Issue 3 Term II 2015

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Newsletter Academic Christian Caring


TERM II 2015




SI uctio A












This week is very special at TIGS as we prepare for The TIGS GREAT FETE. It really is a significant event in the life of the School and our current School community but it is also an event of significance in the Illawarra. For as long as I can remember the TIGS GREAT FETE has been a day of fun and celebration for everyone and this year will be no exception. Benita Andrews has been working tirelessly to make this the BEST FETE EVER, ably assisted by the wonderful Stephen McGuire and Jay Windsor. What a team they are. And there are lots of others to thank for going above and beyond the call of duty to support this act of community. The School will officially thank you in person at a cocktail event prior to Thursday’s Performance of ‘Beauty and the Beast.’ Our invitation to join with us is a small gesture, I know, but it is symbolic of the thanks we wish to convey for the great contribution you make to this School and its extended community. Another significant group who work tirelessly for the School and its extended community is TIGS FOUNDATION. This week I was privileged to meet with them as they continued to plan the way forward in supporting the community through scholarships and in helping to make real the Council’s Vision for the School. They also have a fabulous Silent Auction planned for the TIGS GREAT FETE. I have had a sneak preview so I would advise you visit and put in a bid or two. As the Headmaster mentioned in his article two weeks ago 40 years ago in 1975 co-education at TIGS began and during the course of the year we will be celebrating with reunions for classes from the different decades: ’75, ’85, ’95 and ’05. TIGS GREAT FETE is also a time when alumni re-visit the School and often bring their children to look at their old alma mater. Though it has changed physically, the heart, the community, the spirit is still the same. Please encourage anyone you might know with a connection to the School to make 2015 the year they visit us here in celebration of our TIGS community. We always love to see ex-students, ex-teachers, Mums and Dads and their new offspring, as do all the other staff who have a long association with the School. It does make the FETE GREAT!

Monica Watt Acting Headmaster

Mr Kinsella is currently on Sabbatical Leave. Mrs Watt is Acting Headmaster and will write about the experiences of 1975 in coming weeks while he is absent.

Monica Watt Acting Headmaster

Chaplain’s Message Sometimes it is necessary to get the perspective of an outsider. We can be so immersed in our own world and way of doing things it is difficult to step back and make objective judgements. I am aware this is true of our approach to Christian Education at TIGS. I think we are making pleasing progress but I would, wouldn’t I? What might someone say who is completely alien to TIGS? This week we received a visit by Professor Trevor Cooling. Professor Cooling is an English academic who is highly regarded as a leading thinker in Christian Education. Professor Cooling has been to Australia on a number of occasions, but this was his first visit to TIGS. He came to TIGS to stimulate staff in thinking further about Christian Education. It was a valuable and deeply encouraging day. We began the day by providing Professor Cooling with a brief overview of our approach to Christian Education at TIGS. We took Professor Cooling through our Christian Studies programmes as well as some of the exciting work we are doing in the Junior and Senior Schools in bringing a Christian perspective to all our learning. Following this, Professor Cooling addressed our Executive Staff on the distinguishing features of a Christian Education and how we might measure progress in Christian Education. Further workshops included an evaluation of the contemporary Wellbeing movement in Education, the challenges of being a Christian School in a pluralistic culture (and even a pluralistic School community), and a consideration of how the Bible can shape learning throughout the whole curriculum. Professor Cooling’s input was measured and extremely relevant to us as a School. His experience and expertise enabled him to speak well into our situation and we have much to consider as we reflect upon his contribution. During the course of the day and again at the end of the day as I drove Professor Cooling back to Sydney I was able to listen to him reflect on what he observed at TIGS. I am still a little astonished by what he said. Professor Cooling believed we were leading the way when it comes to our approach to Christian Education in Anglican Schooling. We need to appreciate that Professor Cooling has had a lot of experience with Anglican Schools in Australia and Britain (as well as in other parts of the world). This is no light assessment. It is a significant affirmation by one who is a leader in the field. I am greatly encouraged by this assessment and also deeply humbled. I see so much that still needs to be done but I am energised to press on by the affirmation of one who is able to see us in ways we are not equipped to see ourselves. I hope you are as encouraged as I am by this report. Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Parents, staff and friends are invited to gather to pray for our School community

Wednesday 3 June 2015

7.30am - 8.20am In the

TIGS Goodhew Research Centre (Library) Academic • Christian • Caring

An International Baccalaureate World School

Breakfast and supervision is available for children




Please contact Mrs Moore on email RSVP: Monday 1 June 2015

Book online


Greg Lanyon Acting Head of Senior School One of the most significant events in the School calendar is the annual TIGS Great Fete. This event brings together the school community and is a vehicle for engaging with and embracing others in the wider community. It also provides a great opportunity for our students to contribute to the School community through volunteering. I know that there are a number of students who will be working with their parents on stalls and many more will come with their friends to enjoy the fun and food on offer. The cast and crew of the School production ‘Beauty and the Beast’ will be involved in rehearsals and performance throughout the day, showcasing the talents of students who have a passion for the performing arts.

The Fete also provides a great opportunity for authentic learning, which is a key element of the International Baccalaureate Programme. For example, the Year 9 Commerce classes are currently studying a unit on running a small business. In class they learn about the theoretical skills associated with starting and managing a business. They are then able to apply this learning in a practical way by setting up and running a stall at the Fete. This year, one group will be establishing a milkshake business and another has started a show-bag business. The real learning that is achieved by facing and overcoming the difficulties of planning the operation, ordering materials, assigning work tasks, training staff, marketing products and keeping financial records, is much more authentic than just imagining what might happen. Students also learn first hand that teamwork is essential to achieve very specific goals. Some of the essential skills of the IB such as communication, collaboration, organisation, critical thinking and IT skills are learned as part of the process of starting and managing the business operation.

the demands of external clients, such as dance and entertainment groups, who will be performing at the Fete. As well they will be managing the backstage, lighting and sound requirements of the rehearsals for ‘Beauty and Beast’. Meeting deadlines and pressures provide the authentic learning that is often difficult to replicate in the classroom. We are proud of the way in which our students want to be engaged in their learning, in their School and in the wider community. Please assist them by supporting their efforts at the TIGS Great Fete this Saturday.

Greg Lanyon Acting Head of Senior School

In the same way, students studying the HSC VET Entertainment course and TIGS Tech students will have an opportunity to meet with and manage

2016 Enrolments We are now finalising placements for 2016 – particularly in Pre-Preparatory, Preparatory, Kindergarten and Year 7. Applications for Enrolment are now submitted online here or via our website: enrolment-procedure Please contact our Enrolments Department on 4220 0216 should you have any questions.


Production of

17 - 20 June 2015 ! W

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Alan Menken


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Junior School Promoting A Culture Against Bullying

In the Junior School we are growing our SRC (Student Representative Council) led by the School Captains, and promoting Student Voice. One task that we have asked of them recently is to review, discuss and comment on the draft of the School’s Anti-Bullying Policy. In the School’s draft policy, the definition used to describe bullying behaviour is “repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse of power by an individual or group towards one or more persons.”

Judi Nealy Head of Junior School Life is busy, really busy, for our families, our students and our staff. Recently I was reminded of the strategy of treating each day like an empty glass and I thought I would share this approach with our community. The strategy goes like this: • We think of our day as an empty glass and we spend the day filling it up. • We can fill it up with big pebble activities- the things that are important to us, family time, reading time, reflection, exercise etc (everyone has their own personal list of big pebbles). • We can also fill it up with grains of sand activitiesanswering emails, Facebooking, vacuuming (again these are personal). • The reality of our glass is that we fill it each day, either with sand or pebbles. The interesting thought for me about this strategy is that if we choose to put our pebbles into our glass first, we can fill around them with the sand activities, however if we start filling our day with sand, very quickly there is no room for even one pebble. This applies to learning at school, personal time at home and work time. It is a great reminder to us all to think about how we spend our time, prioritise the important activities first then fit the other ones around them. This is a difficult concept for young learners to grasp and one worth exploring with your children as they use their time at home and at school. This weekend we will all join together as a community at the Great Fete. I am looking forward to painting many faces and to seeing many of you on Saturday. Our Fete day is a fantastic opportunity for us to spend some of our precious time together, building our community and supporting our School. Thank you for making some space in your glass to attend and volunteer at our School Fete. I guarantee that you will find the day a happy and positive one. Judi Nealy Head of Junior School

Cyber bullying refers to bullying behaviours using information and communication technologies. There are also some behaviours which are not bullying, but are inappropriate or hurtful towards others. As part of the review process I would like to invite any interested parents/carers to contact me via email (nmcrae@ or phone for a copy of the draft policy to comment on. Narelle McRae Director of Pastoral Care Junior School


KD KP 1T 1W 1Y 2Mc 2S 2T 4M 5R 5S 6C 6K

Addison Tarrant, Aushada Ranamuka Rallage Joshua Llewellin, Maddison Tonkin Parrie Mizori, Oliver Johnson Boston Zeidler, Riya Bahl, Lily Still Callum Perrins, Annaliese Brunskill Samuel Robinson, Sadurshi Prabaharan Keiran Reveley, Kasim Kermali, Spencer Newhouse Lilian Bradley, Samantha Gadsdon Oscar Ryan, Rebecca Winn, Jacobus Newhouse, Harry Jenner Elizabeth Michelmore, Julian Lopac Kiarna McIlwraith, Nadia Nagaratnam, Daisy Field Joshua Locke Paterson, Sana Zafar Ella Vartazarian, Deepika Parajuli



Sadurshi Prabaharan Charlotte Tregonning Jessica Hall Nathan Molnar Alexander Vartazarian Ella McIlwraith Hamish Lepp Jack Parker Ashton Tregonning

Sana Zafar Cody Maynes-Rutty Jude De Araujo Alexia Loeser Nicole Choi Harley Adams Miriam Al-Khalidy Marley Stephenson


Personal Presentation

Samra Tarrant

Georgie Lancaster


Morning Tea Wednesday 20 May 2015 9.30am to 11.30am

The Lagoon Seafood Restaurant Bring your friends and family to join us for another unforgettable year, to raise money for this great cause

Reminder - Only one week to go to RSVP to TIGS Biggest Morning Tea, Wednesday 20 May 9.30am to 11.30am at the Lagoon. $30 per person includes high tea. Tickets available online or text your RSVP to Mary 0423 190560 and pay at the door. Don’t miss out on supporting and being part of this great cause while you enjoy great company, food and prizes galore!! See you all there!

$30 per person Includes high tea


Regards Mary Shalala

Email - (Please include all guest names) Mary Shalala - 0423190560


Proudly supported by


Drink GOOD


with GOOD Friends

Attention parents, staff and visitors: Barista coffee now available at TIGS! On sale at the Canteen 8.00am to 9.30am 11.00am to 12.30pm Only $3.50 each

Parent Teacher Interviews Years 7-11 Parent Teacher Interviews will be held in the Goodhew Research Centre from 4pm-7:30pm on the following dates: • Year 11 – Monday 1 June • Year 8 – Tuesday 9 June • Year 10 – Monday 22 June • Year 9 – Thursday 25 June • Year 7 – Tuesday 21 July We will be using the booking system Parent Teacher On-Line (PTO) to arrange all interviews. Parents will be sent their login details via email on Thursday, 21 May. The PTO System will be accessible for bookings from 5pm on this date and will close at 10am on the day of the interview. Please ensure the School has a current email address so that your login details are sent to the correct place. Parents who do not have an email address listed with the School will be sent their login details via the post. If you have any questions regarding Parent Teacher Interviews please contact Courtney Brooks at:


TRIVIA NIGHT 2015 As part of their fundraising efforts for the TIGS Year 12 Charity ‘Kids2kids’, the 2015 School Captains invite you to attend a Trivia Night.


Friday 22 May 2015 (Week 5 Term II)


6.30pm – 10.00pm


The Illawarra Grammar Centre (IGC)


Tables of 8 $120 Tables of 10 $150 $15 per person $10 University student tickets can be purchased at the door with a concession card


Book Week Dress up as any character from any book (be creative!)


Monday 18 May 2015


Please bring your own food and drinks (BYO alcohol is permitted). You may also pre-order online when you book your tickets and/or an antipasto platter. The platters are being sold at $25 each and will be distributed on the night. An antipasto platter will be suitable for up to 4 people and will include an assortment of cheeses, cold meats, dips, sun dried tomatoes, olives and crackers. There will be prizes for the winning table, best dressed table, a lucky door prize, a raffle and a number of competitions on the night – so don’t forget your wallet!

KIDS2KIDS Kids2Kids is a not-for-profit organisation that nurtures self-help solutions for issues of education in Kenya, including fundraising for a high school library. 100% of all proceeds goes directly to the library, providing much needed funds to expand the children’s education and access to resources. By assisting the Year 12 charity, you are forever impacting the lives of Kenyan children through the priceless gift of education.



for parents of children who love ‘gaming’ A free presentation by TIGS

Monday 25 May 2015 6.30pm to 8.00pm The Illawarra Grammar Centre with

Collett Smart

Sydney based psychologist and educator Collett Smart is a Sydney based psychologist, qualified teacher, speaker, freelance writer and mum of 3. She has spent the last 20 years working in private and public schools, with children, teens and their parents around Australia, the UK, and in Africa. Collett regularly appears in the media, covering topics related to parenting and raising teenagers. ‘GAMEON’ tackles issues such as: • How does gaming fit into this generation of parenting? • The benefits of gaming • An analysis of violent video games

For more information or to book online visit

• Online addictions – fact or fiction? • Guidelines for parents on creating gaming boundaries “As parents it is our responsibility to guide our children toward healthy life choices. It is often easier to make tough decisions with and for our children when we think about the type of adult they will become.” Collett An International Baccalaureate World School

Academic • Christian • Caring

Senior School Sport Student Success:

CIS Football Cup – Open Boys Knockout

Congratulations to Maudie Skyring in Year 12 who represented Australia at the Oceania Athletics Championships in Cairns during the week. She won a Bronze in open 1500m; 4th in 800m, and Silver in the 4x400 open relay. What a fantastic result. Well done Maudie.

Round 3 saw TIGS pitted once more against Newington College, and once again we were unable to overcome them. The first half was all ours with three missed chances that would eventually haunt us. We conceded a goal before half time that meant the opposition could close down the game and we were chasing. A quality goal to TIGS was not enough to overcome the eventual 3-1 result. Well done to: Cameron Barrett, Kyle Del, Joel Moore, Zac McLaren, Tomas Saponja, Lachlan Scott, Jacob Shalala, Adam Galanti, Matthew Galanti, Nicholas Grozdanov, Nicholas Kyriakoudes, Peter Kyriakoudes, Ali Sawan, Harrison Taranto.

AICES Hockey Congratulations to Teagan Johnston, Chloe Johnston, Isabella Sandy, Brittony Smallhorn, Claire Smallhorn and Tyler Warnest who have all been selected for CIS Hockey Championships.

Cross Country

Senior School Athletics Carnival The Senior School Athletics Carnival is on Tuesday 19 May at the Kerryn McCann Athletics Field.

The NASSA Cross Country has been changed to Monday 18 May and the AICES Cross Country has been changed to Thursday 4 June. Both events have been re-located to the Sydney International Equestrian Centre, Saxony Road, Horsley Park.

It is a compulsory school event where all students compete for their House to claim the Inter-House Athletics Trophy. Results from this event go towards the Shell Shield. House shirt and School sport shorts must be worn by all students at this event. If a student cannot participate it is important for them to come along and help with the various jobs that need to be done and assist their House patrons.

Library News

Parents may drop their child at the venue. Supervision will be available from 8.15am at the track. Buses will also run from the School down to Beaton Park from Western Avenue (Years 7 -10) and Princes Highway (Years 11-12) at 8.30am. The carnival is expected to finish at 3.00pm and all students are expected to stay for the duration of the day. The Senior School Athletics Programme is available for download on OLLE under each year group. If the weather looks inclement please listen to 96.5 Wave FM for cancellations.

All Premier’s Reading Challenge participants have been given username and passwords. Years 3 - 9 have this information sent via their School Gmail and K - 2 have their information given out in Library lessons. Usernames and passwords are also available through class teachers and Library staff. Permission slips and instructions on accessing the Premier’s Reading Challenge site and uploading titles to student reading records are available on the library OLLE page or via your child’s OLLE page.

On the day we look forward to high participation and positive House enthusiasm.

Happy reading Library staff

Food Market (Courtyard) Market Place (IGC)

Cakes Cupcakes Country Fare Sticky Date Puddings Indian Food Krispy Kreme

Performances (IGC)

School Performers 10am – 1.30pm

Souvlaki Sausage Sizzle Nachos Hot Dogs Japanese Noodles BBQ (including vegetarian) Milkshakes Spiders Coffee

Kids’ Fun (Senior Square Face Painting Fairy Floss Slushies Show Bags Lolly Bags Balloons

FREE Shuttle Bus Drop off and Pick Up Mount Keira Run

Kids’ Carnival (Oval) Rides Mobile ATM Coffee Footy Toss


Live Mural Display (Tennis Court)

Bazaar (H B Performances (Outside Begbie)

Community Performers 10am – 3pm

Books, CDs Recycled C Second-Ha Toys White Eleph Bottle Stal Gift Basket Glow Stall Photo Boot


The FREE Shuttle Bus Drop off and Pick Up Mangerton Run

Fete Central (Courtyard)

Information Booth TIGS Foundation Silent Auction Wine Raffle

Kids’ Corner (Library Lawn)


Apple Shack Parasol Painting Bubbles Lollipops MASH Tent Putt Putt

Retreat (Library)

Devonshire Tea Calligraphy Display Dress-Up Box

s, DVDs Clothes and Uniforms

hant ll ts


performance Schedule tiGS performers IGC

Community performers Outside Begbie

10.00 – 10.15

Infants Choir

Pipe Band

10.15 – 10.30

Infants Orchestra

10.30 – 10.45

Stage 2 Choir

10.45 – 11.00

String-a-Longs Junior Strings

Figtree Physie

11.00 – 11.15

Junior Orchestra

Disability Trust

11.15 – 11.30

Junior Concert Band

Circus Monoxide Hula Hoop Competition

11.30 – 11.45

Cantilena Singers

11.45 – 12.00

Senior Strings

12.00 – 12.15 12.15 – 12.30 12.30 – 12.45

Senior Choir Choral8 Junior and Senior Dance Companies Elective Dance

12.45 – 1.00 1.00 – 1.15 1.15 – 1.30 1.30 – 1.45 1.45 – 2.00 2.00 – 2.15 2.15 – 2.30

Streetbeatz Hiphop Joanne Grace School of Dance VPA Studios

School Production Beauty and the Beast

NRG Studios Miss Zoe’s School of Dance Acting Up Drama Academy



Silent Auction

Silent Auction

TIGS Foundation will once again be proudly hosting a Silent Auction at the TIGS Great Fete on Saturday 16 May. All items up for auction have been kindly donated by parents and friends of TIGS. We look forward to you dropping by our stall outside the Library and placing a bid. Items up for Auction are: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Oroton Luxury Leather Handbag Westfield Shopping Vouchers Ruby’s at Gerroa – Getaway for 2 nights overlooking Seven Mile Beach, (4 bedroom home) Tumbling Waters Retreat, Stanwell Tops midweek getaway in a luxury Ocean Suite Dinner and Show for 2 at Centro CBD with accommodation at Wollongong Serviced Apartments Driving Lessons (10 x 1 hour vouchers) with All Day and Night Driving School IBAH Day Spa – Pamper Package Lilianfels Blue Mountains Resort Open Hotel Voucher French Conversation and Food Sampling Class for 4 adults Branwens Retreat Luxury Guest Cottage, Coolangatta Mountain - 2 night stay for 4 people Coach Signature Collection Leather phone, credit card and wallet In House Blooms – Flower Subscription Service - Enjoy fresh flowers delivered fortnightly for 3 months Go V8 Racing for the ultimate thrill – 4 laps

For enquiries please contact Lisa Wilson in the Foundation Office on 42200264 or email


Dear Visitors Unfortunately there will be NO parking available on the School grounds on Fete day. However, to help relieve parking and traffic congestion, TIGS will once again be running a free shuttle bus service from 9.45am to 3.15pm that can both pick you and your family up and drop you back. Just be certain to park as close to either of the two routes below and flag down a TIGS bus as you see it come past. Two TIGS buses will be continuously circling with an expected 15 – 20 minute space between services. Jump on board to enjoy another fantastic TIGS Great Fete. PLEASE also take care that when parking you have left the appropriate space for driveways, keeping them clear at all times. The two bus routes are Thank you for your cooperation. The Illawarra Grammar School 4220 0200

Mount Keira Route Mangerton Route




TIGS Great Fete

10.00am to 3.00pm Saturday 16 May


Senior School Athletics Carnival Tuesday 19 May

Biggest Morning Tea

9.30am – 11.30am Wednesday 20 May at the Lagoon Restaurant

School Captains’ Trivia Night 6.30pm Friday 22 May in the IGC

Try TIGS Year 5 Friday 22 May


Explore TIGS (Years 1 to 6) Monday 25 May

Collett Smart Free Presentation 6.30pm to 8.00pm Monday 25 May in the IGC

Kinder Open Afternoon - A Flying Start 4.00pm Wednesday 27 May in Rees Hall

Coffee Catch Up

8.00am to 8.45am Thursday 28 May in the Canteen

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