Issue 6 Term IV, 2010

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Headmaster’s Message Head of Senior School Head of Junior School Issue 6 Term IV, 2010

Academic • Christian • Caring


All jobs have their good and bad moments. Over the last two days I have had some particularly good moments which are worth sharing: It started with Year 10 on Tuesday. At their last assembly for the year they received recognition for their service to the School community with the awarding of Peer Reading, Outdoor Education and Student Host badges. In all, 90 students were recognised for serving the School community through one of these important roles. It is sobering to think that within 10 months the student leaders for 2012 will have been appointed from this group. It is equally encouraging that they have already grasped the concept of servant leadership. Junior School assembly on Wednesday was a great event. There were many academic awards (295) presented to students from Years 2 to 6 who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in public competitions in Mathematics, Science, English, Japanese, Musicology, Public Speaking and Reading. I suspected that our students have been doing well in their studies because I have been reading of their excellent progress in their end of year reports. It was a pleasure to shake the hand of each student who received an award.

Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

It was no less exciting to witness the presentation of a cheque for $400 to the RSPCA by a group of Year 3 girls that decided to put into action the learning from the classroom. They drafted, planned, organised and delivered a strategy that raised money to help stray animals in need of veterinary attention. What an achievement by Evelyn Parrish, Sarah Jansen, Ella Green, Chivonne Barrett and Georgia Webb and those that supported their efforts. The confidence with which the girls spoke was so impressive. I then returned to my desk to find that a fifth HSC student has been nominated for exhibition by the Board of Studies Examiners. This is a great achievement and we congratulate: •

Lauren Aitcheson (Music)

nominated for Encore

Georgia Kollaras (Music)

nominated for Encore

Samuel Jones (Design & Technology)

nominated for DesignTECH

Olivia Yeatman (Textiles & Design)

nominated for Textyle

Kristen Scott (Dance)

nominated for Callback

We look forward to the release of the HSC results on 15 December. The achievement of outstanding HSC results by the students at TIGS is a reward for the teachers as much as it is for the students. Teachers invest a great deal of time and energy into honing their professional skills and it is pleasing when recognition comes from an independent third party. I have been advised that Mr Greg Lanyon has had his expertise as a teacher of Economics recognised by the Board of Studies with an invitation to join the HSC Economics Examination Committee for 2011. We offer him our congratulations on receiving this well-deserved accolade. Wednesday finished at Government House with Lisa Fernandez (Yr 10) and Naomi Wootton (Yr 12) being presented with a Certificate of Commendation by Her Excellency the Governor, Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO. This prestigious award is presented by The Order of Australia Association and limited this year to just 21 recipients in NSW. It is awarded to students for outstanding service to the community and the Governor commented that there must be a strong culture of service at TIGS for two students to receive the award. I hope you share the excitement I feel at seeing so many of our students receive recognition for their hard work and consistent effort in their academic studies and in their care for others. Stephen Kinsella Headmaster

Chaplain’s Connection

“He’s making a list, He’s checking it twice, He’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice …...” No doubt you’ll be hearing that song more than once in the next few weeks. It is, of course, about Santa Claus, who is coming to town. But what connection with reality does this song have? There is indeed someone who sees every move you make, who knows whether you’ve been bad or good. But it’s not Santa Claus. It’s God. And unlike the mythical Santa of the song, the real God of the universe doesn’t hand out rewards only to those on the ‘good’ list. God offers his gracious gifts to sinners who don’t deserve it. As the apostle Paul wrote: “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus … You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly … God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 3:23-24; 5:6-8). Those on the ‘naughty’ list may not expect to deserve anything from a mythical Santa – but are freely offered mercy and forgiveness by a very real God. This spirit of giving, not to the good, but to the needy, was embraced by Santa Claus himself. The name “Santa Claus” comes from “Sinterklaas”, the Dutch name for St. Nicholas, or Nikolaos. Nicholas was Bishop of Myra, now in south-western Turkey, in the early fourth Century AD. Over the years, numerous stories have been told about St. Nicholas, some of them quite bizarre.

John Reed Chaplain

The stories most commonly associated with Nicholas are those that tell of his aid to the poor, and his anonymous gift-giving. One tells of a poor man who couldn’t afford to help his three daughters get married. Nicholas anonymously dropped three bags of gold through an open window, which landed in stockings or shoes left before the fire to dry. This led to the custom of children hanging stockings or putting out shoes, eagerly awaiting gifts from Saint Nicholas. It is this model of giving to the needy that we encourage the TIGS community to embrace at our Christmas Celebration. We ask everyone to bring gifts to donate, through Anglicare, to the needy in our community. For example, mentor groups in the Senior School will be asked to discuss what might be appropriate gifts to donate, work together to buy such gifts, and bring them to present on the night. This is one small way in which we can learn how to see the needs of others and serve them, and in the process to embrace the spirit of giving that St. Nicholas exemplified.

Senior School

At this time of the year it is the end of some Stages of Learning within the School. (In New South Wales, through the Board of Studies, cycles of learning are organised in stages equivalent to two years of schooling.) Those stages which are concluding are: •

Stage 3 , Year 6, which marks the end of the Primary Years and the move from Junior School to Senior School.

Stage 5, Year 10, which is significant not so much because it is the School Certificate Year but because it marks the transition to the HSC Curriculum, from Junior to Senior School and the move to the world of work for a few students.

But the interesting and dynamic aspect of Senior School is that not all Stages are concluded at the end of the year. We have already farewelled Year 12 at the end of Term III and Year 11 2010 have progressed to their Year 12 Course of Study, involving some subject and timetable changes, and to their positions of Senior Leadership. In Years 7, 8, 9 as well as Year 11/12 work continues until the end of the year so that all elements of the curriculum and Stages of Learning are covered.

Monica Watt

Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School

Other processes have only just begun at this time of the year. Rehearsals for the 2011 Production of West Side Story is one very significant process that has been started. It is always critical to begin an undertaking such as this well: enthusiastically and energetically. With the appointment of the new Prefects at the beginning of this term, House Competition has begun for the 2011 Shell Shield. Service activities and Charity work, particularly for the new Year 12 Charity, ‘Express Yourself’ a Salvation Army Outreach Program in the Illawarra, have also been ‘kicked off.’ So, as you can see, there are lots of important first phases occurring right now, lots of teaching and learning for ongoing development and lots of important activities. So it will be business as usual right up until Presentation Day.

Junior School

Year 5 Working Together

As part of the action component of our current PYP unit, the children in Year 5 have formed teams to research a charity. In these teams they have needed to take on various roles and produce a proposal as to how they would raise awareness and funds for their chosen organisation. On Thursday the children will be participating in the annual Year 5 Market Day. During this unit they have developed many skills and have needed to negotiate with each other and the teachers in order to present worthwhile activities on the day. The activities include soccer shootouts, various games, movies, talent quests, cakes, ice creams, drinks and many more. The organisations we plan to raise funds for are the RSPCA, Breast Cancer, Wildlife Warriors, Red Cross, Cerebral Palsy Foundation, Tear Australia, Fred Hollows Foundation, Smith Family, Beyond Blue, Guide Dogs, Wollongong Hospital Children’s Ward, Aids for Africa, Assistance Dogs Australia and Camp Quality. On behalf of the children we would like to thank the parents and children of the wider school community for supporting Year 5 during this awesome learning experience. Our inaugural Mandarin Program will go into recess shortly and has been a great success. I have been contacted by many families who are interested in accessing this program next year, so I invite interested parties to register your interest with Mrs Tregonning. This can be done by phone 42 200 250 or email During the term the children have learnt about greetings and counting, about asking questions, replying to questions, inquiring about age and correct naming of the parts of the body. The program for Term1 2011 is scheduled as follows: Week 1 Week 2-3 Week 4-5 Week 6-7

Review Lesson 1 to Lesson 5 Lesson 6 – ‘He is tall’ Lesson 7 – ‘Who is he?’ as well as ‘Begin use of Chinese Paradise 1B’ Lesson 8 – ‘My room & review’

Judi Nealy

Head of Junior School

As I write this I am looking forward to our Year 6 Progression Dinner which will be held on Thursday Evening. This is an important celebration of the great learning and development achieved by each of our students as they move into Year 7. I will share some photos with our school community in our next Newsletter. Emails this week: • Year 6 Progression Dinner - invite to Year 6 Parents • Prize Giving Assembly

Weekly A ward

Upcoming events: • Year 6 PYP Exhibition – Rees Hall Tuesday 30 November • Year 2 Instrumental Graduation – IGC Tuesday 30 November • Infants Pageant – IGC Saturday 4 December • Junior School Presentation Evening – IGC Monday 6 December • Christmas Celebration – Wednesday 8 December

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• Kasee Dennis

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Grace Hennes Louis Parson sy, s-O’Malley Teresa Down ey

Jack Macken Hannah Revelzie-Wood, ey Harrison Tara Beck Harper nto, Chloe Summerill, Zara Winter, Saskia Wall, Taylah Pather Gianluca Fier Daniel Tubm ravanti, Sophie Correa, an Winnie Chen g

Soraya McCan Hugo Parrish Mia Mitchell Hasnain Aly


Congratulations! The Order of Australia Certificate of Commendation is given to secondary school students to recognise excellence in community service. Recognition is limited to twenty each year and the students receive a Certificate and Medallion. The Certificate and Medallion are presented by the Governor Marie Bashir at Government House. The Governor presented Naomi Wootton Year 12 and Lisa Fernandez Year 10 with their awards and when congratulating both girls, remarked on the outstanding achievement of the School to have two recipients in the same year. Congratulations Naomi and Lisa!

TIGS Extended

Where has this year gone?

Is it time to start thinking of the upcoming school holidays? Places are filling fast for vacation care from the 13 - 17 December 2010. You will need to have your application form in to ensure a place. Is it time to start planning for 2011 After School Care? Remember we are an approved childcare service, this means ALL families are eligible for a rebate of 50% of out of pocket childcare expenses. Please visit the School website or email me on to obtain the parent information booklet and/or an enrolment form. Karen Buckley TIGS Extended Director

School Contact Details Have you changed contact details recently? Current details of all students including names, addresses, emergency contact information, medical conditions and parent contact details including mobile phone numbers and email addresses need to be kept on file and accurate at all times. Please ensure that any change of any details during the year are noted on a Notification of Change in Contact Details form and returned to the School office for recording.

Fee increases for 2011

The Council of the Illawarra Grammar School has approved for 2011 a 5% increase in tuition fees for students enrolled in Kindergarten to Year 12 and a 7.5% increase for students enrolled in the Piper Centre. Accounts for 2011 will be received in early January.

last day of Term IV - Friday 10 December 2010 The School will finish for ALL students at 12.30pm on the last day of Term IV, Friday 10 December 2010. Directly after Senior School Presentation Day. Buses will be running as usual but at this new time.

Summer Holiday Study Blitz Study courses are being held at the School during the Summer School holidays for any student from Years 7 to 12. The courses being run are: Study Skills & Strategies - Years 7 - 9 Senior Study Skills & Strategies - Years 10 - 12 Essay Skills - Years 10 - 12 Advanced Reading Skills - Years 10 - 12 Please click here for more information and to download your enrolment form.

Creative Arts News Coming to the close of our School year, students might like to consider upgrading their creative skills by attending Summertime workshops at the following venues. Billy Blue College of Design at North Sydney are running summer short courses – 4 day, 5 day and 6 day courses. Information can be downloaded from this link. Sturt Gallery in Mittagong are running their unique Summertime workshops from Tuesday 4 - 9 January 2011 – including basketry, botanical drawing, watercolour, felting, painting, photography and much, much more. Look at this link for more details. Hazelhurst Gallery in the Sutherland Shire has classes for students aged 6 - 13 during the summer holidays from 4 - 20 January, 2011. Enrolments commence from 22 November 2010. Don’t forget to look at the competitions available in the coming months. Please click here to view the updated Creative Arts Competitions.

Canteen News

Week 8, Term IV Monday 29 November Jan Osbourne Linda Edmund

Tuesday 30 November Clare Barber

Wednesday 1 December Kylie Doherty

Thursday 2 December Students please remember that you can place lunch orders online at OR alternatively you are still able to leave your order at the far Canteen window before School starts. The canteen is seeking NEW Volunteers for 2011. If you would like to join our friendly team please phone Meagan in the Canteen on 4220 0241 or email

Marie McCorquodale HELP NEEDED

Friday 3 December HELP NEEDED

To keep up-to-date with the latest news and events that are happening in and around our School, we encourage you to subscribe to the email Newsletter. Simply visit our website: and sign up on the home page.

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