Ilkeston Life Newspaper March 2017

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Rare post card found


lkeston memorabilia collector Ged Munro couldn’t believe his eyes when he came across a black and white picture postcard at an antiques fair in Nottingham recently. The photograph shows a busy scene outside a shop which turned out to be ‘The Radio Shop’, 2 Station Road, Ilkeston. On the reverse is written ‘First wireless in Ilkeston’ and the date 1921 with a question mark after it. Also handwritten is ‘Mrs D Eminson, 5 Essex Street, Ilk’, which was presumably the shop keeper’s home address. Ged checked an old Ilkeston Trade Directory and found there was indeed an ‘Emminson R. Wm.’ listed under Electricians at number 2 Station Road, Ilkeston. (Was that her husband, father or brother?) And that a Dora B Eminson or Emminson lived at 5 Essex Street, Ilkeston. See the card inside, along with another rarity from Ged’s collection: a Turner of Ilkeston sepia picture of a bike race taking place in the town. In spite of numerous enquiries, Ged had not been able to find out anything about it. ——————

New manager installed at Ilkeston FC Ilkeston Football Club have appointed Shaun Goater as the new manager following the mutually agreed departure of Paul Holland. The Robins are struggling at the foot of the Evo-Stik Northern Premier League following a long run of poor results. A club statement says: “Shaun [ex Manchester City] is excited about the difficult challenge over the next ten weeks or so, stating he is a great believer in helping young talent to develop. He is confident he can step in and help the Robins youngsters get a little more organised and push on from the excellent performance against Coalville Town. [That game ended 0-0 but the Robins had shown great fighting spirit and were applauded off.] “Like he says, it’s a tough ask to get to safety, but there are still a lot of points still to play for and games against teams around the bottom of the NPL Premier division.” Goater has watched Ilkeston’s progress over the last few seasons, and sees this as an excellent opportunity get into football management.

30p where sold A community publication for Ilkeston and surrounding area

Louise remains cheerful T

he plight of Louise Freeman, an Ilkeston crafter who has been written about before in this paper, has been featured in several others now. ‘Tragedy-hit family make DIY SOS plea’ was the headline in a recent Sleaford Standard. Louise and her husband Ian moved to the Lincolnshire town with their two young children Daisy (7) and Joshua (5) after getting married in May last year. Following a fall in the bathroom in September 2016, Louise suffered a broken neck and is paralysed from the break downwards. She was taken to the QMC in Nottingham and then moved to the Princess Royal Spinal Injuries Unit in Sheffield, where she is now recovering. The district council has agreed to carry out significant adaptations to their home, including levelling floors and installing a lift. But there is still a lot more work to be done before the property can become usable by Louise, who remains incredibly positive despite her hardship. Doctors have said Louise should regain partial movement in her arms. An appeal has been made to local folk to help the family with a DIY SOS style makeover. A lot of adjustments and remodelling need to be completed to enable Louise to get around in her wheelchair when she comes out of hospital. Ian said: “The kids have been amazingly resilient despite all the upheaval and redecorating. When we went to see Father Christmas a while back, Daisy asked for her mum to come home and Joshua asked for his mum not to have to go back into hospital ever.” This is the second tragedy to hit Ian, who was a computer science teacher. He lost his first wife in a car crash leaving him with the two children to look after. He has now given up his job to care for them, as well as Louise. He said: “Louise is cheerful and getting stronger every day. Neither of us is the sort of person who thinks ’why me?’ I’m grateful that she’s still here. Hopefully she will be discharged from hospital at the end of March.” Burnt wood craft items and hand made cards by Louise are still available to buy in the U Choose Smoothie Bar and there is a collection box for anyone who would like to make a donation to help them. Members of Nottingham Road Methodist Church in Ilkeston, where Louise used to attend, are supporting the family through visiting and regular gifts and prayers.

MARCH 2017

Gates give park a new look Stylish new gates at the entrance of Victoria Park have been welcomed by local people, describing them as beautiful, regal and stunning on social media. The park, which enjoys Green Flag status, has recently been hit by vandal attacks, including damage to the newly restored bandstand. Photo: Kerry Wheatley

Holiday Heaven (and bad behaviour on the beach) Local

Independent Fresh Entertaining


f you don’t get a copy through your door, Ilkeston Life is available online and from various outlets including newsagents, shops, cafes, Post Offices and supermarkets in our growing circulation area. Besides Ilkeston, we are currently supplying: KIRK HALLAM COTMANHAY SHIPLEY VIEW HALLAM FIELDS LARKLANDS STANTON-BY-DALE DALE ABBEY WEST HALLAM STANLEY


We also give free copies to Ilkeston Community Hospital, nursing and care homes, doctors waiting rooms, schools, etc

Editorial office: 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Tel: 07539 808390 Editor: Robert Attewell or Staff feature writer: Patricia Spencer Staff photographer: John Shelton Advertising manager: Paul Opiah sales or Webmaster: Adam Newton © Copyright 2017 The material in Ilkeston Life is protected by copyright. If you wish to reproduce anything, please contact the editor. While every care is taken to be accurate, we are only human and mistakes do occur occasionally. If you are unhappy with any of the content in the paper, please contact the editor in the first place. We accept news and information from correspondents in good faith and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. We try not to include stories which may cause distress to anyone. If you have a view on any of the articles, please write and let us know. Your letters are always welcome, but we reserve the right to withhold or edit. Anonymous letters will only be printed in exceptional circumstances.

The deadline for adverts and editorial contributions for next month’s paper is 15th March (unless by arrangement). Send to us by email if possible: Ilkeston Life. No. 19. We are an independent community paper seeking the best for our readers and our region. First published in newspaper format in September 2015.

2 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

Dear Readers, My husband and I have just returned from our third visit to Taurito in Gran Canaria. It never disappoints. It was made even better when having booked our tickets at extra cost to be sure of aisle seats we found that I had two empty seats next to me so both hubby and I could sit in comfort both ways! We always stay at the Taurito Princess Hotel right next to the beach. It is quite a small resort where the hotels are built into the cliff face. Down in the foyer there are grotto areas that look like caves, and this appeals to some of the children that go, you can see their little faces light up and I am sure it inspires their imagination. We always ask for a low floor because taking the glass lift up to the eleventh floor can be quite traumatic if you do not like heights, although for those that do the views are magnificent. A couple of times I got in the lift to go down and it was on its way up and I would be standing in the lift with my eyes shut until we got back down again. On arrival you are met with friendly staff - I have never met a member of staff in the hotel who would not do everything they could to make your stay as pleasant as possible. The hotel is spotlessly clean. No matter when you visit one of the many toilets dotted around the hotel they are immaculate. The rooms are airy and comfortable all with wonderful views across the promenade and out to sea. The beds are basic, but comfortable, I slept better there than I do at home, possibly the sea air helped. When we asked for two more pillows for the room they arrived within a couple of hours. The Taurito is a fully inclusive hotel and you can eat practically all day long. Breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner in the evening, all buffet style. I have to have gluten free so that can sometimes be a problem, but they do have gluten free bread readily available and the chefs were quite happy to come out to check everyone has everything they require. I did ask that they put notices on the dessert counter to say what was gluten free and within a few days that was put in place. It made it so much easier as there were quite a few people that this involved. Most of the drinks are also free at any time of the day and not often is there any queuing. They have live shows every night some of it good, some not so good,


ou may have seen the bright red plastic bins containing copies of this newspaper in several venues throughout the town; you might even be reading a copy of the paper taken from one of the bins. This has come about through the

depends what you like, I suppose. I love it when they have animals you can hold and make a fuss of. This year I met a skunk for the first time, and very pleasant he was too. He was not at all smelly. The hotel also now put on a free bus every day into Port Mogan, which is a ten minute drive away from Taurito. However, it leaves at 9.30 in a morning and as I did not surface until the more accommodating hour of 9 o’clock we did not manage to catch it except for the Friday morning when you have to book the trip because this is a big market day and everyone wants to go. The market covers a vast area of the little town and there is not much you cannot buy from the stallholders. Port Mogan is a beautiful little town with a lovely harbour. They call it little Venice because it has a few bridges over little canals between the old harbour’s quaint houses. The houses are painted green and cream. The little alleyways are filled with the scent of the colourful bougainvillea flowers. The harbour front is lined with cafés.and at least one does gluten free meals. I usually have a pizza on their veranda and watch the yachts gently bobbing up and down on their moorings. From the gardens at the back of our hotel you can sit and look out over to Port Mogan just across the sea and watch the boats taking visitors to Porto Rico, submarines for anyone brave enough to go below the ocean waves - not me, I hasten to add - and a boat that goes out to take people Paragliding. I sat watching them floating in the air most afternoons wishing it was me up there. I have done it before in Majorca with my daughter and it was fabulous, but unfortunately my husband, despite my mentioning it a number of times that I would love to do it again, would not agree to go with me. His passion is golf so we spent a couple of hours on the crazy golf course just up the road from the hotel. We have played this little course many times before and I am getting better and nearer to his score each time we go. I will have to go back because I am determined to beat him at some point. There is also a big water park opposite the hotel. Wonderful for the children, but the slides were much to high for me to venture in there, although I loved watching adults and children alike screaming as they shot down the chutes. generosity of Erewash Borough Council in awarding this newspaper a grant of £600 towards the cost of them. We hope to greatly increase the readership of the paper through the use of the free distribution bins. If you run a business and would like one in your premises then please contact this newspaper.

***** Regular readers can’t fail to have noticed we’ve given the paper a new look this month. When we began publishing in September 2015 we decided on a four

I must say we spent most of our time on sun beds by the pool. You see human nature at its worst and best in that environment. Adrian gets up much earlier than me in a morning and he would be out on the patio before it got quite light. One lady, I will not mention her nationality, was out there at half past seven every morning, rearranging the sun beds for herself and her friends, who I presume where still in their beds. She would then watch as others put their towels on the beds and left to go back to their rooms or to breakfast. Then along came the pool man and took them off again, leaving them a note. There was a note on each one every day, in two or three different languages, to say no beds were to be saved before 10 o’clock. We would go up after breakfast every morning and there would always be beds available. There was one lady there that amused us quite a lot. We heard her telling someone she was from Milan. She always used to save two beds for herself, one for lying on and one in the shade to put her clothes and property on. The first time we saw her she shot up from her sun bed to speak to a mum with her little girl. They were English. I heard the lady from Milan ask her the child’s name. The young woman, told her it was Lucy and that she was one year old and it was her birthday that day. The lady from Milan then pulled the dummy out of the child’s mouth and then wondered why she started screaming. She then started screaming, which made the little girl scream even more. The mother then, very calmly took the dummy back and popped it into her little girl’s mouth, and smiling walked back to her husband. She had a lot more patience than I would have had. A few days later the same lady came to sit next to us by the pool. She had once more got one sun bed in the sun and one next to us in the shade. She then proceeded to put the sun bed to the angle she wanted for maximum effect. undressed under a shawl and put on a bikini. The lady in question would have been about 75 years old. No problem with that, I hope I am still wearing a bikini when I’m 75 in the not too distant future! But she had the top off and on more times than a little before she was satisfied that it was on correctly. She then proceeded to put on her sun lotion, she obviously sits in the sun a lot as she had a suntan to be proud of already, although I would have been very concerned about all the moles on her back. All this time, about half an hour at column format because that was the simplest option for us, being new to newspaper design. It also made advertising space easy to allocate. Now we’re introducing five columns on some pages, which opens up new opportunities for a more interesting layout and an easier-on-the-eye read. Our masthead (the title piece on the front page) has moved to the middle rather than the left–hand side and is slightly larger. We hope you like the new look—we would be interested to hear your comments.

by Patricia Spencer least she kept looking at the angle of the sun and turning her sun bed. At one point, she picked up the ashtray at the side of the bed next to her, and walked away to put it by the bin. The lady on the sun bed was not too impressed by this and asked her to fetch it back. The lady from Milan told her to put it the other side. This was much more interesting than my book. She then took a wrap and sat with her back to the sun and wrapped it round her and tied it at be back sitting cross legged on the sun bed. She then put on a hat and sunglasses and proceeded to look through a magazine for about ten minutes and still obviously not happy she got up, got dressed and left both beds for two hours. When she returned she moved the sun bed again and lay down to snooze. We looked for her again the next day for the next instalment but she was nowhere to be seen. Hopefully she had gone home. However the next day we were minding our own business, honestly we were, when a young couple decided they did not like their sun beds as the sun had moved round and they were now in the shade so they upped and moved to the bed next to us which still had another gentleman’s towel on it as he had gone for lunch. He had also left his own small portable ashtray under the bed. They threw his towel on to the floor and put their own towels on this bed and the one next to it. We waited in anticipation to see what happened when he came back. After and hour the gentleman reappeared. He looked at the bed with all the couple’s paraphernalia now on it. He looked at us and shook his head. They had just gone for a drink I imagine. He left everything as it was and left. Within half an hour the couple came back and resumed their sunbathing. The elderly gentleman then came back and started shouting at them and an argument ensued. The gentleman picked up his towel threatening them that he knew their faces and he would be getting his own back. Adrian reminded him to pick up his ashtray, which he did thanking us and he left. When the couple packed up to leave, they had obviously lost something. This, turned out to be a cardigan, which the elderly gentleman must have picked up with his towel and carelessly thrown over the wall into the garden. The couple turned to look at us as they left. We just shrugged our shoulders and thought, serves you right. The gentleman was back in the same place the day after. We never saw the couple again. We thought they were honeymooners and probably had better things to do. All in all we had a very relaxed fortnight and hopefully, God willing, we will be back again in a couple of years time. They are doing the hotel up this summer and will be closed for about two months. Apparently they are having new lifts, which they do need. You sometimes have a bit of a wait at meal times. But that is all we can fault it for. Thanks to the staff at Thompson’s in the Albion centre for all their help with the booking.

Village prepares for 750th anniversary celebration


he tiny village of Mapperley, near Ilkeston, is looking forward to a big celebration later this year when it marks the 750th anniversary of the signing of its royal charter by King Henry III. The whole community is coming together for a major gala event on Spring Bank Holiday Monday, May 29, with stalls, music, food, children’s activities and guests. More details will be unveiled soon. Mapperley History Project has joined forces with Mapperley C of E Primary School, with support from the parish council, to organise the extravaganza. Formerly known as Maperlie, the charming village is mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 and received its royal charter in 1267. The document was granted to Simon of Arderne, then Lord of the Manor, allowing him to hold an annual fair on the festival of the Holy Trinity - this makes the event older even than Ilkeston Fair. The charter also permitted a weekly market every Monday. Not to be confused with Mapperley in Nottingham, the Derbyshire village rose to further prominence in the 19th century thanks to the wealthy Miller Mundy dynasty of nearby Shipley Hall - who made the bulk of their money from coal production. Mapperley Colliery, which was open from 1871 until 1965, became one of the area’s major employers and at the height of its operation, the population of the village grew to around 531 people. Often called Derbyshire’s best kept secret, Mapperley is today still something of a hidden

Back the Bid

Local people wanting to play a part in supporting the Sustrans bid for HLF funding to restore the Bennerley viaduct and bring it into use as a cycle and pedestrian route have plenty of options. They would be welcome to come to the Friends’ next meeting at the Gate Inn, Awsworth, on Monday, 13th March at 7pm to get a feel for what’s going on and to contribute their own ideas. The April meeting will be at the Dewdrop Inn, Ilkeston on the 10th, starting at the same time. Saturday workdays are the ideal opportunity for anyone who fancies the hard hat-hi-vis look. They can join other volunteers on March 4th and April 1st when they will be creating a pond, clearing vegetation and digging out soil and debris around the pier bases. The Friends are also looking for people with gem - with even those living in nearby Ilkesother skills to help them raise what’s known ton and Derby more or less unaware of its as “match funding”. To be successful any existence. bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund must It currently has a population of around 300 “match” the grant with some funds of its people, with a thriving pub (The Old Black own, the amount depending on the size of the Horse), a church and a small primary school. grant. This can take several forms: volunteer Elaine Sarson, who runs Mapperley History Project ( said she hours can be included as can any contribution in kind by companies, local authorities hoped the forthcoming charter celebrations would truly put the village on the map, attract- and other agencies. And of course there’s cash. Kieran Lee, Sustrans Community Ening visitors from far afield. gagement and Development Officer for the She added: “A similar event held in 1967 to project points out that you can’t even buy a mark the 700th anniversary of the granting of postcard of the viaduct at the moment. The the royal charter proved extremely successful Friends believe that funds can be raised and we would really like local people to get through Bennerley Viaduct merchandise. involved and create another memorable event They are already talking to some local small this year. businesses about how to use images of the “2017 should be a very exciting time not just viaduct on T-shirts, mugs, postcards and so for Mapperley Village but for anyone who is on. What they lack is the expertise in how interested in England’s rich history and in and where to promote and sell these prodcommunity life.” Look out for further details on the event in the ucts. Anyone who can offer these skills coming months. Anyone who would like to get would be helping to put the viaduct and Ilkeston on the map as well as making an iminvolved should contact Elaine via email portant contribution to match funding for the project. Oonagh Robinson In the longer term the restored viaduct will

Arriving soon!

First trains pull into Ilkeston ‘s long awaited new train station next month. Follow us on Facebook for the latest news and pictures .

be a great asset to the locality and will need looking after for many years to come. The Friends are exploring the possibility of forming a trust to carry out this important function. Many heritage sites, including some local examples like Papplewick Pumping Station and Cromford Mills, are cared for in this way. Again, help and guidance from someone with relevant experience or a legal background would be warmly welcomed.

The ‘Iron Giant’ is back in town

Sixteen thousand people visited the Erewash Museum last summer to see the Heritage Lottery funded “Iron Giant” exhibition. If you were not among them, or you’d like another chance to see it, the show will be on at the Cantelupe Centre, next to St Mary’s church in Ilkeston market place, for the month of March. In April the ‘Giant’ will be on the move again to Shipley Country Park visitor centre, where it will stay until 4th May. Keep up with the Friends and the progress of the project on the website or on Facebook, like thousands of others. Jeff Wynch, Friends of Bennerley Viaduct

Councillor Mary Hopkinson accompanied by Councillor Susan Beardsley is pictured presenting a cheque for £300 to representatives of the Trefoil House Management to buy equipment for the building. They enjoyed an evening of entertainment by the 10th Ilkeston (St Mary’s) Rainbows and were served with tea and chocolate cakes.

ON PAPER AND ON SCREEN Read the paper online: And follow us on Facebook for breaking stories Ilkeston Life, March 2017


Have your say Get in touch with your views— Email: Post: The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH

My teacher and friend Marian Hendey I read the lovely editorial about my dearest friend Marian Hendey in February's edition of Ilkeston Life and felt I must write a few lines about the woman I was proud to call my friend.

it's fair to say that this was quite an achievement both for myself but particularly for Marian and proved what a gifted and talented teacher she was, when you think that all her ideas for shows and costumes had to come from her as there were not so many I was four years old when my Mum took me TV Dance shows and lovely West End musito ballet classes and that was the first time I cals to draw from, or the technology we met Marian; little did I know it would lead have these days to help us. to a very special friendship and how much I It was great being in the studio when we was going to enjoy dancing. were getting ready for shows or pantomimes Over the years I went to Ballet, Tap, Modern when Marian just got these ideas for routines American Ballet, and Ballroom and what we from out of thin air really! She had a wonthen called Limbering class which was really derful imagination and when we would have like a keep fit class. a break she would show us sketches that she I have to admit I wasn't realhad drawn of the costumes ly keen on the exams and the This is my tribute to and hats she had designed technical side of it all but and what colours we would Marian who I owe so completely fell in love with be wearing—how fabulous much to not only for the shows and Marian also was that? We had so much teaching me to love gave me the opportunity to fun and there was always a sing in many of them. dancing but also for her great atmosphere. We only Despite not really wanting to much valued friendship had to sing a tune to Mrs Stenson and she was able to knuckle down to the exam over all those years. play it on the piano—she stuff after the excitement of a was fantastic. show, Marian somehow managed to get us motivated I always kept in touch with and I must have got someMarian while I was travelthing right and did quite well ling and visited her when I in most of them, particularly was home and joined in with the modern American ones helping out a bit with the and gained distinction in shows - she loved hearing some of the exams, probably the stories of my travels. because the modern dancing When I got married my hussuited my personality better band Roger who was a comand I would always ask our pere was pleased to compere pianist Mrs Stenson to play some of Marian's shows and 'That Old Manhattan' for my that worked out really well dance routine, I really loved and he enjoyed being init. volved. I also sometimes Later myself and a number of danced in them with some of other girls from Marian's the senior girls. dancing school became proMy friendship with Marian fessional dancers and I was lasted all these years and in a troupe called 'The Manafter I settled down in Ilkeshattan Dancers' and became ton and had my son Simon the head girl as time went on. we became very close and My career in dance lasted Marian Hendey would talk most days and about 15 years and as well as often meet for lunch - we working in summer seaalso went on a few holidays together. sons, pantomimes including pantomime at Despite the sadness that life brought her in the Theatre Royal Nottingham with Mike losing her beloved husband George and her and Bernie Winters ( I can't tell you how proud my Mum and Dad were! And I'm sure much cherished eldest son William and also being diagnosed with Parkinsons, she never Marian was too!) I also worked several times at the famous City Varieties in Leeds, said 'why me?' and never lost her sense of and did cabarets with many well known acts humour - we had so many laughs over the daftest things and she was the kind of friend of that time - I also travelled abroad quite you could trust and she wouldn't let you often, working in Portugal and South West down. I was lucky, not so many people have Africa and Italy and also on many cruise that. ships both in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean, Alaska, Canada, Mexico and the I am sad to lose such a dear friend but I west Coast of America. know she is now safe and at peace. This was all down to Marian who taught me God Bless you Marian and thank you for the very well and passed her love of dance on to music. me that I went on this wonderful journey of With much love, dancing and show business and experienced Sandra Horniblow (nee Bradbury), so many exciting places and met some Skegness amazing people - I danced with many girls who had been to famous dance and stage (See also the poem ‘Marian’ on P 9) schools in and around London and I think

4 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

Paper stirred up memories For the past few months my son has been passing on Ilkeston Life to me. I have been amazed at how many memories it has stirred up for me as a former pupil of Ilkeston Grammar School in the 1950s. Your latest edition was no exception (February).

stayed there ‘over the shop’ and the family took me on my first holiday to Cornwall 61 years ago. Another letter you received was from Pat Beardsley of Spondon who I believe I know from my guiding days and travelling on the school bus (the old Celenese service from Spondon). First the picture of Hallcroft Boys 1956/57 Last but not least, I’ve even seen my own showing Keith Rose who travelled on the bus from Spondon with me daily, his young- name appear recently as I now occasionally er sister Joy being a friend of mine at junior lead a walk for the Erewash Ramblers. So a big thank you for all these happy memories. school, and who I met recently at a school reunion after more than 60 years. I enclose a photograph of Ilkeston Grammar School 5th year 1957/58 which includes two Next Ilkeston Young Wives sent in by Pat and Clive Copestake. Pat (then Wingfield) friends mentioned above. I took the picture so am not on it. was a friend of mine at Ilkeston Grammar and I remember Clive being one or two Back row: Jennifer Orchard, Barbara Noryears above us. man, Janice Bland, Pat Wingfield;. Front row: Barbara Smith, Joyce Morley, Carol On the Ilkeston Directory Trade Section Bramley, Christine Harrison, Margaret Just. feature (1965/66) I saw the name J H Norman, 15 Nottingham Road (Fruiterers and Ann Crean (nee Beadsmore), SponGreengrocers) - again their daughter Barbara don was aa friend of mine at school, and I often

Ilkeston Grammar School fifth form group, 1957/58

‘No’ to teenage medical examinations I must disagree with Mrs J Roberts about wanting schools to begin doing medical examinations on teenage girls. If the examinations were to be like the ones when I was a teenage schoolgirl, she would not wish them on her daughter. We used to have to take all our clothes off. The doctor (always a male) examined us all over. We used to suffered agonies of embarrassment and self-consciousness. There is no need at all for any girl to endure such treatment.

I hope they don’t bring back school medicals for teenage girls, like Mrs Roberts suggests. When I was at school I hated having to be examined by the school doctor. We were made to strip down to our bras and knickers. It was terrible embarrassing and undignified. I would not wish my daughter to have to suffer this ordeal at her school.

Mrs H Jackson, Ilkeston

Mrs E White, Ilkeston

My solution to problems on the roads Am I alone in thinking there are too many vehicles on the roads? I used to think that the country is in a mess because most people seemed to be driving around in their cars, instead of being at work! The situation seems to have changed though, because now I find that most people are stuck in traffic jams, which surely is a big waste of time, as well as pouring carbon monoxide into the atmosphere. I have three possible solutions to these problems. (1) Scrap the road fund licence and increase the duty on fuel to offset the lost revenue. This would catch the tax dodgers and be a fair way of taxation because the ones who use the roads more would pay more. This

surely would discourage people from using their cars so often; instead they could walk, cycle or use the buses, resulting in a healthier population. (2) Make the driving test harder - it has been reported that most accidents are involving 17 to 19 year olds. (3) Make people take another driving test at 70 years of age; I'm sure many would fail and need extra tuition. Also, this winter I have noticed many cars with only one headlight, and/or tail light or brake light. I regard this as a sad affair. Yours faithfully,

John Melbourne (aged 72)

Resident’s annoyance over bin spillage When it comes to treating residents with a couldn’t care less attitude you have to hand it to EBC. For several years there has been an ongoing dispute about emptying dustbins on Byron Street and we are still no nearer to a solution. The residents make the effort to put their bins out for collection only for the bin men to flatly refuse to empty them. They don’t even make any effort – their flimsy excuse is they can’t get up the street. It is high time that the service was privatised and then we might get a decent service. You wouldn’t get the workers of a private company refusing as they would soon get their P45s. On Friday 10th February at approximately 11.15am, a dustbin wagon came to the top of Byron Street. I live four doors down. As the wagon drew level with my front window, I watched a chap attach a dustbin to the back end but for some reason it wasn’t attached properly and a lot of rubbish spilled on the ground. Naturally I thought he would scoop it up but no, he just left it and moved on to the next house. So I opened my front door and shout-

ed to him across the road: “I hope you’re not leaving that mess.” Among the rubbish was a pile of chips and a beer can. I could see he wasn’t in the best of moods. He just picked up the beer can but left the rest and carried on down the street. I rang the Town Hall and was put through to Customer Service. I explained what happened and they said they would send someone down to clean it. At 2.15 they still hadn’t come so I rang them again. This time it was a different person who answered and again I was told they would send someone to clean it up. I said, “You told me that three hours ago.” Her reply was “Why, have you reported it earlier?” I said “Yes.” Then she said, “Yes, I can see it on the screen that you have.” At that point I said to her: “Let’s be honest here. It’s Friday afternoon. You have no intention of sending anybody out. You are just fobbing me off.” She put the phone down. No need to say nobody came. Why are they allowed to get away with it?

David O’Connor, Ilkeston

My Valentine At Christmas 1957, I got a little peek at heaven, Met a girl with a lov’ly smile Not very old, but boy what style. I didn’t know it then, but fell in love We suited one another like hand in glove. Never met anyone quite so caring. I knew my life I’d want to be sharing With this girl so pretty and fine, Brilliant nature, lips like wine. In 1964 we married, And through the years we have carried, Lots of burdens, lots of joys.

We have got three smashing boys, The years roll on, over 50 now together, Thick and thin whatever the weather. Now together we grow old, Our life’s story nearly told. There’s one thing will never change, We will never be estranged. I am yours, you are mine. We will love eternally, I knew it then, right from the start, You will always own my heart.

Knodger, Ilkeston

INSPIRATIONAL ART Stroke victim Betty’s award winning pictures of growing up in Ilkeston


retired teacher who taught herself to paint again after a series of strokes has produced a book of memories. Betty O’Neill of Park Avenue, Awsworth, struggled to write her name after suffering the illness, which robbed her of her speech and the use of the right side of her body. Husband Michael told us: “After many hard years she recovered massively but is still aphasic and is mentally OK. “She taught herself how to draw and paint again, and over a long period has produced thirty-five pictures of her memories of growing up as a girl on Station Road in Ilkeston during the 1940s and 50s. “The pictures were just meant for her family and not for public display. However, someone from the Stroke Association saw them and they were eventually exhibited in London, and won an award for inspirational art. She was also awarded second place in the Susie Halk Memorial Award for Art by the Duke of Kent. “Later she was approached by the Art Coordinator from the Erewash Museum asking if she would display the work in their gallery, which she duly did with great success. This was five or six years ago and one of the pictures still hangs in the old-time sweet shop in the museum.” Betty was educated at Chaucer Infants, Chaucer Junior and Hallcroft schools. She went on to teach art at Bennerley and Hallcroft schools, also a school in Aspley. Modest Betty told us: “I think people of my

generation will be able to relate to the pictures but there are so many talented artists out there, I try to keep a low profile.” Above are three of her creations:  Top: Mrs Tyler and friends at Bostocks’ Off Licence, circa 1950.  Middle: The playground at Ilkeston Junction, which had a giant rocking horse, 1952.  Bottom: The truant found out (Betty’s sister hiding in the coalhouse instead of going to school). Beside each picture in the book there is an interesting narrative of how Betty remembers the scene or occasion.

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


500+ juniors involved in sports event


ore than 500 schoolchildren took part in a major indoor athletics festival organised by Erewash School Sport Partnership. Youngsters from Years Three to Eight competed in a range of disciplines at the ESSP sportshall event, which was held at Rutland Sports Park in Ilkeston. Pupils were given the opportunity to compete in relays, obstacle races and speed bounce along with various field events including soft javelin, triple jump and long jump. Schools taking part included Sawley Junior, Dallimore Primary, Hallam Fields, Firfield, Stanley St Andrew’s, Ladywood, Ashbrook Junior, Kensington Junior, Scargill Primary, Shardlow Primary and St Thomas. Students in Years 7 and 8 from Kirk Hallam Community Academy and Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy took part in the secondary schools sportshall competition. The Year 3/4 winners were Firfield while Hallam Fields came out on top in the Year 5/6 competition. Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy scooped the Year 7/8 title. Scargill Primary School won the Year 5/6 fair

play award and the small school winners were Mapperley Primary School. Sports leaders from Kirk Hallam Community Academy helped to run the primary school sportshall event. There was also a Special Educational Needs sportshall event involving Kirk Hallam, Mapperley, Scargill, Firfield and Ashbrook Junior. Sports leaders from Derby College supported this festival. Rhian Lilley, Erewash School Sport Partnership development manager, said the sportshall events were a fantastic opportunity for pupils across the borough. She said: “The younger pupils won’t often get to try out all of the equipment that we have available at this competition so it’s a great experience for them “It’s a massive event and all of the pupils, from Year 3 to Year 8, were so enthusiastic and really gave it their all. “We would like to thank the teachers who accompanied their pupils and cheered them on and the sports leaders who did a great job of making sure that everything ran smoothly.”

OIEA students argue their point


tudents at Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy sharpened their debating skills during a day of workshops ahead of a competition to be held at the University of Oxford. Year 10 English students spent the day working with Aisha Abdelmawla, a Nottingham Trent University student from an organisation called DebateMate. DebateMate offers a range of competitions and programmes to participating schools, along with training and workshops for teachers and students. Students at the academy learnt about tone of voice, body language, rebuttal and teambuilding as part of the workshop. They were given topics to debate and had to speak out for and against subjects which included, ‘should TV be banned?’ and ‘all children should be subject to a curfew after 7pm’. Student Will White, 14, said he thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and had been given lots of help and advice. He said: “We started off talking about how to debate and that was really useful. We went

around the room and were asked what we were passionate about and then we had a subject which we had to debate and put points for and against the argument. “A few of us were each given different roles and we had to be Donald Trump, Barack Obama and Michelle Obama and we had to try to convince everyone to vote for us. It’s been really good.” Zoe Green, English teacher at OIEA, said the plan was to choose students to represent the academy at a debating competition being run by the Ormiston Academies Trust at the University of Oxford. She said: “This will be a fantastic opportunity for them, especially anyone who perhaps doesn’t have any family members who have gone to university. Hopefully this will show them that they can do it. “I’m incredibly proud of them as they’ve all done so well. They brought out some beautiful points during the debates and their confidence has really improved, which has been great to see. They’ve covered so many skills including looking at how to articulate yourself, selling yourself and team-building.”

The Big Kirk Hallam Community Centre Kenilworth Drive, Kirk Hallam, Ilkeston DE7 4EX

JOB VACANCIES Kirk Hallam Community Hall has linked up with the Big Kirk Hallam Lottery Fund and is now looking to employ staff to work at the Community Centre on Kenilworth Drive.

Students compete to win Friesland Chef title


nce again the students from Friesland School donned their aprons and got cracking with the second annual Friesland School Chef competition. The students all aged 11 to 13, had to produce a two course meal based on the Eatwell guide for healthy eating. Two rounds later and we had 8 semi finalists battling it out with two international dishes for inspection. The judges, Mr Patterson (our resident Assistant Head foodie) and Alison Bowley (the wife of the Long Eaton Rotary Club president) had a very difficult job choosing the four teams for the final. The final task was to produce two British dish-

6 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

es. We had a good range of dishes but the winning combination was 'Roast dinner in a Yorkshire pudding' with roast vegetables, beef and some fabulous beetroot horseradish, finished off with treacle tart. It was all prepared, cooked and presented in just an hour and a half. Very impressive. Mrs Bowley said "It was a real pleasure to see such talented youngsters at work and, even better, getting to taste their menus. I was so impressed with the standard of cooking and they all should be very proud indeed of their achievements." Well done to Anna and Isobel in Year 8: Friesland Master Chefs 2017! Helen Pitman

Post 1. Community Liaison Worker & Administrator To be employed for 20 hours per week Hourly rate of pay £12.50

Post 2. Caretaker & Cleaner

To be employed for 20 hours per week. Hourly rate of pay £8.25 To request copies of the job descriptions please send a stamped addressed envelope to Rev’d Christine French, The Vicarage, 71 Ladywood Drive, Kirk Hallam, DE7 4NF Or go to the Big Kirk Hallam website - https://

Local Church News

Also make a date for the next Story Café on for Friday 7th April at 7.30pm for a return visit of Debbie and Rob Swain. There is no charge Bring a pudding. Ilkeston Methodist Church for admission but donations are welcome at St Andrews is having a Pudding Evening as towards the costs of staging these part of their anniversary celebrations on Satevents. Coffee, Tea, Soft Drinks and cakes will urday 4th March, 6pm. Musical duet Rachel be on sale in the café environment during the and Nigel Horridge will entertain. evening. Debbie was born to entertain! With 'Death Matters' - a free information afterher father a successful saxophonist, it was noon takes place on Saturday the 25th natural for her to follow suit. Rob joined DebMarch from 2pm at the Community Hall, bie both as a boyfriend and as a fellow musiKenilworth Drive, Kirk Hallam when guest cian in 1980 and their journey began. They speakers from the church, funeral directors, will share more of that journey with stories the crematorium, stone masons and local and songs. Rob is well known as the propriehospice will be sharing advice and answering tor of Zebra Music on Nottingham Road in questions about death, dying and funerIlkeston. als. Open to everyone. A serious subject Approaching Easter. A six week Lent course is dealt with sensitively. being held at the Church of Christ, Adam Ways of showing love is the topic to be exStreet, Ilkeston on Thursday evenings this plored at Messy Church at Sandiacre Method- month, 7pm. And on the weekend of the 18th ist Church, Butt Street, on Saturday 25th and 19th Jon Galloway leads special worship March, 4pm. All ages are welcome but chilmeetings in the morning and evening on the dren must be accompanied by an adult. Come theme: The Meaning of Easter. as friends, family or on your own. Women’s Word Day of Prayer service at St A concert by the Elderly Brothers with 50s and Wilfrid’s, West Hallam is on Friday 3rd March 60s live music and a light supper is being held at 2pm. This year’s service has been prepared at West Hallam Methodist Church on Friday by women of the Philippines and people from 17th March, 7pm. Seating is limited so book different denominations from West Hallam your ticket with Chris on 0115 930 7730. Re- and Ilkeston will be taking part. Everyone is quested £5.50 donation includes supper. welcome, including men.

Dear Diary, Over time, things change and we change. I remember 4 years ago when I was a kitten, I did play a lot more then. Toys which excited me like ping pong balls bouncing all over the hall, on the shiny laminate floor and onto the hard walls and back again, well now they are just a bit dull. When younger I used to chase the feathery thing which my guardian would make go one way and then another, faster and faster until I got dizzy and had to sit down in a heap before falling down. I think he thought it was like a little bird, I knew it was just a couple of feathers on a bit of string but I would still chase and pounce on it to keep him happy. My absolute favourite game, which I was easily the best at, far better than any of the other cats, was

climbing trees. Gosh I could run up the trunks so fast and climb from a thick branch to a thinner one, and so on, higher and higher. Indeed I remember one time climbing so high I could see straight in to the bedroom window – that gave them a shock when they looked out from the first floor bedroom to see me staring straight back at them. They didn’t look pleased to see me, but apparently they wanted to join in the fun, as she seemed to dance around the base of the tree, he hurriedly started to climb the tree to join me, but using a long step ladder – I think that’s called cheating. Why do we grow out of things? Why do we stop doing the simple things in life that bring us so much fun? She now puts on a DVD for me to watch – with lots of birds,

Minute Message

The doctor and the distraught father A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled: “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?” The doctor smiled and said: “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work.” “Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do?” said the father angrily. The doctor smiled again and replied: “I will say what Job said in the Holy Book: ‘From dust we came and to dust we return, blessed be the name of God’. Go and intercede for your

mice and fish and leaves me to it. I’d rather she picked up that bit of old string with the chewed up feathers on it and we played again together. Well this Springtime I’m going to recapture my inner kitten and embrace things I thought I’d grown out of; playing hide and seek in the bushes with Pips; pretend kung-fu fighting with Padgely; and drinking from the fish pond to try to catch a fish. I hope others too can recapture their inner child too. Bye for now - Florence

son, we will do our best by God’s grace.” “Giving advice when not involved is so easy,” murmured the father. The surgery took some time, after which the doctor went out happy. “Thank goodness! Your son is saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply, he carried on his way running. “If you have any question, ask the nurse!!” “Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait a few minutes for me to ask about my son’s condition,” commented the father when seeing the nurse after the doctor left. The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: “His son died yesterday in a road accident: he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.” MORAL LESSON: Never judge anyone….. Because you never know how their life is and what they’re going through. In our anxiety and fear, we may think we are the only one with trouble. But many people are carrying heavy burdens.

YOUTH CLUB GETS £1,000. Pictured above County Councillor John Frudd presenting a cheque for £1,000 to the Nottingham Road Methodist Church Cafe and youth facility. Councillor Frudd said, “It’s great to be able to support organisations like this. Our young people are the future, so we must provide as much as possible for them. This helps them to reach their full potential, and become useful and valuable members of society.”

Church but not as you know it Activities, music and a simple meal for you and Get messy

here Thursday 9th March: St Andrews, 3.30—5pm Saturday 11th March: Ilkeston URC (Green Spire) 4—5.30pm Saturday 25th March: Sandiacre Methodist Church 4—5.30pm

The Faith Journey page is brought to you by members of the local Christian community and with occasional inspiration from

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


TRANQUIL SPACE. A Quiet Area Garden was opened by local MP Maggie Throup at Chaucer Junior School last month - “a great new area for all the children to enjoy”. Also in attendance at the ceremony were Councillors James Dawson and Glennice Birkin and school governor Wendy Disley. The garden was funded by the Big Lottery Fund, and the work carried out by Birmingham community company Gro-Organic CIC.

8 Ilkeston Life, February 2017


tudents and staff at Saint John Houghton Catholic Voluntary Academy took part in a series of moving events to remember the victims of the Holocaust. Two special Acts of Worship were held, one by a member of staff who had been to Auschwitz and another during which students heard about survivors’ stories and watched a short film about tolerance. Year 8 students created a display from a suitcase, shoes, glasses and victims’ names written on pieces of paper. On Holocaust Memorial Day the whole school observed a two minute silence while staff members held up pictures of Holocaust victims. There was also time set aside for prayer and reflection during the week leading up to Holocaust Memorial Day.

Holocaust remembered at SJH Peter McNally, Assistant Headteacher at Saint John Houghton, in Kirk Hallam, promoted tolerance amongst students during an Act of Worship. He said: “Holocaust survivors were treated with hostility. They went back to their homes which had been occupied by other people and they were treated with resentment. There were outbreaks of anti-Jewish feeling all over Europe and few survivors received medical care and they didn’t really have any kind of support. “The Nazi war lords were put on trial at the end of the war and they didn’t get testimonies from survivors; it took decades for them to be listened to.

“There’s genocide going on in Darfur in Sudan right now where many people are going through unimaginable suffering. We have to create a better community where we tolerate each other’s differences, respect them and each other.” Student Marie Estanda, 13, said: “The victims and survivors had everything taken away from them. Hearing what people went through during the Holocaust makes me very grateful for my life; I am very lucky.” Student Alfie Stringfellow, 13, said: “I did know about the Holocaust but not some of the things like how the people had their hair cut off. It’s an uneasy subject to talk about but it’s important.”

Your Space Share your creative writing with other Ilkeston Life readers. Email or drop in/post to The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH.

All around us! Buildings scaling marvellous heights, Shops covering three or four flights Taxis, cars and busses all flashing their lights Business men clutching laptops and phones, School kids piling in and out in droves, Rush hour commuters looking forward to getting home Or quiet Sunday's, hearing church bells ring Kids kicking a ball about not worried about a thing Heavy laden mothers to who's legs their babes cling 'Are you meeting tonight? I'll see you in the pub!' Sink a few pints and eat some good grub After a hard working day pester your fella for a foot rub Traveling the world seeing what benefits you reap Be it on a bed or hammock you sleep In strange surroundings throughout the night you creep Catching early surfing, riding the tide Staying quiet awhile in peaceful countryside Reflecting, reminiscing, sensing calm from inside Adventurous youth or regretful old age Starting your book or turning your final page The journeys your own, it could still be beginning, whatever the stage All around us, It's all about life.

Shona Trussell

Toothache The dentist chair can be a terrifying thought When your tooth aches and you feel distraught

Hours seem endless from pain and throbbing Still you kid yourself the pain may be stopping It wears you down getting yourself in a state People say it’s part of life, they call it fate False hopes come and go, it might go away Or maybe I’ll just give it, just one more day The last resort came when I reached for the phone Speaking to the dentist in an unwilling tone My appointment was made time was racing along Had my toothache stopped, I could be wrong I crept in the dentist and looked all around What was that smell and that awful sound The high pitched whining of the dentist drill Started my heart racing making me feel quite ill

Standing in the wings with pride She would look from side to side Calling to the girls to smile Then step ball change in single file We highland flinged and we pas-de-deux'd And chasse'd up and down Dressed up as sailors, witches and dolls Fairies and circus clowns People came from far and wide And we would dance with so much pride To be a part of these displays Was quite unique in those early days And now all that's left to add Is just how much I care And hope Marian is dancing round the stars With George and ‘our Will' up there. Goodnight, sleep tight my dearest friend Love always.

Thoughts started running around in my head As I started to think, shall I leave instead Then a voice shouted next, it must be me With her welcoming smile I walk in gingerly

Sandra Horniblow (nee Bradbury)

I felt quite brave sitting in the dentist chair Putting on a brave act in front of her The atmosphere, changed when he entered the room Peering over his specks wishing me good afternoon

When God saw the state this old world had got into, That from sin there was no way of escape, He put into action His great plan of redemption, And Jesus was born unto man.

He prodded around in my mouth for a while Then glanced at me with a confident smile The next few minutes wasn’t so bad My tooth was soon pulled what a day I’d just had

He became one of us that He might relate, To each one who would live in this world, To the child who has nothing of worldly belongings Or the man who just lives on the street.

Thomas Hosker

He walked through the years of temptation And proved that it could be done, That if we, as He, keep in touch with our God, Then He will keep us free from sin.

Marian Today it's so sad that our friend must go And with a wave and a tear we say farewell For Marian had such a gift to treasure It was a gift that gave great pleasure When Mystro hit the keys full blare Marian danced with so much flair We had some dazzling hit parades And truly amazing cavalcades

The Great Escape

And so to the cross our burdens He bore, Through no sin of His own death He faced,. But love spurred Him on to pay the full price, When He gave up His life in our place.

Dear poets, We are happy that this page is proving so popular but we are now receiving so many poems that it is impossible to include all of them. May we suggest the following guidelines to give you the best chance of seeing your work published:  Send only one poem at a time (not a collection)  Keep it short (the shorter the better is the general rule)  Email it to us (this saves us having to type it out)  Don’t leave it until the deadline (the page may well be full by then) berg really to blame? Sought favour just that it shall be found, by the unscrupulous, not the decent and kind, a great plague entrusted its keeping to a young girl, her father, a baker, Pudding Lane, a fire devoured all in its path, smoking charred ruins left behind, a piece of jewellery so beautiful it leads one to the gates of our maker. So after world wars and conflict had blighted the earth, its work appeared over, the ring found itself at the hands of a woman gifted with the power of foresight, after many days of walking she buried the portal of evil, in darkness, away from the sun, till this day, treasure exhumed, new owner shortly boards a flight.... Michael Hartshome

Now I am old

Now I am old, I wear shorts all summer even when cold, Folks passing by comment, some with much rage, Anne Brown You shouldn’t be wearing them, not at your age. I go upstairs for something I need Hidden I forget what it was so I’m feeling quite An early morning mist lain heavily, glistening peeved, coat, a farmers field, I get down to the bottom and remember it then freshly ploughed in North Yorkshire, huddled But I’m just too tired to go back up again. figures move and sweep, I crawl up the stairs, oft on my knees treasure hunters of modem day, what secrets It takes me five minutes and that makes me shall it yield, wheeze at the back of beyond, indeed if such a place Going down is quite different, I have to say exists, buried so deep. ‘Wow!’ An object, mud encrusted, unearthed, laughs, I slide down the bannister in five seconds now. costume jewellery, knowledgable advise, I can quite clearly remember when I was ten this was no common piece. rubies. emeralds. But I forget ‘Thingy’s’ name now and again. this was tudor gold, I shout at the vicar when his sermon he’s read it was not ever meant to be discovered, hidden “I don’t like the way you keep nodding your away, spirits arise, head.” but a ring, nothing more, darkness momentari- He smiles at the congregation, points to his ly, a chill, icy cold. head then The ring fell from the grip of Anne Boleyn to Says “Dear Lord, forgive him, it’s silly old the feet of a boy who will sail the seas, Ken.” the Hangman of Calais with a single sword I sing hymns much too loudly and oft out of swipe smote off her head, tune. the boy now a man, his prize upon string But I’ve got the X Factor, and I’ll prove to you around his neck, looked around with unease, soon soon his body plucked from the Solent, the To the Beeb’s Songs of Praise I’ll be going Mary Rose perished, all around him the dead. next June And so it began, the ring unceremoniously tom And then I’ll perform a world breaking tune from his neck, stolen by foreign hand, I’ll be the guy with the mouth wide open two score years and more to pass, an Armada Pulling facial contortions to enunciate each of ships, Drake repels, their fate sealed, word clearly spoken an angry sea, unforgiving, storm rages, The I’ll close my eyes reverently and with my head Girona never again to see land, nod so many souls devoured, lost at sea, the ring To prove that I’m really much closer to God. shall survive, a body shall yield. And when the camera moves on to some face Greedy eager hands pass their plunder, tragedy I’ll sing two verses behind everyone because and death follow in its wake, I’ve lost my place. centuries come and go as did misfortune, none I’m still very mobile and don’t need a cane stranger, off the Azores, a mystery, But walking to church I seize up with pain adrift, deserted, no sign of life nor death for I lean against the wall and feel a bit groggy that matter, all forsaken, And things all around me become a bit foggy Mary Celeste all alone on a chain, the ring Passers by enquire “Are you all right Ken?” draped o'er the ship’s wheel.into history. I grimace and reply “Just waiting for a friend.” As sure as night follows day, spring follows That’s all for now, winter, bad luck, fatality follow the sing, I need a nap, see, mankind brushed aside, wars, famine, disasters, I’ll wake up soon an airship aflame, When they fetch my tea. the Hindenburg engulfed, the magnet to ill Ken Wood (96) fortune plundered, a curious thing, its prior owner aboard the Titanic, was an ice-

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


Tell me about it...

Caring for ageing parents or relatives

A problem shared with Melanie Caring for your parents and relatives as they get older can put strain on your family; particularly if you are also trying to balance your own family's needs. This month’s questions are around caring and supporting elderly relatives. Q: My Mum is about to move in with us and I’m starting to feel really apprehensive, she’s quite well but she is frail. A: I can understand how you feel as life is going to change for all of you and especially Mum. While it can be stressful, there are also lots of positives about caring for your parent yourself. You can oversee the care of your Mum in an environment she knows. You won’t have to travel backwards and forwards to care for her. You won’t have to make expensive financial arrangements for her care and most importantly all of the family can enjoy precious time with her. Q: I visit my Dad once a month as he lives such a long way away but I just seem to end up doing his housework for him. A: We do get bogged down in tasks and chores and we forget about the fun things. Take a trip down memory lane. Get some of Dads favorite old films or comedies to watch. Have a drive round his old haunts. Listen to

some music that he loved and you grew up with. Cook some of your old favs. Look at photos and take some new ones. You could even start looking at your family tree. Make time for some special time. Q: Someone has told me that we can get money for being carers, is that right? A: Short answer is yes there are benefits associated with caring but it depends on other things. You could be entitled to a carers allowance, care aids or adaptations as well as supportive services. There’s lots of information on line and your local council will be able to help. But it is based on individual circumstances. Q: Can I set up a power of attorney so I can pay my parents bills for them? A: A power of attorney can be put in place by your parents at any time, as

long as they are capable of making their own decisions at the time the document is signed. They can give 'power' to one or more people. There is Ordinary Power for short term financial power, and 2 types of Lasting Power – Property/ Financial Affairs and Health/Welfare. This is a specialist area so get advice from a solicitor and/or financial advisor.


ave you identified with this month’s topic? Have you a comment to make or a question to ask? Is there a subject you would like to see discussed on this page? You can remain anonymous! Write to Tell me about it, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston DE7 8AH or email and we’ll pass on your letter to Melanie, who is a locally based trained counsellor and hypnotherapist.

DINING OUT – VIVO RESTAURANT, STAPLEFORD Italian cuisine is famed around the world and we can all, now, enjoy this. Italy boasts numerous attributes and the production of high-quality products, along with culture, food and wines, attract a lot of people to this way of life. There are many Italian restaurants, in the UK, that are excellent and I located a piece of Italy in Nottinghamshire.

Gift to Ilkeston Hospital Ian Campbell and his wife Patricia were welcomed to the monthly meeting of the League of Friends of Ilkeston Community Hospital where they presented a cheque for £350 (pictured). Ian told the League members that he is Master of the Vulcan Masonic Lodge based at Alfreton, for the current year and explained how the Masonic Lodges raise monies for charitable causes. One of their annual fund raising events is the Ladies Festival and the choice of charity for funds raised at this year’s event was entirely the decision of the Master’s Lady – Patricia Campbell. Patricia recounted that her mother, who lives in Trowell and has been resident there all her life, had recently spent some time on Hopewell Ward where her treatment had been friendlier than in a larger hospital. For this reason she wanted to contribute specifically to the wards enabling them to purchase items to

enhance the stay of other patients. Eileen Knight, Chairman of the League of Friends, thanked Ian and Patricia for their generous donation. Best wishes for the future were expressed to Ian, Patricia and Patricia’s Mother, Mrs Gwen Brown. Mike Perry

Gift to Cubs Many thanks to Mr Sandhu, Nisa and the local community for their kind donation of £300 towards the cost of a forthcoming farm experience. The Kirk Hallam store has a scheme to help local good causes. When certain own brand products are bought a percentage of the marked price goes into a charity fund. Diane Harris, Akela

There will be a Charity Open Microphone at WEST HALLAM VILLAGE HALL. Sun. 12th March, 12 till 4.00pm in aid of

TREETOPS HOSPICE CARE Enquiries: <<Photo- Diane Harris (Akela) with two members of the 21st Ilkeston Cub Pack: Abby and Harrison, along with Mr Sandhu and a staff member.

From opening in 2007, Vivo restaurant quickly established a reputation for high-quality, with service to match. The Co-proprietor and General Manager is Massimo, who ensures that everyone has a most memorable visit. Head Chef Nico and his team have everything coming from the kitchen cooked and presented to perfection. Senior Waiter is Alessandro. So, it really is difficult to say that we are not in Italy! Choices of superb antipasti dishes are available and include Salmone Mediterraneo. I chose a selection of Italian Cured Meat served with focaccia bread, olives and sun-blushed tomato. My main course selection was for a splendid Whole Seabass. Fillet of Sea Bream, Medallions of Fillet Steak, plus Chicken Stroganoff, are also available, amongst an impressive array, with several different pasta presentations. For dessert I opted for Tiramisu with amaretto liqueur. Produce is sourced locally, where possible, plus, with other cuisine and drinks from Italy, Vivo does go that ‘extra mile’, to provide a dining experience, to remember. Numerous high-quality wines are available, by glass and bottle, plus champagne. The ambience is perfect, complemented by background, Italian music. All dietary requirements can be catered for, plus parties and events etc, accommodated with ease. Themed events take place throughout the year and are extremely popular. The two-course meal options are amazing value, and, with the full menus, have something for all tastes. Very impressive cuisine, with exemplary service to match, throughout, from Alessandro. Booking at busy times and periods is most advisable. Gift vouchers are available, for that ‘special someone’, or surprise. Vivo Italian Restaurant, 164 Derby Road, Stapleford, Nottinghamshire NG9 7AY Tel: 0115 949 1000 Email:


Trevor Langley


Ilkeston Life, March 2017

Call in for details

Cubs are looking forward to their weekend in Boston The Kirk Hallam Cub Pack are getting really excited about their forthcoming weekend at Rand Park Farm near Boston in early May. We are very grateful to County Councillor Michelle Booth for her kind grant of £550 from the Members’ Community Leadership Fund. Also to Mr Sandhu, Nisa and the local community for their kind donation of £300 toward the cost of our farm experience. This will cover the cost of the bus to enable the pack to take part in the

Forever Friends

many years and I know they find it hard to socialise and feel safe and comfortable in certain environments. The group and setting enables them to relax and have fun.” A social club for adults with spe- Natasha and Mandy are helped by cial needs has been started in Il- a group of volunteers including Vicki, Claire and Matt. keston. Derbyshire County Councillor The group called Forever Friends Glennice Birkin donated £1,000 to meets monthly at the Cantelupe get the group up and running and Centre, next to St Mary’s Church, Cllr James Dawson paid for disco Market Place. equipment and lighting. Russ Started by Natasha Naylor and Skellett from Tru Plastics Limited Mandy Lane last November, it of- also donated money for a pool tafers people with learning difficul- ble, and another businessman made ties and other disabilities a place a donation of £500 towards the rent where they can ‘be themselves’. of the room. Natasha says: “This is something I Natasha is employed full-time as a am passionate about as I have children’s worker and part-time as known a few of the members for a youth worker by Derbyshire

LATEST NEWS FROM THE SMOOTHIE ART GROUP The Smoothie Art Group members are pleased to announce that they will be holding their 3rd Art Festival on Sunday 14th May 2017 from 12 till 4.30p.m. Our local MP Maggie Throup, suggested a central venue would be more advantageous so this year’s event is to be held in the Cantelupe Centre, next to St. Mary's Church on Ilkeston Market Place. On show will be a representation of artists' work, who show regularly in the Smoothie Art Café on Bath Street. All works will be available to purchase. Entry will be free and light refreshments will also be available,.

Young Voice


from the age of six, there is a Scout group just around the corner from your home. We are currently needing volunteer leaders for our Scout section so come along and join the adventure enabling more young people to enjoy what scouting as to offer. Don’t be shy, walk through the door and see the smiles and what you could also get out of being a volunteer with the 21st Ilkeston Scout Group, please contact Diane 0115 9329979. We also need adults not only as leaders but helpers or administrators. For any information on how to get involved or where to find us please get in touch. Again thank you, we are delighted to able to offer this one off experience to the cubs. Diane Harris (Akela) Photo: Cubs crate stacking on our winter camp at Hesley Wood

County Council and Mandy is a postwoman. They are keen for others to know about the group which offers activities such as pool, bingo, crafts and disco for £3 a session, although the first week is free to try. Snacks, sweets, and non-alcoholic drinks are available from a club shop. People can find out more information on the Facebook page Forever Friends Cantelupe or they can contact Natasha on 07505 913460. The club has wheelchair access, and the next session is Tuesday 14th March, 7pm. Photo: Cllr Glennice Birkin presents the group with a cheque for £1,000.

West Hallam Village Show 2017 Saturday, 2nd September Make a note of the date on your calendars or in your diaries! This year’s show will be held again in the Village Hall in the heart of West Hallam village. Last year’s show attracted some very competitive entries and was very popular. Many people were apprehensive about entering but were very pleased with the many personal successes that were achieved. Don’t be afraid of “having a go”! The new classes

tion within relationships started to break down. We all became too busy, trying to out run the earth. Nowadays my mind scurries around thoughts of whom I would evolve and become. I am constantly trying to edit and define the woman that awaits me. What form would I step into? The process of shattering here was something differ- the shells of my cocoon feels like both pain and perfection. I let go. I ent about this summer, let go of all that I was, because something strange permeated those ways do not suit me anymore. throughout the air as soon as we I step outside and each day the were set free from the cages (schools). The summer was unlike winds are new, and the earth’s any I’ve had, because on the other plates shift so I never step on the side of the warm, and faded nights, same ground twice. was the call for change. Summer I began working at an office at the didn’t feel like forever this year, it end of summer. My body was felt like time would soon run out forced out of partying at unholy and I had to do everything in a life- hours to being in an office at worktime within just a couple of ing hours. It was strange being in months. My friends were moving an office all day, when my heart is off to university, and communica- so rooted to the sun. I felt deprived,

Growing up is both Pain and Perfection

this residential experience. We are going to be doing the following whilst we are on site farm: Jobs – bottle feeding lambs and calves, egg collecting, mucking out, work on the allotment and butter making and asking Why do Farmers keep Poultry and Cattle? We will also have time on pedal go karts, Skyrider, Adventure Playground, archery, crazy golf and Play Barn. Off site we will be having a walk to nearby Wragby and then an hour private hire of the swimming pool. This is the first time we will have done this but another cub pack said how fantastic it was for both cubs and leaders. The leaders are really looking forward to the full English breakfast both days and the three course cooked tea, with no washing up to do! Scouting is open to boys and girls

and details of how to enter will be available by the end of March on our new website. Look out for more details of that in next month’s publication!

Hallam” (max size 2’x2’) if you wish to make an early start! Remember, the show is not only for grown produce but covers many other categories such as baking, crafts and photography. There will also be three classes for children to enter. Just to whet your appetites, If you want more information there will be a new class this before the end of the month, year for “Flowers”: 3 cultivars or do not have access to the of the same variety of flower to internet, please phone 0115 be displayed in a vase. Artists 930 5386 or 0115 930 3340 – your task will be a painting, for further details. in any medium, on the theme Mary Butler of “In and About West

and as I’d come out for my lunch break I was reminded of how to breathe again. I knew that working meant no longer going wherever the wind goes it meant strict structure. I had to wake up for 7am, and be back by 7pm. I felt my life slipping into a strict format of work, sleep, and repeat. I hit the ground running and there is no time unless I make time. I begin to fill my mind with words that are not mine. Sound evades silence. Reflective thoughts seem foreign to me, as if they no longer run deep in my veins, so I cut and see if I still bleed. I want to know if I am still living or simply hovering in human dimensions, no longer elevated by my imagination. I have no interest in debates amongst men on futile issues; my only wish is to paint the skies with the angels, using any colour of the rainbow. We

would soar above rain clouds and reason, because they’re known to clip angel’s wings. I welcome new winds this autumn whilst trying to adjust to this adult life. I’ve always believed that growing up was a trick, and when you’re an adult you lose all your imagination, all your magic. Yet the autumn is known to bring new leaves, new goals and new gold and I maybe must leave my old self to become better. I am evolving slowly by degree, into womanhood and learning what the term truly means. I begin to watch my mother through gawking eyes, wondering how she didn’t allow the world to turn her heart cold. I stare at her in awe of how she stands unapologetically in her rich and golden skin. Through her, I’m learning that we as women, come in multitudes, and I can be

Cubs Daniel, Hugh and Lochlann from 10th Ilkeston (Stanley Common) Scout Group proudly display their trophy for winning the Ilkeston District Cooking Competition. Their Great British menu included locally sourced sausages and a cheesecake with a ginger nut base. They will go on to represent Ilkeston District in the County competition on 11th March.

both beastly and beautiful. You don’t have to go to the ends of the earth, all your jewels are already inside you, and all you have to do is realize it. Recognize that to be wild is to be wonderful, and to truly be yourself is to start a new revolution. Lately I’ve been telling myself that it’s okay often. I breathe in mistakes but I learn with each out breath. I am not afraid of being a wanderer, who hasn’t quite yet figured it out, and is still walking on the edge of life. Theories on life and evolution are multiple, yet the process is simple. To evolve: You strip, you relax into new forms and you dance to new rhythms, then the earth welcomes the new you.

Naomi Grant

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


ner organisations has been greatly appreciated. I have recently secured a grant in partnership with an Amber Valley representative, Councillor Paul Jones. The grant is from the council for the new community garden project which will be situated next to the popular coffee shop on the Nutbrook Trail.” The Woodside Farm area is 85 hectares of mixed grass and wetlands, dotted with ideal woodlands that are perfect habitat for grazing livestock. During the yearlong cycle, you can see how the Trust utilises the rotation of their livestock around the fields and meadows, allowing creation of natural habitat for many species of insects, wildflowers, birds and mam-

mals. The community garden will provide a picnic area complete with a mural designed by local school children and involve workshops for the creation of bird boxes, bug hotels and solitary bee homes. There will be a series of new footpaths and other seating too. Michelle adds: “Let’s enjoy this outdoor space to the full and help watch over the many sheep that will be having their lambs soon. Please keep dogs under control or better still—avoid entering the field where sheep are grazing, there are plenty of pleasant, alternative detours.” Derbyshire Wildlife Trust now sell their locally reared meat at Figgshaws Butchery and Deli at Cromford.

ments he didn't know how or where to start.’” John said: "I thought that the description of Thorpe Street and how it used to be was excellent. When I The book, which describes the life started to read it, I could not put the of an ill-treated boy in Ilkeston just book down. I thought it was an excellent interpretation of how life after the First World War, is the was back then. It would be good first of a trilogy about George for anyone to read the book to un‘Bebe’ Daniels who went on to derstand how it was in the 20s and become a hero of the Second 30s. With the 2nd World War World War. looming people just accepted that “It touched a nerve with some, and this was how it was. went down a storm with many of "I was demobbed from the Navy in the locals that grew up in and 1946 and moved to Ilkeston then to around Ilkeston,” David said. “One man John (Jack) Richardson, live with my wife's family. We lived initially on Lower Blooms93 years of age, was especially grove Road in a house that backed moved by it. His son Gary got in onto the gasworks, just above the touch to say: ‘My dad had WHATEVER done nothing but talk to me 'Soot Factory', mentioned in the HAPPENED book. My wife had told me several — and everyone else — TO ‘BEBE’ about the book and yet when times about 'Bobby Bottom' and his DANIELS?— I asked him for his cominfamous cape [one of the charac-

ters mentions in the book]. “The book reflects Ilkeston exactly how I knew it and how I was told how it was back in the twenties and thirties. In 1951 me, my wife and three young children moved to live on Thorpe Street. Our next door neighbours were Jim Beardsley's mother and stepfather.” In the second book of the trilogy, Operation Speedwell, David moves on to tell the story of George Daniels and his school friends joining up and getting involved in WW2. Copies of the first book can be obtained direct from the author  By email  By phone 0115 875 0720 or 07486 534411 David is also available to give talks.

DERBYSHIRE WILDLIFE TRUST Councillor Michelle Booth, Ilkeston West Division, is seen here supporting Projects on our Doorstep Michelle says “Many people will know the Woodside Farm area really well, especially the many horse riders and dog walkers amongst us who regularly exercise their animals near to and around the old American Adventure site next to Shipley Country Park. Since Derbyshire Wildlife Trust first took over this site from the Derbyshire County Council, we have been able to see how support from Trust members helps to make a difference to our countryside, their work on our doorstep with volunteers and partThe Friends of Straw’s Bridge

Flood Relief At Last The floods have receded at Straw’s Bridge, or rather the water which had collected under the railway arch has been pumped away and the level of the path raised. Erewash Borough Council employed contractors to carry out the work which was finished on time within a week. Floods have affected this part of the site several times in recent years, making it impossible to access the Nutbrook Ponds. Saturday February 4th was willow weaving day. Alistair Hayworth of Underwood Crafts gave a demonstration and then helped a dozen Friends and others to construct a fifteen metre length of living willow hedge on the bank of the big pond. Willow which was coppiced last year has now grown to a good height for weaving. The resulting hedge is made up of growing willow infilled with cut willow which will root and grow quickly. Some older willow which had been allowed to grow over several years was cut down to just above ground level and will provide new growth for weaving in future. In response to many reported sightings of brown rats at Straw’s Bridge the Council has engaged a pest control firm. Traps are monitored on a regular basis. The public are still urged to reduce the amount of bread they feed to the birds and to use corn instead. Rats will eat corn, of course, but the birds tend to get there first and finish it off, whereas there is often too much bread for the birds and the rats take advantage of it. See other people’s photographs and post your own on the Friends’ Facebook page, or visit Jeff Wynch

12 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

Author is pleased by comments from readers

David Dalrymple, author of the book Whatever Happened to ‘Bebe’ Daniels?, featured in this paper last month, tells us he is getting some ‘amazing feedback’.

a book about an Ilkeston childhood .

MY QUESTION... Dear Jan Woolley - my question is... What happens if I die without making a will? I am currently married with two .grown up children but me and my husband spilt over 10 years ago but never got divorced will my children automatically inherit my estate? Mrs Smith – Ilkeston, Derbyshire

than that, and you have children then they will receive the first £250,000 and your personal chattels and one remaining half of the value of the estate and your children will receive the remaining other half of your estate.

Since you are still legally married, your husband will be entitled to the first £250,000 of your estate unless you make a will outlining your wishes. If you were diAnswer: When a person dies without leaving a will, vorced then yes your children would autotheir estate must be shared out according matically inherit, however always rememto certain rules, these are called the rules ber that by making a will, it does not only show who will inherit on death but it will of intestacy. A person who dies without leaving a will is called an intestate person. also show who is in charge of sorting Under the current intestacy rules, spouses things out as this in itself can be a chaland civil partners are first in line to inherit lenging task especially if all your children do not agree. and if you have no children they inherit everything outright. However if you do Would you like to ask Jan a will-related have children they inherit the first question? Email £250,000. If your estate is worth more and we will pass it on.

The Way We Were

ARE YOU IN THE PICTURE? Were you in the Otter Patrol of the 12th Ilkeston (Central Methodist) Scouts? These three are at camp somewhere around 1960. Eric Hallam’s sunny photograph of the Labour Exchange on Nesfield Road, Ilkeston will bring back memories to many readers. This is where you signed on if you had lost your job and were looking for another one. The picture was taken in July 2001. Houses have now replaced the building.

POST CARD CAPTURES CURIOUS CROWD ON STATION ROAD Is this a picture showing the excitement of people on the arrival of the first wireless in Ilkeston? The words on the back of this nearly a hundred years old post card would suggest so. No doubt wireless sets they would have been very expensive in those early days, but it didn’t stop people coming to look and listen to this new modern miracle of sound. Number 2 Station Road is now The Coffee House. See our story on the front page: Rare post card found.

Will take place at the

Elim Christian Centre, Charlotte Street, Ilkeston Monday 27th March 2017 at 7.30pm.


Non-members (inc. refreshments)

Ilkeston Arts and Camera Club

Thank you to the many people who have sent us pictures for this page. We’ll try and include them all eventually. Be sure to include as much information as possible.

Unmissable! Ilkeston Life, March 2017


Music Scene

those posters, which ended up plastering my bedroom wall. There was one name that featured prominently in that teenage collection….Screaming Lord Sutch and The Savages. David Edward Sutch was born in Hampstead in 1940 and by 1960 he’d become an established act on the British and European rock n’ roll dance hall circuit. Looking back recently at some old clips and recordings I must admit that I’ve wondered now just what the particular attraction was musically but I think the answer to the appeal lies in a different direction. The stage show broke new ground at the time in dramatic and theatrical impact. Gothic horror, bats, blood, fake corpses and coffins abounded to a background of thudding riffs and screaming vocals with plenty of audience participation, willing or otherwise, and it’s not hard to image the likes of Alice Cooper and Arthur Brown taking it all on board and modelling their later acts it. Sutch would have been the first to admit that his vocal and musical prowess was probably not up there with the greats of the era but it was his ability as a natural showman that regularly attracted audiences. That said, just consider some of the

musicians that have played in his backing bands and on recording sessions at various times. Jimmy Page and John Bonham (Led Zeppelin), Jeff Beck (Yardbirds), Charlie Watts (Stones), Richie Blackmore (Deep Purple), Keith Moon (The Who), Noel Redding (Jimmy Hendrix Experience) and Matthew Fisher (Procol Harum) That’s a fair sprinkling of what would become rock and roll royalty and it’s a safe bet that more than a few of them would have been in those Savage’s line ups that appeared at the Co-op. ‘WORST ALBUM’ TAG

of Richard Arkwright and his son Richard junior, that his was very much a rags to riches fame. By the late 1700s Richard Arkwright had Meeting - February 2017 developed a sophisticated spinning machine for cotton, wool and other The second meeting of our Club materials that not only produced this year was well attended by 28 members, who enjoyed an excellent yarn of superior quality but was capable of keeping up with the new lunch provided by the staff of the Arena Church, our established and mechanical looms being introduced. well equipped venue. Our presentaPRODUCTION LINE tion this month was by Cliff Lea on Once these were installed in the “ Cromford Mill – The Story of new mills with new carding maRichard Arkwright “. chines the age of the “production Cliff is a retired Industrial Chemist line “ had arrived. His son Richard with a wealth of experience in the took over on his father’s death. Derbyshire Oil Industry, and also Richard moved the Company into provides presentations on this sub- the Banking business and profitabilject. In his retirement Cliff is Chair- ity grew to even greater levels. man of his local Industrial Society Not only was Richard Arkwright an and a guide at Cromford Mills. entrepreneur he was also a great The presentation given was very benefactor. He ensured that good professional. Cliff is an eloquent care was taken of his workers and speaker who kept everyone’s atten- their families. He paid good wages, tion. It is probably not known out- provided housing and schools, and side of those involved in the history ( another first ) – sick pay.

A visit to Cromford Mills is well recommended based on this presentation. Next month we have, John Stirling who will present a talk entitled “ From Toytown to Buckingham Palace “. John has been involved with actors, acting and television all of his life and appeared in over 400 shows. The Probus Club of Ilkeston is open to all retired / partly retired men who have a professional background and business men who would like to meet once a month and for other organised events during the year. Our aim is to provide a convivial atmosphere, in pleasant surroundings, to meet for conversation and the development of friendships. We also provide an excellent lunch and a diverse range of presenters. If you wish to learn more, please contact Michael Slater, our Secretary, on 0115 932 6185 or email



It was back in the 60’s and I’d taken on a Sunday paper round to supplement the weekly wage from a first job at Venus Boxes at Ilkeston Junction. Collected from a newsagents near the top of Station Road, the bag full of Sunday Times, Observers, Sunday Telegraphs, Reynold’s News (anyone remember that?) and sundry other rags became mercifully lighter as the trek back to Cossall Village progressed. The highlight of the round was arriving at Wentworth Street to take a breather by a small advertising hoarding on the corner shop wall and have a look at the latest bands and artists booked to appear at the Co-op ballroom. Unchallenged in the early dawn gloom I’d occasionally peel off

The Probus Club of Ilkeston

regular readings of the best selling book “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”. Well she would, wouldn’t she. His Lordship eventually lost interest in the venture and sold out to Calvert who took on a new partner Oliver Smedley…and he wasted no time in shooting Calvert dead over a financial dispute! But Screaming Lord Sutch had moved on….a new career in politics beckoned… and we’ll look into that at another time…….. Back to this month now and here’s a date for your diary. Erewash Borough Council are supporting “Live and Local” a not for profit arts organisation working Despite that, his album “Lord Sutch with a network of volunteers to and Heavy Friends” topped several provide top quality entertainment in polls as “The worst album of all small venues across Derbyshire. time”. (You suspect that, showman As part of the programme West as he was who knew the value of Hallam Village Hall is the venue on ANY publicity, David had a hand Sunday March 19 at 7.30pm for a in the voting that brought about concert by Dutch jazz violinist Tim those results!) Kliphuis and his trio. In 1964, as an adjunct to his musi- Tickets are £10.50 (which includes cal career, Sutch and his manager a light supper) and the contact numReginald Calvert occupied a disber for booking is 0115 930 3340. used army fort off the Essex coast You can get more information on and so was born “Radio Sutch” the “Live and Local” project on adding to the plethora of offshore pirate radio stations springing up at Mention of West Hallam Village the time. Hall leads me on to the regular seOne of the stars of the station was ries of monthly charity open mic Mandy Rice-Davies who broadcast

The Ilkeston Probus Club committee

County Councillor Glennice Birkin Member for Ilkeston East and County Councillor John Frudd Member for Ilkeston South are holding a Members’ Surgery on Saturday 11th March 2017 10am to 12 noon Ilkeston Town Hall, Ilkeston DE7 5RP

14 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

LIFE Great stories for readers. Inexpensive medium for advertisers. The most read local paper.





Michelle Booth Is holding a surgery on Saturday 11th March 2017 10.30 to 12 noon in the Ilkeston Library Foyer Market Place

Jo Perkins is the TIMESWAP Coordinator for Erewash and will be joining Cllr Michelle Booth at her monthly surgery in the foyer of the library on Saturday 11th March from 10.30am until 12 noon. Jo welcomes the chance to chat with people who want to find out more about this exciting community project which enables people to help share their time and benefit from receiving help in exchange. Everyone is invited to go along and say hello and find out more.



sessions now being run there. We’ve had a run of highly successful and entertaining sessions benefiting various charities and hopefully this will now become an established monthly event at what is a really nice venue. Admission is just £1 (kids free) and refreshments are available throughout proceedings. To keep updated on this, or to book a spot (the acoustics for performers are first class by the way), just email : or give me a shout as below. See you soon. Email: Tel: 07971 899704 Picture: David Sutch auditioning Keith Moon

Clare Smith, or Miss Chambers as her students at Sandiacre Friesland School knew her, was exceptionally good with slow learners but could connect with all youngsters – and staff. She was a friend, encourager and confidante to both pupils and fellow teachers. The following is another extract from her book, I Did It My Way, subtitle: In the Days when Teaching was a Joy, published in 1998. Clare lived in Corporation Road, Ilkeston until she moved to Scotland in retirement. She died in 2007.

***** This month’s story will not be an easy read for some people as Clare describes meeting some severely hurt and handicapped children at a special school. Her willingness to engage with them reveals her remarkable courage, compassion and care for others.

A very special school By Clare Smith


fter teaching for two years, I was allowed to begin a three year part-time course at Nottingham University to obtain a "Diploma in the Education of Backward Children." As a general rule one had to have five years teaching experience before embarking on such a course. To say that I found it an endurance test is putting it mildly, but there were highlights. Once of these was a visit we made to a school for severely physically handicapped children. The headmistress explained that the majority of the youngsters were highly intelligent. She described the school and how it was run and told us that we were welcome to visit any of the classrooms and that we were at liberty to speak to any of the children. However, she went on to tell us that there was one boy who, during our visit, was in a room on his own. Apparently, some months earlier he had been playing with a friend on an old pit-tip when the ground gave way and he fell into what was virtually a furnace underneath. He had been severely burnt and, although healed, his appearance was horrific. He needed many operations to rebuild his face and the headmistress said that she hoped surgeons would first of all attend to his mouth. This was lop-sided and

The nearly 5-star pap e

caused him to dribble, which distressed him very much indeed. She went on to say that if we couldn't talk to him without horror or sadness showing on our faces, then we were not to go into the room where he was. I think we all decided to avoid him. The first classroom I went into was full of young, happy children all busy and eager to show us what they were doing. I was immediately drawn to a boy lying on a mat, playing with a train-set. He had a very small body and an enormous head. He looked up at me, smiled and said, "Would you like to play with me and my trains?" I sat on the floor beside him and, in a few moments, I had completely forgotten about his physical abnormalities. He was such a bright little boy and seemed to be enjoying every moment. When a bell rang, which I learnt was the "toilet bell", he was lifted up and put into his special wheelchair which had a clamp to support his top-heavy head. That little boy had one of the brightest personalities I had ever come across. Older pupils were in the next class room I visited and there I had a long conversation with a girl, about sixteen years old, lying on a trolley. I told her about my forthcoming trip to Paris and discovered it was one of her dreams to visit there. She told me that her boy-friend had promised to take her and she asked me lots of questions about the city. She too, like the boy I'd just left, had a radiance about her and she smiled happily as I described earlier visits to one of my favourite places. I asked her to tell me her full name so that I could send her a postcard. All the time I was looking round the school, thoughts of that boy, on his own in a classroom, were constantly in my mind. Why had we decided to avoid him? Surely I'm capable of hiding my feelings, I thought. Surely I can go and talk to him as I've talked to these other young people. So I went. He was sitting at a table, holding his exercise book steady with the stump of his left arm, whilst struggling to write in it using what remained of his right hand. His head and face were like something out of a horror film. Both his ears and his nose were burnt away, his mouth was twisted and every-

where was grotesquely scarred. But his eyes lit up when he saw me. "Do you know anything about football?" he asked me. My knowledge on that subject was very limited - still is - and he was obviously pleased to instruct me. When I left him, I found some of my male colleagues and told them of his passion for football. "Why don't you go in and talk to him?" I asked. "He would really enjoy that." So they did and afterwards told me that, like me, they felt humble and so glad that they had met this boy, who was coping so well with his pain and disfigurement. I shall never forget that school and its pupils. Although many of them were fated to die at a very early age (and most of them knew it) they were so happy and so enthusiastic about what they were doing. Racing about in their wheelchairs, taking part in team games or doing their lessons, everything was done with fervour and joy. After that day they were often held up as examples to my pupils at school whenever they showed lack of interest or enthusiasm. I often wonder what happened to the little boy who shared his train-set with me and the one with the horrific injuries and the passion for football. I do know what happened to the sixteen year old girl. I sent her a postcard from Paris and just a few weeks later I received a message from the headmistress. She told me how delighted the girl had been to receive the card, but sadly she had died soon afterwards. I was so very glad that I had fulfilled my promise to send her the card, but so very sad that she never saw that fascinating city for herself.


Ilkeston Life, March 2017


Memories of By Danny Corns keen to be involved. I picked him The passing of Rolf Noskwith earlier in the year prompted me to up the next day to visit the museum when he said could we go along recall the Charnos of my youth. Although I never worked there, coming off Crompton Street, as it was called then, I passed the factory five days a week on the way to school. Situated at the top of Corporation Road, I always thought it was one of the best designed and attractive 1930s style industrial buildings in the area. Why it was never listed I don’t know! Friends who worked there told me they were excellent employers. Coming off Crompton Street I was always destined to work at Stanton. There was a wartime pill box manned by the South Staffordshire Regiment and the Home Guard that stood on the corner of Coronation Road and Longfield Lane, just above the factory. It was there to guard any approach by the enemy up Corporation Road and Longfield Lane. Once the soldiers had departed in 1945 it became a great place for us Hallam Fields kids to pretend we were soldiers (has anyone got a photo of the pill box?). The field above the factory during the 1950s contained a football pitch where I think Nottingham Road Athletic played. Charnos Football Club, for some reason, played behind the Rutland Cottage pub. Perhaps the pitch wasn’t very good although I don’t remember the Rutland Cottage pitch as being all that good. Around 1950, there was a fire at Charnos which, from memory, took place around Christmas time (I’m sure a reader will put me right – anyone got a photo of the fire?). I met Rolf Noskwith around seven years ago when he was 90 years of age and still working. He had an office on the Crompton Road Industrial Estate. I called by appointment to see if he would like to help out in putting on an exhibition at the Erewash Museum using his collection of photographs and Charnos memorabilia. After calling him Mr Noskwith, he straight away said, “call me Rolf”. He was very

Merlin Road rather than Corporation Road as he didn’t want to pass the spot where the factory had been. I get the same feeling when I walk along Crompton Road, too many memories, I suppose. Due to staff changes at the museum, however, the exhibition was put on the back burner and never picked up again. A pity! I did try to broach the subject of Bletchley Park but it was obvious he only wanted to talk about Charnos. A very modest man was Rolf. Rolf’s time at Bletchley Park is well documented. This article is really about the legacy that Charnos left to Ilkeston even though it’s a few years since the factory closed its doors for the last time in December 2002. Charnos arrived in Ilkeston in 1936 when Mr C H Noskwith of Nottingham purchased land at the top of Corporation Road for £500. The modern factory was erected and machines of the latest design, speed and gauge were installed. Ilkeston was an obvious town to start up this type of business as it was the centre for textiles, hosiery, lace and contained a very experienced workforce. Charnos didn’t have any export market in 1938, possibly due to trouble brewing on the Continent but by 1949, 70% of its production went overseas. The labour force was above 325 by then with the principle products being fully fashioned ladies stockings, nylons and pure silk. A book was written in 1949 titled ‘The Charnos Story’ although I’ve never read it. In the early 1950s a new type of ladies stocking was designed when nylon crepe non-wrinkle material was discovered with Charnos being the market leader in the use of this. The company exhibited yearly at the Savoy Hotel in London, the centre of the fashion scene. A further extension to the factory was built to cope with the demand for its products, with Marks and Spen-

The Charnos factory on Corporation Road cer being a strong customer. In those days Marks and Spencer were very choosy and only bought from the best British companies. The 1950-60s were great years for the company. They set national records by being the first with 60 gauge 15 denier nylons, and fully fashioned mesh nylons along with fine stretch nylons. With Charnos already a leading hosiery manufacturer they branched out into lingerie in 1958. Lingerie proved so popular that a new building was required for its production. On the company’s 25th anniversary in 1961, a new separate building was erected and extended in 1965 due to the success of Charnos at that time. The workforce had arisen to around 1,000 people by then occupying a 10 acre site. In the early 1960s the radio programme ‘Workers Playtime’ came to Charnos. Top stars of the day appeared such as singer Vince Eager, entertainer Two Ton Tessie O’Shea, comedian Derek Roy, trombonist Don Lang and ventriloquist Peter Brough with dummy Archie Andrews, to entertain the workforce. I saw at least three ‘Workers Playtimes’ in the main canteen whilst working at Stanton during the 1950’s. The Beverley Sisters along with Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson were among the performers. I believe Petula Clark and Frankie Vaughan also visited

Young thoughts in verse bitions, I know I will do it. I am a mysterious girl with big am- I say I care, bitions, I dream the undreamable. I wonder if I will ever see the stars, I try to help, I hear the cries in the night I hope I succeed I see the future unfold, I am a mysterious girl with big amI want hope. bitions.

I Am

I am a mysterious girl with big ambitions, I pretend I have the cure, I feel the cold air, I touch the sadness. I worry about the children to come and the adults to go, I cry for cancer. I am a mysterious girl with big am-

16 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

Lara Rose Ingle Age 10 (at time of writing the poem)

World War One

grey sack. Who were these men standing tall, Who were these men who saved us all. Thank you. God bless all those souls that died for our freedom Thank you for letting us sit here today I will never forget what you did for us.

Lara Rose Ingle

Age 9 (at time of writing the poWho were these men in green and em) black, Who were these men carrying a

Booth’s factory during the 1960s, although I don’t think it was on ‘Workers Playtime’. These pop stars are largely forgotten except by people of my generation. Charnos also had its own chaplain, the Rev. Brian Mayer, a Methodist Minister. The company also had its annual Carnival and Gala with a beauty queen being selected yearly. The 1970s were starting to become difficult for these type of companies. There were rumours of possible closure in 1972 but there was no truth in those. Pay disputes took place in 1976 with the firm closing its lingerie building on Furnace Road. The company, however, kept its annual gala going with sky divers appearing in 1974. The company had many ups and downs possibly due to cheaper manufacturing taking place in the Far East and parts of Europe. This affected most companies of this type in Ilkeston throughout the 1980s and 1990s resulting in many closures. Charnos was eventually taken over by Richard Robert Knitwear and was closed in 2002. The Noskwith family were great benefactors to Ilkeston with the Charnos Jubilee Hall being opened at the Ilkeston Community Hospital in 1986 by Annette Noskwith, the wife of Rolf. Various fund raising events took place and £100,000 was raised to meet the cost of the hall. I think our area should be grateful to the family. Ilkeston was fortunate that Charles Noskwith decided to put his business roots down in Ilkeston in 1936. I was born before Charnos was built and I never expected to witness its closure in 2002, and its subsequent demolition in 2007 of which I took many photographs, and, no, I didn’t have the heart to show them to Rolf.  The Ilkeston and District Local History Society are keen to hear from anyone who worked in the local factories with their memories. Either through Ilkeston Life or at the Smoothie Bar on Saturday mornings, leave your memories with Paul if you wish.

West Hallam Amateur Gardening Society Our speaker for January was Nigel Slater talking about Attenborough Nature Reserve. The site was used as gravel pits between 1929 and 1967, and is still owned by CEMEX, the gravel extraction company, but Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust are raising funds to buy the site. Sand and gravel are extracted from neighbouring areas, and the working barges passing through the site. The Attenborough quarry has contributed to the built environment in and around Nottingham for more than 70 years. Its aggregates have played a part in local houses, schools, hospitals, roads and much more. As sections of the site are worked out they are restored as wetland. The reserve was established at the completion of an earlier phase of workings, in 1966, and was opened by the naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough. The visitors centre was based inside an old caravan parked on land near the cricket pitch. The Attenborough Nature Centre as we know it today, which provides an educational facility, shop and refreshment point and car park for the reserve was completed in 2005 and almost 40 years after he opened the reserve Sir David Attenborough returned to open the new facility. The centre is managed by the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. The reserve now covers 145 hectares of lakes, wetland, grassland and scrub. It sits at the confluence of the River Erewash and the River Trent, and is part of an area designated as the Attenborough Gravel Pits Site of Special Scientific Interest. As well as the flooded pits known as ponds there are areas of scrub and grassland as well as native willow and woodland. The ponds have become the most important bird overwintering area in Nottinghamshire for Shoveler and diving ducks. The species count since 1966 is now over 250 bird species. Among the nationally rare birds seen at the reserve are PendulineTtit, Squacco Heron, Purple Heron and Sora. Nigel talked about how he lives near by the reserve and became interested in the wildlife, particularly the birdlife, at an early age. He helps with the annual ringing of birds which breed on the site. Nigel continued talking about other wildlife that is supported on the nature reserve, not just birds but bats, insects, wild flowers, grasses etc. However, they have one plant, the Himalayan Balsam, that is not welcome, and they organise parties to help pull out the plants before they shed their seeds everywhere. What a fantastic facility we have not far from home. Our next meeting is on Monday 20th March when Graham Wagstaff will talk about Growing Vegetables in Containers and Confined Spaces. Jenny Thacker

Daniel Blake’s story moves audience at The Scala

Local Walking Groups March Erewash Ramblers More about Erewash Ramblers from Yvonne Ashby on 0115 930 4054. Sunday 5 March. 10.00am. 9 miles. Needwood circular. Meet at Jacksons Bank, Brackenhurst Road, Hoar Cross, (SK140232, DE13 8RG). Leader Michael Throup (07711 571448). Thursday 9 March. 10.30am. 6 miles. Wymeswold and Thorpe in the Glebe. Meet at Wymeswold Village Hall, upper CP on Clay Street (SK600234, LE12 6TY). Leader Steve Tunstall.

Some of the people who took advantage of the free showing of I, Daniel Blake at The Scala

Over 150 people attended the Max Your Money Campaign launch at Ilkeston’s Scala Cinema on Friday 10th February.

with the complicated benefits and tax credits system. The campaign kicked off with six weeks of activity based around the town during February and March. As well as helping maximise people’s incomes the campaign will highlight free and confidential help available with problems at work, housing and homelessness, advice on debt and money issues, as well as impartial Pensions advice. All services are free and confidential. Derbyshire County Councillors, Glennice Birkin, John Frudd and Michelle Booth are all backing the work of the Advice organisations on this project. ‘These are difficult times and many people in Ilkeston are struggling to make ends meet and that includes many in work.’ said the Councillors in a letter of support, ‘The best way to help our constituents is to put money in their pockets that both assists families and boosts the local economy. Colin Hampton, who originates from Ilkeston, and has been the Co-ordinator of the DUWCs for over 30 years said: “Many people who are in work are not getting the tax credits they are entitled to. So whether employed or unemployed, sick or a carer, old or young, single or with a family, get in touch to see if you can max your money. These are tough times, and there’s nothing to lose by asking, but there is much to gain.” Advisory sessions will be held at various venues across the town. Ring 01246 231441 for an appointment.

Kate Rutter the actress who plays a sympathetic Jobcentre worker in the award winning film I, Daniel Blake was at the screening to do a Question and Answer about the making of the film. I, Daniel Blake directed by Ken Loach, portrays the sometimes cruel and punitive benefits system and its treatment of benefit claimants. It had such an impact on the judges at the Cannes Film Festival that it was awarded the prestigious Palme d’Or. It has now also won Best British Film at the BAFTAS. After the screening many people were visibly moved by the dramatisation of a world that many in the audience could recognise and some were shocked to see. Kate Rutter told the audience how well researched was the screenplay and challenged those who had doubted its validity. The film kick starts a campaign of free advice in Ilkeston to help people through the complications of dealing with the Department of Work and Pensions. Residents of Ilkeston could benefit by as much as a million pounds, thanks to the 'MAX YOUR MONEY' initiative being waged in partnership by the Derbyshire Unemployed Workers’ Centres (DUWCs), the Derbyshire Districts Citizens Advice Bureau and Direct Help and Advice. A grant from the Community Priorities Colin Hampton Scheme, thanks to Derbyshire County Councillors Glennice Birkin, John Frudd and Michelle Booth, has enabled the DUWCs to Pictured outside afterwards: Cllr Glennice put together a series of campaigns in IlkesBirkin, Cllr John Frudd, actress Kate Rutter ton. The DUWC's role is to ensure that all and Cllr Michelle Booth. The three Derbymembers of the community are receiving the shire County Councillors are backing the welfare benefits and tax credits they are Max Your Money campaign. entitled to. Experienced staff will assist anyone who might be put off by problems Photos: John Shelton

Saturday 11 March. 10.30am. 5.5 – 6 miles. River Derwent and Elvaston Castle. Meet at Asterdale Sports Ground, Borrowash Road, Spondon. (SK410351, DE21 7PH). Leader Les Francis. Monday 13 March. 10.30am. 6 miles. Staunton Harold and Worthington. Meet at Dimminsdale CP (SK378219, LE65 1RR). Leader Brian Bennett. Wednesday 15 March. 10.30am. 4 miles Elvaston Castle. Meet at main car park (P&D) SK412332. Leader Alan Brown. Wednesday 15 March. 7.30pm. “Bradshaw’s Guide - An Early Railway Tour”, talk given by Robert Mee. West Hallam Village Hall. Sunday 19 March. 10.00am. 7½ miles. Rudyard Lake. Meet at miniature railway, 2 miles northwest of Leek (SJ955579, ST13 8PF) Leader Joyce Mold. Thursday 23 March. 10.30am. 6 miles. Hardwick Estate. Meet at car park by lake (next to M1 bridge) (P&D, free for NT members) (SK453638, S44 5QJ). Leader Alan Brown. Saturday 25 March. To be announced. Monday 27 March. 10.30am. 6½ miles. Warren Hills and Forest Rock Wood. Meet at Mount St Bernard Abbey CP (SK458163, LE67 5UN). Leader Tony Beardsley (07989 314242). Wednesday 29 March. 10.30am. 3½ miles. Trent Lock. Meet at car park SK489313. Leader Brian Bennet. Holiday Friday 31 March to Monday 3 April. Group holiday to Tenby. Contact Yvonne Ashby for possible vacancies.

Ilkeston Rambling Club More about Ilkeston Rambling Club from Jim Cresswell, 07747 419380. Thursday 2nd March: Club evening at The Poacher, South Street, 7.45pm. Sunday 5th February: Mystery Walk led by Steve Palmer. Sunday 19th March: Park at Brierley Forest Park, near Huthwaite. Lunch at Lane End. A ten mile walk led by Mike Henshaw.

Long Eaton Rambling Club

The radio station just for Erewash Great songs, local news, sport and interviews

More about Long Eaton Rambling Club at or John Aram on o115 849 5813. Sunday 5th March - Cromford Circular, 9 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall. Sunday 12th March - No Walk (Club Holiday) Sunday 19th March - Osmaston Village Circular, 8 to 9 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall. Thursday 23rd March - Gotham Circular, 7 miles. Meet 9.30am West Park Leisure Centre. Sunday 26th March - Lower Hartshay Circular, 9 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall.

Listen on 96.8FM and online Ilkeston Life, March 2017


Chinese New Year celebration lights up Ilkeston town centre

Erewash Council’s Year of the Rooster lantern parade and music and dancing celebrations on Ilkeston Market Place drew crowds into the cold night air on Saturday 4th February. Earlier family lantern making workshops had taken place at the Erewash Museum on High Street. Children involved were mainly from Chaucer Junior School and Morley Primary School. The singing group was from Chaucer, and the lady pictured with them is Ling Peng, who had visited the school to help them practise for the event.

Hospice recognises 410 years of support On Saturday 4th February, Treetops Hospice Care congratulated more than 60 volunteers and staff who between them have dedicated 410 years of support and commitment to the local hospice. A total of sixty-seven 5-year and 10-year long service awards were presented to volunteers and staff from across all areas of the Risley-based hospice which provides nursing care and emotional support for adults, their families and carers across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire. Amongst those being recognised is Allan Perkins, 77, from Kirk Hallam, who has been a volunteer for Treetops for ten years: “I’ve done lots of different roles as a volunteer. When I first arrived I came and worked in the offices helping to organise the drivers and it went on from there. I then retrained as a driver myself. “I drive my own car and basically it’s a question of usually bringing a Day care guest here in the morning and then if I’m working in the afternoon as well, then I take them home again. “The whole experience here is that I get more out of it than I put into it. You get to know people. If you bring a new person in for their first visit, they’re obviously a bit hesitant and worried about what it’s going to be like so I can put them at ease. “Volunteering is very worthwhile – you get a good feeling out of helping people who need help. Quite a lot of people that I’ve driven say to me – this is the only time I get out in the week so of course if we didn’t have any volunteer drivers, we wouldn’t be able to get them here.” Allan has also been a volunteer trustee for two years and is a familiar face helping out at Treetops fundraising events throughout the year. Treetops are currently advertising two new trustees with marketing and IT qualifications to advise the board at quarterly meetings throughout the year. Further information about the voluntary positions can be found on the charity’s website. The presentations were part of an annual volunteer social as Imogen Hopkins, volunteer services coordinator explained: “It’s been a really special day and a chance for us to acknowledge and thank all those that have been supporting us for such a long time. “We’ve treated our volunteers to brunch, lunch and afternoon tea and they’ve been served by staff members – a chance for them to put their feet up for once after giving us so much time and time again! “Today really reflects how everyone feels about the charity. It’s easy to say that Treetops is a lovely place to work, that it’s warm and welcoming and somewhere you can see the difference you make in people’s lives – here’s the proof! “We always welcome more volunteers to join the team as there’s so many different ways people can help the hospice.” Treetops services are available free of charge and include Support and Information, a Day Care unit based in Risley, Hospice at Home nurses and Therapeutic Services including counselling and complementary therapy. Photo: Volunteers and staff celebrating longservice awards. Front left – Allan Perkins

18Ilkeston Ilkeston Life, March 2017 18 Life, March 2017

Family and Personal Announcements




Isabella Violet Gabrielli

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Happy 16th Birthday on 25th Febrary to our lovely Grand-daughter Isabella Violet. Lots of love Mammar and Grandad xxx. Happy 16th Birthday to our wonderful Daughter Isabella. Have a lovely day, lots of love from Mum, Mick and Marcello xxx.


Christine Maltby PLUMBING

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Yvonne Pollard Ten years on the 4th March since God took you home. They say there is a reason, they say time will heal, but neither time nor reason will change the way we feel, for no one knows the heartache that lies behind our smiles, no one knows how many times we broke down and cried. We want to tell you something, Yvonne so there won't be any doubt, you are so wonderful to think of but so hard to live without. All our love: Michael, Nathan, Helen, Luke, Abbie, Grand-daughter, Lily Yvonne.


Pat and Tom Hosker Congratulations on your Golden Wedding Anniversary on 25th March. Love, Ann and John xx



end a birthday greeting Thank someone Congratulate someone Announce a birth Announce a death Remember a loved one in your local community paper

We can help you word your announcement DEATHS

Peter Frederick Holt Passed away peacefully on 20th January 2017, after a short illness. Beloved Husband of Maureen. Dear Dad to Kevin and Kerry. Father In Law to Sarah and Derek. Much loved Grandad to Ryan, James and Samuel. Treasured memories of a special man, Rest In Peace. Xxxxxxxx

Mike Noon Died 18th December 2016. He passed away at home after a brave fight with illness. Loved so much by his wife Jenny, his son Vincent, daughter Andrea, also loved by grandsons Michael, Mathew, Josh and granddaughter Amy. Missing so much his smiling face and happy ways . A collection for Treetops at his funeral made £500. Thanks to everyone who donated, and for all cards and sympathy messages. Thanks to you all.

Miss Flossie Wright

Of Cotmanhay. Died 22nd January 2017, aged 94 years. A lovely lady.


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Model Ilkeston Life Delivery Truck £7.50 from our office

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Ilkeston-born actor Robert Lindsay, who made his name as Citizen Smith in the TV sitcom, was delighted to see himself portrayed in a recent Lewes versus Tooting & Mitcham football match poster. He tweeted: ‘Brilliant!’

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


Life in the Garden By Steve Walton

March and happy gardening every-  If your lawn needs mowing body! choose a dry day to complete this. Ensure the blades are set  Feed trees, shrubs and hedges Spring is definitely in the air; higher than usual at this time of with a slow-release fertiliser by mornings and evenings are lighter, year lightly forking it into the soil birds are singing and snowdrops surface  Towards the end of the month are giving way to daffodils. It is plant your chitted early potatoes such a joy to see the garden wake  Plant out any forced flower outside in the ground. If you up after the winter months which bulbs in the garden, such as don't have enough space for means it's time to prepare your garhyacinths and daffodils which growing potatoes on your plot, den ready for the start of the new have finished flowering inwhy not try potato growing kits season with highlights such as doors for your patio? spring bulbs, tree blossom and flowering shrubs. Spring is also the  Finish cutting back shrubs grown for their colourful winter busiest time in the garden, so try to stems such as Cornus and Salix Gardener Steve on… get ahead before the weeds start cultivars. Cut them back to their All things horticultural growing! I have added a few jobs bases below to keep you busy throughout in Ilkeston and the

Spring is in the air…and in the garden

surrounding area

As I drive or walk around Ilkeston I am surrounded by what I love gardens, trees and green open spaces. But then again I could find those anywhere I went too but this is your town and this is what I discovered Ilkeston has to offer. Allotment gardening is great pastime and can make a massive contribution to the quality of our lives. Open Space is becoming important within our community. Allotments are very important for people without gardens. There are over 1000 allotment plots in the Erewash area with six sites in Ilkeston they are Heanor Road, Clarksfield, Fairfield Road, Little Hallam Lane, Longfield Lane and Wirksworth Road Kirk Hallam.

Local Nature Reserves are always nice to visit and each site contains and conserves particular features unique to the area. Ilkeston has Pioneer Meadows, Trowell Marsh, Manor Floods and Straws Bridge. The beautiful and much-loved Victoria Park is a brilliant green space at the centre of the town hosting a wide variety of facilities such as play areas, bowling greens and floral gardens. It has a tree trail which are named and identified in a printed leaflet. Each year we are fortunate to have the magnificent flowers and planting schemes in and around the town with planted beds and containers at White Lion Square, Victoria Park, roundabouts and on lampposts. It brings such vibrancy to the town and certainly adds to the feel good factor.

Many residents, schools and businesses around the town have been honoured in another outstanding year for the Erewash in Bloom awards with Ilkeston achieving medal-winning success in the prestigious East Midlands in Bloom competition With many categories such as best pub or restaurant, best street, best front garden, best hanging basket and many more. It is great that there is so much interest in this annual competition also that people care greatly about the appearance of their town. Gardener Steve would love you to get in touch to share your gardening stories, news and photos from around Ilkeston or to ask a garden question. I look forward to hearing from you. Email me at

Katie’s column

20 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

Hi, my name is Katie, I am 9 years old and go to Kensington Juniors. Welcome to my March column! On March 26th it will be spring (at long last). Last October I planted some daffodil bulbs in the front garden and I am hoping that will come through soon. Spring Forward! My Great-Nan is one of my best friends and I love her to the moon and back. Her name is Joyce and she is 90 years young! I think that she makes the best fruit cake and coconut Tarts in the whole of Ilkeston. Every year my Nan has to remind my mum to put the clocks forward or backwards, because she always forgets. This year the clocks go forward on Sunday March 26th at 1am (I hope you’re taking note, Mum). I love it when it stays light for longer because I can play out on my bike after school. At the weekends we take our dog for a long walk in Shipley woods and look for the first signs of spring. Now that spring is here I really hope that the weather gets warmer. Electronic game of the Month At the moment my favourite computer is Roblox. It’s an interactive game that involves building things such as cities, shops and restaurants. It’s great because your friends can play it with you on their computers but please remember to only play with people that you know – if in doubt ask your parents if it is ok.

The Trim Castle Hotel in County Meath and the tour includes ferry crossings outward from Holyhead to Dublin and returnThe North of Ireland has some outstanding from Larne to Cairnryan. ing sights – from the stunning scenery of the Antrim Coastline and the Mountains of The history of the area is encapsulated in Mourne, to the contrasting architecture of visits to two historic homes: Hillsborough the classical Belfast City Hall and the ultra- Castle is The Queen’s personal and ceremonial home in Northern Ireland; and modern Titanic Museum. A visit to the Mount Stewart, a neoclassical house and spectacular Giant’s Causeway is a must! celebrated gardens on the banks of StrangIlkeston Life readers are invited to join a ford Lough - one of the most inspiring and coach tour to this wonderful part of the unusual gardens in the National Trust's British Isles: travelling with Swiftsure Travel in May this year, accommodation is ownership. Back in Belfast, a qualified tour guide will show you all the sights, and at the stylish, friendly and popular fourtell you the history, of this vibrant, modstar Park Avenue Hotel, situated in the ern, capital city. All in all, it’s an outstandBelmont area of Belfast, only 10 minutes ing six-day holiday tour! from the city centre. The first night is at

Outstanding Ireland

There's a sign at QMC that says thieves operate in the car parks ...... that really shows how bad the NHS has become!! John Allen Ireland’s Giant’s Causeway that the shoes on your feet were suddenly green or pink and not the brown or black your Back in the sixties! What a time that was! forbears had been wearing for centuries. When When everyone wanted everything, and a girl took a pill in the morning to prepare her thought they could have it, and what's more for whatever safe sexual adventures the day had a right to it. Marriage and freedom with it. would bring, and youth lit a cigarette without a Sex without babies. Revolution without poverty. thought of cancer and took a girl to bed without Careers without selfishness. Art without effort. fear of worse. Knowledge without learning by rote. Dinner - in When the cream flowed thick into boeuf-enother words - and no washing up. "Why don't daube and no one had heard of low fat/low we do it in the road?" they cried. Why not? protein diet and no one dreamed of showing Ah, but they were good days, when the Beatles starving babies on TV and you could have your filled the airwaves and if you looked down you cake and eat it too. discovered you had a flowered plastic carrier Fay Weldon bag in your hand, not a plain brown one and (Submitted by Mary Whitehead)

The Hearts and Lives of Men

Pam’s Beauty Salon has had an exciting 2016 and now continues with the start of the year. Last year saw a big welcome back to the Salon for Wan, Senior Therapist. Wan returned bringing with her new therapies to the Ilkeston salon such as Lift Volume Lashes (LVL), metallic nails and with her fine art skills she is in demand. Sara, the other Senior Therapist is much relieved to have a trusted, skilled member back in the team. There is always a great buzz and friendly feel to the Salon on those busy days. Pam has always placed as much importance on customer car as the high quality of work the Salon produces. For the quiet intimate treatments of massage, IPL and Facials, the customers are led away to a quiet sanctuary room where one to one therapy is all important. The end of 2016 saw the birth of the Salon’s new venture SALT Hair. Stylist Sophie left a top Nottingham Salon to bring her skills to Ilkeston Town Centre. Was Ilkeston looking for the high end of hair treatments? We think so. So much so that the Hair Salon has undergone a New Year Makeover as part of Pam’s investment and belief. Sophie uses top L’Oreal colours and shampoos and last Sunday the Hair Salon was turned into a photo studio as professional models, makeup artist and photographer were snipping and snapping for entry into the L’Oreal prestigious Colour Trophy. Look out for the forthcoming pictures. They are amazing. Balmain are on board and this Spring we will see the popularity of superb affordable hair extensions. Call in to see us or phone 0115 944 2515.

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


22 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

Discharges, dementia and the Derbyshire countryside A day in the life of a Patient Transport Services crew Derbyshire Patient Transport Services transports nonemergency patients with additional medical needs to hospital appointments 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. We joined a crew from Ilkeston for a day to meet some of the patients they transport and care for. 7:30am: As the crew arrives at Ilkeston Ambulance Station ready for their eight-hour shift, it’s a misty morning, but with the promise of some glorious winter sunshine. Today Colleen Bailey and Lorraine Holmes are in charge of one of the two Patient Transport Services ambulances based in Ilkeston. Colleen, 52, from West Hallam has been a Patient Care Assistant with EMAS for 27 years, while Lorraine, 45, from Belper, has worked in PTS for 13 years, making 40 years’ experience between them. 8.00am: After a quick cup of tea and a look at the schedule of patients for the day, the care assistants check that the ambulance has all the equipment they require for the day – including wheelchairs, oxygen tanks and sanitising wipes – and clamber aboard. 8:30am: Our first patient to be collected is over in Breaston, but when we arrive he is still in bed and not well enough to travel to his appointment at the day centre. Having checked that he has carers visiting later today, we set off to collect our next patient in Long Eaton. 8:47am: Our patient in Long Eaton is also scheduled to travel to the resource centre at Ilkeston hospital to take part in memory stimulation and activities to help combat his dementia. He is in a wheelchair, so down comes the ramp at the back of the ambulance and he is secured in the centre of the vehicle using a special contraption called an NMI seat. 9.44am: With the help of another crew, we lift a bariatric patient in her wheelchair out of her home in Trowell and secure her in the ambulance. 10.15am: The bariatric patient is dropped off at the resource centre and we drive round the corner to the front of Ilkeston Community Hospital to pick up a patient and two occupational therapists for a home visit to assess what equipment she will need at home when she is discharged. Jean Beardsley, 83, a retired lace factory worker from Ilkeston, explains that she has been in hospital with problems with her knees since the beginning of February when she fell at home and had to be rescued by Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service. Jean said: “I was making some breakfast early in the morning when my knee went crack and I went down. I tried to get up but I couldn’t. My next door neighbour called for an ambulance but they had to get the fire brigade as the kitchen is very narrow and the paramedics could not get me up.” 10.45am: We drop Jean and her occupational therapists at her home

for their visit, and we head back to the community hospital to collect 91-year-old John Shotton who is going home to Trowell after 11 weeks in hospital. John was admitted with a chest infection but is finally well enough to be going home and is very excited. He explained that he is originally from Durham, but moved to Trowell to work in transporting steel. He said: “I’m feeling much better and I’ve got my appetite back.” 11.28am: We deliver John at home and return to collect Jean to take her back to the hospital. 12.00pm: We make the short trip back to the ambulance station for a lunch break ahead of a busy afternoon. Over lunch, Colleen explains that Patient Transport Services attends patients of all ages – from tiny babies to the elderly, and it covers the whole of Derbyshire, all the way from the Derbyshire Dales down to Swadlincote. But the patients can be going to a wide variety of appointments such as dialysis, chemotherapy and physiotherapy. Colleen says: “I love spending my days out and about, and you never have the same day twice. You meet some amazing people too – we once had an ex-army major who would only get onto the ambulance if we saluted him.” She has also seen considerable changes to the service in the last 27 years. She said: “It was much harder when I joined as you did not have designated PTS vehicles, we just used old emergency ambulances which didn’t even have a ramp for wheelchairs. “We have also seen an increase in the number of bariatric patients across the board, but that is the same in A&E too.” 1.08pm: A patient with a walking frame needs transporting from a care home in West Hallam to her home in Ockbrook, so we are happy to oblige. 2.55pm: We arrive back at Ilkeston Community Hospital for one last time to collect Brian Scanlon, 78, who has been for a physiotherapy appointment to help him with his hand-eye co-ordination following a stroke. Brian, a British Rail Engineer from Toton, explained that he suffered the stroke at home in October and now relies on Patient Transport Services to get him to and from his appointments. He said: “I was sat on a bed upstairs one afternoon, and when I got up I felt a bit funny. I went downstairs into the lounge, and next thing I know I collapsed. My daughter-inlaw recognised it was a stroke and called an ambulance. “Without PTS I wouldn’t be able to get to my physiotherapy appointments, and I wouldn’t get any better. I think it’s an excellent service, particularly when you are a wheelchair user like me. I cannot get in and out of normal cars.” 3.24pm: On the way to Toton, we stop to help another PTS crew sup-

port the bariatric patient from earlier to get back into her house. 4.30pm: Brian is at home, and Colleen and Lorraine return to the station to clean the ambulance and head home. Lorraine said: “I have loved all of the last 13 years and I still enjoy my job every day now. It’s nice to think we are doing a good job in the community and helping people, and we see that as the majority of patients really appreciate us and the whole PTS service.” Would you like to be a volunteer car driver for our Patient Transport Services? Email Lisa Haire at Notes 1. We are commissioned by 22 Clinical Commissioning Groups in the region to provide emergency 999 care and telephone clinical assessment services for the 4.8 million people within Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Rutland, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire and Nottinghamshire. We cover an area of 6,425 square miles, have a budget of £154 million (2015/16), and operate a fleet of around 530 emergency ambulances and fast response cars. From 1 August 2016, we will also provide non-emergency Patient Transport Services for people living in Derbyshire 2. We employ over 3,000 people at more than 70 locations, including two control rooms in Nottingham and Lincoln, with the larg-

est staff group being our accident and emergency 999 crews. 3. On average we receive a new 999 call every 37 seconds (over 2,000 a day). We respond to calls in three ways: • Hear and treat – a telephone assessment is made by paramedics and nurses in our Clinical Assessment Team and the patient is then directed to other more appropriate NHS services or given self-care advice. • See and treat – our clinicians visit the patient, assess their condition and then provide treatment on scene – so the patient doesn’t have to travel elsewhere.. • See, treat and convey – the patient is treated on scene and then taken to a hospital (or an urgent care centre) for further tests and treatment. 4. Our vision is ‘To play a bigger part in the community through enhanced emergency and urgent

care services delivered by proud, respected, highly skilled and compassionate staff’. To view graphs and charts showing the patient outcomes and performance for each ambulance trust in England, as reported to NHS England, please visit http:// index.php

Elizabeth Fry, EMAS Communications—Sharing our news with communities. Photos: Above: Ilkeston crew next to PTS vehicle. Below (clockwise from top left): Brian Scanlon sitting in ambulance; Jean Beardsley going into ambulance; John Shotton on hospital ward; John Shotton on his way home.

Ilkeston Life, March 2017


JUST A THOUGHT Dilly ding, dilly dong. We are in the Champions League, it is fantastic, terrific. Well done to everybody.” –Claudio Ranieri


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Ilkeston FC round-up by Matchman

Shaun Goater joins Robins New manager has a massive task to turn the tide and avoid relegation, but he starts with a precious win Shaun Goater, the former Manchester City striker is the new boss at the NMG succeeding Paul Holland

Sat 28th Jan. 2017 - Northern Premier League

Barwell 2 Ilkeston 1 A late goal condemned Ilkeston to another defeat despite the valiant efforts of keeper Dale Eve who was making his debut. In an even first half it was Barwell who scored first through Callum Ball on 21 minutes. Four minutes later Dexter Atkinson beat the offside trap and slotted the ball past the Barwell keeper for a deserved equaliser. Ilkeston then had a great chance to go ahead. This time it was Brandon Clarke who had a one on one with the keeper but he fired his shot wide. Eve brilliantly saved two close range headers before half time to keep Ilkeston level. Barwell started the second half the stronger and Eve was again called upon to rescue Ilkeston. Ilkeston then went close themselves when Anthony Dwyer’s effort looked goalbound but grazed the wrong side of the post. Then Atkinson broke free down the right to create a chance for Morris but he couldn’t turn the cross into the net. Both sides were threatening but it was Barwell who came up with the winner on 82 minutes through Brady Hickey. The referee took centre stage in the final moments when he harshly booked Ilkeston’s Ryan Head three minutes from time and then followed it up with a second yellow and in added time.

Sat. 4th Feb. 2017 - Northern Premier League

Ilkeston 0 Blyth Spartans 5 Runaway league leaders Blyth Spartans were just too good for Ilkeston’s young side. Dante Leverock made his debut replacing the injured Jaylon Bather. Spartans went ahead after just 5 minutes when Rivers headed in from Dale’s cross. Ilkeston then settled and kept them out until two minutes before half time when Robbie Dale scored an outrageous goal from nowhere. He picked up the ball on the wide left, cut in and curled an unstoppable shot into the far top corner which Eve could not get to. Ilkeston’s only worthwhile effort in the first half was from Danny Gordon. Rivers made it three with his second after 53 minutes and the game was beyond Ilkeston. Blyth’s clinical finishing was in contrast to Ilkeston’s laboured approach. Wrightson and Maguire added two more with still twenty minutes left. Ilkeston then had their best spell but were unable to pull one back. Leverock had an impressive first game and Tevahn Tyrell caused the Blyth defenders problems when he came on in the second half. When leaving the field at the end of the game the outstanding Robbie Dale handed his captain’s armband to a young Ilkeston fan.

Getting ready for the off

Match action from Ilkeston v Coalville. The Robins gave a much improved performance and drew 0-0. Photo: Craig Lamont.

Tue. 14th Feb. 2017 - Northern Premier League

Ilkeston 0 Coalville 0 Ilkeston ended their run of defeats with a well earned draw. Despite the goalless scoreline it was a very entertaining match with both sides creating numerous chances. After early pressure from Coalville, Ilkeston had most of the possession and should have been ahead at the interval. Their best chance fell to Dexter Atkinson but the visiting keeper blocked his shot with his legs. Coalville went close just before half time through Foster but Max Thornberry headed off the line. Coalville’s manager ripped into his players at half time and it seemed to have the desired effect as they upped their game in the second half. The Ravens pressed the Robins back but Thornberry, Head, Baker and Leverock were defending with determination. Ilkeston looked dangerous when breaking forward. Atkinson nearly capitalised on a defensive error but his shot was charged down. Near the end Coalville’s Luke Foster was lucky not to see red when he cynically brought down Atkinson when he was bursting through and Foster was the last defender. Coalville created plenty of chances themselves and Ilkeston’s keeper Dale Eve pulled off several outstanding saves including one to prevent an own goal and Thornberry denied Coalville a winner with a last ditch tackle. In the end a draw was a fair result and although it was another addition to the winless run, Ilkeston could take heart from a battling performance and a deserved point. Sat 18th Feb.2017 - Northern Premier League

Ilkeston 1 Sutton Coldfield 0 On Friday 17th February it was announced that ex Manchester City star Shaun Goater would succeed Paul Holland as Ilkeston FC’s first team manager and Saturday’s match against Sutton Coldfield would be his first

MYSTERY PICTURE. This old photograph belonging to local collector Ged Munro shows the start of a bike race being held in Ilkeston. Cycling was once a very popular sport in the town and the old Manor Ground football ground began life as a bicycle track, described in the Ilkeston Pioneer of 18.5.1894 as ’one of the most perfect in the country’. The picture gives little clue of the location. There are buildings on the top right and a gas lamp but they have long since disappeared. Any ideas, anyone?

24 Ilkeston Life, March 2017

30p where sold

game in charge. The Club need a sensational run of results to avoid relegation but Shaun said he was excited by the difficult challenge facing him over the next ten weeks or so. With just one day to prepare before the relegation six pointer Goater was looking for 100% commitment to the cause and hopefully a bit of good fortune to go with it. As it turned out he got both. In front of a decent attendance the Robins brought their winless run to an end and maybe kick started an improbable battle to escape relegation. Ilkeston had to make a late change with Jamie Hannis replacing Dale Eve in goal. There were chances galore for both sides in an exciting encounter but the only one taken came after just five minutes. Brandon Clarke fed Dexter Atkinson who got past the keeper and managed to slot the ball home from a tight angle. Ilkeston had the edge early on but Sutton came storming back in an effort to draw level and the visitors could consider themselves unlucky to be behind at half time after failing to convert several opportunities. The second half continued as the first with both sides creating chances but not taking them. Jamie Hannis was called upon to make a couple of outstanding saves whilst Ilkeston’s forwards were guilty of failing to put the result beyond doubt. Atkinson and Dwyer both went close. In added time, sub Reece Horne came nearest to scoring when his powerful shot struck the post and then in the final moments Sutton’s Matthias Curley received a red card for bringing down Anthony Dwyer who was through on goal. Thirty seconds later the full time whistle sounded and Ilkeston’s long winless run was over. There was a bit of disorder before the players had left the field as Ilkeston’s players understandably celebrated a vital win and one of Sutton’s players’ frustration got the better of him. Shaun Goater’s after match reaction was that it was a positive start which must now be built on over the remaining games..

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