TIGS Newsletter Issue 6, Term I 2010

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Headmasters Message Whole human beings Head of Senior School Chaplain Junior School Issue 6 Term I, 2010

Academic • Christian • Caring

Whole human beings What is the difference between an Anglican School and a Christian School? At various times in my role as Headmaster I have been asked this seemingly straightforward question. There is no simple answer as both terms can describe a range of different types of schools. We believe that both terms are not mutually exclusive and are appropriately applied to TIGS. TIGS was established in 1959 as an independent Anglican School under an ordinance of the Sydney Diocese of the Anglican Church of Australia. While it functions as an independent entity and is financially independent, it is accountable to the Diocese which oversees matters of governance, risk and practice consistent with the beliefs of the Anglican Church. Most Christian denominations have at some time established schools. The great majority of Independent Schools in NSW were established by Christian people aligned with a particular denomination or even congregation. The idea for the establishment of TIGS first formed in the minds of two Anglicans living in the Illawarra: Archdeacon HGS Begbie and Reverend R Gray. Both worked tirelessly with other Anglicans over the course of the 1950s to get the School established. Minutes of early meetings record that they hoped to provide “the best obtainable in quality education” with an emphasis on “character-building and moral training” at an Anglican Church School. (1)

Stephen Kinsella

There is a risk for ‘Church Schools’ that, as time passes, the passion of the founders may be lost in the busyness of running a school. This is not the case at TIGS. Our links with the Anglican Church remain as strong as ever. Our Chaplain, Rev John Reed, is an ordained Anglican minister and leads our community within the framework of the Anglican tradition. Our School Council has 5 members who are ordained Anglican Ministers from local congregations.


The term ‘Christian school’ is less well defined and is used to broadly describe all schools linked to the Christian faith through to some specific schools. It is unfortunate that some people view a Christian school as being distinctly different from Church schools. At TIGS we happily embrace the label of Christian alongside the label Anglican. Our Statement of Mission and Values includes these statements: “As an Anglican School, TIGS is founded on Christian principles.” (2.1) “The School actively promotes formation in the Christian faith.” (2.2) “The School is committed to developing and implementing curriculum that reflects a Christian world view.” (2.3) We believe that it is our commitment to the Christian faith and the shaping of our practice as a School to reflect this commitment that helps distinguish TIGS from other schools. If there was no difference in our approach to education to that found in non-church schools then one would have to wonder why the School exists at all. It certainly could not justify a label as an Anglican School or Christian School. Teachers are currently examining curriculum, programs and teaching strategies to ensure that what we teach, how we teach and the resources we use to teach are consistent with a Christian world view. This is not a ‘once only task’ but something that forms part of our regular review cycles. We treat it as being just as important as being compliant with the requirements of the NSW Board of Studies and the International Baccalaureate Organisation. So TIGS is an Anglican Church School by virtue of its history and a Christian School by virtue of its practice and behaviour. Knowing who we are and what we stand for provides a sound base for the development of educational programs that care for each child and enables them to become fulfilled and whole human beings. Our full statement of Mission and Values, including the TIGS Statement of Faith can be found on the website, click here. (1) Beale, E. (1984) Press (p19)

The Illawarra Grammar School 1959-1984: A Silver Jubilee History Parramatta: Macarthur

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Connection

Good Enough?

As I write, Year 12 is sitting half-yearly exams; the forerunner to other more significant exams still to come. Exams are confronting for many reasons, but particularly for the fact that at the end of the process you will be given a stark number which reflects your strength (and weakness) in that subject area. No longer can you rely on subjective criteria such as “I think I’m going OK”, or “It’s my favourite subject, so I’m confident I’ll be fine”, or even “I’m a likeable person, that teacher will surely look after me.” No; now you get given a cold, non-negotiable mark out of a hundred. For some this will be encouraging and affirming, for others, it will be confronting and challenging. But just how much is enough? For some it might be enough simply to do better than last time, or better than hoped for. For others there may be pressure to get above a certain level in order to qualify for a particular course or career. Some will be happy with 67%, while others will be devastated to have only achieved 90%. There are, on the other hand, some areas of life where we expect 100%. I came across an article that said: If 99.9% is good enough, then (in America alone)… • • • • • • • • • • •

12 babies will be given to the wrong parents each day. 14,208 defective personal computers will be shipped this year. 103,260 income tax returns will be processed incorrectly this year. 2,488,200 books will be shipped in the next 12 months with the wrong cover. Two plane landings daily at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago will be unsafe. 18,322 pieces of mail will be mishandled in the next hour. 291 pacemaker operations will be performed incorrectly this year. 880,000 credit cards in circulation will turn out to have incorrect cardholder information on their magnetic strips. 114,500 mismatched pairs of shoes will be shipped this year. 107 incorrect medical procedures will be performed by the end of the day today. 22,000 cheques will be deducted from the wrong bank accounts in the next hour.

John Reed Chaplain

It’s hard to verify such statistics, but the message is clear: in many areas of life we are unhappy with anything less than 100%. The same is true with God: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ...” (Romans 3:23). God doesn’t have a ‘near enough is good enough’ policy; his expectations are higher than that, and we all fall short. The good news is, to those who are confronted by their own failings and turn to God for help, grace is available – as the next verse says: “...and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:24). We will never be good enough – but Jesus has more than made up for us.

Senior School

Success in the Senior School

Persistence, commitment and engagement were all themes covered by Dr Andrew Martin in his itag presentation to parents last weekend entitled ‘Success and the Senior School.’ They are also the themes that he addresses in his books, specifically the one entitled ‘How to Motivate Your Child’ and ‘How to Help Your Child Fly through Life’ available through the website. These were the themes demonstrated in action this week at Senior School Assembly when our Swimming Team presented the School with shields for winning the Junior Division, Intermediate Division, Senior Division and the Overall Championship at the NASSA Carnival, held at Homebush on the 3 March this year. This was an outstanding set of results for the team who have trained long and hard for these events. If there is one activity that requires determination, regular practice and individual commitment then it is swimming. You can have a natural ability but the only thing that wins championships is dedication to incremental improvement. • • •

Working towards personal best Aiming for personal excellence Setting positive expectations and striving to meet them

Monica Watt

There were a number of outstanding First Places achieved consistently by: David, Emma and Kaitlin McKeon, Jarrod Poort and Callum Waldock on the evening. These outstanding Deputy Headmaster athletes demonstrated Dr Martin’s thesis that success is achieved - and he quoted Ian Thorpe - in ‘doing the little things like how I get up, how I prepare before the races and whatever else.’ One of our Alumni, Robert Hurley (class of 2006), demonstrated this too at the Commonwealth Games Selection Trials this week when he came first in the 400 metres Freestyle Event securing his place in the Commonwealth Team for the Games in Delhi this year. And there were numerous other successes for individuals who secured their own personal best. Another dimension on the night was the success of those who committed whole-heartedly to their team, to their teammates and to their School. They demonstrated leadership and persistence and provided ongoing encouragement for others on the night. Each and every team member contributed in this way but special mention (and the greatest thanks, applause and congratulations) must go to David McKeon, Lauren Aitcheson, Sophie Gibbs and Miles Waring. These four students from Year 12, despite the looming Mid-Year Exams, did what they have been doing every year since Year 7 and in this way provided great leadership and served as excellent role models for younger students. We are very blessed at TIGS!

Junior School

Japanese in the Junior School

More than ever we live in one world. We face issues that can only be addressed internationally: sustainable futures, the changing world economy and security of people and environments (Page 4 “National Statement for engaging young Australians with Asia in Australian Schools”). Schools must be affected by this agenda and one of the ways we are compelled to respond is through the teaching of language. In the Junior School we are involved in LOTE for two reasons. Firstly, at a Federal level, all Schools have been challenged by the “National Statement for Engaging Young Australians with Asia in Australian Schools” that by the end of their schooling, young Australians would optimally know, understand and be able to communicate in one or more Asian languages. The benefits of this skill development impact both socially and economically in our region. General Peter Cosgrove stated that “Language Skills and Cultural Sensitivity will be the new currency of this world order”. In the Junior School we are beginning a savings account for our children in this currency. Secondly, at a School level, we have decided to implement the Primary Years Program of the International Baccalaureate (PYP). International Mindedness is a driving force behind the PYP, valuing an outward looking view of and engagement in our world. “Acquisition of more than one language enriches personal growth and helps facilitate international mindedness.” (Page 68 MPYPH) The PYP view is that; exposure to and experience with language, in all it’s richness and diversity, opens doors to key questions about life and learning.

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School

In the Junior School Japanese is taught to children from Year 2 to Year 6. Japanese is one of the four priority languages as outlined in the “National Statement for Engaging Young Australians with Asia in Australian Schools” document. The children follow the BOS LOTE curriculum for Japanese supplemented with collaboration with class teachers though the PYP Units of Inquiry. Japanese lessons occur twice weekly for 30 minutes under the direction of Sensei Buxton and Sensei Marshall. These two very experienced language teachers utilise a variety of pedagogical techniques including traditional Japanese instruction which is more teacher centred and formal as well as Interactive Whiteboards, drama, role playing, accessing information, movement, games. This allows all different learning styles access into our Japanese Program. It enables our visual and kinaesthetic learners to experience success in the area of Language learning which in the past has been the domain of the auditory learner. At the Karobran meeting on Tuesday evening parents were treated to an outline of our Japanese Program in the Junior School as well as participating in some lessons with our LOTE staff. We were also thrilled to share with our community the purchase of books in other languages to the value of $1000. This amazing resource was funded by Karobran and we are very grateful for it. According to General Peter Cosgrove “Good neighbours learn to speak each others language. Good neighbours learn to respect each other’s religious and cultural beliefs. Good neighbours learn to allow for differences and to be inclusive. Good neighbours spend time with each other. Good neighbours understand that contentious issues should be resolved through negotiation” Isn’t it fabulous that we are able to equip our children to be good neighbours and won’t it be amazing to see where these skills lead them as they take their places in the world.


Niamh Christopher


Sophia Santos, Aaron Ylias


Ruby Crandell, Malachi Sigmund

Chealsie Hynds


Aaron Doherty, Saskia Wall

Aydin Arapali, Aria Bacic-Johnston


Camelia Bizamovski, Caitlin De Santis, Ashleigh Mill


Zane Taylor, Isabella Atkinson


Ah-Young Choi


Jayson Cooper

1S 1W


George Moustoukis, Ruby Pallone

5/6W Christian Troiani, Brad Van Vreumingen 6C

Andrew Dickson, Chloe Kiuper


Lauren Tillotson


Afternoon Tea Outside

E xcite n d e d r e h d te

ex mes o s s o i c s i n x a e g Al end Me fri

As you can see from these photos, the children have fun. It is a time in which play contributes significantly to development. Where the opportunity to form friendships, learn social skills, create, discover and experience fun and enjoyment in their time out of School.

on p u d e b m pment i l c e d u J ui q E m y the G

After School Care runs every School day between 3-6pm and Vacation Care for the weeks that are different to the state School holidays.

Handball is the best fun

Jasper rock climbing on the play gym

The Illawarra Grammar School provides a safe, inclusive, well supervised after School program called TIGS Extended. TIGS EXTENDED provides care for primary aged children in a fun, relaxed, safe and caring environment.


This Saturday 10am - 2pm

The Illawarra Grammar School invites and welcomes all members of the community to visit the School and explore the Preparatory, Junior and Senior Schools at the annual TIGS Expo Day. This will be a great time to talk to your family and friends about our School and what we have to offer. With Tours, Open Classrooms, Scholarship Information, Performance, Art Displays and the opportunity to meet with teachers and students, discover the advantages of a TIGS education. Light refreshments will also be available on the day. The School community of The Illawarra Grammar School looks forward to welcoming you.

Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to ring Mrs Roslyn Bloomfield on 4220 0251 or contact the Service Director Mrs Karen Buckley via her email kbuckley@tig.nsw. edu.au

Uniforms Year 7 Winter Uniforms

Please note that Year 7 students who require a winter uniform should visit the uniform shop for fittings from Week 7 until the end of term.

Uniform Shop Holiday Opening Times

The Uniform Shop will be open on Thursday 15th April, Friday 16th April and Saturday 17th April 9am - 2pm. Appointments necessary please phone 42 200 230.


r Scho The S ol Cro e Wedn nior School ss Co esday C Parker’s Tennis Clinics At Harbour Street, r o s s untry Wollon gong. 31 March Country w Wollongong & Wests Illawarra, Unanderra at St il l be h uart This y Park, eld on ear t North lesson he st u Avenu s of the d dents will a a Stuar e at 10.15 y with bus ttend the es lea ir t Par am to and w k. The ving f first tw take o il tourn l be run in carnival w all studen rom West e t ament il s l a g s d e tart own t rn divisio count will b fr o r n where y is in act e run on t s. A touch om 10.40a io m h f e n b o . y o o T t va bu he b for t heir n ses will br day will f l whilst th all e cro ing st inish ormal Bookings are Essential ss at ud leavin Stude g pro ents back 2.30pm nts a c e t dures o scho food re as For more information call: Andrew on 0407 029 731 or ol f . k for s or the da ed to brin 4237 7496 y a $2.50 le on the . There wil g plenty of day (S l be a , Drin f this w ausag ks $1 BBQ a luid and Email: arparker@bigpond.net.au e Team ill go to sup .50 and $2 Sizzle $2 nd drinks , going .0 p B o 0 a ). Mon c finals to the rt the F There are also Tennis Clinics held at Jamberoo over the ey r on/Egg ut . USA f school holidays or th ure Proble aised fro e Int m If th ernat m Solving e wea ional F Wave ther PS lo anoth FM for can oks inclem er ex cellat e n t pleas io citing e House n details. All st We lo listen to 9 compe udent t it school s ion da ok forwar 6.5 Under 13’s Rugby ARU Rugby 7’s event are expe y. d to c t League On Thursday of Week 6, to su e d t o pport Stude 9 Year 11 students, Kye On Tuesday of Week 6, their attend this nts a H house r ouses whole Adams, Nathan Belsito, Year 7 boys Liam Bridges, shirt e to wear . . full s Bryce Etheredge, Blaise Gabriel Cooper, Beppe ports unifor Gassin, Jackson Gosling, Fierravanti, Jesse Price, m and Xavier Hollis, Sean O’Connell, Bryce Prior, Jacob Shalala

Senior School Sports Australian Youth Athletics Championships

NASSA Touch Football Trials

Last week James Belcher and Emily Debrot competed at the Australian Youth Athletics Championships. Both were very competitive in their events and achieved some fantastic results. They were as follows: James Belcher – 3rd Pole Vault, 11th Hammer Throw Emily Debrot – 5th Javerlin Congratulations to students.

U/17 U/17 U/17 both

Billabong Surfing Camp for Illawarra Region

Date: Friday 9 and Saturday 10 April Venue: North Wollongong Surf Club For more information on the event please visit http:// www.supersurfcamps. com/billagong.aspz or the local Billabong Surf Shop to collect a enrolment form.

On Monday 15 March, a number of TIGS students trialled for positions in the NASSA Touch football teams.

The following students were successful and will represent NASSA at the AICES Tournament next term. Emily Sotiros – Open girls Cassandra Wallace – U/15 girls Kirsty McRae – U/15 girls Callum boys



Jake O’Connor – U/15 boys Ken Issa – U/15 boys Lachlan Scott – U/15 boys Congratulations to these students and well done to all students who trialled on the day.

and Callum Waldock along with Alexander Marzano and Isaac Brown from Year 8 participated in the 10-a-side, under 13’s Rugby League Challenge at Albion Park.

The team played 3 games, the first against Warilla High School and after being down 12-0 at half time the TIGS team fought back to be in the lead until Warilla scraped home with an 18 points to 16 victory. The second game was against a very strong Albion Park High School team, and with a player down, the TIGS boys found it hard to hold them back. Although putting up a gallant fight, TIGS went down to Albion Park 20-0. During the final game against the Corpus Christi School from Oak Flats it was evident that the team was tiring due to playing a player short and with no substitutes for the day. Despite this, the team worked hard together and won! Each game saw the TIGS under 13’s Rugby League team get better and better. Congratulations to the team on their outstanding efforts on the day.

Benjamin Toussis and Nick Sinclair participated in the inaugural ARU Rugby 7’s Schools tournament. After doubting their ability against bigger sides, the TIGS team finished the day with two victories from four games. Although the majority of the boys do not play Rugby on a regular basis they performed admirably on the day displaying great skills and were fantastic representatives of the School. The scorers were: Game 1 – TIGS 0 – Hills Grammar 12 Game 2 – TIGS 21 – Granville Boys High School 19 (Benjamin Toussis, Jackson Gosling and Nathan Belsito one try each, Blaise Gassin, Jackson Gosling and Nathan Belsito one conversion each) Game 3 – TIGS 7 – Endeavour Sports High 20 (Nathan Belsito one try and one conversion) Game 4 – TIGS 24 - St Dominics College 12 (Blaise Gassin, Jackson Gosling, Kye Adams and Benjamin Toussis one try each, Blaise Gassin and Nathan Belsito one conversion each)

Important message

Pizza Dates on the menu should read 1 April 2010

Monday 22 March


Lauren Cunio Sonja Forte Julie Chiaverini

For Canteen Menu, Roster Information or Junior

Tuesday 23 March

School specials, please access the Canteen Link under School Community on the Web Site. If you would like to join our friendly team please click here to download a canteen volunteer request form and return it to the school,

Jolanda Noel-Gough Roslyn Saddi

Wednesday 24 March

Pat Calchi [9am] Pene Mortimer [10am]

Thursday 25 March

attention the canteen.

Susan Cooper Megan Donnelley

Alternatively you can ring the canteen directly on

Friday 26 March

4220 0241 7am – 2pm or email canteen@tigs.nsw.edu.au

Christine Flint Chris Bridger

A Message from the NSW Parents’ Council The NSW Parents’ Council works hard to represent all parents of children at non Government schools and to be their voice when dealing with the education community at both state and federal levels. For this reason it is important that we know what you consider the most important issues for you and your school at the present time, and so we ask for your help in completing a short online survey. The survey is entirely anonymous and your responses will be combined with those of other schools to ensure we are representing the most important issues of the moment and to ensure you and your family’s interests are served. National Privacy Principles are being followed in relation to the use and collection of data. All data will be combined to produce overall statistical tables and no individual opinions disclosed. Results will be shared with our schools in our upcoming ebulletins and newsletters and will be used in our discussions with educators and political representatives. I am sure you will find our survey both interesting and topical. Just click here to get started. Should you have any queries please contact the NSW Parents’ Council on (02) 9955 8276 or email community@parentscouncil.nsw.edu.au

Creative Arts Interested in Art or Japanese?

Art After Hours is a fun way to experience art first hand at The Art Gallery of NSW. Students from any year in the Senior School can come with a group of friends to see some of the best art work from 2009 HSC – Artexpress and an exhibition of fascinating Japanese art – Hymn To Beauty - The art of Utamaro. For those avid art makers Bowral BDAS Society is running their 7th Annual Young Artist’s prize with a $3000 prize for the winner. For ages 12 - 21, artists can submit two or three dimensional works in any medium, to be delivered by Wednesday 12 May to the society gallery. Check out the Visual Arts permissions note folder in Narradan for your entry form and info sheet. Please click here to view the updated Creative Arts Competitions timetable and here to view the Bowral Young Artists Prize 2010.

Aneshka Mora views a famous painting by Oz artist John Olsen

A happy TIGS group arrives at the AGNSW

To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: www.tigs.nsw.edu.au and sign up on the home page.

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