NEWSLETTER Year 6 Progression Dinner
Academic • Christian • Caring
Issue 7 Term IV 2013
We Set ‘Excellence’ My desk is piled high with the Yearly Academic Reports of students from Kindergarten through to Year 10. Each has to be reviewed, signed and ready for distribution by the end of Term. During the year we tend focus on student achievements in sport, co-curricular and extracurricular activities which are many and spectacular. As the academic year draws to a close the focus shifts to academic performance. At the Senior School Assembly this week I gave advice to students that is applicable to TIGS students of all ages. At TIGS we set ‘excellence’ as our standard for measuring academic success and describe it as follows: “Excellence is viewed as neither elitist nor exclusive and is accessible to all who aspire to be the best they can be.” This approach to excellence in academic study can be both liberating and challenging.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
It is liberating because it frees students from the disappointment that can come when comparisons are made with the performance of other students. Each student is unique and possesses a unique set of abilities and talents. Some fit well with academic study while others will never be assessed or appear on a school report. If the ambition is to be first then by definition a school report will be a disappointment for all but a select few. If, however, students set as their measure of success the goal of “being the best they can be” then every student can experience the pleasure of success when reports are distributed. It is liberating to be freed from the disappointment that comparison with others brings. This is not to say that comparisons have no place in schools as they can indicate underachievement and can spur students on to try harder. Nevertheless, it can be quite stressful for a student, sometimes weighed down with the expectation of others, to be compared unjustly with the performance of other students. Aiming to be the best they can be is also a challenge for students. When the goal is to do your best there is nowhere to hide and no one else to blame if the goal is not achieved. Teachers can deliver the best lessons based on the best pedagogy in the best resourced classrooms enabled by their family’s choice to send them to TIGS, but students will still underachieve, even some that score high marks, if they do not strive to give their best effort. There is also a challenge for teachers in ensuring that all students are engaged in classroom teaching and learning. I remember, unfortunately, the advice of an experienced teacher in my first year of teaching that he always aimed lessons at the ‘middle’ student. He believed that the better students would always do well and that the weak students would always fail. What bad advice. Best practice in teaching and learning is also described in the TIGS Statement of Mission and Values: “Students learn in different ways and at different rates and that the gifts that each child possesses are unique in their extent and combination. Student learning is organised so that each child is given the opportunity to identify and develop their gifts and talents to the fullest extent.” This is the standard that is set for teaching and learning at TIGS from Pre-Prep to Year 12 as we as a school, students and teachers, strive to be the best we can be.
Please support our students and staff by joining us at the Christmas Celebration this coming Wednesday, 4th December starting at 7:00pm in the IGC. This year’s theme is ‘Joy to the World’ and will feature readings, performances and traditional carol singing celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. There will be special recognition of the many cultural groups that send their children to TIGS, including a food fair starting at 5:30pm. Please join us.
Stephen Kinsella Headmaster
Sing…Sing…Sing… I’m sure you’ve probably noticed that at Christmas time we do a lot more singing than at other times of the year. Even if we don’t participate much in this singing there is still more music in the air at Christmas than at any other time of the year. There is good reason for this. Christmas is a celebration of one of the greatest acts of God in history - the incarnation of the Son of God. Whenever you find a significant work of God in the Bible music is not that far away. It seems to be a basic response to the work of God. For example, music was one of the first responses to God’s creation of the universe. We read in the Book of Job that the angels sang and shouted for joy when they saw all that God had done (see Job 38.6-7). Music is also one of the first responses of those who are saved by God from trouble. A good example of this is when God rescued his people Israel out of slavery in Egypt and brought them safely through the Red Sea. Their first response was to sing God’s praises (see Exodus 15). And earth is not the only sphere where God’s praises are sung. The glimpses we get of the heavenly realms in the Bible show that there is much singing there too. In heaven, as on earth, people and angels sing of God’s great goodness and the wonderful things he has done through Jesus.
Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Music has always been a big part of the Christmas story. It’s impossible to read the accounts of the birth of Jesus in the Gospels and not be struck by the amount of singing which accompanies this great event, singing both in heaven and on earth. The singing announces and celebrates what God has done. And so this coming Wednesday at the TIGS Christmas Celebration we have opportunity to continue this rich tradition. I believe one of the main reasons we do so is because we just can’t help ourselves. It seems we are wired this way – to respond to God’s great works in songs of announcement, praise and adoration.
So let’s sing, sing, sing this coming Wednesday at the Christmas Celebration to the glory of God.
Rev James Rogers Chaplain
Senior School It is so gratifying to see a concept become reality; to see a strategic initiative grow and develop into something that makes a real difference to lives; to see students become empowered and passionate about Community Service. Over the last few weeks at Assembly we have celebrated some wonderful acts of service by our students. The first of these was Year 10 students involvement in the Crossroads Project in Hong Kong at the end of last Term. There they packed a container for Tanzania and committed to packing a container next year for Dominic Mortimer’s Kids2Kids Project. The Year 10 students and the Year 12 students who visited Crossroads last year - in another act of generosity - together raised funds to assist one of the Crossroad’s workers, Green, to bring his family out of Africa after he had struggled for18 months to facilitate their migration. Year 10 students were acknowledged by Legacy for the outstanding work they had done in supporting the annual Legacy Appeal.
Monica Watt
Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
World Vision also sent their Youth Leader, Aaron Lovell, to thank the School and in particular 17 students who had individually raised over $100 each to support the work done by World Vision. They really are taking responsibility for service by caring for others in the wider community. They are demonstrating those qualities that we are seeking to promote: that they become ‘active participants in society and wise architects of the future.’
And we are looking forward to students in their Mentor Groups contributing to the Anglicare ‘Toys and Tucker’ fundraiser which will culminate next Wednesday when they place their gifts at the Christmas Tree during The Christmas Celebration. Our students are to be congratulated.
Year 7-10 Sport 2014 As you know, all students have to do Sport but we do understand and will allow exemptions for those with longstanding and serious sport commitments as well as for those with specific individual circumstances. An exemption can be applied for in one of two ways: 1.
Complete the Exemption Form sent with the list of 7-10 Sports
A letter addressed to the Head of Senior School, in which details of the unique circumstances and the exemption are detailed. Families living a long distance from the school may wish to make application within this provision.
Mrs Monica Watt Deputy Headmaster and Head of Senior School
Junior School This week I watched the Year 6 Surfing Program on North beach. This is a culminating activity for our students as they are in their final year of Junior School. As I was sitting in the sun enjoying being out of my office and observing the wonderful time being had by our children it became apparent that I was witnessing fantastic learning in action. There was challenge, risk taking and immediate feedback. There was coaching alongside as well as expertise out the front. There was explicit instructions and great teaching, lots of encouragement from peers and high levels of attention, focus and effort. What I observed was a learning community in action together and it was absolutely wonderful to see and even more wonderful for our students to experience. As I work with my mentor group and observe the other Year 6 students working on their exhibition, I see them applying this approach to their culminating piece of Junior School work. The exhibition promises to be a highlight of our academic calendar and I warmly invite all members of our community to come along to the IGC and the Library on Thursday 5 December from 4.00pm to participate in this event and celebrate the learning that has occurred.
Judi Nealy
Head of Junior School
Pick Up and Drop off Request
It is the end of the year and people are tired. Can I please encourage our School community to keep showing grace and courtesy in the car line at drop off and pick up. Most importantly we have witnessed incidents of young children being dropped off on the wrong side of the Princes Highway and crossing the road to enter the School grounds. This is extremely dangerous and I encourage any families tempted to do this to use our safe and supervised drop off routine. I look forward to seeing our extended community over the next few weeks at various school functions.
Dates for your diary: •
Saturday 30 November – Infants Pageant
Wednesday 4 December – A Christmas Celebration
Thursday 5 December – Year 6 Exhibition and Honours Program
Monday 9 December – Years 3 – 6 Presentation Evening
Junior School Awards Weekly Awards KM KP KP 1C 1T 3W 4R 4S 5A 5Y
Ava Santos Alizeh Syed Samuel Robinson Jessica Llewellin Osaky Gultekin, Cohen Sawyer Isaac Saffoury, Jordan McRae Oscar Tilden, Charlotte Tregonning Krishnendu Gupta, Soraya McCann, Hugo Parrish Robert McGrath, Chad Jenkins Joseph Rossi, Zoe Dribbus, Niamh Christopher
TIGS Foundation
Christmas Wine Hampers
With the festive season upon us it is often the time for entertaining, social gatherings and corporate gifts. The TIGS Foundation has released a range of quality Australian wines as part of an annual TIGS wine collection. Quantities are available for purchase along with novel two bottle set gift packs adorned with TIGS ribbon priced at $30.00, which would make ideal Christmas and Corporate gifts. Please contact Mrs Lisa Wilson, Foundation Coordinator on 4220 0264 to place your order in time for Christmas.
MYP Information Evening All parents are invited to attend our MYP information evening on Monday 2 December at 5.30pm in the Library to discuss the MYP and how it will impact on student learning. Please join us.
A Message from P&F Lets Decorate the IGC!
Christmas is nearly upon us and what better way to get into the Christmas spirit than decorating the IGC for our annual School Christmas Celebration. We will be turning the IGC into a Christmas wonderland on Tuesday 3 December from 1.00pm to 3.00pm and we need your help. Please join us if you are available.
Recyled Uniform Shop
Commencing in 2014 The Recycled Uniform Shop will be opened on Tuesday and Thursday AFTERNOONS ONLY from 2.30pm to 3.45pm
2014 Fete Meeting Thursday 5th December 8.00am to 9.30am TIGS Boardroom
Joyto theWorld A Christmas Celebration
WEDNESDAY 4 DECEMBER 2013 5.30pm International Food Market on Library Lawn 7.00pm Carol Service, The Illawarra Grammar Centre
Student Success Stephanie Varcoe - Year 12
Congratulations to Stephanie Varcoe, who was awarded the Lions Club Youth of the Year for the Minnamurra district this week. Stephanie also won the Public Speaking section of this competition for her impromptu speeches related to Schoolies and Sledging in Sport and her prepared speech on Sleep. Stephanie will now progress to the next level of this competition in February.
Greek Playgroup at TIGS Please join TIGS alumni mum Jonni for the first playgroup in 2014. Everyone welcome! Greek Playgroup Illawarra aim to provide a fun interactive Playgroup for those that wish to embrace Greek/Cypriot culture & language. To RSVP, or more information or to volunteer phone Jonni Nicolaou on 0416147804 or
Fee Increases for 2014 The School has Council has approved the following fee increases for 2014: Kindergarten to Year 12 - 5% The Piper Centre - 5% Accounts for 2014 will be mailed to families in the week commencing 13 January, 2014.
Australia Day Aquathon Three great Aqua events for profrssionals, novices and kids with a Charity Walk that raises money for struggling families and individuals in the Illawarra through ANGLICARE. The kids event is pretty huge! They can do the swim and run themselves or tag team with a buddy. For more information click here.
Senior School Sport Sports 2014
Reminder to all Year 7, 8 and 9 students the Sports preference forms for next year are due Friday 29 November. If you have not received this form please contact the Sports Department to receive a copy.
Transport Bus/Train Passes 2014
As the end of the year fast approaches just a little reminder that those students who are going into Years 3 and 7 who currently travel by bus and/or train must reapply for 2014. Forms can be collected from either the Junior or Senior School Offices. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Lisa Dent on 4220 0227.
Showcase ofLearning
Thursday 5 December In the IGC and Library
The Exhibition 4.00pm to 6.00pm
The Exhibition is the culminating event for PYP students and an opportunity for our community to celebrate the tremendous learning and growth that has occurred. In The Exhibition students collaboratively investigate global and local issues under the guidance of mentors across the school. The results of their investigations will be presented in a variety of modes.
The Honours Program 6.00pm to 8.30pm
The Honours Program recognises that the gifts each child possesses are unique in their extent and combination. The Program provides a unique opportunity to develop these gifts. This evening acknowledges and exhibits the diversity of Honours student achievements in areas of personal, academic, creative and community interest.
Language Department News New Caledonia Language Experience in 2014
Calling all Francophiles! Want to spend Bastille Day in New Caledonia? The Languages Department is planning to take a group of students to New Caledonia next year in the July holidays. While the tour normally targets French language elective students, consideration will also be given to students in Years 9 to Year 12 in 2014 interested in discovering the Francophone culture in a neighbouring country. An information evening is scheduled for Tuesday 3 December at 4.30pm in Room MG3. Please register your interest (commitment free) by contacting the Head of Languages at See you at the information night.
Language Workshops
Students from Junior School and Senior School had the opportunity to participate in language workshops in Terms III and IV. We had a “Japanese Art Workshop” with Mrs Ferguson in Term III and worked on Papier Mâché inspired by some Japanese sculpture work exhibited in the Asian Gallery at the NSW Art Gallery. The students work was entered in the Art Express Competition run by the Japan Foundation. In Term IV, we had two workshops; “French and Japanese Pottery Workshop” with Mrs Ferguson and a “Japanese Tea Ceremony Workshop” with Mrs Yumiko Kent. In the pottery workshop, the students made either a French café au lait bowl or a Japanese tea bowl. In the tea ceremony workshop, the students learnt the way of making tea in the Japanese Tea Ceremony style. On the last day of the workshop, everyone from both workshops enjoyed some hot chocolate, Japanese tea and macaroons using their own bowls. The students work from all of the language workshops is displayed in the Goodhew Centre until the end of the term so please take the time to view the wonderful art work of the students.
Holiday Study Blitz Study courses are being held at the School during the summer school holidays for any student from Years 7 - 12. The courses being run are: Study Skills and Strategies - Years 7 - 9 Senior Study Skills and Strategies - Years 10 - 12 Essay Skills - Years 10 - 12 Advanced Reading Skills - Years 10 - 12 Please click here for more information and to download your enrolment form.
Extend at TIGS Summer School Holiday Program bookings NOW OPEN! Friday 13 December to Friday 20 December We have heaps of jam-packed activities and incursions ranging from arts & crafts, cooking, plenty of games and sports and lots of festive, summer activities! Visit the Extend website at for program timetables, booking forms, and activity descriptions. Bookings close Friday 29 November – book now to avoid disappointment.
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