Newsletter Academic Christian Caring
Year 11 Creative Arts Camp at Bundanon
TERM I 2016
Headmaster This week we welcome parents who are new to our School community at a reception to be held on the Library Lawn on Friday. Parents from all cohorts will be present with the largest representation, as you would expect, coming from parents of children in the Piper Centre, Kindergarten and Year 7. There is a considerable commitment made by parents when they choose to send their children to TIGS, a commitment that is well understood by staff many of whom are also parents at the School. The common purpose shared between staff and parents/families seeking the best possible outcome for our students sets us apart from other schools. The thing that I really value about being a part of the TIGS community is that we are not just ‘playing school’. We do more than guide our students through the requirements of the mandatory years of schooling. Through a TIGS education we are seeking to graduate students that are empowered to make a positive difference in our world. What unites parents and staff in this purpose is a commitment to the School’s Mission and Values. Parents are required at the enrolment of their children “to support the Mission and Values of the School” and all staff are required to make a “commitment to the Mission and Values of the School”. As we start the School year it is appropriate to be reminded of what it is that parents and staff are committed to achieving through the education of our children. The TIGS Statement of Mission states that as a community we seek: “The achievement of academic excellence in a caring environment that is founded on Christian belief and behaviour, so that students are equipped to act with wisdom, compassion and justice as faithful stewards of our world.” The Statement of Mission identifies the School’s core values and establishes a clear understanding of what we are seeking to achieve with our students. To ensure that there is clarity for staff and parents in making their commitment to the School, the Core Values are defined in the Statement of Mission and Values. In summary, the TIGS Core Values are: Academic excellence:
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
The core business of the School is student learning within a framework provided by Christian faith.
Learning involves the development of the whole child through a broad curriculum.
The School places great importance on the acquisition of thinking and learning skills.
The academic disciplines provide the knowledge base for learning.
Students learn in different ways and at different rates – each child is unique and learning is organised to give each child the opportunity to identify and develop their gifts and talents to the fullest extent.
Excellence is viewed as neither elitist nor exclusive and is accessible to all who aspire to be the best they can be.
Christian beliefs and behaviour •
As an Anglican school, TIGS is founded on Christian principles.
The School actively promotes formation in the Christian faith (while respecting the right of each student to form their own understanding of their faith) .
Develops and implements a curriculum that reflects a Christian world view.
The understanding of a Christian world view equips our students to act with discernment and have direction in their decision making.
Servant leadership, service to others and stewardship provide students with practical experience in living a life that is faithful to the teachings of Christ.
The School is inclusive and welcomes all who want to be a part of the School community.
Caring community •
A strong partnership between the School and families is foundational to the success of the School.
Chaplain’s Message THE POWER OF HUMILITY My guess is that most of you reading this article are parents doing the hard work of raising children. Who’d have thought it would be so hard!? Sometimes it’s impossible to look beyond one’s failures to see that anything we are doing is having a positive impact. If you don’t know what I’m talking about here I envy you! Anyway, for those who do I found the following article encouraging. It is a reminder that God is even able to bring gold out of our dross. The author is a guy called Randy Alcorn.
thought, isn’t that interesting? It shows how being a good example isn’t limited to doing great and magnificent things. Sometimes it’s when we admit we did wrong things.
Some years ago, I sat with my daughters at a wonderful father/daughter banquet at our church. Someone at the table asked my youngest daughter, Angela, what I’d done that made the biggest impression on her. I had no idea what she would say, but of course I hoped for something spectacular.
How humbling and also encouraging to know that parents who admit their shortcomings don’t lose their children’s trust. They gain it.
I’ll never forget what she shared because it was so powerful to me. She said, “I remember one time when dad was harsh with me. Then a few minutes later he came back into my room, and he cried and asked my forgiveness. I’ve never forgotten that.” That’s what Angie remembered as having the most impact on her— something I had actually done wrong, and then asked her forgiveness for! I
This is God’s grace—He can redeem even our failures! (Provided we recognize and confess them to our children). Saying, “I’m sorry, please forgive me”, may teach your children more than you would have by never failing, and far more than pretending you never fail.
This is encouraging isn’t it? But it is not easy; there is still a significant challenge here. As the author says, when we make mistakes with our children, we do need to humble ourselves and admit those mistakes to them and seek their forgiveness. My experience proves this is not always easy to do. What I liked about this article, however, was to be alerted to the potential benefits. It is at these times when we can potentially have the greatest impact on our children. I hope this encourages you. I want you to know that I regularly pray for you as parents. I would value your
Rev James Rogers Chaplain prayers myself. The task of parenting is far too difficult to attempt it on our own. May God bless you and your families. Rev James Rogers
Individualised care at the School is seen as an extension of that provided by families and is the platform from which effective learning takes place.
The School’s holistic approach to learning is reflected in the care and nurture provided for students.
Individual difference is a strength from which a strong School community is forged.
The School provides guidance for students in making wise choices through programmes that are age appropriate, promote responsible decision making and reflect the values of a Christian world view.
All relationships within the School should be characterised by courtesy, grace and understanding.
The School seeks for its students to be caring of others in the wider community.
The Statement of Mission and Values provides the foundation for a TIGS education and a reference point for all members of the TIGS community to evaluate their performance and the performance of the School. It defines what we aspire to achieve with our students. Should we fall short of these aspirations, which is inevitable when imperfect human beings are concerned, our Mission and Values direct the way forward. The School was established in 1959 and for over 57 years thousands of students, parents and staff have chosen to be a part of the TIGS community. The constant during this time has been the commitment of all to the Mission and Values of TIGS. We welcome new parents and their families that are committed to these values and have chosen to join us at TIGS. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Junior School RELATIONSHIPS AND ROUTINES Week three has a focus on relationship building and routines across the Junior School. Our ‘Meet the Teacher’ evenings from Kinder to Year 6 allowed the teaching staff to begin building a partnership with our parents that is crucial to positive outcomes in learning this year. These opportunities to connect are very valuable and we appreciate our busy families making the time to attend. This year we were able to share our focus on feedback drafting across the whole school in order to improve academic outcomes and rigour. We were also able to show parents how they can not only support, but actually incorporate this approach at home. Parents also really appreciated the time to speak to specialist teachers, the IT support team, classroom teachers and each other to understand the routines and expectations for 2016.
Judi Nealy Deputy Headmaster, Head of Junior School
The New Parents’ Evening was a great way to finish up the week of new connections. This event offers an additional opportunity to connect with parents who have just joined our School community. It is great to welcome them to TIGS.
Underpinning all of this classroom learning is the cocurricular opportunities in Term I. The following are available to the children: 1. Morning Swim Squad 2. Lunch Time Sports 3. Taekidokai 4. Lunch Time Soccer 5. Cricket 6. Netball 7. Mindful Movement 8. Art from the Heart 9. Art Club 10. Drama Club 11. Infants Chapel Singers 12. Chapel Singers 13. Cantilena Singers 14. Infants Orchestra 15. Junior Orchestra 16. Junior Concert Band 17. Junior Strings 18. Intermediate Strings 19. Junior Dance Company 20. Debating 21. Mandarin Language Lessons 22. French Language Lessons 23. Hindi Language Lessons 24. SWAT
The breadth of learning that happens across our Junior School as well as the supporting cocurricular and other school opportunities are a key characteristic of a TIGS education. Here is a snapshot of some things happening in Term I:
25. Tech Crew
1. NASSA Junior Basketball
31. Hair Accessory Creations
2. South Coast Futsal Championships
32. Lifesavers – Christian Fellowship
Thursday 25 February The Piper Centre ‘Get to Know You’
3. Year 3 ‘Environmentors’ Incursion – Unit of Inquiry (UOI) ‘Sharing the Planet’
33. Creative Mindfulness
Saturday 5 March Expo Day
4. HICES Debating Round 1 – Senior and Junior School
Tuesday 23 February The Piper Centre ‘Get to Know You’ Thursday 25 February Junior School Swimming Carnival
Friday 11 March Junior School Twilight Picnic – Junior School Oval 5.00pm - 7.30pm
5. Year 4 Excursion – Wollongong City Council Chambers, Library and Art Gallery – UOI ‘How we Organise Ourselves’ 6. Year 5 Bathurst Camp – UOI ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’ 7. Junior School Twilight Picnic 8. Year 6 Canberra Excursion – UOI ‘How We Organise Ourselves’ 9. Junior School Cross Country
26. Public Speaking 27. Library Technology Club 28. Sisterhood Programme 29. Lego Robotics 30. Sewing Club
34. Gardening Club 35. Computer Games We are certainly off to a great start in the Junior School and looking forward to working with our parents and broader community to make the learning that happens this year great.
Does your child have a passion for lego robotics? Are they a gifted mathematician? Maybe they excel in creative pursuits? Or have an interest in 3D printing? Well itag@TIGS might be just what they need. These workshops are designed to provide gifted and talented students with opportunities to explore their interests with like-minded peers. Workshop places are open to both TIGS students and students from other schools. There are limited places available, so select a workshop and book your place now at
Academic • Christian • Caring
An International Baccalaureate World School
Workshops will be held from 9.30am - 1.30pm on Saturday 5 March at a cost of $45. This event is suitable for students from Year 4 to Year 6.
Imagine – Express – Create Are you creative and artistic? Would you like to further develop your own natural talent? Do you enjoy experimenting with new ideas? Explore drawing and painting still life, as you are guided through a range of activities to produce a final artwork. New techniques using oil pastels and watercolours will be investigated as you create unique and interesting artworks.
Lego Robotics If you have always wanted to build a robot and see it come to life before your very eyes then this is for you. With Lego blocks, a computer and some imagination you will be ready to explore the world of Lego Robotics. Build a new friend as you design and build a robot that can move and respond to its environment using light and distance sensors. Years 4-6.
21st Century Learning Through 3D Printing & CAD – Engaging Future Entrepreneurs! 3D Printing Immersion day is a fun, engaging day exploring the 3D printing design cycle. Students will come up with original product ideas in the digital world and bring them to life through 3D Printing! They will learn how to model their designs in 3D CAD software, and then print them out. It is a fun and engaging day for agile young minds with a thirst for technology.
Welcome To A Mathematical Mystery Tour! Use your higher-order thinking skills to investigate the use and sequence of numbers in Pinecones and Sunflowers and prove that Living Things Count! Play chess with like-minded people. Create a Quirkle! Learn and apply the strategies for problem solving. Mostly, have fun with like-minded students and see how mathematics is omni-present in our lives.
Senior School ADDING VALUE IN EDUCATION As a parent of four children, I often reflect on the people they are now and the extent to which their educational experience shaped their aspirations, work ethic and values. They were all fortunate enough to be products of a TIGS education. The School’s aspirational mission for all students is “the achievement of academic excellence in a caring environment that is founded on Christian belief and behaviour, so that they are equipped to act with wisdom, compassion and justice as faithful stewards of our world”. Excellence is viewed as neither elitist nor exclusive and is accessible to all who aspire to be the best they can be. Therefore, success should not just be measured in terms of ATAR or NAPLAN scores, which tend to be narrow measures of academic excellence at particular points in time in a students education. Success in learning at TIGS involves the development of the whole child.
Greg Lanyon Acting Head of Senior School
How does an education at TIGS realise the outcomes that it aspires to achieve for each student? Firstly, the School is committed to offering a broad curriculum, where students are engaged in their learning. Increasingly, students are being challenged to participate in their learning, through a studentcentred, inquiry-based approach, as offered by the Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate. It promotes curiosity, creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, community service and world citizenship. These are the skills most needed by 21st Century learners as they negotiate both their current learning and the world of their future. From 2017, students in Years 11 and 12 will be able to choose between pathways into further education offered by the HSC or the IB Diploma Programme (DP). Secondly, all students are offered a suite of experiences that enhance their learning in the classroom and contribute to a sense of connectedness to the School. These experiences include: •
Membership of a House, where students interact with students in other Year groups, in a range of sporting and cultural events. In Term I, for example, all students
participate in the Carnival and ArtsFest.
Opportunities to explore the Christian faith through regular Chapel services, outdoor education and student run Christian discussion groups such as Xplore (Years 11 – 12) and Fish (Years 7 – 10)
A Student Wellbeing program in Years 7 to 10, where students are explicitly taught stage appropriate skills that will contribute to higher levels of social and emotional development.
The opportunity to join and explore a wide range of sport and co-curricular activities. If you would like to know more about the co-curricular offerings at TIGS go to the TIGS website, open the Co-Curricular tab and download the publication that outlines the offerings available.
Membership of the Student Representative Council, where student issues are identified, discussed and actioned.
Opportunities to explore cultural and aesthetic pursuits through music, drama and dance events.
A sequential outdoor education programme in Years 7 to 10.
An extensive community service and leadership program.
I know from experience with my own children that the School adds value to the educational experience when students are fully involved in many of the additional activities available to them. As parents, it is your job to encourage your children to make the most of all the opportunities that are available to them.
Senior School Sport TIGS NETBALL CLUB
TIGS Netball Club had a great 2015 season and we invite any girls 8-17 years old to join the club in 2016. Get your friends together and create a team to come to the registration day or we can help you get into a team. Registration: Where: Senior School – Classroom near the IGC entrance When: Friday 19 February 3.30pm – 5.30pm M.G.3 OR Friday 26 February 3.30pm – 5.30pm IGC
Senior and Junior Registration are welcome at Vikings Oval cnr Swan and Corrimal Streets, Wollongong.
Friday 26 February TIGS Netball Registration/Try Netball Day Monday 22 - Friday 26 February Year 8 Camp Wednesday 24 February AICES Basketball Open Boys Trials Thursday 25 February AICES Basketball Open Girls Trials Thursday 25 February NSW CIS Open Football
Friday 19 February at 5.00pm
Tuesday 1 March U/14 Boys and Girls Regional Futsal Championships
Sunday 28 February at 10.00am – Registration and Family Fun Day
Wednesday 2 March U/16 Girls Regional Futsal Championships
Or email or WVRC.registrar@gmail. com
Wednesday 2 March NASSA Swimming Carnival (night carnival)
Wednesday 2 March NSW All Schools Triathlon (Individual Triathlon only)
The NSW All Schools Triathlon will be held at Sydney International Regatta Centre on Wednesday 2 March (Individual Triathlon) and Thursday 3 March (Teams Relay). Students are encouraged to sign up as an individual or relay team to the Triathlon on OLLE. Please note that students wishing to participate in the Intermediate and Senior Championship races are Draft Legal and participants must have a current Draft Legal Endorsement to race in these events. Students will be expected to travel by private transport to the Individual event on Wednesday 2 March and a bus will be leaving from TIGS for the Teams Relay Event on Thursday 3 March 2016.
Thursday 3 March NSW All Schools Triathlon (Team/Relay Event) Thursday 3 March U/16 Boys Regional Futsal Championships Friday 4 March NASSA Tennis Gala Day Thursday 10 – Sunday 13 March NSW Mountain Bike Riding Championships Thredbo
Scholarships 2017 ACADEMIC, GENERAL AND THE ARTS A number of part or full scholarships are available for students entering Year 7 or Year 11 Applications close on Wednesday 9 March All Applicants sit the ACER Examination on Saturday 19 March Further information is available on the website.
IB Diploma Coffee Morning Come and meet the new IB Diploma Programme Co-ordinator, David Meredith, to discuss any queries you may have about the Diploma Programme (DP). This is a fantastic informal opportunity to ask any questions regarding the suitability of the DP for your child. This event is open to parents of students of any Year group across the School. 9.00am - 9.45am on Wednesday 24 February. Meet at the Library Lawn.
Beyond Bundanon
6.00pm to 8.00pm Friday 4 March In the IGC at TIGS
Exhibition and performances from Year 11 students in response to their Creativity Camp
School Captains
On behalf of the School Captains, welcome back to school for 2016. We hope you had a relaxing break and have returned ready for a big year ahead. We would like to extend a special welcome to Year 7, we hope you have enjoyed your short time at TIGS so far.
Cameron McMillan and Denali Hutt School Captains
Each year at TIGS, Year 12 choose a charity which is significant to that Year group. Our Year group sees the 18.4 per cent of Illawarra young people aged 15 to 24 that are unemployed, to be a substantial issue affecting our community. This year we are proud to be supporting CareSouth, which is a locally run, non-profit organisation, that aims to combat the poverty cycle in our community. The specific program Year 12 has chosen to support named ‘the Homework Hub’, offers a safe place for children to complete homework each week, and supplies necessary resources required for the completion of school tasks.
Throughout the term we will be holding various fundraising events, such as cake stalls, BBQs and a trivia night to raise money for CareSouth. Thank you for everyone’s support last Term – we managed to raise over $1500. We hope you make the most of 2016 by taking full advantage of all TIGS has to offer and can continue to support CareSouth over the coming year!
Senior School - The Arts CO-CURRICULAR ENSEMBLES AND ACTIVITIES The Arts faculty has seen a busy start to 2016 with rehearsals for the production of The Wizard of Oz starting this week for cast and orchestra. Our co-curricular activities are also underway. These are available to all students. If your child plays an instrument and wants to be part of a band, has an interest in Art or Photography, likes the idea of playing in a Theatre Co-Curricular Sports team or performing in a Dance Company, The then Arts please encourage them to have a look at the schedule and come 2016 along to one (or more!) of these weekly groups. TIME
Senior Strings
Years 7 - 12 (Prac Room)
Before A Celebration of Creativity Camp 2015 school This year our Year 11 students have been inspired by their 8.00am8.40am experiences of Indigenous stories and dance,
Concert Band
and vocalists - Years
Years 7 - 11 (Begbie)
TIGS Capture Team
Year 7 - 12 Photography (F13)
This will be an exciting night showcasing 7 - 12 (Prac Room) literary works, artworks, photography, music, dance, film and performances. Art For Others FG1
After school 3.30pm – 5.00pm
Senior Orchestra
Senior Orchestra
Term I and II
Term I and II only
Term I and II
Term I and II only
Senior Dance Company
Years 7 - 12 (Prac Room)
the locations of Bundanon, Riversdale and Koloona on the Shoalhaven River and by Jazz Band Senior Choir Contemporary their own notionsYears of “Place” Years 7 - 12 (Prac Room) 7 - 12 developed Music Ensemble through a range of(Recital creative experiences. Guitarists, drummers Room)
Theatresports Year 7 – 12 (Backstage)
TIGS Tech Backstage
Parents & Friends
Tasting Night Please come and enjoy an evening of wine tasting with friends at the City Beach Function Centre, an event organised by TIGS P&F Association.
Friday 18 March 2016 City Beach Function Centre,
7pm – 11pm $60 pp Wednesday 9 March
1 Marine Drive, Wollongong
Champagne on arrival, followed with a selection of canapĂŠs and a cheese, nut and fruit station. A variety of wines will be available for tasting and also to purchase on the night. We look forward to an evening of catching up with friends to begin the new term.
TIGS FOUNDATION Have you been online recently to visit the new initiative of TIGS Foundation? TIGS Community Business Directory enables TIGS families to promote their business/s by advertising their details on the TIGS website. There is an annual fee of $300 per business each calendar year for advertising in the Directory. Applications are currently being taken. The Business Directory will provide an opportunity to strengthen and tighten the bonds between the School, parents and the businesses contained within the School Community. If you are interested and would like to be involved please phone, Lisa Wilson on 4220 0264 or Joanne Danckwardt 0426 264 771, or email: TIGS reserves the right to decline any advertisement or request changes before accepting any submissions.
Community Engagement TIGS has a wide range of community partnerships with local charities, foundations and community organizations across the Illawarra. We engage with local businesses and not for profit organisations in working together to provide support, in hands on and financial ways, to facilitate good works and enhance the lives of local people, particularly those living with disability, serious illness, social and economic disadvantage or recently arrived refugees. If you would like to support us in these aims, you are invited to join us for our first external community event this year. All adult members of our extended community are most welcome to book in.
Inspire 2016 Women’s Conference – Lunch with Lyndey
Please join us for a lunch of inspiration, motivation and celebration of women and their achievements TIGS and Illawarra ITEC are proudly supporting the Leukaemia Foundation by presenting the Inspire 2016 Lunch with Lyndey on Friday 26 February at the Villa D’Oro Wollongong. Lyndey Milan OAM is an awarding winning multimedia presenter and food /wine teacher and comes to us as part of CBA’s Women in Focus. A passionate supporter of regional Australia, Lyndey will share her story whilst you taste her delicious recipes. To book please visit If you have any queries about the event or would like to be seated with other members of TIGS community please do not hesitate to call Margaret Biggs on 4220 0234
Enrolments Do you know anyone interested in sending their children to TIGS? Word-of-mouth is a key factor in selecting a school so please encourage other interested families to join us at TIGS Expo Day or Try TIGS to experience for themselves the great benefits of a TIGS Education.
TIGS EXPO DAY 10.00am to 2.00pm SATURDAY 5 MARCH 2016
Come and experience the incredible opportunities for your child at TIGS Book now to secure your place on our guided tours Visit Additional tours available on the day
Academic • Christian • Caring
1 MARCH 2016 8.30am - 3.10pm
3 MARCH 2016 8.30am - 3.10pm
An International Baccalaureate World School
for Year 5 Students
Academic • Christian • Caring An International Baccalaureate World School
for Year 6 Students
The Impossible
The Illawarra Grammar School has an impressive record of excellence, with existing and former students soaring to incredible heights. Join us to find out more.
YOUR CHANCE TO EXPERIENCE TIGS FOR A DAY We would like to welcome you to spend a day at our beautiful campus. Immerse yourself in a day-in-the-life of a Year 7 student at TIGS. You will experience a range of classes including Science, Photography, Technology, Languages and Outdoor Education. It will also provide a wonderful opportunity for you to meet other students who will be in the same year group.
To register your interest please email
Year 8 Camp
Monday 22 to Friday 26 February
The Piper Centre ‘Get to Know You’
Cooinda and Marana 2 day Programme and Elanora 5 day Program 4.00pm - 6.30pm Tuesday 23 February in the Piper Centre Classrooms Cooinda and Marana 3 day Programme 4.00pm - 6.30pm Thursday 25 February in the Piper Centre Classrooms
IB Diploma Coffee Morning
9.00am Wednesday 24 February at the Library Lawn
Junior School Swimming Carnival
9.00am Thursday 25 February at Western Suburbs Pool, Unanderra
Professional Learning Day/Pupil Free Day Monday 29 February
Beyond Bundanon Exhibition 6.00pm Friday 4 March in the IGC
TIGS Expo Day
10.00am to 2.00pm Saturday 5 March
9.30am to 1.30pm Saturday 5 March