West Hallam society’s 87th ploughing match
20p where sold
A community publication for Ilkeston and the surrounding area Visit our website: ilkestonlife.com
Robert comes home to receive top honour Ilkeston’s favourite son, actor Robert Lindsay is coming home, as he often does, to receive the Freedom of the Borough of Erewash on Saturday 1st October. A big crowd is expected to gather on the Marker Place to see the honour bestowed on him by the Mayor of Erewash, Councillor Abey Stevenson. The local lad who became a television, stage and film star will arrive with his family and be presented with a framed scroll and ribboned badge of office. Freedom of the Borough is only granted by a local authority to people who have achieved great things and brought pride to their home town or village. Robert Lindsay Stevenson was one of three children born to Norman and Joyce Stevenson. He was later to drop the ‘Stevenson’ for the stage, although reluctantly because he was immensely proud of his father, a former carpenter and outspoken trade unionist who had served in the Royal Navy in World War 2. He remembers his mother too with great affection. “She was a life-force, a wonderful mother who went to see all of my performances—and she would be very honest when there were parts she didn’t like,” he revealed. Robert attended Gladstone Boys School in Ilkeston where a starring role in a school play brought encouragement from headmaster Mr John Lally to pursue an acting career. He enrolled at Clarendon College, Nottingham, intending to become a drama teacher but friends at Nottingham Playhouse convinced him to apply to join the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA). Acceptance led to numerous TV, film and theatre roles and the start of a glittering career as one of the country’s leading actors. His serious stage roles have included Hamlet at the Royal Exchange in Manchester, Henry II in Becket in the West End and Rich-
Horses stand at the ready at West Hallam Ploughing and Hedgecutting Association’s 87th Annual Match at Risley recently. The competition was first started in 1923 and is held annually in September. The event includes ploughing by tractors in different classes, as well as horse ploughing and hedgecutting. The aim is to keep alive old farming traditions. Apple pressing and competitions to find the biggest and best pumpkin and sunflower were also part of the day’s activities. Photos: Dave Cook.
Ilkeston-born Robert Lindsay
ard III for the Royal Shakespeare Company. His role as Bill Snibson and Me and My Girl took him from the West End to Broadway and led to him being awarded Olivier, Fred Astaire and Tony awards. Also much acclaimed was his role as Fagin in Oliver! the musical written by friend Lionel Bart. Hornblower, an eight-part TV film series with Robert as Captain Sir Edward Pellew won him more fans. But he is perhaps best known for his TV sitcom roles including Wolfie in Citizen Smith and Ben Harper in My Family. Robert is proud of his roots and often returns to Ilkeston to see family and friends. He keenly follows the fortunes of Derby County and also drops in to watch Ilkeston FC when he can. Council leader Chris Corbett said: “The presentation of this award is made on behalf of all the residents of Erewash. We’re very proud of him and we salute his achievements.” The ceremony is taking place at 5.30pm to enable as many local people as possible to come along and show their support.
Hen-gaging worship: Pets Praise led by the Bishop at All Saints Kirk Hallam —more pictures on page 7
Our visit to Canada, 1970 so I wrote them a letter asking if there was any chance that we could have it. They said yes. We moved in just before Christmas, I think. It My husband and I only lived at Little Hallam Hall for about six months, after all seemed massive after our little flat and our few our hard work getting it clean and tidy. Our pieces of furniture were lost in it. It was also freezing cold. We kept the Rayburn landlord was always saying we made too going night and day and slept in the small bedmuch noise so we decided to leave. room next to the airing cupboard. Even so I As I had put our names down on the Council was always cold and went to bed with a hot House list when we got engaged, I phoned water bottle and dressed in a woolly hat, bed the Council to ask if we were anywhere near socks and cardigan every night. We laugh the top of the list, and they said we were. about it now but it wasn’t funny at the time. At the same time we knew a two bedroom, There were no duvets being sold here then. No house was coming vacant on St Norbert Drive central heating for most people either. Still single glazed windows that iced up on the inside in winter. Doesn’t bear thinking about now. Anyway, that summer of 1969, some of Adrian’s family came over from Canada for a holiSTANLEY COMMON KIRK HALLAM day. We spent a wonderful few weeks showAWSWORTH COTMANHAY ing them round. Taking them up Derbyshire COSSALL SHIPLEY VIEW and to Nottingham letting them see the area TROWELL HALLAM FIELDS their mum had come from. SANDIACRE STANTON-BY-DALE STAPLEFORD Before they left they asked us if we would like DALE ABBEY ocal LONG EATON WEST HALLAM to go over there to see them sometime. We DERBY STANLEY thought at the time this would be impossible. ndependent However Adrian’s mum and dad decided they were going to save up to go the following resh year. So, I checked everything out and decided that with a push and saving every penny, we ntertaining could probably go too. f you don’t get a copy through your In April I had my usual bet on the Grand Nadoor, Ilkeston Life is available online and tional. I picked Gay Trip because we were from various outlets including newsagents, going to Canada, and of course it won. That shops, cafes, Post Offices and supermar- added extra money to the funds. This found us on the 2nd of August 1970 at 6.30 in the kets in our growing circulation area. Bemorning travelling on the Motorway to Gatsides Ilkeston, we are currently supplying: wick Airport in an old mini bus along with Adrian’s mum and dad, his younger sister who KIRK HALLAM STANLEY were all going with us to Canada and my mum COTMANHAY STANLEY COMMON and sister and Adrian’s older sister and brother SHIPLEY VIEW AWSWORTH -in-law, who wanted to come along to see us HALLAM FIELDS COSSALL off. LARKLANDS TROWELL My mum was crying copiously as we left her STANTON-BY-DALE SANDIACRE as she thought we might like it and decide to DALE ABBEY STAPLEFORD emigrate out there. WEST HALLAM LONG EATON It was very exciting. The first time any of us had been to an airport. When it was time to Editorial office: board the plane the family all waved us off and 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Tel: 07539 808390 as we walked up the steps of the plane it was Editor: Robert Attewell windy and raining, just another typical sumilkestonlife@gmail.com mer day here in England. The steps seemed or robert@ilkestonlife.com very high and very wobbly and I found it very scary. Staff feature writer: Patricia Spencer We were travelling with the Caledonian Airpatricia@ilkestonlife.com ways to Toronto and it was going to take sevStaff photographer: John Shelton en hours to fly over to Canada. For a first john@ilkestonlife.com flight this was quite a long haul. Advertising manager: Paul Opiah We took off at 1pm. And our route took us sales @ilkestonlife.com over Shannon and out across the Atlantic or paul@ilkestonlife.com Ocean. The first sight of land we had after that Webmaster: was Iceland. We had already spotted many Adam Newton dark pinpoints on the oceans surface. These adam@ilkestonlife.com we found to be icebergs. It was as clear as a bell after we reached the © Copyright 2016 coast of Canada about six hours after take off. The material in Ilkeston Life is protected by Everywhere looked so barren. The first sign of copyright. If you wish to reproduce anything, life was the transport travelling along the great please contact the editor. highways. While every care is taken to be accurate, we are We flew down the St Lawrence over Newonly human and mistakes do occur occasionally. If foundland and Montreal and finally reached you are unhappy with any of the content in the our destination -Toronto at 3.15 Canadian paper, please contact the editor in the first place. time. The journey of 3,650 miles took us exWe accept news and information from correactly seven hours and fifteen minutes. As we spondents in good faith and cannot be held restepped off the plane the ground heat was sponsible for inaccuracies. We try not to include stories which may cause distress to anyone. If you 85degrees Fahrenheit. have a view on any of the articles, please write After the formalities at the airport were over, and let us know. Your letters are always welcome, the family met us and took us by car to the but we reserve the right to withhold or edit. small town of Paris where most of the family Anonymous letters will only be printed in excepwere based. tional circumstances. Paris is in a valley where the river Nith meets Deadline for adverts and editorial contributions the Grand. Its population then was 6,440. We for next month’s paper: Sat. 15th October travelled 65 miles west on the 401 Highway (unless by arrangement). Send to us by email if from Toronto to reach our destination. possible: ilkestonlife@gmail.com Paris consisted of one main street with about two dozen stores at the most, a great many
2 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
attractive houses and eleven churches of various denominations. The only two places you could go for a quiet drink in the evening were both hotels. The only drink available was beer and you had to sit at a table to drink it, you could not The Bell Homestead, Ontario, where the telephone was invented move around or stand at the bar. Adrian in immaculate condition. This house was should not have been drinking at all because opened up to the public for the first time in you had to be 21 but he got away with it. We 1910 and deeded to the city of Brantford in mere women were only allowed in at weekends! Adrian’s cousin’s husband always joked 1917. that he would love to transport some of our old On the same day we visited a Mohawk Chapel. This was built in 1785 and was the first inns out there, they would make a fortune. protestant church in Ontario and the only IndiThe people we met were really friendly and most of the town consisted of people who had an Chapel Royal in the world. The eight moved there from England in their youth. One stained glass windows were all designed in of our cousin’s neighbours were a couple from England. The bell that hangs by the door of the chapel was cast in London, England in 1786 Ilkeston. She had worked at Charnos, before and was the first bell in Upper Canada. emigrating to Canada. Their two daughters The chapel stands on the Mohawk Indian reswere born there. ervation. This land was granted to the Indians At that time the children had to stay on at for their loyalty to the English during the school until they were 18 and then most of struggle between the French and the English to them moved away to find jobs. Most of the people we met that had emigrated there felt the gain control of the Northern American continent. education system was better out there at that Whilst we were in Canada we could not miss time. the chance to visit Niagara Falls. We were not The weather was fantastic. Whilst we were to be disappointed. It was just as magnificent a there it was permanently in the 70s and 80s. We also had a few terrific storms. On one oc- sight as you would imagine. The Niagara River divides to form two great casion the tail end of a hurricane hit the next Falls—American and Horseshoe. Most people town, which damaged quite a few buildings are of the opinion that they are best seen from and sadly killed two people. We also had a plague of May flies in the town the Canadian side. The water thunders down the river and cascades over the edge whilst the one evening. Next day they filled the gutters mist rises high above the falls. One of the most and the smell was awful. Adrian had a bad experience with the mosqui- amazing sights I have ever seen. Added to this, there was a tremendous thunder storm toes. One evening he had on a T-shirt with above us, making it look even more beautiful. holes in it, they were all the fashion then. We were wet through but the heat was up in to When he got up next morning he had been bitten in a pattern of where the holes where in the 90s that day so we soon dried off. We took an elevator ride up the Skylon Tower, the Tea shirt. Everyone was laughing but he, which rises to 775 feet. At the time this tower, of course did not find it funny. home to the Niagara International Centre was In the summer months they ate most of their meals outside and because there wasn’t much one of, if not the tallest in the world. in the way of entertainment we were invited to We stepped into the lift, which is totally enclosed at the base of the tower but within secmany barbecues, parties, and film shows whilst we were there. Because of the beautiful onds you have a magnificent view as it rises swiftly up on the outside of the building to the summer months they have much more of an outdoor social life. The best party we went to revolving restaurant. The lift is a similar design to the one in the film ‘Towering Inferno’ was a Hawaiian evening. We all dressed up I am really pleased this film did not come out and had more than a few cocktails. These parties are usually held in the basement until after I had been in this lift! in the summer months because of the heat. No The restaurant revolves very slowly giving house is without one. It is quiet a few degrees you a panoramic view over the falls, the two great lakes, Erie and Ontario and the skylines cooler down there. They also have a separate of Buffalo and Toronto. room in the basement to do all the washing, The first two floors of the Skylon are internaironing and drying of clothes, so they never tional centres where they sell goods from all have a mess anywhere else in the house on washdays. At the time here in England, Mon- over the world. We laughed when we were stopped and asked if we would like to buy day was usually the day we did the washing, English Lavender. and it took all day to wash and dry all the clothes and bedding. You were very lucky to We spent a wonderful day in Niagara, walking have a washer or spin drier. by the river, through the superb gardens and When we awoke in Canada the first sound we picnicking in the park. heard was the hum of the Tree Toads. As the We were very sad when our month was up and day went on and it got hotter this increased. It it was time to come home, and we did think was very strange to us at first but you soon got about emigrating out there. However, for a used to it. They say you never see the creacouple of weeks before we were due to leave I tures but their hum is part of everyday life. At had started being sick in a morning and feeling night we went to sleep with the noise of the under the weather. So the day after we arrived crickets. I missed these sounds for quite a home I went to the doctors after work and he while after we came home. confirmed that I was pregnant. Clarence, who we had been staying with in Canada, said The next town to Paris is the town of Brantwhen we told him I was pregnant: “This baby ford. This is where the home of Alexander will come out with Canada stamped on its Graham Bell is situated. He is said to have made the first ever telephone call from Paris to bum.” Brantford. The house is set in beautiful gardens with a wonderful view of the river Grand. We did a tour of the house and found it to be
‘Inspirational’ Chaucer placed second in national gardening competition London.” Ilkeston’s Chaucer Junior School has come 2nd in the National Gardening Com- The judges’ assessment read: “The gardenpetition 'Cultivation Street'. ing club at Chaucer has been running for 13 The results were revealed in the Sunday Mirror on 4th September, leaving members of the gardening club and everyone involved with the school ‘thrilled’. Kerry Wheatley, gardening club leader told us: “Cultivation Street is a national campaign to bring back front garden and community gardening, and also support school gardens. Its founder is television gardener David Domoney. “We are also excited to be receiving £1,000 in National Garden Vouchers for our achievement. I am not only excited and proud for our school and garden but also my hometown of Ilkeston, as the other schools that finished 1st and 3rd were both from
years. I t started with six pupils and now has 100—half the school. “Pupils are aged from seven to 11 and grow a variety of fruit, veg and flowers. The club had extended into the wider community and has helped create beautiful floral displays in the town.” David Domoney’s verdict: “This school is an inspiration. Teachers and supporters have a right to feel proud.” Kerry added: “We are also waiting to hear how we have got on in the Erewash In Bloom competition run by Erewash Borough Council, and also the Grow Your Own Potatoes competition. Fingers crossed again!”
PRETTY AND PRACTICAL: Above left and right: Pots and planters are scattered around the garden. Left: Kerry Wheatley and Madeline Ludlam among the many varieties of flowers and shrubs, all creatively displayed.
Below: Fresh vegetables from the school garden were recently donated to the town’s food bank.
10,000 copies sold or distributed every month
Ilkeston Life is published by a team of volunteers who are proud of where they live and want to give the town and surrounding area a boost. We love to share good news stories and we are happy to support local groups and businesses. We welcome any input from local people and are pleased to support the many excellent charitable organisations in the area. Since we started to produce Ilkeston Life a little over a year ago, we have been delighted receive many articles and pictures from readers wanting to add their touch to the paper. This has enabled us to produce a publication with interesting and varied content alongside local advertisements that get noticed. Many of our advertisers have told us they always get a response when the paper comes out. If you would like the paper to continue, will you support us? We are always on the lookout for advertisers as this is our only source of income, apart from donations and fund raising efforts by us and our friends.
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Have your say Get in touch with your views— Email: ilkestonlife@gmail.com Post: The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH
Ilkeston’s best ever right winger One of the greatest footballers ever to grace Ilkeston passed away last month at the age of 92. Those fortunate enough to have seen Ken Ledger play will happily say, without prompting, that he was the finest outside-right ever to play for Ilkeston Town.
all very hush hush because he hadn’t informed his City Ground employers that he was doing so! It was far from quiet when he signed for Town on a permanent basis, however, as he thrilled Manor Ground fans for the best part of ten years. During that time, apart from a brief departure to South Normanton in 1951 where he found the grass wasn’t greener, he was almost a permanent fixture in an Ilkeston team which won cups and trophies galore, including becoming Central Alliance champions for four seasons in a row. He amassed 334 appearances and scored 109 goals during his time at the club. By the time was in his mid thirties he no longer possessed his pace of old and he was gradually phased out of the team but not until after he was rewarded with a benefit game in 1957. After he finished playing for Town he continued playing, for his home town club Stapleford Villa. Ken was not only an outstanding player, he was a lovely man. I was fortunate enough to be welcomed into his family home twenty years ago and his near photographic memory recalled the wonderful times he spent at Ilkeston. The last time I saw him was in 2010 when he visited the Ilkeston Town FC 65th Anniversary Exhibition at Erewash Museum where, once again, he fondly reminisced about the glory days at the Manor Ground. He lived to a good age but it was still a very sad day when I learned the news of his passing. Even sadder for me was that I was too young to see him play. Yet from talking to those in a more fortunate position, those lucky fans who saw him in his prime, I can visualise him in my mind’s eye, tricking his way past opponents and going off on his way to create another Ilkeston goal. Goodbye, Ken. You’ll be sadly missed.
Known by Ilkeston supporters as Town’s own Sir Stanley Matthews, he was also nicknamed by some as ‘Twinkletoes’ owing to his quick feet, his close control frequently bewildering any defender he faced. In many ways he was the complete right winger. He was blessed with searing pace and could deliver a cross with deadly accuracy which led to countless Ilkeston goals. Apart from creating goals, Ken was equally adept at scoring them, quite often with shots of awesome power. He was also an extremely intelligent player who knew the quirks of the Manor Ground pitch inside out. When kicking down the slope and faced by a defender he hadn’t faced before, he would kick the ball hard and long beyond his man towards the corner and give chase. The defender would most likely choose not to bother to track back in the belief that the ball would run down the slope and harmlessly out of play. Ken knew otherwise, of course. A few yards in from the corner flags, the slope didn’t just diminish, it started to climb upwards, and he knew that the ball would slow down dramatically allowing him to catch up with it, in yards of space, before it went out for a goal kick. A Stapleford man, he began his senior football career with Derby County during the Second World War as a teenager. Unable to break through into the Rams’ first team he tried his luck at Notts County where he had more joy, playing Wartime League football with The Magpies. Duncan Payne, Ilkeston Before the War ended, Ken crossed the Trent to play for Nottingham Forest where he also made the first team. However, when the Football League restarted in 1946, he was unlucky and failed to gain a place in the side. Nevertheless, he remained at the City Ground until 1949 whereupon he signed for Ilkeston who were quickly becoming the finest nonLeague side in the area. Ken had actually played for Ilkeston once before, playing one game in 1948, but it was
4 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
The old Manor Ground where Ken Ledger played
Disappointed with purchase of nectarines off the market - THEN A HAPPY ENDING On Friday 9th September I purchased £6 worth of groceries from the fruit and veg stall on the Lower Market Place, including four nectarines. When unloaded, the four nectarines were found to be badly bruised and in a poor condition. I went straight back to the market but found the man had gone, so I went to the Council Rating Office and asked for the Market Manager. He was out. The assistant manager would not come to see me—not even for a minute. So I showed the poor quality fruit to the ladies in the office and they confirmed I
had every right to complain. I like to shop local and support the market whenever I can but I was extremely disappointed to be fobbed off with these inferior nectarines, and then ignored by the market managers.
Geoff Hayes, Ilkeston Geoff tells us that since sending this letter he received a visit from the assistant market manager who apologised for not having time to see him on the day. “He also brought me a bag of really nice fruit to make up for the other stuff,” he said. “I’m glad it’s been sorted. The man on the stall must have seen what he was giving me. That’s what I was mad about. The nectarines displayed at the front looked lovely, and that’s what I thought I was buying, but the ones I got weren’t the same.“
From scrap truck to classic vehicle
I was looking through my photos the other night and came across this one. I have looked through other photos of the Heritage and Classic Vehicle show on your Facebook page and nobody has included this vehicle which has obvious links to Ilkeston. The lorry was in the shade by the church, which made it difficult to get a good picture so I have got to admit to touching the photo up. It's in amazingly good condition considering the line of business it was in! The condition of all the vehicles amazed me—so much love and attention. If anyone knows anything about the scrap metal dealers M Smedley and Sons, I would be interested to hear from them through the paper.
In the July issue I wrote about a British war medal I had found inscribed DVR 612407 E EATON, RA. Presumably he was a Driver in the Royal Artillery. We have had some valuable information from a reader who has found a record of an Edgar Eaton, a serviceman of that time. We are still following this up. We have traced a possible marriage and children from that marriage. We have also traced marriages for those children and their children—but all the time you are working on possibilities. I am in touch with Michael Eaton, the playwright, who was born in the right area and he is going to ask his father if he has heard of Edgar.
Roy Foulkes
If you commented on our Facebook page, we have your names on record and will be contacting you if we manage to arrange anything. Are you 70 years old during this school year In the meantime we look forward to hearing and did you attend Field House infant school from anyone else who remembers Miss King the headmistress and teachers Miss Barton, which opened in 1952? Miss Jacobs, etc., and would like to meet up If so we would love to hear from you. We with old classmates from all those years ago. are hoping to arrange a get together for pupils who attended the school during its very Please get in touch via email or through this newspaper. first few years. Email: janjohn8@btinternet.com We remember some names but would love more. We would love photos or memories Jen and Glenys, Ilkeston of that time.
Did you go to Field House?
The life of Alan Davis celebrated at Davy Lamp Readers who knew Alan Davis may be interested to know that we remembered and celebrated his life at the Davy Lamp, Ilkeston on Saturday 10th September.
tation only and that the asbestosis related cancer charity Mesothelioma may Alan (known to many as ‘Dallan’) played an benefit from the active role through the scouting movement in occasion by donation only as we the lives of many, leading by example. He decided not to inwas involved in the teaching and in some troduce entrance ways mentoring of ways to deal with life tickets. We raised through the media of music and scouting methodology. From a personal point of view £141.08 for the charity. whenever I wrote a song or performed in Performing at the public I found myself even in my 50s asking event were seven amateur acts which varied myself what Dallan would make of it and from local solo singer/guitarists to bands (two seek his virtual opinion. from Ilkeston and one from Holland). The Unfortunately last October 25th he sucgeneral mood of the evening was one of celecumbed to the effects of an asbestos related bration, which was indeed our intention. One cancer which took his life at the somewhat of the bands performing was another brainuntimely age of 70 years. At that point upon child of Dallan formed in 1978, reforming hearing the views of many of his friends I especially for the occasion. decided that we should re-create an occasion He was originally from Main Street, Mapbased on his brainchild “Mapperley Do’s” perley Village, near Ilkeston, but spent the and sought opinion from a mutual Dutch last 30 years living in Woerden, Holland. friend Rene as to feelings over there. From there I decided that an event should be Many of his friendships began through his organised to celebrate both the life of the man involvement in the scouting movement in the but even more than that the friendships across Ilkeston area, mainly the 21st Ilkeston (Kirk Hallam) Group. at least two countries of us all that he spawned. A committee was then set up to David Towers jointly make arrangements for the evening. Above: A young Alan Davis. Below: Friends at the We decided that the event should be by invi- Davy Lamp.
Tommy is still a star performer Recently I was lucky enough to go to the Theatre Royal to see the Glenn Miller Story. From what I could see most people were of an age to remember seeing the film many times. Me included. This show did not disappoint. Tommy Steele was the star of the show, playing the lead role. The curtains opened and a single figure appeared at the back of the stage, wearing a black raincoat. Everyone applauded. Tommy walked forward. Tommy was born in Bermondsey in London in 1936. On leaving school at 15 he became a leading seaman in the Merchant Navy. He was discovered in 1956 when he left the sea and became a recording artist. Two of his best know songs are, Singing the Blues and Little White Bull. From there he became an actor, and one of his first roles was playing Buttons in Panto. He is remembered well from his leading role in Half a Sixpence. I remember going to see him in 1964 in London, in this role. I was 16 at the time. I think it was on a trip from Charnos. I remember how vibrant a character he was, full of fun and energy. He must have been about 28 at the time. Tommy was to star in many more major musicals and he has always had a special association with The London Palladium. He has been on the bill there more times than any other artist. Tommy threw off the raincoat he was wearing and became Glenn Miller. Bearing in mind Tommy is now nearly 80 years of age, he appears to have the stamina of a much
younger man. His voice is still strong and he can still do the moves. He sang and danced his way through the show at a pace that was more gentle now but still belied his years. His leading lady Abigail Jaye, a beautiful woman with a superb voice played Helen, Glenn Miller’s wife. Amongst other awards Abigail has been presented with is a special scholarship by our own Robert Lindsay. At one point in the show, Helen is singing and trimming a Christmas tree at the same time. When it came to placing the star on the top of the tree, no matter how many times she tried it would not stay put. But she carried on singing as though nothing was wrong. A true professional! The young dancers were wonderful and as far as I could see never missed a beat. The orchestra presented the sounds that Glenn Miller spent all of his life searching and experimenting to get right, and thankfully they have survived to this day. At one point they reproduced the scene in the film where the orchestra were playing In The Mood. The dancers were dancing and overhead the Germans were bombing London. It was very emotional. Tommy must have been worn out by the end, but still managed to get everyone together for an encore.
Patricia Spencer
Hallcroft and Stanton days remembered Memory is an odd thing, as I went to Hallcroft and the headmaster was not ever, to my recollection, the ‘doctor’ Austin Dennis Nash—a name comprising of three forms of motor vehicle.
together like the USA, and that mankind living in harmony was more important than one nation. Putting your faith in British businessmen is a little scary seeing the state of British industry. I worked for Stanton and Staveley, moving from New Works Foundry to Erewash Foundry to Valve Plant as it closed and a goodly proportion of the machines in use should have been in an industrial museum. When they did buy new machines, instead of ordering purpose built ones it was “this one will do if you can cut a bit off here and weld a bit on there; it’ll work”—but of course it didn’t, not very well anyway. I remember it being said that machines and production methods hadn’t changed since it started. It seems to me that foreign companies are often fairer to their workers than British firms. Some British businessmen use the system for their own benefit. The Referendum has taken place and we have made our choice. Brexit it is. We have come through many tricky times in the past. We now have to have faith that there are enough clever men and women with the knowhow, nerve, energy and unselfishness to guide us all to peace and prosperity in the days ahead.
I’m not sure but like Mr Virgo I think he died on a school trip. Mr Virgo was the French teacher, and when he died the headmaster had us taught by French students. Being French they spoke it fluently but at such a rate you could only catch one word in ten. The first one to try to teach us had the same figure as Dolly Parton, which was something of a distraction. When at school we went to the baths for swimming lessons and after seeing the photos my recollection is that we made our way via the passage between the Town Hall and the Sir John Warren. We walked up to the baths entrance, to the left of that was Mrs Murden’s office, behind that the slipper bath and then the hot baths. On the opposite side of the pool were two rows of changing cubicles where you left your clothes—they only had half a door so you could see the feet and heads of the people inside. The diving stand was at the Wharncliffe Road end. As for the EU, as I wrote before, I did think I was voting for a Federal Europe working T Carr, Ilkeston
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
ton, a late Georgian building with Victorian extensions that was previously a family home and school before becoming Erewash Borough Tickets are now on Council’s museum in the 1980s. sale for those brave Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash Borough enough to join a late Council’s Lead Member for Culture and Leinight ghost hunt at sure, says: “There have been reports over the Erewash Museum, a years, from our team and visitors, of unexserious five-hour plained activity at the museum, so this promisexploration into unes to be a very interesting evening. This is a explained and hauntserious investigation and not for the faint ed happenings within the historic building. hearted – but if you’re brave enough it will The overnight event begins on Saturday 29th certainly be a spine-tingling experience!” Tickets are £28, which includes light refreshOctober at 8.30pm through to 1.30am and will be led by a specialist paranormal investi- ments, and are available from Erewash Musegation team. Strictly for adults (18 and over), um. The museum is in Ilkeston town centre, a those taking part will have the chance to take short walk from the Market Place. For more park in live experiments and discover hidden details contact 0115 907 1141, email museum@erewash.gov.uk or visit the Facebook areas of the museum. The Museum is based in Dalby House at Ilkes- page /erewashmuseum
A night at the museum
Maggie opens new shop Erewash MP Maggie Throup was on hand to the cut the ribbon, as she officially opened Ilkeston’s newest wedding and events store. Located at 81 Bath Street, The Wedding Tea Rooms, owned and run by Hayley Smith, offers a comprehensive planning service for weddings and special events including cakes, decorations and cars. Speaking during the opening ceremony Maggie said: "It is really good to see new businesses opening in Ilkeston, especially one with such a great community ethos. This part of Bath Street is quickly becoming a really hub for people planning their big day. Hayley is a very determined lady and I am sure the business will be a great success and a true asset for Ilkeston." Business owner Hayley added: "As a long-time resident of Ilkeston, I am delighted to open The Wedding Tea
Rooms, which I hope will soon become a vibrant hub for every wedding requirement. Building on my wedding planning business across the East Midlands, The Wedding Tea Rooms will provide a local venue for people to come along, relax and pull together every aspect of their special day."
Leah and Alfie impress in their first show together
first show and get these results, it’s got to be good for the future. When I got him he hadn't done anything as he was only just broken in and just a baby. We have taught each other and learnt together. He is my best friend and I couldn't love him any more.” Thirteen-year-old Leah Smedley from Cotmanhay took part in her first ever show with Mum Jemma summed it up: “What a day and what a first show.” pony Alfie at Hargate Equestrian Centre, Hilton, Derby last month and surpassed all expectations. Leah’s mum Jemma said: “At just 4 years old this pony is an absolute diamond - he has shown manners and maturity well beyond his years and so has Leah - what a bond they have developed - I'm so flipping proud! “Alfie had everything thrown at him, things he had never seen or heard before yet he was a little saint and he took it all in his stride. Leah had worked so hard with him and they so deserved the ribbons and sash they won.” Leah and her younger brothers are members the Cavendish Bridge riding school at Shardlow. Three years ago Leah was chosen by Dodson and Horrell, horsefeed manufacturers, to be featured on all their products. Leah and her mum spent time just before the show scrubbing up Alfie the grey pony for the event – result: best looking pony in the show! Their placings were: Novice Ridden - 5th Novice Rider - 3rd In hand M&M - 3rd Open in hand - 2nd Young handler - 1st Best condition horse or pony - 1st Then...... Champion in hand! Leah said: “I couldn't be prouder of Alfie today. He proved what a little star he is and Leah and Alfie all the hard work is paying off. I'm so excited for our future. If we can go out on our
A vintage wedding Pete Bainbridge and Marie Bailey - 20th August 2016 When Pete asked me to marry him there was no doubt that we would have a vintage themed wedding as we are part of a 1940s re-enactment group called UK Homefront and we share a love of history and all things vintage. We decided that our local church, All Saints at Kirk Hallam would be a perfect setting for the wedding as it is a lovely little church dating back from the late Norman period, and Trowell Parish Hall for the reception was the perfect venue, as it was built in the early 1950s and that fitted in with our theme. The wedding invitations were sent out in the style of a Ration Book and we asked our guests, both friends and family from up and down the country, to get on board with the vintage theme and dress in any period from the 80s back. They took this on board and surprised us by turning up in an array of different outfits. We had a chimney sweep, for good luck of course, a teddy boy, hippies, gangsters, rock ‘n’ rollers and even a gent on his way to the Ritz, whilst Pete and his best man were Peaky Blinders. Even the wedding car wasn’t the normal conventional means of transport, as we had Pete’s uncle Paul drive us in his 1930s Dodge Weapons Carrier, which he mostly takes to events to put on display. My wedding dress and the bridesmaids dress were made to original 1950’s patterns. My dad walked me down the aisle wearing a 1940s Royal Engineers uniform, which he wears at forties events in remembrance of his dad who fought in World War Two.
Marie Left: A kiss for the bride from a chimney sweep. Below: The wedding ‘car’ on the church drive.
6 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
One minute message
Good imitation The minister told the children in church they were going to play a game of ‘Imitation’. “I’ll name something and you act out what it does,” he announced. First it was chicken. The children flapped their arms, clucked and waddled around. Then it was robot. The children stood still or walked with jerky movements. Next it was dog, then football player and then ballerina. The last one was Jesus. While many of the children hesitated, one boy gave a big smile and threw his arms wide open in welcome. The congregation applauded. Although very young, the boy knew Jesus loved him and always had time for him. Jesus welcomes everyone with open arms. He greets us and accepts us as we are. The Bible tells us to imitate Christ. That’s difficult, but as we get to know him through prayer and Bible reading and mixing with others who are trying to follow him too, we find ourselves becoming more like him.
News from local churches Youth/Family worker appointed A Family and Young People’s Worker has been appointed by Ilkeston Methodist Church. Mrs Caroline Middleton of Denby Bottles began work at St Andrews last month. She will work 15 hours a week, her task being to develop and extend the church’s mission with a particular emphasis on reaching young people and families. The church has funding for the position for three years.
Friendship group The Friendship Club at Nottm Rd Methodist Church offers company and chat to people who would otherwise be on their own. It’s held on the first Thursday of the month with refreshments and games or you can just relax and talk. Next Meeting Thursday 6th October, 2 till 3.30pm. Paul Parkin
Soul Café A thought provoking chilled night in a relaxed café style atmosphere, with guest speakers. Come and join us on Sunday 23rd October, 7pm at Ebenezer Methodist Church. Paul Parkin
Pets came to church at Kirk Hallam last month for a service with special guest the Bishop of Repton and her dog Edith. It was Bishop Jan’s first official parish duty after her consecration. She spoke about her new crosier (bishop’s/shepherd’s staff) and shared that when she ordered it, the manufacturer thought she must be a farmer. She reminded the congregation that Jesus was born among animals in a stable and that dogs are well known for their unconditional love. See also The Diary of a Vicarage Cat by Florence (She is pictured left).
Salt and light On Saturday October 29th, 4 - 5.30pm, at Sandiacre Methodist Church on Butt Street we shall be exploring what it means to be salt and light. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Everyone is invited— young and old alike—come as friends, family or on your own! Rev Ken Johnson, Associate Priest - St. Giles Sandiacre.
Hall is underused Ilkeston Holy Trinity Church is looking for more community groups to use its hall. Contact Maureen West on 0115 932 0469 for details and charges. Richard Pykett
Fund raiser A table top sale at St Andrew’s has raised £223 for the church.
Church but not as you know it Activities, music and a simple meal for you and your children Get messy
here Saturday 8th October: Ilkeston URC (Green Spire) 4—5.30pm Thursday 20th October: St Andrews Methodist Church, 3.30—5pm Monday 24th October: Kirk Hallam Community Hall, 10.30—12 noon Tuesday 25th October: St Wilfrid's, West Hallam, 10—11.30am Wednesday 26th October: Nottm Road Methodist Church, 10–11.30am Saturday 29th October: Sandiacre Methodist Church, Butt St. 4—5.30pm If you like Messy Church, how about trying the Toddlers’ Service at the Green Spire church (URC). It's 'upstairs' (entry from Wharncliffe Rd) and the next one is on Friday 7th Oct. at 10 am. It’s like Messy Church but much shorter (½ hour) and it’s specially for families with very young children. Drinks, biscuits, toys to follow.
The Faith Journey page is brought to you by members of the local Christian community and with occasional inspiration from
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Things you probably never knew about Ilkeston Who was Stanley Hawley? What was remarkable about Kirk Hallam Infants School? Where was Igo’s Lodging House? How did Club Row come to be built? And why did Dr Buchanan complain that he had never smelled anything as bad as the privies and ash-pits of Ilkeston? These and many more questions are answered in Ilkeston As It Was: its History in 50 Chapters, the new book published by the Ilkeston and District Local History Society. Written by members Ann Featherstone and Beverley Kilby, with a specially commissioned cover design by local artist Marion Axford, to celebrate the Society’s 50 years, it has its official launch on Saturday, 8th October at the U-Choose Smoothie Bar on Bath Street, starting at 10.00 am. The book is an unusual format and a new departure for the Society. There are 50 chapters, each taking a different topic in Ilkeston’s history, from British Restaurants to Windmills to the Beauty Spot and the Mines Rescue. It delves back into the 16th century and the Weaver Pool, the 18th century for St Mary’s clock and comes up to date with the Spitfire Fund of the 1940s and the building of Kirk Hallam Infant School in the 1950s. Little known regions and buildings are uncovered: the soot factory on Rutland Street, the Empress Theatre and The Nook, a house on Wilmot Street which has become part of the HSBC bank. Local people’s recollections of the sounds and smells of Ilkeston have been gathered using the ‘Il’son Bygones’ group on Facebook, and they have also contributed to the chapter about pre-fab housing, recalling their homes on Erewash Square.
Sunday 9th: Ilkeston Food and Drink Fair, 10am—4pm at Ilkeston Rugby Club, Hallam
The authors are keen that their book encourages Ilkeston people to be curious about the history of their town and wonder why, for example, the cenotaph stands in its present position and how the Croft Yard Reservoir on Pimlico came to be built. In the course of their research and writing the book, they’ve come across some wonderful stories about the town, as well as unearthing little known information. That, they say, has been the joy of working on Ilkeston As It Was. From polar bears at the Beauty Spot to the First World War exploits of brave local women, Ilkeston proves itself over and over to be an extraordinary town.
Birthday cake
SEEN AND HEARD Five generations Janet Leatherland of Larklands has sent us this photograph of five generations of her family. She told us: “The picture is of my mum Annie Meakin, who is 94 years old and has lived in Ilkeston all her life. She has only recently moved into Victoria Court Nursing Home on Nesfield Road. “Annie has four children, nine grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and one greatgreat-grandchild. “The photo is of Annie,her daughter Patricia, Patricia’s daughter Tracey, her daughter Jessica and Jessica’s son Ronnie.”
Many thanks to Dawn Cunningham of Devine Cake Confections for making us a cake to celebrate the first year of the newspaper. She is seen here cutting the first slice. And thank you to all who have helped in any way to enable us to keep publishing and sharing the good things going on in Ilkeston and around.
Florence’s story is aired What a pity our columnist Florence the Vicarage Cat couldn’t hear her story on radio last month. (Florence is deaf.) Premier Christian Radio chose to broadcast her diary entry about being trapped, then rescued from the portacabin next to Kirk Hallam church in its Night Light programme on 7th September. It was read by presenter Michael Cleere direct from the paper.
Dedication rewarded How pleasing to see that Erewash Borough Council’s gardeners are among the prize winners in this year’s East Midlands In Bloom competition. A little while back Ilkeston’s Victoria Park was vandalised. Flower beds were kicked up and strewn across pathways, ruining the hard work the gardening team had put in to make the park look nice. To their credit, straight away they set about repairing the damage. The restored park is now a place of beauty again, and this has been recognised by the competition judges.
8 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Saturday 1st: Open Afternoon and Arena Community Garden Party organised by Wash Arts CIC, 12 till 4pm. Saturday 1st October ‘Come and Meet your Local History Societies’ at Ilkeston Library, 10.00 - 3.00pm. Continues Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Saturday 1st: Presentation of the Freedom of the Borough of Erewash to Robert Lindsay, Market Place, 5.30pm. Monday 3rd: Promotional Day by Victoria Park Bowls Club, 11am—3pm on the park. Monday 3rd: Auditions for ‘Number 17— a 100 year history of a Borrowash house’ (to be performed late November at Erewash Museum). 7pm at Fire Station community room. Friday 7th and Sat. 8th: The Waggoner’s Tale at Scargill School, West Hallam, 7.30pm. Adults £5, U16s £3. Saturday 8th: Dogs Unite Walk in Shipley park, 11am. Organised by Ilkeston branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind. Saturday 8th: Open Church Weekend at Stapleford Baptist Church, Albert Street, 10.30am— 3.30pm. Photos, displays, refreshments. Saturday 8th: Book launch: Ilkeston As It Was at U Choose Smoothie Bar, 1 Bath St., 10.30am
Fields. Artisan food & drink, crafts. Saturday 15th: Wilfrid’s Wakes at St Wilfrid’s Church, Morning: family activities; 2 till 4pm: Dance and afternoon tea, £5. Saturday 15th: Elderly Brothers Concert at Nottingham Road Methodist Church, 7pm. Suggested donation £6, including light supper. Wednesday 19th—22nd: Ilkeston Charter Fair. Official opening by the Mayor of Erewash, 12 noon on Thursday. Exhibition of old fairs at Erewash Museum. Thursday 20th: Sandicacre History Group: The Victorian Fair—Freaks and Fisticuffs, a talk by Dr Ann Featherstone at the Methodist Church hall, Butt Street, 7 for 7.30pm. Wednesday 26th: Talk on the history of Kirk Hallam Church by Mark Adams at the church, 3pm. £5 including refreshments. Saturday 29th: Ghost Hunt at Erewash Museum, 8.30pm—1.30am. Pre-booked over-18 participants only. £28 per person including refreshments. For more details ring 0115 907 1141.
Ilkeston Rambling Club dates Sunday 2nd October: Club holiday—no walk. Thursday 6th October: AGM at The Poacher, South Street, 7.45pm. Sunday 16th October: 7 mile walk beginning from Beeley village and taking lunch at Bakewell. Leader Len Smith. Sunday 30th October: 9 mile walk starting from Winster with a stop for lunch at the Miners Standard. Leader: Mike Henshaw. More information about Ilkeston Rambling Club and how to join them can be had from Jim Cresswell on 07747 419380.
JM Wills—A Service You Can Trust The legal formalities that surround making a will and planning for the future of your children can often be intimidating, and it may seem like a daunting task; but it doesn’t have to be that way. J M Wills & Legal Services Limited can make the whole process easy and it can be carried out in the comfort of your own home where they can help you make these hard decisions. “Writing a will is not necessarily straightforward,” Owner Jan explains, “but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult for the client! There are a lot of aspects to consider, but we’ll talk these through and I’ll give honest, straightforward advice.” “Everybody’s circumstances are different, and it’s my role to explain how a client’s
family and loved ones could be affected in the event of their death. It’s a very sensitive area and people don’t like to talk about it, but we have to face reality. Death is inevitable, and if we plan for it we can avoid leaving loved ones in a mess and ensure our wishes are put in place to avoid them ending up in the hands of the courts.”
Jan will be legally writing and advising on this field of law over the coming months and welcomes your questions and enquiries. Please email them to ilkestonlife@gmail.com or send/drop in to Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston. She will be happy to reply to you.
Post War football memories of the old Manor Ground When the ‘old’ Manor Ground was the ‘new’ Manor Ground. This sketch from the Ilkeston Pioneer of 18.5.1894 shows the land which eventually became the home of Ilkeston Town FC. Its main purpose to begin with was as a bicycle track and was described in the paper as ‘one of the most perfect in the country.’ I still see Derick Henshaw who played outLocal football thrived in the 1940s and 50s. side-right in that great Rochdale match. We People were starved of the game due to the both attended Ken Ledger’s funeral. War. Many old teams were reformed with many new teams appearing. Just about every Although Ilkeston Town was always the firm had its own team with good facilities. It town’s premier football team, Stanton Ironworks ran it very close. Stanton played in the didn’t take much of a field for a group of My earliest memory of the Manor Ground is Midlands Amateur Alliance in those days lads to form a team. Many matches were as a ten-year-old playing in a junior schools and either won the league or finished near played in six inches of mud with either a cup final in 1945 against I think Chaucer. shed or nowhere to change except perhaps the top. They had good FA Amateur Cup We played crossways on the pitch because of runs and possessed a number of players with the nearest pub. A bucket of cold water in our age. Arthur Grant, who had recently returned from war service, was a neighbour on Crompton Street. Arthur was a very fine left winger who played for both Ilkeston Town and Stanton Ironworks. It was Arthur I tended to follow. It was when Horace Chaplin and Frank Hembury formed the great partnership that the Robins seemed to take off. Hembury provided the pass and Chaplin put it into the back of the net. Alwyn Booth, the other inside forward, I thought was a very cultured player. When Ken Ledger arrived he seemed to offer something different. He had the speed of Jamie Vardy and the crossing ability of David Beckham, or so it seemed to a youngster. In Ken’s day, full-backs specialised in 5-yard sliding tackles usually aimed at putting the opposing winger into the fence, ensuring that he kept well clear of the full-back for the rest Footballers of Stanton ironworks. This line-up includes goalkeeper Cyril Goodman (centre, back of the game. Ken was too quick for all of row) and Ken Ledger (centre, front row) who played for the winning Office Staff and Laboratory them. I can see him now tearing down the side in the Inter-departmental Cup in 1958. Picture from The Stantonian magazine. right wing, jumping over defenders’ legs and sending in a great cross. He was also the the corner of the shed would suffice to clean League experience or went on to make the only player who could take a decent corner up afterwards—no showers of course. grade with League clubs. Goalkeeper Cyril off the 30 per cent sloping area, a leftover from the old Victorian cycle track that once (Benny) Goodman was the reserve goalie in Who washed the kid? Wives and mothers of the Portsmouth v Wolves FA Cup Final at course. encircled the pitch. Wembley. Jeff Whitworth went on to play In those days goalies could be charged into The Robins had many fine players in those many games for Liverpool. Doug Venables the back of the net. No spray then, just a days: Commander, Smith, Hackland, Falcon- also played in the League. A number had bucket of cold water with a sponge soon had bridge, Jepson, Darwin, Coxon, Baker all trials with big clubs: Frank Davison (Leeds the player back on his feet. There was alcome to mind along with an excellent goalUtd) and Brian Eaton (Manchester Utd) ways a local self-taught physio around on keeper Joe Sharman. Wingers only got past come to mind. Sunday morning working from his parlour to full-backs Dave Baker and Syd Burrows once before being tackled so hard they tended to steer clear for the rest of the game. Along came the famous 1951 FA Cup match against Rochdale. This match is still talked about today by those of us who were there. The only white ball the club possessed got stuck up a tree with the 9,000 crowd chanting “We want the white ball!” A film of this would be a classic “What happened next?” on TV. The great local rivals were Heanor Town. I wonder if today’s fans realise that these games took place on Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Albert Ball, a great friend of mine, would work a night shift on the furnaces at Stanton Ironworks on Christmas Eve and be available to play left back for the Town at 11am the next day. I wonder what today’s pampered and millionaire players would say to that. These festival games were eagerly looked forward to. Dozens of Barton double-decker buses travelling backwards and forwards on both days carrying both sets of fans. If you didn’t get on a bus you walked back as the trolley buses ceased to run at 12 on Christmas Day.
The recent passing of Ilkeston town football great Ken Ledger prompted me to gather together my memories of watching football at the old Manor Ground during the late forties and early fifties.
Part of the crowd who watched Ilkeston v Rochdale in the FA Cup, 1951. Photo from Garth Newton
massage your pulled muscle, using his homemade foul-smelling embrocation which he swore by. There was no excuse for not getting a game of football in the 40s and 50s, there were dozens of old and new teams and leagues appearing on the scene. Awsworth Villa always had one of the best teams in the area. Schoolboy football thrived with Gladstone, Hallcroft, Grammar, Bennerley, Catholic, Scargill, Hallam Fields and Chaucer all providing teams. Youth clubs, Cavendish, Gladstone, Stanton, Pines and even churches had teams. Many pubs as well such as Gallows Inn who had two sides. The large firms such as Booths, Charnos, Meridian and Rolls Royce provided teams and good facilities. Some local working men's clubs such as Granby Club had a team. Old Ilks, Miners Welfare, Cotmanhay Farm, Cotmanhay Waverley, Co-op, Electric Company, EMEB, Rutland Utd, Stanton Colts, Ilkeston NE, Nottm Rd Athletic, Larklands YC are all now disappeared. There was even a Wednesday League which the Co-op and local tradesmen played in. There were many more football teams around than those I’ve remembered. People of my age group always believe our younger days were better than they are today. From a sporting pint of view, I reckon they were. The boots we used were of hard leather which had to be soaked in a bucket of water for a week before you could use them. They came above the ankle and very often had nail protruding through the studs. The leather ball weighed a ton when wet and muddy. Clubs ran raffles or a tote to help the team’s finances—no sponsorship then. When pubs played each other, the losers would stand the ale. In those early years after the Second World War, the Robins regularly scored over a hundred goals in a season. Teams played with five forwards in those days. No fancy formations or tactics were needed. You just set out to score more goals than the opposition. That was how the game was played in the days of Ken Ledger. I can see him now flying down that right wing being urged on by the Manor Ground faithful. The cop was full of blokes in trilbies and flat caps and every lad knew where the loose plank was in the fence at the back of the cop. What great days.
Danny Corns Ilkeston Town team mates: tricky Ken Ledger and uncompromising Dave Baker
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Ilkeston fair draws near
YE OLDE CHARTER FAIR (As seen through the eyes of a child) My nose against the window is pressed, It’s the time of the year that I love the best, The old caravans begin to roll in, The Annual Fair is arriving again.
It’s October, and that means one thing to many folk…the Fair! From 19th to 22nd October, Ilkeston town centre will be transformed into a sea of coloured lights, music, rides and food stalls. Thousands of people, young and old, will be drawn to the special atmosphere created by the showmen on their annual visit. Ilkeston’s most famous attraction dates back to 1252 when King Henry III granted a Charter to hold a Fair in the town. This year’s event will be the 764th. The Fair has changed much over the years. The first ones were about selling wares and hiring labourers, whereas today’s fairs focus on entertainment and food treats like hot dogs, roast pork cobs and toffee apples. Visitors come from miles around to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells that are unique to Ilkeston Fair. Ours is one of the oldest street fairs in the country. The traditional opening ceremony is on the Thursday at 12 noon when the Charter is read and the Mayor rings the bell to signify the start of proceedings. Some rides have been coming for years like the Big Wheel (pictured), Waltzer, Cakewalk and Galloping Horses. Other long established favourites are the Ghost Train, Haunted House and Fun House. But while these are enjoyed by most, others look for newer and ever more scary rides to demonstrate their bravery to their friends. Not everyone likes the Fair because of the disruption to the town centre it causes, but it’s an accepted and eagerly awaited event in the local calendar for most Ilkestonians.
I sit at the window and watch it all grow, The sidestalls and swingboats, a new ride I don’t know, All built from a base of metal and wood, I’d have the Fair all year if I could. Now it’s the night before it begins, Curious children wander round with grins, Guessing what magic lies under the covers, Eyes filled with excitement like newly found lovers. I’m counting the hours till 12 of the day, When the Mayor reads the Charter the traditional way, “I declare this Fair open! All have great fun!” The first bell is rung and the Fair has begun. The shouting of tradesmen is filling the air, “Ride our Helter Skelter and lose all your care!” “Come enjoy a ride on the biggest Big Wheel! – You’ll fly through the air – what excitement you’ll feel!” Children hold tight to their Daddy’s hand, Overawed by the sight of this new fairyland, Dark streets are transformed to a grotto of light, Music and laughter rings out in the night. Candy floss sticks to small eager hands, Like magic sugar that a child understands, Hot dogs and onions drip down little chins, Games played at sidestalls – no matter who wins. But time passes so fast and it’s getting late, The lights they grow dim – it’s a time that I hate, When the last stall is closed, and the last ride is done, Take one last look, drag my weary feet home.
The Big Wheel in its tradtional place on Wharncliffe Road. Photo: Trevor Hamilton
When I wake up tomorrow all this will seem, Like a memory forgotten or a child’s silly dream, But the lingering smell of last night’s atmosphere, Will convince me that the Fair has been here.
Mary Wheatley
This month with Erewash Ramblers Area Get-together. Sunday 2nd October. 10.00am. Choice of walks: 5, 7, 9½ or 13 miles. Meet at Calke Abbey CP (SK367228). Lunch at Ticknall Village Hall. NB. Entry to Calke Park (National Trust) is £3.60 per person not per car for non members. Wednesday 5th October. 10.30am. Short walk. Trent Lock and Cranfleet Canal. Meet at Trent Lock Car Park (SK489312). Leaders Fay and John Blackburn. Thursday 6th October. 10.30am. 6½ miles. Goyt Valley and Shining Tor. Meet at Errwood Hall CP (SK012747, SK16 6SX). Leader Alan Green. Monday 10th October. 10.30am. 7½ miles. Shining Cliff Woods and Crich Stand. Meet at Holly Lane Lay-By (SK346514, DE56 2GX). Leader Barrie Revill. Wednesday 12th October. 10.30am. Short walk in Draycott area. Meet at Car park behind Draycott Fish and Chip shop (SK442333). Leader Brian Marshall.
Sandiacre History Group The Victorian Fair: Freaks and Fisticuffs An illustrated talk by Dr Ann Featherstone Thursday 20th October, 7.30pm
Doors open 7pm for tea, coffee and biscuits
Methodist Church Hall, Butt Street, Sandiacre
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Visitors welcome, Admission £2.50
Weekend away. 14th – 17th October. Whitby. Contact Margaret Chapman for possible vacancies. Wednesday 19th October. 10.30am. Short walk in Sandiacre area. Meet at Library Car Park, Sandiacre (SK477367). Leader Sandie Jones. AGM Wednesday 19th October. 7.30pm. West Hallam Village Hall - AGM followed by free buffet. Thursday 20th October. 10.30am. 6½ miles. Laxton, North Notts. Meet at Dovecote Inn/Visitors Centre top CP (SK722672). Leader John Harrison. Monday 24th October. 10.30am. 7 miles. West Hallam & Stanley. Meet at Straw’s Bridge CP (SK453412). Leader Robert Mee (07757 134353). Wednesday 26th October. 10.30am. Short walk around Winston. Meet at Bridge Inn, Cotmanhay (SK468439). Leaders Margaret and Barry Chapman. Sunday 30th October. 10.00am. 8½ miles. Barlow & Millthorpe. Meet at Linacre Wood CP (SK337727) at 10.00 am. Leader Joyce Mold. You can get more details about Erewash Ramblers from Tony Beardsley, 0115 917 0082.
Poems plus Share your creative writing with other Ilkeston Life readers. Email ilkestonlife@gmail.com or drop in/post to The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH.
There they stand in the distance As tall as a Canadian Pine A blot upon the landscape They’re know as wind turbines. I’m sure I’m not the only one Praying for the day When the winds that they were made for Blow them all away.
Murky Waters
Peter G
This dirty canal, once the town’s vein That carried the goods before the birth of the train Once a monument to our history, our past Now just a cesspit, a floating morass. Take away wrappers, now a plastic tray Blow with the wind but never away Round and around they gyrate in the tide Till at last they wash to the side. Doggy waste bags litter the trees Left to hang and swing in the breeze Blister packs, that float on a bubble Add to the squalor, add to the rubble A bloated carcass of a cat with one eye Watches its kittens in a bag swim by A million nub ends flicked from a bridge Adds to the squalor, adds to the squidge. Global warming will add to the change Bringing malaria, zika and denge Now no damsels or little mayfly, for now Comes the mosquito and we wonder why So let’s discard the wheelie and bin Head for the cut and just chuck it in A tatty settee, an old child’s cot Let’s all do our bit and fill in the lot. No, the only reflection from these murky waters The lack of pride by a town’s sons and daughters.
He kept his mother’s old mangle That she used in their old back yard To Brian it was a reminder Of when times were really hard. He gave himself the name of Old Big Head Because of the things he said “I’ll not be the best when I’ve gone, But I will be in the top one.” Everyone would listen Whenever Cloughie spoke All right, he wasn't perfect But he was a decent bloke. Now he is no longer with us Which is very sad He was the greatest manager England never had. There’s one thing I haven’t mentioned Something that I’ve had to hide You see, I am a Derby fan I couldn’t dislike him if I tried.
Peter G
Overeating Overeating is so simple Lets you get fat and then implode All your rage and anger Tucked away, inside it’s stowed
Are you coming?
Eating was a pleasure Till you tucked your rage within Now you’re even angrier Because you’re fat instead of thin.
Rose Wood
Hot dogs and candy floss There's a coldness in the air As the rain is drizzling down All these fragrant smells And strange, yet familiar sounds. The children are all excited Wrapped up warm against the rain There are loud shouts and screams From the rumbling ghost train. And the people are all swarming Illuminated by the lights Enjoying the fun atmosphere Of these fairground delights. And on the Hook-a-duck The children concentrate All trying their hardest To win a fluffy new bed mate. The ancient Big Wheel Protruding high up in the air You can just make out the faces And see the legs dangling there. And on the spinning Waltzer The teenagers are screaming loud As the speakers all pump out The latest Hip-Hop sound. There's brandy snap and burgers Soft nougat all dyed pink Pork stuffing in a cob Sizzling sausages in a link. The parents start to head home All counting up the cost The children though are happy Holding hot dogs and candy floss.
© Steven Michael Pape
Autumn is arriving Autumn is arriving in its dying, the vibrant leaves no longer trying to hold onto the twisted branches, vast yellows and reds fall in avalanches. There is beauty in this brightful act, nature showing us the way it can interact and make the faded grass underneath, be shrouded in colour, leaves like a sheet. There is a certain art in the trees lament, the broken branches dead, but content and the subtle changes we long to see, are now here today in its entirety. Some don't notice this change and walk on by, heads at the floor instead of the sky and these towering stalks, graceful and old, show us their weakness as the beauty unfolds.
© Steven Michael Pape
Recognition, his father, his friends, his family, bowed, sullen, broken, The hurt, isolation—”Why am I not at their side?” to grieve alone. Anger, rejection, everything now appears to happen in slower motion, They are gone, too late, slowly they drive away, frustration, He stands beneath the great tree, mounds of earth his only companion, A headstone, a book carved from stone, flowers, wreaths, bedecked. Not a sound, just a beating heart, please do not make me look, Each bold letter spells out his name, stark, bold, “No,” he sighed, Freshly tiled earth trickles through his fingers as he kneels, nay prays, The cold harsh stone, suddenly more people, souls wander aimlessly by. He noticed that everything was now black and white, no more colour, The sun had lost its warmth, to the wind he was invisible, Husband, father, son, say the flowers, his life beat slows, Home at last, sanctuary, how he arrived there he cannot recall. The door opens slowly, denial, slower, the cards tell of sympathy, Sadness loss, why?, crumpled newspaper tells of disbelief, of tragedy, Of a popular local man who fell through ice and drowned, “Why is there a photograph of me?” He shivers, afraid, beating stops. A tiny shaft of light grows and slowly fills the room, No more tears, familiar voices whisper to him from another plain, Warmth encircles him, a cloak, behind him creeps the darkness, Unspeakable creatures, unimaginable pain and desire, they seek the light. From within such love and power, they beckon to him, his guides, He reaches for a soft reassuring female hand, tentative steps into the unknown, “Mother, I am afraid,” he confides, she smiles, grandparents, friends, family gather, Peace at last, light vanishes. Sorry, some poems have had to be held over till next month.
Your Space
Gone with the wind
Michael Hartshorne
A Walk in Shipley Park Leaves and twigs in a stew of mud under my feet, Over the hedge a cow chews cud making me meat to eat, The wind lashes the rain upon my face, And I quicken my step to a faster pace, Pull my hood over my head, Hands in my pockets, then I tread, The wooden bridge over the stream, Throw in my twig boat, watch, day dream, Where will it end as it floats away, Nudging the bank of golden clay? Dipping and twirling in the dirty water, Then under the branches and its journey is over, stuck in the leaves. I head home, my walk is done, The water sparkles, out comes the sun.
Hurry, rush, essence of time, roadworks, red lights, Family eagerly awaits, empty house, unusually void of life, Hastily discarded newspapers, cups pots, an abundance of cards, The ultimate misfortune, missing the celebraGrace tion, panic. Never say die, never too late, a present, a token sought, Note to contributors So little time, short cut, frozen water unsafe, Please make it easy for us to feature your long way round, poem. Send by email, then we can copy Happy thoughts, smiles, visions of a hero’s and paste it in without having to retype. return, We appreciate that not everyone is able to The shop, a beacon, his saviour, unearthly do this, but if you can, please do. Email: wind grips the trees. ilkestonlife@gmail.com A large gathering, such a peaceful place, an oasis, yet sadness, sorrow, Their obvious grief draws him to a flame, familiarity, Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Story in Ilson
By Jim Sumner
THIZ NOWT S’FUNNY AS FOLKS It wa like this ’ere sorry. Ar football team, Marlpool Congs, ad bin gooin’ fer abert tow years an’ one dee way ’ad to goo an’ plee at a grernd near Ilson in a Cup match. So all on us knew it wa gooin’ to bay a tough game as it wora local derby. Ar towd mar team ta be’ave thissens an’ dow nowt reckless or dotty.
down well wi their lot, as yo can imagine. Way comm ert for th’second aif an’ things started to change. Their team started to plee dottier and one or tow on ’em were swearin’ – especially this chap ar’d ’ad trouble wi’ in th’fost aif. Ar warned ’em all again. Mar team wa gerrin’ upset an’ one or tow on ’em started retaliatin’, an’ that didner ’elp things. Some’ar ar managed to kayp cool burra worner aif thankful when ar blew th’whistle for th’end o’ th’match. Way’d won 1-0 an’ way warin the next rernd o’ th’Cup. Some on’em wa still arguin’ in th’ dressin’ room, burrard done mar job as best as ar could.
But that worner the end o’ the story. Ar went to chapel the followin’ morning, after thinkin’ ovver all that ’ad ’appened the dee before. Ar cleared mi mind and felt a lot better.
Ar’d just got to Chapel an’ went in the vestry at abert ten past ten ready to welcome When way got theer, their manager said, the visitin’ preacher. Thi wara knock on the “Mr Sumner, the ref’s not comm yet, ay door and when I opened it ar cudner believe should a bin ’ere bi ner, arm gerrin’ a bit mi eyes. Theer in front on me wa the chap worried.” who’d bin pleein’ in the football match against us the day before – the one who’d Way waited a bit longer burray still adner bin shertin’ arguin’, ferlin’ an’ bayin’ awkcomm. Their manager said to may: “Arm norra qualified ref but ar know yo are, will ward all through. yo ref the match? If yo dunner ars’ll ay ta Ar said: “What are yo doin’ ’ere?” call it off.” Ay said: “Ar’ve comm to tay the service, I said: “All rayt, arl ref it, burra dunner ar’m a local preacher.” want any aggro from any a th’players, yours Ar wa fabbbergasted an’ ’ad to sit misen or mine.” dern. Ar’ad a uneasy feelin’ abert it, burrar ’oped Way’ad a few wods wi each other; it wara it’d wok ert all rayt. good job thi wa nobody else in theer or thid Way kicked off an’ up till ayf time it a wondered what wa gooin’ off. worner too bad – thi wa just one pleer on their side who wa doin’ a bit a shertin’ and Any road, a few minutes later, ay took the service an’ bayin’ fair, ay made a good job yawpin’ and bein’ a bit dotty, burrar gen on it, burrar still cudner ’elp thinkin ’abert ’im a warnin’ an’ towd ‘im off. Ay’d bin what ‘ad gone off the day before on the swearin’ anall. football pitch when ar might a sent ’im off Then way scored just before aif-time. It or even landed one on ’im misen. worra fair enough goal but it didner goo His explanation wor that ay likes to let ’imsen goo a bit when ‘e’s pleein’ football. Any road, don’t ya meet some strange folks Ar wa flabberas yo goo through life, especially when yo gasted to find run a football team. Funnilly enough, ar’ve nivver clapped mi eyes on this chap ever the dottiest since. Ay musta left the area. pleer on the Ar’ll tell thee this though, ar wudner a pitch worra missed all the arguments and kerfuffles that went on for all the tea in China. It does add local preacher a bit a spice to life.
You’ve probably walked past this building hundreds of times, but where in Ilkeston is it? Note the rounded corner and the plaque saying ‘Cromwell Buildings 1899’. Answer on page 14.
12 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
sight and sound. I had never ever seen any bird so magnificent in my whole life. She flew down and swept before me, I knew Originally written by June she had seen me. My mind was overflowing Rose Hayes (deceased with excitement: she trusts me, she knows 2012) and retold by her I’m her friend! I’m sure of it. She suddenly flew low, deep into the woodland area. husband Geoff. At the moment, a cacophony of sound burst I stuffed the remainder of into this enchanted little world and some my toast with marmalade boys burst through the gate, smashing and trampling the lush long green grass. Birds into my mouth and grabstartled, prattled in protest and in a scurry, I bing my jacket and cap, I disappeared into the undergrowth. was out of the house and gone, the girls looking at me as if I’d gone mad. “Watch’a doin ‘ere Tiger? Lookin’ for “He’s off again,” said our Joyce, “he’s up to someone?” Before I could respond, my cap summat you can be sure. The teacher’ll ’av was whipped away. ’im for them dirty knees and just look at ’is “We want this for bods eggs,” said the leadmuddy shoes!” er. It was a decent walk for me. I reached the “You’ll get caught.” I said, terrified. copse at last and waited. “Got to catch us fost,”, they replied and they In the field the long grass was so green, it went off trying to climb trees, shouting and waved majestically in the breeze. As I yawping. looked over, I thought all this is our Lord They eventually cleared off. Thank God for God’s work. It’s lovely, oh just look, it’s that, I thought and turned away. bending over saluting me. It was days before I was able to get back to Shortly, the bird I was looking for showed the copse. I had errands, also a paper round itself. Glorious in the early mornto keep me busy. ing sunlight, she swooped low I got away on the Saturday and I between the trees and suddenly, as returned to the place. As soon as I in a flash of colour, she was in her entered, I knew something was nest. amiss. It was a horrible feeling of As I looked and waited, I found too quiet. Summat’s wrong! I just myself trembling with excitement. knew it. I wandered around feeling I didn’t have long to wait. She took uneasy. off high as a kite on a string. She It was then I spied the kestrel layflew making a dark shadow in the ing still and silent in the underbright blue sky— she hovered as if growth, her eyes open wide. transfixed, wing tips quivering, I broke into a fit of crying, horrified, tears eyes keen, looking for some prey below. streaming down. I bent down to her and genI held my breath scarcely daring to make a tly stroked her gorgeous downy chest. I sound, staring at her in fascinated wonder. touched her neck – blood on my fingers. I I was soon to creep away and once clear of held her. She’s priceless, I thought. the field and copse, I ran pell-mell for Eventually, I pulled myself together, dug a school, my happiness overflowing. I never hole with my bare hands and buried my once tired of watching her. I so admired her lovely feathered friend. The wind plied its grace and beauty as she searched for food mournful cry through the wooded copse and for herself and for her young chicks. I stood there in my misery and pain. I just couldn’t wait for the chance to see her My eyes traced the upper part of the tree, my fledglings show themselves. ears detecting the sound of baby kestrels. I arrived at my school in the nick of time, I thought for a while, then I knew what I puffing. The teacher looked at me long and must do – fetch my dad, he’ll know. There hard, he then turned away and I hoped I was was one, even two fledglings still alive. Persoon forgotten. After school, I returned to haps, maybe if I behave, that shed in the the copse. I was hoping to see her again and garden. Maybe he will. The babies will die to my delight, she was on a branch above unless. Perhaps he will, just maybe - maybe. me. I daren’t hardly breathe. She looked so I ran out of the wood for home. “DAD, beautiful and I instinctively knew she had DAD, DAD!!” seen me. Her sharp eyes aware of every
The Kestrel
Acting opportunity for three ladies
Mary Emma Owen is perhaps slightly younger. Christine Hall is perhaps early 20's-ish. Auditions will take place in the community hree local am-dram actors are being room at Ilkeston fire station, from 7pm, sought to perform three ten-minute inMonday 3rd October. There are 2/3 Reterlinked monologues at Erewash Museum in a relaxed performance as part of the clos- hearsals in October, then 3 in November (Monday evenings). Performance at Ereing event/celebrations of 'www.unexaminedlives.com' - a three year local history wash Museum date is yet to be confirmed, probably late November (evening). Heritage Lottery project. Contact chrissie@lifestorywriting.co.uk The monologues will explore the lives of or phone 01332 881795 or mob. 07719 three women who lived in 'No.17', a house in Borrowash, in three very different periods 696279 if you are interested. of history. Mrs. Mary Emma Owen, whose son and husband both enlisted in the 1st World War and both miraculously came home. Mrs. Sarah Anne Webster, whose son enlisted in the 2nd World War and was killed. (A grandson of this characterful lady still lives locally). Mrs. Christine Hall (the writer) who lived in the house and 'modernised' it in the swinging 60's. Sarah Anne Webster is aged probably 40/50's-ish.
The Way We Were
Soldier’s postcard to his wife Fusilier George Herridge of 61 Heanor Road and Fusilier John Duro of Vincent Avenue were among British servicemen serving in Korea in the early 1950s. The postcard shown here was loaned to us by Alan Chambers of Wingfield Avenue (George’s son in law) and was included with a letter sent by George to his wife Dora from the ship HMT Empire Halladale, which had been refitted to provide decent accommodation for the troops on their journey. Both men were ex-regulars who were recalled to go to Korea. The Korean War lasted from 25th June 1950 to 27th July 1953. While there, they received a Christmas card from the Mayor of Ilkeston at the time, Councillor G A Wright, assuring them of
Ilkeston’s first Tesco store
the interest and concern of their fellow townsmen and women. They reciprocated the good wishes, adding they were “not doing too badly”. But they added that they would be glad to get home as “it is a cold country to be in”. George added: “I have never seen such bad living conditions. How they live I don’t know and I don’t want to see any more. England is the best place in the world and I would not want to be anywhere else. Give me Blighty any old day.” The two men returned safely from Korea. George and Dora lived in Welbeck Avenue, Kirk Hallam in their later years. George died aged 74 in 1994.
George Herridge with his wife Dora (in pink on the left) and two friends. The lady on the far right is thought to have the first name Olive and she is believed to be a former head of the old Cossall C of E School on Coronation Road (now Chatterley House).
Two tables and four chairs for not much more than twenty quid! A reminder of days when hard-earned money (pounds, shillings and pence) went further. This handwritten bill from Greaves Furnishers on Bath Street and Pelham Street was loaned to us by Alan Chambers. The articles were purchased just before Christmas in 1947.
Above: Another page from the Trade Section of the Ilkeston & District Directory of 1965/66
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Music Scene
HELLO FOLKS ! DAVID POTTER TAKES A WANDER THROUGH THE LOCAL AND NATIONAL PERFORMING ARTS SCENE BOTH PAST AND PRESENT A wet Tuesday night in Ilkeston in the mid 60s is hardly the time and place you’d expect to enjoy being entertained by a British master of jazz/blues and his band that included a Scottish bassist making one of his first appearances and a ginger wildman on drums. But that’s exactly what you got if you were one of a very sparse thirty or so audience that turned out to see the Graham Bond Organisation. Graham started his career as an alto saxophonist and played with the breeding ground of blues talent at that time, Alexis Koerner’s Blues Incorporated, before switching to the Hammond organ and forming his own band. Moderate success followed but it’s true to say that, at the time, his contribution to the scene could best be described as “under rated”. The band eventually split and for a time he moved to the U.S. before returning to Britain to begin a sad decline involving drugs, alcohol and an obsession with the occult which all ended in his death under a London Underground train in 1974. A sad end for someone who, retrospectively, is now widely acknowledged as a master of his craft. And that Scottish bassist and the ginger wildman ? Well Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker eventually teamed up with another young sprog by the name of Eric Clapton and enjoyed a modicum of success with their own band… I believe it was called something like “Cream” ? Someone who most definitely never played
the Ilson Co-op was Elvis Presley. Pressure on space this month dictates that the story of Elvis and his links with Heanor will have to be held over this time but it’s a fascinating story I’ll be visiting soon. Talking of visits: I made one this month to an informal singaround that takes place at the Old Oak Inn, Horsley Woodhouse on the last Tuesday in each month. Proceedings begin around 8.30 (ish) and it was lovely to come across Derby singer/ songwriter Jack Hudson once more and find him still in fine voice and on form. More on Jack and his music again soon. Finally attention all clubs, societies, schools, homes and fundraisers etc. I’ve put together a traditionally based entertainment of songs, stories and suchlike designed especially for small audiences/venues. (no p.a. or amplification involved) No charge involved but a great way to add to your funds if you wish and/or enjoy an hour or so of each other’s company in a relaxed intimate and entertaining atmosphere. All enquiries on that and anything else to: davidilkeston@gmail.com or 07971 899704
Graham Bond
Answer to Picture Puzzle, P12 The building with the plaque inscribed ‘Cromwell Buildings 1899’ is on lower Bath Street, corner of Northgate street. Shops below are Shirlz Den and Spellbound.
Experienced trio join board of enterprise agency A local entrepreneur, a company finance chief and a university academic have joined the board of enterprise agency Erewash Partnership. They are Shaun Moloney, former managing director of Atlas Composites of Ilkeston, Richard Wall, finance director of SaintGobain PAM UK, based at Stanton-by-Dale, and Bev Crighton from the University of Derby. Shaun started his working life as an apprentice at Stanton and Staveley (British Steel, now Saint-Gobain PAM UK). He later joined Advanced Composites in Heanor, which manufactured components for motorsports. He worked for various companies in the new carbon fibre technology sector before setting up Atlas Composites in 1997 with two partners. The company was sold in 2003 but three years later Shaun managed to buy it back as sole proprietor. Over the next seven years the company doubled in size and secured agreements and research and development contracts with aerospace and defence firms including Rolls-Royce as well as Formula One companies. With a turnover of £4.5m and employing more than 60 people, the company was again sold with Shaun retained as managing director but, after another re-structuring, he left last year and is now a consultant helping new businesses. Shaun was previously a Partnership director, but had to stop because of commitments. “I have a lot of knowledge of businesses in the borough and international contacts which I feel would be useful in helping the Partnership,” he said. “It has grown in stature and size which is testament to the current board and we want to continue that. There's a lot we can be proud of with the Partnership's role in supporting local business and the community.” Saint-Gobain PAM is a primary supplier of ductile iron and cast iron solutions to the UK's key utilities, civil engineering and construction sites. Richard joined the Saint-Gobain group in 2002 and has been in his current post since 2012. There are around 150 employees at the Stanton site. “I'm a relative newcomer to the area but I have learned a lot about the role and the useful work that the Partnership does in regenerating the local economy,” said Richard. “Saint-Gobain PAM and the wider group take their corporate social responsibility to local communities seriously. I see being a member of the board of Erewash Partnership
Ian Viles, Erewash Partnership chief executive
as an opportunity to contribute to the area.” Bev Crighton is employer engagement lead for the Business College at the University of Derby. Her role is to develop the engagement with employers, primarily focusing on employability of both undergraduates and postgraduates. She is also a senior lecturer. Bev held management roles in banking, newspapers and education before joining the University. She said: “ I hope we will be able to to facilitate links through the University with business in the Partnership through the use of students, research and academics.” Ian Viles Partnership chief executive, said: “The board is pleased to welcome these three members, all from different sectors, but all highly experienced and knowledgeable. “These are challenging times and their experience and expertise will contribute greatly to the Partnership as it continues to grow and support enterprise and help the economy in the Erewash area.”
Councillors Glennice Birkin and John Frudd Saturday 8th October 2016
10am to 12 noon Ilkeston Town Hall
Michelle Booth ILKESTON MEN’S PROBUS CLUB ‘Confessions of a Vulcan Bomber Pilot’ was
the title of the talk given by Captain Geoff Dyer at the September Meeting of the Probus Club. Geoff is a native of Nottingham and was educated at Nottingham High School where he learned to fly on an R.A.F. Flying Scholarship.
14 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
He held a private pilot’s licence at the age of 17 - before he passed his driving test! After Cambridge University he trained as a Military Pilot and flew a variety of multi engined piston and jet aircraft. He flew operational tours on fighter, strike and bomber aircraft including Vampires, Meteors, Hunters and had three tours as a Vulcan bomber captain, in the cold war. Club member, Frank Ebbern, gave a vote of thanks to Geoff Dyer for a brilliant talk. Many
members commented that Geoff was one of the best speakers the club has ever had at their Probus lunches. Probus membership is open to retired businessmen and similar people. The meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month at the Arena Christian Centre. The meetings are sociable and friendly and the talks are usually very informative. For details of membership, Club President, Mel Birch can be contacted on 0115 932 1615.
Is holding a Councillor’s Surgery on
Saturday 8th October 2016 10.30am until 12 noon in
Ilkeston Library Foyer Market Place
y school days started in 1950 when I was five and enrolled at the local Infants School. It was just down the road from where I lived in Adelaide St, Fenton, and the last place to be declared a town in the city of Stoke on Trent so that Bennett’s Five Towns became Six. The way to school passed the local council yard for the collection of rubbish and dustbins, which, in those days, were collected in wagons drawn by Shire Horses. The yard was also their stables. It was really exciting to see the horses. Although they were work horses they were always decorated with ribbons and the metal bits on their harnesses sparkled in the sun. I can’t remember much about my first day at Infants other than the dress I wore. Mother made all my clothes and this was a new dress, lovely Scotch Plaid cotton, shirred in the front with red rickrack braid and on the sleeves, hem and around the neck. My long, chestnut plaits had red taffeta ribbons to match the dress. Unfortunately I tore the dress on one of the forms and cried my eyes out, worried about what Mum would say when I got home. I also had a bit of a temper tantrum when the teacher tried to make me drink a bottle of milk. I hated milk and would only take it on cereal so Mum had to write a letter for me to be excused having to drink milk that was frozen in winter and sour in summer, and the cod liver oil which children were
Erewash rEvive, (Arts in Empty Shops) is an award winning local initiative from Arts Erewash, funded by EBC and Arts Council, bringing arts events, exhibitions and displays into shops and shop windows which would otherwise be empty. In June and July members of the Erewash community met in the Erewash rEvive Shop to ‘Write Something – Make Something’, led by writer Chrissie Hall in collaboration with artist/ maker Julie Genner. The artwork was featured in two superb window exhibitions with eye-catching displays of the stories, and linen shopping bags on which participants had created unique images and designs linked to their stories. The stories are great pieces of 20th century social and family history and will be preserved in a local archive. On this page and the next are two of the stories written by participants.
Early experiences in education given in those days. I’d only have the orange juice and malt which children were also given, I believe, to most children after the war. I was also puzzled by the fact that the children were made to have a nap in the afternoon. I was a big girl now and big girls didn’t have naps, did they? I remember being called into the head mistress’s study, my mother was there as were a man with a big, bushy beard and a turban and a little boy with beautiful brown skin, dark hair and eyes and a sort of topknot on his head. His name was Autar Singh and they were the first Sikh family in Fenton. I remember the headmistress telling Mum she wanted me to look after him as she knew I’d be kind to him and asking her if it would be alright. I left the office holding his hand. Autar soon settled down and preferred to play football with the other boys rather than walking around the playground holding hands with me. Hardly surprising really. I moved up to the junior school when I was about 7 but didn’t enjoy this as much as the Infants as the boys seemed rough, tough and said rude things and I didn’t like them. In one of my classes we’d been learning about Alexander the Great and we had to write a story about him. The teacher chose two, mine was one of them, read them out and the rest of the children had to choose the winner by putting up their hands to vote. I didn’t win. I was crushed and don’t know how I kept from crying. My first experience of rejection for my writing. Sums, arithmetic, fractions etc were my worst subjects. I was so bad I never seemed to catch up with the others. The teacher, Mr Dawson, used to hit me across the hands with the sharp edge of the ruler if I got the sums wrong or made a mistake in my book. I was so frightened of him that I had problems with Maths for a long time. My fear of numbers was entirely his fault! I had two special friends in the juniors and neither of them had been to the same Infants as me. Janet Salcombe looked just like me with chestnut hair and brown eyes; in fact people thought she was my sister. The other friend, Gillian Potter was blonde and blue eyed. Janet came from a large, poor family with elderly parents and was the lucky possessor of seven brothers who all adored her. What cash there was around was lavished on her as she never seemed short of anything. Gillian was an only child whose parents both worked. Thinking back, Gillian’s house was scruffy, bare and had raggedy curtains. The garden was always overgrown
Cantelupe Centre Companions Club Twenty-six members went on a trip to the seaside last month. Ice cream, fish and chips and the bracing Skegness air was enjoyed by everyone. The disabled group recently reformed after having gone through a difficult period, and were able to fund the outing with support from Ilkeston Rotary Club. The leaders of the group, David Shaw, Sam Hudson and Ted Jeffries expressed their gratitude to Rotarians Kevin Smith (President), Roger Sissons (Treasurer) and Alan Chambers for their backing, and thanked Stuart Briggs and Elaine Minnighan for their hard work too - Alan Chambers
by Janet Devereux
Brownhills High School for Girls, Burslem—gone but not forgotten. The place where Janet finally made her mark.
and untidy. She wasn’t very tidy or clean and always seemed to have a candle hanging from her nose. Both parents liked a drink more than they perhaps should have done and I thought it was wonderful that Gillian could often be found standing outside the local Working Men’s Club with a bottle of pop and a bag of crisps. Probably in the last year of the juniors a school trip was arranged. I was going to be ‘partners’ with Gillian so I was devastated to find out that Gillian would be away in Rhyl Homes for a fortnight whilst the trip was on. Rhyl Homes were where poor/neglected or convalescent children in Stoke-on-Trent were sent by the Education authority for a holiday. So I was doubly devastated to learn that I wasn’t going to have a holiday. Probably I was too well looked after. I found myself without a partner on the day so amused myself by looking at the flowers, wild life and generally day-dreaming but lagged behind and got separated from the group by a herd of cows. I was very frightened and had to wait for the cows to move away. Fortunately I had seen the last in the group disappearing over a stile so was able to follow them. Obviously noone missed me until they all got onto the road and Mr Dawson came after me, shouted at me, shook me so much that my head went back and forth and then leaned on my shoulder so hard it bent my ankle over and twisted it so I couldn’t walk very well for a while. I often ask myself should he have been a teacher at all. Probably in the last year as well there was great excitement amongst us older children as once a week we all had to go and sit in the hall and listen to a radio adaptation of a novel. It was fascinating and we heard about rings, hobbits, dwarves, elves, fairies, battles, woods, rivers and mountains. I was so excited I went home and told mum all about it. She got the book from the library so she read some out loud and I read as much as I could. It was either The Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings and despite searching the Internet I can’t find out which one it would have been. I suppose if I really want to know I will have to write to the BBC. It was introduced by this marvellous piece of trumpet music which I later found out was ‘Trumpet Voluntary’. When I’ve watched the film adaptations now I’m so pleased that I read it first and was able to create the characters and settings in my own imagination. I often hear people say, “Oh yes, Lord of the Rings seen the films but can’t find the time to read the books.” At 11 I failed the 11+ went up into the local secondary school which was on the same site as the Infants I had attended. It was run along grammar school lines and had the reputation of giving girls a high standard of education. It was a girls' only school. I was so glad to get away from those horrible boys. I’d only ever been in A classes in the Juniors so I was horrified to find I was in a B class. However, on the first day everyone had to
write an essay about their favourite book. I wrote about ‘The Wind in the Willows’ gave it in and thought no more about it. Next day the teacher said my essay was excellent and I was to be moved straight back up into the A class. They must have been impressed with it. I was so relieved to find I going in an A class after all. I loved that school, the teachers were great and I seemed to flourish. I enjoyed all the subjects except maths with English Language, English Literature, Geography, History, Scripture and German being my favourites. All the girls said I was the English and German teachers’ pet. However, I did struggle with some subjects and when I was trying to copy ‘Die Lorelei’ out one day I made such a mess of it the teacher decided I needed glasses, wrote to my mother and shortly afterwards I was the proud possessor of a pair of NHS specs. Whilst most girls of that age, 13, hated their glasses I loved them because I could see properly. They made such a difference to me. I took the 13+ and horror of horrors, I failed again. I was so upset but with the support of my mum and the teachers at school I gradually started to feel better and got on with enjoying school. Shortly after this my parents moved to Tunstall on the other side of Stoke-on-Trent and I enrolled at another all girls' school. To my great surprise I did very well straight away at Summerhills, which although I didn’t realise it, had a somewhat low standard. I was getting top marks in all subjects including maths and arithmetic which I’d never done in my life. I also did well in French which I’d only just started learning at this new school and came top in my first exam. The headmistress sent for my mother and said she thought I ought to be at Grammar School and could she get on with trying to make arrangements. My mother was thrilled obviously and so was I. I went to resit some exams and had to see an educational psychologist and had an interview with the headmistress of the school I would be going to, Dr Bright. Eventually I was told I would be starting at the local grammar school, Brownhills High School for Girls in Burslem at the start of the Easter Term. I went back to learning German which I enjoyed. What a lucky child I was and what a lot I’ve got to be thankful. As an adult I could cry thinking about it and wish I could say “thank you” to Dr Bright. I left school at 17 with 5 O Levels. The education I received has stood me in good stead throughout my life and enabled me to go on to nurse training, hold down responsible and interesting jobs and even work abroad. I often wonder though, how my life would have developed without the interest of the headmistress at Summerhills and her ability to spot a child who could do better. Sadly, I can’t remember her name.
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Blame me! By Marilyn Lucia Keates
I remember vividly my very first day at primary school in 1955, because I was smacked! I got the blame for something I hadn’t done. Miss Thompson was the culprit. She was young, keen and not very nice. She certainly couldn’t relate to children. That incident set the trend for the rest of my school days. I hated it! I began to wonder if I was wearing a sign on my chest saying, “Blame Me!” The ‘nit’ nurse visited regularly and sometimes she was accompanied by another woman. This other woman, I can’t remember if she was a nurse, was there to check that we were wearing clean knickers! Even at such a young age I found this quite embarrassing. I was lonely at school, nobody wanted to play with me. I stood around in the playground until it was time to go in. In those days I was very shy. When I asked other kids if I could play with them they shunned me; story of my life, really. I didn’t pass my eleven plus examination, and in secondary school life got even harder. We moved from the market town of Leek to Hucknall in Nottinghamshire. In 1961 Hucknall was still a mining town and the pits were open. The pupils at Beardall Street secondary modern were rough and some of the older girls - 14-15 year olds, were always spoiling for a fight. I had my share of altercations with them. They used to call me Lady Muck. Still don’t know what I did to deserve that nickname. I suppose it was because I was different. My accent was different, I didn’t swear and I wasn’t out to fight. I had one friend in the whole school, her name was Sandra. The cookery teacher, Miss Lingard called us the terrible twins. Miss Lingard was a lovely person, and I quite liked the English teacher Mr Rowell who also taught R.E. I always got good marks in English and Religious Education and cookery. If you like the teacher you can get on better. I wasn’t a sports enthusiast; I had no interest in the gym, hockey or netball. Netball was a free-for-all where all you got was hit in the shins. I wasn’t very good at sports anyway, and I was disturbed by the fact that at 14 years of age we were expected to wear awful green knickers and tee shirts. They were alright for 10 and 12 year olds but for those of us who were maturing, it was a nightmare. It didn’t help having the windows of the local further education centre overlooking our netball pitch. There were lads in there, 16 and 17 year olds (some with motor bikes), who were looking at us in places where they shouldn’t be looking. It didn’t stop me wanting a ride on their motor bikes, though.
America they were called Practical Nurses. In England our equivalent was an enrolled nurse. Over here now we no longer have Enrolled Nurses. I immigrated to Canada in 1969, to work as a nanny in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I could tell some tales about that. Eventually I moved on to Edmonton, Alberta and found another job as a nanny, with Mrs Swekla. Her husband’s family were Ukrainian, although he was born in Canada. I really liked working for her. It was Mrs Swekla who first told me about the Nursing Aide training. She gave me all the details and contacts and suggested I think about it. She said I’d make a good nurse. Her daughter Cheryl was Marilyn, aged 9 already in school and it wouldn’t be long before her little brother Keith – he The school was cold and there were was so cute – would soon be going to bars on all the windows - perhaps to nursery. keep us all in. The toilet block was out- Nursing was definitely for me! I’ve never side and the wind, the leaves and the enjoyed a job as much as nursing. rain blew under the door. You could Training consisted of five months in the call crawl under the door or look school of nursing, which was attached through the top from the roof. My to the University of Alberta Hospital, friend Sandra was made a prefect in and five months on the wards. We had our last year there, I wasn’t even cona choice of hospitals and I chose to sidered. work at the Charles Camsell Hospital. For reasons that I can’t remember I This was a small hospital that had was caned - a ruler across my hand been built for the First Nations – The and detention. It happened more than Native Americans – so most of the paonce. When I told my father he said I tients were Indians. For me it was perprobably deserved it - the teachers were fect. always right! I left school at fifteen in The newborn and paediatric wards 1965. I was lucky because the following were mostly staffed by English mid year the school leaving age was raised wives. In the 70’s Canada didn’t have to sixteen. I escaped it. Phew! mid wives, the doctors delivered the My father was a firm believer in educa- babies. I felt quite at home with the tion for girls, long before it became the English nurses. My sons were both ‘norm.’ Leaving school, getting married born at this hospital, each one a caeand having children, was not guaransarean section. I couldn’t fault the care. teed to last a life time. Girls needed to It was wonderful. I graduated in Octobe able to support themselves and not ber 1971 and went to work at the Royal rely on someone else to do it for them. I’ve had two husbands and neither amounted to much, they certainly couldn’t be relied upon to support me. They didn’t want to work, they wanted an easy way out. I wound up supporting them! My dad was right! After screwing up my first year of work, drifting from one job to the next, not knowing what I wanted, dad made me take a secretarial course at Hucknall Further Education Centre. So at sixteen I was learning to touch type – except that I wasn’t – I was watching all the boys on their motor bikes, who were attending other courses there. They were much more interesting than the keyboard. Amazingly and to my credit I passed the RSA typing, shorthand, English and Office Procedure examinations. How I did remains a mystery. I went to work at Fanfare Displays as a copy typist. I loved typing, hated shorthand so I didn’t look for jobs that involved any form of shorthand. No Sir! In 1971 while I was living in Canada and through the federal government manpower, I was given a grant to train as a Certified Nursing Assistant. In
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16 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Alexandra Hospital. Those were good times. I left Canada in 1979 with my two Canadian born sons, got a divorce from their Canadian father in August 1981, and set about creating a new life for myself and my boys. Between 1987 and 1990 I enrolled on two full time courses at York College of Arts and Technology. It has a different name now. The first course was for one year, an O level course in Community and Family Care. In 1988 I began a two year B tec National Diploma course in Home Economics. I came out with credits for both courses. In between, I’ve studied Spanish and drama, history and Sociology at evening classes. In Canada I took classes on the Cree Indian language, and Native beadwork. I’ve had my share of education and even though I didn’t enjoy going to secretarial college when I was sixteen I have always managed to find a job and take care of myself and my family. My father and I didn’t always see eye to eye, particularly when I was in my teens but his stalwart belief in education for women, paid off. Well done dad. But the best education I ever had was the holidays abroad with my family, in our caravan. My father took us to all over Europe, from 1961 until I immigrated to Canada in 1969. We experienced the real countries and real people, well away from popular holiday destinations and long before the cheap, organised holidays in the sun took England by storm. I learned, enjoyed and remembered so much more from these exhausting but wonderful holidays, than I ever did reading books. Go for it!
Ilkeston Local History Society celebrates fifty years with four days of events Ilkeston Library 1st to the 5th October 2016 All events are free, tel: 0115 930 1104 for further details. Displays from the History Society and other groups will be available all week. Saturday 1st October ‘Come and Meet your Local History Societies’ 10.00 - 3.00pm Ilkeston and Heanor History Societies will be here all day to answer your questions. Also meet the Friends of both Park and Stanton Road Cemeteries, Bennerley Viaduct and Ilkeston Life, the ‘All Things Ilkeston newspaper. Saturday 1st October ‘The Ripley Rattler’ 10.30 - 11.30am Join Local Historian Brian Key for this illustrated presentation on the famous rattling trams of the Nottinghamshire and Derby tramway. Saturday 1st October Bennerley Viaduct – The Iron Giant of the Erewash Valley 2.00 - 3.00pm Join Bill Tomson of Sustrans for a presentation on the history and restoration of the Bennerley Viaduct. Monday 3rd October ‘What’s in the Background?’
West Hallam Amateur Gardening Society Our August outing was to John and Marian Gray's garden in Alvaston. For most of us this was our first visit here so we were excited to see what lay behind the semidetached house in a narrow side road. We knew it would be good because they open for the National Gardens Scheme but what we found in this urban location was most unexpected, a very successful and unusual fusion of an English country garden and a tropical oasis. There was an abundance of lush planting with a huge range of plants put together beautifully. The garden is divided into different areas which flow easily into one another, each with plenty of seats so we could stop and immerse ourselves in the different styles of each one. The seats and arbours had cushions and hangings reflecting the different styles; the one in the tropical area had rich colours, embroideries and silks. The planting in this area had a jungle like feel and we were amazed to see very tall, flowering Echiums which are usually only seen in the far South West and the Scilly
10.00 - 1.30pm Bring and share your Ilkeston photographs with interesting backgrounds, i.e. back gardens, street views, in the park. Help us find out from these what people did, what they wore and what things were like in the past and more recently too! Monday 3rd October ‘What Ever Happened to Ilkeston’s Railways?’ 2.00 - 3.30pm A presentation by Paul Miller and Grant Shaw. Monday 3rd October ‘Ilkeston As It Was – its History in 50 Chapters’ 6.30 - 8.00pm Join local historians Beverley Kilby and Ann Featherstone talking about their exciting new book written as part of Ilkeston & District Local History Society’s 50th anniversary year. Tuesday 4th October ‘Tell Us What You Think’ 10.00am and 2.00pm Come and help us identify photos from three special private collections belonging to Andrew Knighton, Jim Beardsley and Danny Corns. Drop in from 10am or 2pm to see the presentations and share with us what you know. Wednesday 5th October ‘Not Everything’s on the Internet You Know’ 10.00am – 4.00pm A day to share what is available to help you find out about local and family history; photos, newspapers, documents, maps and much more than just the internet. Family history taster sessions available. Booking essential.
Isles! Another area had a mass of perennials, small shrubs and trees surrounding a small circular lawn. There was a wildlife and an ornamental pond with long twisted strands of glass hanging over the water and a very productive greenhouse and vegetable garden. On the large patio against the back of the house were lots of pots with red, yellow and pink cannas in flower. There were more of the same cannas dotted around the garden and other plants were repeated in several areas which gave the whole place a sense of harmony and cohesion. Very clever design and attention to detail has created a very tranquil and beautiful garden. As it became dusk, John Gray turned on the lighting around the garden which added an extra dimension, uplighting trees and shrubs, the ferns casting shadows onto the small ponds. Lovely evening and of course we all enjoyed the homemade cakes ! Our next meeting is on the Monday 17th October when Jeff Bates will be giving us a demonstration of pruning. We meet at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall, High Lane visitors and new members are always very welcome.
Paula Brewster
The Diary of a Vicarage Cat Dear Diary, Well who would have believed it, back in March, when I read that the new Bishop of Repton had been announced, I wrote to her dog Edith, who Bishop Jan had taken with her to the school where it was announced., Well I wrote to Edith inviting her and her owner to come to our Pet Service in Kirk Hallam church and Edith wrote back saying ‘yes’. Fantastic. So why at the Pet Service, that I arranged, why was I shut in a cage at the front of the Church for the whole of the service? It was fantastic to see so many faces in church, many people I’d never met before, as well as some familiar faces. All so happy and friendly, and there I was, in this big cage, shut out of the way. As the church began to fill up, lots of dogs joined us and a hen too, but I couldn’t say ‘hello’ to them as my guardian, the Vicar wouldn’t let me out. The dogs all looked so friendly, some white, some brown, some black and some a mixture of every colour, some big and some small. I just wanted to get out and play chase with them but it was not to be so. I even rolled on my back with my paws in the air so the children who were playing with me would let me out to play – but even that didn’t work – this time. So, as the service went on, and the people stood
up and sat down a few times, I decided to join in and took a deep breath and meowed with all my strength, I’m not sure how loud it was, as I couldn’t hear, being deaf, but it must have worked as lots of people looked at me and smiled, so I did it again, and again and again. After laying her hands on all the dogs and photos of cats and blessing them, the Bishop came over and gave me a fuss, tickling behind my ears – I do love that, and I felt very blessed and at peace, so I stopped meowing. Then the chaps from Ilkeston Life came and took lots of photos while tea and coffee was served with lots of cakes for the humans and treats for all the dogs– but nothing for me. I was the one that invited Edith, I was the one that started the ball rolling. Life’s not always fair. But I shouldn’t have worried, once the church was empty, my guardian took me back to the Vicarage and opened a tin of tuna for me. Although I had to share it with the other cats, I didn’t mind, too much, because I knew I was special, and I was loved by humans but also by God – just as I am – what a ‘purr-fect’ day!
Bye for now – Florence
What baby did next
This place changed my view of soft play, something that previously had brought me out in a cold sweat at the mere thought of it. When This month is the last column baby and I will we went here I found that the separate section be writing. This is because as I type I am sitfor small children and the fact that the place ting in our new home in Staffordshire as we have moved out of Ilkeston to be closer to fam- itself is fairly small actually made it quite fun. Little one got to try out loads of new toys and ily. Just a few weeks in and already baby is crawl around freely without me having to conloving having his grandparents closer and on stantly say my new favourite words 'be careful' hand to dish out extra cuddles and treats. and I even sat and had lunch together in the During my time writing the column I have shared our experiences of a variety of activities food section afterwards. Messy Play by Mess Around. Messy play is in and around Ilkeston, from Tiny Talk baby signing to using Victoria Park sensory pool as held at various places across Derbyshire and baby absolutely loved it. He got to play in a sleep aid. We've enjoyed various things at the SureStart centre and had many a cup of tea mud, shaving foam, water and lots of other things that are normally out of bounds. The at the lovely Harpur and Finch but, I haven't highlight for him was when I looked away for had time to write about everything we have been up to, so here is a round up of three other a second and he managed to cover his whole things we have done and enjoyed whilst living face in paint. The key piece of advice I would give is as well as having baby in clothes you in Ilkeston. Shipley Wood. The wood has some beautiful don't mind getting messy: make sure you wear areas and a great little park. On a nice day it is your scruffs as well as I left covered in paint. And that is where I will leave it, other than to a great place to have a walk and a chat with mates or a good way of helping baby sleep and say I really hope that you have enjoyed reading the addition of Nutbrook Coffee Shop serving the column as much as I have enjoyed writing it and that I hope that it has helped parents and the most delicious cake is a bonus and I liked grandparents to discover new, fun things that to tell myself that the walk there and back they can enjoy with their little ones. meant the cake calories didn't count. Lanky Bill's. This is actually in Langley Mill. Rebecca Slater
Open Afternoon at the Arena Community Garden, Ilkeston Saturday 1st October, 12 to 4pm Come and join Wash Arts CIC at the Arena Community Garden at Heanor Road, Ilkeston for an afternoon of art and gardening activities and events. You’ll have an opportunity to look round the community garden and have chance to also join in art and gardening activities. See the camera obscure in the garden shed, have a family photograph taken or taken by yourself with photographer Jon Legge. Also see an exhibition of photographs by Jon in the poly
tunnel. Make mono print cards and wrapping paper with visual artist Cathy Terzza. Have a go making a scarecrow for the garden with gardener Jo Swann! Find out more about the community garden and have an afternoon of fun! Refreshments available. Free entry. This event is a celebration of two projects that Wash Arts was commissioned to lead: ‘Eat the Streets’ and ‘Horti-Culture’ With thanks to our supporters and funders: Arena Church, Derbyshire County Council, Derbyshire Health Care NHS Foundation Trusts, Erewash Borough Council, Phoenix Futures. For further information about Wash Arts CIC and our projects please contact Stella Couloutbanis on Email: couloutbanis@gmail.com
Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Bloom success for Erewash
of Straw’s Bridge, West Hallam for their dedication to the continued development of the nature reserve as a centre for wildlife conservation Erewash has again achieved medal-winning and a visitor destination and to Councillor Mike success in the prestigious East Midlands in Wallis for his continued commitment to the Bloom competition – with Long Eaton taking “Bloom Initiative”. a top spot Gold Medal and Ilkeston winning This year’s Bloom competition also brought the prestigious Silver Gilt Award. awards for two community entries, with Draycott winning Gold and Little Eaton taking Silver Bloom judges were bowled over by Erewash Borough Council’s colourful town centre floral Gilt in the Small Town category. displays, which have won widespread praise Photos: Ilkeston’s Victoria Park (top) and the Lifrom local residents. They also enjoyed the ap- brary Grounds, Long Eaton. pearance and facilities of both towns during busy tours of the area in the summer. Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Culture and Leisure, said: “My congratulations go to the council’s ‘Bloom’ team who have worked tirelessly throughout the year planning, developing and maintaining our wonderful displays and ensuring Erewash is clean and welcoming. This is the eighth successive year that both towns have been successful, an outstanding achievement. “We are also very grateful to the many volunteers, residents and schoolchildren who have worked with us, and shown great community spirit in helping us care for our local environment.” As well as the council’s floral displays, local businesses, schools and residents helped provide the bloom success through their commitment to providing colourful flowers and baskets. To recognise this support, the East Midlands in Bloom initiative also presented special Judges Awards to the Friends
18 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
Did you go to Stapleford Baptist Church? Dear Sir, We are looking for memories! Do the names Albert Street Baptist Chapel, or the General Baptist Chapel, Stapleford or Stapleford Baptist Church ring any bells with your readers? Did you come to Sunday School, Youth Group, Ladies Fellowship, Toddler Group, Harvest Festival or Christmas Carols? Were you a pupil when the church hall was used as extra classroom space for the local school during the war? Do you remember Holiday Bible Club? We would love to hear from you and to see any photos or memorabilia you may have. Following the completion of phase 1 of an exciting programme of alterations, Stapleford Baptist Church is holding an Community “Open Church” day on Saturday 8th October from 10.30am-3.30pm. Alongside activities for all ages and refreshments the church will have a display of archive material and photo-
Thank you We are most grateful to Councillor Frank Phillips for his gift of £500. Presenting the cheque to us recently he said: "I am delighted to support the Ilkeston Life newspaper with a donation from my Erewash Borough Council Community Fund. The paper is a valuable community asset which provides a platform for the residents of Ilkeston and district to express their opinions, showcase their talents and advertise their expertise. I look forward to every
Councillor Frank Phillips, seated right, hands over the cheque to members of the newspaper team. Photo: John Shelton
graphs dating back to the opening of the church in 1878 through to the present day. Do you, or your relatives and friends, feature in any of those old photos - why not come along and see? If you would like to contact someone with your memories or to have further details of the Open Church event please contact: sbcopenchurch@gmail.com. Yours sincerely, Mrs Jo Dunn, Stapleford
Family and Personal Announcements
end a birthday greeting Thank someone Congratulate someone Announce a birth Announce a death Remember a loved one
Peter Smith Former landlord of the Three Horse Shoes. Passed away Sunday 11th September, aged 71 years, at Ilkeston community Hospital. Loved and missed by wife Carol, family and friends.
in your local community paper
I would like to say a big thank you for the surprise birthday party arranged for me on 12th September. To Ian, Amy, bar staff and friends, from Dennis (Denbo) exlicensee of the Anchor Inn and The Peacock, Cotmanhay.
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Congratulations to Louis Booth, celebrating 30 years from 1986 to 2016, brushstrokes that would cover the Humber Bridge several times over and some! From Outhouses to Penthouses, you’ve decorated the lot. You’ve gained Awards for the heritage work and Gratitude for the ordinary jobs. You’ve giving training to boys and men that will help sustain them and their kin for life. No mean achievement Louis - no job too small, no job insurmountable - you completed them all. You did it your way - from Oban to Penzance, Wales to France. There’s plenty of work yet to do but taking the next decade more slowly, we hope? Love from Michelle, Gareth and John - your cornerstone and twin towers.
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Ilkeston Life, October 2016
JUST A THOUGHT It's good sportsmanship to not pick up lost golf balls while they are still rolling. - Mark Twain
David Potter takes a look at Ilson’s ‘other’ football club: StantonIlkeston F.C.
Mention Stanton-Ilkeston F.C. and it’s a fair bet that a few people would respond with “Who?” But that’s not the reaction you’d get from all the many people involved in running, and playing for a club, the history of which goes back 95 years and currently fields 23 squads covering players from ages 5 to 76. (YES SEVENTY-SIX., so if you thought you could kiss goodbye to any hopes for a career in the game then think again and read on.) As with many work places at that time, football was considered an important factor in the welfare of the workforce and many a club owes its creation to the encouragement and even financial backing of various employers, particularly in the coal and steel industries. So it was that the club began life in1921 as Stanton Ironworks, hence the nickname ‘The Ironmen’, and spent the next 62 years progressing through the lower leagues of local football until 1984 heralded the entry into the pyramid system via membership of the Central Midlands Football League. Further success followed and in 1991 the club changed its name to Stanton-Ilkeston F.C. to emphasise the links now forged with the community and this period also saw the incorporation of Ilkeston Pioneer F.C. into the fold.
However in 2002, as a result of the costs involved in maintaining its position at a senior level in the pyramid, and particularly the loss of their home base at the ‘Stute’, the club took the momentous decision to withdraw from senior football. The future now lay in developing younger players and the proud name of StantonIlkeston has gone forward to blossom into those 23 squads and continues to push the boundaries of possibilities, a perfect illustration of this being the introduction of a “walking football” squad (starring 76 year old George amongst others of similar vintage.) From its origins as a single works team the club has now grown to a membership of over 300 players offering all sections of our local community the opportunity to participate in football at all levels from joining to eventual retirement.
20 Ilkeston Life, October 2016
The whole operation is run by a team of enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers headed up by current chairman Rob Kirk. Throughout its history the club has been proud, and conscious of its links and dependence on the local area and it now has a wonderful opportunity to strengthen and develop these further. Plans are in hand for a project involving the construction of a two storey pavilion incorporating changing rooms and a Community Room which will provide innumerable social and recreational possibilities for the town and its catchment area aside from providing a first class base for the club itself. (See illustration.) The scheme also includes the regeneration of current scrub land back into a top class sports playing surface. The club has already erected perimeter fencing with the help of NHS EFFG funding which will help to provide a safe environment and keep the site free from any dangerous or unpleasant litter. The regeneration of the sports playing surface will be funded through Sport England and the Community Pavillion will be funded through the F.A, Football Foundation, Stanton-Ilkeston F.C. itself and various other funding streams. The club were tasked with raising £60,000 itself towards the cost of the project and are now very close to achieving that target but are still looking for new sponsors and club partners to take them past and beyond this figure and get things well and truly up and running. This represents a tremendous opportunity for many of our local businesses and institutions to become involved, and associated with, what will become a significant addition to our town’s facilities. It’s a wonderful example of what has, and can, be achieved when sporting, business and community aspirations combine.
If you’d like to find out more about StantonIlkeston F.C. then have a look at the website www.stantonilkestonfc.co.uk or get in touch with me and I’ll pass your details on. I’d also be delighted to hear from anyone who’s had any involvement, either past or present, with the club with any memories or stories you’d like to share. Contact: davidilkeston@gmail.com or telephone 07971 899704.
20p where sold
WIN OR LOSE Share your sports news in Ilkeston’s community paper. email ilkestonlife@gmail.com
Slow start in the league but FA Cup brings cheer Ilkeston’s late start in the Evo-Stik Northern Premier League and only a point to show from their first handful of matches left them struggling at the bottom of the table. But two away wins in the FA Cup has helped keep spirits up. Their controversial suspension by the League was lifted in time for them to play Ashton United at home on 27th August. Ashton were riding high by this time and they proved to be difficult opponents. The Robins had a claim for a penalty turned down in the first half when an Ashton defender appeared to arm the ball out. From the resulting corner, they then hit the bar. Then right on half time the visitors scored through Mark Lees. There was heavy rain in the second half as Ashton made the game safe with a second goal. On Bank Holiday Monday the Robins travelled to Derbyshire neighbours Matlock and fought out a 0-0 draw. 3rd September was FA Cup day and Ilkeston visited Ashby Ivanhoe who were making their first ever appearance in the 1st qualifying round. Sadly for them they were to progress no further as Ilkeston hammered them 6-0 with goals from Anthony Dwyer, Dexter Atkinson, Mark Shelton 2, Luis Rose and Ben Morris. On 10th September Ilkeston went to Warrington. Three-nil down at half time they had a mountain to climb, but an early second
half goal by Dwyer gave them hope. Warrington went on to win 4-1. Three days later a visit to Whitby also resulted in defeat, 2-1 the scoreline this time with Ilkeston’s goal coming from Rory Coleman with a spectacular Beckham-like free kick between the Shrimpers’ two. A fifth consecutive away fixture followed on 17th September: a trip to Barwell in the FA Cup second qualifying round. With Barwell occupying a mid-table spot in the same league as Ilkeston, they were always going to provide tougher opposition than Ashby Ivanhoe. But Ilkeston managed to win 1-0 with Shelton scoring the deciding goal. The home side tried desperately to equalise in the closing stages and tempers became frayed, but Ilkeston’s defence stood firm to progress further in the Cup. Match-starved home fans were pleased to see the Robins in action at the NMG on 20th September but the game was abandoned due to floodlight failure. Visitors Hednesford were leading 2-0 until a late strike by Ben Morris gave the Robins some hope but in the 85th minute the lights Rory Coleman: went out. ‘Beckham’ goal at Whitby