Issue 4 term iv 2013

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Issue 4 Term IV 2013

Kieran Govers, Guest Speaker, Lilli Bennett (Year 12 2014) Senior Sportswoman of the Year 2013, Alexander Seal (Year 12 2014) Senior Sportsman of the Year 2103 and Allana Ferguson, Alumni 2010 and Guest Speaker.

Academic • Christian • Caring

Sport Presentation Evening This Wednesday the Annual TIGS Sport Presentation was held with 215 students from the Junior and Senior Schools recognised for outstanding achievement over the course of 2013. TIGS has achieved outstanding success in both individual and team sports. What was noticeable was the diversity of the sporting activities in which our students participate. Some of the highlights of 2013 were: Athletics: NASSA: TIGS 1st - Senior School, 2nd - Junior School AICES: TIGS 1st - Senior School with Ashley Dribbus NSWCIS Female Athlete of the Meet Swimming: NASSA:

TIGS 1st - Senior School, 2nd - Junior School


TIGS 1st - Senior School medal count with Aaron Cannon NSWCIS Multi-class swimmer of the meet, 1st place, and Kelsey Cresswell AICES Girl of the Meet, 2nd place

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Cross Country: NASSA: TIGS 1st - Senior School, 2nd - Junior School AICES: TIGS 2nd - Senior School with Alexander Seal selected in NSW All Schools Cross Country Team and NSW All Schools Athletics Team Futsal: TIGS are the NSW State Champions – U/12 Girls Sailing: Alexander Marzano selected in the Australian Youth Sailing Team Volleyball: Kieran Ackhurst selected in the Australian Youth Volleyball Team TIGS Open Boys Football Team: 2nd in CIS Football Cup Outstanding achievements like these are worthy of celebration and we congratulate our top athletes on their success. At TIGS we believe that sport is an important part of our curriculum. It is a requirement of the School that all students participate in formal sport activity through to Year 10. This is also a requirement of the Australian Government. The School believes that participation in regular sporting activity is an essential part of the TIGS curriculum. Sport at TIGS: • • • •

promotes behaviour that contributes to good health; teaches important social and life skills; exposes students to different physical activities and the development of new skills; promotes continual participation in physical activity after the formal years of schooling.

The School has a comprehensive sporting programme that goes beyond after school sport, including carnivals, representative opportunities through to international level in almost all sports, special support for students participating in niche sports and a Talented Athlete Programme for elite athletes that support them in meeting their representative commitments. Sport is an integral part of the curriculum at TIGS and contributes to the holistic approach to life and learning promoted by the School. It contributes to the outstanding academic results achieved by TIGS students. For these reasons, it is a requirement that all students through to Year 10 participate in the School’s sport programme and students in Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to continue to live active lives and participate in the extra-curricular opportunities provided at the School. Students in Years 9 and 10 currently participate in weekly sport after school. As announced last week, Years 7 and 8 will also be engaged in sport after school hours in 2014. The School will continue to work in partnership with families that have specific needs and circumstances to ensure the benefits of participation in sport are gained by all students. The achievements by our students in sport are matched across the School in the many co-curricular and extracurricular activities that the School provides. This year’s School Magazine will provide interesting reading as we relive all that has been achieved in 2013. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Don’t Be Complacent The Lord God hates complacency. This struck me afresh when I read the Old Testament book of Zephaniah recently. Zephaniah begins with a complaint by God against Judah and Jerusalem for their faithlessness toward him. In the midst of this complaint are these startling words: “At that time I will search Jerusalem with lamps and punish those who are complacent, who are like wine left on its dregs, who think, ‘The LORD will do nothing, either good or bad.’” (Zephaniah 1.12) I was taken aback by these words. They came with a huge challenge: I must not be complacent. I must not lose the expectation that God will do wonderful things in our time. And furthermore, I must always be available to be used by him if he should so choose me to do his wonderful work in the world. The Lord God hates complacency. Jesus brings a similar warning against complacency to the church in Laodicea in the book of Revelation: “I know your deeds,” says Jesus, “that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3.15-16)

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Again, these are startling words. They are tough words. But the point is clear. The Lord God hates complacency. They are an affront to him. The complacent person says that God is impotent and that is an insult to the living God. He will not tolerate such an attitude.

As I said, I have been greatly challenged by these words. I pass the challenge on to you. The Lord God expects us always to be expecting big things from him. And he expects to find us ready and available to him if he should desire to use us in the working out of his big plans for the world. Don’t be complacent. The Lord God hates complacency!

Rev James Rogers Chaplain

Senior School

This week I have asked our new Head of English, Mrs Louise Moulton, to tell you about herself. We are so happy and proud to have her on staff: One could conjecture that it was always meant to be that at some point in my education career that I would serve the community of The Illawarra Grammar School. Many years ago, Mrs Watt agreed to employ me as a casual teacher, glimpsing the enthusiasm of a beginning teacher. However, days before I was to start, I was offered a year’s teaching block at Albion Park High School which I could not refuse as it provided stability for myself and my young family. Flash forward 13 years and I return as your Head of the English Faculty.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Over the past decade I have dedicated myself to the education of the whole child, striving to ensure that each individual who leaves our care does so with the ability to engage in their community as a global citizen whilst having the practical literacy and numeracy skills to feed, clothe and house themselves in comfort. I have been a Faculty Head for eight years and in 2012 took up the position of the Coordinator of Literacy and Numeracy for the Illawarra South East Region (leading over 300 primary and high schools). At the same time I have been a Senior Marker of HSC English for many years and am invited annually to lecture at the University of Technology on behalf of the English Teachers Association.

It is with humility and joy that I finally join the TIGS family. I am a local Port Kembla/ Shellharbour girl who is passionate about life-long learning and the West Tigers Rugby League team – a well-rounded individual. Your children will be supported and nurtured to reach their potential whilst developing a love of learning whilst in my care. Mrs Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Mrs Louise Moulton Head of English

Junior School On Monday 4 November, Year 1 and KD were very lucky to be involved in Diwali celebrations. Diwali is celebrated amongst many Indian families as it signifies the beginning of the Indian New Year. A fresh beginning is recognised, as well as the triumphs of good over evil. Linking closely to the students current unit of inquiry and the central idea, ‘People recognise important events through celebrations and traditions’, students could connect to the reasons why people celebrate Diwali. They also explored some of the significant features of this celebration, such as Rangoli, a decorative folk art of India. With the help of Ms Richards and our special guest, Sheila, the students created some amazing Rangoli using chalk on concrete. It was certainly admired by all for its colour and creative design. As Diwali is celebrated amongst many TIGS families, it was great for these students to share their knowledge and experiences with their peers and teachers. Happy Diwali everyone!

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School

This week we also celebrated our sporting achievements with the Kinder – Year 12 Sports Presentation Evening. It was a wonderful opportunity for our children in the Junior School to be acknowledged for excellence in the area of sport, but also for them to be inspired. They not only saw their Senior School colleagues receiving their awards, but also heard from two professional athletes. Congratulations to all of our students who were recognised on the evening and I continue to encourage all of our Junior School children to enjoy their involvement in physical activity and sport.

On Thursday we began the process of identifying and appointing student leaders for 2014. The boy candidates all delivered their speeches with great confidence and skill and students from Years 4 – 6 then voted for our Junior School student leaders. Included in the process is a staff vote, as well as interviews and the appointment of leaders. I remind all Year 5 students that even if a formal leadership position is not awarded to them, our entire Year 6 cohort is considered student leaders in the Junior School. It is their role to support the captains in leading our School. I am looking forward to working with this fine group of students in 2014.

Sport NASSA Cricket

On Friday 1 November several boys from Years 4 and 5 represented TIGS at Onslow Oval Camden. The boys played well winning three games against St Luke’s Grammar, George’s River Grammar and Broughton Anglican (who were the host school) and lost against Thomas Hassall Anglican College, Macarthur Anglican and Penrith Anglican where the boys played a close game against the team and only narrowly missing a win against them. The final score was 41-40 to Penrith who were the equal first team of the match. A huge “well done” to all boys who represented TIGS it was a great day for all a big congratulations to Thomas Main who was the days overall leading run scorer who managed to top score from 70 other players.

Safe Surfing Program

Year 6 students have been enjoying the Safe Surfing Program being held at North Beach Wollongong over the past couple of weeks. The students have learnt about being safe in the water and learning how to confidently ride a surfboard. The students have been very keen and eager learners and some even displaying a natural ability.

Dates for your diary: •

Thursday 14 November – Volunteers Thank You Breakfast

Thursday 21 November – Year 6 Progression Dinner

Thursday 28 November – Prize Giving Assembly

Saturday 30 November – Infants Pageant

Wednesday 4 December – A Christmas Celebration

Thursday 5 December – Year 6 Exhibition and Honours Program

Monday 9 December – Years 3 – 6 Presentation Evening

Junior School Awards Weekly Awards KD KM KP 1C 1M 1T 2M 3R 3W 3WJ 4R 5Y

Hamish Lepp, Estella Loeser Olive Windsor, Zachary Hilton Ben Harman, Jahzara McCann Jude De Araujo, Chloe Jackson Hamish Dutch, Athina Pates Daniel Peden Aya Naito, Zoe Mandziy, Pippi Fuller, Jack Parker Olivia Varmedja, Daniel Aghmesheh, Adelaide Thompson, Temira Cowie, Mia Mitchell Cooper Kerridge, Lachlan Boardman Payton Leitch, Ryan Jinks, Grace Hobeika, Liam Harvey Jessica Hall Maya Middleton, Micah Sullivan, Winnie Cheng

Merit Certificates

UNSW English Results

Winnie Cheng Rory Hanrahan Cody Nugara Kalan Taylor Isaac Saffoury Jahzara McCann Olive Windsor Adelaide Thompson Zachary Hilton Ben Harman Lachlan Boardman Annie McLearie Temira Cowie Daniel Peden Lana Atkinson Allegra Fock Jai Hemsley-Oades Nickita Peros Samuel Stevenson Athina Pates

Ajay Rindani


High Distinction

Distinction Michael Marzano Clara Swainson Bodhi Hemsley-Oades Aria Bacic-Johnston James Kirby Kivaan Mudaly-Naidoo Aanya Rakheja Josh Agarwal Niamh Christopher Min seo Kang

UNSW English Results Credit

Temira Cowie Ben Giason Bowen Kimberley-Mastalir Zoe Turner Mary Albert Lachlan Boardman Cooper Kerridge Nadia Nagaratnam Jack Worthington Isabella Atkinson Jasper Bambrick Zachary Birch Andrew Brown Nicholas Chiaverini Liam Harvey Ben Lu Anthony Damcevski Paige Jenkins Ryan Osadczuk Elliot Winn Daniel Michelmore Keya Murty John Taiwo Megan Ashford Emma Black Jayson Cooper Amy Lendrum Hugo Parrish Francis Mau Thomas Main Joseph Rossi Micah Sullivan Farrah Al-Salih Zoe Dribbus Jayden Grieve Nicholas Makdessi Maya Middleton Sufyaan Ul-Haq William Brown William Barber Taj Quaken Alysha De Ruyter Christopher McEwan Austin Pallone Hallam Roberts Nicholas Sutherland Nhi Thu Trinh Ella Green Michael Kyriakoudes Cody Nugara Corey Read Archita Sitharthan

Uniform Shop Year 7 2014

Would all existing Year 6 students who are entering Year 7 in 2014 please visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and purchased by the 15th of November 2013.

Year 10 2014

Would all existing Year 10 students who are entering Year 11 in 2014 visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and Senior Blazers ordered by 30 November 2013.

Prep 2013

Would all existing Prep students entering Kindergarten in 2013 please visit the Uniform Shop and have their uniforms fitted and purchased by 21 November 2013.

Recyled Uniforms Co-Ordinator Needed

Mrs Tania McGuire who is currently our Recycled Uniforms Co-ordinator is seeking a replacement, after volunteering her time and services to our school for the past two years. Any parent who is interested in taking up this wonderful role, and continuing this much needed service can contact Tania directly on: Mobile Phone 0418 448 814 Or email

ARTEXPRESS 2014 Jake Kuit Year 12 2013

We received some wonderful news this week that Jake Kuit has been nominated for consideration for inclusion in ARTEXPRESS 2014. We look forward to hearing whether he makes it into the final group that goes to exhibition around the state. He is suitably excited about this nomination and we are really proud of him.


Prayer Breakfast Parents, staff and friends are invited to gather to pray for our School community

Tuesday 12 November 2013 7.30am - 8.20am TIGS Library

Breakfast and supervision is available for children RSVP: 8 November 2013 Please phone 4220 0200

A message from P&F 2014 Fete Meeting #1

Thursday 14 November 8.30am – 9.45am Library (Media Room) Items for discussion: • Introduction • Brief overview of recommendations from 2013 fete debrief with Headmaster • Fete Committee roles - recommendations/discussion/allocation • Other Suggestions/ideas • Actions/timeline • Next meeting Please feel free to invite other interested parents along next week and tell them not to be scared! The fete is a great way for the TIGS parent community to come together – plus it’s fun (and if it’s not, it’s our job to make it fun!) Look forward to seeing you there. Kind regards Benita Andrews P & F Treasurer

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