pm Admission £3.00, children fundraising activities of the hospice free - light refreshments and plant and its guests with raised wheelsales. chair walkways allowing them to access all areas of the hospice grounds. Through out the spring, the gardens provide a riot of Members of Chaucer Junior School Gardencolour with the many ing Club are entering a new competition. spring bulbs, blossom trees and beds and borders filled They are competing for the Golden Bulb with many ornamental Trophy. plants and there is also a The contest run by Bulbs4Kids is a campaign daffodil walk through the meant to acquaint children in primary woodland where thousands schools with the world of nature by means of daffodils were planted. of interesting activities that are also fun. The gardens are looked Research has shown that this contributes to after entirely by voluna child’s sound healthy development. teers, a team of twelve work twice a week, every Competing schools receive a teaching packweek of the year, to ensure age including a varied collection of flower the grounds look their best bulbs. The children then work together on for patients, visitors and planting their bulbs in the school garden or

staff. We look forward to seeing you there. Find us at: Treetops Hospice Care, Derby Road, Risley, Derbyshire, DE72 3SS Gardener Steve would love you to get in touch to share your gardening stories, news and photos from around Ilkeston or to ask a garden question. I look forward to hearing from you. Email me at

Chaucer Gardening Club’s new challenge

in pots in front of the schoolyard. The organisers say: “The children can then see for themselves how the shoots emerge from the flower bulbs and produce amazingly beautiful flowers. It’s something they’ll remember all their lives!”

Holiday photo find brings back memories of parents’ Trent coach tour of Scotland Reader David Heathcote sent us this picture of a local coach party which includes his parents Tom (back row far right) and Nancy (in front of him). Driver Mr J Seale (front row, centre) took the group on a Trent Tour of the Scottish Highlands in 1962. The photograph is taken at the Huntley Arms Hotel, Aboyne. David wonders if any readers can recognise a family member or someone they know in the group. The coach picture (left) is from the tour brochure.

20 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

West Hallam Amateur Gardening Society Our February meeting started with our AGM. This was swiftly dealt with, with most committee members being re-elected (including our Chair Person Paula Brewster) and Julia Shearer being elected as a new committee member. We then moved on to our speaker, this was Richard Windsor from Erewash Borough Council. Richard has been our speaker several times before and we always look forward to seeing him. He brings his wealth of knowledge, enthusiasm and vibrant personality to whatever he talks about. On this occasion his subject was Erewash In Bloom. This was launched in 1990 and supports the borough's entry into the regional East Midlands In Bloom, which is of course part of Britain In Bloom. Last year, in this regional competition, Ilkeston was awarded Silver Gilt and Long Eaton Gold. This is a great achievement but of course hopes are for two Gold awards this year! Erewash in Bloom includes different sections e.g. Street and Communal Areas, Pubs and Businesses, Schools, Private gardens. There is a children's competition for the tallest sunflower, the current winner being 246cm high! The private gardens compete in different groups e.g. best front garden, best rear garden small, best rear garden medium to large, best wildlife garden. The huge number of entries are visited and shortlisted by Richard and his colleagues, and a list of finalists made. The finalists are then judged by a whole minibus full of local people, invited by Richard. Our group is very pleased to have been asked for over five years now, to provide up to four judges. There is a very fair and straightforward list for scoring each aspect of the gardens, so no special expertise is needed. Richard showed us slides of the finalists gardens from last year. They were of all sizes, styles and tastes and show what a diverse and talented lot our friends and neighbours are. As quite a few of our members have been judges we all enjoyed a lively conversation with Richard, sharing our memories and stories of the really lovely gardens and their fantastic owners. Erewash in Bloom is a great community initiative and actively encourages and improves the appearance of our borough and celebrates amateur gardening. Why not consider entering this year, it's launched in April, entries close at the beginning of July and are judged in July and August. Our next meeting is on 20th March when our speaker is Graham Wagstaff on vegetables in containers. We meet on the third Monday of the month at 7:30 in the Methodist Church Hall. Visitors and new members are very welcome.

Paula Brewster


ictoria Harwood is passionate about wildlife – especially hedgehogs – and she has combined this with her enthusiasm for writing children’s stories.

illustrated are being enjoyed by adults as well as children.” Victoria, 39, lives in a village called Barton-in-Fabis near Nottingham and works in Long Eaton as a carer for the elderly, sometimes doing She says: “I am dedicated in trying training in Ilkeston. Her fiancé to raise as much awareness of wild- Simon, a long-time Long Eatonian, life as I can. I also want to inspire helps her with the editing of the books, and has become an expert at children to enjoy reading books and getting rid of charcoal smudges to understand the importance of before the book goes to the printers. looking after animals. Victoria’s interest in wildlife was “It had always been my dream to sparked by a visit to Seaworld write a book. Finally, years later I where she saw the amazing rescue achieved my dream. I use a lot of work they do. As a result she has my spare time to create stories that become a keen fund-raiser for aniinvolve animals, and I am especial- mal causes. ly pleased to hear that the books She told us: “At the moment hedgethat I have written and selfhogs are on the decline quite badly

Victoria combines her love of hedgehogs with writing children’s stories so I am trying to let people know about that as much as possible and how they can protect them in their gardens. “I spend hours contacting various establishments to get advice that I can pass onto others and even had a reply from our local MP last year when I wrote to see if there was anything that government might be able to do to help our hedgehogs! “I am trying to get in touch with as many councils as I can at the mo-

Cheltenham races today … I'm backing a horse called Creosote. I've read it's good over fences. Then again I might go for Vneck. He’s a good jumper as well. John Allen

Plans for 69 flats given the green light ALB Commercial Investments Ltd has been given the go-ahead to convert the upper floors of the former Co-op department store in Ilkeston into apartments. Planning permission was granted by Erewash Borough Council. The project will include 69 one and two-bedroom apartments built into the first and second floors, as well as a gym for residents and a car park with 69 spaces. Arran Bailey, company director of ALB Commercial Investments, said: “I would like to say thank you to the planner, Graham Wraight, who helped us persevere with this project, which has taken a long time. We will not be starting immediately on this site. As the planning process took so long we had to move our resources to other projects such as Falcon House in Dudley. “However, we are delighted to have been granted planning permission to start work on providing more housing in Ilkeston town centre and have worked hard on amending the plans to meet the council’s requirements.” ALB is currently working on other

projects including building 158 apartments at St Peters House in Derby, now known as Prosperity House. The company originally applied for planning permission for the apartments in September 2015. It then went back to the drawing board and came back with amended plan. The plans include external alterations to the fabric of the building, extensions to the roof and additional and replacement windows. A decision on the plans was deferred at a meeting on 14th December 2016 to allow for further negotiations between ALB Commercial Investments and Erewash Borough Council. There is now just one retail unit left on the ground floor of the former Coop department store. The companies currently based there are men’s clothing store Eighty Eight, Coffee Vida, Maggie Throup’s office, construction firm Newlynn, Thorpes of Ilkeston, the Discount Party Outlet, Snap Fitness and EnergySave. The Co-op department store closed in 2013, followed by the Post Office and the food hall.

ment in the hope that they will help, especially as the leaves are on the ground and people will be doing lots of gardening within the next couple of months. Trying to spread awareness for these beautiful creatures has been quite hard but I believe is something that needs to be done regularly, no matter what time of year, in the hope to save a species that our children's children may never have the opportunity to understand and know about. “I am currently in the process of completing my third book which I hope to launch at the end of March / beginning of April when the hedgehogs start to wake up from hibernation. I am extremely excited about book three! “From the sales of my books I donate all the profits I make to wildlife charities. I am very proud to say that I have so far raised almost £2.000 for them. “I have been lucky enough to do email interviews to other authors such as Jess French and I have had advice from Raymond Briggs on what materials are good to use for my illustrations and have even done an email interview with David Bellamy. “My books are about a lovable new kind of creature called Bushy the Bush-hog. With his best friend Fluffy the cat, he embarks on many adventures, learning about new

lots of free yummy fresh food (some for you to take and the remainder is be donated back to the local food bank at the Arena Church), a chance Spring into recovery with to get in touch with nature and a process which helps the participant focus allotment project on something positive and fun. Spring is in the air and local organisa- The regular Tuesday afternoon tion Wash Arts CIC has announced its scheme starts at 1.30pm for two new series of exciting sessions for its hours; all gloves and tools are supcommunity based gardening scheme plied and you don't need any experihosted at the Arena Community Alence in gardening. In fact, it's a fabulotment on Heanor Road, Ilkeston, lous way to learn; mistakes are exDerbyshire, DE7 8DY. pected as are smiles and a sense of 'have a go'. Support is provided as is 'Horti-Culture’, a way of encouraging free tea and coffee. locals to have a go at growing their own fruit and veg at a nearby Ilkeston Jo Swann lead gardener says “In many allotment, is ready for the next influx ways, the gardening group is a valuaof participants. ble tool on the road to recovery. ParIts scheme, particularly aimed at those ticipants in this project benefit through improving their general wellrecovering from drugs, alcohol and being. Through the gardening group, misuse substance, is free to come along to and the results are amazing; they are benefiting physically through

Mucky hands smiling faces

Saturday, 2nd September 2017 Our new website is now available to view at It sets out the new classes for this year’s show and details of how to enter plus the entry form can be downloaded and printed. You can also contact us with ideas, news, suggestions and queries via the email link on the site. This year’s technical challenge in the bakery section is “Mary Berry’s Lemon Drizzle Cake” and the recipe for that can also be found on the website. Try it over Easter and then perhaps enter another one in the Show! If you want more information or do not have access to the internet or a printer, please phone 0115 9305386 or 0115 9303340 for help or for paper copies. Mary Butler

animals and insects in a fun and exciting way. With added humour my books make my hobby extra special as I love to do all the research involving the animals and trying to think of funny situations to include. To access Victoria’s Facebook page go to: pages/Bush-hogtails/563458233738596

an increase in exercise, being outdoors and through access to fresh organic produce. Gardening tasks are team based thus encouraging social interaction and reducing the isolation felt by many participants. Emotionally, the responsibility of caring for a space and the plants within it gives participants a purpose and role; increasing confidence and self-esteem. The learning of new practical skills is empowering and allows people to begin to imagine a new possible future for themselves." Assistant gardener on the projects, Dave Wood says, “I love gardening and even better if I can pass on my own experience to others; I've also felt the benefits of working in an allotment, the fresh air and the sense of achievement is massive, even pulling up the first spuds of the year is like magic...and anyone can do it.”

Ilkeston Life, April 2017


Ilkeston School’s most notable student: D H Lawrence O ver a period of 100 years Ilkeston School has had thousands of boys and girls pass through its doors. No story can really do justice to the lives and achievements of these students. It is though interesting to look back on a few of those who have excelled in a variety of fields. Probably the most distinguished old student was D H Lawrence.

The school magazine of June 1930 or ‘Ilkestonian’ as it was known, included an article on D H Lawrence. He had died in Vence in France on March 3.In the early years the school was a Pupil Teacher Centre and Lawrence was a student on the Wilmot Street site. In 1914 it transferred from the Ilkeston Public Library to its new location on King George Avenue. The article is brave in many ways since Lawrence’s reputation at this time outside Academia was suspect. In the Ilkeston Advertiser of March 14 1930 ‘Tilkestune’ described Lawrence’s works as being the unhealthy fruit of the seeds of Tuberculosis. The ignorance of this statement is further underlined by the comment that there is nothing of the ordinary person’s love of scenery in his writings. Clearly the journalist had not been exposed to much of his literature. At that time the library in Ilkeston did not have one copy of Lawrence’s work on its shelves, despite the fact that some of his greatest friends and family including Jessie Chambers had studied in the building. Today any connection with Lawrence is justifiably marketed and the links with the School and Ilkeston are substantial. As a child he and his friends would speak the Erewash Valley dialect and would view the hilltop site of Ilkeston in the distance. This was later to be described in the novel ‘The Rainbow’. His uncle Walter who lived on Belvoir St. in the town was to embarrass Lawrence when he was arrested in 1900 for the manslaughter of his son. He had thrown a steel at him over an argument at the Sunday afternoon meal table. It penetrated his ear and brain from which injuries he died a few days later. It is no coincidence that Lawrence’s work at Nottingham High School deteriorated at this time. The Pupil Teacher System, which Lawrence was to be a part of, began in 1846 and was not centralised until 1902. George Henry Neville, a friend of Lawrence said that it was always his ambition to be a teacher. In terms of pay and status this would have been a major step into the world of the middle classes. In October 1902, Lawrence began as a pupil teacher in the Boys Section of the Albert Street School in Eastwood under George Holderness. He was only seventeen but it was a time when the family was under some financial pressure including paying for the funeral of his brother Ernest. He made good progress here and was highly regarded. As early as 1870 it had been thought that dedicated facilities

22 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

ulation work. He smiled across at me, and I saw again his uniqueness, how totally different he was from any of the other youths” Louisa Burrows who had been born in Ilkeston also attended the Centre: “A glorious girl, swarthy and ruddy as a pomegranate”. It seems that Lawrence initially met her on the train and she was later to be his fiancée from December 1910 until January 1912. Both she and Jessie, like Lawrence, were to achieve Class1 in their King’s Scholarship examination. This group of fellow students were described by George Henry Neville as the Pagans. Those from Eastwood and Underwood would someD H Lawrence—novelist, poet, times walk back along the canal to playwright, essayist, literary critic save the cost of the tram or train from Ilkeston Station. Clearly there and painter, derided by some, was much study but also the fun were needed to improve the instruc- and laughter when groups of young tion of the students. In March 1904 people socialise and share the same Lawrence was given permission to ambition. Lawrence is quoted as saying that he enjoyed these times attend the Ilkeston Pupil Teacher and wished those days could be Centre set up in January 1899. repeated. Thomas Alfred Beacroft was appointed Headmaster and remained Beacroft identified that Lawrence so until 31st July 1913 when Ilkes- was an exceptional student and perton County Secondary School received his talent particularly as a placed it. Beacroft was only twenty mathematician. During November eight on his appointment and in his 1904, Lawrence was granted three early 30’s when mentoring Lawweeks absence from Albert Street rence. The Headmaster in The so that he could receive tuition and Rainbow is possibly based on his study for his King’s College examicharacter. He was described as a nation. Beacroft on the 25th Februbrusque and dapper little gentleman and strict in manner. Beacroft was greatly admired by his students and Letters overflow achieved great success despite major inadequacies in the condition and facilities of the buildings in which he worked. I can shed some light on the At first Lawrence attended on Tues- “mystery picture” on last month’s day, Thursday and Saturday mornback page. I also have a copy of this ings and Wednesday and Friday photograph, kindly provided by Anafternoons. Holderness was relucdrew Knighton. He believes that the tant to release him from Eastwood event was the 1910 Ilkeston Hospital as it obviously meant greater presSports held at the Manor Ground. The Pioneer reported a crowd of sure at his school. “quite 6,000”. The houses at top The Centre from March 1904 was right are still there on Manners based at Gladstone Street School but after July 1904 it had moved to Road, opposite the Manor Sports and Racquets Club. The billboard the Wilmot Street Schoolroom of behind the spectators reads “Libby’s the Primitive Methodist Church. Starbright” (thanks to John Hall for This delay in attending University deciphering this). As far as I can tell allowed Lawrence to mature and this was a brand of tinned fruit salad. widen his circle of friends. He was The caption to the photo is not quite to take his University Examination right about the Manor Ground. It did much later than the boys of his for- not start life as a cycle track but was mer Nottingham High School who built in 1893 for football and cricket; sat it at the age of sixteen or seven- it was thought too small to include a teen. track. The first football match was The list of friends attending the played on September 9th (Ilkeston Centre albeit at different times, Town beat Matlock 9-0). The cycle includes family, lovers and charactrack was added in 1894 and the ters used in many of his novels and opening event was the Ilkeston Bicycle Club Two Mile Handicap on short stories: Ada Lettice LawWednesday, 9th May, won by S. rence, his sister and Jessie ChamFretwell. bers the Miriam of ‘Sons and Lovers’ for example. I am researching the history of cycling and cycle manufacture in IlJessie wrote: “The two years of my attendance at keston and am always on the lookout for pictures and information. the Pupil Teacher Centre - I was seventeen when I started – stand out Courtesy of Andrew Knighton, I have some other photos of cycle for me as the two most completely events at the Manor Ground in the happy years of my life. Lawrence’s early twentieth century, and I ensister A. and I were in the same close one taken at the 1905 Hospital class. We used to travel together Sports, again showing the start of a and climb the long hill of Bath race. I’d love to talk to anyone who Street side by side. Occasionally can put names to faces on either of Lawrence attended the Centre at the the photos or who has any further same time. I remember seeing him pictures or information about this sitting apart at a table doing matric- largely forgotten chapter in Ilkeston’s sporting history.

ary 1905 sent him to Shire Hall to hear his result. His Headmaster who had tutored him so well was no doubt delighted.. 1905 – David H Lawrence (a Notts boy) – Div.1 of the First Class bracketed top boy of the country. Interestingly below his entry is one for Gilbert Noon who is bracketed as being the top boy of Derbyshire. Lawrence was later to draft a new novel in 1912 – 1913 entitled Mr Noon which follows the life of a young schoolmaster of the same name. The second part of the novel was not discovered until 1972 in the University of Texas Archives. Beacroft wanted Lawrence at the Centre so he could coach him for his London Matriculation which he passed in the summer of 1905. This enabled him to enter day training at Nottingham University College, founded in 1881 and one of only six outside Oxbridge. It seems there was great pressure from Holderness for Lawrence to return to Albert Street and on 1st August he again became a full-time teacher for a year before starting at the University. This was the end of his time in Ilkeston but it had certainly widened his horizons both socially and intellectually.

Roger Mitchell

Nutbrook Petanque Ice Breaker Unfortunately, we did not find that window in the weather this year for a much hoped for dry sunny day. We had no cancellations, which surprised us, as people were travelling from Mansfield, Loughborough, Lincoln, Boston and we also detected an Australian accent! Luckily all the teams arrived togged up ready for the day ahead. We decided to have timed games this year lasting 45 minutes each. This enabled everyone to finish at the same time, to have a break for lunch, and enjoy the lovely welcoming homemade soup and, in some cases, have a change of clothing. All games were played in good spirits, Roger our chair was the umpire for the day. The wooden spooners on the day (last place) were a team from Red Lion at Kegworth and the overall winners a team from Nottingham Petanque. Thanks to all who attended and kept in good spirits throughout the day. Although we play all year round, we are looking forward to the start of the league competitions which, this year, are starting in April running through to September. Along with our annual in house competitions we are hoping for some good friendly but competitive games this year. If you would like to see what we are about, you are welcome to come along and have a go. Our piste (playing ground) is at the side of Nutbrook Cricket Club House, High Lane East. We play every Tuesday and Sunday afternoon 12 – 3 (weather permitting). We can provide boules to play with, and coaching to help you understand the rules of the game. If you would like more information you can contact me on 01159303770. Jenny Thacker

Cycle race picture

Jeff Wynch, West Hallam

Do you have a story for this new book? I am very taken with your new newspaper. My copy came out of the Red Bin at Halfords. The Ilkeston Life heading is very eyecatching and I particularly like the five column format. Following a talk given by Brian Fretwell and myself at Kimberley Library on 18th February 2017 entitled ‘Communities of the Erewash Valley’ we have decided this is to become the title of our 3rd volume of books. The other two books are about different areas. Vol. 3 is already registered, although so far we have only the cover made up. We will include stories from Long Eaton, Ilkeston, Kimberley, Eastwood, Langley Mill, Heanor and the many villages of the Valley. We have some very interesting tales already, but we need a lot more and family pics, though not postcards, as we have to be careful not to break copyright. If anyone—community group / church or youth leader, school teacher/ sportsperson/ business, civic

leader or entertainer would like to put pen to paper and send us 350+ words of a story to inspire our readers we would be delighted to include the item in vol.3. We are not looking for learned dissertations but the more down to earth stories that interest, help and intrigue us all. This is not a money-making exercise, but a labour of love. Brian and I are both pensioners. Brian is a volunteer driver for Age Concern and Volunteer Bureau and a friendvisitor at local care homes. I am a volunteer presenter with Kingsmill Hospital’s Millside Radio. We cannot complete vol. 3 without your help. Please contact Brian Fretwell Tel. 01773 762900, email: bfretwell@eastmidlandsonline Or Harry Riley; Tel. 01773 770169 email: Regards

David Page /aka Harry Riley, Eastwood

Gift to Ilkeston Hospital’s Renal Unit The Ilkeston Hospital League of Friends are pleased to look after the needs of the Ilkeston Renal Unit located at the rear of the hospital, providing services along with those provided in the other parts of the hospital. The Unit, operated by the Nottingham University Hospitals, provides a dialysis service at the hospital for patients living in Ilkeston and the surrounding communities. One of their patients is Peter Wilson who visits the Unit, which is led by Departmental Head Tina Goodridge. The Unit has received several awards in the past and in recognition of its work. Councillor Jane Wilson of Erewash Borough Council visited the centre

recently to make a donation. Pictured from left to right are Dr Hall (Renal Unit), Councillor Jane Wilson (seated), Sister Tina Gilchrist, Pete Wilson and former Councillor and Mayor of Erewash Borough Council, Eileen Knight. Eileen is Chairman of the League of Friends. Councillor Wilson presented a cheque for £300 to the Unit for the patients to be provided with entertainment and music, also to enhance generally the ward and treatment areas. The two hospital authorities work extremely hard to maintain a genuine rapport with their patients and the Renal Unit continues to provide a vital role in the community. Mike Perry

Maggie: It’s amazing the range of products made in Ilkeston Erewash MP Maggie Throup praised young workers as she made a fact-finding visit to an Ilkeston firm to mark National Apprenticeship Week. Maggie met three apprentices when on Friday March 10 she visited Dales Fabrications which designs and makes aluminium products, including fascias, soffits and rainwater systems that enhance the appearance of a variety of buildings. She approached the firm which hit the headlines last December because it produced curved aluminium solar shading units for digital advertising screens above Piccadilly Underpass in London between Hyde Park Corner and Knightsbridge, seen by thousands of motorists each day in an area popular with wealthy international tourists. “It's amazing the range of products that are made in Ilkeston,” she said, while touring the factory on Crompton Industrial Estate. “Dales is another example of how local goods are making a difference to the country.” Maggie met apprentices David Pritchard ( 22), from Chaddesden, Derby, who is a production processor but also on a undergraduate programme leading to a foundation degree with Derby College and Sheffield Hallam University; Rosie Dales(25), from Nottingham, a welder; and 18-year-old

Left to right: Tia Bexon, Erewash MP Maggie Throup, Rosie Dales, David

Tia Bexon, of Ilkeston, who is a business administrator. OPTION David had the option to go to university but wanted to learn and earn. “I'm getting a salary and will be an experienced qualified graduate in another two years,” he said. He gives instructions for what needs to be done, Rosie welds the material, and Tia invoices customers for the work. “It's good to meet the apprentices here and to hear how much they are enjoying the work and how they see their careers progressing,” said Maggie.

The L’Oreal Colour Trophy 2017 and Ilkeston Town move a step closer together

DINING OUT – BENNETTS BOUTIQUE HOTEL, BAR & RESTAURANT It could be that Bennetts Boutique Hotel (Opened November 2015) has been seen, when passing. The Erewash Canal flows nearby and Sawley Marina, plus Trent Lock – where the River Trent, River Soar and Erewash Canal meet – are a short distance away. The very popular, award-winning, Attenborough Nature Reserve attracts numerous visitors for the wildlife and surroundings and there are many interesting walks, plus cycle trails around the area. Events at Donington Park bring in enthusiasts and Trent College – literally ‘just up the road’ – hosts several shows and events, throughout the year.

All tables are candlelit at Bennetts Restaurant and the evening commences with a good selection of starters, from which to choose. Stilton & Cream Cheese Mushrooms prove very popular to start a dining occasion and the complementing flavours impress. This oven-baked dish is served with a medley of leaves. Main course choices include a range that has favourites such as Salmon & Asparagus, Tagliatelle Carbonara, Sea Bass and succulent, tender Steaks, cooked to your preference. All mains come ‘complete’ and the Saucy Mushroom & Chicken is presented stuffed with a mushroom & tomato duxelle, finished with a Chasseur sauce and served with new potatoes, plus seasonal vegetables. Perfectly cooked and very flavoursome. Lemon Meringue, Deep-Dish Apple Pie and indulgent Choc’late Lovin Spoon Cake are popular choices for desserts. An excellent wines/ drinks list has something for all palates. The staff at Bennetts have detailed information about the area and can also supply packed lunches, if required. Should visiting the area warrant a stay in individually-designed, comfortable bedrooms, then family-run Bennetts, with its own private car park, is ideally located and can provide all requirements, including modern technology. All dietary needs can be met, plus parties and celebrations etc, accommodated with ease. Beverley and Andy have many years of hospitality experience and extend a warm welcome to all who visit Bennetts, whether for a drink, snack, luncheon or evening dining. Entertainment, plus themed -occasion dining happen regularly, throughout the year. Booking is very advisable, particularly at popular times. Bennetts Boutique Hotel, Bar & Restaurant 20-22 Derby Road, Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire NG10 1LW Tel: 0115 972 8481 Email:


Trevor Langley

“I would encourage more young people to look at the apprenticeship route as an alternative to university.” And Karl Prosser, managing director of Dales, who himself served an apprenticeship with the RAF, also heaped praise on the apprentices that he had hired. “They are all core members of the business, not just trainees, and they fulfil a very real function,” he said. “They have contributed significantly to our recent successes.” The company boosted sales last year by £1m to break the £4m barrier, beating the previous best figure by almost £1m.

L'Oréal Colour Trophy, the longest running live hairdressing competition in the world, is back again to showcase some of the brightest hairdressing talents across the country, whilst ensuring that hairdressers nationwide are continually inspired to celebrate ‘Hair Inspired by Fashion’. New Ilkeston Salon on the block SALT HAIR at Pams Beauty Studio, East Street have had not one, but two stylists get through to the National Finals at Liverpool. Rebecca Stevens Art Director of SALT and Stylist Sophie Smith represent the region and are up against the very best salons such as Toni & Guy, Trevor Sorbie and other established icons of the industry.

Rebecca Stevens has a history of achievements with L’Oreal and is no stranger to the stage. Working hair and fashion and she now pushes Sophie in her career with Salt hair. Both girls work in the Salon business and of late Becca branching out into catwalk and session work. The Salon is less than six months old and this is a great achievement for a local business putting Ilkeston on the map. When the finalists were announced there would have been a few people asking where is Ilkeston whilst listed alongside Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, London etc. Congratulations to the girls, the Salon and Owner Pam Brown for putting us on the map in this way and we wish them the best of luck in the Finals. Photographs courtesy of In-Session-Styling –

Ilkeston Life, April 2017



JUST A THOUGHT They think it’s all over; it is now. ~ Kenneth Wolstenholme

Ilkeston FC round-up by Matchman

Never-say-die Robins battle on Relegation looks a certainty but Ilkeston’s players’ efforts are applauded forced into saves before Brandon Clarke came close to equalising with a stunning Ilkeston 0 Hednesford 2 volley which just cleared the crossbar. Two second half goals condemned Ilkeston Reece Horne also went close near the end to defeat in a close encounter with Hednes- but Hednesford secured the points in the dying seconds when Thorley scored again. ford. The first half was goalless but Hednesford were to take a fortunate lead just two minutes into the second half. The un- Sat 4th Mar ‘17 - Northern Premier League fortunate Jaylon Bather mishit a back pass Ilkeston 0 Warrington 2 to keeper Dale Eve which resulted in a challenge from Hednesford’s Tom Thorley The game turned on a second half red card and the ball finished in the net. Both sides for Max Thornberry. The Ilkeston ground then had opportunities. Dale Eve was staff had done a remarkable job getting the Tue 21st Feb ‘17 - Northern Premier League

The Friends of Bennerley Viaduct


The Sustrans bid for Heritage Lottery funding for the Bennerley Viaduct project has received widespread and enthusiastic political backing. The two MPs whose constituencies are linked by the Iron Giant have both visited the structure and expressed their support. Broxtowe MP Anna Soubry described it as “simply a brilliant project”. Maggie Throup, whose Erewash constituency includes Cotmanhay, is seen here on the deck of the viaduct with Dave Clasby of Sustrans. Councillors in Erewash are also behind the project. A motion of support proposed by Councillor James Dawson, Leader of the Labour Group on Erewash Borough Council, was passed unanimously at Ilkeston Town Hall on Thursday 9th March. Members from both parties spoke strongly in favour of the motion. You can see the video of this debate and vote on the Friends’ Facebook page. The Friends are pleased to announce that Councillors Glennice Birkin, James Dawson and Danny Treacy have also made a community grant totalling £600 to the Friends of Bennerley Viaduct for the purchase of equipment and materials for on-going conservation work. They and their constituents can be sure that the Friends will make good use of the money in the work they do to advance the project. Without realising it at the time another supporter of the viaduct is the man who nearly knocked it down! Eric Harris was visiting the Ilkeston Woodside Model Railway Club annual show at Trowell Village Hall in February when he spotted the scale model of the viaduct made by the club. He was one of the contractors tendering for the demolition of the structure when British Rail took the line out of service. His plan was to topple the viaduct using explosives so that it could

be dismantled more easily. Because there is no scrap value in wrought iron to offset the cost of demolition the price was too high for British Rail and the Iron Giant lived on. A new leaflet published by Sustrans and paid for by the Heritage Lottery Fund provides a handy guide to the viaduct’s heritage and the restoration project. You can pick one up at several locations including the public library, Erewash Museum, Ilkeston Town Hall, and the U-Choose Smoothie Bar. The HLF funded Iron Giant exhibition will be at the Shipley Country Park Visitor Centre for the month of April. The wildlife of the Erewash Valley comes to the fore on Sunday23rd April, when Jim Steele leads a lapwing walk. This farmland bird with its distinctive crest and floppy flight is in decline, but the area around the viaduct is a good place to spot them. In May the Friends will be the guests of Raleigh at their recently expanded Eastwood HQ, and what’s more, everyone else is invited too. The existing distribution centre on Church Street was upgraded in January and now includes a showroom for electric and non-electric bikes, a parts centre, outdoor velo park and café. The centre, which is normally for trade only, will be opening its doors to the public and it promises to be a great day out for all ages with a number of activities planned by Raleigh. The Friends will be there to talk to visitors and spread the word about the Iron Giant project. An added bonus is that it couldn’t be easier to get there on your bike following a traffic free route. Church Street can be accessed via the Erewash Valley Trail/ Nottingham Canal near the MFN nightclub. Look out for Raleigh’s own publicity and updates on the Friends website and Facebook page. The success of the project will depend on people offering all kinds of expertise. If you’d like to help out contact Kieran Lee, the Community Engagement and Development Officer, on 07823 536 941 or The next workday takes place on Saturday, 1st April, and the next meeting of the Friends, the AGM, will be on Monday, 10th April at 7pm at the Gate Inn, Awsworth. For up to date information on meeting venues, workdays, events and anything connected with the project, look on Facebook, visit or contact Kieran Lee.

Jeff Wynch

Dave Clasby, Sustrans Partnership Manager with Maggie Throup, Erewash MP

24 Ilkeston Life, April 2017

30p where sold

WIN OR LOSE Share your sports news in Ilkeston’s community paper. email

pitch playable after all of the rain. Ilkeston edged the first half and went close to scoring through Luis Rose and Danny Gordon but they were reduced to ten players just after the hour when Thornberry brought down an opponent and was adjudged to be the last defender. Jerome scrambled the ball home for Warrington following the resultant free kick. Ilkeston could not recover from the setback and Warrington seized control for the remainder of the game. They finally added a deserved second goal at the death when McCarthy scored with a tap in. Sat 11th Mar ‘17 - Northern Premier League

Grantham 1 Ilkeston 1 Heroic defending and a cracking goal earned Ilkeston a point at Grantham. The hosts who are pushing for a playoff place took an early lead through ex-Robin Luke Shaw who turned in a cross from close range. Grantham generally had the better of the first half but were unable to add to their lead. Ilkeston were nearly gifted an equaliser on 55 minutes when a defensive mix up nearly resulted in an own goal but Grantham were looking more likely to score. Ben Morris was introduced on 70 minutes and immediately made an impact. His determination won a corner from which came the equaliser. The ball came out to Danny Gordon who hit a 30 yard screamer in off the post. The goal stung Grantham into a determined effort to regain the lead and Ilkeston had to defend for their lives. The last 10 minutes were frantic but Ilkeston held out for a point. Tue 14th Mar ’17 - Northern Premier League

Ilkeston 1 Stafford Rangers 2 Following a bright start Ilkeston conceded two soft goals which cost them the game. The first came after Dante Leverock tried to shepherd a ball out for a goal kick. Izak Reid managed to hook the ball across the goal and it was turned in by Kyle Perry on 14 minutes. The second came six minutes later from a quickly taken free kick which caught the Ilkeston defenders napping. There was a claim by Ilkeston that Izak Reid the scorer was offside but the goal stood. Ilkeston hardly deserved to be behind but the defensive lapses proved decisive. The Robins tried hard to get back into the game but failed to create enough worthwhile chances against a resolute Rangers defence. Luis Rose pulled one back for Ilkeston in the second half with the best goal of the game on 64 minutes to set up a tense finish.

Danny Gordon hit a screamer to give Ilkeston an unexpected draw at Grantham. Sat 18th Mar ‘17 - Northern Premier League

Ilkeston 2 Nantwich Town 3 IIkeston came within a whisker of earning an unlikely draw after trailing 0-3 at half time to second in the table Nantwich Town. On a rain soaked pitch the visitors made light of the conditions and took an early lead through Matthew Bell whose cross shot went in off the post on 8 minutes. This was followed by two headed goals. Thomas Peers made it two on 22 minutes with a glancing header past Eve. Then defender Samuel Hall found space to nod home a third from a corner on 33 minutes to give the Dabbers commanding interval lead. At that point it looked like Ilkeston were in for a pasting but things were to change midway through the second half. Anthony Dwyer pulled one back for Ilkeston after 72 minutes when the Nantwich keeper couldn’t hold on to his shot. With 10 minutes left Ben Morris slammed in a second. This was followed by a terrific effort by Tom Gamblen which cannoned off the post and a shot from Dwyer which went inches wide. So Ilkeston came close to an amazing turnaround, but again succumbed to a narrow defeat, so often the outcome this season. However they will have taken heart from their second half performance which took their high flying opponents very much by surprise.

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