30p where sold
OCTOBER 2017 A community publication for Ilkeston and surrounding area
Golds again for ‘colourful’ Erewash
rewash has once more achieved medalwinning success in the prestigious East Midlands in Bloom competition, with both Ilkeston and Long Eaton winning Gold Medal awards. A special award was also given to Straw’s Bridge Local Nature Reserve, Ilkeston, marking it as the ‘best wildflower and conservation area’. The Bloom judges were bowled over by Erewash Borough Council’s colourful town centre floral displays, which have won widespread praise from local residents and businesses. They also enjoyed the appearance and facilities of both towns during busy tours over the summer. Councillor Mike Wallis, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Culture and Leisure, said: “My congratulations go to the council’s ‘Bloom’ team who have worked tirelessly throughout the year planning, developing and
maintaining our wonderful displays and ensuring our towns are clean and welcoming. “We are also very grateful to the many volunteers, residents and schoolchildren who have worked with us, and shown great community spirit in helping us care for our local environment.” As well as the council’s floral displays, local businesses, schools and residents helped provide the bloom success through their commitment to providing colourful flowers and baskets. To recognise this support, the East Midlands in Bloom initiative also presented special Judges Awards for the Planet Garden at West Park, Long Eaton and to the Friends of Victoria Park and council staff. This year’s Bloom competition also brought awards for two community entries, with Breaston taking Silver and Draycott winning a Gold Medal and best overall entry in the Small Town category award.
Councillors in bid to keep care home open L
views known supporting me in keeping Hazelwood open. “I hope that Maggie Throup will be true to her word and will not stand for the closure of Hazelwood. I urge her to put pressure on the Tory led County Council and Central Government and the Chancellor, to spend the money that is desperately needed to refurbish Hazelwood The care home had been identified by the pre- and keep it open for the sake of its residents” vious Labour administration as needing repair Councillor Jane Wilson – Labour Ward Councillor for Cotmanhay, EBC said: and refurbishment, adding five en-suite bed“Losing this resource is not only a great loss to rooms, built to the latest CQC standards. The Cotmanhay but to the local community of Ilfinance had also been put aside to carry out keston, and I am concerned for the residents these repairs alongside two other care homes and carers who face great uncertainty.” in Ashbourne and Swanwick. In November 2015 Erewash Tory MP Maggie In response to Labour’s claims, Erewash MP Throup criticized Labour led DCC for the clo- Maggie Throup said: sure of Hillcrest Care home in Kirk Hallam “When Labour left office in May, Derbyshire saying: was left with a social care bombshell. It is “This is just the latest attack by the County quite frankly shameful therefore, that they Council on elderly people in Erewash, and I have now chosen to play political games with for one will not stand for it. people's lives. “In light of announcement by the Chancellor in “As residents will know, I have always stood the Autumn Statement that councils are to be up for the most vulnerable within our commuallowed to raise addition funds through the nity, including campaigning to save Hillcrest Council Tax to pay for social care, I will again Care Home, a viable care home in Kirk Hallam be writing to the Cabinet Member responsible that was closed unnecessarily by Labour. for Adult Social Care to ask him to pause this “I have already met with the new lead member closure in order to reconsider the decision.” for social care at Derbyshire County Council, Councillor Danny Treacy, Labour ward Coun- Cllr Jean Wharmby, in order to discuss how cillor for Cotmanhay EBC, said: we can improve the service going forward and how it can be made sustainable in the long “The new Tory administration is consulting the residents of Hazelwood, their relatives and term. the wider public to seek their views, whether “Let us be in no doubt that Derbyshire County to close or carry out essential repairs and refur- Council faces some tough decisions over the bishment to Hazelwood. next five years to rectify Labour’s failings “I am confident the answer to that question is whilst in office. YES, refurbishment is needed. “As their MP, I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure that Erewash residents “I urge all residents of Cotmanhay and Ilkesremain well provided for.” ton to go to DCC’s website and make your
abour Councillors in Cotmanhay have condemned the potential closure of Hazelwood Care Home. Conservative controlled Derbyshire County Council are now consulting with the local community on the possible closure of Hazelwood Elderly Persons Care Home on Skeavingtons Lane, Cotmanhay, Ilkeston.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Independent Fresh Entertaining
f you don’t get a copy through your door, Ilkeston Life is available online and from various outlets including newsagents, shops, cafes, Post Offices and supermarkets in our growing circulation area. Besides Ilkeston, we are currently supplying: KIRK HALLAM COTMANHAY SHIPLEY VIEW HALLAM FIELDS LARKLANDS STANTON-BY-DALE DALE ABBEY WEST HALLAM STANLEY
We also give free copies to Ilkeston Community Hospital, nursing and care homes, doctors waiting rooms, schools, etc
Editorial office: 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Tel: 07539 808390 Editor: Robert Attewell Deputy Editor: Paul Opiah news@ilkestonlife.com Staff feature writer: Patricia Spencer patricia@ilkestonlife.com Staff photographer: John Shelton john@ilkestonlife.com Advertising: Christine Chell Paul Opiah sales @ilkestonlife.com Webmaster: Adam Newton adam@ilkestonlife.com © Copyright 2017 The material in Ilkeston Life is protected by copyright. If you wish to reproduce anything, please contact the editor. While every care is taken to be accurate, we are only human and mistakes do occur occasionally. If you are unhappy with any of the content in the paper, please contact the editor in the first place. We accept news and information from correspondents in good faith and cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. We try not to include stories which may cause distress to anyone. If you have a view on any of the articles, please write and let us know. Your letters are always welcome, but we reserve the right to withhold or edit. Anonymous letters will only be printed in exceptional circumstances.
COPY DEADLINE The deadline for adverts and editorial Is always the 15th for following month’s paper (unless by prior arrangement). Send to us by email if possible. We prefer to receive images as jpegs.
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ISSN 2515-1231
Restored: The Old School Room, Cossall By Patricia Spencer On the 8th of August, I visited Cossall once more, to talk to two of its residents about the history of the Old School Room and the work that has been done to refurbish and extend the building inside and out. It was raining heavily when I arrived. I am so glad it wasn’t like this for the open gardens earlier this year. At least this meeting was to be held in the hall out of the weather. Cossall’s Open Garden event raises a lot of money every year and the bulk of this has been put aside for the work to the Old School Room. This event has been taking place for about twenty years now and hundreds of people visit every year to take in the experience. The Old School Room has always been the centre of command for this event. The gentlemen I had come to see were, Chris Gilbert and John Wheatley who are Chairman and Vice Chairman of Cossall Community Chest, a small charity run by members of the community in Cossall Parish. They raise funds by organising various events in the village which as you can imagine is very hard work. The money raised at these events is used to fund projects in the local community, including helping with the upkeep of the Old School Room and also St Catherine’s Church. “The residents of Cossall have been keen to see the Old School Room saved from what had become a pretty dire condition, it has been a long hard struggle to get the project underway,”
said John Wheatley. He went on to describe how the architects drawing for the work to the Village Hall were presented and approved. Estimates for the work were submitted and then the group applied to Biffa Award scheme to help fund the refurbishment and extension of the Old School Room. Biffa Award is a fund that helps communities by awarding grants for projects just like the one in Cossall. Between Cossall Community Chest and the grant from Biffa Award they managed to raise £78,000 for the work, but then found out that VAT was no longer reclaimable, and they hadn’t got the extra money required to pay the VAT so the whole project was in jeopardy. John Wheatley decided he must do something as so many people had worked so hard and contributed money and time for many years. After much soul searching he kindly offered for his building company to carry out the work on the Old School Room. After working through a really bad winter, the job was completed on time and to everyone’s relief they managed to bring it in at £78,000 including the VAT. The work was completed in April last year and the opening held on the 4th May, in the now renovated Old School Room. The current Lord Middleton came for the opening event and gave a very passionate talk about the relationship between Cossall and his family. Also attending was the Reverend Andy Lord and the Bishop of Sherwood, Rt Rev Tony Porter. On the porch outside the hall is a stone with the date of 1850 but John thinks this may be when the porch
was erected, the date when the hall itself was built, could be as far back as 1813. When the old suspended ceiling was taken down inside the hall, they found the original, beautifully engineered rafters, which were in surprisingly good condition so they were left in place, painted and make a very attractive feature. The cast iron windows were also found to be in a usable state, needing only a few replacement glazed lights. The Parish Council recently paid to have the windows re-painted on the exterior. The late Dorothy Putnam, kindly donated some of her land, which lies at the back of the building, so they could build an extension to include modern toilet facilities and a nice new kitchen. Chris and John told me a little about the history of the building and a few of its residents. The building was originally the schoolroom for the village and was separated into two classes to keep the boys and girls separated in school time. The father of D H Lawrence’s fiancée, Louie Burrows, taught woodwork in the schoolroom for a while. In 1925, Lord Middleton, who lived at Wollaton Hall at the time, but also owned most of Cossall, had to sell off properties in the village to pay death duties. The estate was split into lots but fortunately, the Old School Room was gifted to the church in a covenant. Harry Grayson, who was a prominent member of Cossall Parish Council, lived at 31 Church Lane. He was born and brought up there and lived there
until he was taken ill in old age and had no option but to go into hospital, where sadly, he died. His family had rented the house from the estate and lived there for many years before the sale; his mother managed to buy the house at the auction in 1925, but she nearly lost it to a man bidding against her. He was firmly told to “Let the lady buy her home.” Whereby he dropped out of the auction and she was able to secure the family home. The Old School Room is now a fabulous meeting place and the hub of the community. It has been sympathetically restored; keeping as many of the old features as possible, but at the same time has modern facilities. It also boasts a wide screen monitor so that they can run presentations and have film nights. The hall now boasts some sophisticated lighting to help set the right mood for most events and an induction loop has recently been installed for those who are hard of hearing. The hall has been insulated and new heating panels installed, it is now very warm and cosy and can be up to temperature within forty minutes, which makes a change from the days when the walls where wet through and everyone sat around in meetings with their hats and coats on in the winter. They have an agreement with Biffa Award that they must hold events in the hall for the community, which they have every intention of doing at every opportunity. The social life of the village has now been massively improved by the work to the Old School Room. A job very well done, I feel. If anyone wishes to book a party or event in the Old School Room they may get in touch via the website www.cossallcommunityhall.org.uk. There is room for 70 people at a buffet style event and enough tables and chairs to seat fifty people. At the moment Cossall Community Chest have several events planned including a Bonfire Night Barbecue, Fungi Walk setting off and finishing in the hall, and a New Year’s Eve Party. They are also hosting Carlton Male Voice Choir at Trowell Village Hall on 14th October to help raise funds for the community. For more information email Chris Gilbert at cossallopengardens@gmail.com. I am sure the village community will make the very best use of the newly renovated hall and I hope in the future I may come back to report on some of these events.
Thank you to Chris Gilbert for your help writing this article.
Large pic: The renovated main room. Below left: How it looked before. Below centre: The new kitchen. Below right: John Wheatley; Rt Rev Tony Porter, Bishop of Sherwood; Lord Middleton and David Henshaw.
October 2017
Mayor boosts local charities
we have in Erewash and saw first hand the wonderful people who work so very hard, for no monetary benefit to themselves, to help those less fortunate in their local community. These local groups and charities do not receive the large sums of money that the The Mayor of Erewash for the last civic year, Councillor Abey Stevenson, will share bigger, national charities receive – instead they get by with small donations and the out a £3,350 moneypot between 13 local proceeds of events to keep going. charities – the proceeds of fundraising events during his year in office. “It was heart-warming to see the dedication and enthusiasm of the groups I was priviCouncillor Stevenson, who was Mayor for leged to visit and it was for this reason I the 2016/17 civic year, will present the funding boost to representatives of the char- decided to have a general charity pot. My thanks go to all those working every day to ities on Thursday 14 September at 5pm in the Mayor’s Parlour at Ilkeston Town Hall. help others in so many ways. I also thank all those who supported my events and enabled The money was raised through various events, including the Charity Civic Dinner, me to raise the money.” The organisations being presented with a Charity Golf Day, events run by the coundonation are: Ilkeston Community Hospicil’s leisure centres and by donations foltal’s League of Friends; Happivale social lowing the Civic Service, Christmas Eve centre, Long Eaton; the homeless support Carol Service and personal donations charity Canaan Trust; Ilkeston and Long The money raised was put into a general charity pot and Councillor Stevenson asked Eaton branches of the Royal British Legion; Leicester, Derbyshire and Rutland Air Amfor the total amount to be shared between bulance; Riverside Pan Disability Football some of the local charities that he visited Club, Long Eaton; the Old Park Ward Old during his year in office. Age Pensioners’ Fund; Erewash Musical Councillor Stevenson is delighted to be able Society’s Youth Group; Ilkeston’s Chaucer to help the 13 organisations with their work Junior School Gardening Club; the Friends in the borough: of Erewash Museum; Ilkeston Arts and “I decided to have a general charity pot as, Camera Club; Derbyshire Carers to support in my role as Deputy Mayor and then the Ilkeston and Long Eaton clubs; Long Mayor, I visited the various organisations Eaton Rotary Club’s Interact Club. ble on the night. Adults can snap up a ticket for £5 while anyone aged 16 and under or is the theme of this year’s fireworks extrav- 60 and above pay £2 – both a £1 saving on aganza on West Park, Long Eaton on Satur- the on-the-night price. Admission is free for day 4th November. The organisers, Erechildren aged 5 and under. Tickets are now wash Borough Council are offering value available from West Park Leisure Centre, for money savings on all tickets bought in Long Eaton; Victoria Park Leisure Centre, advance – a family ticket (2 adults and up to Ilkeston; and Ilkeston and Long Eaton 3 children) is £10, instead of the £15 paya- Town Halls.
Heroes and Villains
lkeston Fair was, and still is, a time of great excitement. In the forties and fifties old smoky, smelly engines would drive around the roundabouts and once there was a steam engine (I think. I spent so much time at ‘the pictures’ as a child some old film might have merged with reality in my memories!) The country was still recovering from the war and ‘make do and mend’ was still much in evidence. My Mam and Dad used to say that the cakewalk was the same one that they had walked on as children, and I told mine the same. It still looks and sounds the same, but I’ve no idea just how old it actually is. The small stall holders would be selling hot mushy peas, shrimps and mussels served up in little pot dishes. Everyone would return them when they had finished eating to be washed and used again. Surprisingly they never seemed to lose any to theft. The boxing booth was a great favourite. Situated opposite the Harrow Public House, great crowds of men (many of whom were accompanied by women) would pack the large tent. I have never been in a boxing booth so can only relay what I heard male members of my family re-telling what happened in there. Just looking at the four or five boxers standing with their arms folded in front of the tent was scary enough, whilst the promoter exhorted the crowd gathered in front of the tent with, “Come on lads, come and have a go with any in your weight range, all you have to do is stay on your feet for three rounds to win five pounds.” They were tough looking men, with squashed noses, and cauliflower ears - true stereotypes. The lightweight boxers looked as if they needed a good meal, or that a strong wind would blow them over. They may have looked pretty easy to beat but from what my uncles said these men were very fast and skilled. You wouldn’t think so, but the booth did a brisk trade every night. Five pounds in winnings was quite a good sum in the fifties when, I suppose, the average wage was around ten pounds, so it must have been quite tempting to some. My uncle used to say the best time to be outside the booth, was when the Harrow public house across the road was turning out at 10.30. Young tough miners with a belly full of Shippo’s (Shipstone’s beer) and dutch courage, egged on by their mates would hold up their hands to volunteer and were quickly bundled into the back of the tent by assistants, to be put into a boxing strip. The fighters usually gave the crowd value
for money, letting the would-be champ get within smelling distance of a fiver before planting him on his bottom! From what I was told if the contender put up a really good fight the crowd would have a ‘whip-round’ for him even though he had lost. My uncle had a name for this practice but I can’t recall what it was. Many a tough young miner or ironworker would come out with a black eye and a bloody nose though and no five pounds. One young man who I was told would often take on one of the boxers was a chap called Jimmy Featherstone, a local lad, who was a very good boxer. I don’t know if he had been trained in the army or somewhere but my uncle said he usually came away with his winnings. He said the booth owner wasn’t bothered because the tent was always packed solid when this well known character boxed. You could hear the roars from the men right up to the big wheel sometimes, and you knew there was a good fight on. Jimmy lived on my mother-in-law’s street and she said what a nice chap he was, very sociable and friendly. Jim died about fifteen years or so ago in his seventies. There were so many great characters around in Ilkeston at one time and it is sad to think that many of them are no longer with us… As was the case most Sundays at our house we would have stewpot for breakfast. It would be in a big saucepan in the oven on the coal range, stewing nicely all night. When you got up on the Sunday mornings after Ilkeston Fair, sat at the table and the gravy was thin and the meat scarce, I would know that my uncles had been late coming in from the fair or pub. They’d been at the stewpot, watering it down to disguise their pilfering. They had no shame either, flatly denying any knowledge of the theft when Mam and Mama challenged them. How times change. The thought of stewpot for breakfast and a big dinner at noon doesn’t bear thinking about!
Painting and narrative by Betty O’Neill
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Have your say
Hard times for a disabled student at Ilkeston college
Get in touch with your views— Email: letters@ilkestonlife.com Post: The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH
Boaters would like to trace kind hearted local man My wife and I would very much like to thank a local man for his kindness and generosity while we were at the IWA Festival of Water at the Gallows Playing Fields, Ilkeston recently. We were moored on the outside of another boat on the canal. We locked our folding bicycles to a tree by the towpath because it was too difficult to carry them across the other boat each time we wanted to use them.
bike out of his garage that hadn’t been used for years, pumped up the tyres and brought it back to the canal to give to Martin’s son. Martin was very grateful but it was a pink ladies’ bike which was not suitable for his tall son. Martin had heard about the theft of our bikes so rode it along to us and gave it to us. It doesn’t fold so it is not entirely suitable for us to carry on our boat but it has been wonderful to have the use of it for the weekend. We woke up on the 25th August to find they We will give it to charity once we have rehad been stolen overnight. We informed the placed our folding bikes. We would love to be able to thank the local police who told us to warn other boaters. man who donated his bike for his kindness Meanwhile, another boater, Martin, at the and generosity and would urge him to conother end of the show site had discovered tact us by email via the website: that his son’s bike had also been stolen and www.boaterschristianfellowship.org.uk. mentioned it to a local man walking on the Jan and John Halford towpath. The local man went home, got a
Following on from Danny Corns' article about Ilkeston college of Further Education, later to become South-East Derbyshire College, on Field Road, I thought your readers might be interested in the experience of a disabled student at the college in 1968/69. I had my 17th birthday whilst on a year's Secretarial Course at the college. I had stayed on for a year at Cavendish Girls School learning typing, shorthand and accounts - loved the first two, hated the third! I was the only person in my school class to go to the college which was a lonely experience at first as I had relied on my school friends to push me around in my wheelchair. (Thank you Susan Longley, Susan Franklin, Teresa Hill and others - where are you now? I have found a few others on Facebook). I can remember asking my Mum to let me leave at the end of the first week at college but she gently coaxed me to stay. I didn't make friends very easily with the other girls in my class (they mostly came from the Grammar School and already had friends of their own) but I found it easier to chat to the "mature" students, older ladies looking for a new career. It didn't seem strange then to sit alongside ladies who were (or it seemed to me!) to be as old, or older, than my mother. I can remember sitting upstairs (all the classrooms I used were upstairs) by myself while everyone else had gone somewhere for a break - I never did find out where that was! The next lesson was in the room next door through a connecting door and I struggled to wheel myself through the door. I managed it though! It
was sink or swim in those days for disabled people. I did meet the lovely caretakers though, They carried me, in my wheelchair, up and down a flight of stairs (no lift) four times a day, with great good humour and kindness. Health and Safety would stop that now. My Mum collected me every lunch time to go home and back as there was no disabled toilet with a hoist. Thinking about it, disabled toilets were a rare sight in those days, and the ones with a hoist were none existent, and are still hard to find. Thank goodness things have vastly improved now. I wish I could remember the names of the caretakers. When I left, my Mum and I gave them each a box of chocolates and a poem outlining their funny jokes and kindness. Although it was a difficult time, I left with a good grounding in office skills, which enabled me to get a job at Rutland Garments, where I stayed until the firm closed some twenty years later. I also gained confidence and better independence through having to look after myself. As we all know, Mother knows best! My lovely Mum certainly did.
Esther Collington, Kirk Hallam Ed: Esther is a valued member of our Ilkeston Life team, preparing articles for print. If you have ever supplied us with a handwritten letter or article for the paper, Esther may have been the one to turn it into a Word document for us to use. Those early typing lessons at Cavendish School and South East Derbyshire College (where accuracy was the priority) came in very useful! Pictured: Esther left, and the college class with ‘modern’ electric typewriters.
Are you a descendant of James Hickson? Hello from sunny Sydney, Australia. John and Jean Halford with the pink bike that was given to them. Photo: John Shelton
I too worked on the railways Thank you for the latest edition of Ilkeston Life, received by post and thank you, also, for including my piece. The publication is very interesting, throughout. A great mix of past and present. I could particularly ‘relate’ to the article by Roderick Fowkes, as my father was a steam engine driver at Toton, during the1950's+. My brother followed in Dad's footsteps and was also became a Toton driver, working both steam and diesels. I too worked on the railways and was on the maintenance side, and, following an appren-
ticeship in Derby Locomotive Works, building diesel engines, went on to maintain them at Toton and Derby, rising a little, through the ranks, finishing my career with InterCity. Please, keep the Ilkeston life publication the success it is and I hope you continue to find my independent reviews, interesting. I source my own venues and products and have no connection with any of the companies that I write about. Best regards,
Trevor Langley, Long Eaton.
I am a descendant of an Ilkeston man who was born in about 1770. He was convicted of stealing in 1792 at Derby and was transported to Australia in 1798. His name was recorded as James Hickson (sometimes Reckson) but he used the name Rixon here is Australia, so not sure how he was baptised. He was pardoned and went on to be a successful pioneer settler with a large family. We have no other clue to his origins or parentage. James has well over 15,000 descendants here in NSW and we are organising a cele-
bration for 220 years since he arrived on our shores. I am writing to ask if you could ask your readers if there are any family connections still in the area. The surname (?) is not so common and someone may recognise it from their family tree or more recent family connections. I know it is a long shot but you’ll never know if you never ask. Replies can be sent to Robin at 117 Carawa Road, Cromer, NSW 2099, Australia or gr_oxy@yahoo.com.au
Robin Oxenbury, Sydney, Australia.
There are more further on in the paper
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Credit to Yourbus—they listened I wrote in the last issue of Ilkeston Life about the unfortunate wording that Yourbus had started to use on its bus tickets to describe Gold Card users. I felt the words ‘Derbyshire Elderly’ was demeaning to people of a certain age.
It now seems that I wasn’t the only person to feel this way as the wording has now been changed to ‘Derbyshire Conc’ (Derbyshire Concession). ‘Power to the people’ and common sense!
Rob Stevenson
‘Mucking about’ at Ilkeston College I was interested to read Danny Corns’ article on Ilkeston College of Further Education (Ilkeston Life, September 2017) as I was one of the first female students to attend the college in September 1954, when Mr Simpkin was principal. It was the first secretarial course and there we sat with our typewriters making a noise!
coming up the stairs opposite the lift. Of course, all this meant that the lift, with an open gate, could not be used, which I am sure annoyed a lot of students as well as staff! I remember my days there with great affection, and the maiden names of the girls I can remember are : Margaret Bell, Pamela Eggleshaw, Mavis Baker (these being my Our teacher was Mrs J Akers, and I’m friends at Heanor Grammar School), Aileen afraid to say that although I managed to obtain my Shorthand/Typist Certificate, and Aldred, Wendy ?, Jean ? (from Long Eaton), Pat Gould, Ann Whittle, Judith was subsequently able to get a job, I was Langton and Margaret Granger, chiefly there to ‘muck about’. I am sorry to have missed some out—I an One of the things several of us did was to see their faces but just can’t remember their enter the lift, press the button and then denames. liberately get stuck between floors. We Celia Turner (nee Booth), Stanley would open the gates slightly so that we could just manage to see the feet of people Common
Do you have an interesting tale to tell for inclusion in this local book? Harry Riley and I are working together to publish a book of local interest and we are seeking stories and pictures for possible inclusion. We have the cover ready and would now like a few more anecdotes to finish off the project. ‘Communities of the Erewash Valley: Times Past and Present’ is a collection of ordinary people’s stories in their own words of local happenings in the place where they live (or lived) including Eastwood, Langley Mill, Heanor, Shipley, Ilkeston, Long Eaton, Cossall, Awsworth and Kimberley, etc. We are dedicating this book, the third in a series, to four local sportsmen born in Eastwood: Tony Woodcock, Jeff Astle, and brothers Steve and Alan Buckley, who all achieved success with professional football clubs. The books are sold locally at cost and purely for the benefit of the community, recording first hand how the people of Derbyshire and north Nottinghamshire lived, worked and spent their free time.
If you would like to contribute a story or enquire about the previous publications, priced £5 and £7.50, please ring 01773 762900. Brian Fretwell.
Building is dangerous The old Gardner Aerospace building (formerly DIP factory) on Cotmanhay Road is in a dangerous state. It was being demolished but for some reason the contractors have left the site and it seems to me it is now completely unsafe.
recent times. Can something be done before it is too late and someone else gets hurt?
John Allen, Action4Cotmanhay
The fences around it are down and it looks easy to get into the building. I fear that children could get inside or set fire to it. The empty premises have been the scene of a fire and a serious accident when a boy fell from the roof in
Hosting international students I read the article by Denny Taylor in the September paper about how important international students are to our universities and economy. I would like to speak about their value as welcome visitors to the UK. I have been a member of Host UK for nearly twenty years. This is a company funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the British Council and the Victoria League and participating universities. It is a national charity which arranges for adult international students studying in the UK, to stay in the homes of British people for any weekend throughout the year or a few days at public holidays. The main aim is to help the students feel at home in Britain and to promote international friendship. The hosts are all volunteers who live all over Britain and come from a variety of backgrounds. Since joining Host UK I have had many students from many countries and have made friends. Twice I have been to Malaysia to visit the family of one of my students , but on the whole, I have had the pleasure of meeting and taking out many people. Students apply on the website and each coun-
ty has an organiser. The organiser then asks the volunteer on their data base if they are able to host any of the students asking for visits. If accepted, the students and the host communicate to make arrangements. Please find a picture of my self and the two Chinese students who came to visit a few weeks ago. I hope this is of some interest. Yours sincerely,
Judith Woolley
Another memory prompted by Danny Corns’ article about Ilkeston College of FE. Reader Brenda Matthews supplied this photograph taken at a dance at the college in 1955.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Messy Church for all ages
intage Messy Church was held at Ilkeston Methodist Church at St Andrew’s on Tuesday 22nd August. It was part of an effort to reduce social isolation for the elderly during August, which can be lonely as some social activities close for the summer break.
more in common than that which divides us and we can all benefit from being part of a community. The afternoon provided an interactive, When we started planning, we weren’t and at times reflective, spiritual space aware of the Channel 4 programme, for all ages as we explored together the ‘Old People’s Home for Four Year theme of ‘Hope on Life’s Journey’. Olds’, which aired just before Vintage Amongst the tea, cakes and chatter, 8th Messy Church. Ilkeston Scouts provided some craft The documentary, showed the positive activities and the older generation taught impact on elderly care home residents’ the children a Sunday school song from mood, memory and mobility when ten their childhood. It was a real joint effort. pre-school children were invited into The older people really enjoyed their Bristol residential home on a regular interaction with the children so we are basis. looking for more families to join us at We also wanted to provide a free activi- our next Vintage Messy Church on ty for young families towards the end of Tuesday 24th October 2-4pm. Bring a the holidays when budgets may be run- grandparent, elderly neighbour or friend ning low. The idea was to celebrate the with you if you can; everybody is welfact that whatever age we are, we have come to this free event! Any care home
The demolition took place in 1892,nine years after the Charity Commission introduced a number of changes to Smedley's bequest, This Charity continues today from one of which was to allow a maxiits inception in 1744. The founder mum of 3 occupants each with an increased allowance and giving the was, not surprisingly, a Richard Smedley who lived in Risley. In a trustees power to sell and invest proceeds. After demolition a Deed dated the 30th March 1744 he left the rent from land and prop- branch of Crompton and Evans' Union Bank then occupied the site erty owned by him, which I find with the rental income going to the was at Crown Bank, Talk on the charity. In 1932 the rent was said Hill, Audley, Staffordshire, but there could have been others, part to be £104 per annum. In St. Mary's Parish church there is a of which rents was to finance the building of six alms-houses to ac- Tablet, which was removed from the Alms-houses when they were commodate six deserving poor demolished. from several local parishes. When they were built a stone was In addition each house was to reset in the Bath Street boundary ceive five pounds. The houses were built on Bath Street and were wall of the properties, reading, "These six house were built in the single-storied and were, largely , year of our Lord 1744 by the pious for single occupancy. The Deed also made provision for £10 to pay benefaction of Richard Smedley, of for the education of 36 to 40 poor Risley, in the County of Derby, and endowed by him with Five children in the Ilkeston parish Pounds a year to each house, for ye amongst others. maintenance of six poor people." In 1881 the editor of the Ilkeston Pioneer wrote to the Charity Com- Charity funds were very moderate mission has he had concerns as to for a number of years but were the management of the local chari- considerable improved when the ties, concerns that had been ongo- land owned, along with the buildings, were sold to allow for the ing for several years. In March of development of the Albion Centre. that year a Government enquiry Charity funds are still used to help was held at the Town Hall in people in need within certain parllkeston to find out how many ish areas, with the Trustees meetcharities were in the parish of Iling quarterly. Application forms keston, how they were managed, can be had from Geldards solicitors and whether any and what imon Burns Street in llkeston from provements needed to be made. The Richard Smedley Charity was where additional information may be obtained about our present found to be one of ten. When the Commissioner conducting the en- Clerk and the means by which he may be contacted. It is important quiry visited the alms-houses he that applicants complete the applithought that they were in such a poor state that the people would, in cation in full and that the application has the written support of an his view, be better off living outofficial body or person, such as side! Doctor, Social worker, Health VisThe suggestion was that they be itor, Probation etc. as, without pulled down immediately. At this such, the application is more likely time several of the houses were to be refused or delayed until that said to be empty but in that years written support is provided. Census 5 of the 6 were occupied. The land on which they stood was Maurice Ward. quite valuable and it was suggested Trustee of and former Clerk to, Richard Smedley Charity. that, if pulled down, the houses could be rebuilt cheaper elsewhere.
The Richard Smedley Charity
staff who would like to bring their residents, are encouraged to join us too. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more. Caroline Middleton, Family Worker, Ilkeston Methodist Church @ St Andrew’s carolineeastowc@gmail.com Tel: 07538 739028 Ilkeston Methodist Church https:// www.facebook.com/ IlkestonMethodistChurch/ Messy Churches Ilkeston https:// www.facebook.com/Messy-ChurchesIlkeston-1803866026508509/ The next Vintage Messy Church at St Andrews, Wilmot Street, Ilkeston is on
Tuesday afternoon, 24th October.
Ride to Skegness raises £2,100 for charity The Mayor of Erewash, Councillor Mary Hopkinson, was delighted to have been asked to send off a group of riders from the newly formed Ilkeston Cycling Club on their charity ride to Skegness, even though was 5.30am! £2,100 was raised from the event on 3rd July for the Spinal Muscular Atrophy Trust (SMA trust). The Club is now affiliated to British Cycling and has established two regular rides open to adult cyclists in Ilkeston and the surrounding areas with consistent weekly participation. The club values the community, is family orientated and hopes to promote fun, fitness and general well being. It is young and growing and its members are full of ideas and aspirations and want to build the framework for a lasting legacy of cycling in Ilkeston with the development of a youth academy and are aiming to become more accessible to all abilities, ages and backgrounds in the next 5 years. The club would be delighted to welcome new members and further information is available by emailing ilkestoncc@gmail.com or by visiting any of the following websites: https://www.facebook.com/ ilkestoncc/ https://www.strava.com/clubs/ ilkestoncycleclub https://www.britishcycling.org.uk/ club/profile/8101/ilkeston-cycle-club Sue Dunkley
On yer bike! Local cyclists are all set for the off.
Gift to 50+ Forum Cllrs Mary Hopkinson and Sue Beardsley are pictured presenting a cheque for £179.99 to Ilkeston & District 50+ Forum. The money will be used by the group to pay for a PA system.
He also displayed some lawn boots, put on horses and ponies so they wouldn’t damage tennis courts September Meeting and cricket pitches when cutting the grass. Our speaker Doug Farrier, Master Farrier, enterThe talk was given with some humour, and was well tained the members with a very interesting talk received by the members. about his work, over the many years he had been Club member Vice President Ken Pye gave the vote of engaged as a farrier. thanks on behalf of the members, thanking Doug for To illustrate his talk Doug brought along a wide selec- his very interesting and excellent presentation. tion of tools and horse shoes, and things that the Terry Brown farriers used in days gone by.
Long Eaton Probus Club
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
The Diary of a Vicarage Cat Dear Diary, How do you show someone how special they are to you? It’s not easy, how do you convey those feelings when looking into another’s eyes, that not only make you smile uncontrollably but make your heart purr with content? Well I’ve noticed humans like to give and receive gifts, so do us cats to. Recently my guardians (or jailors – depending on what mood I’m in) came down one Saturday morning to find a surprise gift for them. To add to their fun, the gift was at first hidden, but with Missy, Nipper and Beasley all sitting around the fridge, she soon realised there was something rather special under it, that was exciting us cats. Soon he appeared too, and she kept pointing at the fridge, at the cats, and then the fridge again. Reluctantly he moved the fridge away from the wall, and for just a second he caught a fleeting glimpse of the present, as the little grey mouse ran under the fridge again. So, he pushed the big fridge again into the room, and again the
mouse ran to hide under it. This fun carried on several more times, although they didn’t look like they were having much fun, but we cats were caught up in every second of the excitement. Then she dug out of the cupboard under the stairs a pair of welly boots and a long stick – now they were both smiling, remembering how we trained them years ago to play this game when I used to bring them fresh mice every morning at both Bunny and Norwell Vicarages, but that was before ‘the incident’ that resulted in me being kept in every night. Since. Life’s not fair. Anyhow back to the game – with the welly boots in position, lying on their sides against the skirting board either side of the fridge, they soon poked the mouse along and the little fellow scampered into one of them – safe and sound. Now they were very happy, I’m not sure where they took the little chap as all us cats were shut inside for a while. Anyhow when we could go out and play again I went to play with George (my young boyfriend) and strangely his breath smelt rather strongly of mouse – he knows I can’t come out at night to go hunting, so had the present actually been from him to me, perhaps he cares for me more than I’ve realised, my heart certainly was purring all day long. Bye for now – Florence.
Local Church News
Backpacks from Sandiacre Over 75 people called for an afternoon cream tea in St Giles’ Church Hall in Sandiacre to support St Giles’ Church and the charity Mary’s Meals for their work in Africa. The charity tries to give every child a nutritious daily meal in a place of education using locally produced food. Many of the children who receive these meals do not have the basic learning tools so the event raised funds to buy and pack backpacks full of things they would need. The event raised £ 540 which was split between the Church and St Mary’s Meals appeal. After being blessed at St Giles’ Church at the start of September they started out of their journey to Africa.
We wish to thank the local businesses who provided goods for the backpacks and raffle prizes:- Bowleys butchers, Sandiacre fish bar ,Plough public ,Simply Flowers , Buonissima, Zacs, Jaycens, Sports Direct , Rowells and Marples.
Local church news, events and Christian comment More faith news on P9 We also wish to thank all those who supported the event which was suggested by Mrs Andrea Wiles. Rev Ken Johnson
Floating Christians Among the exhibitors at the IWA Festival of Water at the Gallows playing fields next to the Erewash Canal recently was the Boaters Christian Fellowship. In the tent were waterways enthusiasts ready and willing to talk about their group and the lives they lead. The Boaters Christian Fellowship was founded in 1995 following the publication of a letter by Alan and Hazel Dilnot in Waterways World. Whilst out boating, the thought occurred to them that it would be good to meet fellow Christians out in the inland waterways. The initial response was encouraging and the BCF was born with some 50 founder members, many of who are still actively involved. From this promising beginning the BCF has grown into a respected organisation with well over 650 members. Boat ownership is by no means a condition of membership. Many members are aspiring owners or hirers, some have given up their boats and some simply enjoy the other aspects that Inland Waterways offer. However, they all share a faith in God and a love of the Inland Waterways. BCF boat stickers make members instantly identifiable and a comprehensive Members Directory is available to locate fellow members nearby. Members are willing to share their faith with anyone interested whether on a boat or sitting on the towpath. They also assist poor boaters for there are many people living on boats who are suffering financial or other hardship. Members have their own stories of ‘being there’ for someone; they also take part in missions with local churches and support the work of Canal Ministries and the Waterways Chaplains. A magazine, The BCF Word is published four times a year. Members are encouraged to share stories and anecdotes, problems and triumphs, poems and pictures in its pages. The Journey into Faith page is brought to you by members of the local Christian community and with occasional inspiration from
Our Daily Bread
Church but not as you know it Activities, music and a simple meal for you and your children Get messy
here Saturday 14th October: Ilkeston URC (Green Spire) 4—5.30pm Monday 23rd October: Kirk Hallam Community Hall, 10.30—12.30pm Tuesday 24th October: St Wilfrid’s West Hallam, 10.30—12noon Tuesday 24th October: IMC at St Andrews, 2 – 4pm (Vintage Messy Church) Wednesday 25th October: IMC at Nottingham Road, 10—12noon Saturday 28th October: Sandiacre Methodist Church, Butt Street 4 – 5.30 pm Theme: Jesus the Light of the World Next Ilkeston URC Toddlers Service: Friday 6th October, 10 am.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Tribute to a lost sister
Would you go and find my sister and give her all my love, I miss you so much Mandy.
The first lonely year without you, the saddest I have known, I treasure every thought of you when I am on my own, Although I cannot see you, you’re with me night and day, For the love we had between us not even death can take away. It broke my heart to lose you but you did not go alone, For part of me went with you the day God called you home, It’s a lonely life without you, nothing is the same, All I have is memories and pictures in a frame. Your resting place I visit, place flowers down with care, But no one knows the heartache as I turn and leave you there, So many things come to mind whenever I speak your name, It seems without you in my life things have never been the same. Oh if I could turn back time and once more hear your voice, I’d tell you that out of all the sisters you still would be my choice, Please always know I love you and no one will take your place, You will always be in my head, my heart and in a special place. Today God if you’re listening in your home above,
I wrote this for a friend who lost her sister on the 16th of September 2016.
Your Space
Tina Blyton
Monkey We browsed around the toy shop Nothing seemed to catch our eye But just before we left Two monkeys sat side by side Their names were curious George Both identical in every way Till one of them caught our eye Who seemed to want to play We both agreed to buy him With his curious cheeky smile And take him home for Erin To our only grand child Now he’s part of the family This last eight years or so He even goes on holiday Every time that Erin goes He’s now getting very old With his patch and dirty face But he’s got the best kissing lips On a cheeky monkey face Erin will always love him Till she has children of her own And they will love him just the same Bringing happiness to their home
Thomas and Erin Hosker
Donald’s cat
I have become a cat-person, after taking on Donald’s cat, Not that I am bothered, in fact, I quite like that. She comes to me for comfort, and others in the area too, Is it something that they know, or is it what I do? I always make a fuss of them, and they all seem to know, That I will not harm them, even if it does not show. I will continue to do the same, as long as I have to, Just hope it will not be too long, or my dog will suspect something too.
John Wright
I spent so long just watching, A lone spider spinning its web, For the cruel winds to destroy it, And place it in my path to tread. With the sun highlighting the weeds,
Do you enjoy writing creatively? Lots of local people do, so why not share your poetry, stories, songs, sketches, limericks, memoirs, humour, etc., with other Ilkeston Life readers? Preferably send by email to poems@ilkestonlife.com. Alternatively, drop in/post to The Editor, Ilkeston Life, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 8AH.
The sunflower sheds its petals, Providing a rare burst of colour, Amongst the stark stinging nettles.
Life’s little crossroads
As the birds camp out on t.v aerials, Singing into the pale sky, The neighbourhood cats are peering, With their strange, watchful eyes.
Standing at the crossroads of life Peering down it’s every route. Every path looks filled with strife The right path though, you must decide.
The trees are picking up the breeze, Swaying gently with subtle sound, Going down the straight and narrow Will at least keep you safe. It adds to the changing ambience, Taking the path as true as the arrow That I can now feel all around. A boring life for you to create. And shouts echo from the streets, Drowned out by motorcycle roars, A road that’s full of twists and turns As aching and tired feet, Can change your life in an instant. Are all walking broken tarmac A fun life with no concerns floors. That boring path now seems distant. And as the sun is now being replaced, Whatever path waits for you By the clouds as black as ink, When choosing the right direction. Toning down all my thoughts, Make sure you follow through And diluting everything I think. And join the right connection.
©Copyright Steven Michael Pape 2017
Stephen Scorer
SWAROVSKI SENSATIONS Daniel Swarovski was born Daniel Swartz in 1862, in northern Bohemia (Czech Republic). The Swarovski Company was founded during 1895 by Daniel Swarovski, Armand Kosman and Franz Weis. Swarovski Crystals are world-renowned and the beautiful pieces of jewellery and accessories, plus home décor, are very popular and much sought-after. The crystals part is only one aspect of the Swarovski Group and other productions include high precision instruments and the manufacturing of tools, for grinding and drilling, etc. There are Swarovski stores in numerous countries around the world.
The figurines produced by Swarovski are collected by a lot of enthusiasts and devotees, with limited edition pieces being highly prized. Swarovski crystals are incorporated on many items and structures, from very small (eg earrings) to very large, that include chandeliers and more, bringing style and elegance, of a supreme standard, to wherever the productions are used. The Italian sparkling wines, produced by Prosecco Casanova, include Swarovski crystal encrusted bottle presentations. The 'Swarovski Edition' is available in 0.75cl bottle and also 1.5cl magnum sizes. The individual crystals that adorn these stunning bottles have 3370 for the 0.75cl bottle and 6145 crystals for the magnum size. Each bottle has its own unique number of production. The enthusiasm of the Founder and CEO of Prosecco Casanova, Carlo Parodi, has fully captured the meaning and intent of the legendary, 18th century, Italian lover, Casanova. The bottles can be admired and enjoyed for their beauty, after the prosecco has been 'long gone' - and remembered! Prosecco Casanova also produces an impressive range, including Traditional, Superiore and Rosé Cuvée Prestige Extra Dry. White-coloured bottles add to the elegance and distinction of this brand with these productions being selected regularly for events, special occasions and particularly weddings, etc. The sparkling wines accompany fish, seafood and white meats, perfectly. They are also fantastic as apéritifs and for cocktails, also. The bouquets are enticing and the perlages persistent, for all productions, from Prosecco Casanova, a company that is well-renowned for producing wines of exceptional quality, along with other products and services, from Carat Lux Ltd. Email: info@proseccocasanova.com www.proseccocasanova.com www.caratlux.com www.swarovski.com
As always, Enjoy!
Trevor Langley
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Harry Riley’s Review of the Festival of Water
Faith page overflow
The new season of Story Café kicks off on Friday 6th October at 7.30pm with a return visit of Sally Watson and Members of The Torkard Ensemble. There is no charge for admission but donations are invited to cover the cost of the event. Drinks and cakes are on sale during the evening. The community-focussed, inclusive group ‘Torkard Ensemble’ perform a wide variety of music. We will hear songs from lots of different genres from a small group chosen from their 50 musicians and singers, mainly from the Nottingham area. They make music for personal enjoyment, and benefit others by their public performances. Some of the group will share the story of their faith journey. The group’s leader, Sally Watson, qualified as a Music Therapist in 1996, and has worked in that field along with music teaching since. Another free event is our Local & Live Art and Crafts on Saturday 14th October from 10am to 3pm. Come and see local artists painting and crafters at work. Finished items will be on display with some for sale. Light refreshments will be on sale all day. Artists at work in the church will be John Blackwell, Peter Willis, Joan Pochin, Barbara Godfrey and Caroline McFarlane. Crafts people from our Church Card and Craft group, West Hallam Village Craft Group and local jewellery maker Liz Bainbridge will be exhibiting in the Hall. Make a note of November Story Café, with Guest Artists Karen Chambers and Jean & Dave Richards planned for Friday 10th November at 7.30pm. John Moorley
2017 August Bank Holiday Weekend David Hudson of Ilkeston Holy Trinity Church is to receive the Bishop’s Badge at Derby Cathedral on Sunday 1st October. The award is in recognition of the work and devotion he has given in organising pilgrimages to Walsingham over a period of fifty years. Adam Street Church of Christ raised over £170 at their Macmillan coffee morning. A wide selection of cakes were made and sold in aid of the cancer charity. Best sellers were chocolate cakes and cheese scones. Over 30 people supported the event which was hosted by Patty Bullock.
Last month we asked you to choose your current best and this is what you came up with: Yvonne Homes: How great thou art. Jemma Smedley: As the deer pants, All that I am, They need Christ, Blood of the Lamb, They shall come from the east. Beverley Henson: The old rugged cross, How great thou art. Marilyn Cam: Soul of my Saviour. Pamela Rhodes: Footsteps (Aled Jones). Bruce Poole: The Old Rugged Cross. Duncan Pile: Be thou my vision. Bob Attewell: I, the Lord of sea and sky (John Michael Talbot). Marion Marsland: Abide with me. Terry Bancroft: In Christ alone. Sarah Dawson: What faithful God have I. Susan Hyslop: Because he lives, How great thou art. Kevin Fisher: I hear the Lord passing by (Tim Sheppard) Sandra Tantum: The Lord’s my Shepherd.
Made in Ilkeston—read everywhere! A couple more pictures of our paper on its travels.
The festival stretched across several fields opposite The Gallows Inn, Nottingham Road, Ilkeston, with the added bonus of free parking. Not only that, this wonderfully well organised open-air event had a team of car parking marshals equipped with walkie-talkies to guide drivers into clearly defined areas. And to cap it all we had the most gloriously warm sunshine. I arrived before noon, and the festival was already in full swing with live music piped from the large entertainment marquee. There were hundreds of people milling around, soaking up the holiday atmosphere. Dozens of heritage tents, hot and cold food stalls, vintage cars, motorbikes and caravans, and then as I made my way toward the Erewash Canal, there they all were: gaily decked out narrow boats, moored along the towpath, as far as the eye could see. It made a glorious sight, with the flags and bunting, and all that traditional narrow boat sign art. (In among the craft stalls a signwriter was busy demonstrating his special skills.) I now made a bee line for my own particular interest on the day, and soon found the Friends of Bennerley Viaduct stall. I was informed they are hoping to have a Lottery Grant application ready very shortly. This historic landmark really does need preserving for future generations to enjoy. I could have stayed forever on this last day of the festival. Great thanks should go to the organisers, the show participants, the boated, and especially to the interested public who made it such a magnificent event.
Photo: Harry Riley
Rebecca Mercer sent us the top picture of Joe camping by the sea in Northumberland. He lives in London and likes to catch up with news of home, as we all do, says Rebecca. Anna and Gilly are pictured underneath reading something interesting in the July issue. The photograph was taken near The Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, USA. Its name comes from the Indian Tribe who lived there, say Mr and Mrs Toplis who sent us the picture.
These 3 photos: John Shelton
Trowell and District Writers Club present their ‘Stand and Deliver’ Poetry Competition on Sunday 8th October 2017 at Trowell Parish Hall, Stapleford Road, Trowell (behind the church) Doors open 2.30 for 3pm Register your poem before 2.50pm Entrance £2 (Members £1) Entered poems £3 Please ring 01773 711127 or 0115 932 9568 for more details or to reserve your place
Do you like writing? Would you like help and support from other writers? Never written but would like to try? Why not join us at our fortnightly meetings, Mondays, 7.30—9.30pm New members always welcome. Associate membership scheme in place. Please phone for details of meeting dates and place.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Alfred Trussell, Pre-War star of the cycle track – Part 1 When Ilkeston Life reader Rick Shelton saw a photograph in a previous issue his first thought was “I’m sure that’s my grandad!” Indeed it was – there was Alfred Trussell in the starting line-up for a cycle race that I identified as taking place at the 1910 Ilkeston Hospital Sports held at the Manor Ground. Rick already knew that his grandfather had been an amateur racing cyclist and club captain from a few photos of his own, a handful of other documents and stories handed down by his mother, Alf’s daughter. Now he wanted to know more, and so did I. Alfred Trussell, a 22 year old grocer’s assistant of 17 Derby Road, first appeared in the local press in the year that photograph was taken. He won his heat in the one mile handicap, despite having to give away 185 yards, and came third in the final. In the half mile he qualified for the final but was unplaced. He is listed as riding for Long Eaton Cycling Club, though in all future races he was always referred to as a member of the Ilkeston Racing Cyclists’ Club, which had its headquarters at the Old Wine Vaults, East Street. The 1910 sports took place in front of 6000 spectators – nearly twice the capacity of the New Manor Ground! Newspaper reports of the 1911 Hospital Sports make no mention of Trussell, and it was the following year that he began to make a name for himself, and not only in Ilkeston. Early in the 1912 season he came second in the half mile and third in the mile at Newark. At the Hospital Sports there were “half as many entries again as last year and very nearly a record attendance,” (Pioneer). Under the headline “Fine Riding by Local Cyclist”, the Pioneer went on: “The feature of the day was the fine riding of a young Ilkeston cyclist named A. Trussell, who made his first appearance of the afternoon in the seventh heat of the one mile bicycle handicap. This was an open event and Trussell was pitted against some hot stuff. He took an early lead but towards the close was desperately challenged by E. Darby of the Edgbaston club. It was a rattling fine struggle for the last lap, with a titanic battle for supremacy up the straight. Trussell rode the stronger race however and got the verdict by barely half a wheel.” The final “provided a fine race, with Trussell the most popular of winners by inches only from Cook. The Ilkeston first timer came straight through and just got home to the accompaniment of loud cheering.” Alf also reached the final of the half mile race. “Great things were expected of the Ilkeston man in the final, and hopes were entertained that he would bring off a double event. But this time Dame Fortune refused to smile, and just as he was going to the front a tyre trouble brought him to the grass and his chance vanished.” (Pioneer) Alf’s prize for the one mile contest was a Four Foot Louis China Cabinet worth £7.00. All that survives is the certificate (see illustration). According to his grandson Alf’s mother, by now the head of the household, saw to it that any prizes were taken straight to the
Talk on The Mitford Family Sandiacre History Group have a talk on Thursday 26th October by John Whitfield: The Mitford Family. It’s at the Methodist church hall, Butt Street, Sandiacre, 7.30pm. Doors open at 7 o’clock for tea, coffee and biscuits. Visitors are welcome, admission £2.50. Sheila Hickingbotham
pawnbroker. Cash prizes would have been more welcome but the NCU still banned them, as they had in Fred Fletcher’s day. By contrast Fletcher’s prizes were displayed in his father’s shop window and went on to be used in the home; some of them are still in the family. In August Alf was at Matlock Cricket Club Sports to clinch the half mile handicap and take second place in the mile. Then at Swadlincote and Gresley Sports he did the double, picking up first prizes in both distances with handicaps of 67 and 145 yards respectively. The year was crowned with victory in the NCU district quarter mile championship at Ashbourne (see illustration) in a time of 1m 40 s. The following year, at Belper, “Alf Trussell, who is regarded as Ilkeston’s crack cyclist, competed in the 1913 quarter mile NCU Championship of the Derby & District Centre”. He came third, “but hopes to turn the tables on Chapman at the Ilkeston Hospital Sports on Saturday” (Pioneer), where the half mile championship was to be staged. According to Athletic News he did just that, surviving “a protest lodged against him by Arthur Churchman of Derby for an alleged foul”. On the same day he came third in the one mile handicap. INJURY 1914, Alf’s last year on the track, was an anticlimax, most likely due to injury. He came no better than third in any final for which I can find a report. At the 15th annual Hospital Sports “Members of the Ilkeston Racing Cyclists’ Club were well in the picture, but it was a matter of general regret that Alf Trussell was greatly hampered by an injury received at Belper Sports the previous Saturday. Notwithstanding this he rode a thrilling race in the sixth heat of the half mile cycle handicap, gaining the verdict by virtue of a superhuman effort made in the last few yards”. (Pioneer). He came third in the quarter mile final and in that year’s half mile NCU district championship. A visit to the Chesterfield Flower Show and Sports in August also yielded a “bronze” in the half mile. No Ilkeston track cyclist, including Alf Trussell, has ever matched the achievements of Fred Fletcher, the double national champion of 1889. Alf did not stray far from home and never competed at the national level but he was regarded as one of the top local riders with several district NCU championships to his name, proving that he could beat allcomers from the same mark. In Fred Fletcher’s day, twenty years earlier, most amateur racing cyclists were young men from the middle and upper classes. They had the time and money to train and to compete, sometimes travelling all over the country to sports events. By the 1900’s bicycles had become cheaper and working class people had a bit more time of their own, allowing both men and women to travel cheaply and quickly for work and leisure. It also opened up the sport of cycle racing to many more
Sandiacre and Risley Gardenholders’ Association The 60th Anniversary Annual Open Show was held at Cloudside Junior School, Sandiacre on Saturday, 2nd September 2017 when the trophies were presented to the winners by the Mayor of Erewash, Councillor Mary Hopkinson. This was the final show to be organised by the Association and, despite a difficult growing season, the number of entrants and entries showed an increase on last year which resulted in an attractive display on the show tables. The President’s Rose Bowl, awarded to the competitor with the
young men (and some women) of Alf’s background. Alf Trussell may not have been as successful on the track as Fred Fletcher, but he is no less admirable. I say this partly because some of
highest number of points across all the vegetable, fruit and flower classes was won by John Lumbis. Overall, the show was a success with the increased number of visitors being able to buy the locally grown produce in the auction at the end of the afternoon. The raffle, tombola and home-made refreshments all contributed to a financially successful event. The committee would like to thank everyone who has helped with the show, entered exhibits or attended as a visitor during the past 60 years. Your support has been much appreciated. Sheila HIckingbotham
By Jeff Wynch
the other photographs in his grandson’s collection are of Alf in uniform, taken when he “went to the front” in rather a different way. That will be the subject of part two of Alf Trussell’s story in next month’s Ilkeston Life.
County Councillor John Frudd Member for Ilkeston South will be holding a Members’ Surgery On Saturday 14th October 2017 at Ilkeston Town Hall, Ilkeston, DE7 5RP
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Residents’ social fund is swelled by Summer Fayre We at the Cedars and Larches Care Home in Ilkeston held our annual Summer Fayre on 2nd September. It was a glorious day and the grounds where full. We made £647 towards the residents’ social fund. We had various stalls, including tombola, a barbecue, brass band and bouncy castle. The management, residents, families and staff would like to thank all who attended, donated items and helped on the day. Morrison's and Tesco and Anne Marie at the Well Chemist gave us donations which where used as prizes on the day. Thank you all so much. Alison and Lindsey, activity coordinators at the home.
I remember that seat!
West Hallam Village Hall News
Last month’s solution is on Page 16
The Village Hall has again been the backdrop to amazing community events during the summer. As well as Open Gardens, the Well Dressing Festival and the Village Show our lovely old building has also been the venue for many very happy family celebrations. We are pleased to be offering increased availability from January 2018 onwards. With the departure of the Village Pre-School to a new home at Scargill School we will be able to accommodate many more bookings on weekdays with further new opportunities for local people to make full use of the hall. This autumn we have welcomed Dynamicmotif Dance and Performing Arts Academy It was lovely to see Ruth and Sheila enjoying the and the West Hallam Community Choir. On 25th November we are delighted that popseat in Shipley Park (last month’s paper) as I believe I helped to build it when I was a conser- ular band Acoustic Union will be performing a fund raising concert at the hall. Tickets are vation volunteer there. now on sale and cost £10. The cost includes As well as the seat I helped with many projects supper and there will be a licensed bar. All including hedge laying, construction of a wild proceeds will go towards the building fund. flower meadow, a World War 1 tribute wild For further information contact Ann Ainsflower garden and general maintenance of the park. Here are a few pictures taken at the time. worth: telephone 0115 9303340 or email ainsworth.ann@btinternet.com. Roy Foulkes.
100 years old. Along with a welldeserved pint and the congratulations of his nearest and dearest, local centenarian Mr Reginald Wells was delighted to receive a card and flowers from the Ilkeston branch of The Nottingham to help him celebrate his 100th birthday at a party recently. Mr Wells has been a customer with the mutual building society, which is based on Bath Street, for four decades.
I bought a train ticket today and the man at the counter said "Eurostar. " I said “Not really I just tell a few jokes on Facebook and in Ilkeston Life.” - John Allen
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lkestonlife.com October 2017
his is our special page for younger readers. We decided on Acorn Corner for the title because the acorn represents something small that can grow into something great. We hope this will happen to YOU. On the right we have the stories of two local young people who overcame adversity to triumph in their exams. And below two young presenters who are up for Radio awards. Tell us your or your friends’ success stories! Feel free to contribute to the page and let us know the kind of articles you would like to see here. Email news@ilkestonlife.com
The Ilkeston District Cub Scouts had a fun weekend at their annual camp. We were at The Oaks in Charnwood where 64 cubs, 6 young leaders along with 19 adults took part in an action packed weekend. Five out of the six district cub packs were there. Having settled into their tents and had a tour of the campsite, they were split into groups. First activity was to practise knots and lashings ready for the big pioneering project. They all enjoyed their supper and wide games before going to bed. I did say bed and not sleep! As the sun came up so did the cubs! After a hearty breakfast they got stuck into the activities for the day—six groups rotating round so they all had a go at rifle shooting, climbing and abseiling (we had many who made it to the top and rang the bell), pioneering, Nordic walking, tracking, Country Code and first aid. Later after tea, cubs had the opportunity to go into the ‘Black Hole’ and of course camp would not be camp without a Campfire. Sunday saw us doing Scouts Own
and the Jungle Trail. Ricky (Diane Harris, District Cub Scout Leader) thanked all the leaders for giving up their time and members of the Ilkeston SAS for the catering. We were all very well fed. Diane said all had a fabulous weekend, meeting new people, attempting challenges and learning new skills. The next District Cub event is the annual trip, this time to the Black Country Museum. Scouting is open to boys and girls from the age of six, there is a Scout group just around the corner from your home. If you want to volunteer and join the adventure please contact Diane 0115 932 9979 as we also need adults not only as leaders but helpers or administrators. For any information on how to get involved or where to find us please get in touch. Diane Harris. Pictured: Rama (Chris Draycott from 21st cubs) along with one of the groups with their Big Pioneering project.
OVERCOMERS Two local students beat the odds to do well in school examinations A teenager who was involved in a high-speed hit and run collision weeks before his exams was celebrating his GCSE results at Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy last month. Just two weeks before his first exam, AJ Allen, 16, was walking across the pedestrianised Market Place in Ilkeston when he was struck by a car driving at 40mph. AJ flew up, hitting the windscreen and when the car came to a halt he was catapulted onto the bonnet of another vehicle. The driver left the scene, leaving AJ’s school friends to call an ambulance and his mum, Lindsey, who travelled in the back of the ambulance with him, fearing the worst. He was rushed to the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham where he underwent a full body and brain scan but unbelievably was able to be discharged the next day after suffering head to toe cuts and bruises. AJ also suffered trauma and memory loss as a result of the collision, which happened on April 29th, but despite this he was back at school within days to take part in revision sessions for his GCSEs and today he achieved the results he needed to get into Bilborough College in Nottingham. AJ achieved a Grade 6 in Maths, and four Bs in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Finance, amongst many other grades. Doctors think among the reasons AJ avoided major injury was the fact he was fit and active after a two-year drive to get in shape saw him lose more than four stone at the gym. He now plans to take his love of fitness to the next level and study sport, business and psychology with a view to becoming a personal trainer and fitness instructor. He said: “I knew I needed certain passes to get into college so I was focused on that, I was just relieved when I opened my results. I really enjoy training at the gym and want to get into personal training so this allows me to take that next step towards that.” Mum, Lindsey Allen, 36, said: “AJ’s friends rang me and I rushed to the scene of the accident. I really feared for the worst in back of that ambulance. He couldn’t see as he was temporarily blind and he asked if he was still alive. “The ambulance crew was saying he shouldn’t be here after being hit at that speed. He was covered with blood and had to undergo a brain scan and full body scan but amazing-
He also picked up a Bronze award in the Male Presenter of the Year category. Mark, 24, was also shortlisted for the prestigious Young Person of the Year sponsored by the BBC, which was won by Rachel Price of Forces Radio BFPS Northern Ireland. Mark’s Erewash Sound colleague Emma Snow (18) was also shortlisted for Best Newcomer but did not make the top three. She said she was thrilled just to be shortlisted. Both Mark & Emma trained in the Erewash
Left: AJ after the crash in which he was seriously hurt. Below: AJ receiving his GCSE results.
shed a few tears. He worked really hard and it meant a lot to him to be able to get his results and move on to the next chapter in his life.” *** Another Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy student who lost her dad to a brain tumour was also celebrating her GCSE results. Evie Young, 16, from Ilkeston, was choosing her GCSE options when her dad, Andrew, died at the age of 52 after years of fighting a brain tumour. Despite this, Evie set about focusing on her school work and also coordinated fundraising activity for Treetops Hospice, where her dad received care. All her hard work paid off when she collected her results, receiving the equivalent of five B grades and five C grades. She said: “I was speechless when I opened them. I really wasn’t expecting to pass them all. I answered every single question in all my exams and then you just hope you’ve done enough. I knew I’d done my best. “I’m really proud of what I have achieved. I pushed myself and put
ly nothing was broken or damaged apart from cuts and bruises all over him. Dad would be “Fortunately he looks after himself proud. Evie is all and has worked really hard to get fit smiles as she finds losing quite a lot of weight - he’s a different boy now and that probably out she’s done really helped him. well in her exams. “I couldn’t believe it when he was discharged and was then sitting his exams. He suffered memory loss as a result of the accident and even now can’t remember anything about what happened. The doctors were great and I have to say the school was fantastic in how they supported him going over and above. “Results day was very a very emotional day for us all and we’re all so pleased that he got the results he wanted so he can go to college and follow is dream of being a personal trainer.” Nia Salt, Principal of Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy, said: “AJ really embodies that spirt of belief and resilience. He could quite easily have said he was too poorly to take his exams but he didn’t. His friends and family rallied around him and gave him great encouragement and support so he could face his exams with confidence. “It was very emotional when he came in to collect his results. He was everything into it. I know my dad so relieved and we were so proud of would be so proud of me. I did this him and we had a little moment and for him too and to show everyone who knew what I’d been through that I could do it. “I will really miss school and the support I had. It has been so friendly and they really encourage you but I am looking forward to the next step Sound Academy in Cotmanhay and had not done now.” any radio before. More than ten people trained at Erewash have gone onto paid jobs in radio and Evie is now going on to do her A TV. levels and has ambitions of becoming a Science or PE teacher. Mark and Emma have regular Mum Gillian Young said: “I’m so weekday programmes which pleased for her as she worked so can be heard on 96.8fm. hard. She really struggled after AnStation manager Jeff Martin drew died especially with her says: “It goes without saying memory - she almost had to start everyone at Erewash Sound is from scratch in terms of her school very proud of their achievework. ment. They have been recognised not only for “Andrew died two and a half years their talent but for their hard work.” ago and they were both really close The Erewash Sound Academy has just been acand had such a strong bond. In many credited to deliver NCFE Qualifications in Radio/ ways she has done this for him and I Media. know he would be so proud.”
Local radio presenter is Best Newcomer Mark Jarvis of Erewash Sound was named Best Newcomer at the 2017 Community Radio Awards in Bristol on 23rd September.
The Way We Were
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Top: A panoramic photograph of Erewash Valley Golf Club members in 1955, supplied by David Heathcote. Above left: This picture is thought to be a King George V Silver Jubilee Street Party in Belvoir Street, Ilkeston, 6th May 1935. It was unearthed by Angie May of the Bright Hour Dance Group who says her sister is on it. Above right: A class with their teacher at Hallam Fields Junior School in 1951, supplied by John Bibbs. Left: A popular ride at the now disappeared American Adventure theme park, near Shipley Lake. Right: A short-lived Kit Kat bar. The product began as Rowntree’s Chocolate Crisp in 1935 and was renamed Kit Kat in 1937. Following the War (1945) due to a milk shortage the wrapper was changed from red to blue to signify that dark chocolate was being used. It went back to a red wrapper in 1947 when milk chocolate was reintroduced.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
West Hallam cricket club wants your votes for a share of bag fund
Voting is open in local Tesco stores throughout September and October. Customers will cast their vote using a Club sponsorship manager Mark Hill token given to them at the check-out in away the top grant. est Hallam White Rose store each time they shop. Cricket Club are bidding to West Hallam White Rose CC are one feels the grant will help make the club Tesco’s Bags of Help project has aland the sport more attractive to local bag a massive cash boost from the of the groups on the shortlist. ready delivered over £33 million to people; ‘Cricket can be a frustrating Tesco Bags of Help initiative. The project named ‘Get The Game game at times with the weather. Many more than 6,400 projects up and down Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to On’ aims to provide the club with people, especially youngsters, are put the UK. Tesco customers get the chance launch its community funding equipment that will give them a great- off when we have a week or 2 where to vote for three different groups every scheme, which sees grants of £4,000, er chance of keeping the ground in a games are cancelled. By getting more time they shop. Every other month, £2,000 and £1,000 – raised from car- fit and safe condition for matches and game’s on, hopefully we can keep when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions will be rier bag sales in Tesco stores - being practice during periods of wet weath- these people interested in cricket inawarded to local community projects. er. They plan to spend their grant stead of moving onto other sports that awarded funding. money on a water removal system, Alec Brown, Head of Community at are less reliant on the weather. The Three groups in every Tesco region which is designed to quickly clear club does excellent work for the local Tesco, said: “We are absolutely delighthave been shortlisted to receive the ed to open the voting for September and surface water from the outfield, as community and it would be great if cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores well as a brand new large sheet cover people would vote for our project and October. There are some fantastic prohelp us to secure maximum funding’. jects on the shortlists and we can’t wait to vote for who they think should take for the square.
to see these come to life in hundreds of communities.” Groundwork’s National Chief Executive, Graham Duxbury, said: “We’ve been thrilled to see the diversity of projects that have applied for funding, ranging from outdoor classrooms, sports facilities, community gardens, play areas and everything in between. “We’re looking forward to learning the results of the customer vote and then supporting each group to bring their project to life.” Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. Anyone can nominate a project and organisations can apply online. www.tesco.com/bagsofhelp
Recycle your old shoes: Shoe Aid can give them a new lease of life
esco are supporting Shoe Aid by being a collection point for dropping off old shoes. There are Shoe Aid boxes at the top of the escalators at Ilkeston Extra store on Rutland Street, Ilkeston as well as other Tesco stores in the region. Don’t throw your old shoes away, no matter how bad you think they are, as they can be they can be put to good use by using this recycling programme. Maggie Throup MP has been into our store recently to show her support by donating a pair of shoes, she says “Shoe Aid is a fantastic example of a practical grassroots campaign that can makes a massive difference to some of the most vulnerable in our society. “In Britain we take it for granted that everyone has a pair of shoes to wear, but sadly this is not always the case. “I am therefore delighted that Tesco have got on board with this initiative and hope that local residents will donate their unwanted shoes in store.” Shoe Aid exists to help the 1 in 3 children and the 250,000 homeless in the UK that are in shoe
poverty. Shoe Aid works with major business, charities, schools and whole communities regionally and are set to go nationally in October/November. Shoe Aid, launched in 2010 by founder Lee Todd who has spent recent years collecting shoes of all types, sizes and conditions and creating sustainable community and business links to enable his idea to grow and achieve their objectives. 1. There are 4 million children wearing incorrect fitting shoes right now in the UK. This will bring colossal amounts of foot related problems to the NHS over the next 10-15 years. 2. There are 250,000 homeless people in England. These people are at high risk of suffering trench foot which can lead to amputation. Shoe Aid have the support of Keep Britain tidy to deliver a program across 18,000 schools across the UK the importance of recycling shoes. Next time you are doing your shopping in Tesco Extra Ilkeston store, show your support by bringing your old shoes in, and make a positive difference to someone in your community.
HORSEY HUMOUR. Sorry Dobbin, you’ve got the wrong pub. The Nag’s Head is just up the road. - Danny Corns
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
The Royal British Legion in Ilkeston is urgently seeking new members By Patricia Spencer
ployment, you may find this voluntary service may give you some life experience to take forward to any new job that comes your way. The British Legion, unlike most other charities can only raise money once a year with the Poppy appeal and they are looking for volunteers to sell poppies in various area of Ilkeston this year. All the money from the Poppy appeal goes to the beneficiaries. The local Legions have to raise funds by other means for the own upkeep. Most people do not realise the work, effort and money that goes into their local area from the British Legion. For anyone who is not aware, the main purpose of the founding of the British Legion in 1921 was to care for anyone who had suffered as a result of serving in any of our Armed Services during the Great War- This being through their own service, or that of a husband, father or son. Nowadays of course this includes women too. It was Lance Bombardier, Tom Lister, a Lancastrian, who was so moved by the figures that he decided to improve the lives of the servicemen and their families by bringing about the Legion. On the 15th May 1921 the constitution of the British Legion became operative, and at 9am on that day at the Cenotaph, the shrine to their dead comrades the ex servicemen sealed their agreement. The Legion had been born. This is why we still hold a service at the cenotaph in Ilkeston every
year to commemorate this event and all those that have died and are still dying in the service of our country. The Royal British Legion is the custodian of Remembrance. It sets out to protect the memory of all those who have fought and died and are still dying in any conflict in any part of the world. John Camm did his National Service in 1959-61. He was largely in charge of medical stores. He served in Germany and Belgium until he was demobbed. Arthur Norman went in to the Navy as a boy of sixteen in 1949. He trained as a Radio-RadarElectrician. He chose this because there were good promotional prospects with this work. Just before we finished the interview, Arthur told me a little story and said I could publish it. Arthur and his wife used to leave the house together to go to work. One morning Arthur left his wife to board his ship as usual, but little did he know this was no ordinary day. At this time he had a normal nine to five job aboard the ship. He and his wife had got used to him being home for his evening meal every day. But this day, the boat pulled up anchor and set sail. Arthur asked if he could let his wife know he would not be home, but it was hush, hush and he was not allowed to contact her. They sailed for Suez. Twelve months later he walked in the door. His wife said, “That was a long day’s work Arthur.”
before splitting and eventually going our separate ways musically and geographically. However, in the case of one Oddfellow, that distance was pretty short. In fact just down the road in Long Eaton. Joan Smith started teaching music in 1975 at St. Bernadettes School Nottingham, moving on to Ockbrook Looking at the local and national per- Moravian then taking a career break forming arts scene, past and present. to start a family. Returning to teaching, fourteen more years eventually ended at Grange 1. It was a pleasure to get a call from Primary School at Long Eaton one of my old musical compatriots where she is still based. recently enquiring about my availa- During this time Joan kept up her bility for a re-union of a band I beinvolvement with live performances, longed to in the 1970’s by the name first with myself and Derek Oldham of The Oddfellows (named after the as “Tatterjack” and then, having Oddfellows Arms in Kegworth shaken me off, the pair of them rewhere we all originally met.) We launced as “Two’s Company”…. I’ll stayed together for about 5 years leave you dear reader to work out
the not to subliminal message behind that name as far as I was concerned. By this time Joan had become a prolific song and tune writer in her own right and eventually found herself involved with a dual outfit that she regularly performs with to this day. Belzebub and/or The ReelEasyBand are a group of talented and experienced performers who specialise in the music of England, Scotland, Ireland and America. The band members have been performing folk songs and dance tunes for over 30 years and have a wealth of experience which they put into practice at folk clubs and ceilidhs. This is a very versatile outfit and the impressive C.V. also includes Burns Nights, St. Patrick’s Nights, and various themed events. Joan has also made solo appearances at the Royal Albert Hall and various festivals including the prestigious Wick Folk Festival Caithness. The band enjoy plenty of work, including UK gigs and a growing following over in Europe particularly Belgium and France. Current personnel across the bands are: JOAN: A fine singer, guitarist and keyboard specialist. VERE FOSTER: fiddle, mandolin and guitar. IAN WILSON: accordian, concertina, mandolin and cittern. RAY JANE : vocals, bass, flute and
I was asked by John Camm, The President of our local British Legion if I would write an article about their Legion in Ilkeston. So yesterday I went along to their new headquarters at the Flamstead Centre and met John and their Chairman, Arthur Norman. They began by telling me they have recently moved from the Trinity Church, where they have been holding their meetings for many years. Many of their members were finding it difficult to get down to this venue and the Flamsteed centre being in the centre of town seemed to be a better prospect as it is more accessible for them. At the moment they only have about ninety members and only twenty of these are still active members as they are all getting older and are less able bodied than they used to be. They would love to welcome some new members to this venue, men and women alike. Some younger people with good ideas and the time to commit to this valuable commodity, that is the British Legion. I was surprised to find that you no longer have to have had a career in the armed forces to become a member of The British Legion. Anyone can apply. So if you are newly retired and looking for a new interest and activity, why not apply now and give it a go? If you have just left school or college and cannot find full time em-
David Potter’s Music Corner
Joan Smith at a recent Oddfellows Band re-union concert
RBL standard bearers at a remembrance service on the Marker Place, Ilkeston. Photo: Garth Newton
The Ilkeston Branch of the Royal British Legion is organising a Poppy Appeal Concert featuring Ilkeston Brass on Saturday 28th October 2017, 7pm for 7.30pm at the Ilkeston United Reformed Church, Wharncliffe Road. Tickets, £6, will be available on the door or from Janet at the church. All proceeds will go to this year’s Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
West Hallam Village Show 2nd September 2017
This year’s Village Show proved to be a very popular community event. Entries were up on last year and the new class for flowers attracted a large entry. The tables were full of colourful displays, showcasing the talent that we have within the local community. The judges were also impressed by the entries and it is a pity that more prizes could not be awarded. A full list of the 1st prize winners appears on our website: www.westhallamvillageshow.com Special congratulations go to Christine Henshaw who won “Best in Show” in the bakery section with her lemon drizzle cake (prize sponsored by West Hallam W I) and to Carolyn Davies who was awarded “Best in Show” in the craft section (prize sponsored by West Hallam Craft Group). The visitors who came in the afternoon to view the exhibits and enjoy a cup of tea and some delicious cake
found plenty to interest them and enjoyed seeing what could be achieved. Many left vowing to submit their own entries in 2018! We shall look forward to seeing them. A raffle, generously supported by members of the Show committee, the Farmers Café in Stanley, Andrew Wint at Oakfields Farm and Linda Webster was also popular. All the proceeds from the show will go towards the ongoing preservation of the Village Hall and the fund raising needed for building work to make the Hall accessible to all. Thank you all again for your support and generosity! Mary Butler
Narrowboat sessions on the Cariad IV
whistles. In addition Ray is also the caller at dance performances. The band have released three albums: the first “Up jumped the devil” originally on vinyl and now available on CD. followed by “Reformed” The latest “Giving it some bounce” has just been released and is attracting considerable interest. You can hear clips of these and catch up on all the latest news and gigs on www.belzebubfolkband.org 2. With Autumn now imminent it’s rapidly approaching the end of the season for a wonderful project that goes by the name of the Narrowboat Sessions. Under the command of skippers Mark and Sue Holdsworth the crew steer the lovely “Cariad IV” narrowboat through the canal systems of Britain recording and videoing
local musicians at every port of call. It’s a non profit making operation which raises money for Cancer Research by producing and selling albums of the various sessions at the end of each season. You’ll find them on YouTube, twitter, facebook or www.thenarrowboatsessions.com As far as I’m aware they’ve not yet floated through our neck of the woods and that’s something I’m hoping to get them to rectify soon. If it proves anything it’s that there’s a wealth of undiscovered talent out there and, as I know, we’ve certainly got our fair share around here. Go out and support it. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the experience. Thanks for all your calls, emails and comments and please come and say hello if our paths cross. davidilkeston@gmail.com or (0115)
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Postbag overflow
Train trips from Ilkeston You may be interested in the following, particularly as there is a letter in the September issue of Ilkeston Life about this same subject. Before I go into detail and to put all of this into perspective I will just give you my background. I had a full working life on the railways and I am a retired British Rail Manager (awarded BEM in 1982 for services to BR and charity). Since retirement I am kept occupied by advising and detailed checking of proposed charter trains for several companies. I check these using official Network Rail publications and using my own knowledge and experience to interpret them. Since the new Ilkeston station opened in April I have been suggesting to the tour operators that they call some of their trains at the station. This has now taken off and Vintage trains are now running two steam hauled trains from Tyseley to York for the St Nicholas Fayre on Saturdays 9th and 16th December and both trains will be calling at Ilkeston. Further to this I can now say that two other charter companies will be calling at Ilkeston station in 2018. These are the Railway Touring Company which is one of the biggest operators of special trains in the country and they have confirmed to me that this will be incorporated into their programme. The other charter company is Statesman Rail which is a company with diesel hauled trains running to attractive destinations. Their 2018 programme shows two trains from Ilkeston as follows. Saturday 5th May 2018: Ilkeston to Portsmouth Harbour. Saturday 15th September 2018: Ilkeston to Beamish Museum and Durham. Full dining is available on both trains if required. Bookings open in early October for these two trains. I have discussed all of the contents of the above with the companies mentioned and they are happy for me to pass this on to you.
David Kirk
Lucy got her funding Some of your readers have been asking me for an update on my pupil Lucy Stanton Lynch. If you remember, earlier in the year, Lucy was looking for funding to attend Performing Arts College to do a three year Dance, Drama and Singing course The good news is that Lucy received full funding for the 3 year Musical Theatre course at SLP college in Leeds. The D.A.D.A. funding is given to only a few students in the country and Lucy had extra auditions to compete for this prestigious award. Lucy has now started her course and we wish her the very best of luck in her future career.
Kerry Ledger
Robert Lindsay….jockey Regarding the Donkey Derby article in last month’s paper, I was running the 16th Ilkeston (St John’s) Scout Troop at the time, and we supplied litter pickers and some jockeys for the event. Although Robert Stevenson (Lindsay) had just left the troop he was one of the jockeys. I am sending a photo of him as a jockey, though I realise it may not be good enough quality to be reproduced. It shows Robert and other young riders lining up at the start of the ‘Cotmanhay Canter’ race. It was quite a day and provided great entertainment for a big crowd at the Gallows Inn playing fields.
Tony Buck
Who are these Civil Defence volunteers? I’ve been loaned this photograph of a group of Civil Defence volunteers dating back to the 1940s or 50s. I recognise three or four of the faces but I can’t put a name to them. If anyone has any information regarding the group, please send your information to Ilkeston Life or to Danny Corns at the Smoothie Bar on Bath Street. It would also be interesting to hear from former members of any Civil Defence group about their experiences. I knew people who were members of the Stanton Ironworks group during the 1950s.
Danny Corns
SANDIACRE AND DISTRICT PROBUS CLUB Sandiacre and District Probus Club held their annual summer morning on Wednesday 16th August, members and their ladies plus guests were among the 52 people attending. The guests included the President of Hemlockstone Probus Club Murray Steward and his wife Helen, the Vice President of Bramcote Probus Club David Hardwick and his wife Theresa and Irene Starkey for later entertainment. President Peter Barber welcomed everybody with his customary collection of stories and jokes, congratulating Fred and Ann Bromley on their forthcoming Ruby Wedding and presenting a bouquet of flowers to Ann Joyce the wife of the immediate past President John, before handing over to member Malcolm Chapman to officiate for the morning. Malcolm then commenced the proceedings with two quizzes , ‘Famous Women, Who am I’ and questions on ‘Food’ and after an interlude with wine and biscuits he introduced Irene Starkey to entertain with songs and stories. These were from such well known songs as ‘Over the Rainbow’, ‘Little Bottom Draw’ and stories such as Albert Ramsbottom, poems by Pam Ayres and many more to provide excellent entertainment enjoyed by all. A bumper raffle of 12 prizes was won in the first case by Trevor Singleton. In his closing remarks President Peter thanked Denis and Maureen Dumelow for setting out the room, Derek and Doreen French for the raffle, Malcolm and Cheryl Chapman for the table flowers and organising the proceedings, committee members for serving the drinks and wine, the raffle stewards Fred Bromley and Trevor Singleton and gave an update of the progress in recovery being made by Treasurer Bill Foulke and wife Phyllis before closing the meeting. Maureen Dumelow
First novel by local writer Danielle Millan Blackhart, a debut novel by local writer Danielle Louise Millan, is published this month by The Book Guild. It is a young adult fantasy story, the first of a planned time travel trilogy. In 1882, Lord Blackhart tells his young grandsons the tale of the Black Dove, a curse which threatens to rise following the prophesised fall of the Blackharts. Back in the present day, teenager Callie is led into following a mysterious stranger, Alexis. Callie witnesses a magical battle between Alexis and James Blackhart, and those opposing the couple. When Alexis’ estranged sisters arrive with reinforcements, the couple return home to the 1800s. The two eras are connected in parallel due to a Blackhart portal; a unique family ability allowing travel through time. James’ niece, Charlie, lives with the Dove family and discovers that Callie’s deceased father could create portals. Following a raid on the Blackhart house, Callie and Alexis meet again under devastating circumstances and we find out about a big secret haunting Alexis and her past. James lures Callie into a trap and we finally learn the truth about their past and family history. Callie must escape before the secret becomes public knowledge and they face a race against time, through two parallel worlds and against the deadly curse of the Black Dove. Author D L Millan lives in Ilkeston and runs her own home help business which she started just over a year ago, aged 23. The book is available as a paperback from Amazon, price £9.49. Release date is 28th October 2017.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Ride raises cash for cancer support charity
No.23 bus petition
presented to Parliament Erewash MP Maggie Throup has presented a petition to save the number 23 bus route during a late night sitting of the House of Commons. The petition, signed by nearly 300 residents, calls on the Commons to urge the Chief Executive of TrentBarton to reinstate the route which the company axed back in July. Commenting on the petition, Maggie said: “I was pleased to be able to present the petition on behalf of residents, many of whom have been adversely affected by the changes to the number 23 bus. “With nearly 300 signatures collected, it is clear that residents greatly value this service which acts as a vital lifeline for many who rely on it to access amenities such as Ilkeston Hospital. “I hope that the strength of feeling locally will persuade TrentBarton to reconsider their original decision and reinstate the service.” The petition will now be considered by the Government before it receives an official response from Ministers at the Department for Transport.
L to R: Brian, Charlie, Mick and Dave celebrate the ride end with a champagne toast
eteran members of the Erewash Valley Cycling Club expect to have raised almost £2,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support from a 150 mile Coast to Coast charity bike ride. Brian Ashby and Charlie Wheatley, from Ilkeston, together with Long Eaton riders Mick Brown and Dave Vesty, completed the three-day marathon between White Haven and South Shields in late August. The riders, all in their sixties, received pledges from family, friends and club members to reach the expected target. Bri-
an said: " We still have some money to collect in but are confident the final amount will total around £2,000." The quartet completed the ride in good time without any punctures or breakdowns. "We had a great time doing the Coast to Coast," added fellow rider Mick. "We managed 4,000 ft climbs in the first two days." Brian, Mick, Dave and Charlie, all members of the club's Wednesday section for retired men and women, received special certificates to mark their achievement.
From Ged Munro’s collection
Local people urged to do ‘Christmas without credit’ A free local debt counselling service is warning Ilkeston people to save and stay in the black this Christmas. The warning comes from Ian Robertson, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre Manager, as the festive countdown begins. He said: “With personal borrowing on the rise, we are warning people to plan what they are going to spend this Christmas and save as much as they can. This way, with less than 100 days to go they can enjoy a Christmas without credit. “Every year our centres see a flood of people coming to us in January who have spent more than they can afford at Christmas, it doesn’t have to be that way it can be different if you start today. Just saving £5 per week now will give you around £60 to spend on presents and food. He added that he and his volunteers visit every client in their home, collecting their paperwork, affording them the privacy and dignity that they need.. Meanwhile, specialist teams at CAP head office negotiate with creditors and create a workable budget enabling each person to go debt free. Ian Robertson said: “If you know that before Christmas comes your finances are not in good shape and you are struggling with debt—don’t struggle on, please let us help you, one phone call to 08003280006 could be the difference between a merry Christmas or a miserable Christmas. CAP’s services are available to everyone regardless of age, gender, faith or background.
Chair appointed to Derbyshire Healthcare Caroline Maley has today been confirmed as the substantive Chair for Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Her appointment was confirmed at a meeting of the Trust’s Council of Governors this morning. A chartered accountant by background, Caroline has led the organisation through the role of Acting Chair since January 2017, before which she was a Non-Executive member of the Trust’s Board of Directors. She brings to the role over 30 years of experience across the NHS, the private sector and education Caroline said: “I am delighted to be confirmed by the Council of Governors as Chair for the Trust. I very much look forward to leading the Trust, the Board, Council of Governors and staff, on the journey that lies ahead, delivering great care for the people of Derbyshire who use our services.” Acting Chief Executive, Ifti Majid confirmed Caroline’s appointment, saying: “Caroline knows the organisation well and I am delighted that she will continue to lead the Trust on a more permanent basis, providing further continuity and leadership.”
Local Walking Groups Where they’re going this month
Erewash Ramblers More about Erewash Ramblers from Yvonne Ashby on 0115 930 4054. Sunday 1 October. 10.30am. 9 miles. Castleton/Mam Tor/Losehill. Meet at Visitor Centre car park. Castleton. SK148830, S33 8WP. Leaders Jacqui & Royce Drew. (07592 263284) Wednesday 4 October. 10.30am. Short walk. Mapperley. Meet at Newdigate Arms Pub, West Hallam. SK445423. Leader Sandie Jones. Thursday 5 October. 10.30am 6½ miles. Ticknall & Milton. Meet at Ticknall Village Hall. SK352242, DE73 7JX. Leader Brian Bennett. October 6th – 9th. Weekend away to Belford, Northumbria. Monday 9 October. 10.30am. 5½ miles. Shardlow Area. Meet at Shardlow Wharf car park. SK446305. Leader Brian Bennett. Wednesday 11 October. 10.30am. Short walk. Draycott Area. Meet at car park behind fish bar, Draycott. SK442333. Leader Brian Marshall. Sunday 15 October. 10.00am. Area Get Together: Choice of 6, 9, or 12 miles. Meet at Rowsley Old Station car park. SK258658, DE4 2EL. All groups meet up for lunch break at Birchover reading rooms. Wednesday 18 October. 10.30am. Short walk. Dale Abbey Area. Meet Potato Pit Lane. SK443385. Leader Brian Bennett. Wednesday 18 October: AGM and Evening Social. 7.30pm AGM followed by free buffet. Please try to attend this important event. West Hallam Village Hall. Thursday 19 October. 10.30am. 7 miles. Beacon Hill Area. Meet at Outwoods car park. SK515160, LE11 3YG. Leader Barry Wallace. Saturday 21 October. 10.30am. 5 miles. Mapperley. Meet at Newdigate Inn, West Hallam. SK443421, DE7 6HX. Leader Sandie Jones. Monday 23 October. 10.30am. 7 miles. Erewash Canal and Shipley Boat. Meet off Beauvale Drive, Cotmanhay. SK464440, DE7 8RR. Leaders Pauline Watson and Stevie Watkins. (07887 361071 or 07797 125491) Wednesday 25 October. 10.30am. Short walk. Stanton Gate. Roadside parking. SK482392. Leader Joyce Mold. Sunday 29 October. 10.00am (NB). 8 miles. Belper Area. Meet at Belper free car park off Market Place. SK351474, DE56 1FZ. Leader Joyce Mold. Distance 8 miles.
Ilkeston Rambling Club More about Ilkeston Rambling Club from Jim Cresswell, 07747 419380. Sunday rambles: cars leave Stanton Road car park at 8am. Sunday 1st October: Walk to be announced. Thursday 5th October: Club social evening at the Poacher, South Street, 7.45pm. Sunday 15th October: Monk’s Way walk. A 7-mile walk led by Steve Palmer. Lunch will be had at the Broad Oak in Strelley. Sunday 29th October: An eight-mile walk—start to be announced. Lunch at Youlgreave. Led by Len Smith.
Long Eaton Rambling Club All walks meet in Long Eaton to car share to keep travel costs to a minimum. Many more events and activities are organised throughout the year, including day trips out, weekends away and holidays. So come and join our friendly club on one of our forthcoming walks. Full details can be found on the web site above or alternatively you can phone John for more information on 0115 849 5813. Sunday 1st October - Farnah Green Circular, 9 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall. Saturday 7th October - Coach trip to Cheltenham and walk in the Cotswolds, pickups (Asda) Trent Street 8am, West Park Leisure Centre 8.10am, contact Phil Jones for details on 0115 9391175. Sunday 8th October - No Sunday walk due to coach trip. Thursday 19th October - Cat & Fiddle Circular, 7 miles. Meet 9.30am West Park Leisure Centre. Sunday 15th October - Biggin Circular, 9 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall. Sunday 22nd October - Blore Pastures, 9 miles . Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Town Hall. Sunday 29th October - Birchover Circular, 8 miles. Meet 9.00am Long Eaton Hall. 2017 Ilkeston Life,Town August
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Life in the Garden
Hello fellow gardeners… Welcome to October’s ‘Life in the Garden’ and welcome to autumn.
By Steve Walton
Hardwood cuttings can be taken now from deciduous shrubs. A final mow can be made this month So last month we saw Erewash get Gold before leaving your lawn for the winter in the prestigious East Midlands in Raise pots off the ground for the winter Bloom competition, with both Ilkeston by using bricks or 'pot feet', to prevent and Long Eaton winning Gold Medal water logging awards. I was a judge this year for the bloom campaign and was assigned to the Cut back perennial plants that have died village category and all the winners from down or alternatively leave the dead foliage in place for over-wintering wildeach category were announced on life Wednesday 13 September 2017 during the awards ceremony at St. Botolph’s Day trip to Westonbirt Church (the Stump), Boston, Lincolnshire. It was a lovely day and was great National Arboretum to see everyone’s hard work and efforts Join me Gardener Steve on Saturday acknowledged. Well Done to Ilkeston 14th of October for a day trip to Wesand Erewash. tonbirt, The National Arboretum to see In this months issue, look out for details the stunning autumn colour. of my next coach trip to Westonbirt Westonbirt Arboretum is located near Arboretum for the stunning autumn col- the historic market town of Tetbury in our and some jobs to keep you busy in Gloucestershire, and is perhaps the most your garden throughout October. Happy renowned and widely known arboretum gardening everybody! in the United Kingdom and today is managed by the Forestry CommisLift Dahlia tubers, Begonia tubers and sion. Gladiolus corms to store dry over the winter months. Remove the dead foliage Planted in the heyday of Victorian plant before storing them. hunting in the mid-19th century, today
the Arboretum has one of the finest tree collections in the world, carefully laid out within a Grade One listed historic landscape. Westonbirt Arboretum comprises of some 18,000 trees and shrubs, over an area of approximately 600 acres. Its 17 miles of marked paths are popular with visitors, and provide access to a wide variety of rare plants. There are two main areas to explore. The Old Arboretum is a carefully designed landscape offering beautiful vistas, stately avenues, and a host of rare and exotic trees from across the globe dating back to the 1850s. Silk Wood is a very different experience. Although it also contains many exotic plantings, at its heart is a traditional working woodland, dating back to the 13th century. Westonbirt has a restaurant and café facilities offering tasty, freshly prepared hot and cold refreshments including soups, sandwiches, savoury snacks, cakes and pastries along with a seasonal menu of hearty meals. For those who would like to bring their own food, there is a picnic area set amongst the trees, with picnic benches and tables With a full day ahead of you, your day starts off with a breakfast roll and a hot drink from the Seven Oaks Inn, Stanton By Dale which is where the coach will depart and it will be £30.00 per person this includes breakfast, coach travel and entrance into Westonbirt. For more information or to book your place, You can call the booking line on 07413 408751 or email infoblueskiesthelimit@gmail.com or myself at gardenersteve24@live.co.uk. Places are limited and very popular so early booking is advised. Me and the Blue Skies The Limit crew look forward to welcoming you on our next outing. Left: Stunning autumn colours at Westonbirt Arboretum.
Joan Flint 11th August 1921 – 18th July 2017 The funeral service for Joan Flint, late of West Hallam, was held in the Cathedral Church of All Saints, Derby, on Thursday 17th August. I first met Joan a couple of years ago when she became a client for the Home Library Service. My curiosity was aroused by the choice of books on her request form : books about war, fact or fiction, e.g. Andy McNab and the novels of Alexander McCall Smith. Over the next two years we had many interesting discussions about the books she had read and I also learned a bit about her, although she was always more interested in other people’s stories than in talking about herself. Joan (Sexton) grew up on Cotgreave Farm just outside the village of Mapperley; nearby was the colliery. The farm itself was demolished when open cast mining began in the 1970s. As a child Joan used to walk across the fields from the farm, first to infant school in Mapperley and then to Scargill Secondary School in West Hallam. When the Second World War began Joan was living in West Hallam village. She was looking after her father but she began to think about enlisting in one of the women’s services. She had heard that if you volunteered you could choose which service and she didn’t want to end up in a munitions factory. Shopping in Derby one day, she saw a poster for the recruitment office and on an impulse went in. She was hoping to join the WRENS believing it would give her the opportunity to travel but instead she was recruited for the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS). Her basic training began near Pontefract and it was here that she met Isobel who was to become her lifelong friend. They shared a love of crossword puzzles. At the end of basic training Isobel was sent to Bletchley Park while Joan was moved to Scotland. Presumably Isobel was better at solving the clues! However, it was at this time that Joan fell in love with Scotland and all things Scottish. After a spell moving from barracks to barracks in Scotland Joan volunteered to work in radar. She said that the army sent a very handsome, young officer to sell this new role to them! They set off one evening travelling south towards Middlesborough. They believed that they were heading to the shipyards to strengthen the defences in that north-eastern port. However the coach travelled through the night and when it finally stopped they discovered that they had been sent to the south coast to be part of the sea de-
fences near Lydd in Kent. They were the first to arrive and there was no accommodation, only an empty field. They spent the first few days sleeping in tents on paillasses on the ground with only basic latrines for facilities. Despite the hardships and the danger from flying bombs this was an exciting time for Joan. She often spoke about the time they were visited by The Princess Royal, Princess Mary, and how pleasant she was. Joan was worried about what the royal visitor would do if they had to fling themselves onto the floor during an air raid as had happened a few nights earlier. A few days leave allowed her to visit two cousins who were billeted nearby in Sevenoaks. When their landlady offered to let Joan stay overnight she was thrilled by the luxury of sleeping on a feather bed and the bliss of soaking in a hot bath. After the war Joan took a job as a civil servant in the Army Pay Service at Basford. Travelling to work by train from West Hallam station her journey took thirty minutes and went across the Bennerley Viaduct. In the 1970’s she married Basil Flint who had been in the RAF . They were the first couple to be married in Derby’s newly refurbished cathedral. In her nineties Joan was still a keen solver of crosswords. She had kept in touch with her friend Isobel, now living in Scotland, by phone and they talked about the crosswords they were working on. Isobel died a few weeks before Joan in June 2017. Joan’s choice of library books allowed her to re-live some of her own wartime experiences. One of her few complaints was that there was a scarcity of books about the role that women had played during the war although we did manage to find a few which covered the lives of the women who were recruited for the Special Operations Executive in Europe. There are many women like Joan who played their part in wartime and mostly went unrecognised. I hope that this article will be read both as a tribute to Joan and to others like her. BEW
Roll up for all the fun of the fair Wednesday 18th October to Saturday 21st October 2017 in and around the Market Place. Traditional opening by the Mayor on the Thursday, 12 noon
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Family and Personal Announcements
Joe Meakin Passed away 18th August 1984. At one time a pal on the railway loco sheds. When Joe passed away the community lost a great ambassador to honesty, kindness and all that is decent of the human race. The day he left us, the family and all who knew him felt the sunshine had left their lives and hid behind dark clouds. Their Joe had gone forever to that Beautiful Isle of Somewhere. Geoff Hayes.
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Betty Oakes Passed away 7th October 2016. I thought of you with love today, But that is nothing new, I thought about you yesterday, And days before that too. I think of you in silence, I often speak your name, All I have is memories, And your picture in a frame. My memory is my keepsake, With which I’ll never part, God has you in his keeping, I have you in my heart. Our lovely Mum and Grandma, we miss you so much—Wendy and Mick, Serena, Kate, grandsons Darwin and Jasper.
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Dean Craig Wildgust Passed away 31st October 2011, 40 years old. Dean, you left us with beautiful memories, Your love is still our guide, Although we cannot see you, You are always at our side. Dean, you are missed so much. Love always, Mum and Dad and family.
end a birthday greeting Thank someone Congratulate someone Announce a birth Announce a death Remember a loved one in your local community paper PERSONAL Solvent active male OAP with car seeks mature female for relationship. Telephone 07522 539327 or email solventandstraight@live.co.uk
FOR SALE Commemorative Plates for sale
40 Bridges, Giltbrook, Limited Edition 265
Victoria Central Railway, Limited Edition 174
Bennerley Viaduct, Limited Edition 75
£20 each or near offer Mrs Beryl Wibberley, 0115 854 4091 Family and Personal Announcements must comply with the style and standards of this newspaper. We can help you with your wording. All we ask for your simple lineage announcement in Ilkeston Life is a suggested donation of £10 or whatever you choose in our money bus on the counter of the U Choose Smoothie Bar, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston. For boxed display announcements, we ask for a little more. Please talk to a member of our sales team if considering this option.
CITIZEN’S ADVICE ILKESTON The Ilkeston advice office is moving. From Monday 25th September 2017 the charity’s free, confidential, independent and impartial advice services will be delivered from Castledine House, Heanor Road, Ilkeston, DE7 8DY.
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ilkestonlife.com October 2017
The dead cat that cemented a friendship
he morning was gloomy, the sky a deep grey, the colour of tempered steel, and us railway lads were gathered together in No.1 Shed at Toton. There were about twenty of us I would think. We were crowding outside Bob Raft’s office waiting for our morning work. To us youngsters, life was good, each day an adventure. Bob Raft was our chargehand. Get on with your work and you never saw him till knocking off time. Young Bob Aldred and Bill Clark were our true stars. They’d start arguing about politics and I, little Tiger Hayes, would stand and listen in wonder at these knowledgeable lads. Me, I was one of the youngest hands and I would always be seen at the back of the crowd. This morning Bob Aldred received his orders. You could have heard him a mile off, he yelled at the top of his voice: “Right-O gaffer! Tiger, where’s Tiger hiding? Where are you, Tiger?” “I’m here, Bob.” I answered from the back of the group. I liked Bob. He was always arguing or joking about something. He’d always ask for me and this morning he asked me to go a find a four wheel bogy because we were going to Sandiacre Station to pick up an engine for the fitters. Ten minutes later we were plodding up the snow covered path to our destination. It was heavy going, thick snow everywhere, and Bob kept stopping for a breather. When we arrived near the station platform the porter helped us load up. We went on to the station yard where Bob said: “Stop here and wait. I’m going for some fags.” Off he went and came back ten minutes later chuffing away. “Right, back to Toton,” he said. We’d not gone far when Bob, puffing and blowing, decided we needed a rest. “Are you sure you’re pulling?” he wanted to know. He was only kidding. “Let’s have a rest anyway,” and out came the fags. We restarted and eventually reached a crossing which told us we were half-way back to Toton. Time for another break. Bob was sitting on the bogy, looking round about him when he noticed something in the snow. “What’s that?” He straightened up and strode to have a look at something sticking up in the snow. He came back holding a frozen stiff dead cat. It must have settled down to rest, fell asleep and froze. Bob laid it on the bogy for a minute while he thought what to do. “I’m going over the field to give it a decent funeral,” he said, “I won’t be long.” I was happy for the extra rest and watched him disappear into the gloom. After a while I started to wonder how far he had gone. I scanned the field – no sign of him. I suddenly thought…has the idiot gone and fell in the lake? I left the bogy and went in search of him. I couldn’t see any sign of him. I began to panic…”Oh my God, I hope he’s not gone and fell in the lake!” Walking through the snow was like plodding through glue. I came to a stop, scanning the area. I was getting really worried. The sky seemed to be getting darker. I walked up to a hedge. I didn’t see it because it was covered in snow. What was that? There was a little movement down below, right in front of me. It moved again. Suddenly something roundish rose out of the snow and proceeded to shake itself vigorously. It was Bob! He was in a four-foot ditch. I gave him a hand and began pulling him out. We were soon both laughing although it could have been a really serious situation.
18 Ilkeston Life, March 2017
Another workday memory by Geoff Hayes
We were still laughing and shivering as we made our way back to the bogy. We collapsed on it and suddenly our arms were around each other’s shoulders in a magic moment of shared friendship, a friendship that has lasted – for me it was forever. Bob reached for his fags, but they were damp. But at least he was out of that ditch. We sat there for a few minutes before starting on the last lap of our journey. * * * * Bob was eventually transferred to a railway depot in Canada. He had met and married a young girl, Renee Thomas of Sandiacre and they had emigrated together. He became a railway driver. Later, I too had met and married a girl in London. We came back to Ilkeston. A few years later I received an invite from an old railway friend – there was to be a kind of reunion party at Brookhill. No way was I expecting to see Bob Aldred there because he was in Canada. But as my wife and I were walking through the front room a voice yelled above the noise, “Tiger! Tiger! Come over here.” It was very dark in the room. We walked over and to my amazement saw and met my old pal. Before I got to Bob, his wife waylaid me. “Geoff, I must tell you, Bob is very ill.” I walked over to him very slowly and saw Bob sitting there. I saw his face and knew straight away my forever friend was dying. I sat down in front of him. I was shattered beyond belief. My pal of a just few years back had suddenly aged even though he was still a young man. He had come back home to die. Unknown to me, Bob had asked specially for me to be here. The organisers had been told, “He wants to see Geoff Hayes just one more time,” so had set about making sure I was here. It was a touching moment as we remembered old times at Toton and especially the incident of the dead cat and the ditch. We had a laugh about it. Bob died two weeks later. Goodbye Bob, hope to see you again in Heaven. Your old pal, Tiger.
Geoff Hayes
*** ILKESTON LIFE Contributors please note:
15th SO…
Journalist’s book captures essence of the Erewash Valley
he essence of the Erewash Valley – the literary backcloth to the finest works of D H Lawrence, a cradle of the Industrial Revolution, the gateway to the north for successive canal, railway and motorway projects and now for the exciting if highly controversial HS2 High Speed Train – is vividly captured in print and image in a new book. The Erewash Valley The Landscape of D H Lawrence (Coppice Books, ISBN 9781527208667, £17.99) has proved to be a labour of love for journalist and author Philip Dalling, who began his career on The Long Eaton Advertiser and Stapleford and Sandiacre News and later spent 22 years as Director of Public Affairs at The University of Nottingham. He explains: “The valley is at one and the same time a literary landscape, a vital artery of communication, and a beacon of hope for environmentalists, courtesy of some very successful rural restoration projects which have seen the River Erewash itself and much of the surrounding countryside undergo a remarkable transformation.. “The loss of the area’s traditional heavy industries could easily have seen the valley decline into little more than a mix of bland industrial estates and commuter housing estates. Happily, that has not happened and the area’s very distinctive character still shines through.” Philip Dalling grew up in Long Eaton and went to school and college in Ilkeston. He
adds: “It was no accident that when I left the area to work on my first daily newspaper I chose to move to South Wales, another district with coal mines, iron and steel works and friendly, down-to-earth working people. “I still enjoy travelling around the Erewash Valley and it has been a true delight to work on this book.” The book is available from Erewash Museum and from the Ilkeston Life office at the U Choose Smoothie Bar, 1 Bath Street, Ilkeston.
ployed 11,000 people. The well known ropery, one of the longest industrial buildings in the The meeting of our Club was again well atworld was established in the 19th century. Durtended. Once more we welcomed an additional ing the second world war, Chatham was again potential member to our fold, and we hope that used to provide new naval ships and carried he will enjoy many memorable meetings with out much repair work. us. The presentation this month was provided Eventually following the Falklands campaign, Tony England who lives in Chatham and is an the dockyard was closed in 1984. After closure active volunteer guide to the Historic Shipyard the dockyard was divided into three sections. at Chatham. Tony’s talk unsurprisingly was The easternmost basin was handed over to about the long and illustrious history of this Medway Ports and is now a commercial port. famous shipyard. He started by telling us about Another slice was converted into a mixed comthe origins of the yard from the 16th century, and its rise to fame when Henry VIII based the mercial, residential and leisure development. 80 acres comprising the 18th century core of first English navy here. the site, was transferred to a charity called the The Shipyard built many famous ships includ- Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust and is now ing the Victory, and rumour has it that Nelson open as a visitor attraction. It claims to be the lost his way when looking for his ship. In the world’s most complete dockyard of the Age of 1st World War the Shipyard was used for reSail. David Jones pairs and refurbishments and at one time em-
The Probus Club of Ilkeston
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Ey up mi duck, try one of these...
Gardening club wins vouchers
Ey Up Mi Duck, a phrase that became known across the globe when Angelina Jolie greeted Derby actor Jack O’ Connell with it at an awards ceremony. Now family bakery Stacey’s Bakery has created a new Derbyshire cake and named it after the well-known Derbyshire greeting. Stacey’s Bakery, which has shops in Ilkeston, Eastwood and Heanor, has created the tasty new biscuit based cake by combining a number of Derbyshire favourites. The cake is in the shape of a duck and contains customers’ favourite flavours - flapjack, congress tart filling, spices, jam and Stacey's much-loved gingerbread. It's an unusual combo but a delicious one! David Stacey, owner of the century old family bakery, has been working on the product for a number of weeks. It’s still in the development stage and customers are being invited to help decide on the finished product. Samples will be in the shops throughout September and the final version will be on sale in October. David said: “Coming up with a new cake can be quite difficult when there is so much out there. The hardest part is the technical side of
Ilkeston’s Chaucer Junior School Gardening Club have come third in a national competition. They won £500 of Garden Vouchers in the Sunday Mirror’s Cultivation Street contest for their school garden and the work they do in the community. The school’s gardening and community ambassador Kerry Wheatley said: “Our gardening club has been running for the past 14 years and goes from strength to strength. We take part in a number of community projects, the latest being to adopt the local railway station. Tesco Ilkeston are also involved in this. The children think it’s brilliant and take great pride in making it look welcoming.“ Members recently donated a selection of school-grown vegetables to the food bank in town. The Mirror competition judges said: “Our favourite thing about this group is that they get out in the community and put their skills into real life action, which will foster a great sense of pride and achievement.” The gardening club have also received a donation from the Mayor’s Charity Pot for its good work in the community.
it, actually making it - coming up with something that you can make efficiently is the real challenge. “We decided to go with a combination of some of the cakes that we know our customers love. Most people in Derbyshire will be familiar with saying ‘Ey up mi duck’ and it’s a common phrase in the towns where our bakery and shops are based. “We hope people like the new cake and look forward to hearing what people think.”
Your opportunity to nominate a Community Champion Erewash Borough Council is calling on its residents to nominate someone they admire for their valuable work in the borough and who deserves a pat on the back for their tireless work for the community. The council has launched its Mayor’s Awards 2017 to honour the special people of Erewash – and is calling on residents to make their nominations in recognition of those people who go that extra mile without expecting anything in return. The closing date is Thursday 12th October when a panel will then consider the nominations, looking for evidence of special qualities and service beyond being a ‘good neighbour’. The Mayor of Erewash, Councillor Mary Hopkinson, says: “I
moment right now to nominate the people you know who deserve to be recognised.” Nominations will be in confidence and publicity only given to people who actually receive a Mayor’s Award. Please note that awards cannot be made to serving councillors of the county, borough or parish councils or their employees. Forms are available at Ilkeston and Long Eaton Town Hall receptions and online at www.erewash.gov.uk or send am so proud to serve this won- full details in a letter to Susan Dunkley, Democratic and Civic derful borough and am truly Officer, Town Hall, Wharnhumbled by the many people out there who care so much and cliffe Road, Ilkeston, DE7 selflessly work to help others – 5RP. For more details email their warmth, kindness and compassion is overwhelming. sue.dunkley@erewash.gov.uk “I ask residents to please take a or call 0115 907 1115.
Sarah will find out this month if she is ‘BizMum’ of the year
ork/life balance, quality time with the family whilst earning money doing something you love is the goal of many but achieved by few. This isn’t the case for Sarah Banks, a Derbyshire business woman and mum of two who has been named as a finalist in this year’s BizMum Awards, just three years after launching her Virtual Assistant business, Banks’ Business Solutions. Sarah, who has been shortlisted for the Exceptional Service award, which is for the mum who makes an exceptional effort in her life or business to give a high level of service to her customers and is also supportive to other businesses, started her business in 2014 after the birth of her second daughter. She says: “I was working as a part-time administrator at the University of Nottingham but after returning to work 3 days a week following maternity leave, it was quickly clear that Sophie was unhappy at nursery and Molly was upset I didn’t take her to and from school. A chance conversation with a mum at school who had her own business planted the seed in my head that this was something I could do and I started the business in April 2014.” Sarah started the business which provides several support services to clients including online customer service, email management, email marketing, organising social media, blogging and WordPress website support, with just three regular clients. Over the past three years it has gone from strength to strength. So well that Sarah has already expanded the business by
employing two associates to help with the workload. Whilst Sarah is quite modest about her achievements stating that she doesn’t think she does anything special. Her husband David disagrees and nominated her for the award. Sarah continues “David nominated me as he wanted me to be acknowledged for what I do and how far the business has come and I am pleased he did. I’m absolutely thrilled to be a finalist in the awards and I am looking forward to attending the ceremony later this year. “For other people thinking of setting up on their own I say do it. I love what I do and being able to help my clients and knowing that I have helped save them time or given the them the chance to take a much-needed holiday is wonderful. “Also, having the flexibility to work around my family is fantastic. If there is an event at school I can be there and as my work just involves me, my laptop and an internet connection I get to work from anywhere which means we can spend most our summers in our favourite place Aberdaron, Wales. To be able to do this is fantastic and getting shortlisted for this award is just the cherry on the cake.” Winners will be announced on Sunday, October 8th, 2017, at the annual BizMums Conference & Awards at the Manor House in Alsager, Cheshire. The day will bring together 100’s of mums in business from across the region to network, learn and celebrate each other’s achievements of the past 12 months. Rebecca Slater
Fright night at the Museum
The event is strictly for adults only as it is a serious late-night investigation, taking place from 8pm through to 1.30am, with previous event visitors claiming to have experienced mysterious happenings. A limited number of tickets Tickets are £28, which includes are now on sale for a ghost hunt and paranormal investi- refreshments. Over 18s only. gation at Erewash Museum on Contact the museum to book your tickets - 0115 907 1141. Saturday 28th October.
Reader Caroline White snapped this photograph of the Deputy Erewash Mayor Chris Corbett and Council Leader Carol Hart exiting a narrow boat at the IWA Festival of Water event. Also in the picture is her daughter Sara KerryWhite.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
In a spin for Macmillan nurses
Summer Reading Challenge volunteers
Library events
start date; librarians have been available to help on an appointment only basis. Contact us for an appointment if you need any help to ‘Animal Agents’ was the theme for this year’s apply online. Summer Reading Challenge, run by the ReadAnyone needing to brush up their computer ing Agency and supported by Derbyshire skills can also book a session with one of our County Council in all their libraries. Ilkeston computer buddies – we now have sessions Library hosted several craft events this year available on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. and over 420 local children registered, with On Wednesday afternoons we also have a famover 200 completing the challenge to read 6 ily history ‘buddy’ who can help you find and books during the school holidays. use ‘Ancestry’ and other websites – we won’t A medal ceremony was held in the library in September where children received their certif- do your family tree for you but point you in the right direction. icates and medals. Local optician Specsavers Don’t forget our monthly groups – Crafty Sew very kindly donated some book tokens which and Sews – the second Tuesday afternoon in the were presented to the lucky winners drawn at random. Many thanks to our wonderful young month; and Mindfulness Colouring group which volunteers who helped us through the holidays meet the third Tuesday afternoon in the month. – all who came from Kirk Hallam Community Contact us for more details; both are free and everyone welcome. There may be a small School. charge for refreshments. Erewash was one of the first districts in Derbyshire for the Universal Credit online system to Contact us on 01629 533275 for more information/appointments etc. be implemented. Libraries in Erewash have Jackie Swepstone, Ilkeston Library. been assisting some applicants since the May
WHAC Fun Day The family fun day on September 2nd was more successful than we could have hoped. Many of the visitors were aware of the Hillside Animal Sanctuary, and wanted to support their work. There are so many people we would like to thank for donations of raffle prizes, cakes preserves, garden produce and goods to sell, and for setting up and running stalls and games. Special thanks to Hovis for the generous donation of trays of bread. Most of all we are so grateful to Mel and Stuart Harrison and family who took on the lions share of the work both before and on the day.
We raised a total of £680, and in reply to our letter and cheque, Hillside wrote, “This (£680) will help to provide feed, bedding and veterinary care for the animals at Hillside. With all the rescued animals and birds in our care, we need a huge amount of feed for them every single day, so we really appreciate your help”. Our next event, will be an afternoon Christmas tea, which is on Saturday November 18th, and the following week, the 25th of November, is the date for the next German Shepherd dog Rescue open day. More details next month. Barbara Goodchild
A paper you like
Read everywhere
Argos Ilkeston colleagues and friends successfully completed a 12-hour Spinathon at Rutland Sports Park in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Organiser Michelle Wyatt told us nearly 5,000 calories had been burnt off by participants who were in ‘loads of pain’ afterwards! However they were delighted to have raised money for such a deserving charity. TV character ‘Mr Blobby’ had put in an appearance to spur everyone on. The ones who completed the 12 hour spin were: Michelle Wyatt , Katy Louise, Sarah Blank , Stewart Charlton, Charlotte Hilton, Lisa Norris, Louise Gregory, Kirsty Hassle, Kaz Roach and Karen Buffery. Doing less than twelve hours but still making a great contribution were:
Leesa Jones, Wendy Moss, Selina Dorn, Megan Guest , Sue Larcombe and Pete Sutton. The teachers who gave up their free time were : James Dixon, Duane Turner, Rosie Watson, Holly Nunn and Chris Milner. They expect to have raised over £1,000.
Reflections of a vet ‘Game of Thrones’ actor Peter Dinklage recently appealed to fans of the hit show, asking them not to purchase huskies and related breed dogs, following an increase in their popularity due to their visual similarities to the fictional Direwolves featured in the show. This appeal was widely shared across social media, and I know has been publicised by welfare charities, as these type of dogs have specific exercise and social requirements, so are not suitable for many potential owners’ situations. This is of course just the most recent in a long list of “pet fads” that have been seen over recent years, and many of these crazes have serious effects on animal welfare. The Harry Potter books and movies sparked interest in owls as pets. A televisation of “Esio Trot” a couple of years ago caused an upsurge in tortoise ownership in the UK. And British waterways are still home to red-eared terrapins that were released into the countryside in the 90s by owners who purchased them as (admittedly, very cute) babies but didn’t take into account their longevity, adult size or husbandry requirements. As a vet dealing with some of the less traditional pet species, it’s really common to have discussions with pet owners who were not made aware at the time of purchase of their pet’s full needs. Obviously there should be guidance provided by the seller, but in this digital age there really is no excuse for people to not “read up” about a species before deciding whether this is the right pet for them. As a child, I used to do lots of research into pet species before I could even try to convince my parents to let me have one - and many of my peers at university said the same. Sadly, over the past ten years I have seen some tragic consequences when people have made ill-informed (or uninformed) purchases. The student who purchased two baby tortoises via mail order and had them for a year in an unheated pen with just lettuce and tomato to eat and no supplements, who had no idea that this was ultimately going to cause their painful demise. The family who purchased a baby parrot for their elderly dad, to “keep him company”, not realising that these need more social contact than a single person can usually provide, and that this, plus the inappropriate diet of almost entirely sunflower seeds, were almost certainly responsible for this bird causing himself harm. These cases will forever stick in my mind, and of course were not related to fashion purchases, but they are extreme examples of what can very easily happen. As the Direwolf/Husky example demon-
strates, this phenomenon is by no means restricted to lesstraditional pets. Certain breeds of dogs are used regularly in advertising campaigns and on clothing or home furnishings, and unfortunately these are often the breeds that have been bred to have deformities that can cause direct compromise to their welfare. For example, brachycephalic (short-nosed) dogs such as pugs and French bulldogs are very commonly seen on clothing lines and also on social media, but this potentially encourages unscrupulous and irresponsible breeding. I personally get very annoyed that although pugs are a very popular breed, it’s very rare to see one in the media, on social media or as a picture in a shop that is not overweight, which has led to most owners thinking that obesity is normal for this breed, which in turn further compromises them. Although these breeds do have a certain appeal, I do wonder if they would be as popular if they were not featured so much, particularly with celebrity Instagram accounts and reality TV stars making them fashionable. They may be seen as a status symbol - certainly I have known of people who have purchased very expensive dogs to go with a particular lifestyle image, but then have not been able to afford insurance or to pay for vet bills when their pet struggles with issues to which that breed is prone. This is unfortunately very common, and very frustrating - when you know that a dog cost £2000 (often owners will tell us this when they get their new puppy!) but then the owner is unable to afford even basic veterinary care after this. I’ve also seen owners who have purchased working-type dogs such as huskies or Border Collies and then had to rehome them or euthanase them because these very active and social dogs have developed psychological problems because they have not had the necessary socialisation, exercise and training. This can of course have an impact on the owner’s safety as well, in addition to compromising the pet’s welfare. Obviously, fashion is important to some people, and I’m not saying that this is necessarily wrong, but I think that people really need to think about whether their desire to have the “it” pet is so important that they are prepared to allow that pet to suffer. Unfortunately, in many cases, people are oblivious to the welfare issues. This is something that can only be improved by education, and hopefully people will start to think a bit more about these decisions.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
Cantelupe Companions visit Skegness Members of the Cantelupe Companion Club enjoyed a trip to the seaside on Wednesday 6th September, courtesy of the Rotary Club. They took in the fairground, the arcades and the pier during their visit—and the odd summer shower did not dampen their spirits. Enjoying the company of Rotary Club members Mr Alan Chambers and Mr and Mrs Stevenson, they dined on ‘Chip shop alley’, did a bit of souvenir shopping and savoured the floral displays of the pleasure gardens before making their homeward journey. “A jolly time was had by all of us,” quipped a member of the group, “not just by the resort’s famous Jolly Fisherman!” ____________________
Workers are walkers Colleagues from Tesco Ilkeston joined Tesco staff from around the country to complete a local leg of 'The Great Tesco Walk' which is a charity walk from Lands End to John O' Groats. The local leg was a 19k walk from Long Eaton to Bulwell Tesco stores. The event was a fundraiser for the British Heart Foundation and Diabetes UK. Pictured are Ilkeston colleagues including store manager Alan Jackson, supervisor Carl Derbyshire and customer assistants Kay Tucker and Sue Spaulding.
Community Information Drop In Two initiatives are coming together to hold an Information Drop In at the Arena Church Ilkeston on Tuesday 17 October 2017 from 11.00 am – 2.00 pm. The Erewash Mental Health Partnership and Community Connectors project will be joining forces and look forward to welcoming people to the drop in. The aim of the Drop In is to provide people with information about local community and voluntary groups and activities in Erewash as well as how to get started with volunteering including signposting to volunteering opportunities. Information will be available to explain about the Community Connectors project and the Erewash Mental Health Partnership. Jo Hallam and Catriona Paterson from Erewash Voluntary Action, who are leading both initiatives, will be joined by Community Connector volunteers and mental health peer volunteers to provide information and guidance on local opportunities. There is no need to book just drop in anytime between 11.00 am and 2.00 pm. There will be free tea, coffee and cake throughout the day. For further details contact either Jo or Catriona at Erewash Voluntary Action Tel 0115 9466740 or email jo@erewashcvs.org.uk or catriona@erewashcvs.org.uk
Sport Things are looking up at the NMG...
There’s a new buzz at Robins matches Matchman’s roundup of the latest Ilkeston Town FC games Tue 22 Aug 2017 - Midland Football League Division One
Stafford Town 2 Ilkeston Town 1 Poor finishing resulted in a defeat for Ilkeston after they had dominated the game. The artificial pitch was not a problem and Ilkeston had far more possession but missed a succession of chances. Ten minutes into the game Ilkeston had a strong penalty appeal turned down when Alex Marshall appeared to be brought down. Jamie Walker and Montel Gibson had shots saved before Stafford’s Brown scored against the run of play on 25 minutes. Three minutes later Gibson was through on goal with just the keeper to beat but his shot was a whisper wide. Ilkeston then had a let off when a Stafford header hit the post and rebounded straight into Hall’s arms. Stafford doubled their lead immediately after half time through Dodd and Gibson pulled one back for Ilkeston on 54 minutes with a header. Ilkeston piled on the pressure and Gibson came close to equalising when he was denied by a brilliant save but desperate defending and Sat 16 Sep 2017—Midland Football League Div One
Atherstone Town 0 Ilkeston Town 0 Manager Steve Chettle was the first to admit this match was not one to remember but it was a third clean sheet, a fourth game undefeated and an away point against a team higher in the league. His assistant Ian Deakin was the star man with a safe and solid goalkeeping performance.
ilkestonlife.com October 2017
I can't remember such a positive atmosphere at the NMG since the Keith Alexander era. Long may it continue. Duncan Payne, chairman of the supporters group.
several misses and close shaves enabled Stafford to hang on. It was a harsh lesson for Ilkeston who left the field wondering how they had lost after having so much possession.
appeared to be fouled and Griffiths finished up rolling the ball into an empty net. Gibson missed what looked like a good opportunity for Ilkeston but then showed great skill crashing in a superb equaliser on 79 minutes. The last ten Sat 26 Aug 2017 - Midland Football League minutes saw Lichfield under intense pressure and hanging on. Division One Ilkeston had a succession of corLichfield City 2 ners, had shots cleared off the line Ilkeston Town 2 and hit the crossbar before Gibson On a less than perfect pitch Ilkes- found the net again only to be ton had a first half to forget. Lich- ruled offside. field’s more direct approach was more productive and they deservBank Holiday Mon 28 Aug 2017 - Midland edly went ahead on the half hour Football League Division One with a fine goal by Griffiths. He received a waist high ball into the Ilkeston Town 3 Coventry Alvis 0 area and volleyed into the roof of the net before Ilkeston keeper Cur- Assistant manager Ian Deakin tis Hall could move. Ilkeston came made his first start in goal for Ilkeston. There was a nine minute out a different side in the second delay following an ankle injury to half and within two minutes they Alvis defender Corey Blackwood. were level. Montel Gibson’s shot Billy Bennett was behind most of beat the keeper but struck the inside of the post and flew across the Ilkeston’s attacking moves as the home side dominated the early goal line. Tim Hopkinson made stages but it took them until the sure it was in at the opposite up36th minute to take the lead. Gibright. Just as Ilkeston started to take control they conceded a con- son forced a good block from the troversial second. Keeper Hall had Coventry keeper but the move confound himself out of his area when tinued and Alex Marshall headed
Ilkeston Town 2 Bolehall Swifts 0
This was probably Ilkeston’s best all round performance so far this season. They dominated the whole game and never looked like conceding. The only disappointment was their failure to convert the many chances that they created. In the end it took a penalty and an own goal to win the game. The penalty was awarded ten minutes before half time when Jamie Walker was clipped by Jordan Weir. Walker took the spot kick himself and scored. The second goal six minutes later was very unfortunate for Bolehall keeper Phil Smith. Tom Marshall’s shot was pushed into the air by Smith but when the spinning ball came down he fum-
Sat 23rd Sep 2017—Midland Football League Div One
Heanor Town 2 Ilkeston Town 0
Ilkeston Town 4 Hinckley 1
The large contingent of travelling Ilkeston fans were left frustrated after this match against local rivals Heanor. The Robins had plenty of possession but their shooting was wayward—for a second game they failed to score. After an even first half Heanor took the lead on 54 mins. through an Elliott Reeves header. Then seven minutes later Sam Vickers made it 2-0, following up to blast in after Ian Deakin had made a brave point blank save. Deakin was booked in the last minute for dissent to cap a miserable evening for Ilkeston. The attendance of 490 was Heanor’s best of season.
This was Ilkeston’s best performance so far, and it enabled them to climb to 5th in the table. Third placed Hinckley were a threat in the early stages but the Robins stunned them with a 15th minute opportunist goal by Alex Marshall. On 38 mins Hinckley equalised through Lee Butler from a free kick just outside the penalty area. Ilkeston restored their lead in the second half when Montel Gibson netted (55 mins). Gibson scored again 12 mins later and Alex Marshall made it 4-1 in the last minute. In between were two quite astonishing saves by each goalkeeper and some really entertaining, attacking football served up by both sides. Another good crowd—551—turned up at the NMG and they went away in good heart after seeing Ilkeston continue their improvement after Tuesday’s hiccup at Heanor.
Three local wheelchair tennis players, all of whom belong to Ilkeston Tennis Club, represented England in the National School Games recently. Youngsters Joshua Johns of Borrowash, Dahnon Ward of Kirk Hallam and Abbie Breakwell of Long Eaton all did well. Dahnon won a bronze medal in boys singles and a gold in the doubles. Abbie suffered an hand injury and was lucky to be playing but
won girls singles silver and a bronze in doubles. The standard of play was very high and if you would like to watch some of it then look on You Tube for National School Games 2017 wheelchair tennis. Photo: Josh, Dahnon and Abbie at the games with paralypian wheelchair tennis player and their mentor Louise Hunt.
bled it into his own goal. Smith had previously made several outstanding saves to keep Bolehall in the game. In the second half Ilkeston’s Charlie Jemson was close with a header before Smith pulled off a brilliant double save from Gibson and then Bennett as Ilkeston looked for a third. On 66 minutes Marshall sent Gibson clear. He went past the keeper but couldn’t quite turn the ball in from the acute angle. Bolehall had a late effort by Charrie saved by Deakin but Ilkeston ran out worthy winners.
Sat 2 Sep 2017 - Midland Football League Division One
19 Sep 2017—Polymac Packaging League Cup
Derbyshire youngsters among the medal winners
30p where sold
home at the far post. The second half saw Ilkeston continue to press forward and wing back Lavell White completed a great run with a controlled shot into the far corner of the net on 59 minutes after being put through by Ian Robinson. Alvis nearly got a goal back through Putryk Swiercz but his shot was well blocked by Deakin. Ilkeston then had a goal disallowed for a foul on the Alvis keeper then Marshall had a header cleared off the line and Gibson blazed one over. Alex Marshall wrapped up a comfortable victory with his second and Ilkeston’s third when he headed home Tom Marshall’s corner in the 88th minute.
Ilkeston Town owner Alan Hardy at pitchside. He’s pleased with the players’ progress so far and the support of the fans.
Ilkeston top the gates table Ilkeston Town FC moved up to 5th in the Midland League Division One table with their 4-1 win over Hinckley. However they are top by a mile in the attendance table: Average gates this season (top ten): Ilkeston Town 558 Atherstone 269 Hinckley 168 Uttoxeter Town 132 Wallsall Wood 127 Racing Club Warwick 94 Stafford Town 92 Nuneaton Griff 77 Padget Rangers 75 Heath Hayes 72 Ilkeston people like their football!