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Hari Sivananda Ji Enterprises
Improve the quality of life with Heman’s Purely Natural and BIJI brand products.
“Sustainability is such a big term. It covers Pure, Natural, Chemical-free, Organic, Ecofriendly products and anything that is not hazardous for our body and environment” , says Heman Vijh, the founder of the brands Purely Natural and BIJI. “The term applies to each and every product that we use in our everyday life starting from food items, clothes, cosmetics, toiletries, etc” , he adds. According to Heman, sustainable products are the need of the hour as they are safe for the environment and help us to lead a sustainable lifestyle.

Born and brought up in the spiritual city of Haridwar, Heman had a difficult teenage because of his health issues. A few years back, Heman learned about Naturopathy and Maram Chikitsa, the natural ways of healing, and pressing pressure points on the human body. Both therapies helped Heman recover from the prolonged health issues and now he is fully recovered and stable.
Heman did thorough research on Naturopathy and Maram Chikitsa. His curiosity led him to have an extensive understanding of his surroundings and how different things affect the human body and the environment. He now has a rich experience when it comes to sustainable products and he also has a thorough knowledge of Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, and Allopathy. “I might not have much professional experience but I have quite a good personal experience of my business that involves sustainable products and consultation about the same” , he says.
Apart from learning about his surroundings, Heman is passionate about imparting awareness and knowledge about sustainable lifestyles.

Heman established two brands under HARI SIVANANDA JI ENTERPRISES namely: PURELY NATURAL- an online multivendor marketplace and BIJI- an offline brand that was started to provide sustainable products to the local market around Haridwar. HARI SIVANANDA JI ENTERPRISES deals in sustainable products and aims to create a healthy, clean and sustainable life and environment. Established in the year 2020, the company started its business operations just a few months back after doing detailed research about the products and processes.
The online e-commerce site, www.purelynatural.in deals in almost all the daily need products including foods, beverages, personal care items, fashion and accessories including clothes, cosmetics, toys and games, etc. The company works as a platform that provides all types of sustainable products manufactured by other vendors. The vendors have to meet the strict criteria before their products could be displayed on the company’s website for the consumers to purchase. The strict criteria are designed to ensure the best quality at an affordable price.

“As far as quality is concerned for both online and offline products, we have set some strict criteria and parameters which have to be fulfilled at any cost, without which company doesn’t allow any product to be sold to the customers”, says Heman. As a consultant and promoter of sustainability Heman has a message that he wants to convey to everyone. “I request everyone to avoid using plastic and synthetic products. Get into a habit of using sustainable, compostable, and biodegradable products and products that can be recycled or reused, resulting in lesser carbon footprints. We need to incorporate sustainable products into our lives for a better, brighter, and sustainable future for ourselves and for future generations."
He concludes by saying,