Issue 2 term iv, 2013

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Issue 2 Term IV 2013 Junior School Tennis Tournament

Academic • Christian • Caring

Exceptional Students With the HSC Examinations well underway I was pleased to be advised that some of our students have already been identified by the Board of Studies Examiners as being exceptional students. Four nominations were received in the subject of Dance (Callback): Grace Crisp for Major Study Composition Hannah Garbo for Core Composition Laura Stutchbury for Core Performance and Major Study Performance Two nominations were received in the subject of Music 1 (Encore): Robert Gyngell Hannah Garbo We congratulate these students, their teachers, tutors and parents on this outstanding achievement. I am sure this will give all our students confidence that they have been well prepared for the HSC examinations. A key reason why our students consistently perform well in public examinations is that a TIGS education is a balanced education. While academic achievement is the core business of the School, we do not believe that it is healthy for a child to grow in an environment where only academic achievement is promoted. It is our belief that academic performance is actually diminished when there is not a balanced approach to living and learning.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Our statement of Mission and Values includes the following commitment: “Success in learning involves the development of the whole child. The School is committed to offering a broad curriculum, adopting a holistic approach to each student’s academic, spiritual, physical, aesthetic, cultural, social and emotional development.” (M & V 1.2) A key element to this holistic approach is service learning - the development of empathy and a heart for others through service. Learning to serve others is embedded in teaching and learning (‘Action’ is a familiar term to students studying under the PYP and MYP) and in the Co-curricular programmes of the School. Two flagship programmes have been recently held: •

Year 10 annual visit to Crossroads, Hong Kong. This is the second year this event has been held with students travelling to Hong Kong to live and work at Crossroads, a Christian organisation that acts as a distribution point for people in need around the world. It is actually much more than this: see 11 students and 3 staff lived and worked at the Crossroads facility for a week. The Outdoor Education Coordinator, Mr Jimmy Edgerton, has reported that: “The 2013 experience for both the students and staff involved was a huge success. We were able to build on the experiences of 2012 which resulted in the program being a life-changing event. The experience included: •

Participation in a refugee simulation

Packing of a container (next year our students will be packing goods for the charity established by current Year 10 student, Dominic Mortimer)

Living and working in a Christian community

Visiting Chi Lin Buddhist Primary School, Lin Nunnery and Nan Lin Gardens (Four students from this school visit TIGS each year)

The Crossroads experience is a valuable program that TIGS offers. It fits in so well with the School’s mission and values, it shows all aspects of the Christian faith not only in word but works as well. Students get to see a Christian worldview in action and how that is making a real impact on others around the world.” • Year 11 TIGS Sony Foundation Camp The School Manager of Development and Community Engagement, Mrs Margaret Biggs, has reported that: “The TIGS Sony Camp 2013 was held in full partnership with the Disability Trust over the weekend of 18- 20 October at Berry Sport and Recreation Centre. 23 local children with disabilities were cared for by 42 TIGS students from the ‘new’ Year 12 throughout the three day weekend. The weekend was funded by the ongoing generosity of the Sony Foundation and by the volunteer efforts of six TIGS staff.

Activities included a full day at Jamberoo Action Park, a visit and drenching from Berry Fire Brigade, outdoor activities such as archery, giant swing and flying fox followed by a movie night and a disco party. Each camper revelled in having the friendship and support of the students who in turn showed the profound effect that working closely with a child with a disability has on an able person. The care and compassion of the students was shown in their diligence each evening, after a demanding day, as they personalized a scrapbook of photos for each camper. Students gave unreserved positive feedback about the opportunity to volunteer, describing the weekend as “awesome”, “eye-opening” and “incredible”. On returning to the Disability Trust in Fairy Meadow the students were able to catch up with TIGS graduate Amy Carberry, a veteran of Sony Camp, who now works for the Trust while she studies at university. A number of this year’s students will be joining alumni like Amy, Justine Harman and Josh Hutton in community service careers for the Trust.” We congratulate our students on their success in their studies and we thank them for maintaining a balanced approach to learning and living that is of benefit to others.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster


I hope you can attend the “Not So Secret” Men’s Business Sportsman’s Dinner next Friday. (see page 8 for details)

Gravity On Wednesday night my wife and I went to watch the film Gravity. It is a fascinating movie about a space mission gone wrong with a desperate attempt by the survivors to return to earth. For those who haven’t seen the film I’ll try not to give too much away! Sandra Bullock is one of the key actors. At one point in the story her character all but gives up on her attempt to survive. In the isolation of the spacecraft in which she has taken refuge she speaks to anyone who might listen, knowing in reality she is speaking only to herself. She voices her loneliness and the fact that no one will register her death. She wishes someone could pray for her. She wishes she could pray for herself. But she acknowledges that can’t happen. The reason? She has never prayed. And then she reveals why. No one ever taught her how to pray. For me, it is a heart wrenching moment. Imagine not being able to pray because you were never taught how. Imagine living in a world where prayer was not valued enough to be passed down.

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Gravity is a fictional film but it got me thinking how this is becoming more of a reality in the world in which we live. People are growing up without a knowledge of basic Christian belief and behavior – like how we should pray and what we might pray.

I am so thankful this is not the case at TIGS. We are a prayerful community and because prayer is a regular part of our life at TIGS, we teach our students how to pray. It is one of the blessings of a TIGS education. I am encouraged as I reflect on this to know that when TIGS students find themselves in peril they will know how to pray because they have participated in prayer on many occasions throughout the course of their time at TIGS. It seems an odd thing to be proud of but I am proud of the fact that we teach our students how to pray. I am proud of this because I know God answers prayer. He is ever present and responsive to our prayers. He delights when we call upon him in prayer and uses our prayers to work out his good purposes for us and the world. But, of course, prayer is not only for times of peril. Prayer is a way of life for Christians. In this week’s newsletter you will see an advertisement for our next TIGS Prayer Breakfast. The date is 12 November from 7.30am-8.20am in the Library. I hope you might be able to make this a priority. Our last Prayer Breakfast was an enormous encouragement and this one will be the same I am sure. I hope to see you there.

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Senior School

This week’s advice from Michael Carr-Greg is for parents. Again it is specifically directed at parents of students in Year 12 but most are pertinent for all Senior School parents. • Guide, support and encourage your son or daughter. • Don’t nag. • Don’t tell them they will fail if they don’t work harder. • Encourage healthy eating, regular exercise and plenty of sleep. • Take their efforts seriously. • Create an effective workspace in the house if they can’t study in their room. • Let them know that you’re there when they need you. • Encourage them to believe in themselves. • Remind them of their goals. • Give them positive feedback whenever possible.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

• Remember, the final year is about them, not you. • Encourage them to take study breaks when necessary. • Help them put, and keep, the year in perspective. • Keep an eye on their emotional heath – look for changes in sleeping or eating habits, and see your general practitioner if concerned.

School Captains Address Year 12 has commenced their final year of schooling and this was marked by the induction service that was held on Friday 11 October 2013. The service was a special event whereby over 80 students were inducted as leaders within the School. We would like to congratulate all of Year 12 on receiving their leadership positions and we are confident that they will make outstanding contributions to the TIGS community. For the new Year 12 the first few weeks have certainly been rather busy. Taking in residency in the much-glorified common room, participating in Sony camp and undertaking our first fundraiser for the Year 12 charity. For our Year 12 charity, we have chosen to support Street Swags. Over 100,000 Australians are homeless on any given night. The issue of homelessness is a growing concern within the Illawarra region. We are raising money for Street Swag’s new initiative that involves the manufacturing of swags, which provide discreet bedding for the homeless. It is our goal to raise funds for the production of these swags to be distributed to homeless support charities within the Illawarra. We held our first fund raising event on Tuesday week 3, which was a cake stall in the Senior and Junior School. It was a great success managing to raise over $1100. We have many other fundraising events planned for the coming year and look for the support of the entire school community to assist in raising much-needed funds. Year 12 asks for you to get behind this worthwhile cause. As the captains we are really looking forward to overseeing the success of the SRC in the coming year. Plans are currently underway to make SRC as accessible as possible and we are hoping to create an online SRC utilizing the TIGS Online Learning Environment (OLLE). We are excited about seeing SRC evolve over the year as a forum for student voice. SRC is a platform for making TIGS a greater school on all levels. We would like to wish the recently graduated Year 12 all the best for the rest of their HSC exams. Hamish Paine and Kate Martin The School Captains Alex Marzano and Emma Hatton The School Vice Captains

Vaccinations Due to circumstances beyond our control vaccinations for Year 7 and Year 9 boys will be held on Monday, 4 November.

New Train Timetable – 20 October 2013 A new train timetable will come into effect on Monday 21 October 2013. Students are to catch the train that has them arriving into Wollongong (eastern side) at 8.17am. A Premier Illawarra bus will collect students from the train station at 8.25 am and bring them straight to school. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact either Andrew Rutty or Lisa Dent on 4220 0200.

Senior School Sports AICES Rising Star Awards The AICES Rising Star Award is designed to support young people participating at the CIS level or higher as an athlete or official. AICES award up to ten Rising Star grants each school year. We are pleased to announce out of over 60 schools two of these grants were awarded to students at The Illawarra Grammar School. Kieran Ackhurst (Volleyball) and Alexander Seal (Athletics and Cross Country) have been recognised for their outstanding commitment and success in sport over the past twelve months. They have both received this award with a small grant of $400 each to aid in the costs involved in competing at this elite level. Congratulations to both of the boys.

NASSA Basketball Gala Day The Year 7 and Intermediate (Year 8/9) Basketball teams represented the School on Thursday 17 October at the NASSA Basketball Gala Day. The Senior (Year 10/12) basketball teams represented the School on 18 October at the Senior NASSA Basketball Gala Day. All students participated with enthusiasm and sportsmanship. The girls and boys Year 7 teams were exceptional both finishing 2nd. The Year 8/9 girls finished 3rd while the Year 8/9 boys completed the tournament in 6th. The Year 10/12 boys and girls teams finished 5th and 7th respectively. These are the best overall results the school have had in the NASSA Basketball Gala Days in a number of years. Across the two days there were very impressive contributions by all participants and students are encouraged to continue to improve their skills in preparation for the NASSA trials in early 2014.


Prayer Breakfast Parents, staff and friends are invited to gather to pray for our School community

Tuesday 12 November 2013 7.30am - 8.20am TIGS Library

Breakfast and supervision is available for children RSVP: 8 November 2013 Please phone 4220 0200

Junior School This week we celebrate World Teachers’ Day on Friday 25 October. It is great to be able to affirm our teachers for the wonderful work they do here at TIGS, but also to be reminded of the crucial role that education has around the globe in making the world a better place. Please do take a look at the link to the UNESCA site.

Current UOI Central Ideas

Please take a look at the current Central Idea for your childs’ unit. If you have insight into a unit that is happening in another grade, we would love to hear from you! Discussions at home exploring the learning are really helpful in extending the learning even further. •

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School •

Kindergarten – How we share the planet/Understanding and respecting the relationships between all living things

Year 1 – Who we are/The choices we make affect our health and well being

Year 2 – Where we are in time and place/Discovery has changed the world

Year 3 – Where we are in place and time/Indigenous communities have connections that have sustained them over time

Year 4 – Where we are in place and time/Colonisation brings about changes in people, place and time

Year 5 – How we express ourselves/People can create or manipulate messages to target specific audiences

Looking after our Neighbours

I would like to remind our community that we are surrounded by neighbours and sometimes we impact on them in negative ways, this occurs particularly at pick up and drop off times. Recently all parents were emailed a letter asking for your cooperation in maintaining positive relationships with our neighbours when you park and access the School, thank you to all of our families who patiently use the provided car line. It really is the safest option and has the least impact on our local area.

Kindergarten and Years 1 – 6 Orientation

Kindergarten Orientation will be held on Tuesday 29 October, Thursday 31 October and Friday 8 November from 11.00am – 12.45pm. There will also be a Parent Information Session held on Tuesday 29 October from 11.15pm -12.15pm in the After School Care room. Year 1 – 6 Orientation will be held on Tuesday 5 November from 9.30am-11.30am. The Parent Information Session will also be held in the After School Care room from 9.45am – 11.15am.

Grandparents Wanted

Grandparents are needed to be a ‘student for a day’ as part of a Year 8 Honours Program. This will be a perfect oportunities for grandparents to bush up on their IT skills. Please contact Kerrie Tregonning on 42200250 or if you would be interested in helping with this program.

Dates for your diary: •

Friday 1 November – Professional Development Day (Pupil Free Day)

Wednesday 6 November – K-12 Sports Presentation Evening

Thursday 14 November – Volunteers Thank You Breakfast

Thursday 21 November – Year 6 Progression Dinner

Thursday 28 November – Prize Giving Assembly

Saturday 30 November – Infants Pageant

Wednesday 4 December – A Christmas Celebration

Thursday 5 December – Year 6 Exhibition & Honours Program

Monday 9 December – Years 3 – 6 Presentation Evening

Junior School Sports NSWCIS Atheltics Well done to the following students who represented TIGS at the NSWCIS Athletcis carnival 2013: Selene Chadrawy Sophie Correa Isobel Kinnear Annie McLearie Simon Shemun Victoria Summerill Aaron Ylias

Thursday mornings at McKeon’s Swim School. Swim squad starts at 7.00am and has an entry fee of $3. Once swim squad has finished for the morning the TIGS school bus will then return the children to school to commence first period.

Tennis Tournament

A big congratulations to the following students who placed in the top 10.

Girl 8-10yrs Shot Putt 4th Selene Chadrawy 8th Annie McLearie

National Swimming

Sportsman of the Tournament Anthony Damcevski and Emma Black

Sport Reminders Swim Squad Swim squad commences in Week 2 and is open to capable squad swimmers in Years 2-6 on Tuesday and

Year 5 Girls 1st Cartia Taranto 2nd Margaux Chauvet 3rd Annabel Malouf and Ruby Tilden 4th Zoe Dribbus 5th Selma Celik Year 5 Boys 1st Thomas Main 2nd Joseph Druett 3rd Jermaine Issa and Joseph Rossi 4th Aaron Avenido 5th Josh Agarwal

Girls 8-10yrs High Jump 8th Isobel Kinnear

Congratulations to Aria BacicJohnston of Year 4 who competed at a National Level for Swimming. Her outstanding achievements and results are as follows: 4th Freestyle Relay Final 5th Medley Relay Final 6th 50m Freestyle Final 6th 100m Backstroke Final

2nd Anthony Damcevski 3rd Harrison Kiteley 4th Rory Swainson 5th Harrison Webb 6th Oscar Tilden

On Monday 21 October students from Years 4-6 competed against one another in the annual TIGS Tennis Tournament. The students displayed determination, integrity and honesty as they competed in a fair match against each other to take the title. A big congratulations to all students who participated, it was a great day! The Tournaments results are as follows: Year 4 Girls 1st Selene Chadrawy 2nd Emma Black 3rd Ruby D’Rozario 4th Charlotte Tregonning 5th Amy Lendrum 6th Soraya McCann

Year 6 Girls 1st Annalise Chadrawy 2nd Claire Nguyen 3rd Evelyn Parrish-Gibbons 4th Andrea Avenido and Joanne Karakousis 5th Francesca Lambert 6th Zoe Kelman Year 6 Boys 1st Izac Saad 2nd Kanishk Murty 3rd Jack Scott

Year 4 Boys 1st Ajay Rindani

Junior School Awards Weekly Awards KB

Saksham Sirohi, Alexandra Birch


Matilda Hughes


Ting-Ting Cook, Archer Ryan


Samuel Lowe, William MacKay


Daniel Radojicic


Bhargav Jagarlamudi


Bhaavya Gupta, Ali Matar, Ella McIlwraith


Amogh Rao, Sophie McGuire, Ben Giason, Kya Dema


Tatiana Suscevic, Miranda Golding


Alexandria Gunther, Megan Ashford, Cartia Taranto, Winnie Cheng

Merit Certificates Academic Izac Saad Bhaavya Gupta Mia Taylor Archer Ryan Megan Ashford Cameron Davies Charlotte I’Ons Daniel Radojicic Devesh Rajpal Elizabeth Michelmore Aiden McGoldrick

“Not So Secret” Mens Business Sportsman’s Dinner


TIGS Foundation “Not So Secret” Men’s Business Sportsman’s Dinner *** Bookings are closing soon *** Mission: When Where: Who: What: Cost: Sponsored by:

Major Fundraising Event Friday 1 November 2013, 6.30 pm Western Grandstand, Victory Room, WIN Sports & Entertainment Centre Men 3 course dinner, beverages and entertainment $120pp HLB Mann Judd Accountants, Business and Financial Advisers

For enquiries, please contact Lisa Wilson, Foundation Coordinator on 4220 0264 or email

Extend @ TIGS 1 November: Pupil Free Day bookings Please note there will be a Pupil Free Day on Friday 1 November. Extend will offer a full day service on this day, subject to minimum bookings of 12. If you would like to book in for this full day service which runs from 8.00am – 6.00pm, please call the Extend Office. As we require minimum bookings for the service to run, there are strictly no refunds or cancellations on Pupil Free Day bookings. Bookings close on Friday 25 October and parents who book in will be notified on this day by COB. Fees are $50 per child – pay between $8.05 - $25.00 after child care entitlements, including the non-income tested 50% Child Care Rebate.

Small gestures make a BIG difference! Term IV see’s the launch of our Extend-a-Hand annual Project and we would love your children to be a part of it. We hope to empower and inspire our children by asking them ‘What small gestures can YOU make to help others and the community?’ Children at Extend After School Care will be brainstorming ideas on how they can make a difference and then will use their creativity to showcase these. The project will run from Monday 28 October to Friday 8 November. Maybe they can paint a picture. Create a sculpture. Perform a Skit. Create a collage. Write a poem. The opportunities are endless. A collection of photos and videos will be taken of the artworks and an official video will be published to celebrate the end of the project. Watch this space in November to see the official video* *Parent consent forms are available at your request. Please speak to your Team Leader.


CALL OUR OFFICE: 1300 366 437

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