Issue 4 term III 2013

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Issue 4 Term III 2013

Mrs Watt with Isaac Kim (Yr 12 2012) and Alistair Martin (Yr 12 2012) in Sydney on Wednesday 21 August 2013 to receive The Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award, awarded by The Governor of New South Wales, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO.

Academic • Christian • Caring

Teaching and Learning at TIGS Archbishop Oscar Romero, Church leader and campaigner for human rights in El Salvador, was assassinated while celebrating Mass on the 24th March 1980. His life was, and continues to be, an inspiration for many. I recently heard what is known as the Romero Prayer prayed at a function. I immediately saw the similarity of the prayer to the philosophy that underpins the approach to teaching and learning at TIGS. “It helps, now and then, to step back and take a long view. The kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, it is even beyond our vision. We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of the magnificent enterprise that is God’s work. Nothing we do is complete, which is a way of saying that the Kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that could be said.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

No prayer fully expresses our faith. No confession brings perfection. No pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the Church’s mission. No set of goals and objectives includes everything. This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything, and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way, an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders; ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future not our own.” I was fascinated to find out that the Romero Prayer was actually the words of Bishop Ken Untener of Saginaw, an acquaintance of Bishop Romero who included the prayer in a book about Romero’s life. So well did the words match the behaviour and beliefs of Romero that it became known as the Romero Prayer, even though he did not utter the words. What a tribute. With Year 12 fast approaching their graduation day, the Romero Prayer is a timely reminder to teachers and parents, no matter what the age of their children, that “we lay foundations” but “we cannot do everything and there is a sense of liberation in realizing that”. “This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.” Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

As White As Snow Last week year 10 went on their annual camp to Perisher Valley. I was fortunate enough to go with them. Apart from the first day of wild winds and rain, the rest of the time was skiing and camping in puffy white snow. Snow is a fascinating part of God’s creation. It’s beauty beyond comparison. To awake to a white wonderland as though you’ve been transported to a city amongst the clouds, is a sight to behold. It’s no wonder the inuits had such a reverence for their landscape, using as many as 50 different words to describe snow. When we look at scripture we see that snow is mentioned some 24 times. Eight times as the simile “as white as snow”. In Psalm 51:7 David uses this phrase in a plea to God. “Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Snow like light is a good metaphor for it speaks of a purity and brightness so intense it can barely be looked at. We were warned many times against taking our goggles or sunglasses off for any length of time. Snow blindness would result from prolonged exposure. This psalm is the one David composed after Nathan the prophet exposed his sin with Bathsheba. David had committed adultery with her and then to cover his tracks, had her husband and his friend Uriah murdered. It’s hard to imagine a worse sin, and yet David knew that even in this hideous act, he was not without hope. God is a God who seeks to reconcile. He is one who has paid the price for our sin through the death of his own son so the hope of David can be a reality for us all. A life without stain or blemish, guilt or shame. The knowledge that in God’s eyes he sees us as whiter then snow because of the righteousness of Christ and his substitutionary atonement. To obtain this purity David also knew what God desired. He says towards the end of this psalm; You do not delight in sacrifices, or I would bring it; you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Psalm 51:16-17 Mark Grieve Christian Studies Teacher

Senior School

Adolescence For those of you in the first throes of parenting an adolescent it can come as a bit of a shock to have your normally compliant ‘child’ begin to change into ‘another person.’ Be reassured: this is normal. It is part of the process of development - in both body and mind - which occurs during adolescence and it has to happen in order to ensure that your dependent child becomes an independent, well-developed, strong and resilient adult.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

We are currently exploring ways in which we can – within the curriculum - better support our students in developing a strong and positive self-concept as they mature into adulthood. We are being guided by our Case Manager for Counseling Services within the School, Audine Evans. She recently made a presentation to the Senior School Deans on The Stages of Adolescence and I thought I’d share some of the key elements with you because, as Michael Grose The Parenting Guru asserts “Raising teens today takes some savvy, some attitude and some backbone. Teens need parents who know how they tick and can handle them effectively at each stage of development during these high-risk, volatile times.” Though there is a continuum that stretches from 10+ to 20+ some do not step onto the treadmill until later and others can be considered fully mature before their mid-twenties. These days, though, your children are often emotionally and financially dependent on parents for much longer than in previous generations, which can impact on and extend that third stage.

Michael and Audine divide adolescence into three stages, the first two of which are the ones we generally encounter in Senior School. In the first stage from 11- 13 we see your children beginning to explore their emerging identity in their own right and not necessarily as a mini-version of one or both parents. Peer groups begin to be influential and adolescents become more self-conscious, self-reflective and less confident than they ever were before. Because of all the physical changes occurring in their bodies and the core developments within their brains good and healthy sleep, eating and exercise patterns are critical at this stage. There can sometimes be regressions in behavior: childish and over-emotional responses but help from parents with stress management, giving your child the opportunity to gain some perspective, letting them talk through issues and explore solutions can be valuable strategies. Continued next week. Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Junior School How can parents support Junior School learning? There is no doubt that parents hold a crucial role in determining the level of success that their children will experience at school. There are many simple practical things that parents can do to promote individual success. I am often asked by parents how to assist their children in successful learning at school and acknowledge the varied situations of our School families. Current research suggests that the following areas are useful for parents to consider. Arriving on time –- if we reflect as adults on how flustered and unprepared we feel if we are late for an important meeting, it becomes obvious the disadvantage to our children when they are late to class. A great way to assist your child is to make sure your morning routine gives them enough time to have a play and to get settled for the day of learning before the bell goes at 8:45am. As a school we are required to monitor late arrivals and time lost from learning as a state legal requirement. Sleep - the School day is very busy! It is very important that children get adequate sleep for them to cope with the demands of learning and working positively in their school community.

Judi Nealy

Food - brain food has an impact! Most importantly a good breakfast is really helpful in setting up your son or daughter for a positive day.

Homework - is an important part of the school routine. Children need a space and adequate support to build good habits in terms of homework and study. Young children need adult support in approaching and completing homework, however parents need to aim to encourage confidence and efficacy in homework tasks. A great idea is to talk through with your children the tasks they have, ensuring that they understand what is required and have a plan for how to get it done. Then check in with them so that they feel supported, don’t do it for them! If your child has homework that they cannot complete please let their teacher know.

Head of Junior School

Access to IT - the current term is “ubiquitous technology”. It means that, for our current learners the use of technology is seamless and natural. Students need to be able to access appropriate technology to compliment their learning including homework. This does not mean that all homework should be done using technology, nor does it allow us to assume that everything done on the computer is homework. Parent’s can assist their children by setting limits on their technology use, by being involved and proactive in monitoring what is happening and sharing the advantages of technology with them. Routines of practice - assist at home and at school in improving outcomes for children. When learners feel secure, they know what to do next and even when they are learning something new they achieve more success. Routines of practice at School include, lining up, sitting in a particular area for particular tasks, setting out of bookwork, hands up to speak etc. At home they include a bedtime routine, regular homework or reading time in an appropriate space, time to be physically active, quiet time where the child amuses him or herself without the aid of IT and social times together where everyone speaks and listens to each other. In our busy time-poor home lives, these routines can be difficult to maintain, I encourage you to persevere, the children will benefit.

Dates for your diary: Tuesday 27 and Friday 30 August – Father’s Day Stalls Friday 30 August – Father’s Day Breakfast Thursday 19 September – Big Day In

Junior School Awards Weekly Awards

Merit Certificates Academic

KD KM KP 1C 1M 2M 3R 4R 4S 6Y

Selma Celik Maya Middleton Charlotte Atkinson Charlotte Palmisano Ethan Bywater Kayden Merritt Emma Black Teerth Khanna Cate Giason Sarah Hutchinson Nicole Mau Isabelle Bush Lucy Cross Scarlett Ford

Abha Mundada, Saxon Parrish, John Perri, Scarlett Ford Thomas Partland, Cate Giason Samantha Gadsdon, Ben Harman Reuben Grundy Ella Smith, Adil Qureshi Charlotte Palmisano Nathan Molnar, Angkit Jeyachandran, Amelia Druett Xia Lian Wilson Emma Black, Isobel Kinnear, Alexandria Gunther Archita Sitharthan, Ella Green, Daniel Tubman

Service Benjamin Lu

The Illawarra Grammar School would like to invite you and your family ‘Back to TIGS’ for our annual day of reunion, Saturday 24 August 2013 at 11.00am. We welcome all students, alumni, their extended families and the community to join in the festivities on our annual day of reunion. Enjoy a brief tour of the School whilst catching up with friends, enjoying light refreshments and the opportunity to the view the exhibition of current Year 12 Major Works in the IGC - ‘The Works’ Exhibition. In addition to the HSC 2013 artworks on display, a range of works by local artists will be offered for sale and a small coffee shop will be open. Please see attached flyer for more information. We look forward to welcoming you all back! Time: 11.00am Date: Saturday 24 August RSVP: Monday 19 August Visit

Extend @ TIGS Weekly Recap This week, the children made Chocolate Crackles using Rice Bubbles, Coconut, Icing Sugar and Copha. Our apologies to the parents if your children went home with sugar rush! They had so much of fun mixing the ingredients and could not wait to eat!! The children also learnt “The Chicken Dance” with Miss Mac and made some paper bag puppets with Miss Indy for Craft.

Week 6’s Activities:

Monday 26 August: “Bend it like Beckham” with Tom Tuesday 27 August: “Crazy Craft” with Ms B Wednesday 28 August: “Outdoor Organised Sports” with Ms Mac Thursday 29 August: “Our Kitchen Rules!” with Ms Indy Friday 30 August: Movie (G) and Popcorn

Our Extend Superstar is… Ryan Jinks for being a good help during “Our Kitchen Rules” session.


CALL OUR OFFICE: 1300 366 437

Special Notes Hannah Reveley Year 8

Last Term, Hannah Reveley Year 8 entered a short story competition run by Western Union Young Writters. Her story/poem titled ‘Biology’ received a ‘Highly Commended’ acknowledgment Well done Hannah!

School Holidays Learning Labs

Several of our students attended Learning Labs at the University of Wollongong (UOW) during the school holidays, a gifted and talented program for Year 11/12 students. Below is a list of students and the workshop they attended: Joel Bloomfield: Getting Your Head Around Your Brain Brittony Smallhorn: Facial Approximation Macinley Butson: Master Your Mind Samuel Goodhew: Creative Writing Andre Kovac: Creative Writing Olivia Day: Creative Writing Aika Hammond: Horrible Histories James Sutherland: Horrible Histories All students receive a certificate from the University at the end of their two days. The UOW academics who presented the workshops were really excited by the work produced by students, in some cases at University level. Learning Labs will be every January and July school holidays. Please see Mrs Margaret Dubowski for more information.

Careers News UOW Women in Engineering Summit

You’ll learn about career opportunities in Engineering, see world-class Engineering facilities at UOW, visit local industry sites and meet industry leaders & academics. Who should attend? Young women performing well in Mathematics and Science and with an interest in Engineering. Preference will be given to students commencing Year 11 in 2014. Dates: Monday 13 January and concludes on Friday 17 January. Accommodation UOW residence in small groups with a live-in student leader. You will have your own bedroom and a shared bathroom. Supervisor Your live-in student leaders will act as a mentor as well as supervising participants. All leaders are recent graduates or current students studying an engineering degree at UOW. Cost The cost to attend the Summit in 2014 is $165. Please note this cost does not need to be paid when registering. Payment will be requested once you have been selected to attend the Summit. How to apply Applications apply online and close 31 August 2013.

Senior School Sports Gymnastics

Congratulations to Elise Serefli (Year 10) for her excellent results at the Christian Schools Association State Gymnastics competition last week at Five Dock. Elise competed in Women’s Artistic Gymnastics Level 3 and came 1st in vault and 3rd in beam.

CIS Football Final The Open Boys Football team travelled to Sydney on Monday evening to face Newington College in the final of the CIS Football Cup. It was evident from the outset that Newington were a well drilled and talented side, but to the credit of our boys it was TIGS who managed to get on the scoreboard first with a sweetly timed and well struck drive from Sam Isabella. It was then the commitment and determination of the team that kept the opposition at bay until well into the second half when the opposition managed, with a good degree of luck, to squeeze home an equaliser. The score remained locked, with no change at the end of extra time, and the result was finally determined by penalty shoot-out which ended up 4-3 in Newington’s favour. In the words of the NSWCIS Convenor, “ TIGS put up a tremendous battle in the grand final”, and the whole squad is to be commended for the way in which they have conducted themselves, both on and off the field, throughout this prestigious competition and should feel proud to be named Runners-Up for 2013. Congratulations to: (Year 12) Kieran Devitt, Luke Bussoletti, Damian Galanti, Robbie Gyngell, Steven Hristovski, Anthony Keating, Michael Ledwidge, (Year 11) Joshua Chapple, Sam Isabella, Brodie Miles, (Year 10) Kyle Del, Tom Goodhew, John Kollaras, Zac McLaren, Lachlan Scott, (Year 9) Matthew Galanti.

Invitation ‘The Works’ Exhibition 2013

An inspiring exhibition of the collaboration and artistic endeavours of our HSC students, current and past teachers and students, parents and friends of TIGS. A major fundraiser for TIGS Foundation Scholarships. Jake Kuit Year 12 2013

The Illawarra Grammar School invites you and your guests to

‘THE WORKS’ 2013 EXHIBITION 23 August 2013 – 24 August 2013

Please join us to celebrate art and design and continue the tradition at The Illawarra Grammar School with ‘The Works’ 2013. The exhibition will feature Artworks, Film, Design, Furniture and Photography from the HSC 2013 and from past and present students, teachers, parents and friends of The Illawarra Grammar School.

Official Opening

Friday 23 August 2013

Saturday 24 August 2013

Announcement of the $2,000 Westpac Acquisitive Art Award

The Works Cafe

Announcement of The Works People’s Choice Award sponsored by TIGS Foundation.

Open 11.00am - 2.00pm

7.00pm - 9.00pm in the IGC

10.00am - 3.00pm in the IGC

Proudly supported by

Academic • Christian • Caring An International Baccalaureate World School

2013August 2013 n io it ib h s Ex 0am Saturday 24 k r o W e h • T Friday 23 - 10.0 7.00pm

TIGS August 2013 o t k c a B • day 24 m Satur 11.00a

Stall y a D ’s r l Fathaey 30 August 2013 o o h c S r io • Juny 27 August and Frid Tuesda ast f k a e r B Day ’s r e h t a F Schoolgust 2013 r io n u J • Au 0 Friday 3 7.00am

cert n o C 1 ic s u 13 • HSCy M mber 20 e t p e S 10 Tuesda

In y a D ig B l r Schtoeomber 2013 • Junaio y 19 Sep

ner in D d n a mony e r e C n io aduat r G 2 1 r • Yea20 September 2013



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