Headmaster’s Message Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Chaplain Issue 5 Term I, 2011
Academic • Christian • Caring
Have you noticed that your child is constantly weary, tired and lacking in energy? Some parents believe that such symptoms are typical of someone in their teenage years, often presenting intermittently depending upon the degree of interest in what is happening at the time - tidying a bedroom regularly brings on such symptoms. However, fatigue can be a serious problem for students of all ages and parents need to be alert to the possible causes. These causes can be grouped into three types and the following is a perspective that we have formed through our observations as teachers. Lifestyle-related causes of fatigue include: •
Lack of sleep Children in the Piper Centre will typically need 11-13 hours of sleep while students in Year 12 will get by with around 8-9 hours of sleep. Parents should ensure that there are no distractions reducing the quality and quantity of sleep. For example, the peak time for the use of social media such as ‘Facebook’ is 12.30am. I am yet to meet a parent that believes their child is on-line at such a late hour - but the statistics say that there are many people awake when they are thought to be asleep.
Poor diet
Stephen Kinsella
Low kilojoule diets, low carbohydrate diets or high energy foods that are nutritionally poor don’t provide the body with enough fuel or nutrients to function at its best. It is sad to say that chocolate, coffee and high energy Headmaster drinks, and most heavily processed foods give an initial boost and then contribute to a worsening of fatigue. Parents would do well to seek advice on the contents of lunchboxes – a quick solution on what a child eats during the day is not always the best for the student. The School accesses advice on diet from nutritionist Susie Burrell ( •
Lack of regular exercise Children need to be active to be healthy. One of the sad consequences of life in the 21st Century is that children are often not as active as they need to be. Riding a bike or walking to school is now the exception rather than the norm. Researchers say the benefits of regular exercise for a child include reduced fatigue due to better fitness, health and general wellbeing. Other factors that may cause fatigue for adults and some children may be too much sleep, alcohol and drugs, and sleep disturbances. Emotional concerns and stress can cause fatigue, including:
Depression Researchers advise that around 10% of the population will experience some form of depression in any one year and that the rates in children are even higher. A source of information on depression is Parents should be alert to the symptoms of depression and seek medical assistance if concerned about their children.
Anxiety and stress Most students are able to cope with the stresses of schooling and successfully complete further study and gain employment after graduation. However, few would not experience anxiety and stress at some point along the way, especially in Year 12. The School works hard to ensure that students keep perspective and balance in their lives. It is so easy to elevate success in examinations and assessment tasks to a status greater than is healthy. We love our students for who they are, not what they achieve. Parents concerned about elevated levels of anxiety and stress in their children should immediately consult with staff.
Grief The School should always be notified when a student experiences grief, such as the loss of a close family member. The impact of the loss of a loved family pet should also not be discounted.
Medical causes also can contribute to fatigue and parents should keep the School advised of any relevant condition identified by a medical practitioner so that staff can support the treatment plan and the recovery of the student. Fatigue impairs the academic performance of students and their engagement in the broader scope of life experiences so important in the development of children into complete and fulfilled adults. Fatigue may be just a ‘stage’ but it is important that families and the School are vigilant to ensure there are not more serious causes that need attention. A useful source of information on fatigue can be found at pages/Fatigue_explained?open.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Chaplain’s Connection
These days, there are a multitude of wild stories doing the rounds on the internet and in emails. How do you know if a story is true or not? Many a preacher or public speaker has been caught out using one of these stories, only to find out it had no basis in truth. Fortunately, there are also on the internet websites such as Snopes (, who look into the origins of some of these stories, so that you might know where the truth lies. I read a story the other day that had me turning to Snopes. Apparently, so the story goes, Charlie Chaplin, the great comedian, once entered a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition – and came third! I looked it up on Snopes and, lo and behold, they say the story is true! It seems that, around 1915, as ‘Chaplinitis’ swept America, Charlie Chaplin look-alike contests became a popular form of entertainment. (Well, technically, it was Chaplin’s moustached, funnywalking, ‘tramp’ character that people were attempting to copy). And, apparently, Charlie Chaplin himself entered one of these contests, in a San Francisco theatre. Reports don’t record exactly where he finished, but they do confirm that he failed even to make the finals! It reminded me of that conversation that Jesus had with his disciples about what God was like. It comes at that moment when Jesus tells them that he is going to be leaving them – but only to prepare a place for them in his Father’s mansion. He then tells them that they know the way to where he is going ... Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?” (John 14:5-9).
John Reed Chaplain
All they want is to see God. And Jesus tells them: ‘You know him - he’s right here in front of you!’ Jesus and the Father are one. Time and space don’t permit a complex analysis of what theologians have coined ‘The Trinity’, but Jesus is making it clear that he’s not just some imitator, or poor reflection, of God. He is ‘in the Father’, and vice-versa. To know Jesus is to know God. And yet, of course, like Charlie Chaplin, not everybody saw him for who he was ...
Good News
Senior School
This week Mr Lanyon and I were reviewing last year’s HSC results and this week’s Assembly. We reflected on the fine students that we have and also we discussed the ‘good news stories’ of students who had ‘turned a corner’ and achieved academic, sporting, community or personal success after an inauspicious beginning to their school careers or after going through a stage of development where they were less than respectful of the rights of others. For most of these students this process had been one of regular and unspectacular setting of boundaries, imposing of sanctions, reconciliation and restitution, within the context of Christian love, justice and fairness. For a few students, though, there was a pivotal moment when they had committed a very serious breach of school rules and it was in the way that they and their parents had dealt with the issue, in close collaboration with the school’s Pastoral Care team, that had resulted in great outcomes for those students with benefits for everyone in the school community. The entire community, not just the errant student, was and has been enriched by their transformation.
Monica Watt
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
What were the critical elements that led to such success? First, there was a real acknowledgement, by the student, that they had done the wrong thing. There was no shifting of blame, arguing about the involvement or influence of others or just plain lying. They had broken the rules and they accepted responsibility for that fact. After the initial distress on the part of the parent/s they too accepted and acknowledged that the rules had been broken. Depending on the breach, sanctions were imposed or a process of Restorative Justice undertaken. Parents worked with staff to support whatever sanctions had been imposed. Only the students themselves, their parents and the staff involved can know who they are but we can all rejoice in their personal achievement and the significant impact that has had on our school community and will have on society in the future.
Junior School
Professional Days – why have them? Would you go to a surgeon who had trained 30 years ago, had done no Professional Development and was practising medicine in the same way he or she had been trained? I don’t think so and neither would I! In the same way I would not want my children to be taught using the methodology of past eras. This is the reason for Professional Development of teachers. In the Junior School, Professional Development takes many forms. Our staff; admin, support and academic, regularly participate in Professional Development to ensure that they are aware of current trends in their areas and applying them to our situation here at TIGS. Staff attend conferences and courses individually to follow up specific skills and knowledge. Several are pursuing their Masters in Educational Practice and Leadership. Our Monday afternoon staff meetings routinely provide Professional Development for our entire Junior School team.
Judi Nealy
Head of Junior School
Teachers as Learners – How to teach handwriting more effectively-Staff Meeting focus Term I
Many staff are pursuing their Masters individually and the TIGS Professional Development days allow us as a staff to focus on crucial skills and understandings to benefit the children who attend TIGS. In the Junior School our Professional Development Day focus was on the Primary Years Program looking specifically at planning trans-disciplinary units of work. Teachers attended this training over the Saturday in their own time and also on the Monday for the Pupil Free day. I am always impressed by our staff’s commitment to their own learning here at TIGS. This modelling of lifelong learning allows us to implement best practice, to look for continual improvement and to do our work well. Dates for your diary • Friday 18 March - Karobran Parents Welcome Luncheon
Teachers as Learners. Professional Learning Day Term 1
Junior School Sport
Nassa Junior Swimming Congratulations to our successful Junior School swim team who once again won the Champion School Team at the recent NASSA Junior Carnival. This was the ninth consecutive win for our swimmers. TIGS performed well in all relays with our senior boys and girls winning convincingly. We also took out the ‘Best of the Best’ relay which comprises our best 9,10,11 and 12 year old swimmers. The TIGS team members were Ruby Tilden, Austin Pallone, Justus Bacic-Johnston and Hugo Mackenzie-Wood. New records were set by two TIGS swimmers, Aria Bacic-Johnston in the 8 years girls 50mtr Freestlye and Hugo Mackenzie-Wood in the 12 years boys 50mtr Breastroke. 17 swimmers have qualified to swim at the NSW combined Independent Schools carnival on the 22 March.
it r e M rd a nnis Aw e ssee D
Ka iason Ben G nskill u r B Ethan
NASSA Team Members Aria Bacic-Johnston, Meg Farrell, Holly Kiteley, Sarah I’Ons, Ashley Dribbus, Taylah Pather, Stephanie Moustoukis, Perri Moustoukis, Hailey Van Vreumingen, Klara Zecevic, Hugo Mackenzie-Wood, Justus Bacic-Johnston, Zac Ashby-Abell, Daniel Laing, Michael Kyriakoudes, Harrison Kiteley, Joseph Druett, Brad Van Vreumingen, Connor Harvey, Austin Pallone, Daniel Laing
Zoe Mandziy, Alexander Bock
Alissa Tonkin, Jacobus Newhouse
Chloe Shadler, Angus Kiang
Alexia Loeser,
Taylan Arapali
Jordan McRae, Isabella Mitic
Mia Mitchell, Liam Harvey
Isabella Kane, John Taiwo
Sana Zafar, Liana Smigulski
Sarah Hutchinson, Shemun Simon
Farrah Al-Salih, Chad Jenkins, Shay Harper, Niamh Christopher, Sophia Santos, Joseph Druett, Sufyaan Ul-Haq, Micah Sullivan, Stephanie Taggart
Josh Agarwal, Mila Lancaster, Cartia Taranto, Francis Mau
Chivonne Barrett, Arah Mizori, Joanne Karakousis, Hallam Roberts
Phoebe Burton
Thomas Bannigan, Abbey Hosking
Joshua Fullerton-Harvey, Mika Bliokas, Joshua Shalala, Ethan Jackson
Daniel Dragutinovich, Taylah Pather
Michaela McGrath, Robert Martin, Chiara Kovac
Emmanuel Obinwanor, Cameron Karwarz
Andre De Ruyter, Tian Molnar, Hailey Van Vreumingen, Florencia Di Martino
The Illawarra Grammar School invites and welcomes all members of the community to visit the School and explore the Preparatory, Junior and Senior Schools at the annual TIGS Expo Day. This will be a great time to talk to your family and friends about our School and what we have to offer. With Tours, Open Classrooms, Scholarship Information, Performance, Art Displays and the opportunity to meet with teachers and students, discover the advantages of a TIGS education. Light refreshments will also be available on the day. The School community of The Illawarra Grammar School looks forward to welcoming you.
Science News Science Gifted and Talented Discovery Program - 2011
This week, at assembly, I was privileged to inform Jaiden Fullerton-Harvey, one of our Year 9 students, of the outstanding results he achieved in a Science competition run by the Science Faculty of the University of Sydney. Students from all over Australia participated in the competition which aims to identify talented Science students and to provide them with opportunities to participate in stimulating and challenging workshops at the University. The workshops cover a range of exciting experiments in Chemistry, Biology and Physics. The overall standard of the competition was very high, and the results achieved by the twelve students from TIGS who participated were highly commendable. Jaiden’s result in the competition was outstanding and, on the basis of his performance, he has been invited to participate in the workshops. Congratulations to Jaiden, and to each of the other students who participated in the competition. Martin Sormus Head of Science
Uniform Shop Year 7 2011 Information
Please note that Year 7 students who require a winter uniform should visit the Uniform Shop for fittings from Week 8 until the end of Term.
Uniform Shop School Holiday Opening Hours
9.00am to 2.00pm Friday 15 April and Saturday 16 April. Appointments necessary, please phone 4220 0230
All welcome to the 1st 2011 TIGS Great Fete meeting Monday 21 March 2011 at 7.00pm in the Goodhew Research Centre (Library) Please come along and share your ideas and suggestions.
P & F News TIGS Great Fete Saturday 21 May
We have confirmed many of our “old favourite” stalls and attractions and are busy trying to make the day easier for our families. We have negotiated to have all rides serviced by one provider so that a ride band or tickets will be accepted for all rides. We may also have pre sales of ride bands. Watch this space. Also being worked out is the inclusion of a Reptile Show, an African Stall and a Mechanical Bull. Urgently seeking stall coordinators for 2nd Hand Clothing & Accessories and White Elephant stalls. We are also looking for apprentices to learn the ropes from this years coordinators who have their youngest child in Year 11/12 this year. These stalls include Books/CDs/DVDs, Fairy Floss, Chicken Satay and the Devonshire Tea Room. Please contact us ( Barb 0409 969044 Sheridon 0409 822273) if you would like more information. Please click here for all the latest on the Fete.
All parents and guardians of any student in Year 10 2011 are invited to attend a cocktail styled party to meet one another on Saturday 2 April 2011 at 7.00pm at The Lagoon Seafood Restaurant. The cost will be around $30 per head plus drinks. In order to make the booking firm, we need a min of 20 people so we are asking all those interested to please email your response asap. No doubt, many parents have already met however many have not had the chance yet. We would especially like to welcome all new parents to the School this year. All RSVP’s or enquiries need to be sent to Anne at aejones07@
Online Ordering
Don’t forget our online ordering system, please go to au or alternatively you are still able to leave your order at the far Canteen window before School starts.
Rice Biscuits 40c
Friday 18 March 2011 at 11.00am at the Villa D‘oro Please join our existing and new parents for a lovely lunch and a fashion parade on Friday 18 March 2011 at 11.00am at the Villa D‘oro. We would love your company and welcome any donations that you may be able to offer for raffle and lucky door prizes.
Save the Date - Friday 14 October
2011 Dinner & Auction Night will be on Friday 14 October at Villa D’Oro Function Centre. Last year we had a great night and hope to have an even better time this year.
Craft, Cuppa and Chat - It’s Bath Bomb time
Come and get your hands clean making bath bombs for the Fete. Morning tea will be held at 9.00am Friday 18 March at 183 Mount Keira Road, Mount Keira. Everyone is welcome to come along and join in some easy crafty fun (no skill necessary). If you would like to make something for the Fete but are short on ideas let us know. We have people willing to donate materials in kit form that just need assembling eg sewing, knitting etc. Any queries please call Cathy Tillotson on 4244 0266
Week 7, Term I
New Product
Deleted Product
Parents’ Welcome Luncheon
Canteen News
We would welcome any new helpers for 2011 at the canteen. If you could spare a few hours once a month, we would love to have you on board our team of dedicated Volunteers.
Grain Waves (Sweet chilli or sour cream & chives) $1.20
We would like to welcome all Senior School parents and friends to join us to discuss the year ahead, including the Great Fete on Saturday 21 May. Please bring your ideas with you and we will do our best to bring you up to date on current events being planned. Any questions please contact or call on 0409 969044.
For more details click here.
Year 10 2011 ‘Meet the Parents Evening’
Anne Jones and Kathy Adams
The first Orana (Senior School) Meeting for 2011 will be held on Monday 14 March at 7.00pm in the Library.
So call your friends and family and get your table together now.
It’s full steam ahead, so keep the day free!
We look forward to meeting many of you then.
Orana Meeting Monday 14 March
Monday 14
Tuesday 15
Wednesday 16
Leilani Donovan Barbara Mandelson Alison Mc Kenzie Janene Sunderland Jacey Dema Marie Lauretta Bussoletti McCorquodale
Thursday 17
Friday 18
Alice Martin Lana Tut PIZZA DAY
Joanne Elliott Bronwyn Marvell
Parents UniAdvice UOW UniAdvice would like to offer the parents of Year 12 students the option of joining the Parents UniAdvice mailing list. Parents on this list will be contacted throughout the year via email. We understand that people’s lives are busy, so we won’t swamp you with useless information. Just relevant UOW information. Our aim is to help parents understand the many processes involved in applying to and starting uni, and make the journey less confusing and stressful for both student and parent. Any parent or carer is welcome to join the mailing list. Joining the list is easy and the best way for us to help you in the year ahead. You can register for this list on one of the below methods: • Online: Complete the online form • Email: Send an email to advising that you would like to join the Parents UniAdvice email list. Please include your full name, your child’s full name, their date of birth and school (this information will help us match you to your child’s record here at UniAdvice if they have already contacted UOW or visited on Discovery Day). • Phone: Call UniAdvice on 1300 367 869 between 8.30am and 5.00pm, Monday to Friday.
Creative Arts News The ‘Lee and Me’ Project Friday 4 to 18 March 2011
Curator Sophie Donovan (Year 12 Photography Prefect) Huge congratulations to Sophie Donovan who organised a photographic competition within the Senior School and has hung an impressive exhibition within a local café / boutique ‘Lee and Me’. 19 students have been selected for exhibition Boutique, 87 Crown Street, Wollongong. Louis Parsons-O’Marley - Year 7 Remy Brooks - Year 8 Harrison Heycott - Year 9 Andre Hollis - Year 9 Zoe Izzard - Year 9 Helena Bonham - Year 10 Natasha Redman - Year 10
and their works are currently on show upstairs in the ‘Lee and me’ Café/ Lachlan Gray - Year 10 Sophie Meyerson - Year 10 Stella Crick - Year 11 (winner) Georgia Bovingdon - Year 11 Tiara Dobbs - Year 11 Alex Whale - Year 12 Georgia Matts - Year 12
Kourtney Bevan - Year 12 Mel Morris - Year 12 Sarah Mcleod - Year 12 Tayla Brailey - Year 12 Xavier Hollis - Year 12
Opening Hours: Weekdays 7.00am to 5.00pm Weekends 8.00am to 4.00pm All works will be for sale from the School once the exhibition has closed in store and all proceeds will be donated to the Year 12 charity “Express Yourself” Please email any inquiries to Dani Green
Parents’ Welcome Luncheon
Friday 18 March 2011
Time: 11.00am Venue: Villa D‘oro Tickets: $50pp (Includes champagne on arrival, appetisers and a two course lunch) For more details please click here.
TIGS Extended Craft and Outdoor play We have been having so much fun at TIGS Extended. The children enjoy craft and going outside for free play. The children have been busy with finger painting, hand printing, making wild catchers, butterfly wands and hama beads.
Beyond Bundanon Beyond Bundanon is an exciting exhibition held in conjunction with TIGS Expo Day. Students in Year 11 will be displaying work inspired by their experiences at Riversdale and Bundanon on the Shoalhaven River in the IGC. The exhibition opens Friday 18 at 6.00pm and continues the next day at the Expo. All students and their parents and friends are very welcome. Students in Year 10 are encouraged to come along and experience what studying Creative Arts subjects is like.
Senior School Sport EFA State Championships Interschool held at Sydney International Equestrian Centre on Friday 4 March. The following students competed at this event: Lauren O’Neil (Year 8), Charli Morelli (Year 6), Julia Devitt (Year 6). Congratulations to Charli Morelli (Year 6) who competed in the 3 phase showman event which has 3 main disciplines: Dressage, Rider Class and In Hand class to allow a combined score to receive a 1st place result. NASSA Cricket Our Junior Team played Penrith Anglican in Round 3 of this competition and remained undefeated with excellent victory. TIGS batted first scoring 8-238 from their 40 overs. Jonathan Fowles 93 and Calum Waldock 52 combined with 130 run partnership after we lost 3 early wickets. Adrian Haise 19 and Samuel Gibbs 14 scored quick run boosting our score over 200. In reply Penrith were dismissed for 102. Wicket takers included Joel Moore2 -9, Issac Osbourne 2-6, Kyle Locke 1-11, Raman Wadhwa 1-5, Jessie Price 1-20 and Samuel Gibbs 1-10. NSW CIS Recognition Congratulations to the following students who have been recognised from NSWCIS with a sports medallion for their outstanding results in 2010: Emily Debrot (Year 12) – Athletics Tegan Richards (Year 11) – Hockey Kieran Ackhurst ( Year 9) - Volleyball Nassa Swimming Carnival Last week the senior school took 41 students to the NASSA swimming carnival at Homebush. The team was captained by Jason Bujaroski and Olivia Wallace who lead the School team to a great victory. TIGS won all four shields: Junior, Intermediate, Senior and Overall. It was a fantastic team effort with our overall final point score greater than 500 points our nearest competitor St Luke’s Grammar, Dee Why. It was rewarding to watch the team work together and help each other throughout the night. Many students backed up race after race to represent the School. Thank you to David McKeon (alumni 2010), Penny Killen (alumni 2005) and Amit Balgi (alumni 2008) who came to help on the evening. Well done to Mr McIlwraith our Master in Charge of Swimming and Ron McKeon on these great results. We wish all students who have been successful in making the NASSA Swimming Team the best of luck at the upcoming AICES swimming carnival on the Wednesday 23
To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: and sign up on the home page.
ening v E a m a r 1 D rch 2011 • Yea.0r0p1 m 14 Ma 7 re rch Cent a e s e R ING 11 In the Goodhew T E E m A N • oRA.00PM 14 March 20 7 oms 011 r P s ie b • Ba .00AM 17 March 2 9 eon h c n u L e Welco2m011 Villa D‘oro ’ s t n e r • Pa 1.00AM 18 March 1 o Day 19 March 2011 p x E S G I • T 0.00am - 2.00pm 1 Hours r e t f A • Art3 March 2011 2 tions a c li p p a ship r la o h c S r te fo011 a d g in s lo • C riday 25 March 2 F tions a in c c a V & 102011 7 r a e Y • March iday 25 r F