Issue 4 Term I 2013
Parenting Quiz Night with Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
Academic • Christian • Caring
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg The Professional Learning Day held last Monday may have been a ‘day off’ for students but the teachers were still hard at work. Dr Michael Carr-Gregg visited the School and discussed with staff the challenges of teaching and guiding children and adolescents through the years of schooling. Dr Carr-Gregg is a psychologist specialising in adolescent health. He is a regular presenter on radio and television (Sunrise), consultant to governments, founder of ‘Canteen’ and when he is not busy he is Associate Professor in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne. This was his third visit to TIGS and he has had a significant influence on the shaping of the TIGS approach to student wellbeing. Parenting is not an easy job. Dr Carr-Gregg reminded the 280 parents attending the ‘Parenting Adolescents Quiz Night’ held that evening that they received no instruction manual when they became parents. They draw on their own experience and the experience of those around them. Fortunately there is a wealth of advice available to parents to assist them in raising children. Dr Carr-Gregg has some excellent advice recorded on video at http://www. which repeats and extends some of the advice he gave to parents last Monday.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Parenting SA, a service of the South Australian Government is another source of advice on the practice of successful parents. It describes some of the behaviours of healthy, supportive families as being: •
“Make time for talking and listening: Families where a wide range of feelings (such as joy, excitement, anger and fear) are expressed seem to be healthier.
Show affection, encouragement and appreciation: Children and adults feel good when they are encouraged and appreciated. Let your child know what you love and like about them.
Share the chores and the power: Help children to take responsibilities so that as they get older you allow them to have more say over their lives.
Keep in touch with friends and relatives: The more a family is isolated from others the more chance there is of having problems.
Make family time: Plan so there is time isolated from others (turn the TV off) to discuss things that affect the whole family, create a sense of belonging – share ideas, values and beliefs.
Commitment: Put the wellbeing of your family as a first priority. Stick up for each other so that each person feels confident in the family’s support.
Family rituals and traditions: The little special things (daily rituals) that you do every day and on special occasions help build a sense of belonging, inner security and contentedness.
Spiritual values and beliefs: Faith gives a sense of meaning and direction to the ordinary events of the day.
Resilience: Strong families are able to withstand setbacks and crises with a positive attitude and shared values and beliefs that help them cope with challenges.”
The full text and other useful advice can be found at: The staff at TIGS are also available to parents and can advise and give guidance in selecting appropriate resources that inform on the process of parenting. Dr Carr-Gregg said that the human brain does not fully mature until age 23 for girls and 27 for boys. We should not be alarmed when our children, especially our teenagers, make decisions and behave in ways that do not meet our expectations – this is normal as they do not have fully developed adult brains. For some children, there is the occasional lapse while for others it is one disaster after another. The lessons for parents are: •
There is no single pathway that a child follows in growing up. They each do it in their own way and the excitement (I didn’t say joy) of parenting is walking with them as the journey unfolds.
There is no textbook way to raise children. Parents learn as they go and make better decisions by knowing their children well and by consulting widely, drawing on the wisdom of others.
“Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.” (Author Unknown) Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Purposely Designed for Service Last week at Senior School chapel the International Director of Christian Surfers Brett Davis spoke to our students. Brett is a local lad who has a wonderful testimony of how God has worked in and through him in ways he could never have imagined when as a 17 year old he first committed his life to the lordship of Jesus. Brett gave a captivating talk that fully engaged our students. What stood out for me in Brett’s talk was his conviction that God uses our passions in service of him. Sometimes we can think that to entrust our lives to God means we have to abandon those things that thrill us in life. I know I have had struggles of this nature myself at times. The opposite is the case. God wants to use us and the things that thrill us so that we can have a real impact in the world for him. It makes sense when you think about it.
Rev James Rogers
In Psalm 139 we read how God has intimately knit us together in our mother’s womb. He has fashioned us uniquely to be the people that we are with all of our funny little whims and ways. Sure, nurture has a part to play in how we are shaped and formed but we must never discount the enormous impact God’s fashioning has on our disposition. Moreover, God delights to see us accept who we are as he has made us and fearlessly live our lives such that we leave our unique imprint on the world. No one can leave the unique mark that we can on the world. That is God’s intention.
So for Brett Davis this meant coming to terms with the fact that God made him to absolutely love surfing. There were occasions when Brett wondered whether the Christian life and surfing could mix. He wasn’t always so sure. But as he began to accept that his love of surfing was a big part of how God made him unique he was able to offer that in service of God. And Brett’s testimony is that God has used him and his passion for surfing in remarkable ways which have not only brought immense blessing to others but also increased joy and blessing to Brett. Brett could have ditched surfing when he became a Christian. God would have still used him. But not in the astonishing way he has used him.
The good news here is that as we accept God’s craftsmanship of us we really do position ourselves well to be used by God in ways we could never imagine. Moreover, service of him will be a real joy because we will be serving from our passions and strengths. I’m encouraged by this truth; I hope you are too. Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Senior School
If you attended the Dr Michael Carr-Gregg Trivia Night I hope you gained a greater understanding of your child and their development. The latest research findings from neuro-scientists that full neo-cortex maturity will not occur until 27 for males, 23 for girls, does help us understand why our children behave the way they do: it’s how they’re wired up! There was much more information which Michael presented on the night which was based on a strong research background and his years of experience as a child psychologist. As always, he delivered the message with wit and aplomb and the whole evening was fun! During the day he worked with staff in order to more richly inform our practice and pedagogy. In the area of curriculum, our development of the IB MYP (Middle Years Programme) which is comprised of student-centred, inquiry-based units of work will allow us to embed student wellbeing into our programs with strong evidence-based data. This will ensure that there is a systematic approach to holistic student learning which will equip students with the knowledge and skills to experience, both now and in the future, ‘a life well lived’.
Monica Watt
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
The Pastoral Care team, of both teaching and support staff, also worked with Michael on creating a framework of effective age-appropriate strategies based on the Positive Psychology Model in order that students can negotiate safely and with resilience in the social, emotional and virtual environment of the 21st Century. Our aim is to empower students: to help them feel secure, confident and resilient and Michael provided us with a wealth of resources and strategies with which to achieve this aim.
And of course there were the other age-old pieces of advice: a good night’s sleep is critical because teenagers need about 9 -10 hours; and a good breakfast ensures that learning physically occurs in a brain which has been provided with the necessary nutrients to register and carry the information to where it can be stored and retrieved when needed. It all makes sense! Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Junior School Japanese
All students from Years 2-6 study Japanese twice a week, and I am delighted with the attitude and progress so far this term. Our essential agreement is to be positive, confident and to believe in your ability. They always surprise me how much they can achieve. In Years 3-6 we began the year with some review time, and now we’re beginning new songs, new vocabulary and new sentences. As there are several new students to the School this year we have started a little extra time just for them to get on top of the basic greetings. Subarashii! (It’s great!) Julie Marshall Junior School Japanese Teacher
This year we were delighted to start our Mandarin class with the theme of Chinese New Year. All our Junior Mandarin students were invited to join the School celebration, both our International Chinese students and Year 7 students who enrolled Mandarin for their language study. The students enjoyed watching the Chinese “Lion Dance” performance and martial arts demonstration with senior students, and they also had a chance to taste some Chinese traditional foods prepared at the event. This year is the year of the little dragon (snake), so students participated in arts and craft to make a snake and received a Chinese lantern. We are very pleased we have an Head of Junior School additional four students join in our class this year. Every lesson has an independent topic and our new students found no difficulties in catching up with the great help from our older students who have studied Mandarin for some time. I hope that many more students will join us and share our journey in exploring Chinese language and culture.
Judi Nealy
Shao-Ping Yeh Mandarin Teacher
Introductory Hindi Course at TIGS
The Introductory Course in Hindi language (National language of India) started at TIGS in February. This is the first time Hindi is being taught in any of the schools in the Illawarra region and the TIGS community can be proud to be the pioneer in this endeavour. We have nine students in the class and all of them are enjoying the rare opportunity of learning Hindi. We are starting the course at the beginners’ level as all students - those of Indian and Australian background - are learning Hindi formally for the first time in their life. I hope they will continue to enjoy this learning experience. Neera Godbole Hindi Teacher
Introductory Indonesian Course at TIGS
A ‘bagus sekali’ start to Indonesian in the Junior School! Our students are gaining a thorough knowledge and understanding of Bahasa Indonesia and Indonesian culture through songs, stories, the arts and games. Our unit of work this term is “Tentang saya” (About me). Focus question words include “apa”, “siapa”, “dari mana”, “bagaimana” and “berapa”? Students have been using ipads to create wonderful short plays in Indonesian. Look out for our class topeng and wayang kulit display. Also, carefully listen for the sounds of anklung! Limited places are still available in our Indonesian Program. Enquire at the Junior School Office for details (or check out the TIGS website for additional information). Jenny Jurman-Hilton Indonesian Teacher
Year 6 Debating Team Report
I can happily inform you that on the 28 February 2013 the Year 6 Junior Debating Team travelled up to Macarthur Anglican school. The topic for the Juniors was “should the school day be longer?”. We were on the negative side. It was a great argument but there could only be one winner and the TIGS spirit pulled us through. It was thrilling and exciting and the Junior team cant wait to battle it out again. Francesca Lambert
Dates for your diary:
Friday 15 March – Junior School Twilight Picnic Thursday 28 March – Junior School Easter Service Thursday 4 April – Junior School Cross Country Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 April – Parent Teacher Interviews Thursday 11 April – Acknowledgement of ANZAC Day Assembly
Merit Certificates
Ella Smith – Academic Jessica Bradley – Academic Jack Burrows – Academic Sarah Jansen – Service Jack Worthington – Personal Presentation
Weekly Awards KB KD KM KP 1C 1T 2M 3W 4S 5Y 6S
Geraint Dodd, Joshua Burden Hamish Lepp Nelle-May Makowski, Riley Grundy, Sasha Purvis Ashton Tregonning, Jocelyn Ayers Daniel Radojicic Ali Matar, Samuel Stevenson James Burgess, Zoe Mandziy Lachlan Boardman Jayson Cooper, Sana Zafar Yaan Keller-Bergmann, Maya Soligo Taj Quaken, Griffin Spicknall, William Brown
Junior School Twilight Picnic
We are looking forward to our picnic with Junior School families on Friday 15 March on the Junior School oval. This is a great opportunity to build relationships with other families across the School. At TIGS we support our families in caring for each other. Some of our Year 6 parents are currently raising funds to support a student who is scheduled for major brain surgery. At the Twilight Picnic this Friday, these parents will be selling Easter Eggs and tickets for an Easter Raffle as well as organising an Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Please feel free to support them in their endeavours.
Junior School
Friday 15 March 2013 5.00pM - 8.00pM Junior School oVal Junior School students and their families are invited to a fun filled night to be held on our Junior School Oval. Pack a basket with everything you will need for a picnic Our Senior School Leaders will be organising lots of games and races for parents and their children to enjoy together RSVP: Wednesday 13 March Please email An email/SMS will be sent if the weather does not allow this event to take place
Please be advised that this is an alcohol free event
Dear Parents / Guardians The Illawarra Grammar School will again be participating in The NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge. The Challenge offers a fabulous opportunity for children to explore and read from an extensive list of great literature. If you would like your child to participate please obtain a permission slip from The Junior School Office, the Library, or download a copy. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Library staff by phone 42200275 or email
TIGSFOUNDATION TIGS Foundation AGM 2013 All members are cordially invited to attend the TIGS Foundation Annual General Meeting. If you know others who are interested in the work of TIGS Foundation or have been part of the Foundation’s history, we would welcome their attendance as a guest. When: Wednesday 20 March 2013 Where: Goodhew Research Centre (Library - Entrance via Powell Street) Time:
6.00pm - 7.00pm welcome drinks and canapés 7.00pm - 8.00pm AGM
Dress: Smart casual RSVP:
13 March 2013
Phone: Lisa Wilson (Foundation Coordinator) 4220 0264 Email:
Saturday 9 March 2013
Experience A World Class Education at tigs Scholarship information and applications ARE now available Open day from 10.00am to 2.00pm.
Careers News Australian Air Force Cadets The Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) is an air-minded youth organisation open to young people aged between 13 and 18 years. Your local unit, 314 Squadron, is now recruiting. Information sessions will be held on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 and Tuesday, 26 March 2013 at 7.00 pm. For more information, visit and or contact the Commanding Officer by emailing
Science News Science Gifted and Talented Discovery Program - 2013 At this week’s assembly, I was privileged to inform Aislinn Turner one of our Year 10 students, of the outstanding results she achieved in a Science competition run by the Science Faculty of the University of Sydney. Students from all over Australia participated in the competition which aims to identify talented Science students and to provide them with opportunities to participate in stimulating and challenging workshops at the University. The workshops cover a range of exciting experiments in Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The overall standard of the competition was very high, and the results achieved by the TIGS students who participated were highly commendable. Aislinn’s result in the competition was outstanding and, on the basis of her performance, she has been invited to participate in the workshops. Congratulations to Aislinn, and we trust that she will find the workshops a rewarding experience.
Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize Are you interested in science and in film making? Then this competition is for you. The Sleek Geeks Science Eureka Prize is a film competition for primary and secondary students. Students create a short film (1-3 minutes) to explore a scientific concept, discovery or invention, or test their own hypothesis. The competition is part of the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes and is sponsored by the University of Sydney. The competition closes on Friday 3 May 2013. Further information about the competition and online entry forms visit the Australian Museum Eureka Prizes website .
Year 10 Science Excursion A reminder that Year 10 will be visiting Luna Park on Monday 18 March as part of their studies into the Physics of motion. They will be accompanied by their Science teachers.
Extend @ TIGS Last week the children brought in their Reading Folders with books assigned to their levels of reading. The staff helped the children with difficult words and with some of the written homework. Miss Mac has organised “The Autumn Leaf” Painting Activity and used the colours orange, green and yellow to depict the colours of Autumn. This craftwork is lovingly displayed around the centre. The children also participated in our Hopscotch Activity organised by Miss Indy which turned into a long caterpillar line trying to hop within the drawn boxes! We also introduced “Our Kitchen Rules!” – a Cooking Activity we are looking to organise twice a month along with “So, You REALLY Think You Can Dance?” which will be run by Miss Indy (Week 5) and Miss Mac (Week 9). Come along and join in on the fun!
Our Extend Superstar is…
Oscar R. for being such a delight in our centre. We love your good manners and how you are always keen to help!
Next week’s activities:
Monday 11 March: Construction Games Tuesday 12 March: Easter Bunny Craft Wednesday 13 March: “Bend it like Beckham” with Tom Thursday 14 March: Dress ups Friday 15 March: Movie(G) and Popcorn!
CALL OUR OFFICE: 1300 366 437
Senior School Sports Australian Track Cycling Championships
Kardinia Lane, Hume Highway, Berrima. Parents may contact Melinda Sharpe at with any enquiries.
Senior School Tennis Gala Day 19 students participated in the Senior School tennis gala day at Beaton Park last Wednesday. The games this year were more competitive and some matches very close. Congratulations to the following students for their selection in the TIGS Tennis Teams. These students will represent the School at the NASSA Tennis Gala day at Campbelltown. Boys – Fred Newman, Adrian Haise, Mitchell Maine, Fondas Haris, Oscar Edwards
Last weekend Bridget Mullany (Year 11) and Natasha Mullany (Year 9) competed in the Australian Track Cycling Championships in Adelaide. Both of the girls had exceptional results winning numerous medals between them. Congratulations to Bridget and Natasha on their National Champion results: Bridget - One Gold medal and four Silver medals. Natasha - One Gold medal and three Silver medals. Bridget and Natasha each won the Individual Pursuit in their age division, with silver in Sprint, Time Trial and Scratch Race. Bridget was also in the NSW JW17 Team Pursuit team and won a team Silver medal.
Snowsports Each year TIGS enters a school team into the Northern Regional Snowsports Championships. Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 are eligible to participate in the main skiing and snowboarding disciplines and the regional championships are a great introduction to racing for new comers to the sport. The 2013 Regional Championships will be held at Perisher during the first week of our school holidays in July (Wednesday July 3 through to Saturday July 6). If you would like to join the Snowsports team or would like more information please contact Jay Tregonning in the Senior School
In the wet and muddy conditions last week a number of our students competed in the NSW State Interschools Equestrian Championships. Days were spent preparing their horses for this big event. Charli Morelli (Year 8) on her horse Royalwood County Squire Show Riding 13 Years and under 15 Intermediate Rider Division A – 1st Place Show Riding Intermediate Champion Rider
Show Horse 14hh and under 15hh Intermediate Rider – 1st Place on her horse Royalwood County Squire Show Horse 14hh and under 15hh Reserve Champion Isabella Burnett (Year 7) on her horse Zara 11th Overall in the 60cm One Day Event, consists of a Dressage Test, Cross Country round and Show Jumping Round Lauren O’Neill (Year 10) on her horse Big Jet Plane 5th Show Jumping 80cm Two Phase class 7th Show Jumping 80cm A2 Class. Congratulations to the girls on these wonderful results. Particularly to Charli Morelli for her champion status at this event.
Oxley College Equestrian Day Students who wish to nominate for the Oxley College Equestrian Day on Sunday 7 April may enter via www. These online entries close 25 March. This event will be held at “Araluen”
Girls – Lily Tuivaga, Amelia Bujaroska, Hannah Kim, Maria Kyriacoudes, Sophie Nyngen Thank you to Andrew Parker (Parker’s Tennis) for his continued support of TIGS tennis and organisation of the day.
Senior School Swimming Carnival Congratulations to the following students on their age champion results from the Senior School carnival last week. 12 Year Girls 1st Shelby Cresswell 2nd Anastassia Zafiriou 3rd Ashley Dribbus
12 Year Boys 1st Samir Burhan 2nd Eden McCall 3rd Harry Borbilas
13 Year Girls 1st Jana Massingham 2nd Stephanie Moustoukis 3rd Holly Kiteley
13 Year Boys 1st Matthew Logan 2nd Timothy Gaynor 3rd Joshua Buchanan
14 Year Girls 1st Kelsey Cresswell 2nd Laura Gibbons 3rd Sarah I’ons 15 Year Girls 1st Kaitlin McKeon 2nd Alice Fox 3rd Margot Allison 16 Year Girls 1st Olivia Poate 2nd Madeline Laing 3rd Tahlia Jackson 17 Year Girls 1st Kate Martin 2nd Jessica Kuit 3rd Breana Anastas
14 Year Boys 1st George Moustoukis 2nd Daniel Laing 3rd Harrison Taranto 15 Year Boys 1st Maxwell Lill 2nd Evan Jenkins 3rd Jacob Hall 16 Year Boys 1st Joshua King 2nd Isaac Brown 3rd Joel Moore
17 Year Boys 1st Kyle Locke 2nd Jaiden Fullerton-Harv 3rd William Rogers
18 Year Boys 18 Year Girls 1st Aaron Cannon 1st Emma Poate 2nd Richard Bujaroski 2nd Sophie Meyerson 2nd Simon Bussoletti 3rd Laura Stutchbury
Parent Quiz Night with
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
Creative Arts News Beyond Bundanon Exhibition Voice was the central theme for the students who attended the Year 11 Creative Arts and Creative Writing Camps on the Shoalhaven River recently. The students worked both collaboratively and individually to find their own creative voice through a wide range of media areas. They participated in workshops that opened their minds and hearts to be able to express their inner voice. Students shared in renowned writer, John Larkin’s insights about creative writing, beginning the preparation for the creative writing component of their HSC English course. For many, the camp became the starting point for their creative journey within Music, Drama, Dance, Entertainment and Visual Arts. This Friday night at 6.00pm – 8.00pm, the IGC will house a unique collection of artworks, photographs, films and performances that explore the themes of Voice or Special Place. Whilst some of the works are still in progress, it is clear that they reveal a rich inter-disciplinary learning, taking place on these unique camps. Also, we have the great pleasure of hosting the artist Sally Kidall (Mother of Tim Kidall-Park in Year 8) who has agreed to open the show and share her insights with the exhibition audience. We encourage the parents and students to support the wonderful work of the Year 11 students.
Art Express 2013 The Creative Arts Staff and the Prefects had the great privilege of viewing the opening of the ArtExpress Exhibition at The Armory Gallery at Sydney Olympic Park this week. We witnessed great interest and excitement from the public about Chika Jochi’s (HSC 2013) beautiful painting on a traditional Japanese Scroll, which depicts scenes from Japan’s History. A visit to this inspirational exhibition would benefit all Visual Arts students and the Exhibition continues until 28 April. The website provides more information about the exhibition. - ArtExpress
Co-curricular Program Students can choose between a range of exciting after school (3.30pm - 5.00pm) classes this term to extend and enrich their study of art and photography. Places are still available. Contact the teachers by email for more information and permission notes. Costs are involved in these classes.
Course Title
Art From the Heart
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture
Mrs Kallinikos
Art From the Heart
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture
Click It
Year Group
Primary Secondary Phone: 0405 588 105
Mrs Kallinikos
Primary Secondary Phone: 0405 588 105
Wet Photography
Ms Green
Years 7 - 9
Art From the Heart
Painting, Drawing, Sculpture
Mrs Kallinikos
Primary Phone: 0405 588 105
Click It
Wet Photography
Mrs Colville
Years 10 - 12
work t r A f o hibitioayn9 march 2013 x E n o n a Bundh 2013 and Saturd d n o y e B • marc Friday 8 6.00pm
DAY 9 march 2013 O P X E S G • TIm - 2.00pm Saturday 10.00a
nic ic P t h ig il hool Tchw2013 c S r io n u • J Friday 15 mar 5.00pm
n AGM13 io t a d n u o • TIGWSedFnesday 20 march 20 6.00pm
vice r e S g in iv nks G a h T l o o h c r S 2013 • Jun1io 5 march Friday Date g in s lo C cation li p p A ip h holar3s c S S G I T • h 201 15 marc Friday